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Day Two: And Now His Watch Has Ended

Night descends on the convention centre hosting KintoCon as many of the attendees drift into an uneasy sleep. Some of the con-goers have a different attitude, as they slink about the halls of the empty hotel and convention centre, looking for something to help their cause.

Jluck, cosplaying as the elf Legolas Twinleaf, quietly roams the halls of the hotel, attempting to get a good lay of the land. "Perhaps," he thought, "I can find a secret path out of here, or stumbling into something incriminating."


"Legolas? Is that you?" Someone called out in the darkness. The rushed towards the elf, a long object in hand. "Legolas, thank goodness it's just you! Here, I found something that might be useful." Even in the dim lighting, Jluck could tell it was a gleaming and sturdy looking longsword: something he could use to help his friends!

"This is a wonderful find. Hand it over and we'll keep this between us."

"Gladly." The figure stated.


With speediness jluck had never seen, the figure raised the sword above their head, ready to strike! "A betrayal!" jluck yelled, but it was too late. The sword slashed across his chest, knocking him to the ground. He was dead before he hit the carpet.


"Better get out of here. Who knows who else lingers in these halls." The shadowy figure muttered, running off into the shadow as jluck's blood spilt across the carpet.


Elsewhere, Bob, dressed as Superman, but acting more like a pirate, scoured the hotel for more nautical caps. He pilfered one off of Khscarymovie4, who was dressed as Captain Barbossa, but Bob knew he needed more if he was to truly become a pirate to be feared. "Yarr, there must be something to wear in these here halls!" Little did Bob know, but a shadowy figure emerged from one of the hotel rooms, their naked, hatless head observing the Man of Steel. Slowly the figure creeped upon Superman until they pounced!


A swift kick in the megablocks was all it took to bring Superman to his knees! As he tumbled, the figure snagged the hat off of Superman's head! "Yar har, me bucko! Next time you're going to have to try harder if you want to steal a hat as magnificent as this!" The shadowy figure chortled as they placed the hat back on their head, where it rightfully belonged!


Superman tumbled to the ground, holding onto his rear, the pain making it hard to stand. "No! Me nautical cap! Curse you, shadowy figure! I'll send ye to Davy Jones' Locker! Come back here you bilge rat!" Superman stumbled about as he tried to recover from his brutal megablocks-kicking. The thief silently slipped off into the night, the sound of rattling bones following them as they disappeared...


The following morning the remaining cosplayers returned to the convention hall where they had all assembled the day prior, only this time one of them was missing. Fresh pizza and pop had been placed out, ready for consumption. Asphalt, cosplaying the Joker, couldn't help but laugh as Bob (Superman) arrived, clutching his megablocks and his head bare and naked. Khscarymovie4, dressed as Barbossa, brushed the brim of their reacquired hat as Superman brooded angrily. 


The projector turned on as the game's host returned to address the crowd. The cosplayers turned their attention to him as their host put aside a steaming hot mug. The contents of the cup were seemingly unknown.


"Good morning, and welcome to Day 2. Alright, let's get this over with. jluck, who was cosplaying as Legolas, was murdered last night. Upon examination of his body, we discovered that the elven cosplayer was Town. Shockingly, that was the only murder that happened while most of you were being well behaved and sleeping.

I have nothing else to speak to you about for now. Try not to get your megablocks kicked too hard."

As Kintobor's feed cut and the projector stopped, the group convened for the second day of discussion at KintoCon.



