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Previously on 24 Mafia...


"Come on, Jack, you know me," Zip urged with Bauer.

"I'm sorry, Zip, but I can't take any more chances. I need to find out the moles. Are you a mole? ARE YOU A MOLE?!?!"

Zip gives no answer.


"Fine, I'll do this my way," Jack says as he seemingly pulls a samurai sword from out of nowhere. "I beheaded a guy with this once. He tortured me..."


In a conference room, the Senator was working on a speech for a campaign rally he had planned later that week.


He looked up to see someone enter the room and lock the door. "Can I just have two more minutes alone? I'm trying to finish this speech."


"Nope," the figure said as it locked the door and switched on the privacy.


The senator was later found with a very bloody face. He wasn't going to make it.


Jack then addressed everyone at the top of the hour with a bloody katana. "We have a big problem. I just had to kill one of my go-team, and he was CTU (Town). I then go into my conference room to find a murdered senator, a candidate for president, dead. Chloe looked through his belongings and found he too was CTU (Town). What is going on? WHERE ARE THE MOLES? If we don't get a mole soon, I'm going to start violating people's rights."

jackbauer.pngJack Bauer, Head of CTU

chloeobrien.png Chloe O'Brian, Senior Analyst


agentmoore.pngAgent Moore, Secret Service (Kwatchi)

alfreddrew.pngAlfred Drew, Analyst (Zepher)

benson.pngBenson, Go-Team (Legomonorailfan)

bob.pngBob, Janitor (Bob)

dianegreene.pngDiane Greene, Senator Greene's wife (fhomess)

drjames.pngDr. James, Nurse (Tariq J)

jasonwhite.pngJason White, Go-Team (Kintobor)

rileymarshall.pngRiley Marshall, Analyst (jluck)

wilsongoddard.pngWilson Goddard, Go-Team (Asphalt)


skinner.pngOfficer Skinner, Head of CTU Security (mediumsnowman), killed Night 1. Alignment: CTU (Town)

ofclewis.pngOfficer Lewis, Security Guard (jamesn), lynched Day 2. Alignment: CTU (Town)

bandropov.pngBarry Andropov, Analyst (Kristel), head bashed in Night 2. Alignment: CTU (Town)

kaster.pngKaster, Inmate (Lady K), had a hammer thrown at his head to be killed, and then chopped into pieces by Jack Bauer to determine alignment Alignment: CTU (Town)

zip.pngZip, Go-Team (mostlytechnic), lynched during the day and katana-ed to determine his alignment. Alignment: CTU (Town)

senlarrygreene.pngSenator Larry Greene (Khscarymovie4), seems the pen is not as mighty as a hammer and was killed night 4. Alignment: CTU (Town)

The Rules

1. Each player will be given a character to play, who will be aligned with either the CTU (Town) or the Moles (Scum). To win the game, the Town must kill off all the Scum, while the Scum needs to outnumber the Town. Third-party (neutral) characters have their own win conditions as outlined in their roles.

2. Each day you will be able to vote to lynch a player.  Voting is mandatory. Voting should be done in the following format; Vote: Character (Player). Similarly, unvoting is to be done in the format; Unvote: Character (Player).  No other format will be accepted. A majority vote is required to lynch a player. Failure to vote will incur a 2-vote penalty the following game day.

3. A game "Hour"/day will last a maximum of 72 hours. You may not vote in the first 24 hours. The day will end when a majority vote has been reached after 72 hours. After the "Hour"/day has been concluded, an "Off-hour"/night stage will commence, which will last 48 hours. "Off-hour"/night actions must be sent to the host in the first 20 hours of the "Off-hour"/night stage.

3.5. Players may not target the same player two nights in a row, and may not target themselves.

4. The alignment of lynched players, as well as those that died during the "Off-hour"/night, will be revealed at the beginning of the next "Hour"/day.

5. You may not quote or pretend to quote anything sent to or from you in PM with the game host, or in PM with any other players. This includes all the details of your character and role, as well as any night action results. Role claims and reporting of night action results are acceptable, but in your own words only. Do not attempt to use the structure of your role PM to your advantage.

6. Do not play the game outside the thread. Similarly, do not post out of character inside the thread. Game tactics and roles may only be discussed in the game thread or via PM with other players. Private discussion is done at your own risk and should be treated as part of the game.

