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Location: K13 (Near the base of Mount Sophia, Western region of Black Knights Kingdom)

After a tiring day of travelling away from Lost Tavern, the group had reached at an intersection near the base of Mount Sophia. Lord Kenneth looked at them and said “We should take a rest over here. I am sure everyone is quite exhausted.” Princess Diana added “I agreed. The men and the rest are tired. Furthermore, Siloux is injured. He needs some rest too.”

Siloux smiled “No, I am pretty fine. You must trust Cecil’s first aid. Although, I must admit that his bandages are quite loose after sometimes.” The rest of them giggled at Cecil. Cecil added “I had been taking care of your wounds since young. You must trust me.”

Adrick looked at them and said “Yes, we will take a rest over here. By tomorrow or so, we will reach the monastery.” The carriages pull to a halt by the side of the path. Flynt and the rest of the soldiers came down, and gathered some firewood trying to set up a campfire. Grandoth is trying to catch some sleep in the carriage, while Bluervo is searching around the wood for some food of his own.

Adrick came down and walked towards a nearby shade. He sat down, and closed his eyes. Cecil walked forward and thought to himself “It seemed he is doing some meditation. I hope he can tell me about the Symbol of the Nine.”

Cecil walked slowly and approached Adrick, in search of some answers.

Location: M10 (Outside Ravine Tavern, Dromindur)

Lord Calvin turned towards Dragonator and said “I must thank you for the stone. I must make haste now, and headed for Majestic Tower immediately. I am sure Master Pent is waiting for me. As a form of goodwill, I will assign Lee Dawn with a platoon of my Red Valiant Force to fight beside you. Once, my mission is complete. Rest assured, I will come back and assist you. May the true dragon be with you.”

Dragonator smiled and said “Yes. This stone is extreme importance to my Kingdom. And I hope you will place your highest importance towards it.” Lord Calvin replied confidently “Rest assured, Dragonator. I will need to leave. Farewell, and May victory goddess be with you.”

Without a moment to lose, Lord Calvin left and gathered Karen and Lee. “Karen, we are leaving and heading for Majestic Tower. Gather all troops and prepare a platoon to stay behind, and assist Lee. He is staying.” Lee exclaimed and interrupted “My Lord, why am I staying?”

Lord Calvin smiled “Stay here with Dragonator, and assist him in re-taking the capital. This will be a good training experience for you. The platoon that is staying with you, will entrust their lives to you. Don’t disappoint them. Lead them with your best.”

Lee nodded and said “Yes, my Lord. But I feared I might let them down.” Lord Calvin placed his hand onto Lee’s shoulder and said “Lee, you have grown up. It’s time for you to lead this platoon and to test your leadership ability. Be strong, do us proud.” Lee nodded and said “Yes. I will do my very best.”

Lord Calvin looked upwards at Ravine Tavern and said “It’s time for us to return


Where are we?

This... is timespace.

Time space?

No, timespace.

I said time space.

Timespace. Without a space.


Quarter past 3.

What? No... you said this was time space without the space.


So, it's time.

Time for what?

Not time for what. You said it was time space, without the space, so that makes it time.

For what?

Not what, where!


I said time space.

But you added the space.

You said space.

No, I said ...

Shadows, give her a break.

Fine. :hmpf_bad:

Now where is this?

This is ti... um... This is where time meets space.

What does that mean?

It means that I teleported us out of there before we got into any more silly conversations.

Good thing, cause we sure aren't having one here.

Shut up Greynard. If that's really your name. It's been so long.

I know, you'd completely forgotten me. I'm not even sure I'm really here.



I said time space!

No, you said ... oh no, you're not getting me started on that.

Alyss looks angry.

LOOK! I don't know where we are, but you said we were here because you didn't know where to go.

Right. Do you plan to tell me where to go?

Don't tempt me. :angry:

Seriously. Where do you want to go?

I want to find my brother before something bad happens to him.

Something bad already has happened to him.

FLANGDOR! Do you know something you haven't told us?

What? Oh no, I just meant that he's caught up in this stupid side story.

I know what you mean.

Can we find my brother now?

Sure, that's probably a good idea. Flangdor, where would the skellies keep a prisoner?

I-I-I-I-I don't know.

Quite the stutter you've developed. You wouldn't be related to the Stauders, would you?

Why yes, I am! How did you know?

Lucky guess.

I... must be strong. Fine, I'll tell you. I think he's being held in a small skellie outpost in the southern regions. It's where they took me before the mission. I think it's part of the old general's command.

Excellent! That's where we'll go then!

I don't know exactly where it is.

It can't be hard to find, I'll just seek out the biggest undead concentration I can find in that area.

Oh, great plan. :hmpf:

You have a better one?

I don't need a better one to know that that's a terrible one!

Fine, we'll stay here then.




I knew you'd see it my way.


Undead Territory

Plains of Dismemberment

Wow. This is a cheery spot. I wonder what it's called.

The Plains of Dismemberment.

You know Shadows, I'll say this for you, you only take me to the nicest places.

I try my best, dear.

I'd like to see your worst.

I'm sure you would, but we're a little busy right now. :wink:

Well, I don't see any outpost here.

Neither do I.

Turn around.

As Alyss and Flangdor turn around, they see a 40ft wall standing behind them. Inside the wall is a 100ft tower, sort of leaning to one side.

Oh, well sure, that outpost.

How are we supposed to get in there?

We could knock on the door.

Do you always have a smart answer to everything?

Of course. Follow me.

Shadows begins to walk toward the front gate. Alyss and Flangdor rush to catch him, but it's too late.

HELLO INSIDE! Anybody home?