Non-Player Cosplayers

30846618417_96fee65513_o.jpgKintobor, cosplaying as Grand Moff Kinto (Moderator)

The Cosplayers

31854482468_cb87168cff_o.jpgTariq j, cosplaying Batgirl

45726152311_dd8239e6b0_o.jpgfhomess, cosplaying Chell

44812182835_e7c7215739_o.jpgRider Raider, cosplaying Doc Brown

45726152161_dd549ebe79_o.jpgLegoMonorailFan, cosplaying Ellie Sattler

31854482288_5b45cedc47_o.jpgForeman, cosplaying as Finn

45001190694_417c4eb5b7_o.jpgKhscarymovie4, cosplaying as Hector Barbossa

45001190654_37e844d5cb_o.jpgStickfig, cosplaying as Hera Syndulla

31854482178_11430db405_o.jpgmostlytecnic, cosplaying as Mad-Eye Moody

45726151901_535dde017c_o.jpgKotZ, cosplaying as Oroku Karai

45001190604_d43a43d9e1_o.jpgBob, cosplaying as Superman

45726151741_4f926078e0_o.jpgLady K, cosplaying as the Eleventh Doctor

45726151641_95d8f83c84_o.jpgAsphalt, cosplaying as the Joker

31854481918_3d0aa3f157_o.jpgForresto, cosplaying as Wonderwoman

The Dead

31995708928_203bb2691a_o.jpgjluck, cosplaying as Legolas Twinleaf. Alignment: Town


Rules: (Thanks Def. I'm stealing your rules.:tongue:)

1. Each player will be given a character to play, who will be aligned with either the Town or the Scum. To win the game, the Town must kill off all the Scum, while the Scum needs to outnumber the Town.  Third-party (neutral) characters have their own win conditions as outlined in their roles.

2. Each day you will be able to vote to lynch a player.  Voting is mandatory. Voting should be done in the following format; Vote: Character (Player). Similarly, unvoting is to be done in the format; Unvote: Character (Player).  No other format will be accepted. A majority vote is required to lynch a player. Failure to vote will incur a vote penalty the following game day.

3. A game day will last a maximum of 72 hours. You may not vote in the first 24 hours. The day will end when a majority vote has been reached after 72 hours. After the day has been concluded, a night stage will commence, which will last 48 hours. Night actions must be sent to the host in the first 20 hours of the night stage.

3.5. Players may not target the same player two nights in a row, and may not target themselves.

4. The alignment of lynched players, as well as those that died during the night, will be revealed at the beginning of the next day.

5. You may not quote or pretend to quote anything sent to or from you in PM with the game host, or in PM with any other players. This includes all the details of your character and role, as well as any night action results. Role claims and reporting of night action results are acceptable, but in your own words only. Do not attempt to use the structure of your role PM to your advantage.

6. Do not play the game outside the thread. Similarly, do not post out of character inside the thread. Game tactics and roles may only be discussed in the game thread or via PM with other players. Private discussion is done at your own risk and should be treated as part of the game.

7. If you are dead, you may not post in thread or discuss the game with any of the players. Any information you had becomes void, and may not be passed on.

8. You may not edit your posts.

9. You must post in every day thread. 

10. If you encounter a problem or have a question, please contact the host via PM

11. Violation of any of the above rules will result in a 5 vote penalty for the first offence, and death on your second offence.

12. There are no hints or clues in the day/night images.

Edited by Kintobor

Well crap, poor Lego-less Legolas. Although is usually to be expected with a Day 1 kill. I would like to think that was a scum kill and not the vig.

Also, i can't remember if in recent games character shown but that weren't killed: were they targeted in the night? I'm pretty sure in some very old games it meant they were, but I think in recent ones it's just random things for fun. The only reason I'm saying that is because Bob/Superman had some detractors yesterday.

Dang, you beat me to it Oroku. Was going to say all the same stuff. I was leaning towards the Superman thing being for fun, but then I realized the rules don't have the common "there are no hints/information in the images" statement. So maybe that WAS a hint... but of what? Surely more than 1 action happened last night. 

  • Author
2 minutes ago, KotZ said:

Also, i can't remember if in recent games character shown but that weren't killed: were they targeted in the night? I'm pretty sure in some very old games it meant they were, but I think in recent ones it's just random things for fun. The only reason I'm saying that is because Bob/Superman had some detractors yesterday.


