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so, well, tried as you mentioned
and saved the 3 parts in ldd then opened with stud.io and got the 3 ids: 16820, 9560 and 11391
before delete their xmls also checked if those parts was also somewhere else... but no :/

so didn't delete of course, never used, but might be still useful...

so, my target now would be to assign those parts in the correct group as done in the example pic


hope to figure it out how can do...
obviously any help is very appreciateĀ 

so, ok, solved everything now

just changed the group id in each xml:

299 =>Ā 274 for id 26820 (in the pic there is a typo: it's not 16820 but 26820 - sorry)
399 =>Ā 385 for id 9560Ā 
299 =>Ā 240 for id 11391

thanks to everybody for their help

8 hours ago, BrokenEye said:

Neitherļ»æ of these is a complete lists. I just tried all the onesļ»æ that stood out to be as being about the right shape to look good topping the islander hair.

I think it's due to the collision data of the clip of 6025. Those might be a bit too big. I'll check it.

1 hour ago, leonema said:

justļ»æļ»æ changed the group id in ļ»æeachļ»æ xml:

These parts are part of assemblies. Their PartIDs were corrected in a later update, but if you already had the older update, you will have these here remaining since the Assembly file references the new PartIDs and not these old parts anymore. It is safe to delete them since the parts should appear in their assemblies :)

3 minutes ago, Stephan said:

These parts are part of assemblies. Their PartIDs were corrected in a later update, but if you already had the older update, you will have these here remaining since the Assembly file references the new PartIDs and not these old parts anymore. It is safe to delete them since the parts should appear in their assemblies :)

ohh that's why then...

thanks for the explanation :)

20 hours ago, Stephan said:

I think it's due to the collision data of the clip of 6025. Those might be a bit too big. I'll check it.

Sounds like a plan.

Anyway, while all that other stuff is going on, I've made some Space decals




I was gonna do another Space Police II torso and a few UFO guys, but I couldn't find reference photos large enough, and frankly that dot matrix pattern they thought looked futuristic in the late '90s is kind of a pain to replicate. I am working on some Pirates ones, though.

55 minutes ago, BrokenEye said:

is kind of a pain to replicate

I had the same issue with a 2x2 flat tile with a decoration from the Daily Bugle set. I created a section with dots, and copied that.

52 minutes ago, Stephan said:

I had the same issue with a 2x2 flat tile with a decoration from the Daily Bugle set. I created a section with dots, and copied that.

Yeah, problem is with those old themes is it isn't a real digital dot matrix. It's something someone stamped or stenciled on by hand, or whatever the late 90s industrialized equivalent of that is, and can be really uneven. If I'm doing decals from an period where they used those imperfectly aligned stencils, I don't want it to be too polished, but I also don't want it to be even cruder than the real thing. With most other patterns I can usually thread that needle no problem.

Was looking through the various Window and Wall Element Parts in LDD and noticed that TLG tends to create separate variants for Transparent Elements nowadays, this also recently applies to Brick 2Ɨ4 and Plate 1Ɨ1, Round. Hopefully, the other Transparent variants of the following three Brick groups can be included at some point or even the next LDD update to avoid confusion when designing custom builds, if the current selection is already sufficient please help specify which Parts to use for the latest Transparent variant of each group. Thanks in advance.

1. ā€œWall Element 1Ɨ2Ɨ2ā€: Currently in LDD there are two Parts for solid colours 4864/87552, missing the two Transparent variants Part 6268 (original) and Part 35378 (latest).

2. ā€œWall Element 1Ɨ2Ɨ3ā€: Currently in LDD there are two Parts for solid colours 2362/87544 and Part 74968 for Transparent colours, missing the two other Transparent variants Part 30009 (original) and Part 35340 (latest). P.S., hoping to see Part 3233 (new version of Part 4036) added too.

3. ā€œWall Element 1Ɨ4Ɨ3ā€: Currently in LDD there is Part 4215 for solid colours and two Parts for Transparent colours 30007/87543, missing the latest Transparent variant Part 35323.

EDIT: Flat Tile 1Ɨ4 needs to have its Transparent variant Part 35371 added too just like Part 35386 for Flat Tile 1Ɨ2, I use large amounts of both in my custom builds (Transparent Blue sections of solar panels up to hundreds in each file) so it will be best to have both variants together. Also, the latest Transparent variant of Brick 1Ɨ2Ɨ5 Part 35274 should be added too.

Edited by suenkachun

Always so excited for new updates - can't thank you enough for all your work guys!

A few things I would like to mention.