Nothing. Not a sound. Dead quiet, even.

They didn't hear you?

I would have thought that was enough to wake the dead.

Flangdor, you made a joke!

So I did. Hehe.

It wasn't that funny.

Hey, be nice, he tried. I haven't seen you do anything funny.

I'm dating you, aren't I?

She has a point there, lad! Haha!

Ok, neither joke was very funny. :hmpf_bad:

Alyss and Flangdor chuckle a bit.

So, why aren't they answering.

Oh, there isn't anyone here.

You sound like you knew that.

I did. Do you honestly think I would teleport us next to an occupied outpost and then go yelling at them?

I do.

Me too.

You're right, but not this time. I didn't focus on the largest source of undead in the area, that's just silly.

Didn't I say that?

I focused in on you.


Well, it's kind of complicated, but I can tell that someone you're related to is inside. Now that shouldn't be possible unless it's your brother, so here we are.

And how did you know that no one else would be here? How can they be guarding him if they aren't here?

That's the confusing part. I can sense him, but there is other life inside. They either have more prisoners, or live guards.

Then why didn't they hear us?

I assume there aren't many of them, and they're all in the dungeon.

Oh, so they can't hear us underground, I get it.

No. Actually, skellies don't keep their dungeons underground, they like being underground. They keep prisoners in towers.

You mean... up there???

You see any other towers?

I don't think I'm going to like this.



Ah, right.


Cecil walked over to Adrik, who was meditating. Cecil sat next to him, quietly. He wasn't sure what to say to get his attention. He stumbled for the opening phrase.

Yes, what is it you wanted?

Do you mind if I ask a couple of more questions?


Oh, ok. What does the Symbol of the Nine mean? Why were you out in that chapel, away from the monastery? Is it true that the priests here can destroy demons with their white magic?

That's a lot of questions...ok.

For your first question, the Symbol of the Nine has nine circles with symbols that represent something. It's rather complicated to name and explain them all, because they're supposed to help and guide priests, like me, the ones in the mountains...and your friend over there. So, they help guide us toward the rightful path, which priests learn to do at the monastery above. I was in the chapel away from the monastery because I could assist people further away from the monastery, which is pretty well hidden. That's why I'm out here, pretty much. And yes, priests who have followed the Symbol of the Nine fully, learn white magic and can expel demons from these lands. It's a pretty cool thing to do!


Suddenly, a scream is heard, it sounds like Siloux.

K-13- Near Siloux

Well, staying in here is pretty boring. Not much to do...I hope we can get to the monastery pretty soon.

Siloux took a look at his leg, which is begin to turn black, apparently seeping from his bandage.


Location: M-10, road near the Rider-Paladin fortress.

Drayn landed in a clearing along with two other Riders and their steeds, he noticed Dragonator's banner and decided to go and see what was up, there had been no supplies from the keep, thus, he had decided to accompany Lord Dragonator back to the keep, to see what was going on.

He walked over to the column and found Dragonator easily enough,

"Lord, I am here to assist in your march to the keep, the Rider-paladins are at your service"

he awaited the answer.

location: unknown

a skeleton hand shoots up from the ground while a cloak figure walks away

the skeleton pulls him self out the ground that had become his resting place

he struggles in his new form and accidently slips out his body for a few seconds

"incrediable" he thinks, the abilty to become a sprit at will, this would be useful considering his demonic aperance

he finally gets out but he can only think about one thing, a ruin in front of him then it comes back to him, this was his home its been destroyed, then he rembers being killed in the inn in Crownie town, fending off the thiefs, talking to the offical. everything his whole life came back to him, the life thatwas taken away from him. there was a different thing he could only think about now, revenge

Pencoin was back and this time nothing was gonig to get in his way.

he spies a skeleton army carrage going through the trees up ahead of him and he thinks of a plan,

"hey wait for me" he shouts

they slow down and he runs up to them and boards the carrage

"where you come from?" the driver shouts

"my party was attacked"

"grr i hate them Crownies"

"erm yeah! me too"

"that said i have one in the back, want to interrigate him?"

"sure" this is my chance Pencoin thinks to him self

"arh dont hurt me"

"shh im not one of them"


"im a crownie just like you"


"yeah i died and just hmm woke up"

"err ok"

"do you know where this carrage is going"

"yeah there gonig to the the skeleton lands"

"oh thats perfect"


"shh im going to get you out"

"who is the best solider in the Crownie army?"

"no idea you better ask the armoury manager he is sure to know"

"ok i need your crownie stuff"


"how will i get into crownie town with out it?"

"you wont get in with look at you"

"trust me"


the solider gives up his stuff to Pencoin"

"thanks ok now make it look like you knocked me out and run run run away"


Pencoin fakely screams in agony while the solider runs away

"whats going on?" the driver shouts

Pencoin jumps off the carrage and begins his jounrey to crownie town

F-9 (Deep forest in the Bull Knight's Kingdom.)

Deep in the forest, hidden beneath the tall trees, was a small camp. This camp belonged to Kian, an ex-Bull Knights soldier, who had lost everything and had become an outlaw. This was his camp. This was his home.

A loud clip-clop was heard, and out of the foliage came a horse and cart. The horse looked tired, but healthy enough. The cart was quite large, and armored with hardwood. It contained some crates and boxes. At the front of the cart was a man. His face was hidden beneath his hood, and he was carrying a small whip. This man was Kian. He was returning from a hunt, tired, dirty, hungry, but happy. He had caught a large deer, it would last him at least 3 days, and he had stolen some straw for his horse. His horse was snow-white and it was called Hope.

