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Day Four: Notice Me, Senpai!


Forresto, cosplaying as Wonder Woman, headed back to his hotel room. The day had been long and exhausting, but a potential scum had been lynched, and it was looking likely that mostlytechnic would turn up as anti-town. "Boy, that was exhilarating. I can't wait to get back to my room and unwind for a little bit. Mafia's tiring." It didn't take long though for trouble to rear it's ugly head in Forresto's direction.


A shadowy figure emerged from the other end of the hall, brandishing a gun. "Hands up where I can see them. No sudden moves." The figure demands. Forresto scoffs. "Ha! Yeah right, I'll show you a thing or two! Feel the wrath of my Lasso of Truth!"


"You don't actually have your Lasso of Truth on you, do you?" The figure asks.

"No." Forresto replies disappointedly.

"Well, that makes the next bit easier." The figure states.


BANG!! With a pull of the trigger and a followup of muzzle flare, Forresto is blown away by the assailants revolver! The figure makes a hasty retreat, mumbling to themselves. "I imagined this to be a lot harder. Bracelets that deflect bullets, super strength..." They continued to utter ways in which they expected the fatal meeting to end.


When day arrived, the cosplayers all gathered together in the convention hall like they had for the previous three days. It had almost become a ritual, as they awaited Kintobor's news regarding alignment and any potential night kills. Today, however, was different. Kintobor was not present through the projector: he was present in the flesh.



Welcome to Day Four. I hope you all had good night's sleep. I'm getting my secret lair renovated at the moment, and it unfortunately overlapped with running this, so I'll be hosting the remainder of the game in front of you. Sorry for any inconvenience. With that out of the way, I'll get straight to the point.

Mostlytechnic? Scum. His hotel room was utterly devoid of anything that could even make him look remotely town. Good job, townies, you got one.

Last night saw one of you being removed from the game in an all too familiar and violent fashion. Forresto, was a devoted townie. We found him dead in the corridors of the hotel last night. Doff your hats if you have one.

I have nothing else to inform you of. It's still anyone's game. What happens next is all up to the ten of you, so make your time here mean something! Do your best!"


The group of cosplayers convened for the fourth day of discussions as Kintobor and Sakura stood on the podium, whispering in each others ears as they watched the proceedings.

Non-Player Cosplayers

30846618417_96fee65513_o.jpgKintobor, cosplaying as Grand Moff Kinto (Moderator)

The Cosplayers

31854482468_cb87168cff_o.jpgTariq j, cosplaying Batgirl

45726152311_dd8239e6b0_o.jpgfhomess, cosplaying Chell

44812182835_e7c7215739_o.jpgRider Raider, cosplaying Doc Brown

45726152161_dd549ebe79_o.jpgLegoMonorailFan, cosplaying Ellie Sattler

45001190694_417c4eb5b7_o.jpgKhscarymovie4, cosplaying as Hector Barbossa

45001190654_37e844d5cb_o.jpgStickfig, cosplaying as Hera Syndulla

45726151901_535dde017c_o.jpgKotZ, cosplaying as Oroku Karai

45001190604_d43a43d9e1_o.jpgBob, cosplaying as Superman

45726151741_4f926078e0_o.jpgLady K, cosplaying as the Eleventh Doctor

45726151641_95d8f83c84_o.jpgAsphalt, cosplaying as the Joker

The Dead

31995708928_203bb2691a_o.jpgjluck, cosplaying as Legolas Twinleaf. Murdered Night One. Alignment: Town

32090747518_38aaf2a146_o.jpgForeman, cosplaying as Finn. Lynched Day Two. Alignment: Town

46015748942_c539c3654b_o.jpgmostlytechnic, cosplaying as Mad-Eye Moody. Lynched Day Three. Alignment: Mafia

46015748852_3536fc7cc7_o.jpgForresto, cosplaying as Wonder Woman. Murdered Night Three. Alignment: Town

Rules: (Thanks Def. I'm stealing your rules.:tongue:)

1. Each player will be given a character to play, who will be aligned with either the Town or the Scum. To win the game, the Town must kill off all the Scum, while the Scum needs to outnumber the Town.  Third-party (neutral) characters have their own win conditions as outlined in their roles.

