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  Rabindranath Tagore said:
There are two kinds of adventurers; those who go truly hoping to find adventure and those who go secretly hoping they won't.

It has finaly begun, the EBRP *sweet* . This thread is for continuation of the adventure only.

Submitting characters can be done here,

discussion must be done here.

I hope you will all have fun *y* !

Remember, always begin your post with your location, so everybody knows where you're at ;-) . The map can be viewed here.


Edited by KhoRne

Yay it begins!

17, N:

Fershwitz Boran, the Orc Chief of neighboring relations, has been assigned the duty of traveling to the Skeleton Lands where he may meet Deinonychus' character Scourge to discuss the peace treaty and army plans....

He currently is setting off form Orc country, in a battlecart flanked by two mountain trolls.

Batbrick Away! >:-)

Edited by Batbrick


::Scourge stands on a blasted, barren patch of formerly volcanic land near the border of the Evil Wizard's territories and the Orc lands, his eyeless sockets scanning across the landscape awaiting the Orc representative he's been sent to meet. His cavalry escort stands still and unmoving, skeletons all, they don't fidget or pace, just stand still and stare. Scourge removes a whetstone from an equipment pouch and begins slowly sharpening his sword, muttering to himself::

"...the forces gather, and once again my sword, you shall bathe in blood and grow hot in the fires of battle..."


Pencoin had finished smithing his latest orders and the currier was on his way to pick them up. Strangely he heard rusteling in the trees suddenly a gang of theives jumped at him. They were trying to steal his weapons. he swiftly picked up a lance and pierced one of them in the chest, blood sprayed across the ground. He whacked another on the head but it was too late the last one had got away with some of his batch. He carefully tied the the one i had knocked out to a tree and questioned him but he wasn't helping so he executed him. The currier arrived and (hopefully) delivered what was left. He began preparing for a journey to Crown-City, they hava lots of explaining to do.

hope that was ok!

Edited by Pencoin

( J-19 ) Phegy

It's was nice day. The sun was been shining and there was no cloud to be seen in the air. Phegy was riding towards a small village. as soon as he arrived in the village, the people reconised him, and asked him to sing for them.

Even here, in a small village close to the border of the kingdom of the crownknights, the people knew him.

he dismounted his horse and took his lute from his pack.

The villagers were gathering around him, and he started to sing. everyone was quite at once.

when the song was finished, a man walked towards Phegy. 'hello, i'm the inkeeper, and i would be honoured if you would stay at my inn and entertain my guests. you can sleep and eat as much as you want for free, and i will pay you some money'

That evening, when most guests were sleeping, Phegy was sitting round a table with the inkeeper. 'so what brings a great artist like you to our village?' he asked. ' i'm on my way to the woods of the foresmen to visit my family' Phegy answered.

The inkeeper nodded. 'then you will have to be very careful, i heard that there are a lot of robbers and other unknown dangers in the dark forests that lay on your path.' 'I can defend myselve well enough to travel trough those woods, i have been at more dangerous places than those forests.' He answered. 'but i'm tired now, so good night, and thanks for the good food.' 'good night.'

Edited by DNL


:: Antirrhopus dumps out the last wheelbarrow of Dragon leavings into the compost pile and heads back to the massive Dragon Stables. Grabbing his scale brush he slowly creeps into Blazewing's stall, sliding carefully into the Red Dragon's view. ::

"Hello Blazewing. I'm just going to check that scale fungus, okay?"

:: The Dragon rolls a golden eye in his direction and narrows his nostrils, an affirmative gesture that the creature understands Antirrhopus' intent. The human then studies a dusky patch on Blazewing's neck before nodding to himself. He puts the brush on the patch and begins scrubbing in a circular motion. Just another day like any other. ::

Location 21 P

Theldor Baggins and his viking allies landed on undead land without knowing it. They journeyed deep into a swamp, until they stumbled upon a dead black falcon king and his trusty, decaying servant.

Suddenly, skeletons attacked! Theldor threw an ax, knocking a skellie into the murky swamp. A skeleton jumped on a viking, knawing away at his face, eating his brains. Another viking tried to pull it of him, but another skeleton cut through his neck. The young man collapsed on the ground, writhing with agony until he suddenly became still. Theldor was surrounded by dozens of skeletons, he tried to fend them off, but then one clubbed him on the back of the head. The last thing he saw was black.