Kian let Hope loose for a while, and started lighting a fire. He smiled to himself. He was still young, just 3 years since he had become a man, and yet he had done so much in his short life. He had stood up to his cruel Scorpion Knight father, and ran away to the Bull Knights Land with his best friends, Todd and Torik.

He had joined the army at 16, fought in the war, became rich and was treated like a king. He had survived a raid on his city, lost everything but still he lived on.

He was great, and he knew it.

The fire lit, and he went over to his cart to fetch the deer. He had spent many months on his cart, beefing it up, modifying it, armoring it. It looked heavy, powerful, but in fact it was useless with out Hope.

He picked up the dead deer, and set it down near the fire, pulled out a small knife and started gutting it. Once he had finished, he got a small stick and slid pieces of the deer onto the stick. He then cooked it over the fire.

This was the life he lived.

He had lost it all, but still lived on.

Edited by AwesomeStar

Location: K13 (Near the base of Mount Sophia, Western region of Black Knights Kingdom)

The loud scream startled the entire group. Princess Diana and Lord Kenneth immediately ran over to find out what had happened. Grandoth fell off the carriage by the sudden scream, and noticed Siloux is lying on the floor, looking very pain.

Grandoth picked himself up and went to lift up Siloux and said “Siloux, are you feeling ok? Why did you scream suddenly? I was having a good nap and.” Before Grandoth continued, Siloux shouted in pain and said “My leg. It’s burning.” To Grandoth surprise, Siloux’s injuries on his leg show a very dark tone on his flesh

When Grandoth turned his back, Princess Diana and Lord Kenneth arrived. She asked Grandoth “What happened to Siloux? Why is he looking so pale?” Grandoth replied “I have no idea. I was sleeping earlier. And I saw him screaming in agony.” Lord Kenneth noticed his injuries and said “It must be Old Brown’s arrow that had hurt him earlier in Lost Tavern. The poison must have taken effect. We should not have underestimated him.”

Princess Diana exclaimed and turned around “We must find help for Siloux. He saved us earlier. We can’t just let him suffer in pain. Siloux, how are you feeling now?” Siloux endure his pain and said “I am fine. Just that the leg is burning, and I feel like taking my knife and cut it away to ease my pain.”

Lord Kenneth immediately seizes his knife from his back pocket and said “Siloux, I am not going to let you do any of these stupid stunts.” Adrick and Cecil ran forward to look at Siloux. Cecil looked around for answers but know that they are not the experts whom can help Siloux’s injuries. He turned and looked at Adrick and asked “Adrick, can you please help my friend? I know you have some cure for him. You belong to the Symbol of the Nine.”

Adrick stood still and remained quiet. Everyone was eagerly waiting for Adrick response.

F-10 (Near the border between the Bull Knights and King Leo's Kingdom.)

Kian was atop his cart, winding his way through the forest paths, Hope neighing quietly. He was going to King Leo's Kingdom. He was going to visit his old friends, Todd and Torik.

There was a rustling in the trees above him, and, suddenly, a ladder dropped down, and a voice came down with it, a whisper.

"Come on, up, quick!"

"But my horse and cart..."

"That has been taken care of, now up, quick!"

A hand dropped down and grabbed Kian's arm, pulling him onto the branches, high above the forest path. Kian's cart was being taken into the large bushes, out of sight.

"Quiet, okay?"


At that moment a large group of Bull Knight soldiers came marching past, heavily armed, followed by another group, and another.

"What are they doing?" whispered Kian.

"Looking for you!"


"Yeah, now quiet!"

The legion marched past, and into the distance.

Kian felt and hand on his back, and suddenly his cart appeared from nowhere, filled with straw. It must have been pushed back out of the bushes.

"Think fast!" said the voice, and it pushed Kian out of the tree.

Kian was hurtling through the air, he was flying, he was, he-

Was covered in straw...

"Who are you?" shouted Kian, up into the tree.

"An old friend!" came the reply.

"Todd? Torik?" said Kian. "Is it you?"

There was no reply.

Edited by AwesomeStar


Druth Castle

Grand Hall

That's all I know!

Look, Yodarth, you were never one of the brightest staff members around here, but that doesn't explain what happened. Why did you suddenly start abusing the others?

They were plotting against us!

Against who?


He's not making any sense, darling.

Not now, Elmyra, this is serious business.

I'm serious too.

Oh, I know it.

So what do we do with him?

We should lock him in the dungeon like he did us!

Who are you?

I'm Strantor. I am the head of the alchemy department here.

Well, that's fine, but clearly he's gone mad. We need to figure out why, not just have revenge.

Yes... I suppose so.

That's a good lad. Maybe you could have a look around his chamber to see if you can find an alchemical cause, while I examine him personally.

I could! That's a good idea.

Strantor leaves. Elmyra looks at Aluvar.

What is it?

I was just thinking.

I can tell. :sceptic:

No no, seriously. He wasn't like this before the trip.

What trip?

Before Mirindalast died, he became a little odd himself. At one point, he was assigning some of the senior professors to new positions and sending them on excursions to the wilderness.

What? Why?

No idea, but most of the powerful wizards were gone before Yodarth went mad.


He's been gone for a long time. He said he had things to take care of. You know, he's almost as cute as you.

Elmyra... Back to Mirindalast. :hmpf:

One day, at dinner, he told me that he was afraid of it.


It. I don't know what it is.


Well, that rang a bell, apparently.

Yodarth... what is IT?

The single largest evil ever! Yodarth coughs.

That isn't good.

No, he should take some medicine.

Not that. This isn't the first I've heard of a massive evil.

The energy your son spoke of?



PART OF ......

Yodarth dies with a sputter.

