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@macouso xD You won't get far with this childish "I know everything better" attitude.

On 10/24/2023 at 11:03 AM, macouso said:

No, you would not: just create very simple 128x128 pixels rectangle in the color you want it to be colored in any graphic editor and that's it - quick and easy + once you have a specific color it is reusable in ANY PART, of course (just add it in the DecorationMapping.xml for the specific designID and surfaceID). And, BTW, this is one of the exact ways LDD itself doing it (just look for minifig leg decors)

And how's supposedly faster to create multiple UV cords for complicated geometry, creating dozens new decorations, assigning everything, and telling users they can't use paint tool anymore becouse YOU want to paint parts with decors? And what if user wants to create color combination you didn't think of? And how do you think - what is surfaceID? There's a reason for splitting .G and it's pretty good one once you try to think about it.

On 10/24/2023 at 11:03 AM, macouso said:

There's absolutely nothing wrong with the normals at all (checked in Blender - there it looks pretty smooth as one peace, exactly as it should) - it is more likely to be some sort of coding problem in the LDD Brick Editor when it generates the mesh into the actual LDD brick - author would have to check it himself (if he asks I can provide the 3D src file),

BTW why are you answering this as if I was talking to you?! You are not author of the app (AFAIK), nor the brick pack creator...or are your bricks in the pack too?

Maybe becouse it is public forum? And it is completely normal for people to answer others posts? Did it occur to you by any chance? ^^ Maybe check who's an author of the topic you are posting in. A bell might ring. While at it you can check if what you see on the screen shoots seems familiar when building in LDD.


Modified part on the left, fixed normals 5 min ago on the right. Go figure ;) Although I might admit it might be error on however you guys export models into Brick Editor. I made my own tools and I'm using BE only for outline generation so it's not a problem with BE directly.

On 10/24/2023 at 11:03 AM, macouso said:

Once again wrong: it is a g part DIRECTLY FROM THE APP SRC (it was just some example that was included inside one of the older src zips from the GitHub), but I have to say it is from one of the older version before I realized there already is completely new app project, so yes - most prolly it was fixed already.

And most importantly: why are you pointing to absolutely not important portion of the image where I literally said DO NOT MIND THE FLEX BRICK (or something along those lines) in the original post where this image appeared for the first time here??? That flex brick is there just by coincidence as that very image was used as an example elsewhere and I do not find it important to remove the brick as the point was very clear what I am talking about (well, at least I thought so + judging from the custom brick pack author he did understood it as he should, which cannot be said about you, unfortunately).

I glanced over that part straight to photo which focuses attention more. It's not like everyone reads every post and remember same photo used twice somewhere. And like I said above don't be surprised an author responds ^^


So I made fast check regarding normals. I've exported my fixed part model into .OBJ format from 3D Studio Max and imported it into BE and normals are ok. STL format doesn't work, DAE on the first try also - might need tweaking some options.

Edited by Equilibrium

1 hour ago, suenkachun said:

Just did a fresh LDD install by using files from the original “setupldd-pc-4_3_11.exe” programme, including re-extracting all required files using the LIF Extractor. Then I installed the latest update using the Dropbox version and here are the latest findings.

A few previous glitches on my end have all been fixed, including that weird Plate 6x6 issue which must have been due to outdated files when updating. However, the Train Window not attaching issue (Parts 4035/4036) is still around.

For the latest “231023.lxf”, nothing has changed since the last time I posted a screenshot. All the missing Bricks there are still only showing their outline box, 12 Bricks removed due to could not be loaded and 2 removed due to being misplaced. Other than these, the Decoration PNG for Part 14719 Flat Tile Corner 1x2x2 seems to missing within the visible Bricks too. Thanks for the efforts so far.

Just downloaded the latest update, same issue with many of the new parts only showing the outline, so it's not just you.

The amount of work everyone puts into this is great, and I'm always excited to see more updates get put out! Keep it up!

Same here. But thankfully looks to be mainly printed parts so not a huge issue for me.

Though the outline bricks are in LDD and useable
350321 is one of the outline bricks but can still be found in the brick selector 

1 hour ago, Equilibrium said:

Modified part on the left, fixed normals 5 min ago on the right. Go figure ;) Although I might admit it might be error on however you guys export models into Brick Editor. I made my own tools and I'm using BE only for outline generation so it's not a problem with BE directly.