IC(Count of Counts): Location 18-M, edge of Crown Lands and Undead Lands

There was the slightest bit of a breeze, which blew back the dark cape of mysterious figure atop a chariot. At first glance, he would have appeared to be a great and mighty warrior, lord of numerous lands and master of all. In truth, he was all this...and more.

In his own mind, that is.

"Interesting," the figure murmured. "Most interesting." He was looking across at the Crown lands from his location atop an Undead hill. Behind him, in the distance, the Skeleton Tower in all its dark glory could be seen. Dragons flew high above him, but paid him no mind. Around him, a group of skeletons and rogue shadow knights crowded, getting look at the mysterious newcomer.

"Who is he, I wonders?" asked one skeleton.

"Out of the way, out of the way!" roared a Skeleton General, black horse and all. "Who are you, stranger? What are you doing in the Wizard's domain?"

The figure chuckled.

"You would do well to treat me with respect," he said, "for I have come to win you the Crown Lands."

"By yourself?" the General snorted. "Do what all we skulls have not been able to do thus far? How?"

"Through brains," replied the stranger, "a little something you undeads lack. Go back to your master, black skull. Tell him that Wizardo sends him greeting, and that the Count of Counts has come."

"The Count of what?" asked a shadow knight.

"The Count of Counts," the count said. "Tell me, little knight, what is your name?"

"Johnny," the shadow knight said.

"Johnny," the count said, "I need you to find me the greatest thieves that the world has ever known. Can you do that?"

"Um, well," the shadow knight said. He suddenly found a long, sharp spear at his throat.

"You'd better," said the count. "I will be counting on your success, my measly friend. It is a gamble, I'll admit, given your lack of higher functions, but I think you should be able to succeed. If your life depends on it."

The shadow knight ran off, leaving behind a group of concerned skeletons, a furious General, and a strange count. He had to find thieves...his life depended on it, he was sure.


First, a pre-post to bring you all up to date with the Dragon Masters situation. *sweet*

To start with, here is a short exert from "The History of the Dragon Masters Kingdom" as written by the great dragon historian Cyprox. This gives an overview of the events leading up to the current time, and is taken from a section of the book summary.

"... after the death of King Griand III, his second son Dracus took the throne, after the suspicious death of his older brother Madrig while out hunting. King Dracus was a stunning young man when he took the throne, full of youth and adventure. While not the smartest of Kings, he was a great leader, and kept the support of the people for some time. However, unlike the previous Kings of the Dragon Masters Kingdom, he was not as concerned about maintaining good connections with the ones who were there closest allies, the dragons.

As Dracus's rein entered its fourth decade, dragons were becoming a rare sight in everyday life, no longer strolling the streets of the capital like they once had, no longer making trips to the local bar to sup the specially crafted liquor from the vineyards of the city of Hamenwear in the North. Dracus made no attempt to satisfy the needs of the great dragons as were his peoples duty. The dragon tongue, which once was a second language to all the people of the Kingdom, was becoming something for scholars and nobles. As a result the once mighty Royal Air Marshals began to slowly fall apart from the top. With the King taken up with satisfying his own lusts, corruption began to seep into the castle, and relations with neighbours became somewhat thin. The once proud and noble legions of the Dragon Masters were slowly coming apart. The Scorpion Knights, always enemies of the kingdom, took this opportunity to get their revenge for their long endured period as a vassal of the kingdom, and, with the betrayal of High Councilor Aquartous, took back their tradition lands in the East, and began a campaign against the Dragon Masters. No aid was to come, as the once strong alliances with the Black Knights and other neighbours had been neglected by the to proud king. It looked like the end could be near for the Dragon Masters Kingdom.