He's dead. :cry_sad:

It's almost like he gave up fighting.

Fighting what?

It... :look:

E-10 (Right on the border between Bull's and KK1's)

Kian was standing on top of his cart, behind a large, high hedge. His eyes barley reached over the top of the hedge.

He was trying to look for guards. He was doing this because, if he wanted to find Todd or Torik, he would have to get into King Leo's Kingdom. That was fine, except for two things: 1. He was a Bull Knight, and 2. He was a wanted man.

He was going to have to sneak in.

A horn sounded, and Kian saw some of the guards run into the Castle. Tea break. Typical.

But this was what he needed.

He reached down into a chest on his cart, and pulled out a long black cloak. This was his father's cloak. Although he hated his father, this was the only warmth he had, and boy, was it warm.

He wrapped it round his body, hiding the Bull logo on his chest armor. He then pulled the hood up, adjusting it to hide his face.

Kian jumped into his seat on the cart, picked up a small, light whip and gently cracked it against Hope, making her trot forwards.

Just as he was halfway through the Castle gates, a guard appeared on the edge of the battlements.

"Just my luck," murmured Kian.

Carefully, he reached down the side of his cart, trying not to look suspicious, and pulled out a small crossbow.

Beneath the cover of his cloak, he loaded it and aimed it at the guard's throat.


Kian pulled the trigger and the bolt shot out of the crossbow and into the Guard's throat.

He never saw it coming.

Problem solved, Kian gently whipped Hope again, spurring her on through the Castle gates and into the busy courtyard.

Edited by AwesomeStar

Adym was still wondering where they were. Surely they had reached the keep by now?

Hm. Where'd my ride go? I miss that Dwarven machine. Oh snap! I left it behind! :cry_sad: Nooooo! :sing:

Adym was still wondering where they were. Surely they had reached the keep by now?

Hm. Where'd my ride go? I miss that Dwarven machine. Oh snap! I left it behind! :cry_sad: Nooooo! :sing:

(OOC: Sorry to keep you waiting, I've been a little busy recently what with the Mystery castle and all. :grin: )

L8 On the Royal Highway heading North

Dragonator sat astride a glossy black stallion brought out from the stables in the Castle of Dromindur. The last few days had gone by like a blur to him, and so in this time of riding he was thinking back on the events.

The day of the battle was still clear in his mind. It had finished as abruptly as it had started. A few of the enemy, including the general, were taken prisoner, and the dragon knights were left to celebrate through the night. Lord Calvin had left late that night on his important mission; Lord Dragonator hoped all was going well with that. He could not sense any sort of trouble but still... it was better to be cautious than to be over-confident.

The day after the battle they had set out back for the keep. The dwarfs decided to come with them, and they were given the task of guarding the prisoners. A small squadron of spearmen under the command of Lee of the Black Knights also stayed behind. As well as this, an old friend, Drayn, a migrus dragon born in the west, had arrived with his rider Thaddius. Dragonator was thrilled to see his old friend, and a dragon to talk with, as he had now figured that his channel to Ragnir had been blocked by some sort of evil magic. Also accompanying Drayn were two othe Migrus dragons, who Dragonator soon became friends with. I t was good to see that a few of the old Air Marshal squadrons were still active, considering most had been disbanded and dragons were now very rarely seen. But this was what he was fighting for. Dragons would once again be restored to their rightful place in this world, hopefully before it was to late.

Not far out of the city the small army encountered the weapons carts that the citizens had abandoned in their panic. Luckily thanks to the trusting nature of the citizens of the Kingdom, nothing had been touched or stolen. From this it was clear that unlike in most other kingdoms, the people of the Dragon Masters were still honourable and loyal and would not stoop to stealing from their army. Not yet at least.

Now the army was only a few days from the capital, and Lord Dragonator was almost ready to confront Lord Scorpia. But something did not seem right. Even with the backing of Ankoria, Scorpia would never have dared defy him. Something sinister was afoot, and Lord Dragonator feared that he already knew what it was...

Edited by dragonator

Location: L13 (In Majestic Tower, Black Knights Kingdom)

At a very bright morning, Master Pent looked out of the window and said “It’s been so long. And why Fernando is taking so long, just to deliver two simple orders. He ought to be scolded by me. Or, did he face into trouble just like the Princess and the rest earlier? It can’t be. Fernando is too smart for such tricks.”

Just before he turned his back around, a voice came from above and said “You know something, Master Wizard. It’s not wise to speak ill of someone’s back.” Master Pent looked above and saw an owl descending from the rooftop and sat on the railing and said in a sarcastic tone “Fernando, you are finally back. I was not saying anything bad about you. I was just thinking of you. And can you explain yourself now, why are you so late?”

Fernando tapped its feet and shows his grumpy looks “Look here, old man. I don’t have teleporting ability like you or Aluvar. I need time to fly from one end to the other. And how can you expect an owl to fly so hard in broad daylight? It is madness.” Fernando keeps on ranting and ranting. Master Pent shouted “Enough. Early in the morning, an owl nags onto me. How bad can it be?” Fernando turns aside and said “It can’t be as bad as your wife.”

Master Pent calmed down and looked at Fernando “That was in the past. Fernando, how is Prince Sam and Lord Jason? Are their forces ready for any sudden invasions? Fernando nodded its head and said “Yes. They are ready. Both commanders are very well and fine. However, there is something odd I must tell you.” Master Pent became very serious and said “Very well, Fernando. Tell me what happened?”