"By my accounts he's still alive. If he's not present in The Dead section, then the player is still alive. I will add, because usually this doesn't need to be stated, but there are no clues or hints in the images. I'll add the rule to the first post just so we're all clear."

Oh my, it seems we have some creppy crawling killers roaming around a night. Though personal I like the one who stole the fake pirates hat and returned it to thy. Sad about our elven friend. He was a good lad, and we shall honer his legacy but finding the men responsible for this terrible act. It's worth looking into the deceased, and conversations about the deceased from the former sunrise that hit ths crazy rock.

4 minutes ago, Kintobor said:

there are no clues or hints in the images. I'll add the rule to the first post just so we're all clear."

Ah ok cool. I was pretty sure no outright clues, but after the talk of Bob yesterday, I wanted to be clear.

Well that sucks, but fortunately it didn't suck even more! What's the whole issue with Bob? 

/grabs fresh slice of pizza

/wanders over to Mad-Eye and peers oddly into his eye

/jumps up and sits on strange cube in back corner of room


3 hours ago, Kintobor said:

"By my accounts he's still alive. If he's not present in The Dead section, then the player is still alive. I will add, because usually this doesn't need to be stated, but there are no clues or hints in the images. I'll add the rule to the first post just so we're all clear."

So, to be clear, neither the images nor the flavor text that goes along with them has anything to do with the game? Otherwise, Khscarymovie4, Bob, and Asphalt have some 'splainin' to do.

****yawn*** ooh fresh pizza. Well sorta. Any chance I can get a coffee?  

So seriously what kinda con is this when larpers get shanked in the night?  I thought having to sleep on a bench in the hall was bad. 


*nods to the pirate and the superman***


how long till you two come to sharper blows?

Just now, StickFig said:

So, to be clear, neither the images nor the flavor text that goes along with them has anything to do with the game? Otherwise, Khscarymovie4, Bob, and Asphalt have some 'splainin' to do.

Hey man. I just find the humor in a good swift kick in the err umm yeah. Just funny man. 

  • Author
26 minutes ago, StickFig said:

So, to be clear, neither the images nor the flavor text that goes along with them has anything to do with the game? Otherwise, Khscarymovie4, Bob, and Asphalt have some 'splainin' to do.


"There are no clues or hints in the images, or in the flavour text."

Just now, Kintobor said:

"There are no clues or hints in the images, or in the flavour text."


On 11/9/2018 at 9:14 AM, LegoMonorailFan said:

So those who have yet to grab their pizza before it gets cold and their soda before it gets flat includes @Foreman, @StickFig, @jluck, and @Lady K


On 11/9/2018 at 10:51 AM, jluck said:

I’ve already checked in above, but I failed to grab pizza too so I’ll have a cold slice. 

I don’t supposed the scum wanna help this along but stepping up do they? Just let me know either way...


On 11/9/2018 at 11:53 PM, jluck said:

Yep, I’ve seen these Miller claims for many years now and not once has it turned out to be a scum lie. Not saying this isn’t the first time, but I’m inclined to let it pass for now. 

In the interest in poking the bear I’ll 

Vote: elli Satler (legomonorailfan)

she just seems to be a little zealous right now...


On 11/10/2018 at 11:18 AM, StickFig said:

Thanks, Foreman. I would vote right back for you, but I don't think you've ever seen one, so I'm just chalking it up to inexperience.

Vote: Legolas Twinleaf (jluck)

@jluck, your vote for LegoMonorailFan seemed to come at the perfect point for a scum: early enough (and follow-able enough) to start a bandwagon on an active Day 1 player. I may be giving you too much credit since you were the second vote, so perhaps I will change to @fhomess (the third vote). And hey, @LegoMonorailFan has been active enough to draw suspicion.

Yes, I realize I've just called out three people who defended my miller claim. :shrug_confused: Plenty of time for scum to trip up.


On 11/10/2018 at 1:03 PM, Lady K said:

So what I see here is two main choices appearing for Day 1.  