It was at this point that a before unheard of character named Dragonator entered the castle and came before the despairing King. The king, in has old age, could now see what had happened to his kingdom, but with un-loyal subjects on all sides, there was nothing he could see to do. Dragonator spoke in private with the king, and to this day it is not known what was said between them. However, on leaving the chambers, it was announced to the castle that Dragonator was to mobilize the army to face the oncoming threat of siege by the Scorpion Knights. Many were doubtful of what this newcomer could do, however their fears were soon put to rest, as Dragonator talked with each commander individually and assessed the situation. Very quickly he was popular amongst the command and the lower ranks as well, for his easy talk and quick wit in conversation. But this was not a time for idle chatter, and Dragonator soon had all the main army squadrons ready to defend the Keep. One of his most notable achievements was getting the flagging Air Marshals up and flying, requesting the help of the almost forgotten dragons, of whom he made sure were given every possible comfort that they required as was the old customs of the Masters. It could be seen that he shared a great friendship with the dragons; many a night he would chose their company of that of the other men. Perhaps because of this service to the dragons of which the people of the castle were ashamed to realize they had been neglecting, support for the army grew. Up in the castle, King Dracus was overjoyed in what he perceived as an increase in support for himself, and he invited Dragonator to dine with him on many an occasion.

Despite all this, there was still treachery in the castle. The council of five, the group of men who were by tradition the Kings most trusted advisers, were in a deadly battle of their own. High Councilor Aquartous was known to be openly against the king, and yet nobody could do anything about it, as in his weak state of mind the king had not noticed anything and was to powerless to be rid of the slime. It was because of the division in this council, and the withdrawal of the king, that nothing had happened in retaliation against the oncoming invasion by the Scorpion Knights. Dragonator could see that he had enemies in this group, but was determined first to focus his attention on helping the castle survive the siege, as well as maintaining standards for his friends the dragons. This, however, proved fruitless, with wizards only loyal to themselves having control over numerous dragons. As the King did not care to much about this, there was nothing Dragonator could do to stop it.

Only 32 days after Dragonator's arrival at the Keep, the Scorpion Knights came on the scene, and a bloody battle began, with casualties soon in the thousands on both sides. After almost 10 days of terrible scenes of bravery and courage, the Dragon Masters had the upper hand. However, it was not fated for them to be victorious. At the whim of the Council of Five, a truce was called, and a treaty signed, stating that the Scorpion Knights would have full control once again of their own lands as well as the town of Matidoer on the border. Going against public outcry, the treaty went ahead, and Dragonator and the military were powerless to stop it due to the ancient laws of loyalty to the Council, only topped by the King, who did nothing to stop it. Another part of the treaty was that Dragons were to be outlawed and hunted. To preserve his truest friends, Dragonator, with the help of an un-named wizard, sealed the Valley of the Dragons and erased it from the records of the kingdom. The Air Marshals become a secret group with few numbers. Thus all the work that Dragonator had tried to achieve was lost.

The King was not entirely lost however, and seeing the trators on the council, called for them to be arrested and executed. All of them were except Aquartous, who fled the city in the night. The king then appointed Dragonator as Supreme Councilor to lead the new council, and four others were also elected. The King, not wanting to be betrayed again, stripped the council of a lot of its power, so that all judgments had to be agreed to by him. This meant that there was as yet no way for Dragonator or anyone else to rectify matters with the Dragons.

After the war, Dragonator continued to maintain the support of those who he had fought with, namely the commanders and their squadrons of loyal men. Being no-longer fully active in the military, Dragonator set his sights on fixing those wrongs which the King continued to neglect. He put his efforts into finding and caring for those dragons who were not safe in the Valley, as well as meeting with the rulers of the Old Alliance in a n attempt to re-establish their connections. In this way, 10 years past, with the King ever becoming sicker and crazier in his actions, undermining the efforts of the council."

This brings us to the current time. In the previous few years, Dragonator has re-established the Air Marshals and has begun work on maintaining those neglected villages out near the boarders, away from the capital, as well as beginning to re-integrate the dragon tongue, a great treasure of the kingdom, bck into society. On top of this, the Scorpion Knights are threatening another war with the breach of terms in the treaty. Dragonator is planning on attempting to re-establish the Old Alliance, a group of powerful Kingdoms that were near invincible against the evil forces when in their prime. With the help of the Air Marshals, he is also attempting to discover the military situation in the Scorpion Knight's land. The King is a crazy old fool who continues to restrict progress in the Kingdom. The Valley of the Dragons continues to be sealed, and its location a closely guarded secret. Tension is high, and who knows what could come of the situation?...

(I don't think I have missed anything, if I have then tough! :-P)


Ferswitz Boran, Orc Chief of Neighboring Relations enters the vile desolate land of the dead. Here he is to meet Scourge, dark commander of this barren wasteland. A flash of lightning illuminates the dark clouds and surrounding area, revealing that Fershwitz was surrounded by Scourge and his flanks for quite a while. "BLast!", grunts the Orc Chief, astonished,"The Rumours are true of your strategic skill then?"

