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To: Mayor Richard Brickford, Quinnsville, Cocovia @LM71Blackbird
And: Governor Jonathan Cooke
, King's Harbour, Cocovia @Bregir

From: Cathy Derr, captaining the Narwal, port of Fatu Hiva, île d'Or                                                                                                 20 December 618

My dear lords,

It has come to my attention that the Mayor would like to test the defences of the Large Town Quinnsville.
I would like to take that challenge as my men and woman of the Derr's expeditionary light infantry and the crew of my barque Narwal are in need of some training.

I can attempt a raid on your town in the coming month, with your permission of course. But I will not disclose the exact date of my arrival on your shores as to make it a better surprise.
Also I will not fire life shots, my bullets and cannonballs will be replaced with yellow paint cartridges as to indicate a hit, but not make real damage. I hope you will take similar arrangements.

I look forward to your reply as to agree upon the details. 

Fair winds,
Cathy Derr, act.Capt. of the Narwal, 


Edited by Bart

Better make sure that nobody raids the raiders... :pir-grin:


To: Cathy Derr, acting captain of the Narwal, port of Fatu Hiva, île d'Or

Mayor Richard Brickford, Quinnsville, Cocovia


Dear Captain Derr,

I would very much like to accept your request. Similar to your troops, the soldiers of Quinnsville are also in much need of some actual battle experience. I believe this training exercise could be quite beneficial. Should governor Cooke agree, I will make similar agreements with the use of paint cartridges as to not prematurely take the lives of your forces. 



Mayor Richard Brickford

  On 12/20/2018 at 4:12 PM, Drunknok said:

Better make sure that nobody raids the raiders... :pir-grin:

You never cease to make me chuckle... :snicker:



  On 12/20/2018 at 4:44 PM, LM71Blackbird said:

You never cease to make me chuckle... :snicker:

Oh how is that? :pir_tong2:


Seriously though, you have to come up with some plan that this becomes indeed only "Narwhal against Quinnsville" without being interrupted by others. The current system does not handle individual attacks too well, so you will have to arrange something.

@Drunknok How do you think it would fare if a third party secretly got in on the action? Live fire in the middle of a training exercise...

  • Author
  On 12/20/2018 at 4:58 PM, Drunknok said:

Oh how is that? :pir_tong2:


Seriously though, you have to come up with some plan that this becomes indeed only "Narwhal against Quinnsville" without being interrupted by others. The current system does not handle individual attacks too well, so you will have to arrange something.

We are all gentleman/lady's here aren't we?
I assumed everyone to be descent enough to stay to the sidelines of it. 
Or at least curious enough to how the game mechanics are going to handle this. 
How many raids have there been on bigger settlements? 

Maybe the Narwal will blasts the fortress clean from the rock it is build upon, in that case the next month more Searats might take their changes. 

And may anyone stab me in the back as to try to rob the new bank in Poppy Port, I will have my revenge how ever long it may take, that is a promise. 


To Captain Cathy Derr,

I can only support any efforts in exercising the men nominally under my command, and have enclosed a flag hoist to be flown at the mainmasthead of the Narwhal during the exercise. All Royal Navy vessels, as well as the forts at Quinnsville will have orders issues not to fire live rounds at you.

I am also required to warn you that any transgressions against the positive intent of this agreement will be met by the swiftest justice by the full force of Corlander Arms.

I shall expect from you and Major Brickford each a thourough report of the results of the exercise, for all of us to learn from the experience.


Captain Jno. Cooke, RN

Military Governor of the Southern Isles

  • Author

To: Mayor Richard Brickford, Quinnsville, Cocovia 
And: Governor Jonathan Cooke
, King's Harbour, Cocovia 

From: Cathy Derr, captaining the Narwal, port of Fatu Hiva, île d'Or                                                                                                 20 December 618

My dear lords,

Thank you for the positive reply. The flag will be hoisted upon departure out of Fatu Hiva. 
You will be getting no transgressions from my part, but I am not and will not take responsibility for any other Captain on the Brick Seas. 
Any dishonest aggression from your part will be dealt with accordingly, the rounds may be filled with paint but the crew does not dull their knifes. 

