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Once upon a time (about 5 minutes ago) I was carrying this gorgeous MOC I just made (it wasn't like spectacularly built, but something about it jusst felt right, you know?) and I was carrying it to another room (holding it in one hand, silly me *sad* ) when, suddenly, one piece began to separate from the others and one thing led to another, and......pieces were everyhere.

I guess thats what happens when wooden floor meets lego structure. Fortunatley not too many pieces were used, and one accidental picture was taken, so using surgery I was able to reconstruct it almost back to originality (I;m pretty sure somethings outta place, but... 8-| )

Anyway, as soon as I find my brickshelf account information (which I lost and brickshelf has no password recovery syste,. so this might take days) I'll post up my first ever MOC/webcomic/short stroy thing and I'll also put up my Moc that brocke but was reparied but that I am still quite happy with X-D (that and some characters I need you guys to help me out in picking a few for something)

Anyway, the whole point of this thread was to say that right when those bricks hit the ground I heard the most heartbreaking sound, the sound of Legos being torn apart, it was like glass shateering, really. So, has anything like this ever happened to you, any sounds youd like to share, any MOCs that weren't so great bu that you still *wub* ?

Anything to share?


Ever had a MOC that wasn't that great but I loved... sounds familiar... X-D

Really though, tragic tale, just as well you took that photo, looking forward to seeing your creation!


Ever had a MOC that wasn't that great but I loved... sounds familiar... X-D

Really though, tragic tale, just as well you took that photo, looking forward to seeing your creation!


Ah yes, that was a very... special MOC. :-P

Looking forward to seeing your new and improved MOC Belloq! *sweet*

Ah yes, that was a very... special MOC. :-P

Looking forward to seeing your new and improved MOC Belloq! *sweet*

Aww thanks you guys, and that portal to madness was hillarious :-D

Ill post my MOC up tonight.


hm. i didn't hear any sound. Maybe just me, soundlessly screaming for help.

It happend to my 10134 y-wing-fighter.

One of the turbine-like things loosed and pounded IN SLOW-MOTION at the ground and scattered.

Just like life passing by before your eyes...

Is this some kind of AprilFoolsTopic?

That is one of the great advantages of Technic: when dropped it stays together because of all the supportive beams and pins...

You're letting your new title control you! :-D

I've heard that sound before. It happened when I carried my Sentai Fortress up the stairs.


You're letting your new title control you! :-D

I've heard that sound before. It happened when I carried my Sentai Fortress up the stairs.


Sentai Fortress? As in 1448 pieces? All neatly built? Ouch! X-O

Not only that the pieces were scattered on the floor,it also hit my foot. :'-( :'-(

uh yeah, LEGO actually can hurt a lot. As I wanted to catch a model - that rather wanted to lie on the floor than in my hands - it scraped my bare arms.

(it was kind of new with somewhat sharp edges)

wasn't funny at all. I looked like an emo. :'-(


I used to have this happen frequently many years ago as a kid. I remember I made a large Technic helicopter (mainly from the space shuttle parts) that worked well but was flimsy and fell apart a day after I finished it, which took a few weeks. Another one was a large, airplane-like spaceship that was built on baseplates and had no strength whatsoever, to the point that even trying to lift it off the ground made it fall apart. I remember I used to just slide it along the carpet and pretend that it was flying. :-P

I started putting far more effort into making my things strong over the years though, and most of my recent stuff is pretty durable. I know that rocket launcher in my signature can easily take a moderate fall without any real damage. I do end up avoiding certain building techniques I see other people using in favor of strength, but I think it's worth the tradeoff.


I haven't had that happen (that I remember, anyway), but usually I built Lego creations in rooms with carpets. My current room doesn't have carpeting though, so such a fate may be in my future...


I remember feelings of frustration as a kid: I was building something and somehow it did not work out quite the way I wanted, changed it, still no succes and after a few more tries the boilingpoint was reached, the MOC ended up flying through the room, hitting a wall and shattering into a thousand pieces....

Well, it felt like a thousand pieces because they were everywhere and I had to search for each and every one of them.... :-/


At least with Lego, you can put the pieces back together. Not like with your mom's vase or whatever.

One problem with this room (it's school housing) is that Lego will easily slide across the floor and under the door to the shared kitchen, where the guy next door can pick it up. I want a real apartment...

[...] the MOC ended up flying through the room, hitting a wall and shattering into a thousand pieces....

X-O :-(

I can't imagine... even as a child...

To me LEGO always was sort of "sacred".

You're right with:

"That is one of the great advantages of Technic: when dropped it stays together because of all the supportive beams and pins..."

My dad was so enthusiastic about the new 8880 (ten years ago, I've posted a photo, I've found today...!) that he said he could imagine dropping the 8880 from a height of 1 metre and it will take no damage.

I didn't allow that. ;-)


ohhhh...the pain! it happened just a few days ago...

it was 3 in the morning on the last night of spring break... went to bed relativley early for school the next day, but couldnt sleep... i got out of bed, reached for the light switch, ahhh, there it is, i thought to myself... and then, KASHPLASSSSSSSSSSSsssssshattterrr........ wtf? NOOOOOOOOOO! it was my JSF and booster ring, all in pieces... stupid stupid stupid! i knew i should have moved it!! not even obi survived... :'-( his hair is lost :'-( ... its still in pieces ATM, but surley to be rebuilt come the weekend... the sound, the terror! oh so horrible, this is... :'-(


Someone managed to knock my AT-AT on the floor once. To be honest, it was my own fault for having it on a low cabinet next to the door. Anyway, it took ages to put it back together, as a lot of the pieces in the AT-AT are structural, and on the inside. They're all multicoloured as well, and because I don't see them due to the outside plates I didn't know where they all went. I had to crack out the instructions and work through, meticulously replacing all the pieces where they should go.

Now, I love building, it's the best part. But not like this.


Quite some times my poor mocs would hit the floor before a chance to go up to the camera. Quite sad really.

Reminds me of as a kid, I would build small, bad, airplane like things, and drop them off the indoor balcony we had for abit :-D

Oh.. the shattering..


I'm currently in the process of MODing my RGS, and I was working on it last night when I (foolishly) decided to pick it up to look at it from a different angle and check it looked okay. Not a brilliant idea, as I somehow managed to drop it. I was sat at my desk at the time, so thankfully it didn't have time to fall. And I think I managed to slow it down when I caught the back (but couldn't hold on).

Luckily, I managed to get it back to the state it was in. It's still not finished though.


This happens a lot to me. If I built things and it isn't stable, my cat pushes it off my desk. *sing*

And then I start over again, and I built it a lot more stable and I put it somewhere my cat can't find it!

Most of the times I just put the broken MOC back in the big boxes and now I just sort them again.


ouch, my cat just sits on the legos that im building, but thankfully never breaks the completed sets. like right now, for an example. im trying to build my SW set, and shes rolling all over them, hiding in the box, and sticking her head in the plastic bags... but if she would knok over one of my sets...id end up just saying "aw int she the cutest thing?" :-P


I remember when I was 6, I was re-locating King Leo's castle and then i tripped over something and the next thing you know CRASH!!!!!!!!!!!! which was then of corse followed by tears :'-( still to this day the castle has not been fixed...same with the enchanted island, since it had two baseplates i thought i should carry it with two hands... *sad* i was once again wrong although unlike my castle i did end up rebuilding it about 3 months ago, still stands today but not for long once i've entered the pirate comp. >:-)

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