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Name: king bob

Age: 50

Background: he is a king

Faction: good knights

Equipment: fireball launcher

Class/place in hierarchy:king

Looks: king-like

Name: Chief Tyrius Thunderhammer

Age: 200

Faction: Dwarven Thunderhammer clan

Position: Chief of the Thunderhammer Clan

Background: Fought the Orcs for his entire life, sworn and feared by them because of his brutal skills with a battlehammer made of pure Mithril. He was born into the war and will probably stay in it for the rest of his life, staunch defender of the Dwarven Realm, he is not the leader but is one of the most feared chieftains of all the Dwarven clans, banishes Dwarves for Cowardice. He doesn't believe that Magic doesn't do any good and is always accompanied by his advisor Thorius. Doesn't allow many Humans into the Realm unless they are form the Crown Knights.

Equipment: Dwarven Mine battletank Thunderhammer and his famous shining Mithril armor and Hammer.

Looks: Long brown beard plated into sections, scars cover his body and is rarely seen without his armor on.

Here's an NPC:

Name: Thorius Thunderhammer

Age: 310

Faction: Dwarven Thunderhammer Clan

Position: Advisor to Tyrius

Background: Rose from the Dwarven city of Eradim and learnt to fight there, was born into the Thunderhammer Clan under Tyrius' father, Calexis Thunderhammer, known for being unsually strong he is another sworn and feared enemy of the Orcs, he was a friend of Tyrius' since the latter's birth and has always accompanied him into battle. Carries a thick Armorcruncher sword and carries many Orc Throphies.

Looks: Red beard and his plate armor is dented and scratched, carries Orc Swords and Heads on the back of his armor and he is quite large for a Dwarf.

Name: Queen Thormen the Savage

Age: Should be 176 but she drank from the Well of Youth, so sh doesn't look over 50.

Faction: Vikings

Position: Queen of the Northern Shore.

Background: She rose up to the throne after viciously slaying her uncle who took over throne when her father perished. She wields an axe that would be far too heavy too lift for any average man, however with her enhanced strength and elevated sense of brutality she has no trouble swiniging it around like a twig. Clad in heavy and ancient armor she sits bored at the throne of her castl, simply waiting ffor new land to be discovered, land that is yet unconquered. The Vikings are currently building up an army which is why she has decided against invasions for the time being.

Equipment: A heavy armour made from ancient metal taken from deep within Mount Fireblaze. An axe crafte from the very same metal and sharpened to slice through stone with one storng swing.

Looks: 2386767064_1ffba86f9c_m.jpg

Edited by Belloq

Since I already killed one of my guys...


Name: Jorund Hâtieécrède

Age: Mid-Thirties

Faction: Vikings

Class/place in hierarchy: Warrior

Equipment: Shield, War Axe, various knives, basic campaigning supplies

Background: Jorund Hâtieécrède is a dark and brooding Viking warrior who tries to keep to himself in the gregarious Viking society . While a fierce and dependable warrior among the Viking clans, many suspect Jorund of pursuing his own dark agenda. While nobody thinks him conspiring any outright treason, many hardened warriors are uneasy around him and fear that one day the quiet warrior may doom them all.

Name: Manos

Age: 15

Background: The son of Mercury the Gray Wolf, a bandit leader and mercenary captian, Manos is a coming of age scout in the Hunting Pack who seeks only to improve his skills and to be like his father.

Faction: Wolf Pack

Class/place in hierarchy: All around fetch boy and newly recruited scout.

Equipment: Manos carries a wooden shortstaff and a knife. He wears the brown cloak of the Hunting Pack.

Looks: Picture coming soon.

Name: Mercury, the Gray Wolf

Age: 42

Background: Current captain of the Hunting Pack, a mercenary group of advanced scouts and frontline attackers whose motto is "Sniff out weakness, conquer the enemy."

Faction: Wolf Pack

Class/place in hierarchy: Leader of mercenary group.

Equipment: The Ivory Fangs, relic weapons of a simpler age, ornately designed

Looks: Picture coming soon.