- I noticed that trans-glitter colours look darker and more realistic compared to the original non-glitter trans variants. Could it be a good idea to adjustĀ originalĀ trans colours to match them? I realise it may open another can of worms because solid colours aren't too accurate to real life either, but would like to hear your opinion regardless.

- I put together a small list of old, quirky yet versatile parts (nothing too crazy). If any of these ten could be added, I think builders would enjoy them, so thanks in advance!





Hey, didn't there used to be a helmet piece with a sort of projecting beveled octagonal or hexagonal opening in the front like a weird geometric hard surface parka hood? I think I might actually have a use for it for the first time in the history of mankind, and it seems to have vanished from the parts list.

Hey @StephanĀ 

so I have updatied my db to version 20231026 version and it's working fine.

But afterwards IĀ copiedĀ the files in version 20231029 into the db folder and replacedĀ previous files.

Then I tried to open the 231029.lxf in ldd, but that just completely crashes the program. I have no idea why it does that.

I can attach the .mdmp crash dump file if that helps

17 hours ago, Yangster said:

Thenļ»æ I tried to open the 231029.lxf in ldd, but that just completely crashes the program. I have no idea why it does that.

These problems should have been fixed. At least I haven't heard about this issue since the latest 231029 release. Can you check the last 2-3 pages of this topic to see if you still have the bricks that caused the errors?

On 11/11/2023 at 9:47 PM, Stephan said:

These problems should have been fixed. At least I haven't heard about this issue since the latest 231029 release. Can you check the last 2-3 pages of this topic to see if you still have the bricks that caused the errors?

Thanks again for adding all the new parts, IĀ fixed the crashingĀ issue and all the question mark brick issues.

Other issues i've noticed:

The braille brick category icon looks distorted when cursor isĀ hovering over it



Part 2656 have 2 collision issues.

1. They can't be placed back to back

2. Can't insert drawers into them

y7e9xA6.pngĀ Ā fy9lHuT.png


This collition issue still exists



Also requesting these 2 decorations for parts 3039 and 63864


Edited by Yangster

7 hours ago, Yangster said:

Also requesting these 2 decorations for parts 3039 and 63864


I previously helped upgrade the old 1Ɨ4 Warning Tile Decoration and created the 1Ɨ2 version too, but due to inaccurate measurements, I was planning to redo them and submit them again anyway. Once I successfully redraw all the base shapes I will simply make the 1Ɨ3 version too as the Black stripes seem to be exactly the same across this series of Tiles, I can also hopefully create the 1Ɨ6 version from these shapes.

Edited by suenkachun

7 hours ago, Yangster said:

Theļ»æ braille brick category icon looks distorted when cursor isĀ hovering ļ»æover it

Two images are used. A regular image and an image when you hover over the icon. I'm not really a good designer, so the images are not that nice...

7 hours ago, Yangster said:

Partļ»æ 2656 have 2 collision ļ»æissues

Will be fixed in the next update.

7 hours ago, Yangster said:

Thisļ»æ collition issueļ»æ still exists

I believe the flower needs collision data. Will add that.


On 11/12/2023 at 1:53 AM, suenkachun said:

I previously helped upgrade the old 1Ɨ4 Warning Tile Decoration and created the 1Ɨ2 version too, but due to inaccurate measurements, I was planning to redo them and submit them again anyway. Once I successfully redraw all the base shapes I will simply make the 1Ɨ3 version too as the Black stripes seem to be exactly the same across this series of Tiles, I can also hopefully create the 1Ɨ6 version from these shapes.ļ»æ

Took me less time than expected, but I have successfully completed the full set of printed LEGO Warning Tile Decorations for LDD, all measured carefully from actual photographs of the Printed Bricks, drawn precisely in Vector Graphics editor ā€œInkscapeā€ and outputted as PNG images with the maximum dimensions for LDD (512px times 1024px for 1Ɨ2, 256px times 1024px for 1Ɨ4, 1024px times 1024px for both 1Ɨ3 and 1Ɨ6), Yellow referring to the colour of the Base Flat Tile which is not included within the Decorations due to the Transparent backgrounds. Please be sure to use the image files in their largest sizes for everything to work properly which are linked in each description as the image previews use the smallest size on Bricksafe, I have not included Decoration Numbers as they are harder to locate so these need to be assigned later. P.S., the two older versions I previously contributed need to be replaced with those within this latest batch.

On 11/11/2023 at 10:38 PM, Yangster said:

Also requesting these 2 decorations for parts 3039 and 63864

The one for 63864 is included below.