"More than you can imagine" stated the commander, speaking almost in a whisper...voice dripping with malice.

"We have some discussions to attend" rushed the Orc, terrified of this soulless monster.

"Well, er, lets get on with it shall we?" hurried Fershwitz, wanted to get this over as soon as possible.

"What have you come to ask?" echoed Scourge's voice above the lightning, not flinching or moving, just staring....

"I have come on behalf of the Orc Leader to renew our peace treaty, and if that goes ahead", for the first time a smile crept across Fershwitz Boran's face, revealing his giant tusks,"Our battle plans".

Scourge considered this for a moment, recalling what the Dark Wizard wished, and gave his answer on which depends the future of the entire Orc lands and surrounding regions.

Batbrick Away! >:-)

Edited by Batbrick


:: Hands a rolled document made of some sort of leather to Boran ::

"My master proposes an alliance. Both our nations are in hostilities with the Crown Kingdom. Apart our armies have experienced only limited success. But together, we posses the strength to crush them."

:: Nods his gruesome head at the document ::

"This is the formal offer from my master. The usual nonsense kings and politicians traffic in. There are, however, some strategic notes included. For instance I'm aware that your people are known shipwrights...but without coastal access that is rendered useless. Through an alliance you would have access to our ports."

::Leans in conspiratorially ::

"Our forces have had much success raiding the kingdoms to the West by sea, would not such a situation suit your people as well?"


Fershwitz Boran smiled widely, his large yellowed canines revealing themselves again. He was beginning to like this man, despite still in fear of him.

He flipped through the document quickly, he would read it in full later, and found Scourge's word to be true.

Fershwitz replied, "Yes, this will definitely bring about a new age, with a stronger alliance a place to launch our ships again, we can recover our stolen lands and once more the Orc race will have a seaside, once more will we have the sea, and once more the Crown Kingdom will fear our alliance!"

Scourge smiled, however a gruesome skull can anyway, and replied: "Do not forget that the land of the dead shall receive her wish also".

"Of course sir", stated Boran, "The Orc and Troll armies are at the Dark Wizard's command, we know his obsession in taking the Crown Kingdom after what happened, all we Orcs wish is for a greater land, and on the side, the Dwarf's King head on a plate."

Scourge interrupted him with a booming voice, "You know not to speak of that time, the Dark Wizard forbids his past being mentioned!".

Boran recoiled in fear.

"Of course sir!" yelped the Chief, fearful of the undead's wrath, "Is there anything else I must report to my Leader before I go?"

Batbrick Away! >:-)

Edited by Batbrick


"But you raise a point I wish to personally discuss."

::His bony fingers dance on the pommel of his sword for a moment before he speaks ::

"The Dark Wizard is the supreme commander of this army, and below him the Skeleton General. While the General is skilled he is still nothing more then an evil spirit animating a collection of bones and metal. He does not posses the soul or hungers of a man,so his imagination is somewhat limited in the strategic arena."

:: Pauses, as if unsure of how much to explain ::

"I have served in many wars, under many great military planners. And while I do not pretend to be a strategic mastermind I have learned to spot and focus on the weaknesses of my enemy. The Dwarfs are strong, but not as formidable an enemy as the Crown Knights. The borders between their kingdom and the humans is lightly defended if at all. Therefore I believe they to be the Crown Kingdom's weakness...their soft underbelly. If your nation truly desires the destruction of their kind above all others, perhaps...perhaps you cold impress upon my master the importance of striking there first."

H-7 In Viking lands heading east.

As Edmond turned to leave his old village he thought of all the things that had happened to him. Why would someone come kill an entire village population, burn the village and then leave with barely any loot? They must have burned the village to destroy evidence. But he was to smart for that. He had found melted gold in some of the smoldering huts, which means they didn’t attack him for his wealth. Although he was wealthy, (At least for a Viking.) the only treasure they took was one of his three buried stashes. (They couldn't find the other ones I guess.) But that must have been a cover up, unless the attackers were looking for something?