Name: Bombos

Age: 35

Background: Trained in music among the Black Falcon nation, Bombos joined the Hunting Pack when Mercury saved his life while travelling. Having sworn to travel with the mercenaries, but having no fighting skill, he makes himself useful entertaining the group with music and song.

Faction: Wolf Pack

Class/place in hierarchy: Traveling entertainer.

Equipment: Flute

Looks: Picture coming soon.

Name: Teythar Lag

Age: 21

Background: Teythar was born into royalty by a Baron and Baroness. As was the custom in Crown-Knight-land, I became a soldier in the Crown Knight army, sworn to defend the king and kingdom. I am now the Steward of an area in the kingdom known as Vineland.

Faction: Crown Knights

Class/place in hierarchy: Steward of Vineland.

Equipment: Horse mount, Shield, plate armor, long sword, mace, looted Undead helmet.

Looks: Teythar is a handsome soldier, ready and willing to defend his country and ready to lay down his life for others.

A few pictures of myself, one mounted on my trusty steed, named 'Grogger':


Another one of myself, dismounted with my Mace in hand:


Thats me! Hi!



BACKGROUND:Raised by Crown Knights, Edthgar showed excellent skill in battle against the Undead and fought against the first wave of trolls seen. To congratulate him, the king of the Crown Knights gave Edthgar the command of a new outpost being built in a small area where both the Undead forces and the Orks could be seen invading in the future. (18-M)

FACTION:Crown Knights

CLASS/Hierarchy: Commander of the Eastern Outpost.

EQUIPMENT:Shield,Broad Sword ,Morning-star ,Plate armor, Lead Knight helmet, trusty steed Alamar



I will post the NPCs that live in the outpost tomorrow.

Go Castle Month!

Non-Playable Character (2)

Name: Sir Percival Ranting

Type: Human

Alignment: Neutral

Age: 49

Faction: Black Knights Kingdom

Appointment: Vice Commander

Weapon: Link Sword (A heavy sharp blade)

Defence Equipment: Steel Armor, Dragon Shield, Dragon Helmet and Black Robe.

Steed: 'Black', his personal steed.

Background: Born in the realms of Black Knights Kingdom, Sir Percival is one of the veteran generals in Black Knights Kingdom. He fought along with Kenneth's father, Lord Hector in dangerous bloody battles with the orcs and the undead in the "Borders Wars". Sir Percival was one of the elite veteran generals that are selected by the King to coach young generals such as Kenneth. He was assigned to White Fang Force after the shuffling which was done by the Kingdom advisor, Master Wizard, Pent Heartstorm. Sir Percival is brave, willing, always abiding by the missions and protecting his men from danger.

An image of Sir Percival Ranting


Edited by WhiteFang

Oke, here's my character, Shamus mc Green hair!

He's 43 years old and is a bootlegger for the black falcon armies.

He was born in the scottish highlands, where he learned the distilling trade from his father Glen mc Green hair.

He has a cart to bring his whiskey to the troops and boost moral of the men. He doe'sn't need weapons, he's strong enough to lift a tree out the ground and smack you over the head with it.

Shamus looks like a rough highlander, sort of a savage one might say. His speach isn't all that great neither, because of the continues flow of whiskey. He also has a retarded inbread son called Timmmaay, he was born after a ''having fun'' accident with his sister, they were so drunk that he forgat to put on a sheep bladder.

His favourite phrase is: ''Have no thirst, shamus is here!''

Here's a pic of this great man:


Have fun everyone!

These are all NPC's (Non-Player Characters) associated with Teythar Lag, the Steward of Vineland.

Name: Scot of Vineland

Age: 20

Background: Born in Vineland, Scot became a soldier in the Crown Knights army. He has just been assigned to Teythar Lag to defend Vineland from the undead.

Faction: Crown Knights.

Class/place in hierarchy: Soldier.

Equipment: Bow/quiver of arrows, cutlass, horse, helmet, chain mail armor.




Name: Ark of Vineland

Age: 35.