Hera:  In my past attendance at gatherings like we are here together today, I have had the experience of never seeing a scummy person pull off a Day 1 Miller Claim with great success to survive to the end of our parties.  I am therefore inclined to go with experience that this will be the case yet again; however since I am truly mortal just pretending to be able to reincarnate, I could be wrong and this could be a first time.

Ellie:  From my analysis of this lynch choice, I will note two important points.

1.  This is a quick forming bandwagon; with four votes (decent reasoning given), just the timing of the second and third votes coming in so quickly, could be an overlap of space/time or a scummy cosplayer trying to hide with a townie cosplayer.  This is yet to be determined, but worth noting.

2.  The choice of Ellie seems too convenient for Day 1; yes she did come in second on the miller claim and has shown some contradictions, however, would a real scum stand out like this on Day 1?  Maybe yes, maybe no.  So for now I will put her in the same category as Legolas and Chell; as yet to be determined, worth noting.

Good point, but would this really happen on Day 1?  Maybe yes, Maybe no.

As to the lynch/no-lynch discussion; I have spent too many gatherings discussing this issue both for and against on Day 1.  I would rather gather more information and generating more conversation (and voting is required) so I will vote: 

Vote:  Mad-Eye Moody (mostlytechnic)

He usually has good insight and hasn't given his thoughts recently.  I am curious to hear what he has to say on today's thoughts.


On 11/10/2018 at 3:54 PM, StickFig said:

So, I'm gonna throw this out there because I know people don't trust the miller claim and I might die tonight.

I am wondering if mostlytechnic's post here is a cover for jluck. I voted for jluck, and soon after mostlytechnic comes out to try and swing the bandwagon my way. May be nothing, but it's a thought. Maybe we've found a pair of scum?

Maybe I'm reading too much into things, but this is mafia.


On 11/10/2018 at 4:27 PM, jluck said:

I assume it’s your inexperience talking, but here’s a bit of advice. Be a little bit more thoughtful on how you accuse. I know this can be overwhelming in the first game, especially day 1 win we are all literally just grasping at straws until we have something more substantial, but you’ll catch on soon enough! For now, point out specifically why you don’t trust someone. Not just “they talk like a pirate” but “they are shifting blame” or “to quick to jump votes” things like that. 


Ps: we love having new players, and no one takes this stuff personally, so just enjoy.


pps: based of your bob accusation, you look suspicious to me now:tongue:


On 11/10/2018 at 5:13 PM, jluck said:

That’s not the point of any of this. Role play drops basically as soon as voting starts. Forget his “role”, it’s time to focus on the game itself. Plus, bob didn’t even choose his character so either find a legit criticism of him or start to anylize others. You can definitely contribute some value here. I’d suggest watching how others are handling day 1 and following their lead or even going back to past games. 


On 11/10/2018 at 9:59 PM, Bob said:



Arrr...What the blue blazes did I ever do to you?? I've never met a man with such a vendetta against me in any of these games...of life on this here board. I think the last time I was voted off for roleplaying was in Witch Hunt Mafia when I proposed we should have fish tacos. :sick:

Yar har lads, I've seen some right stupid votes being thrown out today, along with silly alliances proposed and various claims, yet I've been keeping me eye open just like I said I would and despite the vitriol thrown around by some or one, I've decided to: 

Vote: jluck / Legolas Twinleaf

I too have been around long enough to see the Miller used in games. I'm not going to go back to every previous game and fact check Legolas' claims that every Miller claim has been a townie, because there's been many games and quite frankly I don't remember which ones had the Miller in them, even the ones I was apart of. Let's start at the beginning. Hera comes in and says first thing that she's the Miller after being called out for not speaking. That sparks a flurry of conversation about the Miller in which Finn is confused about it, but then decides to blame me for it for some reason. *huh*

Next, the False Pretender Pirate Barbossa arrives to tell us all about the Miller and to direct us towards Legolas for his sage advice on the Miller. So then, Ellie wades in and says that she finds the Miller claim as suspicious as Finn does, and then ultimately votes for Hera. Coming full circle to Legolas posting to tell us all about the miller and that he's voting for Ellie because she's "zealous", jumping onto Doc Brown's vote which he claims was meant to be "a joke but partially serious". Ultimately there's now a lynch wagon on Ellie Sattler that nearly led to her being killed were it not for a very split and jumbled vote. Regardless, it's very convenient that this particular vote spiraled into what it is so quickly. I'm not saying everyone who voted for Ellie is scum, just that it's worth watching.

