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Previously on 24 Mafia...


"Jack," Chloe said nervously, "we need to get a move on!"

Kaster was sitting in the interrogation room during his off hour when he had a vistor. "Oh it's... it's not you." Kaster was expecting Jack.


"Nope. I'm here to nail you into the ground."


The figure wound their arm back and tossed the hammer. But then!... the screen goes black to commercial break. Stay tuned...


And we're back. Jack rushed to the room, finding a dead Kaster inside.

"Damnit, late again," Jack spoke into his earpiece. Then, he started searching Kaster, finding an implant embedded under Kaster's skin. Jack then said into his earpiece, "I'm gonna need a hacksaw."


At the top of the hour, Jack returned to the bullpen with a bloody saw. "Don't ask. I will say that Kaster was CTU (TOWN). Find those moles."

jackbauer.pngJack Bauer, Head of CTU

chloeobrien.png Chloe O'Brian, Senior Analyst


agentmoore.pngAgent Moore, Secret Service (Kwatchi)

alfreddrew.pngAlfred Drew, Analyst (Zepher)

benson.pngBenson, Go-Team (Legomonorailfan)

bob.pngBob, Janitor (Bob)

dianegreene.pngDiane Greene, Senator Greene's wife (fhomess)

drjames.pngDr. James, Nurse (Tariq J)

jasonwhite.pngJason White, Go-Team (Kintobor)

rileymarshall.pngRiley Marshall, Analyst (jluck)

senlarrygreene.pngSenator Larry Greene (Khscarymovie4)

wilsongoddard.pngWilson Goddard, Go-Team (Asphalt)

zip.pngZip, Go-Team (mostlytechnic)


skinner.pngOfficer Skinner, Head of CTU Security (mediumsnowman), killed Night 1. Alignment: CTU (Town)

ofclewis.pngOfficer Lewis, Security Guard (jamesn), lynched Day 2. Alignment: CTU (Town)

bandropov.pngBarry Andropov, Analyst (Kristel), head bashed in Night 2. Alignment: CTU (Town)

kaster.pngKaster, Inmate (Lady K), had a hammer thrown at his head to be killed, and then chopped into pieces by Jack Bauer to determine alignment Alignment: CTU (Town)

The Rules

1. Each player will be given a character to play, who will be aligned with either the CTU (Town) or the Moles (Scum). To win the game, the Town must kill off all the Scum, while the Scum needs to outnumber the Town. Third-party (neutral) characters have their own win conditions as outlined in their roles.

2. Each day you will be able to vote to lynch a player.  Voting is mandatory. Voting should be done in the following format; Vote: Character (Player). Similarly, unvoting is to be done in the format; Unvote: Character (Player).  No other format will be accepted. A majority vote is required to lynch a player. Failure to vote will incur a 2-vote penalty the following game day.

3. A game "Hour"/day will last a maximum of 72 hours. You may not vote in the first 24 hours. The day will end when a majority vote has been reached after 72 hours. After the "Hour"/day has been concluded, an "Off-hour"/night stage will commence, which will last 48 hours. "Off-hour"/night actions must be sent to the host in the first 20 hours of the "Off-hour"/night stage.

3.5. Players may not target the same player two nights in a row, and may not target themselves.

4. The alignment of lynched players, as well as those that died during the "Off-hour"/night, will be revealed at the beginning of the next "Hour"/day.

5. You may not quote or pretend to quote anything sent to or from you in PM with the game host, or in PM with any other players. This includes all the details of your character and role, as well as any night action results. Role claims and reporting of night action results are acceptable, but in your own words only. Do not attempt to use the structure of your role PM to your advantage.

6. Do not play the game outside the thread. Similarly, do not post out of character inside the thread. Game tactics and roles may only be discussed in the game thread or via PM with other players. Private discussion is done at your own risk and should be treated as part of the game.

7. If you are dead, you may not post in thread or discuss the game with any of the players. Any information you had becomes void, and may not be passed on.

8. You may not edit your posts.

9. You must post in every day thread. 

10. If you encounter a problem or have a question, please contact the host via PM.

11. Violation of any of the above rules will result in a 5 vote penalty for the first offence, and death on your second offence.

12. There are no hints or clues in the day/night images.

13. The Town automatically loses if they have not lynched all Scum/Evil players by the end of the "Day" (essentially 12 game days and 12 game nights).