Fernando looks a little frantic and confused “When I am on my way to visit Lord Jason. Something weird happened to me on a misty night. I was never really bad in my eyesight. However, that night, I had very blurred vision and my strength seemed to be draining away. I was actually losing my balance and crashed onto the ground. Before I was completely knocked out, I saw a few shadow figures and the next thing I know, it was next morning. Master Pent asked him quickly “Where is it?”

Fernando thought for awhile and replied “It’s pretty near to the Western borders. Yes, I remembered. You have to travel after Mount Sophia.” He looks very worried and said to himself “Can the earlier incident and Fernando’s story be connected?” Master Pent continue talking to himself as he walked into his library.

Fernando looked at him and said “Weird wizard. It’s so bright. I must take a nap.” Fernando flew into Master Pent’s chamber for some rest at the corner.

H4, Coastal Cliffs of Vikings Territory

Trexxen awoke. He had no idea how long he had been out, however, judging by the weather it had been many days. His head was covered in disgusting dried blood; his body, covered in sores and animal bites. He stood up - bad as he seemed to look, he had encountered worse pains than this. As he washed off, he wondered why he was out here...but slowly, it all came back to him. He was a wanderer, capable of doing most things self-sufficiently. In anger, he was like the mighty Ofnir Dragon; swift yet graceful in his attacks. And then he remembered - his mighty dagger, infused with ice. He pulled it out and went into the water.

It was cold, but not unbearable. Being a Viking of the north, Trexxen had been in far colder before. As he washed the blood caked on his head and his clothes, he saw a rather large fish. He was unsure of what kind, but it did not matter - it was food. He slowly snuck up on it, then with a flash of his dagger the dead fish lay limp at the bottom of the shallows at Trexxen's feet. Using some wood that he had been lying on - presumably what saved him from death at the rocky bottom of the cliff - he prepared a fire and ate for the first time in days. He then put a small, crudely made rock bowl (carved out with some of his tools - Trexxen had found a sack that was presumably his containing some small items, including a chisel.) full of water over the fire. This would boil out the disgusting salt of the water, so that he could drink. The salt could then be used to dry some fish for his journey. Trexxen was going to leave the Viking territory to seek other wanderers, maybe join a guild or two...

He had no idea of the journey he would face.

  • Author


E-10, KKI/Bull border

Bardock continued walking. Just a few more meters and he'd stand on top of a small hill, overlooking the region. He had just exited Dimwood, a large forest covering most of the southwestern part of the Bull Knights' territory. Not a lot of people tend to travel through Dimwood and prefer to walk many miles around it, for as its name indicates, Dimwood is known as a dark, mysterious forest said to be haunted by spirits and witches. Bardock couldn't care less though, he never paid much atention to local folklore, plus he likes to walk in a forest, it calms his mind.

Bardock paused for a moment. He took a metal flask from under his armor and took a sip of rum. He tossed aside his weapons and shield and sat down, wondering where to go next. He had crossed Bull lands from west to east, north to south, he longed for more. He unpacked something to eat and enjoyed the warm sun rays falling on his head.


Undead Territory

Plains of Dismemberment

Southern Outpost

The group continues up the tower stairs.

I don't like this.

How did I know that someone was going to say that? Why complain, it's been easy so far.

Too easy.

I knew you were going to say that too.

Do you know what I'm going to say next?


Well, I sense 4 lives here aside from us, 2 humans and 2 orcs.

Prisoners and guards, sure, but when did the orcs and the skellies work together?

How do we know they are?

We know that the skellies took my brother and he's in skellie territory. What else can it be?

Perhaps someone is manipulating all of them.

The group reaches the top of the stairs.

Shall we knock?

Why don't we sneak in instead?

Because they already know we're here.

Very good, Flangdor, did you sense that?

No, but I heard someone talking inside and they stopped when we got here.

That works too. I guess we might as well go in.

Shadows kicks the door open. It flies off it's hinges, smacks an orc in the face and lands at his feet. He isn't pleased. A second orc stands nearby. Seated between them, in mid-air, is a wizard.


What, you know this guy?

I do. Lord Sweet-Tartsl! I should have recognised your sickly sweet stench as soon as we entered the outpost.

Charming, to the last.

To the last what?

I don't know, but it sounded good there, didn't it?

The group steps into the room.

Oh, that will be close enough. You realise that I can't allow you to take the prisoner, it will spoil everything.

I don't see where you're going to have much choice in the matter.

Don't underestimate him.

I don't plan to. So, is that your real name?

No, but my real name was too silly to be taken seriously, so I go by this instead. Ominous, isn't it?

Oh yeah, I'm scared. Please don't hurt me Lord Sweet-Tarts. Please just give me some tricks or treats and I'll go away, otherwise I'll egg your house.

What are you talking about? Are you crazy? Is he crazy?

He has his moments.

Shadows waves towards the guards who immediately pass out.

Like I say. He has his moments.

Do you really think that a couple of orcs matter? You have to deal with me.

You're right there.

Shadows reaches out and begins pushing the wizard with all of his magical might. The wizard, in turn, pushes back as hard as he can. The two are in a stalemate, but continue pushing anyway.

Next it'll be tug of war? :hmpf:

Sure. Good idea. Why didn't I think of that?

Shadows immediately stops pushing, instead pulling as hard as he can as he steps aside. The wizard doesn't adjust in time and ends up hurtling forward at an incredible speed, smashing into the wall behind where Shadows had previously stood.

See? I had a good idea.

You. Had. Uh huh. :sceptic:

Well, sort of. Now what?

Just this.

Shadows waves his hand and Lord Sweet-Tarts flies out the window of the tower.

You... he... I mean, yeah... but...

Don't worry, he can fly. We all can. I'm sure he'll be back again at some point when we least want to see him.