1Ɨ2 Warning Tile (Large Yellow Corners)


1Ɨ2 Warning Tile (Small Yellow Corners)


1Ɨ3 Warning Tile (Yellow Corners)


1Ɨ4 Warning Tile (Black Corners)


1Ɨ4 Warning Tile (Red Corners)


1Ɨ4 Warning Tile (Yellow Corners)


1Ɨ6 Warning Tile (Black Corners)


Edited by suenkachun

The left backside of 80567 doesn't seem to have any connection points.

Since the latest LDD Updates the UV Mapping for Part 59349 Wall Element 1Ɨ6Ɨ5, Abs was modified, instead of only the front vertical surface being decoratable the same UV Mapping now also decorates the two vertical sides and the inner vertical surface altogether. Iā€™ve spent the past few hours trying to figure out how this new UV Mapping works using the included ā€œ59349_1.pngā€ in the ā€œUV mapsā€ folder supplied with the update, but after measuring the various pixel values of the PNG Image in ā€œMicrosoft Paintā€ I still failed to align the four shapes accurately for them to be displayed properly. The most often result is the two sides and the front vertical surface overlapping slightly instead of being divided into three exact sections.

Hopefully, someone can help provide all the exact measurements in Pixels within the UV Mapping. Given that it is within a maximum Square of 1024 Pixels times 1024 Pixels, what needs to be known is the exact dimensions of the four shapes in pixels and the height or width of the gaps in pixels to obtain the exact location of the four shapes within the Square. This is the only updated UV Mapping I have failed to decipher fully so thank you in advance to anyone who can help with this.

EDIT: Never mind think I got it sorted out.

Edited by suenkachun

On 11/17/2023 at 3:43 AM, suenkachun said:

EDIT: Never mind think I got it sorted out.

I think I worked in vaine (jaja!): as you figure it out (my gess) the UV maps depends on how the 3d cad software (in my case Blender) create it (you can see it in the image). Anyway, I did some image to try helping you but you solved it. Here it is what I do:

UV map

Sticker set 7994



The last 3 are my test; the back sticker is no truth in real life. If the "sticker set 7994" image is of use to you feel free to correct it and publish it.

10 hours ago, Kuramapika1 said:

I think I worked in vaine (jaja!): as you figure it out (my gess) the UV maps depends on how the 3d cad software (in my case Blender) create it (you can see it in the image). Anyway, I did some image to try helping you but you solved it. Here it is what I do:

UV map

Sticker set 7994



The last 3 are my test; the back sticker is no truth in real life. If the "sticker set 7994" image is of use to you feel free to correct it and publish it.

Thank you for the reply, will test it out later today. My solution is included below (created using only Solid Shapes for improved accuracy), which was the best I could extract from the included ā€œ59349_1.pngā€ in the ā€œUV mapsā€ folder supplied with the latest LDD update. Itā€™s not perfect but seems to do the job, the only small issue is tiny sections of Bright Red are showing on the two sides. Feel free to help adjust it if necessary Iā€™m hoping mine will somehow work too, thanks.



4 hours ago, suenkachun said:

Feel free to help adjustļ»æ it if necessary Iā€™m hoping mine will somehow work too, thanks.

I give a try, and I wish the same to you in your work.

I found this video that can be usefull:Ā Video

13 hours ago, suenkachun said:

Itā€™s not perfect but seems to do the job, the only small issue is tiny sections of Bright Red are showing on the two sides.

I tested your image (without adjusting it) and, in my case, the sides are showing in the front. Comparing the two images (my UV map and your template) your color UV map have sligtly bigger sides.

Hello. I'm a new member here.

Could you include more official Bionicle masks and pieces in the upcoming pack?

Hello all.Ā  I was wondering if Stephan might be able to answer a question for me.Ā  I was attempting to install the most recent part update pack and noticed that I seem to be missing quite a few parts from a previous part release, development version 20220716, and didn't even realize it.Ā  Until now I've been grabbing everything from the github directory, but certain parts seem to be missing from there.Ā  For instance part 1126 (tile, round, 1x2 oval) is not in the primitives folder when I look through it after I've downloaded the entire thing from github.Ā  Am I doing something wrong?Ā  I'm downloading from the green box that says "Code" and then downloading zip.Ā  I thought that was supposed to grab everything in the directory.Ā  Thanks for any help you might be able to offer.Ā  Also, I've tried the dropbox link and can't get it to download anything other than a corrupted rar file that won't extract.Ā  There seems to be no option to individually download any of the sub-directories or individual files.

Edited by Mobieus69

Another thing I've noticed with the latest parts update.Ā  In LDD Extended mode, when I expand the modified plates category (the one represented by a 1x1 plate with clip), I get about half way down the list and the program crashes.Ā  It doesn't crash in the normal mode and I'm able to see all parts in that section.

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