April 12, 200816 yr Looks like Belloq somehow survive the little Ark incident and has joined forces with the Commies... That's a really poor show Lego. *hmpf* It's not all that bad - Belloq's head was Draco Malfoy's to begin with anyway... You know what I find hysterical, its that we all want more nazis and commies, 2 ideologies that made roughly more than 90 million deaths over the planet *tongue* But that is in NO way endorsements of those ideologies *wink* And TLC didn't want to have the swastika on its sets but they see now problem putting the commie CCCP on their vehicle... I have difficulties understanding that *wink* Indeed, and Irina and the Russians have a star on the belts. I don't see anything wrong with communism being portrayed though - it's not like it was created so that millions of people would die. That was simply because of some of the leaders.
April 12, 200816 yr I just hope this is not a TRU Japan only exclusive. Japan has quite a few exclusives that are not available outside that country, especially when it comes to anything airplane related, JAL's promotional jet for example.
April 12, 200816 yr This set is definitely "MUST HAVE" . DC-3 in LEGO set, what a nice dream !!! Lot of different figs, nice support vehicles, OMG, I´ll have it at all costs.
April 12, 200816 yr Looks like Belloq somehow survive the little Ark incident and has joined forces with the Commies... That's a really poor show Lego. *hmpf* And I didn't picture Viktor Krum, Bruce Wayne, Arkham guard, Satipo & J. Jonah Jameson as nazis I just hope this is not a TRU Japan only exclusive. Japan has quite a few exclusives that are not available outside that country, especially when it comes to anything airplane related, JAL's promotional jet for example. I really don't think its the case. It would have had japanese on the box. The last big Japan exclusive I can remember was the airport with minor differences Also I realy doubt that TRU woukld have a deal with Lego for a single country, economically that doesn't make any sense to have a whole line of production producing 1 set for a country representing how much of year's sales. Also Legomilk said it will be out in the summer and its all the proof I need It's not all that bad - Belloq's head was Draco Malfoy's to begin with anyway... Its still is
April 12, 200816 yr Excellent in every way(discounting the possibility that the windows are decals-not so excellent). This is very close to what I'd hoped would be produced for the City cargo plane instead of the jetliner-turboprop we got. A little reworking and this could be modded into a C-130ish cargo plane with a ramp and door in the aft fuselage, such that the little jeep could be driven into the plane. Now that would be cool.
April 13, 200816 yr Thanks Whung! One sweet find there! I love the classic look of the cargo plane! Not to mention the color pattern, yellow! It has nice little extras like the Commie jeep and loading vehicles! The cargo crates and sword holder are great additions! Also I see this set has a crystal skull! Now I don't have to get the big temple just to get one!(I really didn't like the large set) As for the figs, Cool pilot! (Another Indy, Mutt and commie hottie again) The only thing that annoys me is its another damn exclusive
April 13, 200816 yr Wow! The Indy line just gets better and better. The plane itself is great. I really like the front and the hatch on the back. The extras are great too, especially the bigger, updated jeep, and the boxes, tanks, and even the swordholder. I guess Irina Spalko carries her swords around with her. Excellent work Lego!
April 14, 200816 yr Cool, the only Indy set I have at the moment is the one with the gate and the bikes...but this one looksreally good
April 14, 200816 yr I wonder why the sword rack is there as well as in the Duel. I wonder what purpose it serves in the movie...
April 14, 200816 yr I wonder why the sword rack is there as well as in the Duel. I wonder what purpose it serves in the movie... I just like the fact there is another crystal skull included
April 14, 200816 yr I just like the fact there is another crystal skull included Yeah; this set basically summarizes the important parts of the movie into one harmless, lovable little fuzzball... Oh wait, that's Rush. I can't wait to see the minifig MOCs people will make using the Skull...
April 16, 200816 yr DROOOOL...... um.... these set are great from the looks of them and I hope I can buy 'em!!!
April 17, 200816 yr Best Indy set so far. I'm buying this. The details on the plain are great. Any word on a release date?
April 22, 200816 yr This set is so ly I just the brickbuilt plane! and the cheaper way to get a crystal skull LOL need price and release date!!!!
April 28, 200816 yr I can hardly wait for this one, too. A great set to get all the figs. I love the plane, but the cars seem a little, incomplete? Oh well, this set by in large is worth the wait!
April 28, 200816 yr I normaly don´t like planes but this plane ist such a great vehicle that I must buy it! First: The plane ist white/yellow. What a great color scheme! Second: Green Jeep? Woohoo, an other communistic vehicle! Third: I get one more Indy, Soldier, Mutt, Irina and Dovchenko and there is a new "pilot" who looks like Bruce Wayne with a white cap. Fourth: It dosen´t cost so much like the temple. And fifth: It is inclduing a Crystal Skull! Hooray! I hope it´s sooner aviable in Lego Stores than Legomilk says and not like 7666 just at S@H. I hate it to pay the awful 3,50€ for the shipping.
April 29, 200816 yr i need more pics... is the skull llight-up? sounds like a good price... mixed thoughts!
April 29, 200816 yr i need more pics...is the skull llight-up? sounds like a good price... mixed thoughts! No the skull is not light up, lego seems to decided not to go that route....thanks heavens.
April 30, 200816 yr While his confusion and misery deepened, LOL, I deleted your ad!buy cheap ffxi gilSargeras was forced to contend with another group intent on disrupting the Titans' order: the Nathrezim.LOL, I deleted your ad!Maple Story MesosThis dark race of vampiric demons (also known as dreadlords) conquered a number of populated worlds by possessing their inhabitants and turning them to the shadow.LOL, I deleted your ad!maplestory Mesos The nefarious, scheming dreadlords turned whole nations against one another by manipulating them into unthinking hatred and mistrust. LOL, I deleted your ad!Maple Story mesoSargeras defeated the Nathrezim easily, but their corruption affected him deeply. Thus empowered, the Five Aspects were charged with the world's defense in the Titans' absence. LOL, I deleted your ad!LOTRO GoldWith the dragons prepared to safeguard their creation, the Titans left Azeroth behind forever. Unfortunately it was only a matter of time before Sargeras learned of the newborn world's existence.... Sargeras gathered his vast Burning Legion and made his way towards the unsuspecting world of Azeroth. The Legion was comprised of a million screaming demons, LOL, I deleted your ad!LOTR Goldall ripped from the far corners of the universe, and the demons hungered for conquest. Sargeras' lieutenants, Archimonde the Defiler and Mannoroth the Destructor,prepared their infernal minions to strike. Queen Azshara, overwhelmed by the terrible ecstasy of her magic, LOL, I deleted your ad!Lord of the Rings Online Goldfell victim to Sargeras' undeniable power and agreed to grant him entrance to her world. Even her Highborne servitors gave themselves over to magic's inevitable corruption and began to worship Sargeras as their god. To show their allegiance to the Legion, the Highborne aided their queen in opening a vast, swirling portal within the depths of the Well of Eternity. EDIT: LOL, I deleted your ad! -JINZO
April 30, 200816 yr EDIT: LOL, I deleted your ad!-JINZO We cross edited... but it's OK because yours was funnier! She can make all the ads she wants now while she is in the Chamber... which won't be very long.
April 30, 200816 yr EDIT: LOL, I deleted your ad!-JINZO Well, that was entertaining. Back to the topic: The more I look at this set the more I want it.
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