2. Each day you will be able to vote to lynch a player.  Voting is mandatory. Voting should be done in the following format; Vote: Character (Player). Similarly, unvoting is to be done in the format; Unvote: Character (Player).  No other format will be accepted. A majority vote is required to lynch a player. Failure to vote will incur a vote penalty the following game day.

3. A game day will last a maximum of 72 hours. You may not vote in the first 24 hours. The day will end when a majority vote has been reached after 72 hours. After the day has been concluded, a night stage will commence, which will last 48 hours. Night actions must be sent to the host in the first 20 hours of the night stage.

3.5. Players may not target the same player two nights in a row, and may not target themselves.

4. The alignment of lynched players, as well as those that died during the night, will be revealed at the beginning of the next day.

5. You may not quote or pretend to quote anything sent to or from you in PM with the game host, or in PM with any other players. This includes all the details of your character and role, as well as any night action results. Role claims and reporting of night action results are acceptable, but in your own words only. Do not attempt to use the structure of your role PM to your advantage.

6. Do not play the game outside the thread. Similarly, do not post out of character inside the thread. Game tactics and roles may only be discussed in the game thread or via PM with other players. Private discussion is done at your own risk and should be treated as part of the game.

7. If you are dead, you may not post in thread or discuss the game with any of the players. Any information you had becomes void, and may not be passed on.

8. You may not edit your posts.

9. You must post in every day thread. 

10. If you encounter a problem or have a question, please contact the host via PM

11. Violation of any of the above rules will result in a 5 vote penalty for the first offence, and death on your second offence.

12. There are no hints or clues in the day/night images.

So good news and bad news, Mad Eye was scum but we’ve lost Wonder Woman :cry_sad:. Still, WW being Town makes things a little more interesting because it brings us back to this:

On 11/15/2018 at 4:57 PM, KotZ said:

I'm not totally convinced on Ellie yet. I'm going to...

Vote: Wonderwoman (forresto)

Mainly for that idea a vanilla townie claimed miller.


On 11/15/2018 at 9:44 PM, Kintobor said:

Current Vote Count:

Wonder Woman (Forresto), 4 Votes (Khscarymovie4, Mostly-Technic, KotZ, Foreman)

(This was on Day 2 for reference) Before the Foreman incident, there was clearly an attempt by the scum here to get rid of WW, we know Finn was town and Mad Eye was scum, so I’d wager that either Barbossa or KotZ were scum, I’ve looked back at both votes and KotZ feels more scummy due to its lack of reasoning than anything else. Just something to note.

Hmmm. Well I obviously know how this looks for me with what I said yesterday in regards to Wonder Woman and others. Even though I voted for Moody, I still was extremely suspicious of Wonder Woman and her claims. 

I'm presuming that the scum went after her last night, presumably to try and silence the conduit between the investigator and the rest of the town. I'm sincerely hoping it wasn't the vigilante, despite how they might have felt about her. The one night kill means that someone didn't go out killing last night. It's possible that with 14 of us, a vigilante wasn't included as it might've made the game go faster if two people died every night. Then again, it's equally possible that Legolas was our vigilante and the scum got lucky on Night One. I'm hoping that Finn wasn't the vigilante and allowed himself to be lynched. 

There's ten of us left now. One scum is down. With fourteen players it's likely that there were at least three scum, probably four. Out of us ten, three are likely scum with seven of us town left, provided there isn't a neutral, but I doubt there is one in such a small game. I still have Barbossa on my list and Batgirl's suggestion that KotZ is scummy as well is equally viable. 

Arre! Burn in th afterlife you mad eyed evil-doer! But rest long my Amazonian friend. I assume her connection to the supposed town bloc is why the she met a death worst then fate. I am sorry if I ever made you feel unpleasant as I did suspect you for quite awhile. 