Background: Ark is the best hunter in all of Vineland, possibly the best hunter in all of the Crown Knights kingdom. He was born and raised in Vineland, fought with the Crown Knights army against the first undead attack, and now is helping the Steward of Vineland defend against the undead.

Faction: Crown Knights.

Class/place in hierarchy: Hunter/Woodsman

Equipment: Bow/Quiver, horse, cutlass, woodsman attire.



Name: John of Vineland

Age: 56

Background: John was once a seasoned warrior, but has since retired in his old age to Vineland, and is a woodcutter and respected person in the Vineland community. He cuts wood for the area and is a reserved old man, but is ready to help the Steward of Vineland defend against the undead.

Faction: Crown Knights

Class/place in hierarchy: Woodcutter/Villiage Elder

Equipment: Axe, horse, backpack, cutlass.



Edited by Clonecommando007

This is my second playable character:

Name: Skullon

Age: Unknown

Background: Skullon was raised from the dead by the evil wizard of the Undead, and made into an officer in the undead army. He controls a legion of Undead Cavalry. Skullon is very fearsome and runs very fast. He is also very good at aerobics, he can do flips and climb walls and the sort. His most recent assignment has been the conquest of Vineland.

Faction: Undead

Class/place in hierarchy: Officer in the Undead army.

Equipment: Crossbow with sharpened ends, silver breastplate, helmet, shield.



Here's an update for the guardsmen who watch over the plain of 18-M with Edthgar.

From left to right: Bruno, Rodriguez, Michaelangelo, Bunter, Javier, Benjamin, "Little" Charlie



Very eager for battle, loves a good arm wrestle.


A lover with a fine taste for wine, but any form of alcohol will suffice.


A soldier with many scars which tell even more stories. Has a bit of a soft side.


Not that bright in the head, but surprisingly good at long ranged weaponry.


Just the all-round, likable guy who's does well in anything. Assigned to train the "two little ones"


One of the "two little ones", is easily scared and not all that brave.

"Little" Charlie:

One of the "two little ones", really not sure why he joined the army in the first place. 2-1 odds he'll get killed first.

Go Castle Month!

Edited by AgentRick57

Non-Playable Character (3)

Name: Lady Kristine Valise

Type: Human

Alignment: Neutral

Age: 22

Faction: Black Knights Kingdom

Appointment: Secretary Advisor

Weapon: Shine Sword (Known to have emit bright light, purpose unknown)

Defence Equipment: Chain mail, Dragon Shield, Falcon Helmet and Black Robe.

Steed: 'Lyn', her personal steed.

Background: Born in the realms of Black Knights Kingdom in the noble Valise family. Lady Kristine, younger sister of Lord Kenneth. Following the footsteps of her brother, she is keen to fight in the war to protect her homeland especially the tragic "Border Wars". Unlike in other countries, Black Knights Kingdom practiced equality among both genders. Females are given a chance to strive in a pre-dominated male society. Kristine enrolled in School of Knights and graduated with Kenneth. They were one of the first batches of graduates to have completed the first 10 years training cycle. During the kingdom armies’ re-construction, Kristine was appointed as Vice Commander to assist his older brother. At times, Kristine helped his brother to untie the knots which is kept deep in his heart. Although Kristine is young, but she is able to make decisive moves in missions to minimize causalities.

An image of Lady Kristine Valise


Edited by WhiteFang

Here's another Playable Character:

Name: Dirk Shadowhunter

Age: 25

Faction: Crown Knights

Position: Siege Engineer

Weapon: Short Sword

Equipment: rope, wrench and a Grapnel hook

Background: Born into the Crown kingdom and gained recognition for breaking the siege of an Undead fortress on the border, experienced soldier and mechanic. Always seen with his wrench and sword at hand and very untrusting of the other kingdoms, father was a Crown Knight. His father was annoyed to see his son join the regulars instead of the Knighthood.

Looks: Red hair, stubble, wears the fatigues of a Crown Soldier but wears a round helmet.

I'm guessing machine gun weilding time traveling future people are not allowed. Or aliens. Does my character have to be an adventurer or can it have a regular job?