Here's LadyK's ISO. 

Day one, first post.


Moles?  Ok we need some dynamite or plastic explosives to stick down the holes once the moles make an appearance.  I saw it in a movie once; about a golf course with one mole (or was it groundhog; whats the difference) causing a lot of problems.  Then we blow all the explosives at once; problem solved.

Then we can all dance while singing; I'm All Right!

Day one, second post. In reply to Khscarymovie4 and Kwatchi.


Dude....it is Day 1, and welcome to Day 1......Do you really think I would be all Chatty Cathy on Day 1?   All I have to say, I have already said; and as for false accusations, I think everyone else is doing just fine pointing fingers at everyone else....as is typical for Day 1.

Ok, really Dude?  You, like, had a case against the other guy, and then suddenly switched to me cause I was being quiet on Day 1.  This is like you are trying to protect a buddy or something.

Of course I will vote, cause I have to....and reminder....it is Day 1 Dude.


Dude, as I said to the politician dude.....it is Day 1.  Now, Day 2 will be a different matter.

I will add my vote to the corrupt politician, as everyone in the slammer knows all politicians are corrupt.  And the quick switch of a vote with a case, to a vote cause of quietness on Day 1 is really stretching it and it vibes wrong.

Vote:  Senator Greene (Khscarymovie4)

And to add to my accusation, it was Mr. Greene in the Library with the Rope.

Day two, first post. In reply to Zepher.


I can say I agree with the PMs earlier in the game.  When I have the time to be more active (RL) then I too will PM early to get a feel for initial thoughts.  I was also included in the PM with our departed security; same thoughts were shared with me regarding the mass claim and of Bob appearing to try to draw attention to himself from possible PRs (her thoughts, not mine).  I am recovering from the flu; the reason for my lack of participation. 

I am a bit confused here.  It seems to me that you are stating that Benson is a good vote due to reasons you give and then you state that Diane seems to be fishy and you are sticking to your guns about her (and give good reasons to vote for her); and then you go and vote for someone completely different than what you seem to state are your top choices.  And you give the only reason as Offficer Lewis' most recent post.  *huh*

Day two, second post. In reply to jamesn, jluck, mostlytechnic, Tariq j, and Kintobor, 


Still trying to recover from being ill; and here is where we stand.

:wacko:  I have had previous work situations with him and this is not his typical playing style.

Three more votes added . 

Same here.

With the confusing posts popping up, and many standing out as suspicious, I have reviewed by brief conversation with our Officer Skinner and something stands out.

She was suggesting Officer Lewis was possibly  godfather or paranoid gun owner or other? She didn't think the actions were something a loyal townie would do.  She added that she wouldn't be surprised to see Lewis as the lynch choice for today, if the night actions don't turn up anything. I am paraphrasing her words here and my gut says she was on to something; so I will add my vote as well. Two more votes needed for a lynch.  

Vote:  Officer Lewis (jamesn)

Day three, first post. In reply to Khscarymovie4 and Kwatchi.


My apologies for being quiet and sitting on the other side of the room here; still recovering from the flu. 

I will cast a vote and give my thoughts after I sift through all the distracting directions the conversation has gone.  Some stand out more than others; and the sheer fact we have a three main choices and a single vote on a fourth candidate shows that in my opinion the scum are leading the town bandwagons.  We only have a few hours left to form a solid lynch for today.  This split is very troubling.

My thoughts on the choices above, so far;  Benson does stand out, as I have worked with him before on both sides of the law, and he seems to be going in two different directions at once. (more on this later)  I am leaning scum on him.

Agent Moore seems way too defensive in his latest post and really stands out too much to be more scummy than the others.  

Zip, I have also worked with on both sides of clean and shady dealings, seems to be both not be as helpful as the past and yet drawing too much attention to be on the dark side of things.  I am middle of the road on him so far.

Day three, second post. In reply to fhomess and myself.


I haven't voted yet; but you list me as someone who commented on Zip but voted in another direction.

A very odd thing to say.

As we need a lynch for today I will for who I suspect the most; Benson.  I do find Zip's behavior very odd for his normal working behavior; it still stands out as too obvious for scum.  Or I could be wrong.  Benson really has stood out more and his most recent post advertising that he and Zip are tied, like in some sort of contest, is truly odd.

Vote:  Benson (Legomonorailfan)


Just two more votes for a solid lynch on Benson; then we can deal with Zip tomorrow.