31 minutes ago, Tariq j said:

So good news and bad news, Mad Eye was scum but we’ve lost Wonder Woman :cry_sad:. Still, WW being Town makes things a little more interesting because it brings us back to this:


(This was on Day 2 for reference) Before the Foreman incident, there was clearly an attempt by the scum here to get rid of WW, we know Finn was town and Mad Eye was scum, so I’d wager that either Barbossa or KotZ were scum, I’ve looked back at both votes and KotZ feels more scummy due to its lack of reasoning than anything else. Just something to note.

I do agree that scum were probably riding on the wagon I helped captained. Mad-Eye was among the crew so another mindless fish in the ranks would not surprise me. I too am suspicious of Oroku. She has made very bandwagony votes with not so we'll reasons. 

On 11/22/2018 at 4:50 PM, mostlytechnic said:

Wow, so much drama stirred up. Just remember when I flip town tomorrow, trust no one. There's obviously a bunch of lying going on since there is conflicting claims and multiple blocks. 

Good luck in the hunt. I'm off to eat turkey instead of pizza and fanta. 

Oh, and for proper form so I don't get penalty votes, 

vote: oruku (kotz)

I'm voting for oruku since I blocked her last night and there weren't deaths.

Possibly a dying scummy giving hope that we ought to think the one they voted for is more Towny, maybe. I find out samurai friend to be one of the most suspicious in this room at the moment. Also Doc Brown has spiked my interest as a very middle grounded person. Scum love to be the middle of the line kind of chaps, and the doctor with the white hair has done just that. 

Also after reading the fake pirates words above I think it's very interesting how we have only ever had one or none kills a night. Possibly no vig to begin with would be something I have not encountered before. Could be that the vig killed some while the scummy's were blocked, or recruiting. An interesting subject to Wonder about for sure.

Well this sucks we lost Wonder Woman. Addressing Batgirl's concerns, my issue with Wonder Woman was that she didn't know of the miller role. And you'll notice I ended up hitching myself to her after that was cleared up over the next few days, partially because of the Finn debacle. For complete transparency, I was in contact with Wonder Woman and she told me she was neutral, which I believed until we found the result of her death. I believe it's because I am/was under suspicion. Still, I believe she chose to trust me and told me of Moody's alignment before voting opened.

I was an early vote on Moody because I trusted Wonder Woman's message. If I was scum, I personally would not vote so early for a teammate.

Whoo! Caught a scum! :sweet:

Sucks to lose WW though now knowing she was town. :cry_sad: 


On 11/16/2018 at 4:32 PM, KotZ said:

@Lady K do you think scum would go after Wonder Woman now after today?

Almost prescient there. @Lady K, you placed a safe vote against Mad-Eye on day 1. Maybe trying to gain distance from fellow scum?


On 11/19/2018 at 10:32 PM, mostlytechnic said:

So, obviously night kills (or lack thereof) is a popular topic for debate. Personally, I assume Legolas on night 1 was scum. I can't see the vig taking someone out night 1 and the scum NOT, and them getting blocked is unlikely just by the odds.

For night 2, I'm assuming the vig stayed home again (sorta surprised, but I guess no one maybe stood out enough). Surely the scum tried to take someone out, so either the scum killer was blocked or the target was protected (yes, I know that's Mafia 101, but we do have some new people around...) 

OK, so I (and I assume most other townies) took this at face value before. Now we know that this is what the scum wanted us to think. Was jluck a vig kill? (Don't answer that, town vig or whoever else might know! I'm just trying to help everyone think.) More importantly, I heard it through the grapevine (in the PM I mentioned yesterday, thankfully no one has PMed me since then) that @fhomess is the scum killer. I don't know whether I believe it at all, but I want the information out there. At first I was afraid that scum told me so that I would out someone else, but I figure there are only a couple of options:

1) Chell is scum, in which case good riddance, or

2) The scum want me to think Chell is scum, and telling everyone that I was told Chell is the scum killer doesn't help them since the scum told me in the first place.

3) Chell is not scum, and someone in town is spreading the rumor that they are, because??? I can't figure out why.

Note that two of the three options are Chell is not scum, and that Chell and Mad-Eye have been antagonistic to each other throughout the game.