Now’s not the time to be worried about that though. What he needed to do is find the dragon that made the footprint in the village. It wouldn’t be to difficult if he could convince all the dragons he met to lift up there left foot, as the footprint showed that the culprit had a scar on its foot. Right now he would search Dragon Master Lands first. Of course he had heard rumors that the dragons had been ousted there. He guessed that the dragon that did it would more likely be found in the Fright Knight’s dominion.

Edmond was suddenly awoken from his day dreaming by his younger brother Armod saying something. Armod was the son of Alrik, a powerful Viking who could sway many and had a large family. (Here I must interrupt again to inform the less brilliant that this was also Edmonds father.) Although Armod was not as skilled or battle hardened as his brother, he was by no means someone to be laughed at even though he was only seventeen. Armod sported a spear and a sword of a more knightly fashion than was normal for a Viking. His steed was a fine brown mare; although nothing like Edmonds it could still bring a hefty price if sold.

Thus thought Edmond that they were ready to meet any challenge that came there way, for Edmond was still rich and Armod was by no means poor. Such was the case when these two travelers and brothers came upon a Viking who was leaving his house. Armod immediately nudged Edmond and told him what he saw. Awaking from his thoughts Edmond said. “I suggest that we keep on our way as we are mounted and will soon catch up to him. When we do we will question him.”

Coming up to the Viking the two brothers entered into conversation with this grey bearded man and lightly asked if he had seen any large body of men passing through. The older man noticed that they were interested in this query. So he thought for a moment before answering and then replied. “No, I have not seen any warlike party of men on the move, for I do not believe you looking for a group of farmers.” Here Edmond was about to interrupt when the old man lifted his hand to silence him and then continued. “But, I myself have seen a stranger dressed in our garb going across my field headed to where you came from. I shouted at him to ask why he was here. When he heard me he hurried on his way and refused to look back. If I had been younger I would have forced him answer. But my old legs cannot do that anymore. You may be wondering still, but I have heard rumors from my friends of similar instances.” Edmond then sincerely thanked him for the information and continued on his way.


Fershwitz Boran understood the skeleton's logic, and thought deeply upon how he could get this to work.

"I understand, he said, and would be most happy to take those wretched Dwarves, who cast my ancestors from the mountainside."

He paused again, awkward that he himself would have to face The Dark Wizard, and came upon a solution.

"However, for such a strike to be possible, or even convincing enough to work for the Master, I would first have to return to my homeland and persuade my leader to rally the armies in his service and prepare for a strike, for such a large decision could not be made overnight".

Scourge merely stared down, unmoving, looking into the very soul of Fershwitz.

He continued, "So that is what we should do yes? In order to attain power and convince his Darkness of how our plan could succeed, a show of faith is needed. Shall I return in several days, after my people are ready for His bidding? After all, an all out strike would be near death, using your land some Orc ships could be launched as raiding parties across the coast, to distract the Crown Kingdom to our plans and truce".

Fershwitz had covered his tracks well, though his logic did actually make sense, he just hoped that Scourge would not smell his fear, his fear of meeting with the Dark Wizard himself...

Edited by Batbrick



"Everything is as I was told to expect. I shall personally remain close to this area. I am also instructed to present you with this."

:: He holds out his hand and one of the Skeleton Warriors pases him a small leather bag. Scourge opens it and produces a glowing stone shaped like coiled viper ::

"This talisman will grant you control of an escort of two of our mounted cavalry. Take them with you and use them as you see fit as a token of our good will."

:: Scourge hands over the talisman and a pair of bony steeds step forward, their undead riders guiding them to a position at the back of the Orc party. ::

"Safe journey. I personally look forward to spilling the guts of the enemy beside your soldiers."

:: He executes a shallow, respectful bow ::



"Everything is as I was told to expect. I shall personally remain close to this area. I am also instructed to present you with this."

:: He holds out his hand and one of the Skeleton Warriors pases him a small leather bag. Scourge opens it and produces a glowing stone shaped like coiled viper ::

"This talisman will grant you control of an escort of two of our mounted cavalry. Take them with you and use them as you see fit as a token of our good will."

:: Scourge hands over the talisman and a pair of bony steeds step forward, their undead riders guiding them to a position at the back of the Orc party. ::

"Safe journey. I personally look forward to spilling the guts of the enemy beside your soldiers."

:: He executes a shallow, respectful bow ::

M-17; Crown Knight's Kingdom, on the edge of the Orklands and Wolfpack lands.