I normally import the LDraw files in Blender and export (after tweaking the mesh or other work needed) in .OBJ. Then I import in Brick Editor. If you could message me privately with your workflow, I would be very happy :)

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@Stephan Well, I told you how I do it over a year ago :D


1 hour ago, Equilibrium said:

@Stephan Well, I told you how I do it over a year ago :D


Yeah, I remember that. And I also remember that I tried the programm you used, but couldn't find the option to average normals on edges... I will need to look into it again to learn that programm.

I've finished thoroughly trying out all the new parts. Here are the errors I've been able to find:

- The axle hole on the smaller end of 2142 doesn't accept bar-sized pieces.
- 2656 and 3161 can't be placed on top of studs. You can scaffold them into place, but either the piece itself or whatever it's attached to will be deleted upon reloading the file.
- Ball joint connections on 3170 can't be attached to any of the appropriate sockets.
- Axle holes on 3250 can't accept all axle connections (a normal axle will fit, but a connector like 22961 won't)
- Pin holes on 3251 and 90840 won't accept pin connections.
- A 2xN plate can't be placed underneath the rounded end of 3263 as intended.
- Antistuds on the bottom of 3388 are misaligned slightly.
- Both studs and antistuds of 3545 are misaligned significantly.
- 57881, 68614, and 80577 can't be placed atop of a minifigure (minidolls are OK) due to collisions with the head, torso, or both.
- 77123 has an orange error image displayed in the parts menu and if I place it in the scene it's completely invisible.
- 77850 can't be placed on top of hollow studs with a half-plate offset.
- The geometry of 80015 has gone haywire, it can be attached as usual but the edges are visibly out of alignment. But if I load a model that included this part previously, anything connected to it gets deleted.


Edited by PicnicBasketSam

7 minutes ago, PicnicBasketSam said:

I've finished thoroughly trying out all the new parts. Here are the errors I've been able to find:

- The axle hole on the smaller end of 2142 doesn't accept bar-sized pieces.
- 2656 and 3161 can't be placed on top of studs. You can scaffold them into place, but either the piece itself or whatever it's attached to will be deleted upon reloading the file.
- Ball joint connections on 3170 can't be attached to any of the appropriate sockets.
- Axle holes on 3250 can't accept all axle connections (a normal axle will fit, but a connector like 22961 won't)
- Pin holes on 3251 and 90840 won't accept pin connections.
- A 2xN plate can't be placed underneath the rounded end of 3263 as intended.
- Antistuds on the bottom of 3388 are misaligned slightly.
- Both studs and antistuds of 3545 are misaligned significantly.
- 57881, 68614, and 80577 can't be placed atop of a minifigure (minidolls are OK) due to collisions with the head, torso, or both.
- 77123 has an orange error image displayed in the parts menu and if I place it in the scene it's completely invisible.
- 77850 can't be placed on top of hollow studs with a half-plate offset.
- The geometry of 80015 has gone haywire, it can be attached as usual but the edges are visibly out of alignment. But if I load a model that included this part previously, anything connected to it gets deleted.


Thanks for the list! These errors will be fixed asap! I did not encounter them while building with the new parts...

80477's ball can't connect to any sockets. And it's pin doesn't accept bar connections. Worked fine before this update on both so must have gotten reverted.

6 hours ago, Takanuinuva said:

80477's ball can't connect to any sockets. And it's pin doesn't accept bar connections. Worked fine before this update on both so must have gotten reverted.

I don't remember updating 80477... I will try to issue a fix this weekend. Making sure that you guys get working parts is my priority.


Reporting brick problems (downloaded complete pack from the Dropbox www):

2656: bottom connectors not working + in case it is able to use them (and by the looks it should compared to internal design of similar 4532) drawer 4535 cannot be inserted

244069.png: missing decor

<Mapping decorationID="244069" designID="2440" surfaceID="1"/>

3384: THIS IS NOT BRICK PROBLEM, just not proper brick description in case you care about the way you are describing brick's ability judging from the other bricks' descriptions you provided on your thread about custom brick packs...this brick is decorable (although you did not provide any actual decor for/wit it, you still described other decorable bricks without any actual decor provided as decorable, like brick 35750) - you could update the brick description to stay consistent in this regard.


3535: THIS IS NOT BRICK PROBLEM, just not proper brick description in case you care about the way you are describing brick's ability judging from the other bricks' descriptions you provided on your thread about custom brick packs...this brick is decorable (although you did not provide any actual decor for/wit it, you still described other decorable bricks without any actual decor provided as decorable, like brick 35750) - you could update the brick description to stay consistent in this regard.