On 11/21/2018 at 10:10 AM, mostlytechnic said:

Night 1, I blocked Superman because he'd been so quiet, it made me suspicious. 

Night 2, I wanted to block Superman again to test if he was a killer (since there was only 1 death night 1), but since I couldn't, ...

On 11/21/2018 at 4:08 PM, Bob said:

If you do turn out to be town, at the same time I'm not immediately going to throw Wonder Woman under the bus. It's entirely possible that she's being misled by someone. The scum wouldn't sacrifice one of their own in thread to try and get rid of a role like the blocker if they managed to rolecop or track Moody on Night One or Two, that's just illogical when they could simply kill them the next night. 

All the same, I'll Vote: Mad-Eye Moody / Mostlytechnic even though I'm uneasy about it because I just don't completely trust where the accusation is coming from. Consider my suspicious all you'd like tomorrow if Moody turns out to be scum. It's just my opinions and vibes. 

@Bob, I'm trying so hard not to meta-game here but you sound so, so so scummy. Was Mad-Eye just protecting you?

1 hour ago, KotZ said:

Well this sucks we lost Wonder Woman. Addressing Batgirl's concerns, my issue with Wonder Woman was that she didn't know of the miller role. And you'll notice I ended up hitching myself to her after that was cleared up over the next few days, partially because of the Finn debacle. For complete transparency, I was in contact with Wonder Woman and she told me she was neutral, which I believed until we found the result of her death. I believe it's because I am/was under suspicion. Still, I believe she chose to trust me and told me of Moody's alignment before voting opened.

I was an early vote on Moody because I trusted Wonder Woman's message. If I was scum, I personally would not vote so early for a teammate.

Being an early vote on Moody means nothing really. Once WW made the claim you would have to be crazy or delusional not to vote for him. I assume even scum would know that his course was doomed once that info leaked. Not sure if your trying to use this as a defense or something but I don't like it I don't! Also as to her neutral claim. 

On 11/22/2018 at 9:55 AM, Forresto said:

Sorry I thought neutral and vanilla were interchangeable.

for complete clarification I am vanilla with no role, hence why I’m coming out as proxy for the town bloc.


34 minutes ago, StickFig said:

Almost prescient there. @Lady K, you placed a safe vote against Mad-Eye on day 1. Maybe trying to gain distance from fellow scum?


OK, so I (and I assume most other townies) took this at face value before. Now we know that this is what the scum wanted us to think. Was jluck a vig kill? (Don't answer that, town vig or whoever else might know! I'm just trying to help everyone think.) More importantly, I heard it through the grapevine (in the PM I mentioned yesterday, thankfully no one has PMed me since then) that @fhomess is the scum killer. I don't know whether I believe it at all, but I want the information out there. At first I was afraid that scum told me so that I would out someone else, but I figure there are only a couple of options:

1) Chell is scum, in which case good riddance, or

2) The scum want me to think Chell is scum, and telling everyone that I was told Chell is the scum killer doesn't help them since the scum told me in the first place.

3) Chell is not scum, and someone in town is spreading the rumor that they are, because??? I can't figure out why.

Note that two of the three options are Chell is not scum, and that Chell and Mad-Eye have been antagonistic to each other throughout the game.


@Bob, I'm trying so hard not to meta-game here but you sound so, so so scummy. Was Mad-Eye just protecting you?

This is quite interesting. It's also quite an accusation too make. Few pr's would have such an ability to be able to tell one's role so that is something to note. Thank you for the output none the less

Moody being scum is a nice result and confirms the investigation result.

4 hours ago, StickFig said:

Almost prescient there. @Lady K, you placed a safe vote against Mad-Eye on day 1. Maybe trying to gain distance from fellow scum?


OK, so I (and I assume most other townies) took this at face value before. Now we know that this is what the scum wanted us to think. Was jluck a vig kill? (Don't answer that, town vig or whoever else might know! I'm just trying to help everyone think.) More importantly, I heard it through the grapevine (in the PM I mentioned yesterday, thankfully no one has PMed me since then) that @fhomess is the scum killer. I don't know whether I believe it at all, but I want the information out there. At first I was afraid that scum told me so that I would out someone else, but I figure there are only a couple of options:

1) Chell is scum, in which case good riddance, or

2) The scum want me to think Chell is scum, and telling everyone that I was told Chell is the scum killer doesn't help them since the scum told me in the first place.

