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MacK Oky Wan, Garr, Draze, and a small escort of clone troopers walked towards the ship that would take them to Utapau. As they walked they passed by a small group of clones who were saluting them, MacK looked at the small and old ship that was being prepped for take off. "So you

Edited by JimButcher

"Okay, guys. Captain, circle around back, bring the regulars. Sergeants with me. We're going in."

Intercom: 'Sir, we can't hold them much longer!'

'Danm...We need to call beck up! Send an S.O.S. into space and lets hope someone will hear it and maybe send it to the Jedi Council.'

Soldier: 'Sir, yes sir!'

my "utapau" sigfig


Yeh i realise the leg looks like its falling off, i only just realised it when i hosted the pics

"Sir incoming encrypted transmission from Utapau", the copilot said looking while looking at computer screen. "Alright let it through, /we've got nothing to worry about" the lieutenant said expecting to see a message from their waiting contacts on the ground. In seconds the once clear table beside Oky Wan transformed into the image of a crouching clone trooper. MacK walked over to curious while the copilot took his seat, surprised to see a clone trooper instead of their disguised contacts.

"If anyone receives this message please relay it back to Coruscant. A few hours ago my squad along with a few others named Jim Butcher Annix and Thok landed on Utapau in pursuit of a drug dealer. The search lead us to finding out important information that could decide the fate of the Republic. The CIS is planning to build a time machine, that will probably be used for transporting an army back to the past before the clone army was even made. We're not sure if the machine is complete yet, or still in the building phases, or if it is located on Utapau, but in order to find out we'll need reinforcements, as the CIS found our position and we are under heavy fire, we've moved into a forest and are currently able to hold them off, but we can't last forever. We need help from any Republic friendly forces."

"What are we waiting for we need to change course and help them" Oky Wan burst out. "We can't the mission depends on it, the fate of the Republic depends on it, the mission will be jeopardized, and we will not be able to find and hopefully destroy the time machine. We need to continue with the mission remember that the CIS don't suspect us of anything well if we go help them out the CIS will, also attack us before we complete our objectives." MacK said sadly. "Though I understand we need to help them, sergeant relay the message back to coruscant, and back to our cruiser, but tell them not to send any reinforcements until we've at least landed, I don't want to be in the air during a battle, I just hope that the CIS hasn't decided to hide the time machine, or move it off planet yet. Otherwise this is going to take a long time, and it may be to late before we can intervene". MacK said before retaking his seat. "I got a bad feeling about this" Garr quietly said as he moved to the back of the ship "Roooar" Draze added.


'This is Easy 501-1, Commander of the 501st Easy Compagny. We are pinned down at Hoth and urgently need back up to save our sorry behinds! If anyone hear this please help or send this to the Jedi Council. We need back-up at Hoth! I repead, we need back-up!'

*Signal fades*

MacK and his crew entered the atmosphere of Utapau. On the way, they passed some starfighter debrees, most of which seemed to originate from destroyed Vulture droids. There were also some pieces of a Republic ship, which increased Oky Wan's worries about companions in trouble. "There seemed to be a hell of a battle," said MacK, "but it looks like we are not gonna have any trouble landing on the planet. I bet it was that drug lord who called these droid fighters as a distraction." "Sir," said the Copilot, "we just recieved another transmission, but this time it's comming from our outpost on Hoth!" "The ice planet?" asked MacK, "What do they want?" "They, too, are asking for backup, Sir. And they sound quite desperate if I may add." "Well, they're gonna have to wait," said MacK, "We don't have time for that. Just relay the message back to coruscant again. We can see what we can do once we did our job here." "Yes, Sir," replied the sergeant.

They flew into one of the sinkholes and landed on a landing platform. Once they had left the ship, Draze and Garr left off to find their drug dealer contacts. In that moment, MacK and Oky Wan were approached by one of their disguised contacts who told them that there was a Pau'an waiting for them on the next level. He said that the Pau'an insisted that they reported right after arrival. Although MacK didn't like the sound of that, they agreed and took a Utai hover taxi to the next higher level. They got off near one of the giant windmills where the afore mentioned Pau'an was waiting for them under a large archway.