Oh come on Zip. You must know that just quoting all of the things Kaster said so far isn’t really a contribution. It continues the trend of you demanding everyone else do the work while still making noise. What do you think about Kaster being killed?? Anything at all? What do you think of everything he said? You can’t just present it without comment.

*puts his hands up and backs away from his bloody saw wielding boss*

Woah Boss, I think you might be getting a little too into your post act report.

Come on Everyone, If we don't get our blocks in order we aren't going to have any town left.  Loosing Kaster like that, does not help our chances with these moles.  We need a strategy and some hard evidence.  Benson you were pulling a whole lot of attention yesterday, this mass quote isn't going to push that away.  

I was about to correct Wilson and say that was Zip, not Benson, but now I see I was mistaken. I apologize, Zip, it was early in the hour I must have just gotten confused.

Benson, I direct to you all the same questions I erroneously directed to Zip. What were you trying to indicate by posting all of Kaster’d previous statements?

It feels like an attempt to look like he’s made a large post, when in fact he’s just copied someone else’s posts with no thoughts or anything. What’s more is that I don’t see the point in showing us all of a dead townies posts, especially since Kaster didn’t say much anyway. 

  On 1/20/2019 at 1:54 PM, Zepher said:

Oh come on Zip. You must know that just quoting all of the things Kaster said so far isn’t really a contribution. It continues the trend of you demanding everyone else do the work while still making noise. What do you think about Kaster being killed?? Anything at all? What do you think of everything he said? You can’t just present it without comment.

Well your up bright and early to get me lynched. 

She mentioned dealing with Zip today had I been lynched yesterday. I should have blocked Zip last night come to think of it.

Good hour everyone. Oh wait, not a good hour at all. Thanks 4 town dead, and all the scum still living. To continue on from yesterday, I still have my suspicions about Zip. His thought about no scum being off the bandwagon makes no sense. Moore had some good points about not game related thoughts, but in game I'm not sure if I find him less scummy. I'm starting to find Benson scummy. His post last hour near the end, kept reminding people that no lynched were no good, and that him and zip were tied. Sounded a lot like a desperate scum to me. 

I had a few things I had seen about Benson that made me think he wasn't scum, but the fact that we weren't able to get a proper lynch going on either he or Zip is making me wonder if both of them are scum.  The no lynch yesterday doesn't help us at all.  We're back reliving yesterday with one fewer townie.

  On 1/20/2019 at 5:45 PM, fhomess said:

I had a few things I had seen about Benson that made me think he wasn't scum, but the fact that we weren't able to get a proper lynch going on either he or Zip is making me wonder if both of them are scum.  The no lynch yesterday doesn't help us at all.  We're back reliving yesterday with one fewer townie.

Ya, at this point there is no option. We have to lynch and we have to be right. The numbers are too lopsided for us to stand much a chance otherwise. I continue to hold my suspicions of Moore. Also, tend to agree with the thoughts on Benson looking a bit fishy. Problem is, Lady K didn’t give us that much, I feel the scum are simply picking off anyone they please at this point. 

Something I did pick up on, regarding Wilson Goddard during Hour 3:

  On 1/15/2019 at 7:51 PM, Asphalt said:

I'm still looking for the reason you are so out to get him.  


  On 1/16/2019 at 10:42 AM, Asphalt said:

You have been going for him hard since the start. Like you have him holding the proverbial smoking gun. Or in our case the dripping hammer.   I don’t deny you have posted some reasoning. But for as adamant as you are about it I wonder if there is more that would convince us to go along with you. 


  On 1/16/2019 at 7:10 PM, Asphalt said:

Did Benson have anything to say about it?  

For his first three posts of the hour, Mr Goddard appears to be strongly against Bob's vote for Benson, he questions him, asks him for more evidence and even appears to prompt Benson to argue his case against Bob.

  On 1/16/2019 at 11:34 PM, Asphalt said:

Yeah bob you have a point. I honestly do not have a solid read on anyone and yours is the only vote. I can agree that some of Benson’s comments were odd and he has kinda ghosted through the days.  So for lack of better perps. I am throwing in with you. Hope it doesn’t bite us.  If someone else has a stronger case to push I am open to evidence. 