3) Chell is not scum, and someone in town is spreading the rumor that they are, because??? I can't figure out why.

Note that two of the three options are Chell is not scum, and that Chell and Mad-Eye have been antagonistic to each other throughout the game.

I'm not scum, but naturally you would all expect me to say that regardless.  The logical first question to ask is how would anyone know that I'm the scum killer.  There are no roles that can determine both alignment and night action ability.  Furthermore, we now know that the town investigator is accurate and gave us Moody.  Either the source is lying directly, or the source is being lied to by someone else.  That liar is scum.

For the record, 3 doesn't make any sense.  No townie would try to spread the rumor that another townie is scum.

I don't fully follow the second part of #2.  If the scum is telling you that I'm scum, then of course they want that passed along publicly so they can get a townie lynched.

8 hours ago, Khscarymovie4 said:

This is quite interesting. It's also quite an accusation too make. Few pr's would have such an ability to be able to tell one's role so that is something to note. Thank you for the output none the less

OK, I realize I was not as clear as I thought in my post: what I was told is that Chell was blocked on night 2, and since there were no kills night 2, she must be the scum killer. I am not accusing her as such (well, not directly), I'm just passing along what I have been told. I hope that the person who told me is now in contact with the real town block; in any case, this is not necessarily meant to start a mob against Chell, but to pass along an idea to the town block of who to investigate/block/etc if they haven't already figured this out. As I've said before, I don't expect the town block to trust me/let me into the block/PM me because as the miller I can't be properly cleared. But someone (I am hoping because of inexperience and not scummy-ness) sent me this PM and I want that information to not get lost.

Regardless, I am beginning to wonder if we even have a town vig. I have to assume that Wonder Woman was a scum kill (duh), and I don't think jluck (sorry, I can't even remember who he was cosplaying as) makes sense as a vig kill, so that's another scum kill. If Chell - or, if I'm being lied to, then whoever our blocker actually blocked on night 2 - is the scum killer, then we can take action. And we can look long and hard at who jluck voted for to see if there are any clues to why he was selected night 1.

Anyway, if Chell has been investigated, I want to know it. If the town blocker didn't block Chell on night 2, I want to know it. As I mentioned above, I think it's odd that Mad-Eye and Chell were so against one another if they were both scum.

4 minutes ago, StickFig said:

OK, I realize I was not as clear as I thought in my post: what I was told is that Chell was blocked on night 2, and since there were no kills night 2, she must be the scum killer. I am not accusing her as such (well, not directly), I'm just passing along what I have been told. I hope that the person who told me is now in contact with the real town block; in any case, this is not necessarily meant to start a mob against Chell, but to pass along an idea to the town block of who to investigate/block/etc if they haven't already figured this out. As I've said before, I don't expect the town block to trust me/let me into the block/PM me because as the miller I can't be properly cleared. But someone (I am hoping because of inexperience and not scummy-ness) sent me this PM and I want that information to not get lost.

Regardless, I am beginning to wonder if we even have a town vig. I have to assume that Wonder Woman was a scum kill (duh), and I don't think jluck (sorry, I can't even remember who he was cosplaying as) makes sense as a vig kill, so that's another scum kill. If Chell - or, if I'm being lied to, then whoever our blocker actually blocked on night 2 - is the scum killer, then we can take action. And we can look long and hard at who jluck voted for to see if there are any clues to why he was selected night 1.

Anyway, if Chell has been investigated, I want to know it. If the town blocker didn't block Chell on night 2, I want to know it. As I mentioned above, I think it's odd that Mad-Eye and Chell were so against one another if they were both scum.

As you've stated multiple times, your miller claim means you can not be permitted into the town block. However, I just wanted to say that this statement you've made feels genuinely townie. As to whether or not Chell is scum, I'm leaning no. However if it's true, hopefully (like you've stated) our potential investigator has found someone to deliver the message in a more concrete manner. 

