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-The Lost City on the Island that Can't be Found, Unless You Know Where to Look.-

Lead Man:

Captain Mason Wardell of Odin's Scorn( @Roadmonkeytj )

Other Key Members:

Captain Lothario Fraunces of the Octopus@Fraunces )

Professor Thaum aboard the Andromeda ( @Professor Thaum )

Lt. Donley Harris <Isle 21 mission leader> ( @Roadmonkeytj )

(Others may be introduced as the story progresses, as this is a Faction Adventure so any Sea Rat can join in)


Odin's Scorn




Jolly Roger  


Our mission:

To find the Lost City on the island that can not be found, unless you know where to look.

Secret side mission:

To establish a outpost and work with the natives on Mud Island per The Phoenix's instructions.

Funding:  150Dbs



    Main Story Episodes:

      Phoenix Takes Flight at Dawn

     Yo Ho Ho and a Bottle of Rum 

    Side Story Episodes:

       A Mysterious Stranger

     Marooned with a Mission


Phoenix Takes Flight at Dawn:

It was a dark damp night when Mason heard a knock at his rented flat in Fatu Hiva.  He opened the door to a very strangely dressed man.

Are you Captain Mason Wardell?

In the flesh … can I help you?

I've come long and far to deliver this missive for you Sir. 


After taking the letter from him, the strangely dressed man let himself out.

Mason bolted the door and opened the letter.  After reading it he knew exactly who it was from even though it was not signed by sir name.


Mason -

I hope this letter finds you well my boy.  I have a mission should you choose to accept.  Included in this letter are a list of names, each of these are holding an item you will need to complete this mission.  I want you to contact each of them with a letter stating the Phoenix Takes Flight at Dawn, this is the key phrase they will know to bring the item to you.  Once you have all the items together you will need to use the legend I have also included to decipher the items.  Once you have cracked it you will know how to reach the Island that no one can find unless they know where to look.  The Map that no man can read is also with this letter.  One of the names is holding the text to read the map.  Make Haste me boy time is of the upmost importance.

Signed -

Your Long Lost Friend the Phoenix


Mason set out at once and began gathering the items from each of the names on the list.  It took several months but the visitors were mostly unnoticed due the all the excitement on the island.



Once the items were stowed on board Odin's Scorn, Mason set sail and rendezvoused with the Stormbull and the Octopus (zone 35 just off Isle 21)

The other ship Captains were all shown the course at which to sail and the convoy set out.



OoC: looking forward to the adventure with my fellow Sea Rats


Reveal hidden contents


Edited by Roadmonkeytj

  • Author

A Mysterious Stranger:

Before the ships had set sail the Octopus had delivered a sealed missive with a strange messenger aboard that insisted to speak directly to Mason himself.  Once in the Captains Quarters he preceded to make himself comfortable much to the discomfort of Captain Mason.  Before he could speak up about this being his ship the stranger reached in to his coat through his beard and pulled out the missive.  it was sealed with the rising phoenix.  He read through the letter as the stranger sat in silence.  Once finished The stranger spoke up and said “ye best be gettin round a few good men now Captain … I’ll wait here for ye return”.  As much as this angered Mason the stranger was right … he had little time before the Other ships the letter spoke of would arrive.  So the Mason set off in secret and rounded up a few good and trusted men.  One of those included one of the cooks.  He met with the men in the forward hold and explained that this was going to be a mission of the upmost secrecy and that they should tell no one accept himself and the stranger that came aboard from the Octopus.  At this he dismissed the men.  Mason Quietly escorted the Chosen leader of the mission to his Bunk and instructed him to dress in plain clothes.  Then took him to the stranger.

Capt Cabin.lxf

Once in the cabin the Stranger addressed him without looking at him at first. 

LT Donley Harris I presume”, the stranger said. 

How do you know me stranger?” Donley replied.

