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Welcome to another exciting episode of EB News Presents! I'm your host, Captain imperialshadows, asking the questions this evening will be First Mate Staudie, and our special guest is Admiral Giddens! Ah, it will be nice to finally have another chance to chat with a true man of the sea...


This small but sturdy vessel is mine, leftover from my days as a, um, man of the sea. Now, it serves as the official governmental transport of EB, making it a consular ship.


Uh... good evening, Lord Vader. I wasn't really expecting a visit, we're filming the show, you know.

Hey, shadows. Er... Don't act so surprised, you weren't on any mercy mission this time!


I heard you say that this is a consular ship.

Yes, I did.

Well, if this is a consular ship... where is the Ambassador?

Oh, he'll be along in a few minutes. He's our guest for the evening. You can see his rowboat approaching now.

Wait. You mean you've really got an Ambassador coming?

Of course. la.jpg

Drats. I usually get to choke people after that line. Are you sure I can't choke anyone?

Staudie will be along in a minute.

Oh no, I can't tolerate that kid. I've got to go... I think the Emperor is calling me. Collect.

Hmmm... that was unexpected.

What was?

Oh, nothing. Why are you dressed like that?


I dressed like this for our special guest.

I don't get it. He's an Admiral.

Yeah! Wasn't that smart of me?

Um... let's just move on, our guest is arriving now.


Ahoy there! Permission to come aboard, Captain?

Of course, welcome aboard!


Why is he dressed like that? Why are you dressed like that?

I always dress like this.

Oh great, it's catching.

What is?



That's "what, sir?" or "what, Captain, sir?"

Uh. Ok, sir, Captain, sir.

That's better. Now I just wish I understood why you two are dressed like that. Whatever the case, let's have a seat.

Oh, thank you. I brought along a friend, if you'd like to meet him.


This is ...

Oh, we know him.

Yeah, he's always trying to get on the show.

I'm sure that can't be, he hadn't even heard of you before I mentioned it.

First Mate Staudie!

Aye, Captain?

Toss him overboard.

With pleasure!


Wonder if he can swim...

We shall see. >:-)


We put up with a lot of his shenanigans, but this time he's gone too far.

He came as my guest! I've known him for years, he didn't mean any harm!

Look, Hinck has been finding ways to get on the show for ages now, trust us, we know what we're talking about.

I have no idea who this 'Hinck' is, nor do I wish to, but here is a picture of us together, with his name clearly printed.


Doctor Phineas Pepper? Dr. Pepper??? HAHAHAHA

He expects us to believe that? HAHAHA

Can you imagine how stupid someone would have to be to fall for a name like that??? Oh, sorry.

Even I didn't fall for that!

You people are weird.


Fine. We'll pick him up, since you seem so certain about this, but you're taking him home, don't even think about leaving him here for us to deal with.

That's our cue to start the interview!

Aye, aye, Captain!

Q. Would you mind explaining your name & SF to our viewers?

A. The online name Admiral Giddens came long ago in a forum far far away... Mark Sandlin and I were creating MOCs without likenesses in them, he was Grand Admiral Sandlin and I had made mine Commodore Giddens. I got a promotion for getting donuts for the Grand Admiral.

My sigfig is this element http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?P=3626bpb023 in Life on Mars outfit (with yellow epaulettes). Some pics I have of him are an older homemade version of this.

Mmmm... donuts.

Q. How long have you collected LEGOâ„¢?

A. I got my first BASIC set in 1977. Queen was writing "We Will Rock You" at the time. I got my first true space set in 1979/80.

Q. Can you tell us a bit more about what you do as a Ambassador?

A. The Ambassador's share ideas, complaints, observations and opinions from the communities we inhabit to LEGO via our Ambassador forum. LEGO listens, sometimes asks questions, and we answer.

Q. How long have there been ambassadors, and did they effect this year's sets in any way? (Personal guess is yes :-) )

A. The Ambassador program has been around for 3 years. I've been in all cycles and this will most likely be my last. I've had my spot for long enough. If you look at what Lego is doing and producing, you can see input from the fan community. Look at the Modular House sets. Look at Factory stuff (especially space... LOOK AT IT!!!). And while being an Ambassador doesn't mean you do Factory sets and stuff, it does mean that LEGO is paying attention to the adult fan. Even complaints about quality of brick and color are getting heard. Mostly from longtime fans who notice the difference.

Q. What are your top 3 favourite sets?

A. Ever? Huh. It's kinda funny. I'm partial to spaceships, but ground vehicles are some of my favs... The http://www.peeron.com/inv/sets/6950-1 Mobile Rocket Transport is my all time favorite. Simple build, amazing playability. The second is http://www.peeron.com/inv/sets/6886-1 the Galactic Peace Keeper. Just a spaceship that looks awesome. Third is http://www.peeron.com/inv/sets/7890-1 AMBULANCE?? That set represents a lot to me. Pure Lego building, simple concept, great look, low price point, and great parts make it great. It's what LEGO should be for under $10.

Not a pirate ship in the lot. For shame. Calls himself an Admiral...

Q. It seems to me that you are rarley active in sections other than the Embassy, why is this?

A. I visit A LOT of sites. Classic Space, FBTB, Brothers-Brick, FLICKR ect... It's hard to be highly visible on them all. After a point it gets difficult to keep up with every thread everywhere. E-mail and PM's work well if folks have a question. I'm sorry if me or other Ambassadors aren't as vocal as some think we should, we're just fans trying to keep up.