A full report will be made and published publicly, I want to even take a next step and invite the editors of both the KPA and the WTC Monthly @Capt Wolf@Drunknokto send a (wo)man  to Fatu Hiva to board the Narwal and see this exercise unfold from close view. (Paint stains on cloths is for their own risk) 

Fair winds,
Cathy Derr, act.Capt. of the Narwal, 

  On 12/20/2018 at 4:58 PM, Drunknok said:

Oh how is that? :pir_tong2:


Seriously though, you have to come up with some plan that this becomes indeed only "Narwhal against Quinnsville" without being interrupted by others. The current system does not handle individual attacks too well, so you will have to arrange something.

As Bart said, we are all civilized here aren't we? 

  On 12/20/2018 at 5:37 PM, Ross Fisher said:

@Drunknok How do you think it would fare if a third party secretly got in on the action? Live fire in the middle of a training exercise...

Let's just say, for example, if I see Padre coming over the horizon, the mayor might order the troops to fire a bit more then paint at him...

  On 12/20/2018 at 5:38 PM, Bart said:

We are all gentleman/lady's here aren't we?
I assumed everyone to be descent enough to stay to the sidelines of it. 
Or at least curious enough to how the game mechanics are going to handle this. 
How many raids have there been on bigger settlements? 

Maybe the Narwal will blasts the fortress clean from the rock it is build upon, in that case the next month more Searats might take their changes. 

And may anyone stab me in the back as to try to rob the new bank in Poppy Port, I will have my revenge how ever long it may take, that is a promise. 


Agree 110%. No backstabbing should happen in this test. 


To everyone:

I am willing to send the full might of my warships in search of anyone who messes with us to much...  friendly stuff is fine, but please don't send 30 ships at Quinnsville!

  On 12/20/2018 at 5:37 PM, Ross Fisher said:

@Drunknok How do you think it would fare if a third party secretly got in on the action? Live fire in the middle of a training exercise...

As usual in BotBS, you should consider the in-character (IC) and out-of-character (OOC) side of any situation on their own. In this case this is a bit more complicated, since the OOC game mechanics are not made for a IC scenario like this.


IC, there should be no conflict between the parties that honour the agreement made so far. What about other interests though? Since this can be considered public knowledge now - even "the media" has been invited to participate! - I can imagine that quite a few people in the Brick Seas would consider taking advantage of it.

First of all we have some actual pirates, who will be more than happy to "interfere". NPC nations might act the same.

Apart from those, we also have player-controlled groups or individuals that have no interest in the well-being of Quinnsville or any Sea Rat ship, and will happily take the opportunity to mess with one or both sides. Fiction provides some examples (a reversion of the idea is used in "Die Hard 2" :pir-grin:).


OOC the Narwhal will start from Fatu Hiva, and can not reach Quinnsville without moving through zones 35 and 24. So anybody choosing the option to attack SR ships (assuming @Bart will handle this without using the Black Flag) and also moving through one of these zones will automatically attack the Narwhal. The same is true for any zone that is part of the Narwhals route. There are plenty of scenarios that include a player crossing any of those zones and choosing to possibly attack SR ships without the intention to specifically target the Narwhal - they would all lead to a fight with the Narwhal though.

And then there is the possibility of a player who actually wants to take advantage of the situation, for whatever reason. I say: why not?


I assume @Capt Wolf and/or @Bregir can handle these issues individually, but I also believe it will need quite a bit of messing with the results of the upcoming MRCA turn - i.e. a good chunk of work.

Alternatively, this could be done by a "special MRCA turn" played out only between the Narwhal and Quinnsville, and letting the mechanics handle it seperately from the regular MRCA turn. This version has the benefit of no possible interference (and could be done at any point now, outside of the regular MRCA schedule).


  On 12/20/2018 at 5:38 PM, Bart said:

We are all gentleman/lady's here aren't we?

I assumed everyone to be descent enough to stay to the sidelines of it. 

Quite a strong assumption... :tongue:

In all seriousness: there are legitimate IC and OOC reasons to take advantage of this situation for multiple parties. Some of them I have outlined above. Onl a few of them are actually "ungentlemanlike". And unless the behind-the-scenes work keeps the Narwhal out of the rest of the regular MRCA, there is simply no way to completely stay on the sides - you can not block a part of the map for "general traffic"!


  4 hours ago, Bart said:

Or at least curious enough to how the game mechanics are going to handle this. 

Same here. As part of the regular MRCA I assume it involves some headscratching and a lot of manual interference with the results.


  4 hours ago, Bart said:

How many raids have there been on bigger settlements? 

None, as far as I know.

The only successful raid I am aware of at all is from last turn (on Acropolis, of settlement size 5).