13 hours ago, StickFig said:

@Bob, I'm trying so hard not to meta-game here but you sound so, so so scummy. Was Mad-Eye just protecting you?

Believing what I'm saying to be scummy isn't metagaming. I'm admitting that what I said yesterday was scummy because I didn't fully trust an investigator. 

Unknown why Moody was trying to cast suspicion on me yesterday. I don't have a power role if that's what the scum are concerned about. 

4 hours ago, StickFig said:

OK, I realize I was not as clear as I thought in my post: what I was told is that Chell was blocked on night 2, and since there were no kills night 2, she must be the scum killer. I am not accusing her as such (well, not directly), I'm just passing along what I have been told. I hope that the person who told me is now in contact with the real town block; in any case, this is not necessarily meant to start a mob against Chell, but to pass along an idea to the town block of who to investigate/block/etc if they haven't already figured this out. As I've said before, I don't expect the town block to trust me/let me into the block/PM me because as the miller I can't be properly cleared. But someone (I am hoping because of inexperience and not scummy-ness) sent me this PM and I want that information to not get lost.

Regardless, I am beginning to wonder if we even have a town vig. I have to assume that Wonder Woman was a scum kill (duh), and I don't think jluck (sorry, I can't even remember who he was cosplaying as) makes sense as a vig kill, so that's another scum kill. If Chell - or, if I'm being lied to, then whoever our blocker actually blocked on night 2 - is the scum killer, then we can take action. And we can look long and hard at who jluck voted for to see if there are any clues to why he was selected night 1.

Anyway, if Chell has been investigated, I want to know it. If the town blocker didn't block Chell on night 2, I want to know it. As I mentioned above, I think it's odd that Mad-Eye and Chell were so against one another if they were both scum.

Ok, this makes a bit of sense.  I would trust the blocker if they say they blocked me on night 2.  Given that Moody claimed blocker and was shown to be scum, it's extremely unlikely this other blocker is not town.  It's normal to have a blocker on each side.  Wonder Woman was certainly a scum kill as the voice of the town investigator that brought forward a valid scum investigation result.  Legolas (jluck!) was probably a scum kill, too.  The short of it is, I don't think you're being lied to and I think you did the right thing by bringing it forward publicly today.  Given yesterday's result on Moody, it was reasonable to hold that information until now.

54 minutes ago, Bob said:

Unknown why Moody was trying to cast suspicion on me yesterday. I don't have a power role if that's what the scum are concerned about. 

Now that's an odd thing to say.

Wow quite a night.  Both teams took a blow.  I wish I knew what the ration of Town to Scum was.  Town is taking a beating.  

And wow, I doze off for a few hours and the conversations run like mad.  Gimme some time to digest everything that is going on.  There is a lot to think about here.

If Chell was blocked on Night 2 then that’s definitely something to look into. It’s possible, there’s a mechanic that the scum can only kill on alternate nights, maybe to throw the town off, but I disgress. 

5 hours ago, StickFig said:

Regardless, I am beginning to wonder if we even have a town vig. I have to assume that Wonder Woman was a scum kill (duh), and I don't think jluck (sorry, I can't even remember who he was cosplaying as) makes sense as a vig kill, so that's another scum kill. If Chell - or, if I'm being lied to, then whoever our blocker actually blocked on night 2 - is the scum killer, then we can take action. And we can look long and hard at who jluck voted for to see if there are any clues to why he was selected night 1.

Scum don’t have a lot to go off on Night 1 so I feel Legolas (jluck), may have been more a random kill than anything else. The scum after all just need to eliminate town players to win. The WW kill was probably more strategic, but I’m surprised they went for her given she could have been under protection and the watcher targeted her too.

3 hours ago, Bob said:

Believing what I'm saying to be scummy isn't metagaming. I'm admitting that what I said yesterday was scummy because I didn't fully trust an investigator. 

Unknown why Moody was trying to cast suspicion on me yesterday. I don't have a power role if that's what the scum are concerned about. 

I think Moody was casting suspicion on you, so that when we found out he was scum, we wouldn't look too closely at Superman.