7. If you are dead, you may not post in thread or discuss the game with any of the players. Any information you had becomes void, and may not be passed on.

8. You may not edit your posts.

9. You must post in every day thread. 

10. If you encounter a problem or have a question, please contact the host via PM.

11. Violation of any of the above rules will result in a 5 vote penalty for the first offence, and death on your second offence.

12. There are no hints or clues in the day/night images.

13. The Town automatically loses if they have not lynched all Scum/Evil players by the end of the "Day" (essentially 12 game days and 12 game nights).


Well there goes our investigator.

Wow. That is... not so great. What do we even have to go on at this point?

Bob, Benson, do we have anything to go on in regards to investigator? Or anyone who was blocked? It doesn't mean they're not scum, but it might potentially narrow down who the killer is.

For now, I'm absolutely not sure what to think. Bob and Benson were both contacted by the same investigator... which as I said yesterday pretty much clears them as far as I'm concerned, especially since Bob was gunning for Benson so much in the early game. It doesn't necessarily clear the investigator, but as I outlined yesterday, I think it's either a scum safely contacting two members of the town, or a town contacting two members of the town they safely cleared. One of them being scum makes no sense if the investigator is town, and is an outrageous and unnecessary risk if the "investigator" is scum. Whatever way you cut it, they seem town.

Khscarymovie4 was the claimed investigator. He is now confirmed town, and I don't think a townie would lie about being the investigator, so I think it's safe to say he was definitely the investigator. That makes Bob and me confirmed town.

Who's up for a mass claim?

Would it help town if I said who I've blocked so far?

I think yes, we can operate under the assumption that both you and Bob are town, and yes, it would help if you said who you've blocked so far. If anyone has any objections to that, I'd really like to hear them because I honestly can't imagine what they are.

The only, only (just to play devil's advocate) objection I can possibly imagine would be if we had a godfather, which is possible, but maybe something we deal with later? Even if one of Bob/Benson is scum, at least one of them are town, and there are probably a lot more obvious scum we can smoke out today.

  On 1/25/2019 at 3:39 AM, LegoMonorailFan said:

Khscarymovie4 was the claimed investigator. He is now confirmed town, and I don't think a townie would lie about being the investigator, so I think it's safe to say he was definitely the investigator. That makes Bob and me confirmed town.

Who's up for a mass claim?

Would it help town if I said who I've blocked so far?

Reveal what you would like Mr. Benson, but I'm more confused as ever as to why you and your investigator steered us towards a Lynch on a loyal member of the CTU?  Senator Green was obviously not the mole, what reason would he have for giving you bad intel to pass on to us.  You said it was just a feeling he had, but still.  I assume that if you were manipulating his points he would have called you out on it, or at least had someone he had confirmed as CTU call you out on it.  It makes no sense.  But then again, nothing from the past few hours has made sense.  


  On 1/25/2019 at 4:05 AM, Zepher said:

The only, only (just to play devil's advocate) objection I can possibly imagine would be if we had a godfather, which is possible, but maybe something we deal with later? Even if one of Bob/Benson is scum, at least one of them are town, and there are probably a lot more obvious scum we can smoke out today.

Khscarymovie4 was worried about that regarding Bob and myself. He investigated Bob night two and me night three. He didn't reveal his role and his result on me until I claimed. When asked, he said he hadn't informed Bob due to the possibility of Bob being a godfather. What I want to know is how did the scum find the investigator?

Any objections to me stating my blocks from the past nights?

That certainly could not have gone any worse.

  On 1/25/2019 at 12:31 PM, LegoMonorailFan said:

Any objections to me stating my blocks from the past nights?

I'm not sure.  We desperately need a "gotcha moment" to turn the tables on the scum, so giving out too much info seems counter-productive.  Having said that, you have already claimed publicly so it is not like you are going to surprise anyone either and block targets aren't great evidence.

Maybe Benson isn’t scum? Interesting. There’s nine of us left and probably four scum which means if we mess up today it’s over. We’re no closer to learning anything. I’m town, the investigator believed Benson to be town. That leaves seven others that I don’t know anything about. 