  4 hours ago, Bart said:

Maybe the Narwal will blasts the fortress clean from the rock it is build upon, in that case the next month more Searats might take their changes. 

I for one am looking forward to the results! :thumbup:


  4 hours ago, Bart said:

And may anyone stab me in the back as to try to rob the new bank in Poppy Port, I will have my revenge how ever long it may take, that is a promise.

Is that a promise? :devil:


  On 12/20/2018 at 8:28 PM, LM71Blackbird said:

As Bart said, we are all civilized here aren't we?

Agree 110%. No backstabbing should happen in this test. 

As described above: depending on how this is handled in game mechanics, in some cases interference from third parties is inevitable.

Independent of this OOC aspect, I question why "no backstabbing" is to be assumed in a game that is - as has been argued so strongly in the last days by some - to a big degree about piracy. :wink:


  1 hour ago, LM71Blackbird said:

To everyone:

I am willing to send the full might of my warships in search of anyone who messes with us to much...  friendly stuff is fine, but please don't send 30 ships at Quinnsville!

Some might see that as a challenge. :pir_tong2:

  On 12/20/2018 at 8:28 PM, LM71Blackbird said:

I am willing to send the full might of my warships in search of anyone who messes with us to much...  friendly stuff is fine, but please don't send 30 ships at Quinnsville!

Aye tharty one and tree men in a dingy it is then...  Lol all joking aside I'm curious to see the action unfold both as a spectator and as a game mechanics intetest

  On 12/20/2018 at 11:12 PM, Drunknok said:

As described above: depending on how this is handled in game mechanics, in some cases interference from third parties is inevitable.

Independent of this OOC aspect, I question why "no backstabbing" is to be assumed in a game that is - as has been argued so strongly in the last days by some - to a big degree about piracy. :wink:

Well, we are simply planning this as a training exercise... If this were a normal raid, I would even have the slightest clue that Quinnsville was going to be attacked. @Bart and I are simply asking to let us have a trial run of the raiding system to fulfill both our personal curiosity and essentially have an exposition of this new system to benefit everyone on the Brick Seas.

  On 12/20/2018 at 11:12 PM, Drunknok said:

Some might see that as a challenge. :pir_tong2:

Haha… well, if I get any takers here's the fleet they would be facing:

Class 10 - 134-gun First-rate Ship-of-the-Line "HMS Resilience"

Class 10 - Third-rate Ship of the Line "HMS Dominance"

Class 7 - Frigate "Marlin"

Class 6 - Heavy Frigate "Lightning"

Class 5 - 14-gun ship "Razorbill"


  On 12/20/2018 at 11:13 PM, Roadmonkeytj said:

Aye tharty one and tree men in a dingy it is then...  Lol all joking aside I'm curious to see the action unfold both as a spectator and as a game mechanics intetest

:iamded_lol: As am I. Hopefully after this takes place we will see more raiding throughout the Brick Seas!

  On 12/21/2018 at 2:00 AM, LM71Blackbird said:

Well, we are simply planning this as a training exercise...

I beieve the best option to handle this is indeed a "special MRCA turn" just for this event. No interference from others (planned or not), no complications for the regular MRCA results, and most likely easy to handle. Maybe even before the next deadline - so the results of this can already be taken into account for the next turn.


  3 minutes ago, LM71Blackbird said:

exposition of this new system to benefit everyone on the Brick Seas


I hope we get the complete statistics of this event (stats of Quinnsville compared to Narwhal, odds involved on the different stages of combat, etc.).


  3 minutes ago, LM71Blackbird said:

Haha… well, if I get any takers here's the fleet they would be facing:

Class 10 - 134-gun First-rate Ship-of-the-Line "HMS Resilience"

Class 10 - Third-rate Ship of the Line "HMS Dominance"

Class 7 - Frigate "Marlin"

Class 6 - Heavy Frigate "Lightning"

Class 5 - 14-gun ship "Razorbill"

Licensing and using all of those would put quite a dent into your bank account. Are any of them for sale? :innocent:

  On 12/20/2018 at 11:12 PM, Drunknok said:

So anybody choosing the option to attack SR ships ... and also moving through one of these zones will automatically attack the Narwhal.

FYI, they won't be automatically attacked. Ships choosing the option to attack SR ships in those zones will attempt to attack the Narwhal. An intercept is not guaranteed. but you are correct that there is risk associated with moving ships in the MRCA for any purpose.