Vote Benson( LEGOmonorailfan)


And then BOOM! Like a switch flicked in his head, Mr Goddard claims Bob "has a point" about Benson and votes for him, despite the fact Bob's evidence for Benson has been there since Hour 2. It feels like Goddard was trying to defend his scummy mate, but afraid that it might backfire on him the next day went and voted for him.

Really just wanted to know why he was onagainst him. And I didn’t have a strong read on him one way or another. 

  On 1/20/2019 at 3:39 PM, LegoMonorailFan said:

Well your up bright and early to get me lynched. 

She mentioned dealing with Zip today had I been lynched yesterday. I should have blocked Zip last night come to think of it.

So... you're advocating that we should lynch you and then Zip, as Kaster said? Just reminding us that he said that? This doesn't really justify quoting the entirety of what he's said all game, and is also not good news for you.

Also, this is a soft claim. Five people have spoken up since you posted it, and no one has addressed it, which seems shocking to me. What do you mean by "blocked Zip" last night? Are you claiming a role? Why??

  On 1/20/2019 at 10:24 PM, Zepher said:

Just reminding us that he said that?

Pretty much.

  On 1/20/2019 at 10:24 PM, Zepher said:

Five people have spoken up since you posted it, and no one has addressed it, which seems shocking to me.

IKR? :laugh: 

  On 1/20/2019 at 10:24 PM, Zepher said:

Are you claiming a role?

Town blocker.

  On 1/20/2019 at 10:24 PM, Zepher said:


Because the chances of me being lynched are very high so I decided to claim now vs later.

Should a say who I blocked or could that help scum?

So just in case anyone missed it or were trying to ignore it...



  On 1/20/2019 at 6:58 PM, Tariq j said:

For his first three posts of the hour, Mr Goddard appears to be strongly against Bob's vote for Benson, he questions him, asks him for more evidence and even appears to prompt Benson to argue his case against Bob.

And then BOOM! Like a switch flicked in his head, Mr Goddard claims Bob "has a point" about Benson and votes for him, despite the fact Bob's evidence for Benson has been there since Hour 2. It feels like Goddard was trying to defend his scummy mate, but afraid that it might backfire on him the next day went and voted for him.

If you believe both Benson and Goddard to be scum, do you believe Benson's Blocker claim? Benson can't be Goddard's scummy mate if he's also the town blocker.

  On 1/21/2019 at 12:04 AM, LegoMonorailFan said:

So just in case anyone missed it or were trying to ignore it...



Now, whisper it, as softly as you can. :poke:

  On 1/21/2019 at 12:07 AM, Kintobor said:

Now, whisper it, as softly as you can. :poke:

I'm the town blocker.

  On 1/20/2019 at 3:39 PM, LegoMonorailFan said:

Well your up bright and early to get me lynched. 

She mentioned dealing with Zip today had I been lynched yesterday. I should have blocked Zip last night come to think of it.

Well, I immediately hit multiquote when I read this, but it's already been dealt with by everyone else. But yeah, how did so many people comment after this WITHOUT commenting on it?!!? No wonder we're down so many agents if everyone is that oblivious to what's happening around them...

  On 1/20/2019 at 5:45 PM, fhomess said:

I had a few things I had seen about Benson that made me think he wasn't scum, but the fact that we weren't able to get a proper lynch going on either he or Zip is making me wonder if both of them are scum.  The no lynch yesterday doesn't help us at all.  We're back reliving yesterday with one fewer townie.

Well, this sucks that you think this since Benson has a role claim now and I know I'm town, so it's actually possible then that we're both CTU. Until I saw the claim, I was 100% planning to vote Benson today. 

  On 1/20/2019 at 10:24 PM, Zepher said:

Also, this is a soft claim. Five people have spoken up since you posted it, and no one has addressed it, which seems shocking to me. What do you mean by "blocked Zip" last night? Are you claiming a role? Why??

Exactly - So, Diane, Dr James, Riley, Wilson, and Larry, care to explain why you didn't react at all to a not-so-subtle claim? 

  On 1/21/2019 at 12:07 AM, Kintobor said:

If you believe both Benson and Goddard to be scum, do you believe Benson's Blocker claim? Benson can't be Goddard's scummy mate if he's also the town blocker.

Now, whisper it, as softly as you can. :poke:

Now, come on people. We whisper, and then WE YELL! That's the natural order of things. And that's what Benson did. No need to whisper again after yelling. 

I'm also in contact with the investigator.