After spending 4 years savings on a busted Dwarf Mine Defender, Adym had rebuilt it as well as he could. Of course, now it was not fit for battle, but simple used as a mean of transportation for him and his gear. He had spent the last 6 days travelling and repairing, and was now on the border of the Orklands, the Wolfpack lands, and the Crown Knight's Kingdom. He muttered to himself concentrating intently on the map;

"Okay, so it would be best to travel along the border here along to the Dragon Master's Kingdom, which would take about a day's travelling... or I could cut through the Orklands, sneaking of course so as to avoid capture, and maybe I could get a glimpse of their intriguing machinery..."

After pondering a while a completely different thought popped into his head.

"Hold on. A bat? Dragon Knights wouldn't have a bat as their symbol... I never should have trusted that clumsy Dwarf, in hindsight, he was probably drunk... This dragon looks much more likely, or maybe this dragon, or this serpent like beast... oh, I don't know! I'll stop into an inn and ask which emblem is the Dragon Masters'."

So he headed off into Wolfpack territory, assuming they were neutral to the Crown Knights.

L7, Dragonator's private chambers high in Dragons Keep.

Dragonator paced the room, from the tall stand mirror at one end to the wide window at the other, giving a view out over the capital. Stopping, Dragonator looked down on the small bustling figures attending to Ragnir, the lastest dragon to come visit. He smiled that the people were finally doing as was required of them by the great dragons. But he was also sad, sad that the King was continuing to stand in his way. "Something will have to be done about this" he mussed.

A timid knock came at the door, and in entered one of the castle runners. Dragonator prided himself on setting up this efficient delivery system, allowing him to send orders without needing to leave his rooms. "My lord, the Dragon Keepers are arguing over where Ragnir should be housed, what should we do?" The messanger looked worried, and Dragonator could see now that there was heated debate going on down in the court yard.

"Tell them to prepare one of the largest Dragon Stables" Dragonator replied. This was one thing he hated the King for. Dracus would not let him re-open the large wing of the castle dedicated to housing dragons, as it was technically 'not legal' for them to be visiting in the first place. As a temporary compromise, Dragonator had had one of the castle stables converted into the best accomodation he could manage. "It is an annoyance, but it is the best we can offer at the moment." Ragnir, they hadn't talked in years. It was a long time since they had last seen each other, but Dragonator could still remember the informative discussions and the many times they had played Stones together.

As the messanger was turning to go, Dragonator added, "Also, inform him that I will be down shortly to convey my appologies. Tell him my name, he should be pleasantly surprised."

"Yes, my lord" replied the messanger, as he raced away, out the door.

Dragonator turned away from the window and immediately his bodyguard, called simply Grim after his serious attitude, stepped forward, awaiting orders. "Have messengers sent out to the Crownies, Black Knights, Black Falcons and the KK2 leaders, inviting them to my meeting. The Old Alliance must be re-established before the Scorpion Knights build up the guts to challenge us again. Also, go yourself down to the dragon accommodation and request for a dragon, perhaps Blazewing, to undertake an important scouting mission to determine the military status in the Scorpion Knights lands. Also select a human to go with him, preferably one that wont accidentally offend the great one. Make sure that he agrees to carry the human, I don't want it forced on him"

"My lord, it will be as you say" rasped Grim. "Where will I find you to convey the news?"

"In the Claw of Belstrain, I'll be in my usual private dining room."

"Excellent my lord, I will have Galcor accompany you."

"Good, bring the one who will accompany the dragon to see me, I will tell him of what he needs to do." Picking up his sword, Dragonator left his rooms, glad in the knowledge that all was finally coming together. Soon, everything would be how it should be.

I-22 -Hometown of Siloux de Fraun

Siloux de Fraun begins his journey, from his home to hte outside world. Packing food and his goods, he takes off, saying good-by to loved ones. He plans to travel around the whole continent, but only through friendly Kingdoms. A stack of papers also lie in his cart:

"I will put posters to help promote my shop in far away lands!"

And without anymore hesitation, he began his trip.

Narration and actions will appear in black. Aluvar will appear in green. The birds will appear in the colour corresponding to their names, Pinky, Bluervo, Greynard and Petey. Ok, Petey isn't a colour. Don't confuse me.