It can have a regular job of course *wink*

Please remember this thread is not for discussing things but for posting your characters. :wink: Please use the discussion thread to talk about the game. Thanks

Now, on to what I really came here to post. :grin: I present to you a character you have met before but have not actually had any info on:

Name: Grim

Age: Late 40's.

Faction: Dragon Masters

Position: Dragonators' Bodyguard

Armament: A black battle axe and a shield with his masters personal crest on it.

Looks: Here is a picture;


History: Grim was brought up in Dragon's Keep, and as a child dreamed of being in the Air Marshals. He first joined the regular army as soon as he was 18, and was sent to the boarders to repel Scorpion Knight attacks. Here, during a night raid made by the enemy, he received a nasty wound to the chest, damaging one of his lungs. Because of this, he could not fly at high altitudes, and so was rejected from applying to enter the Dragon Marshals. Instead, he continued serving in the army. By the time Dragonator arrived and led the Great War, he was a lieutenant, a good rank for someone born to a lower class family. Grim was fascinated by the newcomer Dragonator, and admired his great devotion to the dragons. He decided that he wanted to serve this new man. Leaving the army, he applied to be in Dragonator's personal bodyguard. He was accepted, as Dragonator had seen his prowess on the battlefield, and started of as a corporal. After three years, he was promoted to Captain, and leader of the bodyguard. He is completely loyal to his master, whom he admires and would give his life for.

There is one more character to come soon, I will post him when he appears in the story, just to keep you all guessing... :tongue:

Edited by dragonator

Non-Playable Character (4)

Name: Master Archer, Kendrick Helix

Type: Human

Alignment: Lightning

Age: 34

Faction: Black Knights Kingdom

Appointment: Platoon Commander

Weapon: Crossbow Lightning (Known to have strike its enemy down with a lightning bolt charged from his arrow)

Defence Equipment: Scale mail, Dragon Shield, Nose Helmet and Quiver.

Steed: 'Cross', his personal steed.

Background: Born in the realms of Black Knights Kingdom. Sir Kendrick Helix fought with Sir Percival Ranting, together in the "Borders War" before the re-structured of Black Knights Kingdom. He is known to inspire his men that are close to him and fight with him together to protect the kingdom and his Lord. His talent is in his crossbow. Able to shoot out an arrow bolt with perfect precision is his forte. Because of this, he is assigned and promoted to White Fang Force, Ground Commander. In addition, his acquire of Crossbow Lightning makes him even stronger in the ranks. Till now, he holds utmost respect for his former-lord, Sir Percival. He is still susceptible of his new Lord. Due to his young and lack of experience, Kendrick felt that Lord Kenneth is still not ready to lead the White Fang.

An image of Master Archer, Kendrick Helix


Edited by WhiteFang

Name: Foundry Master Jason

Age: Dwarves have no Age like hobbits (I think)

Background: Deep in the Mountains of Teleck there is the Dwarve Mining Facility. Former Director of the Dragon Masters Alliance. Creates the Dragonators Dragon Saddles and Weapondry.

Faction: Dwarves

Class/place in hierarchy: Foundry Master

Equipment: Foundry Hammer, Axe, Shield.

Looks: Brown tied back hair and Beard, two Axes on his back and Cape.


Edited by Joey Lock

Crown Kingdom (K-18/19)

The King: Tiberius Lionheart

His wife, Alvena, died a year ago of an unknown illness. He has always blamed himself, despite having done all he could, summoning the best care possible.

His three sons, Rangdar, Leith and Krant were raised in the safety and comfort of his protection and wealth, becoming weak and spoiled. They fight constantly, often about who will be named King upon the death of their father.

His daughter, Alysta, took after her mother and is full of spirit and independence.

The King maintains a small council of advisors.

Holcroft and Parn, who have served him for many years and are above reproach.

One more recent addition to the council, Vrend, saved the King from an assassination attempt.

The extended royal family:

Duke Holgar: Younger brother of the King. Bit of a bumbler and not particularly bright, but good natured and kind.

Countess Ravenia: Dark and brooding sister of Alvena who always thought that she should be Queen. Spends her days ordering her staff around and generally being disagreeable.

