April 14, 200816 yr The U.S. get all the best things! Please don't make this another "The U.S. gets all the good things" topic. ON TOPIC!!!!!!!!!! That's pretty cool. Thanks for sharing guys! As I have no money, I can only hope somebody will provide a nice review soon !
April 14, 200816 yr what i think this is, is a direct violation of a hold date- I used to see hold dates all the time working at TRU, and if i had to guess, this indy stuff probably shouldn't be out untill next weekend or the one after that- heck might not be untill first week of may, since the movie is still a month out. I wish i could have grabbed the others, but we know how that goes.If you see them guys! grab them cus I think this was a mistake take care guys br()wnie That's what I was thinking, also having been a former TRU employee, when I saw Deino's first post. Typically the LEGO reps. were responsible for putting out new product when I was there. So, this could be a Wal-Mart employee's mistake. But, if more Indy sets pop up this week, maybe Wal-Mart got the green-light from LEGO to put the sets out early, similar to the deal that TRU seems to have with other LEGO lines. I guess I'll be checking out Wal-Mart this week, too... but man, I dread going into that place.
April 14, 200816 yr Hey guys-just updated over at FBTB I picked up #7624 Jungle Duel tonight- saw all but the biggest of the sets- the temple prices where $9.98, $19.98 and $39.86 sorry for the cell phone pic like i said i got the Jungle duel- I just wanted to get the cheapest set since i picked up 5 more star wars figs tonight- I took some box shots tonight, I will try to upload them. I should find some time to build tomorrow and get a review up. what i think this is, is a direct violation of a hold date- I used to see hold dates all the time working at TRU, and if i had to guess, this indy stuff probably shouldn't be out untill next weekend or the one after that- heck might not be untill first week of may, since the movie is still a month out. I wish i could have grabbed the others, but we know how that goes. If you see them guys! grab them cus I think this was a mistake take care guys br()wnie Hmmm great to see these sets hitting the shelves, but so far it looks like a US release only. Still only a matter of time until were all indy building
April 14, 200816 yr No luck here. I think it was probably a mistake that they put them out in some Wal Marts. But I think they should be out in the next week or two.
April 14, 200816 yr Indeed; I can't wait until they reach my area... Oh, nvm. In Wal-mart you say? Edited April 14, 200816 yr by trooperdavinfelth
April 14, 200816 yr Author I think the official on-shelf date for Indy merchandise is May 1st. If I'm correct, then that's a mere 17 days away
April 14, 200816 yr WHY? Is not Lego an european toy? Yes, it is indeed; it's just a fluke that we got them first. Seems he can't handle not getting everything first. I'd actually enjoy being up there once in a while.
April 14, 200816 yr Yes, it is indeed; it's just a fluke that we got them first.Seems he can't handle not getting everything first. I'd actually enjoy being up there once in a while. Oh great, so it's turning into another silly "Americas always gots everthings first!1!" argument. Can we please just talk about the sets? I'm glad that they are showing up now, I wonder what the Aus release date is? I have no idea, considering we got Speed Racer sets before the Castle ones... Batbrick Away!
April 14, 200816 yr Oh great, so it's turning into another silly "Americas always gots everthings first!1!" argument. Can we please just talk about the sets?Batbrick Away! Well said!! People need to shut up and stop complaining about who gets what first, every year it's the same. Some sets are released in europe first and some are not, it's not the end of the world it's just a matter of time till we all get what we want. Now lets get back to the sets themselves.
April 14, 200816 yr Ahem, I am an American, and we feel the same way about Europeans sometimes. Like, you get the Harry Potter movies first, the Doctor who episodes, and, in many cases, the lego sets! I certainly don't want to offend anyone. But I am going to Walt Disney World the second week of June, and hopefully the super-duper Lego store will have some soon be released lego sets that i can review. So if we want discuss who gets what first, lets give it its own topic (if the Admins or Mods say it is okay). Edited April 14, 200816 yr by MrCustomizer
April 14, 200816 yr Well said!! People need to shut up and stop complaining about who gets what first, every year it's the same. Some sets are released in europe first and some are not, it's not the end of the world it's just a matter of time till we all get what we want.Now lets get back to the sets themselves. Well said Vader! The Temple set looks like a better, more Aztec orientated Temple Escape set, with all its traps and devices. I can't wait to get some of these sets, even if only this one. I expect the set prices (if not guessed already) for the UK are: Jungle Duel: £8.99 River Chase: £14.99 Jungle Cutter: £29.99 Temple of the Crystal Skull: £69.99 Maybe others agree
April 14, 200816 yr Thanks for all the info folks!! I went hunting locally here in NY...nada, bupkiss, nutin'. Looking forward to getting them.
