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Oky-The present has changed due to my arrival because of the outing I went on earlier in the story. What I did will be revealed later, as it is suprising :pir-vader: .

pr0-Ya. I got it. Lets say he is Rodian (like Greedo from episode 4). He is the leader, he loves heavy weapons and used to make money by assasinating senators. JD thinks he has killed all the members. Really, two escaped. They are probably in the leader's ship on Felucia.

Edited by Jammiedodger714

"Theres nowhere around here that you can upgrade"Will told 8P-4C"but some freinds of mine left in a gunship,they might know where you can get an upgrade"He added.A smirk then appeared on his face,then Will spoke again"Providing you can get me to whereever they are"

Clone Pilot:"Sir, we are reaching the planet. But we were not able to contact Oky, Jim, Thok or Adam. But we did a search of personnel that you gave us and we managed to find a soldier by the name of Will."

pr0:"Good, take us down and rendevue with him. Lets hope he knows where the rest are."

JD:"Nice upgrades you did to this RGS!"

pr0:"Dont mention it!"

As the ship entered the atmosphere...

pr0:"By the way, I did some research of a dart I found on a dead clone, it appears he was killed by a bounty hunter. It also happens that this dead clone came from your present battalion and that you killed off his gang. Tell me about him cause to help you find him I need a name! I only know that he is a Rodian. But I need a name!"

JD nodded his head and told pr0 his name, pr0 was utterly shocked! :pir-skull: :cannon:

Within the minute Will finished his sentence, a gunship arrived.''Finally.I thought you'd left me to die,'' he said. ''Wait a minute,''said Commander Gree, who was on the gunship. ''Who's the droid?'' ''I am 8P-4C,a Mogenar-class droid, mind you. Now, is there anywhere I can get a few armor upgrades?'' ''Perhaps on a Venator. Climb on.''

Edited by BPac21

Ok! One question which is who in the world is commander Gree? Is that my gunship he is on and erm, where are you going to get upgrades? The Venators are all in battle! Oh well, too late to go back now...

Suddenly, a second gunship dropped in...

pr0:"Commander! We have no place to upgrade, our venator's are very busy and are not able to attend to your situation!"

Commander:"Yes sir but it seems that we have a droid sir that needs upgrades."

pr0:"Whose is it?"

Commander:"It appears to be Will's sir!"

pr0 stepped out of the gunship with JD and greeted Will.

Will:"I thought you were a gonner JD!"

JD:"Me too!"

pr0:"Right Will, I happen to have a few assasin droids on my gunship!"

Will:"What are those doing in there?"

pr0:" We needed to scout the area and what better to do it with assasin droids! They can take out Jedi you know!"

Will:"Ok than, 8p-4c go and upgrade than!"

8p-4c:"Right than!"

pr0:"Pilot tell our engineer to get out and dismantle one of our droids and programm him with the scouting, assasining, hijacking, hacking...Basically all warfare knowledge!"

Clone engineer:"Yes sir!"

pr0:"By the way Will do you know where the others went?"

Bob looked out the viewport of his Ventator. He readied himself for further orders from his friend.

"Commander, ready the troopers." Bob said.

"Yes, Sir" The Commander said.

"I have a bad feeling about this...." Bob said.

Ok! One question which is who in the world is commander Gree? Is that my gunship he is on and erm, where are you going to get upgrades? The Venators are all in battle! Oh well, too late to go back now...

1.Gree is a canon clone commander.

2.Not your RGS.

3.Along with knowlege from assasin droids :hmpf_bad: I'd also like to, when the chance arises, get armor upgrades.I'll post pics within the next 3 days (Fri,Sat,Sun)

BPac Out!

Can I ask a question? Why isn't skipper 24 playing? He is on the players list but isn't playing. Why is that so? By the way, JD did you get my pm?

I really don't know, man. :pir-sceptic: He says that he wants to play and refuses to have his character killed off, but ever since he joined back in chapter 2, he has never posted anything that adds to the story. :pir-hmpf_bad: It is a riddle to me why Jim hasn't kicked him off yet.

His character is currently lying half dead in the Republic Cruiser that we traveled from Hoth to Felucia with. If he wont post (which I highly doubt he will), that's where he will stay until this season of the game is over. :pir-devil:

I really don't know, man. :pir-sceptic: He says that he wants to play and refuses to have his character killed off, but ever since he joined back in chapter 2, he has never posted anything that adds to the story. :pir-hmpf_bad: It is a riddle to me why Jim hasn't kicked him off yet.

