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9 hours ago, Accio Lego said:

So it’s not exactly a 2019 thing, but I just realized that if the Harry Potter theme can stay strong for 2 more years it’d hit it’s 20th anniversary like Star Wars is this year. 

Obviously Harry Potter hasn’t had the same consistent set releases of Star Wars. But they do have the advantage of the 20th Lego anniversary coinciding with the 20th anniversary of the first movie - which means that if Lego wanted to do some sort of promo they wouldn’t be the only ones stirring up the hype. 

I know 2 years is way too far away to be predicting anything, but it’s a good incentive to keep buying sets and let Lego know how much we love the theme and want all the content they can give us. 

Eh if they didn't do anything too crazy for the Lego Star Wars 20th Anniversary, they'll do even less for Harry Potter. All the sets are disappointing besides the new Podracer and Slave I (fingers crossed for Tantive IV!) and they didn't even try to do something new like you know a Geonosis Arena. Return Of The Jedi didn't even get one set! The nostalgiafigs aren't really an incentive to me either besides the old school Han because the best minifigs to me were around 2006-2011 era. Flesh skin tone but not excessively over detailed like some of the new minifigs today (thankfully the prints on the new HP minifigs aren't too bad besides Umbridge having way too much wrinkles). I just want to see Lego Harry Potter go on as it has been, five sets every year is perfect and won't completely drain me of cash. Also keeps the theme fresh and hyped up, June/July feels like a second Christmas to me.  They know exactly what they are doing and honestly I wish Star Wars would follow suite but put it in December because the last year has been full of stale and overpriced sets. Take your time and release five quality sets, a UCS set, and a MBS set every year and the fans will be revitalized. I guarantee it. 

Edited by RODDY

10 hours ago, Accio Lego said:

So it’s not exactly a 2019 thing, but I just realized that if the Harry Potter theme can stay strong for 2 more years it’d hit it’s 20th anniversary like Star Wars is this year. 

Obviously Harry Potter hasn’t had the same consistent set releases of Star Wars. But they do have the advantage of the 20th Lego anniversary coinciding with the 20th anniversary of the first movie - which means that if Lego wanted to do some sort of promo they wouldn’t be the only ones stirring up the hype. 

I know 2 years is way too far away to be predicting anything, but it’s a good incentive to keep buying sets and let Lego know how much we love the theme and want all the content they can give us. 

Actually, what would be great would be to see Goblet of Fire, Order of the Phoenix, and Half-Blood Prince sets next summer, and then more Half-Blood Prince and Deathly Hallowsets in summer of 2021, followed by a new wave of Philosopher's Stone sets in November/December 2021.  That way, the whole series will be covered, and then they can start over again with even more coverage!  (The Chamber of Secrets movie came out only one year later, after all).  Then we could see the Philosopher's Stone challenges (Wizard's Chess, Fluffy, etc.), followed by a proper Chamber of Secrets set, along with any other omissions from the first time around.  Repeat cycle until people get tired of it.  :grin:

32 minutes ago, RODDY said:

they know exactly what they are doing and honestly I wish Star Wars would follow suite but put it in December because the last year has been full of stale and overpriced sets. Take your time and release five quality sets, a UCS set, and a MBS set every year and the fans will be revitalized. I guarantee it. 

These are words of wisdom.  


A long-time Star Wars fan.

1 hour ago, RogueTwo said:

Actually, what would be great would be to see Goblet of Fire, Order of the Phoenix, and Half-Blood Prince sets next summer, and then more Half-Blood Prince and Deathly Hallowsets in summer of 2021, followed by a new wave of Philosopher's Stone sets in November/December 2021.  That way, the whole series will be covered, and then they can start over again with even more coverage!  (The Chamber of Secrets movie came out only one year later, after all).  Then we could see the Philosopher's Stone challenges (Wizard's Chess, Fluffy, etc.), followed by a proper Chamber of Secrets set, along with any other omissions from the first time around.  Repeat cycle until people get tired of it.  :grin:

Tbh, this is pretty close to what I’m expecting. Lego seems to be focusing on major repeat locations right now (Great Hall, Quidditch Pitch, Whomping Willow, Hogwarts Express, etc.) with sets based off content that only appeared in one movie being smaller (Aragog, rumored Patronus set, rumored Knight Bus, etc.)   

I already was expecting them to skim through those types of sets, then go back and do the large sets based off specific movies (forbidden corridor, chamber of secrets, shrieking shack, etc.). Once they’ve done that it will probably have been long enough to remake sets like the Great Hall and Hogwarts Express again (lather, rinse, repeat as you say). 