The group walks over to the window and watches as Lord Sweet-Tarts continues to tumble through the air, lower and lower and lower. He lands in a filthy pond nearby.

I thought you said he could fly.

I thought you said he was a wizard.

Is someone going to let me out of here?

What? Oh, right!

Rangdar? Is that you?

Who else would it be?

Don't sound so thankful.

Thankful? It took you people months to get here!


A few weeks, but who's counting.

Whatever. It seems like months.

Flangdor unlocks the cell door. Rangdar walks out, brushes himself off, and heads down the stairs without a single thank you.

You know, I could throw him out the window too. :devil:

Maybe later. :sceptic:

E-10 (KK1/Bull Border)

Kian was returning from a successful visit to his friends, Todd and Torik.

He gently whipped Hope into the right direction. In order to get back to his camp, he had to cross a large hill. Only problem was that a lone figure was sitting on the hill.

His hill.

He stooped Hope and dismounted, taking his sword and shield with him.

Kian climbed the hill carefully, and as he got higher up, he noticed a Bull Knight logo on the man's chest.

An ally?

Kian plucked up the courage to speak.

"Hey there, my name is Kian Otherus, and I was wondering what you are doing on my hill!"

"My name is Bardock, and you speak rather rudely to me, seeing as just a couple of days ago, I saved your sorry little life!"

"Excuse me?" said Kian.

"I pulled you into the tree," said Bardock, rather gruffly.

Kian was shocked.

"I see. Well, I guess we are friends?" Kian offered Bardock his hand.

Bardock shook it.

"Yes, we are friends!"

"To the end, my friend, to the end!"

Location: M11 (Northern borders, between Black Knights Kingdom and Dragon Masters Kingdom)

After days of marching, Red Valiant Force had finally crossed the borders into their homeland. Lord Calvin looked at the soldiers’ smile, knowing that they are excited to return home. He thought about it, since they left Dromindur.

Leaving with no choice but to shatter the hopes of his men of returning home, he halted the army. He turned his horse around facing his men and said “It’s been tiring weeks for all of you. I understand your feelings. But, right now. We need to return to Majestic Tower. Red Valiant Force is tasked with a heavy responsibility and we must escort an important artifact and present it to Master Pent.”

The men did not utter a word. They remained silent and until Karen shouted “We are standing at our very soil right now. Our missions have always been for our kingdom’s interest. If it’s not for us to ensure safety, who will? We are soldiers, aren’t we? We are Red Valiant, the proud soldiers of our Kingdom.” The soldiers lifted their heads high and shouted “My Lord, we understand your orders. Majestic Tower, here we march.”

Lord Calvin smiled and was pleased with Karen for attempting to motivate them. He lifted his arm and issues a forward command. They continue to march for Majestic Tower.

Unknown to them, near the woods, there is something with evil green eyes watching them from far.

Location: K13 (Near the base of Mount Sophia, Western region of Black Knights Kingdom)

Adrick did not mutter a word, standing still, looking at Siloux’s injuries. Cecil got anxious and shouted “You bear the Symbol of the Nine! You helped us earlier at Lost Tavern. Please help him. I am very sure you have a cure for him. He is my friend. I can’t lose him.”

Siloux’s injuries became worse. His flesh has a burning scarlet mixing with the dark flesh. Siloux begins to struggle, trying to inflict pain onto his injuries. Lord Kenneth and Grandoth immediately went down and pin down Siloux’s arms.

Princess Diana’s appearance became more worried and said “What’s wrong with Siloux? Adrick, speak to us. Don’t remain silent. All of us don’t have a slightest clue at all”

Adrick’s expression did not change. He just stood still, staring at Siloux’s injuries. It was like he is not there anymore.


Crown Castle

Throne Room

I say, dear, have you heard from Alyss?

No, not a word. I don't know where they've gone.

Oh well, I suppose we're not in this chapter either.

I don't think so.


Crown Castle

Royal Courtyard

A small group of guards are playing a game of chance in the corner of the courtyard, behind a tree.


You lucky bugger, you always win.

I knows the secret!

Yeah, you cheat or something.

I does not!

Whatever. Just put down your bet.

A couple of feet away, a large cloud of smoke appears, startling the guards. They were even more surprised to see Shadows, Alyss, Rangdar and Flangdor step out of it.

What are you men doing here?

Uh... we're... um.

I'll report you, you miserable...

He's just lovely. Remind me why we we saved him?

Shush. Rangdar...

Don't interrupt, I'm about to give these lads a good tongue lashing!

No you're not.

What? You dare defy me?

Oh just shut up and go up to the throne room, mother and father have been worried about you.

I will not! This... weird man just dared to challenge my authority!

You remember that offer from earlier?

Alyss glances over at a small fountain.

I love you...

I know.

What are you two going on about? You can't love this... this... oddly dressed...

Shadows waves his hand toward the bellowing Rangdar who proceeds to rise off the ground.


The guards glance over but can't seem to work up enough concern to even rise from their places. They resume their game.

Are you going to behave now?


As you wish, m'lord.

Shadows motions slightly, moving Rangdar over the fountain.

Are you absolutely certain about this?


Of course.

Shadows closes his hand. Rangdar falls from the sky, landing in the small fountain.


He isn't related to the Stauder's too, is he?

Certainly not!


Rangdar makes his way to the edge of the fountain and climbs out, soaking wet. He glares at Shadows but doesn't dare say a word.

Now. Let's go see our parents, for some reason they've been worried about you.


While you're having a touching family reunion, we have other matters to attend to.

Oh, I'll be sure to give them your best.