His character is currently lying half dead in the Republic Cruiser that we traveled from Hoth to Felucia with. If he wont post (which I highly doubt he will), that's where he will stay until this season of the game is over. :pir-devil:

Really, you dont say? Where is the Republic cruiser by the way? Maybe I can 'accidentally' bomb it! Neh that will be too mean. Anyway, so he is still alive?!? Thats a shocker! How come you guys never pm him to ask wether he is playing or not? :pir-skull:

  • Author
How come you guys never pm him to ask wether he is playing or not? :pir-skull: [/color]

I have, several times. Since this has been brought up again, well... let's just say I smell death... :pir-skull:

While waiting for Rex to come, the intercom rang again..

''This is Wouwie''

''Sir, this is Sniper Team Fox Charlie, we have an visual on 4 Tango's in Sector Alpha 3234 near an bunker with something that looks like an AA gun..''

''Wait a sec! Jim, isn't Sector Alpha 3234 where Oky is?!''

''Yeah! I think so..'' Jim replied

''Sniper Team Fox Charlie, I'll connect you to our men near Sector Alpha 3134''

''Copy that, we wait for it''

''Oky, do you copy? This is Wouwie.''

''I hear you!'' Oky said

''Sniper Team Fox Charlie has an visual on 4 droids near the AA gun, I''l connect them with you''


''Remember, it's your call..''

I have, several times. Since this has been brought up again, well... let's just say I smell death... :pir-skull:

Great! I can arrange his nice little ship to go poof :pir-skull: Anyway, where is the ship?

pr0:"Nice job engineer! Especially with the programming and body armour improvements!"

Clone Engineer:"No problems sir! Those clankers have quite good armour especially the commando ones! Good thing there are a few left!"

pr0:"Great now! We need to randevue with the rest! Ok they are attacking a droid base. Now how do we locate a droid base without getting the clankers to know where we are?"

Clone pilot:"Sir, we scanned the backgrounds as you have asked and detected a small amount of gunships and they seem to be nearby the roflies that you have asked for!"

JD:"You can do that?"

pr0:"Duh! Technology these days are amazing! Anyway, get in and lets go!"

A few notes here:

With all of the side plots, I'm finding it difficult to keep up with who's with who and where people are. Thanks, Oky!

Pr0visorak: I'd appreciate it if you could noob it down a bit. You kinda make other people look like idiots in your posts, and play yourself up, which is against the rules. I'm sure Oky or Jim could shed more light on this. :pir-wink: Oky: please, I prompt you to ignore this post- go ahead, let us do something! :tongue:

Edited by Adam

Wrong, Adam. It's only me and present JD who are taking out the turret - and apparently some Snipers. The rest of you (which includes Garviel I think) is waiting for us. There are only few exceptions:

  • Pr0 and future JD, who are on the way to you.
  • Commander Bob and his troops, who are getting ready to enter the planet.
  • William Jones and 8P-4C, who are just about to leave the destroyed communications outpost and fly to one of the Venators, I think.

So it would be good if you could delete your post or change it drastically. It doesn't make much sense right now.

Pr0, Adam is right, you are really being a jerk to anyone around you. Please change this behavior!

About killing people off: Once Jim has made it official that a character can be killed off, anyone can do the honors! :pir-sweet: It shouldn't be so hard to destroy the Venator with Skipper on it since it has been heavily damaged ever since its shields broke down. :pir-skull:

And now, without any further ado, I'll take out the AA turret so that you guys have something to do again. :pir-classic: I'm just gonna ignore your post for now, Adam, ok?


JD, your one arm is green because it was wrapped into bandages made out of leafs by me.

Oky Wan tuned his comlink into the frequency of the snipers' comlinks. He asked their leader: "Team leader Fox Charlie, this is Oky Wan Kenobi. We can only see two of the droids that you reported. The other two are on the other side of the tower. I need you to take those other two out." "Yes, Sir!"

Oky and JD waited while the snipers aimed at the two droids behind the tower. Then, without much noise, two laser bolts shot out of the trees nearby and hit the SBDs that were out of Oky's sight. The droids fell over and hit the ground with loud clanking noises. Then, just as Oky planned it, the other two SBDs walked around the building to check out the situation. Oky told the team leader: "Once the clankers come around, blast 'em!" "Yes, Sir!"