MacK was the first to approach him. He said: "Hi there... er, you wanted to see us?" "Ah, yes, greetings," said the Pau'an in a calm voice, "welcome to Tapa City. My name is Parrah Dox and I am the head of this society." "Nice to meet you," said MacK and Oky Wan almost at the same time.


"What brings you here if I may ask?" asked Dox. "Oh, we are just a couple of entrepreneurs looking for resources that we can use to start a business." "Hm... That is rather strange, I have to say, since there are almost no recources left around here," remarked Dox suspiciously. "Well, uhm..." MacK muttered. He didn't know that. Feverishly, he tried to think of something to say. "You see, er, we are very good at finding things that others don't... So... if you would just let us stay here for a while and look around, we would appreciate it very much!" "You know," said Dox, "I like to think of myself as an intelligent person, and right now, I would say that you are not telling me the truth. In fact, I am getting the feeling that you are trying to get a chance to snoop around here." "Us? Nooo!" lied Oky Wan. "Really, we are just normal citizens trying to make a living! So, please let us proceed with our plans." "I am afraid I cannot do that," said Dox coldly. Suddenly, a couple of Battle droids appeared from behind the columns of the archway!


MacK's hand quickly moved toward his comlink to call for backup, but before he could even reach it, the droids set their blasters to stun and shot him and Oky Wan. Both fainted and dropped to the floor while the Battle droids stepped forward to drag them away.



The next thing they knew was that they woke up in a dark cell filled with men in orange jump suits.


One of the men appoached them and asked: "Hey, new guys, are you alright?" "Yeah," replied Oky Wan, "how about you, MacK?" "I'm fine," he said. "Parrah Dox, that son of a bantha, he must be working for the CIS! This just keeps getting better and better!" Oky Wan turned back to the stranger with the fedora: "Who are you, and where are we?"


So, brickbreaker, it's your turn to post! :wink:

How do you like my MOC? I tried to capture the feel of a Utapau sinkhole with this baseplate and the windmill. Also, I am very happy about how my Pau'an turned out - the old mummy face was just perfect with its grey skin, black eyes and red eye sockets! :sweet: His name is a play on the word "paraodx", a common term in time traveling stories. :tongue:

The name of the sinkhole, Tapa City, is made up too. I just took a random part of Utapau, the name of the planet, just like the inhabitants always do (Utai, Pau'ans, Pau City, etc.).

I gave you your usual hat, MacK, because I figured that you wouldn't want to walk around with a pilot helmet during our entire visit to Utapau. Hope that's cool. :wink:

Oh, and Jim, PLEASE don't quote posts with pics, and especially don't post such a quote twice! Your last post took up almost half the page! :hmpf_bad:

Edited by Oky Wan Kenobi

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Great job, Oky Wan! The propeller and native are great! Sorry about the quoting pics, but I dont know why i double posted... i cant get rid of it, either. :sadnew:

...and where is Benny...?

''Sir, incoming transmission from Coruscant!''

''Who is it?''

''Commander Rex, 591st CO!''

''What does he says?''

''He got a transmission form a commander called MacK that we urgently needed back-up!''

''Is he coming?''

''Yes, sir!''

''Thank god! Oh, and please send a message to Comm MacK for his help!''

''I'm on it!''

...and where is Benny...?[/color]

I'm not sure, but I think he said something about being a little busy these days and that he wouldn't post much for a while. :sceptic:

Well, I'm leaving Friday to España for 4 weeks. Maybe a holiday break? :tongue:

Edited by wouwie13


Garviel looked up from his electrobinoculars, the core ship he was monitoring had been dormant for a few hours now anyway. He walked over to the bleeping computer and pressed a few buttons.