3556: I do not understand how this bricks differs from the standard 3001? TRANSAPRAENT (that is all it should supposedly differentiate it from the standard 3001)??? You mean just the material being transparent (we can simply set that to normal 3001)? Visually it is 1:1 with classic 3001 inside the LDD + just checked with the BrickLink: indeed, it is just another alias for the 3001, nothing else ( https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?P=3001#T=C ). Or did I just not understand something once again here? BTW this one is decorable too...

4569: THIS IS NOT BRICK PROBLEM, just not proper brick description in case you care about the way you are describing brick's ability judging from the other bricks' descriptions you provided on your thread about custom brick packs...this brick is decorable (although you did not provide any actual decor for/wit it, you still described other decorable bricks without any actual decor provided as decorable, like brick 35750) - you could update the brick description to stay consistent in this regard.



35341: can I ask what is the actual difference between - from my point a view TOTALLY IDENTICAL - original 22385 and this one? The only difference I see is the UV map size of g1  part: ibn the original it does not touch edges, that is it is smaller, where in the newer one it fills completely whole g1 area - is that correct? Cos if that is really the only difference, don't you think it would be much more better to rather update decors for the original 22385 and accordingly its UV map size (g1 decorable area) )so there would be no need for this quite unnecessary clogging of LDD inventory? Sorry, I am trying to understand why you do it this way and this is the only reason I can find, so from that point of view there is no need for the new absolutely identical brick with just slightly bigger UV map - once again to me original UV map size/decor updating would be much more appropriate approach I would say...and this is not the 1st time I see this with your otherwise good bricks: you simply create new identical brick only because you now decided to use bigger/different UV map size and instead of updating original brick you simply create new one, ah! :-( What  I will do now - to avoid unnecessary identical brick in LDD inventory - is deleting original 22385, renaming this new 35341 to 22385, update your original decors for original 22385 and re-assigning those 2 (!!!) decors from 35341 to "updated" 22385 and case closed...but I still wonder why, why why you did what you did?

35530: THIS IS NOT BRICK PROBLEM, just not proper brick description in case you care about the way you are describing brick's ability judging from the other bricks' descriptions you provided on your thread about custom brick packs...this brick is decorable (although you did not provide any actual decor for/wit it, you still described other decorable bricks without any actual decor provided as decorable, like brick 35750) - you could update the brick description to stay consistent in this regard.


49736: THIS IS NOT BRICK PROBLEM, just not proper brick description in case you care about the way you are describing brick's ability judging from the other bricks' descriptions you provided on your thread about custom brick packs...this brick is decorable (although you did not provide any actual decor for/wit it, you still described other decorable bricks without any actual decor provided as decorable, like brick 35750) - you could update the brick description to stay consistent in this regard.


49737: THIS IS NOT BRICK PROBLEM, just not proper brick description in case you care about the way you are describing brick's ability judging from the other bricks' descriptions you provided on your thread about custom brick packs...this brick is decorable (although you did not provide any actual decor for/wit it, you still described other decorable bricks without any actual decor provided as decorable, like brick 35750) - you could update the brick description to stay consistent in this regard.


70495: THIS IS NOT BRICK PROBLEM, just not proper brick description in case you care about the way you are describing brick's ability judging from the other bricks' descriptions you provided on your thread about custom brick packs...this brick is decorable (although you did not provide any actual decor for/wit it, you still described other decorable bricks without any actual decor provided as decorable, like brick 35750) - you could update the brick description to stay consistent in this regard.


80683: THIS IS NOT BRICK PROBLEM, just not proper brick description in case you care about the way you are describing brick's ability judging from the other bricks' descriptions you provided on your thread about custom brick packs...this brick is decorable (although you did not provide any actual decor for/wit it, you still described other decorable bricks without any actual decor provided as decorable, like brick 35750) - you could update the brick description to stay consistent in this regard.


101658: this brick IS NOT MULTI-COLORABLE - there is only one brick part (.g file) + bricks xml file also does not have appropriate "Decoration" tag

1939: can you tell me in which way this brick (left) differs from the "old" 3477 (right)? Cos I can not find a single difference.


Edited by macouso

Hi. Thanks for the amazing work on the LDD parts update. 

With the latest update (version 20231023) I have a few bricks showing error. It just shows a generic 2x2 brick with an exclamation mark. I can't list them as LDD also unexpectedly just closes on me now. Any idea how to fix this?