The Aluvar Chronicles 1.0 - And So it Begins.

Location: I-22.

In a flash of light, a wizard, a chest and 4 parrots appear in the middle of a well worn path through the forest.


Oh yes, a very narrow escape, a very narrow escape indeed.


Yes, the spell will wear off eventually. Honestly, the whole town can't stay like that forever. I don't think so, at least.


Oh, right, I did say that, didn't I. All together now lads, sit on the chest and I'll prepare my spell, it's a simple one, no worries.


No, I don't always say that and I don't always get them wrong. Seriously, this one will go just fine and you'll all be speaking English shortly. Now, where did I put my glasses? Oh, here they are. Silly place to keep them.

Aluvar begins gesturing wildly and chanting, leading to a small explosion that shakes the leaves from several nearby trees and knocks him to the ground.

Ooooh, I'm getting too old for this.

You really are, why don't you just find a nice place and settle down? Get married, live a quiet life?

Don't think I haven't considered it, but you know why I can't. Oh, I say, the spell worked!

You seem surprised. I thought you said it was an easy one?


I wonder what we'll do today, Pinky.

Same thing we do everyday... try to take over the world! >:-)


It seemed like a natural thing to say.


Just then, a small cart approaches.

Hello, good sir, I am Siloux de Fraun, shopkeeper from the nearby village.

Greetings, lad. What business brings you to these parts?

I'm setting forth to see the world and promote my business, I have posters and will spread the word far and wide! Would you like one?


Siloux de Fraun hands Aluvar a poster, which he quickly examines and then folds into an odd, but interesting shape. Tossing it into the air, it flies over the trees and disappears from sight.

I say, those are rather expensive, please don't waste them! X-O

Waste them? My lad, I just invented the flyer!

I think I should continue my travels now. :-/

May you have a safe and prosperous journey!

The same to you, sir.

The cart continues on, passing through a small opening in the trees and fading from view.

Nice lad, though I kept wanting to call him by the wrong name for some reason.

Are we going to stand here all day? It's hot, and I'm tired.

Right. Off to town we go. Now, I wonder where that would be.

We could just go back the way the cart came from.

I know, we'll follow these cart tracks in the path and that should bring us to town.

Brilliant... :-|

Aluvar waves his hand and the chest begins to float beside him, wobbling a bit before stabilizing.

Well then, let's go. Adventure awaits!

Here we go again. |-/

The group wanders off, Aluvar walking with the aid of his staff, carefully following the cart tracks despite the road having clear and easily readable signage indicating that it's exactly .3km to town, due south.

L7 Main Entrance Courtyard of Dragons Keep

Dragonator stepped down from the entrance doorway of the keep and, smiling, walked up to the dragon Ragnir. "Greetings, friend Ragnir", he said, bowing deeply to the dragon.

"There is no need for such courtesy from you, Dragonator" chuckled the dragon. "You and I both know that you have no need to".

"That may be so, however it is wise to maintain tradition when in front of the other men". Dragonator leaned forward, and whispered "besides, we wouldn't want anyone to become suspicious. I have found that there are many enemies in this place to our cause".

"That is fair enough" growled Ragnir. "I do not, however, understand why such a loyal people came to regard us in such a way." The dragon sat down, a broad grin on his face. "Ah, it is good to see you. Without you to talk to, things have been very dull. So I've come for a visit. I don't care what laws this petty King has made, I could not bear sitting in the Valley doing nothing. In fact, recently-"

"Hush, Ragnir", Dragonator chided. "This place has many hidden ears. We will talk later in private. For the moment, we must pretend to have only recently met". In a louder voice, Dragonator said "I hope that the accommodation we are providing is not to bad. If it were possible, we would better it." The two stared at each other for a few seconds. Eventually, in a monotone voice, Ragnir grumbled "Yes, it will be satisfactory."

"Excellent". Dragonator continued in a wisper, "We will talk later. The situation is worse than we originally thought, which is why I have not contacted any of you since my arrival here, it has been to dangerous. Your mere presence here could invite suspicion. But it is good to see you too. Perhaps we could have a game of Stones later, while I explain the situation."

"Yes, that sounds good. I haven't had any good games since... before, and will look forward to it." Ragnir looked up, seeing a man wrapped in black standing unobserved behind a nearby weapons cart. "Who is that?" he exclaimed.