Elgarth: Eldest son of Duke Holgar, nephew of the King. Royal Knight entrusted with overseeing castle security.

Nhear and Fhar: Young sons of Duke Holgar, nephews of the King. 10yr old twins who spend most of their days playing in the royal gardens.

Grandoth: Royal coachman and skilled warrior who previously served as a crown messenger. Distinguished himself in the same assassination attempt that earned Vrend his council position.

Flangdor: Evil wizard whose sudden appearance in Crown Kingdom can't be a good sign. Has a long-standing feud/competition with Aluvar, but had always been too inept to be any real challenge. It is unclear if that is still the case. Aligned with whomever he thinks can do him the most good. No true loyalties except to himself.

Castle Town (K-19)

Barth: Bookseller.

Hygand: Herb and potion seller.

Lorndt: Information broker. Knows what's going on, often before it happens. Can be found in a dark corner of The Cork and Crown Pub.

Larissa: Busty barmaid of The Cork and Crown Pub. Why did I add that detail? Why not? :wink:

Black Knights Kingdom, Capital (L13) Characters Index



Royal Family

King: Nexus Mac Arthur

Queen: Sophia Lintel

Eldest Prince: Sam Mac Arthur (Next to the heir, Commander of Blue Blaze Forces)

Second Prince: Tristan Mac Arthur (Strategist, under personal guidance of Master Wizard Pent)

Third Princess: Diana Mac Arthur (Ranger Instructor, specialized in archery and tracking) (Done)

Kingdom’s Advisor: Master Wizard Pent Heartstorm (Done)

Imperial Guards (Royal Family Protectors)

Commander: Lord Hector Valise

Vice Commander: Lord Gusto Atari

Guard Commander: Flynt Caraway (Done)

White Fang Force (Archer Battalion)

Commander: Lord Kenneth Valise (Done)

Vice Commander: Sir Percival Ranting (Done)

Advisor: Lady Kristine Valise (Done)

Ground Commander: Master Archer, Kendrick Helix (Done)

Red Valiant Force (Spear Battalion)

Commander: Lord Calvin Kestrel (Done)

Vice Commander: Sir Jonathan Kline

Advisor: Sir Colin Mathis

Ground Commander: Master Ranger, Karen Lyses (Done)

Trainee Knight: Lee Dawn (Done)

Blue Blaze Force (Internal Battalion)

Commander: Prince Sam Mac Arthur

Black Shards Force (Borders Battalion)

Commander: Lord Jason McNeal (Done)

Vice Commander/Advisor: Sir Lance Vanfossen (Done)

Other Characters' fractions, coming soon. :tongue:

Edited by WhiteFang

Dragon Masters Kingdom Overview Part 1



Capitol City: Dragons Keep


You have already met Dragonator (me), King Dracus, Grim and Mike the Messenger earlier in this thread. Here are some more (please not e that this is not a complete list, and will be added to later :grin: )

Council of Five

This is the main group of people under the King. Each councilor represents a certain group that has elected for them to represent them on the council.

Senior Councilor Dragonator. Selected by the King to lead the council, after his great effort during the great war. Technically he is the representative of the dragons, however they were not given a vote at the time, being a 'banned' species according to the treaty. They have not disputed his position, on the contrary, with Ragnir's arrival it was 'officially' confirmed. Other information is elsewhere in this thread (sorry)

Councilor Scorpia. Elected to the council by the King. It is unsure how he managed to get onto the council, however he is tolerated, if barely. He is a scheming and twisted person, with no feeling of mercy or anything else much. He is a bit of a wimp when spoken to face to face. He has a terrible burn scar over his left eye, caused by a run in with a dragon while out hunting them on the orders of the so-called treaty with the Scorpion Knights. He does not like dragons in the least, and is Dragonator's main rival on the council, and in every other action. He was unheard of until after the war.



