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2 hours ago, Clone OPatra said:

To me the best one was the one included in the 2010 Clone Turbo Tank. Correct size proportionally and looked actually light and lean! Also partial to the BARC in the 2011 Clone Battle Pack.

I definitely forgot about that one, and I agree, that one captures it a lot better than the 2010 BP version.  The skinnier legs on that one do so much to help the look of it.  Part of the problem just comes from the fact that minifigures themselves are sort of an awkward size, so it's tough to properly scale things around them, but yeah, that one definitely does a good job of it.

2 hours ago, Kdapt-Preacher said:

The biggest problem with these clones IMO is how the plain hip interrupts the belt and everything. With the black it looked like a continuation of the belt or something, but now it's just a gap. If they'd printed the bottom of the belt onto the hips, like they did with the stormtroopers in Imperial Inspection, it might work better...

Looking again, I agree. It's the bar of plain white that really throws it off and creates such a marked contrast against the torso with a lot of dark printing on it. Also, I completely forgot the real name of Imperial Inspection and just made it up :laugh::facepalm:

30 minutes ago, Kit Figsto said:

Part of the problem just comes from the fact that minifigures themselves are sort of an awkward size, so it's tough to properly scale things around them, but yeah, that one definitely does a good job of it.

Minifigure scaling does cause issues and it can be ok for something to be a bit bigger than it should be (like Luke's Landspeeder for example), but LEGO's recent AT-RTs are just so obviously wayyy too big. Mind you I don't actually have that 2010 Turbo Tank since at the time I was mostly only buying <$30 sets and Bricklinking the Jedi, so I don't know if it was kind of unstable, but it certainly looks the best size-wise and should be playable enough. Maybe I'll build one now.

Guys, minifigs are not difficult to scale walkers for... the main dimension of each is their height. This AT-RT is just flat out scaled incorrectly.

I don’t see any reason anyone would scale by a minifig’s width over its height.

Edited by Bartybum

3 minutes ago, Bartybum said:

Guys, minifigs are not difficult to scale walkers for... the main dimension of each is their height. This AT-RT is just flat out scaled incorrectly.

I don’t see any reason anyone would scale by a minifig’s width over its height.

I agree, in terms of scale this is more like a Hasbro actionfigure AT-RT than a LEGO one

Don’t get me wrong, I think this is a fantastic set and I’ll definitely be getting at least one. Maybe two, ideally four or more... but man that price. 

$45 for an army builder is horrendous. I want multiple copies of this set as much as anybody else but this is a bit much. LEGO clearly saw the opportunity to make some money and took it. Nothing against the set and figures themselves (especially the battlefront jet trooper :moar:) but the price is terrible.

It’s great that LEGO is listening to their fans about what products to release but it’s a damn shame that it’s come from excessive campaigning from people like MandR, especially when LEGO has had a professional relationship with this site (and others) for so long... it has to be at least a decade, right? As far as I know Eurobricks is an RLUG, is the ambassador network still a thing? I was under the impression that the whole reason it existed was to provide an avenue for LEGO to communicate with fans. Perfect opportunity for them to reach out directly and from what I can see they rarely if ever use it.

Everyone who is complaining about the new 501st Helmets. 
Please look at this picture. I think the new grey coloring on the sides is pretty accurate.

501st Clone Trooper | Clone trooper helm, Star wars klone, Helm

36 minutes ago, codyaner said:

Everyone who is complaining about the new 501st Helmets. 
Please look at this picture. I think the new grey coloring on the sides is pretty accurate.

501st Clone Trooper | Clone trooper helm, Star wars klone, Helm

When I saw the picture of 75280 for the first time, I imediately disliked the new clones because to me, they didn't look like generic 501st troopers . Others share this impression, and these are facts that cannot be explained away :)

The grey represents "shadow" and as such, serves as a cue for "depth". It makes the breathing tubes look bigger (which is a good thing), but I think a grey line would have been sufficient. The dark lines represent darker shadows, but they do not work for me. I perceive them as black lines, especially from a frontal view.