2 hours ago, Asphalt said:

Wow quite a night.  Both teams took a blow.  I wish I knew what the ration of Town to Scum was.  Town is taking a beating.  

And wow, I doze off for a few hours and the conversations run like mad.  Gimme some time to digest everything that is going on.  There is a lot to think about here.

Thanks for another scummy fluff post that says nothing. :hmpf_bad:


1 hour ago, Tariq j said:

 and the watcher targeted her too.

You know that? Or you are speculating? If the watcher saw whoever killed Wonder Woman, we (the town) need to know, now.

5 minutes ago, StickFig said:


You know that? Or you are speculating? If the watcher saw whoever killed Wonder Woman, we (the town) need to know, now.

I’m not saying that happened, I don’t know what happened. I was just saying it’s common for the town to place a watcher on someone, we may not even have a watcher I don’t know.

3 hours ago, StickFig said:


Thanks for another scummy fluff post that says nothing. :hmpf_bad:

I will give you fluffy, didn’t have much time and wanted to stay active today. But how exactly was it scummy?  You seem to throw that word around a heck of a lot without much seeming cause. Casting suspicion away from yourself perhaps?

5 hours ago, Tariq j said:

but I’m surprised they went for her given she could have been under protection and the watcher targeted her too.


3 hours ago, StickFig said:

You know that? Or you are speculating? If the watcher saw whoever killed Wonder Woman, we (the town) need to know, now.


3 hours ago, Tariq j said:

I’m not saying that happened, I don’t know what happened. I was just saying it’s common for the town to place a watcher on someone, we may not even have a watcher I don’t know.

This is...odd. Why would @Tariq j make such a seemingly black and white statement only to clarify that he has know idea whether or not there is a watcher. :wacko: 

8 minutes ago, LegoMonorailFan said:



This is...odd. Why would @Tariq j make such a seemingly black and white statement only to clarify that he has know idea whether or not there is a watcher. :wacko: 

I think you might be a reading a little too much into it. I was saying hypothetically there could be a watcher (which isn’t an uncommon role) looking back What I meant to say was she COULD have been targeted, a slip up of words on my part.

  • Author

Voting is now open. With ten players remaining, a majority of six is needed to lynch. 48 hours remain.

15 minutes ago, Tariq j said:

I think you might be a reading a little too much into it. I was saying hypothetically there could be a watcher (which isn’t an uncommon role) looking back What I meant to say was she COULD have been targeted, a slip up of words on my part.

I see. Thanks for clarifying that. :classic:


Well I'm hoping our investigator has a new spokesperson who can show us de wae...

Well to get the ball rolling with I will Vote: Oroku Karai (Kotz) for being a almost all of the time band was and not giving very good reasoning for his votes. Particular day 2. Moody voting for him doesn't sit well with me either. Also we are still missing people's voices today.

@Lady K @Rider Raider 

We would love to hear from you two. I would especially want to hear more from the doctor Brown as I am a little suspicious of his middle grounded thoughts. 

Here's the Day 1 vote tally:


Hera Syndulla (Stickfig): 3 Votes (Foreman, LegoMonorailFan, mostlytechnic)

Wonder Woman (Forresto): 1 Vote (KotZ)

Superman (Bob): 1 Vote (Asphalt)

Batgirl (Tariq j): 1 Vote (Khscarymovie4)

Ellie Sattler (LegoMonorailFan): 5 Votes (Rider Raider, jluck, fhomess, Tariq j, Forresto)

Legolas Twinleaf (jluck): 2 Votes (Stickfig, Bob)

Mad-Eye Moody (mostlytechnic): 1 Vote (Lady K)

And the mid-day vote tally for Day 2, taken at peak Wonder Woman voting:


Wonder Woman (Forresto), 6 Votes (Khscarymovie4, Mostly-Technic, KotZ, Foreman, Rider Raider, LegoMonorailFan)

Mad-Eye Moody (Mostly-Technic), 2 Votes (fhomess, Asphalt)

Hector Barbossa (Khscarymovie4), 1 Vote (Bob)