I think today I need to go in a new direction since I’ve been trying to off Benson the entire game. 

  On 1/25/2019 at 2:30 PM, Kwatchi said:

block targets aren't great evidence.

Not really. All my blocks were successful, and yet there was still a night kill.

Night one: Khscarymovie4, successful.

Night two: Tariq j, successful.

Night three: jluck, successful.

Night four: Kintobor, succesful

  On 1/25/2019 at 4:05 AM, Zepher said:

The only, only (just to play devil's advocate) objection I can possibly imagine would be if we had a godfather, which is possible, but maybe something we deal with later? Even if one of Bob/Benson is scum, at least one of them are town, and there are probably a lot more obvious scum we can smoke out today.

That’s a possibility I thought of as well. I’m sure there have been Godfathers in previous games too so it’s not an uncommon role. One other possibility was that the Investigator, the Senator, was a naive one, meaning he only recieived town results regardless of the actual alignment of the player. It’s highly unlikely, but I guess there’s a first time of everything right? That or he has genuinely unlucky. 

NO!  My poor dear husband!

I was more confident in the lynch at the end of yesterday than when it started, so I'm quite surprised Zip was loyal.  Sorry, Zip!

  On 1/25/2019 at 12:31 PM, LegoMonorailFan said:

Khscarymovie4 was worried about that regarding Bob and myself. He investigated Bob night two and me night three. He didn't reveal his role and his result on me until I claimed. When asked, he said he hadn't informed Bob due to the possibility of Bob being a godfather. What I want to know is how did the scum find the investigator?

Any objections to me stating my blocks from the past nights?

I guess if you're already handing out info you might as well continue!  Scum could have a role cop, but given that it doesn't appear we have much on our side, they may have just got lucky or deduced it from behavior/comments.  I'm not sure how much it matters at this point.

  On 1/25/2019 at 3:12 PM, LegoMonorailFan said:

Not really. All my blocks were successful, and yet there was still a night kill.

Night one: Khscarymovie4, successful.

Night two: Tariq j, successful.

Night three: jluck, successful.

Night four: Kintobor, succesful

That's interesting as the three living people are all ones I think are more likely moles.

I'm operating under the assumption that Bob and Benson are town.  I think Agent Moore is town, although I have no proof of that.  I did tell my husband my reasoning but don't know if he passed that along to anyone.  That leaves those three, Alfred and Wilson to pick between.  Assuming the moles aren't passing the kill around, I think Alfred or Wilson are the killer.

  On 1/25/2019 at 6:37 PM, Tariq j said:

That’s a possibility I thought of as well. I’m sure there have been Godfathers in previous games too so it’s not an uncommon role. One other possibility was that the Investigator, the Senator, was a naive one, meaning he only recieived town results regardless of the actual alignment of the player. It’s highly unlikely, but I guess there’s a first time of everything right? That or he has genuinely unlucky. 

I'm hoping that the lack of anything that appears to be a vig or SK means that we've got a smaller number of moles than the 4 that Bob is predicting.  Otherwise, we're at LYLO.  Godfather is a far more common role than a naive investigator, and at this point, I think we're far enough up megablocks creek that we need to assume Larry wasn't naive.  If he just so happened to get unlucky and hit the Godfather with Bob or Benson, we're probably screwed anyway.  I say we give them the benefit of the doubt and hope we can turn this around by working through the rest of us for now.

  On 1/25/2019 at 6:37 PM, Tariq j said:

That’s a possibility I thought of as well. I’m sure there have been Godfathers in previous games too so it’s not an uncommon role. One other possibility was that the Investigator, the Senator, was a naive one, meaning he only recieived town results regardless of the actual alignment of the player. It’s highly unlikely, but I guess there’s a first time of everything right? That or he has genuinely unlucky. 

A naive investigator is possible. I'm willing to follow the line of what our investigator's plans were before he died. He investigated Diane last night, however he was clearly killed before he could get the result. Perhaps that's a path we should go down and perhaps look into the Senator's wife. 

Thank you, Benson. That does indeed narrow the field. The killer has to be scum, and absolutely hasn't been blocked yet, so that seems like a good place to start.