"Its an older code but it checks out" i mumbled to myself, remembering that Republic ships transmit a hidden signal around the planet during decent, to alert any republic agents on the planet that the ship contains republic loyalists.

After a few more button presses, the screen changed to the decent angle of the unidentified ship.

"Looks like its heading towards a sink hole just north of here" i thought "Tapa city i think"

He grabbed his modified pistol and set off to meet with the ships crew.

Well this is my first story post so i'm not sure if i'm doing it right. P.S I can not find my original charcter post so the name may have changed also I will upload my fig soon! here go's... The rogue Clone Commander designation number 0024 clambered through a red dust filled cavern looking for his mysterious partner. His stark white armor now mottled with patches of red dust. Suddenly a voice comes from the shadows. 0024 long time no see, I need you to do a job for me.

"put your hands up"said the man who appeared to be the commander."state your name and occupation"he said."william jones,part-time bounty hunter,i live in utana city.by the way who are you?"i said"your going to have to give us more information before we tell you that""fine"i said with a sigh"well,that bounty hunter that you saw talking to kaeder was my colleague talek oram"the men raised their weapons and tensed up"woah woah woah! i meant "former" colleague" the men loosened up again"kaeder had a grudge against my dad awhile back he planted a thermal detonator in the middle of our place and you can guess what happened next,boom!only people who made it out were me and my brother and we were still kids.now will you tell me who you are?"the men started to speak but then suddenly there was a huge explosion and me and all the republicans(i had guessed that they were from the republic judging by the armor that they were wearing)said at the same time"lets go"

im xela, this is zues and mendis.you kinda wreked the passage we were making. you crashed here on some strange ship. doc russo told us to gett you changed. oh, and i hope your strong, they got a sharakan to fight tomorrow...

sorry for the lack, Ive got this book ive got to write. oh, and doc is the founder, a sharkfin is a sharkman, and i cant build mack, plus i can upload pics. i will make a brickshelf acount soon though. oh, and the slaves are on corasaunt. i was going to wait until the bounty hunter was defeated, but he had a brother, then a pod arived and ith had about the hunter buying slaves on corasaunt, but this is fine. oh, soz about pics, i have made the police sighter (a controll, my bed, some weirdos bed, and some creeps, and the crash site on ldd for the bit before the pit!


Edited by brickbreaker

"What do you mean 'we have to fight a sharakan tomorrow'?" asked Oky Wan. "Well, that guy - Parrah Dox was it? - has sold you as slaves to our boss. Welcome to the Pit Fighting business!" said Xela. "What?" shouted MacK, "Pit Fighting? We don't have time for this! We need to get out of here!" "What do you think we were trying to do this whole time?" said one of the other prisoners, "We all want to get out, but thanks to you, the tunnel that we were digging collapsed."

Mack hastily searched his pockets. After a while, he said: "Damn! They stripped us of all weapons and comlinks! We are on our own!" "Are you agents of the Republic?" Xela asked excitedly. "Yes," said Oky Wan, "and we are on a secret mission that is fatal to the future of the entire galaxy!" "Ha! I knew you would come!" Xela turned to one of the men behind him and said: "You owe me 20 Credits, Mendis!" After Mendis grumbled something in response, Xela turned back to MacK and Oky Wan and said: "Tell you what: If you can get us outta here, I can help you with your mission!"

MacK thought about this for a second, then he said "Alright, I guess we will need some men power to get out of here, so you have a deal! But for now, you all should rest. I will think of a plan in the meanwhile." "Very good," said Oky Wan, "I can use some sleep. I feel like I haven't slept for 2 months!"

So, they all laid down, while MacK sat in a corner and pondered about how they could escape. After a while, he, too, fell asleep.

On the next morning, they were woken up by the thunder of applause that seemed to come from the fighting arena...