And so, after the two droids had disappeared behind the building, there were some more shots, and the tower was finally unguarded.

Let's move!" said Oky Wan to JD, and they both leaped out of the bushes. They ran over to the door, and after Oky tinkered around with the control pad a little, they were inside the tower. They climbed up the ladder and with a few shots, they took out the two BD gunners. Oky Wan walked over to the controls played around with them for a while. After a minute, he paused. JD could see on Oky's face that something was wrong. "What is it?" he asked. "The turrets," said Oky, "they're being controlled individually, not from a central computer. I was hoping we could shut them all down at once, but it looks like we will have to take them down one at a time!" "So what? No big deal. We can do that." said JD relaxed. "No, we don't have time for that!" said Oky Wan frustrated. "You don't understand... The separatists are building a secret weapon inside that base, and they should be done any moment now! We need to take these turrets out now!" JD thought about it for a minute, then he burst out: "Wait a minute! We are inside of a powerful turret! Can't we just use that against the others?" "Hm, you're right" said Oky. "The only thing we need to do is to short circuit the main power source of the turrets' deflector shields." "Then let's get to it!" said JD. Oky ripped out the wires of their turret's shield generator and connected them with some power cables, which resulted in the required short circuit. Through the window, they could see the shields of the other turrets disappear. "Now, show 'em who's boss!" Oky Wan told JD. JD got behind the controls and aimed their AA guns at the other turrets. The massive shots blew them all to pieces.

"Jim Butcher, come in! This is Oky Wan! The coast is clear, I repeat: The coast is clear!"

Btw, Adam, are you gonna continue/finish the whole black-haired dark Jedi story any time soon?

Edited by Oky Wan Kenobi

  • Author

Yeah, go ahead and [make the CIS] blow it up Pr0, or whatever you had in mind... Hopefully after that AA turret has been taken out, we can get this chapter going again.

EDIT: Since you editied your post, Oky Wan, here it goes...

"I can hear you loud and clear, Oky Wan, what's the situation?" Jim asked through the comm link.

"We're about to take out the other turrets," came the reply.

"Wait, what do you mean 'we'? Wha- Butcer didn't complete his sentence as the turret closest to the foursome started firing at the others. Good ol' Oky Wan, always on top of things. Hopefully the explosions wouldn't draw too much attention. Unfortunately, he was wrong. A few minutes after all of the turrets were destroyed, a large squadron of battle droids marched out of the nearest doorway.

"This is our chance!" exclaimed Butcher. "The droids just let us in! Oky Wan, blow up the turret and get out of there, then regroup at the door. Blast everything in your way, and get inside."

"Alright, JD and I are on our way".

Oh, so that's who he's with thought Jim. But I thought JD was with Pro...

Jim, Thok, Adam, Wouwie, and Garviel jumped out from behind the plants and sprinted towards the battle droids and their way in. Sniper fire was coming from somewhere behind them. They all took out their weapons and started firing at the droids. They met Oky Wan and JD in front of the door, and soon all of the droids were destroyed. Everybody was okay, except a small flesh wound on Thok's arm. They went inside, ready for anything that Grievous threw at them...

Edited by JimButcher

Btw, Adam, are you gonna continue/finish the whole black-haired dark Jedi story any time soon?

Yes- I was planning on finishing it up after I met pr0visorak, but I had to leave on short notice, and I ended up finding myself in a CIS outpost and all the rest... oh, well, I'll just have to finish it up in the facility. :pir-grin: I'm working on a base now- I'll have story and pics up soon. :pir-classic:

EDIT: I've decided: story now, pics later. :pir-grin:

The group darted into the CIS base, keeping in mind the plan they had set- go for the out of use hallway, and try to keep undercover. Unfortunately, this plan was difficult to keep. Once they rounded a corner, Oky Wan stopped them and pointed to a camera in the back of the hallway. "I don't think it's seen us yet," he mouthed, "so what should we do?" Wouwie shrugged. "Shoot it, I guess," he said in a hushed whisper. Adam shook his head. "No," he said quietly, "that'd never work. They'd instantly know that there were intruders. I doubt we could just go past it without it seeing us, and it's not like we could roll a tape of an empty hallway," he added, as Oky Wan opened his mouth, "because we'd have to do that for each camera (we have no access to the central system) and that'd take some time to set up, am I right?" Oky Wan nodded. "Yes, but that wasn't what I was going to say." In response to the rest of the group's puzzled looks, Oky Wan pointed to an air vent. They all groane. "I've had enough of these Secret Agent Idiot plans!" Thok whispered. "Going through an air vent? That's too much! Next thing you know, we'll be hanging by wires in some hidden room, trying to find some program!" Anyone know where this is from? :pir-wink: "Anyway," Garviel put in, "why is there a vent in this place, any-" They all realized why at the same time: the time machine. "You think it has something to do with the time machine?" Adam asked. Jim nodded slowly. "I think so. There must be some reason connected to it, but what would we achieve by going through it? We don't know where it'd lead, and whether or not it would round near the out of order passage." No one knew what they should do- no plan seemed to work. But then they heard loud clanking noises, and they had to choose fast.