Timing it right so they could do the Forbidden Corridor and Troll Attack as anniversary sets (or even a single set) would probably really help Lego justify the extra mold budget needed to make new versions of Fluffy and the Troll - at the very least. 

(And who knows, Lego can’t do Star Wars CMFs, but they could use the Harry Potter anniversary hype to market series 2 for this theme)

3 hours ago, Accio Lego said:


(And who knows, Lego can’t do Star Wars CMFs, but they could use the Harry Potter anniversary hype to market series 2 for this theme)

I agree with almost everything you said (I even forgot a potential new Mountain Troll, since I have the first one, and it looks better than 90% of the "big-figs" released today) but I think Collectible Minifigures are the last things that need hype.  I think it would be wiser to release Series 2 next year to keep the theme going strong!  Granted, this has surely all been decided by now, but since we've nothing more substantial to talk about...

For the anniversary, hype something like a remake of the motorized Hogwarts Express with Hogsmeade Station, or a microscale Hogwarts expansion. complete with Quidditch Pitch, greenhouses, and Hogsmeade Main Street, including 30 microfigs, plus minifigure versions of young Lily, Snape, and the "Marauders"--in short, something we didn't know we needed!  :laugh:

Edited by RogueTwo

8 hours ago, RogueTwo said:

I agree with almost everything you said (I even forgot a potential new Mountain Troll, since I have the first one, and it looks better than 90% of the "big-figs" released today) but I think Collectible Minifigures are the last things that need hype.  I think it would be wiser to release Series 2 next year to keep the theme going strong!  Granted, this has surely all been decided by now, but since we've nothing more substantial to talk about...

For the anniversary, hype something like a remake of the motorized Hogwarts Express with Hogsmeade Station, or a microscale Hogwarts expansion. complete with Quidditch Pitch, greenhouses, and Hogsmeade Main Street, including 30 microfigs, plus minifigure versions of young Lily, Snape, and the "Marauders"--in short, something we didn't know we needed!  :laugh:

If they ever make a Hogwarts microscale expansion it'll probably just be the other half of the castle. But I really hope they don't do that because they'll also include exclusive figures. To be honest the Hogwarts founders are the only good thing about the current set (the build looks good but it relies way too much on stickers for detail)

2 hours ago, Guyon2002 said:

To be honest the Hogwarts founders are the only good thing about the current set (the build looks good but it relies way too much on stickers for detail) 

The build of Hogwarts is nice from the exterior, the tower needed a bit more support as moving the set is difficult without it falling. The tree's are a pain as they fall off. I agree about the stickers though, the scale of the stickers and the style clashes with the architecture structure of the build and the size of the figures included in the set along with the tone and accuracy.

3 hours ago, Guyon2002 said:

If they ever make a Hogwarts microscale expansion it'll probably just be the other half of the castle. But I really hope they don't do that because they'll also include exclusive figures. To be honest the Hogwarts founders are the only good thing about the current set (the build looks good but it relies way too much on stickers for detail)

Extremely disagree. If anyone’s displaying the interior, they’re doing it wrong, the exterior is one of the best castle builds Lego hasn’t ever done. It’s an amazingly detailed set of what you want is a Hogwarts castle to display

7 hours ago, Whovastron said:

Extremely disagree. If anyone’s displaying the interior, they’re doing it wrong, the exterior is one of the best castle builds Lego hasn’t ever done. It’s an amazingly detailed set of what you want is a Hogwarts castle to display

I agree, I think it looks absolutely spectacular, the detail is incredible and, while the exclusive minifigs were great, the castle itself far overshadows them

If LEGO would commit to doing a new Diagon Alley in the future do you guys think it will just be one set with a few buildings or a fews sets? I'd sure love it if they would make modulars (but smaller than the creator modulars) for all of the at least recognizable shops/buildings. They could do a 150$ Gringotts to form the big centerpiece and then expand it with more 80-100$ buildings. I do believe those pricepoints would suffice to build detailed versions of the shops!

6 minutes ago, Guyon2002 said:

If LEGO would commit to doing a new Diagon Alley in the future do you guys think it will just be one set with a few buildings or a fews sets? I'd sure love it if they would make modulars (but smaller than the creator modulars) for all of the at least recognizable shops/buildings. They could do a 150$ Gringotts to form the big centerpiece and then expand it with more 80-100$ buildings. I do believe those pricepoints would suffice to build detailed versions of the shops!

A modular series would be fun (although you’ve given my wallet nightmares with that suggestion) but I think we’re more likely to get a single set that focuses on the facades. Basically a scaled up version of the promo set, it wouldn’t be the first time a gift with purchase was a precursor to a full sized set. 