I mean. Arr, I had been talking like a pirate the whole time, I swear. Ahoy. :pir-blush:

These are some passages either spoken by the dead man or referring to him. Could be useful but the death having some kind of connection to yesterday's events is not a guarantee. Lots of these situations the first nights death is based of experience. The elf was known for getting into the situation's a lot. Still thought I would share the tales. 

@LegoMonorailFan yesterday I had some questions for you. My exact wording below.

On 11/11/2018 at 10:42 AM, Khscarymovie4 said:

I will say that Ellie has been changed from awfully loud to awfully quiet after receiving all these votes. @LegoMonorailFan you still have your vote on the old miller not miller. Are you still comfortable with this act?  Anyone else who be acting strange to thy?

I am still curious about why you kept you vote on Hera here, and why your teeth chattering slowed down after some fire made its way in your direction. 

@Khscarymovie4, why didn't I change my vote? Because I wasn't seeking a lynch, we weren't heading towards a lynch (at least not one I could or would join LOL), and being day one no one else made any claims that struck me as odd or suspicious so I kept my vote on Stickfig because there was no pressing reason to change my vote.

As for why my lips slowed if not ceased to make a noise is because I felt that I had already explained my vote, my actions, and myself perfectly clear.

Well, I don’t think we really learned much from that. :sceptic: This lack of information definitely seems intentional though, so it was probably scum that killed him. 


Here’s the vote count with all known alignments edited in, it seems pretty useless now but i’ll add to it in the future, 

The ACTUAL Final Vote Count for Day One:

Hera Syndulla (Stickfig): 3 Votes (Foreman, LegoMonorailFan, mostlytechnic)

Wonder Woman (Forresto): 1 Vote (KotZ)

Superman (Bob): 1 Vote (Asphalt)

Batgirl (Tariq j): 1 Vote (Khscarymovie4)

Ellie Sattler (LegoMonorailFan): 5 Votes (Rider Raider, jluck, fhomess, Tariq j, Forresto)

Legolas Twinleaf (jluck): 2 Votes (Stickfig, Bob)

Mad-Eye Moody (mostlytechnic): 1 Vote (Lady K)

11 hours ago, fhomess said:

/grabs fresh slice of pizza

/wanders over to Mad-Eye and peers oddly into his eye

/jumps up and sits on strange cube in back corner of room


Hey, quit trying to see inside my head. That's not how it works. And are you ever gonna talk? or just eat pizza and look at us? And got any more room on your cube over there? Sitting would be nice. 

/looks down

Yep, I do have hips that bend. Had to check... 

8 hours ago, Rider Raider said:

Well, I don’t think we really learned much from that. :sceptic: This lack of information definitely seems intentional though, so it was probably scum that killed him. 


Here’s the vote count with all known alignments edited in, it seems pretty useless now but i’ll add to it in the future, 

  Hide contents

The ACTUAL Final Vote Count for Day One:

Hera Syndulla (Stickfig): 3 Votes (Foreman, LegoMonorailFan, mostlytechnic)

Wonder Woman (Forresto): 1 Vote (KotZ)

Superman (Bob): 1 Vote (Asphalt)

Batgirl (Tariq j): 1 Vote (Khscarymovie4)

Ellie Sattler (LegoMonorailFan): 5 Votes (Rider Raider, jluck, fhomess, Tariq j, Forresto)

Legolas Twinleaf (jluck): 2 Votes (Stickfig, Bob)

Mad-Eye Moody (mostlytechnic): 1 Vote (Lady K)


Well, I'm still looking hard at chell, wonderwoman, and Batgirl, based off those votes. Right there in the sweet spot for the scum to be jumping on a bandwagon.... 