I was saving my best for you. :devil:

You... :blush:

Alyss kisses Shadows and then drags the soaking Rangdar into the castle.

What do we have to do?

I don't know, I just couldn't put up with any more Rangdar.

Ah, haha. :laugh:

Shadows and Flangdor head to the kitchen for a snack. On the way, Shadows explains his next plan. Flangdor isn't exactly thrilled.


Out of the blue, Adrick spoke.

I cannot cure these wounds, for it looks far severe for me to heal. I imagine only the priests at the monastery, just a couple hours from us, have any chance to heal your friend here.

Cecil asked Adrick.

But what is wrong with him??

Do you have the arrow, that was in him?

No, it puffed into dust and flew in the air when I took it out.

Adrick paused, then answered.

Then it is the arrow of demon archer...

But we have not seen one!

Diana stepped in.

It's true, we've only seen Black Wraith Demons, none of them with a bow.

Who was in that building, that you were trapped in?

An old man, who looked very strange, he was the one who trapped us in there...he had strong magical abilities!

A demon in disguise, perhaps?

I'm kind of in pain here!!

Oh. I know!

Adrick reaches into the back pocket of his robe.

Drink this, it will stop the wound from spreading for four hours, enough time for us to reach the monastery.

We should go now, to not waste any time. We might bump into something on the way that will delay us.


Crown Castle


You know, I really hate the food here.

Oh? I think it's quite good. Beats the stuff I usually have.

You're a wizard, there's no excuse for that.

I'm not a very good one.

I suppose. You can't even time travel, can you?

Not without help.

Hmmm. We're going to need to work on you. Maybe when Aluvar gets back.

Really? That would be great!

Alyss walks into the kitchen.

Oh, I had expected you two to be chasing the girls around, bottle in one hand and a half eaten drumstick in the other.

Who says you don't know how to party? :wink:

Hmpf. :hmpf_bad:

So, seriously, what's with the food here? It's horrible!

We have the best food in the kingdom, and dare I say, the land!

Yes, you're right, my mistake. Let me rephrase that. What's with the food now? It's horrible!

That again? Everything is better in your time, isn't it?

Not everything. Most everything. Well, ok, everything.

Right. :hmpf:

I'm not kidding.

If you weren't here, what would you be eating?

You mean if this wasn't now? Oh, I think I'd be going for some tacos.

Tacos? What is tacos?


Are what?

Let's not start another one of those, kids. Why don't you just take us for some tacos, Shadows?

Have you ever had one?

Actually, I have. It was when I was married. My wife and I used to go to this little place in 1969 that was just wonderful.

I never knew 1969 was a good year for tacos. Well, I prefer the 1980's, myself.

Are these tacos somehow related to wine? I mean, is 1985 a good taco vintage?

Oh, absolutely!

Then let's go!



That's right!

I've been practicing. :tongue:

Shadows casts a quick spell, taking the group to timespace.

Now, I should warn you... the world is very different in the future.

I'm ready for anything, but will they be ready for us? We'll probably look really strange in these clothes, won't we?

Not where we're going!

Shadows finishes his spell.

Los Angeles, California

Corner of Sunset Blvd and Pacific Coast Highway


OH MY GOD! Look at that beach, and those people! Why are they almost naked? It's indecent! I should have known, I should have known! :angry:

Uh, chill babe. Seriously. :hmpf:

It's a beach. They're getting tanned.

Flangdor, you're really up on this.

This isn't that different from where my wife used to bring me.

Several people walk by, including a man with a very large python, a boombox belting out "Everybody Wants to Rule the World" and a woman in a very small bikini.


Shadows. These people are weird.

Yo, dudette, look at yourself before you lay down the bad vibe. :hmpf_bad:

What did he say?

He said chill.

I didn't understand it when you said it.

You're like, totally not from around here, are you?

No, I don't think so. I hope not. This isn't near home, is it?


She don't even know where home is, and she's like, down on us? Gag me.


It's alright, she just got out of a mental hospital, so she's needs to readjust to things.

Oh, righteous! I was in one of those for a couple of days once.

Really? I'd love to hear the story, but we're starving for some tacos.

Dude! A block *points* that way! Titos!

Cool, I'll try to remember that.

Use word association lad, just associate Titos with her rather ample... :wub:


Uh.. her rather ample use of the English language. :blush:

I'm missing a joke here that you're going to have to explain later, Shadows.

My pleasure. :devil:

I bet it will be.

I'm missing another one, aren't I?

Yep. :grin:

The group begins to walk down the block. People pass on foot, rollerskates, skateboards and bicycles.

I've never seen so many people in such a hurry to get places, and with such odd conveyances.

You haven't seen anything yet. Look over there.



That didn't help.

They're horseless carriages.

Are there little people inside propelling them or something?

Yes. Yes there are. Little people. :grin:

I knew it!

Shadows... :look:

I'll explain that later too.

The group arrives at Titos. A waitress in a halter top is serving a leather clad biker seated at an outside table.

Look at the size of those ... tacos. :oh:

I noticed. :wink:

I'm beginning to get the joke.

Ut oh. :oh3:

Well, are we going to eat, or what? :look:

They sit down at a small table. Shadows orders for the group as "Take On Me" plays in the background. Between serving, the waitress is attempting to repair a broken umbrella with a roll of duct tape.

She seems quite handy.

It isn't her hands you're staring at, you old... :sceptic:

She's got you there!

No, really. I bet she could fix my wand.

Oh, I bet she could indeed. :laugh:

Should I ask her?


Why not?

Just no.

Fine. :angry:

The waitress brings three large plates to the table, placing one in front of each of the group.