Many thanks in advance.

12 minutes ago, Oliver 79 said:

Hi. Thanks for the amazing work on the LDD parts update. 

With the latest update (version 20231023) I have a few bricks showing error. It just shows a generic 2x2 brick with an exclamation mark. I can't list them as LDD also unexpectedly just closes on me now. Any idea how to fix this?

Many thanks in advance.

I expect to be able to distribute a fix tomorrow afternoon. Until then: sorry for the inconvenience!

I already started working on the first errors listed on this page.

9 minutes ago, Stephan said:

I expect to be able to distribute a fix tomorrow afternoon. Until then: sorry for the inconvenience!

I already started working on the first errors listed on this page.

Amazing. No inconvenience caused. Thanks for the awesome work! 

On 10/25/2023 at 10:33 PM, PicnicBasketSam said:

I've finished thoroughly trying out all the new parts. Here are the errors I've been able to find:

- The axle hole on the smaller end of 2142 doesn't accept bar-sized pieces.
- 2656 and 3161 can't be placed on top of studs. You can scaffold them into place, but either the piece itself or whatever it's attached to will be deleted upon reloading the file.
- Ball joint connections on 3170 can't be attached to any of the appropriate sockets.
- Axle holes on 3250 can't accept all axle connections (a normal axle will fit, but a connector like 22961 won't)
- Pin holes on 3251 and 90840 won't accept pin connections.
- A 2xN plate can't be placed underneath the rounded end of 3263 as intended.
- Antistuds on the bottom of 3388 are misaligned slightly.
- Both studs and antistuds of 3545 are misaligned significantly.
- 57881, 68614, and 80577 can't be placed atop of a minifigure (minidolls are OK) due to collisions with the head, torso, or both.
- 77123 has an orange error image displayed in the parts menu and if I place it in the scene it's completely invisible.
- 77850 can't be placed on top of hollow studs with a half-plate offset.
- The geometry of 80015 has gone haywire, it can be attached as usual but the edges are visibly out of alignment. But if I load a model that included this part previously, anything connected to it gets deleted.


  • 2142 fixed; I tried it with the 3L bar and that worked, it has smaller collision data than the other bars...
  • 2656 & 3161 fixed; connection type was male instead of female
  • 3170 fixed; sphere collision was too big on one side
  • 3250 fixed; axle hole collisions were slightly too big
  • 3251 & 90840 fixed; pin hole collisions were slightly too big
  • 3263 fixed; connections did something strange
  • 3388 fixed; very small adjustment needed for bottom connections
  • 3544 / 3545: could not reproduce, newest files included
  • 57881, 68614, 80577 fixed; collision data was too tight
  • 77123: newest files included
  • 77850 fixed: completely redone connections
  • 80015: could not reproduce, newest files included
On 10/26/2023 at 12:36 AM, Takanuinuva said:

80477's ball can't connect to any sockets. And it's pin doesn't accept bar connections. Worked fine before this update on both so must have gotten reverted.

  • 80477: could not reproduce, newest files included
On 10/26/2023 at 11:18 AM, macouso said:

244069.png: missing decor

  • Does not appear in my DecorationMapping.xml.
On 10/26/2023 at 11:18 AM, macouso said:


  • Clarified in post.
On 10/26/2023 at 11:18 AM, macouso said:


  • The 3001 was simplified in LDD, I updated the 3D model. This also makes the Braille bricks look better. 3556 does not have inner ridges which makes it look nicer when Transparent.
On 10/26/2023 at 11:18 AM, macouso said:


  • TLG replaced the mold and re-located the injection point. This means that more/better decorations are now possible. This was firstly added for private use due to Mecabicks compatibility, but since I added decorations for it, I shared the part files as well in the update.
On 10/25/2023 at 4:53 PM, suenkachun said:

However, the Train Window not attaching issue (Parts 4035/4036) is still around.

  • Fixed


Fix available for download.