  On 1/20/2019 at 3:39 PM, LegoMonorailFan said:

Well your up bright and early to get me lynched. 

She mentioned dealing with Zip today had I been lynched yesterday. I should have blocked Zip last night come to think of it.

Oh, well I guess my suspicions that I was starting to get about you were wrong. Sorry about that Benson, can I make it up to you with a VP offer? 

  On 1/21/2019 at 12:04 AM, LegoMonorailFan said:

So just in case anyone missed it or were trying to ignore it...



Wait, are you the doctor? 

  On 1/21/2019 at 12:54 AM, mostlytechnic said:

Well, I immediately hit multiquote when I read this, but it's already been dealt with by everyone else. But yeah, how did so many people comment after this WITHOUT commenting on it?!!? No wonder we're down so many agents if everyone is that oblivious to what's happening around them...

Well, this sucks that you think this since Benson has a role claim now and I know I'm town, so it's actually possible then that we're both CTU. Until I saw the claim, I was 100% planning to vote Benson today. 

Exactly - So, Diane, Dr James, Riley, Wilson, and Larry, care to explain why you didn't react at all to a not-so-subtle claim? 

Now, come on people. We whisper, and then WE YELL! That's the natural order of things. And that's what Benson did. No need to whisper again after yelling. 

It's a long tail of I did not read the post above mine. Sorry about that,  I had a thought and wanted to get that thought out that quick. Though my other thoughts still stand, especially my thoughts surrounding you. 

If you really want to know, I’ve never seen anyone claim a power role like that so I wasn’t sure how to respond. I have no way to confirm or deny his claim. No evidence to either side and it’s not like he can either. He is either being honest and put a scum target on himself or he is lying and attempting to pull more town down in the next vote. Only way to tell is to see how this day goes. He is certainly drawing attention to himself though. I will give him that. 

As far as I see it his declaration will at the very least keep him out of the voting. If we are to believe his claim anyone who votes for him today will be called out as being moles. 

So I guess it is a good move for him either way. 

  On 1/21/2019 at 1:29 AM, Asphalt said:

If you really want to know, I’ve never seen anyone claim a power role like that so I wasn’t sure how to respond. I have no way to confirm or deny his claim. No evidence to either side and it’s not like he can either. He is either being honest and put a scum target on himself or he is lying and attempting to pull more town down in the next vote. Only way to tell is to see how this day goes. He is certainly drawing attention to himself though. I will give him that. 

I know that we're all in the dark about other people's alliances and what not. But a scum doing this would be very risky, the town blocker would immediately know that a scum has revealed himself, scum know this too. Thus almost certain instant death for scum. Though a scum has claimed blocker in a game once. Only difference then was the scum were down to one person left and the person was already on the lynch boat. It's possible that this is a false claim but under the circumstances I doubt it is. 

  • Author

Voting is open. With 11 players, a majority of 6 is needed to lynch.

  On 1/21/2019 at 12:54 AM, mostlytechnic said:

Well, this sucks that you think this since Benson has a role claim now and I know I'm town, so it's actually possible then that we're both CTU. Until I saw the claim, I was 100% planning to vote Benson today. 

Exactly - So, Diane, Dr James, Riley, Wilson, and Larry, care to explain why you didn't react at all to a not-so-subtle claim?

Of course you're town...  the possibility that you're both town is certainly there.  I didn't react to the claim because I didn't really pick up on it.  What changed between yesterday and today to make you not want to push for Dr. James anymore?

  On 1/21/2019 at 1:36 AM, Khscarymovie4 said:

I know that we're all in the dark about other people's alliances and what not. But a scum doing this would be very risky, the town blocker would immediately know that a scum has revealed himself, scum know this too. Thus almost certain instant death for scum. Though a scum has claimed blocker in a game once. Only difference then was the scum were down to one person left and the person was already on the lynch boat. It's possible that this is a false claim but under the circumstances I doubt it is. 

Not all of us... the moles all know who are on their side.  The blocker claim by scum is quite common, usually because they've been caught doing something and were forced to claim.  It's also an extremely common scum role, so easy to report valid actions.

  On 1/21/2019 at 1:00 AM, LegoMonorailFan said:

I'm also in contact with the investigator.

This is encouraging.  I don't think you need to tell the entire group who you blocked if you have someone else to discuss it with.

So we may have a strongman...

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