I am unfortunately pretty suspicious of all three of the other people in this boat with me. Wilson hasn't done anything in particular to get my attention. The only thing I can seriously remember from him this game was the proposal of a three way lynch, which to me seemed to be earnest curiosity at the prospect. Unfortunately for him at this late stage of the game having done absolutely nothing notable begins to look like a scum floater. Wilson, have you ever actually brought forward a specific accusation of your own?

Moore is a strange prospect because he was really in the frying pan at a certain point and then everyone backed off. As we've discussed he might have some good points outside of this case, but inside the case that really doesn't mean anything one way or another. Diane seems absolutely certain he's town, I'm less sure. He's had it out for Dr. James, who I agree has been fishy, but is not who we should deal with today, as she's been blocked.

Finally, Diane. Yesterday she accused both Zip and Benson of being scum even after Benson made his soft claim about being the town blocker. She also accuses Riley of being scum defending Zip. I don't know, something about her has sort of rubbed me the wrong way the whole game, but it's hard to put my finger on what.

In short, I don't know. All three seem like pretty good lynches to me. It feels unlikely that there are going to be more PR coming forward to tell us anything useful, so we're going to sort of have to shoot from the hip on this one. I guess if push comes to shove Moore and Diane are the two I suspect most, but it's all just "gut", which is a bad thing to be relying on by Day 5. Even looking at the split vote day (Hour 3) it's difficult to discover much. Bob and Benson were on different sides, and the people who haven't been blocked yet were spread out over three separate people. Diane hopped onto Moore, and then back off. Is that something maybe? Moore meanwhile started a totally separate vote for Dr. James.

A lot's been flying around here, and voting hasn't even started.

I'm interested in the reasons why our investigator targeted his wife. Bob, did he give any indication as to why he was looking into Diane?

  On 1/25/2019 at 11:37 PM, Zepher said:

I am unfortunately pretty suspicious of all three of the other people in this boat with me. Wilson hasn't done anything in particular to get my attention. The only thing I can seriously remember from him this game was the proposal of a three way lynch, which to me seemed to be earnest curiosity at the prospect. Unfortunately for him at this late stage of the game having done absolutely nothing notable begins to look like a scum floater. Wilson, have you ever actually brought forward a specific accusation of your own?

No I can't say that I have, but in my defense every person who has this game has been wrong.  With all the weirdness and chaos of  the game this go round I haven't been able to get a solid read on anyone.  A few points have been made about players that I have sort of agreed with and then turned out to be nothing.  And worse, made it more difficult for the town to get any traction in finding the mole.  I'm starting to think Bob might have been onto something when he asked if there were any moles at all, or at least in wondering if there were way fewer than the customary 4 or 5.  That is the standard in a game this size right?  With night kills there has to be one, is there a chance that is all there is?

I will own up to my not being a very aggressive player this time around, I just haven't been able to see any hints I could get behind with enough tenacity to bring anyone to my side of thinking.  Still learning the ropes and it might get me hung out this time.  


  On 1/25/2019 at 11:37 PM, Zepher said:

Moore is a strange prospect because he was really in the frying pan at a certain point and then everyone backed off. As we've discussed he might have some good points outside of this case, but inside the case that really doesn't mean anything one way or another. Diane seems absolutely certain he's town, I'm less sure.

My reasoning for thinking Moore is town is due to his reaction when the pressure was on a bit.  I don't see a mole throwing up their hands in disgust at the issues he raised outside the case.  A mole would simply accept the fact that they were doing a lousy job of staying hidden.  I could be wrong about this, but it doesn't strike me as likely.

  On 1/25/2019 at 11:37 PM, Zepher said:

He's had it out for Dr. James, who I agree has been fishy, but is not who we should deal with today, as she's been blocked.

Unfortunately, I don't think we're going to get rid of the moles fast enough if we only focus on those who've yet to be blocked.  It's almost certain that there's a mole in those three block targets.

  On 1/25/2019 at 11:38 PM, Kintobor said:

I'm interested in the reasons why our investigator targeted his wife. Bob, did he give any indication as to why he was looking into Diane?

Hey... that's personal!

  On 1/26/2019 at 12:16 AM, fhomess said:

Hey... that's personal!

I can tell you personally that the CTU probably has mountains of private information on our storage drives regarding your personal information, including any potentially strange and weird hobbies involving little plastic Danish bricks. 