Edited by Stephan

1 hour ago, Stephan said:
  • 2142 fixed; I tried it with the 3L bar and that worked, it has smaller collision data than the other bars...
  • 2656 & 3161 fixed; connection type was male instead of female
  • 3170 fixed; sphere collision was too big on one side
  • 3250 fixed; axle hole collisions were slightly too big
  • 3251 & 90840 fixed; pin hole collisions were slightly too big
  • 3263 fixed; connections did something strange
  • 3388 fixed; very small adjustment needed for bottom connections
  • 3544 / 3545: could not reproduce, newest files included
  • 57881, 68614, 80577 fixed; collision data was too tight
  • 77123: newest files included
  • 77850 fixed: completely redone connections
  • 80015: could not reproduce, newest files included
  • 80477: could not reproduce, newest files included
  • Does not appear in my DecorationMapping.xml.
  • Clarified in post.
  • The 3001 was simplified in LDD, I updated the 3D model. This also makes the Braille bricks look better. 3556 does not have inner ridges which makes it look nicer when Transparent.
  • TLG replaced the mold and re-located the injection point. This means that more/better decorations are now possible. This was firstly added for private use due to Mecabicks compatibility, but since I added decorations for it, I shared the part files as well in the update.
  • Fixed


Fix available for download.

Multiple parts (65460, 42925, 65514, 1680, 26169, 64289, 26170, 49563, 53968) shows up as ''error bricks'', as well as a part/parts in group 216 crashing ldd in the latest fix update.

7 minutes ago, marcuslfalk said:

Multiple parts (65460, 42925, 65514, 1680, 26169, 64289, 26170, 49563, 53968) shows up as ''error bricks'', as well as a part/parts in group 216 crashing ldd in the latest fix update.

Sorry, these parts were not meant to be included. I updated the parts pack; you can delete those .xml files. Sorry for the inconvenience!

1 hour ago, Stephan said:

Fix available for download.

Thanks for the fix version, tried opening the “231023.lxf” again and on my end, it said 1 Brick could not be loaded and 2 Bricks were not placed correctly thus three Bricks were removed. Did a quick check and found the missing entries shown below.

1. The Part 98138 on the right of the Black Star above the Bright Orange Part 85984 was removed.

2. Both Part 69729 underneath the three Part 85984 were removed.

3. The decoration for Part 6179 seems to be missing.


Previous issues with this file on my end have all been fixed otherwise, thanks.

4 minutes ago, Stephan said:

Sorry, these parts were not meant to be included. I updated the parts pack; you can delete those .xml files. Sorry for the inconvenience!

:thumbup: do you happen to know which part or parts that's crashing ldd?

1 hour ago, Stephan said:

Sorry, these parts were not meant to be included. I updated the parts pack; you can delete those .xml files. Sorry for the inconvenience!

Noticed one more “error Brick”: 65514, also the crash in Group 216 is still present perhaps we can help pinpoint the Brick(s) responsible from the files on our end?

Checked Part 6179 and both Decoration PNGs (842013 and 80815) are present together with the two corresponding entries in the “DecorationMapping.xml”, the “6179.g” file is there too but nothing happens when the Decoration Tool is used on the surface of the Brick. The three Bricks mentioned earlier are still removed but seems more like a glitch on my end.

EDIT: When using the Decoration tool on Part 14719 the same dark shade only appearing when using the Colo(u)r picker tool will be shown on its top surface (the only Brick exhibiting this behaviour at the moment), also when using the Paint tool the top surface can be coloured individually, I do not recall this Brick being multi-colourable so this might need to be corrected unless this is the only way to make the Brick decoratable.


Edited by suenkachun

first of all thanks to Stephan for the amazing job on adding new parts!!!!!

my updating method is to just add/overwrite current db with the one in the updates...

but ldd crashes when opening the group 216

so, found a previous backup and seems the problem to be relate to these two parts



then discovered also other missing/error parts




wonder if could fix also those last two group icons


Edited by leonema

4 hours ago, leonema said:

wonder if could fix also those last two group icons


You are missing some assembly files.

7 minutes ago, Stephan said:

You are missing some assembly files.

where can i get them?

1 hour ago, leonema said:

where can i get them?

They should be in the Complete parts pack. If not, I can provide you with the files. I hope I will be able to fix the above problems tomorrow.

Sorry for all the issues this update guys. I want to add too many parts and rushed the roll-out.

20 minutes ago, Stephan said:

They should be in the Complete parts pack. If not, I can provide you with the files. I hope I will be able to fix the above problems tomorrow.

Sorry for all the issues this update guys. I want to add too many parts and rushed the roll-out.

i always get only the Complete parts pack to be sure to don't miss anything
so don't know when or where but guess missed those somehow...

thanks :) would be awesome if you could give me those files or point me where i can download them...

imo don't need any sorry!!
instead i really wanna thank you for your precious work about adding parts!

special thanks!

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