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Control all your Powered Up & Power Function (SBrick) devices with a single software

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yes, seems to me that my .lpt has been destroyd or had some old data in it.

I now copied all source-code into the appropiate windows, everything fine.


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When I load a saved project, does the program load only the hubs that are included in the project? No more hubs are being searched?

According to "bluetooth connection debug" the software constantly checks the environment for devices. Is it possible to stop and restart this manually? I think this would be useful if there are several layouts in the same room. Also releasing hubs added by mistake could be helpful in the future.

4 minutes ago, mawe said:

When I load a saved project, does the program load only the hubs that are included in the project? No more hubs are being searched?

Actually, as is, it will search for more.

4 minutes ago, mawe said:

Is it possible to stop and restart this manually? I think this would be useful if there are several layouts in the same room. Also releasing hubs added by mistake could be helpful in the future.

Easy to do! Added to the list!


Very impressed so far, detects and connects to the hubs so very quickly.

+1 for BuWizz support - very much looking forward to this! Happy to help with testing.
+1 for Tilt Sensor - My usage will be to increase train speed up hill, and decrease down hill, as well as derailment detection.
+1 for Powered Up Remote support
+1 for battery voltage display

I'd like to be able to set the LED colours on the hubs, I believe they accept a value between 1 and 10. So much could be done with this! Imagine if a hub could indicate the colour of the train it has detected :)


1 hour ago, Jade124 said:

+1 for Tilt Sensor - My usage will be to increase train speed up hill, and decrease down hill, as well as derailment detection.

That's a great idea. Alright, thank to your help I just ordered that tilt sensor! Will make sure to implement it!

1 hour ago, Jade124 said:

'd like to be able to set the LED colours on the hubs

Actually, this is a great idea! Will make sure to do it too.



i have one hub throwing this exception instead of connecting:

Exception while connecting A method was called at an unexpected time. (HRESULT exception: 0x8000000E) for System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
   at LegoTrainProject.MainBoard.<TryToConnect>d__16.MoveNext() in C:\Users\Cosmik\Dropbox (Lucky Duck Games)\Private\LuckyDuck\The Lego Project\Source\Main UI\MainBoard.cs:Line 156.

I can connect to this hub via the lego app

any ideas?

2 hours ago, Cosmik42 said:

Sent you a build in PM to test if it fixes your issue which very strange

One of my eleven hubs could not connect. The hub worked with the Lego app and the Lego controller. With the Lego app a new firmware was installed. Nothing helped.
As a trained Windows user I tried the most obvious. Restart. Everything works now.

1 hour ago, mawe said:

As a trained Windows user I tried the most obvious. Restart. Everything works now.

Awesome! :D

Posted (edited)



perfect. I'm just building some test-layout (very, very  small, of course) and will finish that tomorrow.

So hopefully there will be a video on sunday. I'm glad about the "Button pressed", cause WIN 10 is not where the layout is.......

Edited by Lok24
V0.8 is out - 02/02/19
- Remote Control Support
- LED Color Configuration
- Allow to start and stop Bluetooth Scanning
- Allow to disconnect single devices
- Programming:
* Support for Custom Trigger Events
* Change the color of LEDs programmatically
- Self-Driving module:
* Implement Green/Red lights based on Section occupation.
* Fix a bug with looped Paths

Just tested version 0.8: Wonderful, all is functional as long as tested ... Please update your Sbricks to the newest firmware (18 in the case of Sbrick plus), otherwise occasional crashes occur.


Hi, thanks for new Version.

Handset and Buttons work.


Loading a project
Turn on Handset

leads to:

ERROR - Could not save file: Der Typ "LegoTrainProject.RemoteHub" in Assembly "LegoTrainProject, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null" ist nicht als serialisierbar gekennzeichnet.



42 minutes ago, Lok24 said:

ERROR - Could not save file: Der Typ "LegoTrainProject.RemoteHub" in Assembly "LegoTrainProject, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null" ist nicht als serialisierbar gekennzeichnet.

Ooopss! I know exactly what it is. Fix on the way!


THX, give me some minutes, please

Yes, looks much better, I'll now try to add buttons and invoke some action.....

(which it did in 0.8, but counld't be saved properly)

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