It's time to kick some sharakan butt! :devil: Let's just hope MacK will come up with a good plan. :wink: The 2-months thing is a refference to how long this game has been going - it started on May 15th. :grin:

On a side note: It makes me sad that players in this game are taking the "comic" out "SW Comic Game" by not posting with pics at all. :sad: I'm not expecting everyone to make a moc for every post, but to at least do it once in a while. :sceptic:

Edited by Oky Wan Kenobi

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On a side note: It makes me sad that players in this game are taking the "comic" out "SW Comic Game" by not posting with pics at all. :sad: I'm not expecting everyone to make a moc for every post, but to at least do it once in a while. :sceptic: [/color]

Yeah... even though ive only posted pics two times, others have not done so at all. It is expected for every player to post at least once per chapter. Ill add that and any new players I forgot on the list to the first post. Also, if anyone wants to make a new pic of all of the players for the new chapter, they are very welcome to do so. (or you can just use Oky Wans :tongue: ).

Also, if anyone wants to make a new pic of all of the players for the new chapter, they are very welcome to do so. (or you can just use Oky Wans :tongue: ).

Your wish is my command :grin: :


From left to right: Simonjedi aka. Garviel Loken; Skipper 24; BrickBreaker aka. Xela Mirinatan; MacK; Oky Wan Kenobi; Jim Butcher; Lt. Col. Thok; The Death Star aka. William Jones; Vader's son aka. Moda Annix; Palin Jax; wouwie13 aka. Easy 501.

I hope you like the new ad. :wink: You can use it in your own sig. Here is the URL:


And here are some fun-facts about the pic:

  • The tag line "The time has come" is the the subtitle of this thread.
  • Skipper 24 is shown as a generic clone trooper because he hasn't posted his character yet and said something about him being a former clone soldier who kept his armor.
  • Everyone is featured holding their signature weapon (I have a tool instead of a weapon because I had to give my pistol to simonjedi), and MacK is shown holding a grenade! :laugh:

Comic Game On! :thumbup:

my normal weapon is a pick (as slave)

sorry no pics still, they wont fit on page.

Hi, for those that wondered about my whereabouts, as I announced I wont post too much during this chapter as I work at the moments 9 hours a day 6 days a week plus 2 hours of driving every day, so not much time. Besides, brickhorizon.com is up and that's where my main focus is atm. Next week I will work the early shift so maybe I can build a scene over the week.


Hi all, I have finally got pics of my character who is currently my avatar but can also be seen here (please note he is not finished)av.jpg

Here is some more Story... The mysterious partner told him the mission, which was to eliminate Obi-Wan Kenobi who was stationed in an industrial area on Utapau. 0024 fly's over to Coruscant and tracks down Kenobi. He finds Kenobi on a hovering platform, Kenobi salutes to him because he thinks he is a clone. 0024 has very similar armour to Cody because he is his pod brother. watch this vid of how he tries to take down Obi. Please watch it, sorry there is no sound though I couldn't really find anything that fitted.

Edited by Skipper 24

Hi again guys, here is a little graphic well it's quite big for my signature it has my character in. I can make them for you if you want. The bricks he was standing on I had trouble erasing so I left them in but then they turned black which I think looked quite good. banner.jpg

EDIT: I am now cleaning it up a bit. Any ideas for the background? Please note the version in my sig isn't as nice because it isn't as high quality. I might retake the pic of him on a plain background where erasing will be easier.

Edited by Skipper 24

That's an interesting character, Skipper, :thumbup: but I have some criticism about it. First of all, how do you expect us to recreate your character when it is a custom? :wacko: the best thing I could do is to use the yellow trooper from the clone BP, or use the new Cody when I can get the RGS. :sceptic: And although I've got it, most people don't have the Jango head. So, could I kindly ask you to remake your character in a way that we all can recreate it? Thanks.

Also, I don't understand why he is tasked with eliminating Obi-Wan and how this will fit into the main story of this game, but I hope that you will reveal that to us soon.