Tis not important how I know thee, what tis important is the task at hand” retorted the stranger

As he turned to face Donley, Donley realized he had never seen this man before but had heard the tales in the taverns of him.  The stranger explained that the men would be ferried to the near by Mud Island and given two months supply.  They were to Set up Camp and make contact with the Natives Chief.  He was to present him a flint lock pistol with the phoenix engraved on the butt.  At this the Chief would work with him in any endeavor he needed.  He was instructed that there will be a resupply vessel in a few months time and that before it arrives he should be working with the Chief.  At this he handed Donley another missive from his bearded chest.  He instructed him to not open it until he could no longer see the ships mast on the horizon. 


Crew Ashore.lxf

The men had all changed into Plain clothes and were allowed to take their most valued belongings with them.  When the time was right they were rowed to the Island and dropped off with supplies.

tents fig 2.lxf

The men worked quickly to make Camp they assembled a flagstaff to signal to the ships that camp was made.  The Rats colors were hoisted high as the cook began to get a fire around.

OoC: this is a second story Arc within the same story Game Masters please treat this as such - the only people on the main story that know of this mission are The Phoenix, Captain Mason, The Stranger, and the Crew members that had gone ashore.  The Rowers only know that they dropped men and supplies off  … thank you.

Additional Pictures:

Reveal hidden contents


Edited by Roadmonkeytj

Very nice series of builds, mate, you've got a very professional-looking group of seamen there (especially for Sea Rats... :tongue: :laugh::thumbup:

Really nice add-ons to the AMRCA...


This encampment rocks !

Great flag too !


The details are fantastic. I love clean/simple details, feels perfect for the medium.

Definitely saved the pic to borrow for future use for crew quarters in ships. Campfire is great too. I struggle with foliage in my builds sometimes. How did you attach the vertical plants/swordleafs behind the palms?


  • Author
  On 10/17/2018 at 5:24 PM, Garmadon said:

Very nice series of builds, mate, you've got a very professional-looking group of seamen there (especially for Sea Rats... :tongue: :laugh::thumbup:

The crew of Odin's Scorn is no ordinary pirate crew.   And thanks!

  On 10/17/2018 at 6:16 PM, Professor Thaum said:

Really nice add-ons to the AMRCA...

This encampment rocks !

Great flag too !

Thanks the flag actually took some trial and error.  Glad you like the encampment!


  On 10/17/2018 at 7:21 PM, TomSkippy said:

The details are fantastic. I love clean/simple details, feels perfect for the medium.

Definitely saved the pic to borrow for future use for crew quarters in ships. Campfire is great too. I struggle with foliage in my builds sometimes. How did you attach the vertical plants/swordleafs behind the palms?

Thanks mate! I'll have to take a snapshot of the back side of the foliage for you.  The quarters was kinda tricky It started as the rear of Odin's Scorn then I had to make the interior and transfer the once inner support to the outside lol.  I can't claim the campfire as original as I've seen it used with a different set of parts before. 

Edit: Heres how I did it … I like to make "stalks" to the plant

tents back


Edited by Roadmonkeytj

  On 10/17/2018 at 7:21 PM, TomSkippy said:

How did you attach the vertical plants/swordleafs behind the palms?

I do not know how he did it exactly - but I can tell you my version. I simply use headlight bricks (plus as much elevation from the ground as needed by other parts).

It will look like this:


Using round 1x1 plates between ground and headlight bricks means you can easily rotate the plant as you want.

  On 10/18/2018 at 4:12 PM, TomSkippy said:

@Roadmonkeytj @Drunknok Thanks for the ideas guys. I definitely need to up my jungle skills.

Just use your real-life garden like me if you are lazy :tongue:

  • 4 weeks later...

On Mud Island:

The camp was set up, and things were going well, although boars and insects proved more of a nuisance than expected. It was time for Lt. Donley Harris to do his mysterious duty and to contact the chief of the Natives. A map was unfurrowed. 

Reveal hidden contents

"There are two native villages close to us," said the lieutenant. "We can approach either, and simply wait for the Chief to show up. He does travel." 

"Or," Said a crewman, "we could build up some infrastructure. I don't want to be unprepared if one of them empires comes after us." The Sea Rats debated amongst themselves. 


  • The Treetop Village
    • The treetop village is built amongst the tall trees of the interior. Their, natives live high off the ground, safe from the wild Boars of the island. 
      • 1 build required. 
  • The Old Village
    • Built on the ruins of an ancient temple, this village is where the native chief usually resides.
      • 1 build required.
  • Construct a Fort
    • This will significantly increase your defences. You will not meet the chief this turn, however. 
      • 1 build required. Standard Fort sizes apply. 