General Marcus. Elected by the army to represent them. He is a long serving officer, and fought with Dragonator in the great war. As a result, the two are great friends and support each other on the council. The yellow plumes represent that Marcus is from the Central kingdom squadron, while the two wings show he is an officer in the Air Marshals. He choses to wear the army uniform on most occasions, as this is pretty much his life. He also wears a Dragon Masters Officer cape for the Air Marshals (not pictured)



Councilor Rotrigous. The longest serving member, coming up to his 26th year. He is supposedly elected by the nobles and land-owners of the city, however in reality it is simply that nobody dares to try and stand to be elected instead of him. The last candidate to go for this position died an unexpected death after falling from the top of the outer wall, and that was 13 years ago. Rotrigous is a dark, moody person, and rarely has any ideas of his own. His loyalties lie with Scorpia. Up until the great war he was Aquartos' right hand man, but was not removed from the council like the other four members of the time as he is the King's cousin.



Majiko the wizard. According to tradition there must always be a wizard on the council, and Majiko is their representative. He is usually neutral on the council, although more often than not he sides with Dragonator on important decisions. He is a friendly wizard, and has recently agreed to help Dragonator with a little project...



The Royal Family

King Dracus; information can be found elsewhere in this thread.

He is not married and does not have any children.

Crown Prince Madrig (deceased). The king's older brother. He died days after his father, King Griand III, in a suspicious hunting incident.

Princess Ariana, the King's sister. Although not allowed to take any part whatsoever in the running of the castle, she is the King's next of Kin. She cannot take the throne, because the Dragon Masters only allow males to have positions of any importance (accept for one or two exceptions :wink: ). She does not live in the castle, but rather in the Kings palace in the northern city of Hamenwear. She loves her brother, although he rarely seems to notice her when she visits the Keep. She is quite naive, and spends her days reading poetry, sewing, and talking with Cyprox, a wise historian who also lives in the palace.



This is the extent of the direct Royal Family. Thanks for looking at part one, I will update with pictures when I take them. :grin: Part 2 will contain some of the higher nobles and other characters of worthy mention, as well as any one else I have forgotten...


Edited by dragonator



Name: Grym Locke

Faction: Morcia (Knight's Kingdom II)

Class/place in hierarchy: Hero Knight Commander

Equipment: Heavy plate armor, mystically tempered Energo Sword, twin-bolt crossbow

"Among the winners, there is no room for the weak."

Background: Most fearsome and powerful Hero Knight. Although dedicated to the Morcian cause, resents authority. Cold, merciless, but a valiant warrior. Has contempt for the weak, including all peasants. Great strength, uses it to break almost anything in two. Carries the Energo Sword and twin-crossbow. Other than arrogance and lack of speed, has no real weaknesses.

You all have no idea what's about to happen...


Here's another playable Character:

Name: Mountaineer Jorgis Thunderhammer

Age: 50

Faction: Thunderhammer Dwarf clan

Rank: Mountaineer (Patroller/advance Dwarven forces)

Equipment: 2 throwing axes, a shield and an axe

Background: Born into the Thunderhammer clan in the stronghold border city of Ban's Pointe, he signed up to be a patroller, or Mountaineer. Incredibly stubborn, strong willed, brave and a bit of a Drunkard, he's a friend of Balise, Tyrius' Captain.

Non-Playable Character (5)

Name: Master Wizard, Pent Heartstorm

Type: Human

Alignment: Water

Age: 87

Faction: Black Knights Kingdom

Appointment: Prime Minister/Chief Advisor

Weapon: Sea Justice Wand (Little is know about his wand. Rumors said it is able to manipulate water in any forms.)

Defence Equipment: Wizard Hat and Sliver Robe.

Steed: 'Val', his personal steed.

Background: His origin is unknown. Little is known about his past. King Nexus MacArthur trust Master Pent very much and confide nation's matters with him. He helped to device several Key Strategies and National Policies. He is the person whom implemented the master plan for School of Knights to train and evaluate for future bright and talented commanders. Rumors said he is a member of "Legendary Society" which is a mysterious group. No one can prove the society existence as it operates in absolute secrecy. The young commanders and knights look upon him as a mentor. Whenever they faced problems, they will seek advice from him.

An image of Master Wizard, Pent Heartstorm


Edited by WhiteFang

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