And thank you for the job you do. Now, would you imagine that the theme of this evening's program could be a hint of the direction that some of us with LEGO would take? ;-)

Q. What are the Ambassador's Current objectives?

A. Actually, the program is undergoing to redevelopment and re purposing at the moment.

Q. Best IRL Lego related moment?

A. Mine? I've had many, I've been blessed. Getting to meet Kjeld Kirk Kristiansen, having Jørgen Vig Knudstorp hang out and talk and remember my name, and seeing my name on a LEGO set rank up there. Sharing the hobby with my kid tops all that.

Q. Best EB related Lego moment?

A. The moment I joined and got my $1,000,000 prize. Oh and sharing about the Space Factory set here. Great conversations.

Q. Does Your Chewing Gum Lose Its Flavor on the Bedpost Overnight?

A. Only in December.

How did I end up with a couple of space cadets? :-|

Q. Am I annoying?

A. Ask yourself.

Don't. He'll do it. :-/

Q. Who should we interview next?

A. Homer Simpson.

On the list.

Q. One last question, any teeny weany info you can tell us about the future? :-P

A. One day someone will invent a jetpack that works, and all food will be in pill form. The pills are plate sized and hard to swallow.

Much like this show, sometimes.

So there you have it, another informative inside look at a LEGO fanatic, just like you, except I hope you like Pirates more...

Speaking of which, it's time for a commercial!

A commercial? We don't do commercials, do we?

Of course we do, we're a highly sought after program, people are lining up around the corner for our commercial time.

Isn't that where the bathroom is?



Captain imperialshadows is proud to present an exciting Classic Pirates Themed Contest

with three distinct classes of entries! Impulse, Small set, and Large set!

With prizes donated by some of your favourite EB personalities!

Join in now before you miss all the fun!

And on that note, thank you for joining us and be sure to keep tuning in for more interviews and hijinks as we sail the seven seas of news!

That was corny.

Do you swim well?

No, not really. Why?

Look around. >:-)

Oh. *gulp* Sorry boss, er, Captain, er, Captain boss, sir!

*camera fades*

Another great inteveiw! As always very funny :-D

Great interview, though perhaps a bit short.

And I really appreciate the work the ambassadors do for us. Though I wonder why they listen to us on teh areas of Town, Creator and Space as well as quality control but refuse to bring Pirates back. Ah well, luckily I can still but heavily overpriced Pirate sets on the internet :-$ *pirate*

  • Author
Great interview, though perhaps a bit short.

He appears to be a man of few words, and even fewer questions, but we like our guests as comfortable as they can be around Staudie, so we don't push it. Too much. Usually. X-D

Good intervie, nice pics, not nuff info bout the future >:-)


Q. What are your top 3 favourite sets?

A. Ever? Huh. It's kinda funny. I'm partial to spaceships, but ground vehicles are some of my favs... The http://www.peeron.com/inv/sets/6950-1 Mobile Rocket Transport is my all time favorite. Simple build, amazing playability. The second is http://www.peeron.com/inv/sets/6886-1 the Galactic Peace Keeper. Just a spaceship that looks awesome. Third is http://www.peeron.com/inv/sets/7890-1 AMBULANCE?? That set represents a lot to me. Pure Lego building, simple concept, great look, low price point, and great parts make it great. It's what LEGO should be for under $10.

Wow, there's a man with great taste in sets deino2.gif

Great one, guys. *sweet*

Uh... good evening, Lord Vader. I wasn't really expecting a visit, we're filming the show, you know.

Hey, shadows. Er... Don't act so surprised, you weren't on any mercy mission this time!


I heard you say that this is a consular ship.

Yes, I did.

Well, if this is a consular ship... where is the Ambassador?

Oh, he'll be along in a few minutes. He's our guest for the evening. You can see his rowboat approaching now.

Wait. You mean you've really got an Ambassador coming?

Of course. la.jpg

Drats. I usually get to choke people after that line. Are you sure I can't choke anyone?

Staudie will be along in a minute.

Oh no, I can't tolerate that kid. I've got to go... I think the Emperor is calling me. Collect.

:-D That's great... This is shaping out to be one of my favorites.

(especially space... LOOK AT IT!!!).

And...how could we not??

Q. Who should we interview next?

A. Homer Simpson.

On the list.

*Sniff* I smell Hinckley... 8-|

Edited by Mr. Mandalorian

Fantastic interview! Wow, you got to meet Kjeld Kirk Kristiansen?! X-O Way to go! I appreciate all you ambassadors do for the fan base, thanks very much! And thanks to Stauder and imperialshadows for putting this interview together!


Another awesome review! I'm envious you got to meet Kjeld Kirk Kristiansen >:-( :-P

Instead of Homer Simpson to be reviewed next, I'd love to see a Copmike review *wub*


Nice one again guys *sweet*! You´re really made this into an interesting kind of treads!

Good info on our Admiral *y*! And an Ambassador and all, with the thoughts of someone more involved than we.

Instead of Homer Simpson to be reviewed next, I'd love to see a Copmike review *wub*
Psst ;-)!

Reviews On


Q. What are the Ambassador's Current objectives?

A. Actually, the program is undergoing to redevelopment and re purposing at the moment.

Staudie, as a journalist, you're allowed to ask follow-up questions when a guest says something intriguing...

  • Author
Staudie, as a journalist *snip*


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