One of these options may be chosen. Please also indicate on the map where you have made camp. 




The ships sailed southwards for weeks. There were some distant sightings of land, but none that fit the description and maps. One foggy dawn, a strange clang was heard repeatedly, and the crews were sent to quarters in silence. Suddenly, the topmast look-out hailed the quarterdeck.

"Lotii War Junk, clear off the larboard bow!"

Everyone looked up and saw the massive war junk only a few hundred yards away. "Class 6, I believe! Steering right for us - I do not believe she has seen us"


  • Hoist the Jolly Rogers!
    We are pirates after all, and outnumber the enemy - let's take her!
  • We might need friends...
    Hail the Lotii ship and invite the captain aboard. They may know something useful for us...
  • Hard a-starboard
    It is imperative that our mission remains a secret - we shall try hiding in the fog.

Only one option can be taken.

We shall henceforth consider these two parts of the expedition separated, and they can be progressed independently.

Edited by Bregir
Retconned the location of the mysterious stranger

  • 4 weeks later...
  • Author

Marooned with a Mission

Main Characters in this episode:

Lt. Donley Harris - Head of Expedition 

Chief Timone - Leader of the Natives 


As the masts of the fleet disappeared on the horizon Lt. Donley pulled the missive from his rucksack and preceded to read it. 

"To the Chosen one:

If you are reading this then you have been chosen as a trusted and competent man in good standing of Captain Mason.  The mission we have is imperative to the success of men free from imperial rule.  With the push for future expansion I realize the importance of a resupply hub on the way to the New Haven Sea region.  I’m sure your aware of the strong arm taxes implied on ports in the old world.  Our goal is to keep a free port in line to the newly discovered worlds.  Years ago I had the pleasure of hiding out on this island.  I made friends with the natives, in particular: Chief Timone.  He always admired my pistols – this is why you will give him my pistol as a gift.  He and his tribe will aid you in setting up your outpost.  It is imperative that you make contact with Chief Timone  prior to construction as he will show you a pre-chosen location for the outpost.  It is well guarded and the bay is deep.  I realize this is a lot to take in, but I trust that you will succeed in your endeavors.


The Phoenix"

After reading it he called the men over and unfurled a map.  There was some misguided talk about fortifying themselves there on the beach but Donley was focused on his mission. Lt. Donley spoke to the men:

We have the location of two villages. One to the north and one to the south.  I have on good faith that the natives will assist us in our mission here.  We need to make contact before beginning construction as the native chief knows the right location.  I say we head to the temple as that is where he resides. 

The men were in agreement and they set out for the temple at day break.  They had been warned of the boars on the island: they could be quite vicious.  By mid-day the men reached the temple village.

Pig Statue village.lxf

 It was a sight to see.  None of them had ever seen a 40-meter-high pig statue before.  The villagers all stared at them … as if looking for a familiar face that was not among them.  Donley approached one of the Tribes men and asked: "Where can I find Chief Timone?"  The tribesmen pointed towards the mouth of the Pig and made a motion for them to go up the stairs that ascended the stone beasts internals.

Once inside the Temple walls they could see a courtyard with another grand structure on top of a lush hill.  They made their way to it and were greeted by the chief.  "Come, come my Friends sit tell me your stories!" The chief exclaimed.  The men gathered round and Lt. Donley explained that they have brought gifts to gain the chief’s’ good favor.  The men presented the gifts, but when Lt. Donley asked considering the man who referred to himself as 'the Phoenix', the Chief became very guarded. He then said: "I know nothing of such name, perhaps you have mistaken his presence here on my island!"  To this Donley pulled the engraved pistol from his coat and presented it to the chief.  "Perhaps this will refresh your memory … he said you were quite fond of his pistols during his stay here.  He wanted you to have one for your own.  Donley replied with a smirk as the chief’s eyes widened and he rubbed his fingers over the finely carved pistol butt.  "He said, someone would come! But its been years I never thought this day would arrive!" Cheif Timone replied, "We will feast then I will show you what you seek!"