  • Author

Voting is now open. With 9 players, a majority of 5 is needed to lynch.

  On 1/25/2019 at 3:12 PM, LegoMonorailFan said:

Not really. All my blocks were successful, and yet there was still a night kill.

Night one: Khscarymovie4, successful.

Night two: Tariq j, successful.

Night three: jluck, successful.

Night four: Kintobor, succesful

This is the only real hard evidence we have to go on. It seems apparent that the scum have killed every night, so it’s likely we haven’t blocked the scum killer. That does not clear anyone on this list, but it makes it likely the killer isn’t on this list at least. 

  On 1/26/2019 at 1:47 PM, jluck said:

This is the only real hard evidence we have to go on. It seems apparent that the scum have killed every night, so it’s likely we haven’t blocked the scum killer. That does not clear anyone on this list, but it makes it likely the killer isn’t on this list at least. 


Any chance fhomess is a paranoid gun owner? 

  On 1/26/2019 at 2:05 PM, LegoMonorailFan said:


Any chance fhomess is a paranoid gun owner? 

A paranoid gun owner could make sense actually. Although I feel like he might’ve claimed either in thread or to you, to stop this kind of situation happening, i.e. Losing town PR’s unnecessarily. BUT, if he was the paranoid gun owner, and he was responsible for the Senator’s death, then it means Jason was blocked on a night with no scum kill, which is interesting...

  On 1/25/2019 at 9:35 PM, Bob said:

I'm willing to follow the line of what our investigator's plans were before he died. He investigated Diane last night, however he was clearly killed before he could get the result. Perhaps that's a path we should go down and perhaps look into the Senator's wife. 

There is definitely a sense of convenience here, especially since all the players so far investigated are Town. It raises the question, was a mole in contact with the late Senator? Because if the moles knew one of their own was going to be investigated a kill would stop that result from reaching the town. 

  On 1/26/2019 at 2:05 PM, LegoMonorailFan said:


Any chance fhomess is a paranoid gun owner? 

The problem is there are half a dozen possible explanations of what’s happening, like paranoid gun owner or false investigator. I’ve even questioned if there’s a traditional number of scum given how unlucky we’ve been. But until we know otherwise it’s all just rampant speculation. All we have concrete is who was blocked, who was killed, and who was investigated. 

I’ve been looking at this as a process of elimination here, which has helped in past games. The blockings are useful because they tell us who was NOT active during the night. Benson is the blocker so it cannot be him, he blocked Jason last night so he can’t be the killer, we know Bob is town according to the investigator so he can’t be the killer either, we also know myself and Riley were blocked on Nights 2 and 3 on which there were kills so we can’t be the killer either, that only leaves Moore, Alfred, Diane and Goddard as the killer. 

This theory could be completely wrong though, and is based on the idea that there’s no rotating kill. 

  On 1/26/2019 at 3:20 PM, jluck said:

I’ve even questioned if there’s a traditional number of scum given how unlucky we’ve been. 

That’s what I’ve been thinking too. Bear in mind as well, the game mechanics are different here as both teams are against the clock. Unlike normal games the scum don’t need to outnumber anybody to win, they only need to Survive to win, so even if there was only 1 scum amongst 8 townies, the scum would still have won. 

  On 1/26/2019 at 4:16 PM, Tariq j said:

I’ve been looking at this as a process of elimination here, which has helped in past games. The blockings are useful because they tell us who was NOT active during the night. Benson is the blocker so it cannot be him, he blocked Jason last night so he can’t be the killer, we know Bob is town according to the investigator so he can’t be the killer either, we also know myself and Riley were blocked on Nights 2 and 3 on which there were kills so we can’t be the killer either, that only leaves Moore, Alfred, Diane and Goddard as the killer. 

This theory could be completely wrong though, and is based on the idea that there’s no rotating kill. 

That’s what I’ve been thinking too. Bear in mind as well, the game mechanics are different here as both teams are against the clock. Unlike normal games the scum don’t need to outnumber anybody to win, they only need to Survive to win, so even if there was only 1 scum amongst 8 townies, the scum would still have won. 

Honestly, town doesn’t stand much a chance unless the scum number is low but we can’t control that. I agree with you analysis though. 

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