  On 12/20/2018 at 11:12 PM, Drunknok said:

depending on how this is handled in game mechanics, in some cases interference from third parties is inevitable.

Personally, I'd like to see the ships moved via the MRCA, with outside interference possible, but if the training raid happens, then results would be administered accordingly (paint instead of cannonballs) in the course of normal MRCA resolution.

  On 12/21/2018 at 2:15 AM, Drunknok said:

I beieve the best option to handle this is indeed a "special MRCA turn" just for this event. No interference from others (planned or not), no complications for the regular MRCA results, and most likely easy to handle. Maybe even before the next deadline - so the results of this can already be taken into account for the next turn.



I hope we get the complete statistics of this event (stats of Quinnsville compared to Narwhal, odds involved on the different stages of combat, etc.).


Licensing and using all of those would put quite a dent into your bank account. Are any of them for sale? :innocent:

Lol... What else i'm I going to spend it on? I make between 2k-4k Dbs per month anyway sailing in the tMRCA… I'm really just saving money for when land combat comes into play, and then that's when the real fun starts!

 I do still owe you and @Mesabi another class 7 warship, would you both be interested in the Marlin? If so, just let me know!


  On 12/21/2018 at 3:43 AM, Capt Wolf said:

Personally, I'd like to see the ships moved via the MRCA, with outside interference possible, but if the training raid happens, then results would be administered accordingly (paint instead of cannonballs) in the course of normal MRCA resolution.

I think @Bart and I both agree that this would be only fair. We can't expect the Narwal to just show up and attack Quinnsville.

  On 12/21/2018 at 3:43 AM, Capt Wolf said:

FYI, they won't be automatically attacked. Ships choosing the option to attack SR ships in those zones will attempt to attack the Narwhal. An intercept is not guaranteed. but you are correct that there is risk associated with moving ships in the MRCA for any purpose.

Personally, I'd like to see the ships moved via the MRCA, with outside interference possible, but if the training raid happens, then results would be administered accordingly (paint instead of cannonballs) in the course of normal MRCA resolution.

Capt Wolf is in the right. (as always :))


And anybody attacking quinnsville or the dark narwhal next turn will do so with the normal consequences of such actions. To the best of my knowledge, neither the sea Rats nor Corrington is at war with anyone, so one black flag/independent pirates can attack without sparking a possible diplomatic crisis or war. Same as always. Corrington will not abide such actions, at least.

  On 12/21/2018 at 3:43 AM, Capt Wolf said:

FYI, they won't be automatically attacked. Ships choosing the option to attack SR ships in those zones will attempt to attack the Narwhal. An intercept is not guaranteed. but you are correct that there is risk associated with moving ships in the MRCA for any purpose.

Personally, I'd like to see the ships moved via the MRCA, with outside interference possible, but if the training raid happens, then results would be administered accordingly (paint instead of cannonballs) in the course of normal MRCA resolution.

Interesting, thanks. :classic:


  On 12/21/2018 at 4:04 AM, LM71Blackbird said:

I do still owe you and @Mesabi another class 7 warship, would you both be interested in the Marlin? If so, just let me know!

"Owe" is the wrong word. I for one love the build of the "Marlin", so with some slight recoloring of the sails I would be more than happy with her. :thumbup:


  • Author
  On 12/20/2018 at 11:12 PM, Drunknok said:

As usual in BotBS, you should consider the in-character (IC) and out-of-character (OOC) side of any situation on their own. In this case this is a bit more complicated, since the OOC game mechanics are not made for a IC scenario like this.


IC, there should be no conflict between the parties that honour the agreement made so far. What about other interests though? Since this can be considered public knowledge now - even "the media" has been invited to participate! - I can imagine that quite a few people in the Brick Seas would consider taking advantage of it.

First of all we have some actual pirates, who will be more than happy to "interfere". NPC nations might act the same.

Apart from those, we also have player-controlled groups or individuals that have no interest in the well-being of Quinnsville or any Sea Rat ship, and will happily take the opportunity to mess with one or both sides. Fiction provides some examples (a reversion of the idea is used in "Die Hard 2" :pir-grin:).


OOC the Narwhal will start from Fatu Hiva, and can not reach Quinnsville without moving through zones 35 and 24. So anybody choosing the option to attack SR ships (assuming @Bart will handle this without using the Black Flag) and also moving through one of these zones will automatically attack the Narwhal. The same is true for any zone that is part of the Narwhals route. There are plenty of scenarios that include a player crossing any of those zones and choosing to possibly attack SR ships without the intention to specifically target the Narwhal - they would all lead to a fight with the Narwhal though.