What is all that? :sick:

Oh honey, you don't know tacos and beans and rice?

She just got out of a mental institution.

Really? Sometimes I think I'll end up in one of those, what with all the guys staring at me and stuff.

You know, if you covered up your... nevermind. :sceptic:

Yeah honey, I do that and I'd have no tips at all.

Did she say...


Oh, right. :blush:

The waitress leaves the table, but not before giving Flangdor a quick wink. Flangdor blushes. She walks away giggling.

Well, now what?

We eat!

I don't know how.

Just pick a spot and start!

Shadows and Flangdor dig into their food, which, is surprisingly good for a beachside taco joint. Alyss watches for a minute, then copies them.

HEY! :oh:

What's wrong?

Nothing! This is great!

Told you.

Alyss reaches over towards Shadows plate with her spoon. He stares at her as she takes all of his guacamole. As her spoon returns for the sour cream, he stops her with his own.

Hey now! That's mine!

Fine! GIRL!

Shhhhh. Don't do that.

The waitress comes over, looking a slight bit upset.

I'm very sorry, she was probably released too soon.

Yeah, it's fine. What do you want?

I want some more of that!

Alyss points at the sour cream.

Gimme a few. :hmpf:

The waitress walks away.

A few what? :wacko:

And as the sun set on the Pacific ocean. our intrepid trio ventures further down the PCH in search of a magical substance known as ... ice cream. :wacko:

Say, just what is a mental institution, anyway?

I'll explain later... :wink:

Location: K13 (Near the base of Mount Sophia, Western region of Black Knights Kingdom)

Lord Kenneth shouted to Flynt and to his soldiers “Ready up the carriage immediately. We are leaving now and heading to the monastery.” Adrick turned to them and said “It is known as Neb Monastery. That is the home of the White Priests. There is no time to lose.”

The rest lifted Siloux up, and placed him safely into the carriage. Princess Diana showed a determine smile and said “Siloux, don’t worry. Please hang on. We will definitely reach Neb Monastery in time.” Cecil’s appearance became very worried and feared that he might lose his life in no time.

Without much hesitation, the carriages began to head towards the base of Mount Sophia, where Neb Monastery is located.


Siloux had passed out a bit ago. He is hot and sweating, because of the wound. Cecil trys to cool him down by pouring some water on his head

Siloux rests motionless, breathing.

L7 Approaching the Capital

Lord Dragonator topped a rise and looked out over the capital city. His city. Inside, an evil force awaited, holding his country captive. But not for long.

He turned his horse and faced the troops.

Men, we have arrived. It has been a long journey, but now, the real test is to begin. Today, we will take back our country!

The men waved their swords in the air and cheered loudly. Gragonator waited for silence before continuing.

Tonight, we shall feast in the banquet halls of the Keep. Many of you have family and loved ones inside; you will be able to see them as well. But now, we must concentrate on what is to happen. Your company leaders will now tell you what the attack plan is.

The companies all crowded around their various leaders, and the plans were issued. The three dragons were to attack the men on the gates first, with two squadrons of infantry men attempting to scale the walls on either side. Meanwhile, the cavalry were to make a flanking manoeuvre and attack the Ankorian soldiers camped outside the city, along with another infantry squadron and the soldiers from the Black Knights Kingdom headed by Lee.

Good luck men, and may the ancient Dragons guide you this day.

With those words the companies of men charged over the rise towards the unprepared city. Dragonator sat upon his horse watching, along with the other generals.

Shortly we will advance and ride up to the keep. I have some unfinished business to attend to...

Meanwhile in the dungeons of the Keep...

Grim looked up from his cote in the cold, barren dungeon. Outside the window, he could just make out Ragnir's head. They had spent many long hours discussing what had happened, but neither of them could do anything. Now Ragnir was looking through the window again.

Yes Ragnir, what is it?

I have just been contacted by Lord Dragonator. It seems the wizard here has let is control lapse now that they have the keep. As we speak, Dragonator is attacking the city. He wants to know if you can rally the troops and start an uprising in here.

Ah yeah, sure, but then there's these chains... :hmpf:

I think I could deal with that.

Ragnir huffed into the cell, and the chains suddenly broke open, as well as liquefying the bars in the window.

Why didn't you do that already?

Umm... :blush:

Oh never mind, lets get going!

I'll stay here, I don't want anything to happen to Nizbet. You get down to the gates and make sure they're open.


Grim jumped up over the edge, careful not to burn himself on the rapidly cooling puddle of molten metal, and raced out of the unguarded gates to the keep.

Man these Ankorians are slack!

He made his way to the nearest barracks, and after killing the lone guard, freed all the soldiers that were held prisoner there.

Men, we must go and open the gates, otherwise the attackers will have no chance!

They rushed towards the southern gate, hoping they were not to late...

Edited by dragonator

Thaddius and Drayn flew towards the gate over the Infantry men, one of the other Riders had already alighted and begun to start hewing Scorpion Knights with a bright, gleaming sword, while his Dragon, Jaeden, burnt away at the heavily armored Ankorian Scorpions that had just begun to appear, no horses, just Scorpions.

Thaddius leapt off Drayn and landed next to a Scorpion Commander and kicked the Ankorian away and resumed the brawl with the others, more Rider-Paladins were also inbound, most of his Order were on their way, they would make quick work of these Ankorians.

Tyrius and the Rest of the ThunderHammer Dwarves huddled around the GreatHammer, A new Siege ram brought up by Paulus and Paolo that afternoon, it was time to put it to good use, the Dwarves slowly pushed the piece of Machinery towards the wall, it was time for the ThunderHammers to fight the rest of the Ankorians.

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