Meeting the Chief 1


After they feasted on some roasted Pig they hiked a short way through the interior until the jungle gave way to the sea.  It was just as the letter described.  The bay was very defendable and the water deep enough even for a Man-O-War to make berth.  Donley turned to the men and stated:  "We will move camp and begin construction of a dock first thing in the morning!"

Beach Micro.lxf

OoC: we visited the old village to see the chief and discovered the location of the future outpost. 

Additional photos:

Reveal hidden contents

Again special thanks to all involved behind the scenes! 


Edited by Roadmonkeytj

Sweet!  Fantastic shaping on that boar-head statue, and the stairs inside are very clever as well :pir-classic:  What did you use to build the tusks, though?  I can't seem to figure that out :pir-grin:

  • Author
  On 12/12/2018 at 3:59 PM, Garmadon said:

Sweet!  Fantastic shaping on that boar-head statue, and the stairs inside are very clever as well :pir-classic:  What did you use to build the tusks, though?  I can't seem to figure that out :pir-grin:

Thanks!  it's labeled as Dinosaur Tail in LDD.  This actually started as a small statue and sorta grew...  Quickly

Wow! Excellent builds all around! I especially love the Pig temple, the shaping is fantastic. The Physical build is great as well, and I really appreciate the creativity that went into all this. 

Side note, where are ya'll making camp? If you plan to establish a settlement, you will need a map location for it. 

  • Author
  On 12/12/2018 at 8:09 PM, Mesabi said:

Wow! Excellent builds all around! I especially love the Pig temple, the shaping is fantastic. The Physical build is great as well, and I really appreciate the creativity that went into all this. 

Side note, where are ya'll making camp? If you plan to establish a settlement, you will need a map location for it. 

Thanks it really was a group effort

... In due time ... This half of the adventure has no way to get off the island as they have no boat until the resupply shows up so there is no way a map could even circulate beyond the confines of this adventure currently.

  • Author

Yo Ho Ho and a Bottle of Rum

Main Characters: Captain Mason Wardell -  Captain Odin's Scorn

The Stranger - Currently aboard Odin's Scorn 

Professor Thaum and crew - of the Andromeda 

Location...  Somewhere in the New Haven Sea region 


The ships had sailed for weeks when on a foggy dawn the topmast hailed “Lotii war junk, clear off the larboard bow!!”  Captain Mason Wardell was under a tough decision.  "We clearly out number her and out gun her: we can tear her to shreds with ease.  Our mission is of the upmost importance and can not be compromised.  Secrecy of our presence is vital for success.  Signal to the others: we will use the fog to gain a favorable position: and cut her to pieces.  Hoist the Red flag!"  the captain commanded.

Deck scene.lxf


The first mate questioned: "The red flag sir?" 

"AYE the Red!" The Captain’s voice  boomed across the deck, "We will show no quarter men, there will be no man left standing, there will be no survivors.  We will tear the ship to ribbons, board her, resupply and ensure there is not a man nor boy left to tell the tale!" 

"This seems like an act of war on the Lotii Sir".  The first mate replied.

We cannot let them go and compromise the mission. They will report our position and this mission will be doomed! We will sweep the area for survivors." He said firmly to the first mate before shouting to the deck: "We’ve taken ships before men we will take one more – she is not a prize, but a threat to our existence: Drag Her To Hell Boys!"

So the ships tacked round, using the fog to their advantage, and proceeded to  lay iron to the Lotti junk tearing her main beams to splinters.  However as the ships were engaged three more ships dropped out of the fog. 


Aboard the Andromeda:


Foretop : Sails to leeward !!

Capt B. WOLF : Oliver, there many sails straight ahead, but I can identify the Octopus and the Odin's Scorn, they have a lotti junk engaged, and the Stormbull right behind the junk's stern probably closing for the kill...


Dr Thaum : Finally, we've found them...

Capt B. WOLF : ... and all 3 are flying the red !

Dr Thaum : The red !!??? What kind of madness is this !!