4 hours ago, Accio Lego said:

A modular series would be fun (although you’ve given my wallet nightmares with that suggestion) but I think we’re more likely to get a single set that focuses on the facades. Basically a scaled up version of the promo set, it wouldn’t be the first time a gift with purchase was a precursor to a full sized set. 

Sounds like a rehash of the old Diagon Alley, I'd rather have something new

9 minutes ago, Ultron said:

Sounds like a rehash of the old Diagon Alley, I'd rather have something new

The 2011 Diagon Alley included 3 separate buildings (one of which was actually from Knockturn Alley). The Ollivander’s shop wasn’t very screen accurate either. The promo set includes several more shops (including Weasleys’ Wizarding Wheezes which has never been made in Lego before) and thier conjoined arrangement is far more screen accurate. It’s about as different as you can get when you’re remaking a location that’s already been done. 

On 2/17/2019 at 6:41 PM, Acura said:

I don't know why people keep saying things are impossible for sets/ ideas from Lego.

From a marketing/ sales standpoint, Lego are doing well considering toy sales as a whole took a slump.

You cant blame them for what happened with TRU and them having to scramble to get their bricktober packs off in a new distribution way.

The Knight Bus was/ is a major part in the Harry Potter world even if it was on screen for such a short time.

If you visit Universal Studios, they have one there that people love to go and see.

Also they have souvenirs of the knight bus at the stores there, including the mini scale bus, keyrings, etc. So it must be popular to a degree.

Yes they have made 2 sets of it already but this new one might have exclusive minifigures, etc.

Why wouldn't they do another Bricktober? Here in Japan they had something like 5,000 Bricktober HP sets available.

Now that TRU is gone, Lego has plenty of time to properly set up a distribution system for Bricktober with major stores around the world.

If they really want to, they could have them exclusively sold by Amazon with Lego purchases. This would reach a large enough audience for them.

I am looking forward to the new Hagrid's Hut, but whether we get it this year or next year is anyone's guess.

Like someone else said, Lego will try to hide a lot of sets until close to sales time to stop other companies (Lepin) from copying them.

Oh, and expect another Microscale set or two for HP this or next year. 

They could just bring the promotion in house. They offered 3 of the 4 packs on S@H(and in store of course) here in the States. Generally, I think that would work out best. 

8 hours ago, Guyon2002 said:

If LEGO would commit to doing a new Diagon Alley in the future do you guys think it will just be one set with a few buildings or a fews sets? I'd sure love it if they would make modulars (but smaller than the creator modulars) for all of the at least recognizable shops/buildings. They could do a 150$ Gringotts to form the big centerpiece and then expand it with more 80-100$ buildings. I do believe those pricepoints would suffice to build detailed versions of the shops!

I would love that, preferring the smaller price point sets. That way they could really expand & build Diagon Alley. 

9 hours ago, Guyon2002 said:

If LEGO would commit to doing a new Diagon Alley in the future do you guys think it will just be one set with a few buildings or a fews sets? I'd sure love it if they would make modulars (but smaller than the creator modulars) for all of the at least recognizable shops/buildings. They could do a 150$ Gringotts to form the big centerpiece and then expand it with more 80-100$ buildings. I do believe those pricepoints would suffice to build detailed versions of the shops!

Both ways would probably look great! The old one was a excellent set and they would probably make a even better one now.. Having said that I think there best approach this time is to do it like with Hogwarts and release 1-2 medium sets every year that could form a big build over time. This way they could give us a lot more buildings in the long run, make the theme last much longer with more sets spread out and easier for people to save up money for the sets or get them as gifts :wink:

Looks like we have our first look at the Fleur Delacour torso.

Seems like there might be something related to the Yule Ball coming this summer

20 minutes ago, Aegis2000 said:

Looks like we have our first look at the Fleur Delacour torso.

Where? Cuz I don't see it

EDIT: Already found it on instagram along with Harry's robes.

Edited by hoiharry

Harry's too :classic:

So those 2 are probably in the Triwizard set, guess its not a task after all?

Getting Yule Ball minifigures is going to be awesome!!! So glad to see that we’re finally going to get Fleur! 

Edited by GoldenNinja3000

Now I'm getting the feeling the watch tower is indeed based on the scene with the dragon, with the inside being the yule ball. Or the list was wrong after all. Either that or we're getting a secret set.

Just now, Huigberts Builds said:

Now I'm getting the feeling the watch tower is indeed based on the scene with the dragon, with the inside being the yule ball. Or the list was wrong after all. Either that or we're getting a secret set.

You’re partially right, no dragon

Didn‘t expect leaks to come out this soon but I‘m glad they are now :)

That Fleur torso is excellent. With Harry as well, I wonder who else could be in that set. I’d hope for at least Hermione in ball gown along with Krum 

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