Oh, I'm still alive. I haven't been metagamed. My foreboding in the sign-up thread must have deterred people. Slightly surprised about Legolas' affiliation. Back to square one for me I suppose. Still some people besides him jumped on the Ellie Sattler bandwagon. Perhaps there are some people that spread their votes around so that she wouldn't be lynched on the chance that she's actually scum. Both of these are distinct possibilities if she's town or scum. There's quite a lot of one person votes that went to various people. For instance:

Joker/Asphalt voting Superman
Barbossa/Khscarymovie4 voting Batgirl
Doctor Who/Lady K voting Moody
Karai/KotZ voting Wonder Woman
Myself and StickFig voting for Legolas

Yes, I included myself voting for Legolas near the end of the day. Hera/StickFig voted for Legolas early on, making that originally a one person vote and then I voted for him for reasons I outlined yesterday. (His Miller explanations, his joining on the Sattler bandwagon, thinking he's generally suspect.) Granted I was wrong about him as we can see today but hindsight is 20/20. On Day One, it's very difficult to identify a scum member. It's happened before as most people in this game can attest to and it's very satisfying to see, however usually people are just firing blindly on Day One and hoping that something sticks. There has been bouncing logic throughout the years on whether or not a lynch on Day One is a good thing. To some, it usually guarantees the death of a townie with a small chance of nabbing a scum. To others, the lynch reveals voting patterns and sets up the investigator, protector, and blocker. 

11 hours ago, Khscarymovie4 said:

These are some passages either spoken by the dead man or referring to him. Could be useful but the death having some kind of connection to yesterday's events is not a guarantee. Lots of these situations the first nights death is based of experience. The elf was known for getting into the situation's a lot. Still thought I would share the tales. 

I mean, was that really necessary? I'd call that fluff I think. Filling up space and making an extraordinarily long post so you appear to have contributed a lot. It's an extremely useful tactic that you can go back on and say "look at all I've posted, I'm a useful townie!" I know this tactic because I've done it loads of times myself before. You might fool some people's eyes, but you won't fool this Kryptonian's dual face eyes, because four eyes are better than two, even if the other two are covered by my hair piece. Yesterday I said you were on my list because you were the false-pretender pirate. Now you're rising on my list because of useless fluff posts. Plus you spread your vote out yesterday on a random person. 

13 hours ago, fhomess said:

/grabs fresh slice of pizza

/wanders over to Mad-Eye and peers oddly into his eye

/jumps up and sits on strange cube in back corner of room


What are you trying to say that we don't know? If you are any sort of power role then you are experienced enough to not even hint in thread that you have a power role, so what are you trying to get at? 

12 hours ago, StickFig said:

So, to be clear, neither the images nor the flavor text that goes along with them has anything to do with the game? Otherwise, Khscarymovie4, Bob, and Asphalt have some 'splainin' to do.

I'll end the mystery. I made a joke night action last night that I wanted to go around the convention center and find a pirate hat. Oh that's right, I'm supposed to be a pirate aren't I? :pir-blush:

Arrrr. Shiver me timbers. 

1 hour ago, mostlytechnic said:

Well, I'm still looking hard at chell, wonderwoman, and Batgirl, based off those votes. Right there in the sweet spot for the scum to be jumping on a bandwagon.... 

My logic is (at least on Day One anyway) too vote early, that way we have the rest of the day to discuss said votes. At the time, I felt Ellie was the best person to vote for, for going after the milller claim so quickly. Plus didn’t you yourself also jump on a bandwagon of sorts?

I’m also a little wary of the people who waited until late in the day to place their vote. Almost like they were deliberately withholding it as to avoid jumping on a bandwagon. 