April 14, 200816 yr Oh great, so it's turning into another silly "Americas always gots everthings first!1!" argument. Can we please just talk about the sets?I'm glad that they are showing up now, I wonder what the Aus release date is? I have no idea, considering we got Speed Racer sets before the Castle ones... Batbrick Away! Well said!! People need to shut up and stop complaining about who gets what first, every year it's the same. Some sets are released in europe first and some are not, it's not the end of the world it's just a matter of time till we all get what we want.Now lets get back to the sets themselves. Well said yourself, ! What BB said reminds us that different countries get different lines at different times. Like he said, the Aussies got SR the first, then we got it, then before all of this and actually quite a while ago, European countries got the Castle line. So I won't be surprised if Europe gets the Star Wars line first; we've already got two first. I went to my local NY Wal-Mart and Target and found nothing. However, Trooper Davin Felth is patient, and will wait 'till he can get to a TRU!
April 14, 200816 yr Hey everyone! At Noon today I found sets 7625, 7626, and 7624 on the shelves at Wal-Mart here in Phoenix, AZ. I picked up the River Chase and finished building it. The gunboat/jeep is very fun to build and detailed. I also picked up two of the Jungle Duels. I want the extra hairpiece for Trixie from the Speed Racer line (which I can find nowhere btw). I didn't get the tank/bulldozer w/ blades of doom though. Three soldiers and Indy sound cool but I'm going to wait for the movie. All in all, I was very lucky to stumble on them.
April 14, 200816 yr Hey everyone! At Noon today I found sets 7625, 7626, and 7624 on the shelves at Wal-Mart here in Phoenix, AZ. I picked up the River Chase and finished building it. The gunboat/jeep is very fun to build and detailed. I also picked up two of the Jungle Duels. I want the extra hairpiece for Trixie from the Speed Racer line (which I can find nowhere btw). I didn't get the tank/bulldozer w/ blades of doom though. Three soldiers and Indy sound cool but I'm going to wait for the movie. All in all, I was very lucky to stumble on them. Good find So as you have found them all, i do hope that you will give us a review of them?
April 14, 200816 yr Hey Dadster, where are you in NY? Anywhere near Syracuse? Edited April 14, 200816 yr by darthperson8
April 14, 200816 yr Hey guys pics will be up later tonight- ill throw them in my brickshelf folder I'll go a head an do the review for set#7624 Jungle Duel This is one little fun playset. A price point right around $10, the set includes 3 figures just like the Motorcycle chase. Figures include Mutt Williams, Irina Spalko and of course the man with the whip, Mr. Indiana Jones. Firs impressions: This set is a great way to get 2 of the newest figs, including new hairdos. The total piece count runs around 90 pcs, with about 5 left over including a (pirates era) sword. The set comes with 2 already but somehow mine included 3. Swords : 2x Pirates era sword (mine however included 3) 1x golden katana (exo-force version) 1x medieval sword 2x knives The set itself has 3 little buildable additions: a tent, A breakable table w/bench and of course a sword rack. The tent is pretty strait foward, made with good old lego cloth in a real nice dark tan. Be sure to fold all creases or the sides and opening will not stay down correctly- found that out through trial and error. The table is neat with its little breakable feature, however i am slightly puzzled why they used 2x orange 1x1 pieces to hold the table together instead of say brown or black...like the rest of the table... Set also includes a little sword rack that can fit 3 swords at a time, instructions show the medieval sword, katana and one pirate sword in place. A neat little idea. Side items include old style brown box and a little camp fire. The set also includes the new spider/ants with multiple color injections. Mine are dark brown. They are considerably larger then the original spider, and a neat addition to the lego insect family. Like i said the high lights are the figs. We get another fantastic Indy, and the new Mutt haircut will become a Town must. Great to see lego adding more molds after years of the same old same old. Irina's is very...russian? what can i say the new hair cut is perfect for a russian communist villainess haircut. Bangs are strait across- its one fantastic haircut. Playability is the only downside to this set. It could keep someone occupied for about 30 seconds :). Meaning i can play with it for hours.... But really, the set gives us clues into a scene where possibly Mutt and Indy are sharing a terrific chicken leg and/or bananna (both included in set!) and good ol' Irina steps in