Dragonator turned, but the man was gone. "Probably just another worker", he muttered. "I will see you shortly. It is best if we aren't seen together to often. The King is very suspicious these days." With that, he walked out the gates and into the city, leaving Ragnir to be shown to his accommodation. Galcor came out of the Guardhouse and fell into step beside Dragonator.

Meanwhile, in the Air Marshal dragon stables...

Grim marched into the stall, and bowed before Blazewing. "Great dragon, it has been requested by his Lord Dragonator that you undertake an important scouting mission to determine the military situation in the Scorpion Knights lands. Are you willing to comply?"

"Most certainly!" exclaimed Blazewing, stretching his claws and startling one of the tenders. "It sounds exciting, and if Dragonator deems it to be necessary, I am sure it is important. Who will go with me? I don't want one of your common soldiers."

"Dragonator thought as much. He has suggested taking a man familiar with dragons. Grim glanced over at the tender. "You, boy, what is your name?"

"Antirrhopus" replied the man, "and I do not appreciate being called that, sir". He gazed into Grim's eyes fearlessly.

"Hmmm, a brave one you have here tending you Blazewing, would you accept him as your companion on this journey?"

Blazewing regarded Antirrhopus apprehensively. Finally he snorted "He will do. He has done a good job on my claws."

Grim turned to Antirrhopus. Tender, are you willing to undertake this mission for the sake of your kingdom?"

EDIT: All posts from here on will have colour coded talking, it seems easier than always saying "and this guy said this, then the other guy said that" etc. :-P Thanks Imperial Shadows! X-D

Edited by dragonator


Fershwitz Boran started on the long journey back to the Orc capital, talisman in hand. Two loyal skeleton warriors upon nightmarish undead steeds followed closely, guarding him silently. Fershwitz respected the land of the dead, much as he feared it, and though the Orcs, even within their tiny colony, outweighed the skeletons in sheer numbers, the undead were a powerful foe that were hard to kill again, merciless too.

Despite his fear of Scourge as well, the Orc Chief had forged a large admiration for him, and strangely was glad to have him as an ally. The trip back to the Orc capital would take a day via the battlecart, and Fershwitz was already anxious to grace his leader with the news. Though war was no doubt a long way off - many preparations are needed - it was assured the the Orc race would enter a new era, hopefully one that would reclaim them their land.

Before any preparations were to be had, Fershwitz had decided he must know the minds of his enemies, and their technology. He had heard of one man, a man with a robot arm by the name Adym Wrenchmonger, a Crown nation human who knew the technology of Dwarves and Knights. The Orc chief knew that his mission following the place of alliance, would be to hunt down this man and learn his secrets...

Edited by Batbrick

L9 On the Open Road

Mike was a messenger. He didn't want to be a messenger, but "somebody has to do it", as his mother used to say. This time he had been given the important task of traveling to the Crownie Kingdom to request their King's presence at a meeting of great importance. He had not been told it was important, but he guessed as much, and felt honoured to have been the one chosen to carry the message. Sighing, he dug in his heels and speed his steed, Cheery, onwards towards the waiting King...


(K-18) Sir Iroled Kwiras

Iroled was sitting in the great hall of Castle Kwiras, his biggest and most important castle. He was in the middle of a important meeting with the lower lords of his estate.

'We have to do something about the famine in the....'

Suddenly the door opened, and a messenger in the colors of the king ran towards Iroled.

'What is th..' Iroled tried to say, but the messenger interrupted him. 'Sir, the king commands you to come to his palace as fast as you can'

'Can't you see we are in a important meeting?' one of the lords said angrily. 'This is very impotant Sir, I'm sorry to disturb you but the king..' Iroled interrupted him.

'The king is waiting for me, excuse me gentlemen, but I have to leave you now. I will be back as soon as possible'

Iroled grasped his mantle from his chair and followed the messenger.

'You! make sure my horse and a group of soldiers to escort me are ready to leave as soon as possible.'

'Y-yes sir..'

'I'm wondering why the king is acting like this...' Iroled thought. ' He knows I am having a meeting, and he never summons me like this... It has to be something very important.'

'Did the king tell you anything about why he wants me to come?' Iroled asked the messenger. 'No, sir, but i suppose it is something very impotant, otherwise he would have given me a letter.'

Edited by DNL

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