8 minutes ago, Bob said:

I'll end the mystery. I made a joke night action last night that I wanted to go around the convention center and find a pirate hat. Oh that's right, I'm supposed to be a pirate aren't I? :pir-blush:

Arrrr. Shiver me timbers. 

Thanks, I for one appreciate the fun aspects of these hunts. On the other hand, didn't you just fill a post with rambling about who placed random votes on day 1 (when all the votes are pretty random) while calling out Hector for fluff posts? Now, I agree with you on Hector's giant wall of quotes post, but a bit hypocritical there aren't you Mr. Pirate-wannabe?

5 minutes ago, Tariq j said:

My logic is (at least on Day One anyway) too vote early, that way we have the rest of the day to discuss said votes. At the time, I felt Ellie was the best person to vote for, for going after the milller claim so quickly. Plus didn’t you yourself also jump on a bandwagon of sorts?

Yep, and admitted to doing so when I placed my vote. Should Ellie flip scum, and I didn't vote for her, I'd expect to be examined for it. Likewise, if we find out Hera was truthful, I'd expect to be examined for my vote. In the same way, I'm examining the people who jumped onto a day 1 bandwagon. 

Just now, mostlytechnic said:

Thanks, I for one appreciate the fun aspects of these hunts. On the other hand, didn't you just fill a post with rambling about who placed random votes on day 1 (when all the votes are pretty random) while calling out Hector for fluff posts? Now, I agree with you on Hector's giant wall of quotes post, but a bit hypocritical there aren't you Mr. Pirate-wannabe?

Would you not say there's a difference? Barbossa quoted about eight or more different people and then wrote about four or five lines on how it is important to understand people's intentions or some sort of fluffy statement. I wrote a detailed explanation on people splitting the vote in order to potentially block the lynch of someone that could be scum. I made quite a lot of observations and comments in my first post of the day. Why are you trying to belittle and diminish that? Why do you think there can be no method to the potential "madness" of placing random votes on Day One? 

11 minutes ago, Tariq j said:

At the time, I felt Ellie was the best person to vote for, for going after the milller claim so quickly.

:hmpf: @Foreman went after the miller claim first, and I placed my vote with the intention of getting discussion going and not to seek a lynch as I've mentioned multiple times now. I feel like the scum are trying to finish what they started yesterday which is to start a bandwagon lynch against someone they view as an easy target.

1 minute ago, Bob said:

Would you not say there's a difference? Barbossa quoted about eight or more different people and then wrote about four or five lines on how it is important to understand people's intentions or some sort of fluffy statement. I wrote a detailed explanation on people splitting the vote in order to potentially block the lynch of someone that could be scum. I made quite a lot of observations and comments in my first post of the day. Why are you trying to belittle and diminish that? Why do you think there can be no method to the potential "madness" of placing random votes on Day One? 

Ok fine... you were a little fluffy, he was very fluffy. That better? :rofl:

Gotta Say, Love the back and forth here guys.  If only there was a way to tell who was telling the truth and who was lying.  SO Hey Boss Man on the TV, Any chance of a Polygraph machine floating around this hotel anywhere?

1 minute ago, LegoMonorailFan said:

:hmpf: @Foreman went after the miller claim first, and I placed my vote with the intention of getting discussion going and not to seek a lynch as I've mentioned multiple times now.

Fair enough, but regardless of who went after went after whom first, you still went after Hera.

3 minutes ago, LegoMonorailFan said:

:hmpf: I feel like the scum are trying to finish what they started yesterday which is to start a bandwagon lynch against someone they view as an easy target.

I’m not trying to bandwagon against you or finish anything. I’m just justifying my vote against Moody’s questions. 

Just now, Asphalt said:

Gotta Say, Love the back and forth here guys.  If only there was a way to tell who was telling the truth and who was lying.  SO Hey Boss Man on the TV, Any chance of a Polygraph machine floating around this hotel anywhere?

If he had that, he wouldn't need us.... where'd be the fun then?


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