with her sword blazing on Indy's little camp...or maybe its the other way around. After all the sword rack doesn't really seam like a necessity on an expedition into the unknown...but the bananna is a must! If i can think of anything else..I will add it with the pictures tonight results Pcs/Price Ratio- about $0.11 a piece, pretty good i guess, but considering two brand new hair cuts- ill give it 8/10 Pcs- 7/10 Detail- 6/10 Mini-figs- 10/10 Playability- 5/10 Availability- 2/10- From the sounds of this- it seems that those who can find them are lucky- these will probably be more available within the next couple of weeks hope everyone enjoyed it- let me know if there is anything else you guys would care to know or that i should correct br()wnie
April 14, 200816 yr Hey everyone, Quick note on the Irina hairpiece. It's not a short pageboy all around. It curves up and looks sorta shaved in the back. If you have played Halo, she has Cortana hair if that helps some of you. Kind of a modern-ish haircut in my opinion. As for a quick River Chase review here's a summary. In spite of what's shown on the side of the box, you get two soldiers with different expressions. The Malfoy head and the Bruce Wayne head. The side of the box shows two Malfoys. The patrol boat is nicely detailed with oars and a flashlight mounted rifle. Two stickers on the side with russian numbers. Looks good next to the included alligator. The guard treestation is a fun build with lots of greenery pieces and even a cup of coffee for long nights. The gunboat/jeep is a highlight. Full of detail, the stickers compliment the details and even though it's a bit cramped, you could easily get four figures in there. I think there's four people in there during the trailer scenes. Marion's head is the same as the Raiders Marion. So you have the scared face to use in the Jeep. Plus her costume appears to be very accurate to what we've seen her wearing in the Vanity Fair pics and the comic-con footage. Indy is Indy. The soldiers have that cool new green color and come with lots of accessories.
April 15, 200816 yr Author Aw damn you all...I went Wal-Mart hopping tonight looking for the smaller sets but didn't find squat...now I'm almost sorry I didn't scoop up the Temple. Sad thing is...after reading you guys' impressions of the new sets, I'm finally starting to get excited for the actual movie
April 15, 200816 yr The prices are quite steep in my opinion. I mean, for Jungle Cutter, you get a sweet tree-harvester tank thing, with bonus exploding fun, a few trees, and a hidden box of tools in a cave. But is it really worth 90 NZD? Really? I mean, that's heaps. It's like, hmm, let's see, the same as a Tower Raid and two Dwarf Mine Defenders! I'd rather go for the latter option. Of the new Indy sets, I'll only be getting the cheapest (yet still quite expensive for it's contents, same as Motorcycle Chase) set, for that wicked tent, weapon rack, and new hair pieces. ~Peace
April 15, 200816 yr The prices are quite steep in my opinion. I mean, for Jungle Cutter, you get a sweet tree-harvester tank thing, with bonus exploding fun, a few trees, and a hidden box of tools in a cave. But is it really worth 90 NZD? Really? I mean, that's heaps. It's like, hmm, let's see, the same as a Tower Raid and two Dwarf Mine Defenders! I'd rather go for the latter option. Of the new Indy sets, I'll only be getting the cheapest (yet still quite expensive for it's contents, same as Motorcycle Chase) set, for that wicked tent, weapon rack, and new hair pieces.~Peace Oh, that means the Jungle Cutter is 80 Aus bucks, I'll have to cut down on my list then, as I must get the cutter, great set. Batbrick Away!
April 15, 200816 yr The prices are quite steep in my opinion. I mean, for Jungle Cutter, you get a sweet tree-harvester tank thing, with bonus exploding fun, a few trees, and a hidden box of tools in a cave. But is it really worth 90 NZD? Really? I mean, that's heaps. It's like, hmm, let's see, the same as a Tower Raid and two Dwarf Mine Defenders! I'd rather go for the latter option. Of the new Indy sets, I'll only be getting the cheapest (yet still quite expensive for it's contents, same as Motorcycle Chase) set, for that wicked tent, weapon rack, and new hair pieces.~Peace Exactly what i'm going to do..even I only bought the bike chase and i'm only going to get the jungle dual and mayby..just mayby the riverchase. but i even found the motorcycle chase expensive although you did get 3 fleshies..
April 15, 200816 yr I've just found a set inventory of 7627 on bricklink: http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItemInv.asp?S=7627-1 I think it includes very useful pieces in tan and dark tan... The minifigs are ingenious too. Edited April 15, 200816 yr by Lego-Freak
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