Edited by Adam

pr0?Are me and BPac with you?(Cause there might be pics in the next post)

pr0?Are me and BPac with you?(Cause there might be pics in the next post)

No. You and BPac are alone on Commander Gree's RGS, near the destroyed communications outpost, as I have already said a few hours ago. :pir-hmpf_bad: Pay attention, dammit!

Edited by Oky Wan Kenobi

Jim, Thok, Adam, and Garviel

Did you forget me? Mesa wants to fight to :pir-tongue:

EDIT: Never mind.

Edited by Oky Wan Kenobi

EDIT: Never mind.

I thought I was with the others so...But that could be an option to (before the edit :tongue:)

Roger guys! Sorry, I didnt mean it to look like that! Oh well, your wish is my command :pir-skull: Yes! Thanks for the update Jim! I want to say that...I cant wait to blow it up!

The Gunship flew nearer and nearer towards the outpost...

JD:"Does anyone know what the plan is? As in do we destroy the facility or steal something from it?"

pr0:"Beats me! I have no clue! JD?"

JD:"No but we can comlink them!"

Bpac:"Can't do! Their security is very high! Your message going to take some time to get through!"

pr0:"Hmmm, is there any tower we can remove permanently to allow the transmission?"


Will:"Hurry up! We got a limited amount of time! We are flying over overgrown fungi and I dont want to be down there!"

Bpac:"Ok guys! There is an idea actually!"

pr0:"Well, give it to us than!"

Bpac:"Look out of the gunship! Aim your eyes at the tower towards the right!"

The clones, pr0, Will and JD looked.

Bpac:"That is what we need to destroy! Once we destroy it the shields and communication arrays will go boom!"

JD:"Thanks for the heads up! But I think we should contact Jim first and ask! After all, dont want to destroy the tower they are at!"

pr0:"Roger! Pilot circle around the base and get us as near to the transmission tower as we can!"

Pilot:"Roger sir!"

The 2 gunships flew around closer to the transmission tower and the message was sent...

Bpac:"Its done and equipped with the latest CIS codes! Thanks for the codes Will!"

Will:"No problem"

JD:"So, how are we going to destroy that thing? It is massive!"

pr0:"JD, how did Jim, Oky and Thok get here?"

JD:"I think its in a republic cruiser!"

pr0:"Well than gentlemen, that will be our new bomb!"

I hope this will do :pir_laugh2:

JD wondered how his present self was. His own arm still stung, but he could cope. Then things suddenly made sense. The bounty hunter….he is from the future! But how? GIZOR DELSO! The Imps were tracking him down before he, JD, came into this timeline. So there must be loads of time machine prototypes! JD started to panic. Then he started to see things….Oky Wan…and Adam…..dying in front of the dark Jedi…Bequin! And Wouwie and pr0….fighting desperately against Grevious and some magna guards. But How? He must be seeing what the present JD will see….then he realised…HE is the key to all this! He had to tell Oky Wan!

DUN DUN DUUUUUN!!!! :pir-vader:

8P-4C: Republic Mogenar-Class droid 8P-4C to republic cruiser Helios. Do you read me? Over.

Clone: We read you.

8P-4C: I hate to be the one to relay this message from Pr0 to you, but you must go kamikaze on a control tower we found down on the planet.

Clone: We have to do WHAT?

8P-4C: Bomb a tower on Felucia by crashing the cruiser into it. That's an order! 8P-4C out.

There. I took the liberty of giving the orders, Pr0visorak! :devil:

Edited by BPac21

Wait a minute... Since when are Will and 8P-4C with Pr0 and JD? Did I miss something? :pir-look:

Edited by Oky Wan Kenobi

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