S. SPILLET : Doctor, the Jolly Rogers is speeding up, no doubt they want to board the junk's larboard.

Dr Thaum : Eh !!!??? Lets bear away !! The Andromeda will intervene between the Rogers and the junk !! Rowboats to the sea ! Fully loaded with weapons, you take their lead, Saul. Terminate all the survivors, you're in charge !  Barney, signal the Thunder to enter the fight.


 S. SPILLET : Row... row... row


S. SPILLET : We're closing to the junk!  You sailor,  see to those survivors!


Sailor : Aye aye Saul !


  BAOUM !!




The Lotti Junk was boarded, any usable supplies or cargo transferred to the other ships, and finally the Lotti ship scuttled.  The remaining ships finished sweeping for survivors then continued on course.

The fleet had sailed for two more days without sight of another ship when the top mast hailed“LAND HO!”.  Captain Wardell pulled his spyglass and checked it to his charts – this was the island.  They sailed around the island noting the landmarks and scanning the horizons for masts.  Finally they sailed into the hidden cove to make berth.

OoC: the Red flag was historically flown by pirates as a symbol of no quarter.   Meaning no survivors.  Also the Andromeda, the Jolly Roger and Thunder all join the AMCRA

Once again thanks to my fellow rats for making this happen.

Edited by Roadmonkeytj

Awesome how this worked out! Really well done. I love how the mini-version of the Octopus looks like btw :thumbup:

  • Author
  On 12/13/2018 at 12:41 PM, Fraunces said:

Awesome how this worked out! Really well done. I love how the mini-version of the Octopus looks like btw :thumbup:

Yes! Thaum did an excellent job on replicating our ships in micro! 

That pig statue is impressive! And good job with the microships, the battle scene looks very convincing. 

  • 2 months later...

@Roadmonkeytj, @Professor Thaum, @Fraunces

On mud island, chief Timone had shown them the perfect spot for a harbour, and it was now time for a decision. How permanent was the camp supposed to be?

  • Secrecy is key
    We must maintain secrecy and should establish a hideout, where our ships can dock, resupply, and trade with the natives.
    Make a hideout build (minimum 32x32), and your hideout here will be free and have a trade value of 100 dbs for as long as it stands.
  • Pirate freetown!
    We are in need of a permanent base and shall settle down. Chief Timone has offered to help us optimise defenses.
    Build a small fort (and mark the location on the island map) to establish the settlement. The fort will be free from upkeep.

Only one option can be taken, and either will end this half of the adventure. If you wish to continue this part of the adventure, an additional build is required, as well as your new objectives.

News from the rest of the expedition will come soon...

  • 2 weeks later...

@Roadmonkeytj, @Professor Thaum, @Fraunces

The island, or rather group of islands, appeared to be engulfed in a permanent fog bank, and had it not been for the map, the numerous reefs would have meant an end to the expedition. Even with that in hand, it had been a close call several times, and future shipping would require lighthouses and pilots for safe passage into the cove. Luckily, a lighthouse can be lit or turned off... and as any wrecker will tell you, a well placed light can turn out quite profitable... Already, several wrecks of all ages had been found on their route in. It would be easy to keep uninvited guests out, where they even to find the place.

In fact, it was perfect for their purposes, and now is the time to establish your secret base on this undisclosed location. 1 build required, which has to show some special characteristic defining of the settlement. (Examples: The settlement is built into caves in the cliffs. Built on stilts and shipwrecks in the cove.)

And with the goal now fulfilled, what will the expedition do next? Return west? Stay and develop the settlement? Or?

  • 2 weeks later...

The island was steeped in fog and barely approachable even with the map. Lighthouses and beacons were erected, and pilots trained in the route... The passage was treacherous, but that was a small price to pay for a nearly unassailable harbor.


Nice atmosphere with this photo! :thumbup:

The atmosphere is chilling, but the "Keep Out" is killer !

  On 2/24/2019 at 5:01 PM, Bregir said:

And with the goal now fulfilled, what will the expedition do next? Return west? Stay and develop the settlement? Or?

We will probably end the AMRCA here.

Two new settlement threads will rise from mud and fog (and on the BoBS forum of course)

We will probably have party exploring the islands but this will be developped on other separated threads.

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