The Joker (Asphalt), 1 Vote (Tariq j)

Finn (Foreman), 1 Vote (Forresto)

Chell (fhomess), 1 Vote (Stickfig)

Not yet voting: 1 no-vote (Lady K)

As well as the final vote tally for Day 2:


Wonder Woman (Forresto), 1 Votes (Foreman)

Mad-Eye Moody (Mostly-Technic), 1 Vote (Asphalt)

Finn (Foreman), 11 Votes (Forresto, KotZ, Khscarymovie4, mostly-technic, fhomess, Tariq j, Rider Raider, Stickfig, Bob, LegoMonorailFan, Lady K)


So... what do I make of all this?

Well, I do think that there's a scum on the Ellie bandwagon and at this point, I think it's Doc Brown.  He's been largely absent was the first vote on Ellie on Day 1, then voted on the other two bandwagons as well.  He's the only person on all 3 of those bandwagons.  He's had a number of odd comments, including acting very surprised at how many votes Ellie got on Day 1 after he threw a vote her way.  The other moment from him, which is a bit odder, IMO, was that he was fairly early to invite Wonder Woman but not commit to someone else.

Vote: Doc Brown (Rider Raider)

There's something odd in the timing of Oroku, Barbossa, and Moody's day 2 votes.  They voted "together" on both the Wonder Woman and Finn bandwagons.  I don't think all 3 are scum, but that's kind of weird.

The other absentee is the 11th Doctor.  He's basically just been showing up at the end to cast votes with very little to say during the rest of the days.  That's not typically like him.  It could be interpreted as scum trying to fly under the radar.  I wouldn't terribly blame him for that, but that's not the kind of person I think he is.

19 hours ago, StickFig said:

I think Moody was casting suspicion on you, so that when we found out he was scum, we wouldn't look too closely at Superman.

I'm not sure I see it that way. He hardly cast suspicion upon me by claiming that I was the person blocked. Saying that he blocked me on Night One doesn't exactly incriminate me considering there was an assumed scum kill that night. Even if his intention was to try to make me look suspicious, it's typical Mafia 101 that whenever the scum tries to implicate another innocent player in their dying gasp, it's usually an attempt to try to get the town to lynch the innocent after the scum player flips as scum the next day. Moody is a very experienced mafia player, he'd know this. 

As for the lynches against Doc Brown, I suppose it does fit in that he's a bandwagoner. However, the last two days have been near unanimous for the lynched person. When Finn said he was scum, almost everyone voted for him. When Moody was outed as scum, everyone voted for him. That leaves primarily the Day One votes as what we should really look at, as well as the mid-Day Two votes that Chell listed above. For the Wonder Woman vote, it seems that Doc Brown and Oroku voted for him, two people that have been voted for today, in addition to Moody that we know is scum. That leaves Barbossa and Ellie Sattler. Barbossa is the one casting the initial vote for Oroku and has been out for her all day today, so it's not likely that they would be on the same team unless they're trying a power play. This leads me to believe that either Barbossa or Oroku are scum, but likely not both. As for Doc Brown, who has been a middle ground person the whole game, the people, or rather person, accusing him has also been a middle of the road player. 

For me, at least today, it's a choice between four players. Ellie Sattler, Barbossa, Oroku, or Doc Brown. Hidden in that list is most likely at least one scum member. At this point I'm conflicted as to who to go with. As I said, at least one of those four is probably scum, but I'm struggling who to go with. For now, I think I'll: 

Vote: Oroku Karai / KotZ

Based on my theory, if Oroku flips town, I'm inclined to believe that Barbossa is scum. If Oroku flips scum, I'm about 75% sure that Barbossa is town, but not completely as it could be some kind of a next level play. Beyond that, out of the remaining players, it's possible that the Joker is scum. Since this is his first game, I don't know his play style. He and Chell did vote for Moody on Day Two before Chell switched her vote and apparently the Joker didn't. Batgirl is the only one that I can't get a full read on yet. Doctor Who has been noticeably absent, but I'm not sure if he's trying to fly under the radar or not. If something changes or a revelation is made, I'll switch my vote. 

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