And then there is the possibility of a player who actually wants to take advantage of the situation, for whatever reason. I say: why not?


I assume @Capt Wolf and/or @Bregir can handle these issues individually, but I also believe it will need quite a bit of messing with the results of the upcoming MRCA turn - i.e. a good chunk of work.

Alternatively, this could be done by a "special MRCA turn" played out only between the Narwhal and Quinnsville, and letting the mechanics handle it seperately from the regular MRCA turn. This version has the benefit of no possible interference (and could be done at any point now, outside of the regular MRCA schedule).


Quite a strong assumption... :tongue:

In all seriousness: there are legitimate IC and OOC reasons to take advantage of this situation for multiple parties. Some of them I have outlined above. Onl a few of them are actually "ungentlemanlike". And unless the behind-the-scenes work keeps the Narwhal out of the rest of the regular MRCA, there is simply no way to completely stay on the sides - you can not block a part of the map for "general traffic"!


Same here. As part of the regular MRCA I assume it involves some headscratching and a lot of manual interference with the results.


None, as far as I know.

The only successful raid I am aware of at all is from last turn (on Acropolis, of settlement size 5).


I for one am looking forward to the results! :thumbup:


Is that a promise? :devil:


As described above: depending on how this is handled in game mechanics, in some cases interference from third parties is inevitable.

Independent of this OOC aspect, I question why "no backstabbing" is to be assumed in a game that is - as has been argued so strongly in the last days by some - to a big degree about piracy. :wink:


Some might see that as a challenge. :pir_tong2:


Well up until the next MCRA the location of Searat ships where not hidden, so everybody already knew where any ship was departing from. So giving that knowledge publically is of no harm to me. Giving out my destination doesn't feel like it will increase the risk of being attempted to attacked much bigger.

And yes the Narwal (Note there is no H in there, I've used the Dutch spelling when licensing) does not fly a black flag (yet) 

I understand your ideas, but my personal opinion is that I don't think anyone would try to sack Quinnsville for real during this round. But if you want to try be my guest, I'll order the popcorn for the political mayhem you'll unleash. 


  On 12/21/2018 at 2:15 AM, Drunknok said:

I beieve the best option to handle this is indeed a "special MRCA turn" just for this event. No interference from others (planned or not), no complications for the regular MRCA results, and most likely easy to handle. Maybe even before the next deadline - so the results of this can already be taken into account for the next turn.


I hope we get the complete statistics of this event (stats of Quinnsville compared to Narwhal, odds involved on the different stages of combat, etc.).

Licensing and using all of those would put quite a dent into your bank account. Are any of them for sale? :innocent:


  On 12/21/2018 at 3:43 AM, Capt Wolf said:

FYI, they won't be automatically attacked. Ships choosing the option to attack SR ships in those zones will attempt to attack the Narwhal. An intercept is not guaranteed. but you are correct that there is risk associated with moving ships in the MRCA for any purpose.

Personally, I'd like to see the ships moved via the MRCA, with outside interference possible, but if the training raid happens, then results would be administered accordingly (paint instead of cannonballs) in the course of normal MRCA resolution.

I would want this to be handeld in the normal MRCA, the normal dangeours should apply to the Narwal during the crossing, otherwise it wouldn't be fair. same as for the upkeep of the Narwal and troops that will just continue. 

  On 12/21/2018 at 4:04 AM, LM71Blackbird said:


I think @Bart and I both agree that this would be only fair. We can't expect the Narwal to just show up and attack Quinnsville.


  On 12/21/2018 at 6:10 AM, Bregir said:

Capt Wolf is in the right. (as always :))


And anybody attacking quinnsville or the dark narwhal next turn will do so with the normal consequences of such actions. To the best of my knowledge, neither the sea Rats nor Corrington is at war with anyone, so one black flag/independent pirates can attack without sparking a possible diplomatic crisis or war. Same as always. Corrington will not abide such actions, at least.

My first Idea was that I would just raid Quinnsville with the normal MCRA rules, and Blackbird and I would share dammage costs to ship and fortress. But a short conversation with Bregir showed that it could be done without real damage. But if that is to much work for the MCRA team please say so.

  On 12/21/2018 at 10:00 AM, Bart said:

I don't think anyone would try to sack Quinnsville for real during this round. But if you want to try be my guest, I'll order the popcorn for the political mayhem you'll unleash.