On a brighter note, I think it's really cool to see the first animated entry in this game! :sweet: I might make a stop-motion post one day myself! :thumbup:

And about the background of your Comic game ad, I would suggest using a Utapau scene since that is the setting for the most part of the current Chapter. Therefore, I would use either this or this pic for the background. And I would also recommend not writing Star wars twice - just use the SW logo and write "Comic Game" under it.

I hope that helped. :classic: Welcome to the game!

Stop-motion entries ON! :thumbup:

Edited by Oky Wan Kenobi

Oky Wan and MacK were woken up by Xela, when the ray shields were lowered to allow Zues Mendis to leave. "Where are they going?" asked MacK as he watched the two prisoners leave along by a few battle droids. "They're going to work in the mines." Xela replied, "Ever since we were trapped here the guards have forced us to work in these mines not to far off, looking for these mysterious crystals; I don't know what their for, we just mine them and then bring them out for shipping to another part of the planet." Xela said answering MacK's next question before he even asked it. "How come you're not going with them?" asked Oky Wan. "Because I told them that I was going to quickly explain to you what's going to happen in the pit fight, then I'll go to the mines." replied Xela. "But you already have, you told us that we're basically going to be thrown into a pit, and then they will throw in a few sharakans, and possibly other aliens until we're both dead." MacK said confused. "I know I have, but I want to see have you come up with a plan, as to how you're going to get out?"


"Oh yes I think I just did" said MacK embarrassed "Xela do you know if any of the mines tunnels go right under the arena?" "Hmm yes I think one or two do; I remember that I often hear the crowd cheering above a few of the tunnels, why" replied Xela. "Because I remember reading somewhere that sharakans are very sensitive to sound and may even go berserk if exposed to extremely loud noises, such as in a giant arena. My plan is to somehow get one to go into the audience hopefully everyone will be so focused on it, that they'll fail to notice Oky Wan and me falling into a hole in the ground. That's where you come in, Xela I want you to go to the tunnel that runs under the arena, and wait until you hear everyone screaming, once that happens break through the surface and wait 'till we jump in then, we'll go back out through the tunnels, and we'll all try to make an escape for good, okay." MacK looked over at Xela who was nodding his head but looking at the entrance to the prison cell.

"Roger roger you have visitors" came the mechanical voice of a nearby security droid, as the ray shields were once again lowered. "Well MacK it seems

you've gotten yourself into a little bit to much trouble" came the familiar voice of Garr Sarkin.


"Wait, you turned us in?" burst out Oky Wan. "Hey a man's gotta make a living somehow" replied Garr "The CIS offered me a few thousand credits if I could turn in a few Republic agents." "You make me sick Garr" MacK said, as he noticed that Garr had an open holster with a blaster pistol on his back belt. "You're a fool" Oky Wan called as a droid escorted Xela out of the cell towards the mines. Garr turned away from MacK for a second to confront Oky Wan "Oh really Oky Wan, that seems strange. Here I am a free man; while you and your friend are stuck in a prison cell waiting to be killed". MacK seizing his opportunity reached over and plucked the blaster pistol from Garrs holster "yoink" MacK whispered as he grabbed the pistol and put it behind his back.


"Garr you're a dead man, once I break out of here I'll hunt you down and kill you myself" MacK added before Garr left the cell.


‘I’m sure you would like to kill me, but it seems like you’re out of grenades

Edited by MacK

You were going to recreate it :look: . I had no idea, I will change him then but I think I'll still keep him as my avatar. I'll also try to change the words on my sig. I have some great plans of how that Obi-Wan assassination fits in don't worry. Also if this keeps running through the summer I plan on making a longer "higher quality" Brick Film.

MacK do you mind if I build on your cell thingy idea, it might be aesier for me to add in my Obi-Wan thing then because it's on Utapau I think?

Note to Jim Butcher, On the first post where it says the players names you could put a pic on the character in next to there name so new players will no who everyone is.

Edited by Skipper 24

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