Nah, I think @Bregir deserves some rest and peace. :pir-grin:

And why in the Seven Frozen Hells would I want to attack Quinnsville? :pir-look:

  • 2 weeks later...
  • Author

To: Mayor Richard Brickford, Quinnsville, Cocovia @LM71Blackbird
And: Governor Jonathan Cooke
, King's Harbour, Cocovia @Bregir

From: Cathy Derr, captaining the Narwal, port of Fatu Hiva, île d'Or                                                                                                 3 Januari 619

My dear lords,

First of all a Happy New Year may the seas be mercyfull to you both.
When taking soldiers onboard the Narwal I had trouble housing them all, while aiding the thinking of a way to transport them all with a pint of rum. 
I met an old friend, Samantha Kedd, and she offered the Myth Chaser to assist in ferrying the battalion to Quinnsville. 

I told her all about the arrangements, and she has taken paint on board as well. So your gunners have two targets to practise on.

Fair winds,
Cathy Derr, Captain of the Narwal, 

To: Cathy Derr, acting captain of the Narwal, port of Fatu Hiva, île d'Or @Bart

From: Mayor Richard Brickford, Quinnsville, Cocovia


Dear Captain Derr,

I am pleased to hear that you have been able to work out the necessary arrangements to get your men safely to Quinnsville for our training exercise.

Happy New Year to you and your crew as well and may the seas be calm as you make your way to Quinnsville.



Mayor Richard Brickford

  • 4 weeks later...

To: Cathy Derr, acting captain of the Narwal, port of Fatu Hiva, île d'Or @Bart

From: Mayor Richard Brickford, Quinnsville, Cocovia


Dear Captain Derr,


With the official results having just been published, I would again like to extended my gratitude in conducting this exercise with the men of Quinnsville. While I honestly never expected you to make it past the guns of Fort Annetta, I commend the skill and prowess of your men to maneuver around the guns as much as possible and make it to the shore. Though heavily outmatched, you should be quite proud of your men as I watched the land engagement unfold, I am without doubt that you would have been able to progress much farther if the local garrison wasn't quite as large.

The Narwal and the Myth Chaser are welcome to remain in Quinnsville for as long as you like and to show my appreciation, I would like to bestow to you a small gift of 75 dbs to help you enjoy your stay in our lovely city. May you have fair winds and calm seas.



Mayor Richard Brickford



Just a little build showing the corrie side of the action!

45996869195_93d88faca1_z.jpgbeachside cannon defense 3 by LM71Blackbird, on Flickr

Edited by LM71Blackbird
Added picture

  • Author

From: Mayor Richard Brickford, Quinnsville, Cocovia

To: Cathy Derr, acting captain of the Narwal, Quinnsville, Cocovia

Dear Mayor,

My congratulations to you and your men. The wals of your fortresses seemed in better shape then I expected. Your gun crews did excellent work though and it was hard work on the helm to bring my men ashore. Ashore we where out manned as you say, but it was a perfect training for my men and woman at arms, they now know where there strenghts and weaknesses lay. and above all everybody enjoyed themselves.

Most likely we will sail as soon as my crew is broke or all your alcohol supplies run dry, there is more profit to be made and honour to be gathered on the brick seas 

Best Regards,

Cathy Derr



33018171158_645528137c_z.jpgQuinnsville vs Derr 1 by Bart, on Flickr

31952065547_cd1567c93e_z.jpgQuinnsville vs Derr 3 by Bart, on Flickr

33018171578_2be326cc07_z.jpgQuinnsville vs Derr 2 by Bart, on Flickr

I dusted off my MOC of the Narwal, and enlarged it with flying canonballs paint and half of my battalion landing on the beach. enjoy :)

I'd also like to express my thanks to the people running the MCRA, I hope this exercise gave everbody involved and all others a good inside of how a raid works, and what the chances are of succes, on which ever side you stand ;) 


I think for me at least it was an eye opener as to how much cargo space is needed to haul troops.  That on top of the need for hull crew and guns to be of a significant enough number. 

I want to thank @LM71Blackbird and @Bart for allowing me to participate as well as the team behind the scenes rolling the die! 

  • Author

Indeed, thanks to Roadmonkey and the Myth Chaser, I was able to put a full battalion on that beach. 
A nice note, the amount of man you see in my little moc above, is the amount of men the Narwal can carry, besides crew, whom are still operating the guns at this point. 


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