In that regard, the design of the 212th clone was superior since here, the grey lines worked well as cues for "depth". However, some printing to emphasize or mark the boudaries between the tubes and the "cheeks" (= grey areas) would have been good.

Edited by Brickadeer

I mean, the figures aren't perfect (I for one would prefer a darker blue, but the accuracy of that is debatable), they could use a bit more color, like blue sleeves, and the white hips are a bit of an eyesore (a belt print would've solved this, as mentioned), but on the whole I like them. I'm personally super stoked for the Jet Trooper as it's one of my favorite clone designs. The AT-RT looks a bit, rough, to say the least. The front is all jagged, which is accurate I suppose, but I like the previous designs a lot better, scale notwithstanding. It is, of course, forever too tall, but that's something I've come to expect with those. Same for the BARC. It's way too big, but even still, it's a nice vehicle. I think I'll build one of these, and any duplicates I buy will be for figures/blasters first, with the vehicles being spare parts. No way in hell I'm putting that many stickers on multiple sets.

The biggest downfall, imo, are the droids. They're just so, plain. Two supers, or the return of the commandos would've been cooler. As they are, just two more Battle Droids to add to the fragile ranks.

I am disappointed with yet another clone redesign, but as long as it's just printing, I can live with it. I'd probably purge Lego HQ if the helmets themselves were remolded. Now the new 212th Trooper makes sense, as he'll fit with this new style. Now would be the time to run with this design and get us the Shock Troopers, Marines, and Star Corps redesigns as well, but that's a topic for another day.

They'll just have to grow on some people, I guess.

19 hours ago, jdubbs said:

That shockwave you just felt was MandR's ego exploding.

Yep. Couldn’t happen to a more humble guy. Everyone else; stays at home to save lives. The one guy who could literally stay in their bedroom and not be affected; drives around in their new ‘Tang’ to look for a park that isn’t closed to play ball. I don’t mind the set, just the circumstances in which it was released are a little off. They literally sent him a personal message the day before release and said “don’t tell anyone but here you go”. A comment in his video summed it up best “You look like a guy who just lost his virginity...”. Well done TLG :sarcasm:

11 minutes ago, Guyon2002 said:

Pitctures of the boxart for the Razor Crest and Brickheadz are out

Nice. I guess that lays to rest any notion that the Mando fig was a placeholder and we might get Beskar armour Mando instead. 

Did anyone notice this on the back of Razor Crest box art? "Play it in Lego Star Wars The Skywalker Saga. Find the secret code to unlock the ship." This confirms two things:

1. Lego Star Wars The Skywalker Saga is coming before 1st of September 2020.

2. If The Mandalorian will be available in the game, spin-offs (R1 and Solo) and animated series (Clone Wars and Rebels) will (probably) also be in the game.


Just now, THELEGOBATMAN said:

Did anyone notice this on the back of Razor Crest box art? "Play it in Lego Star Wars The Skywalker Saga. Find the secret code to unlock the ship." This confirms two things:

1. Lego Star Wars The Skywalker Saga is coming before 1st of September 2020.

2. If The Mandalorian will be available in the game, spin-offs (R1 and Solo) and animated series (Clone Wars and Rebels) will (probably) also be in the game.

Your first point isn't necessarily true, the game could still come out after September 1st. Especially considering games are now being affected by the virus as well because most gamestores are closed and apparantly the majority of earnings still comes from physical sales. The Last of Us Part II for example has been delayed again because of this exact reason, LEGO SW: TSS has the advantage of not having announced a releasedate yet so they can push it back without backlash from fans. 

As for your second point, I personally feel like the spinoffs and animated series will be DLC packs. The 9 main films themselves already have way more content than most LEGO games would have and if they already put them in the game there isn't much to base those DLC's of. 

Great, a Clone Battlepack! And one featuring an important clone unit!

Strange attitudes here, though. I thought AFOLs and influencers did not matter to Lego (or us) in the least... Tbh, I too was unaware of any campaign as I rarely watch MandR; there are much better Lego channels to watch imo. It is just weird seeing people switching from one extreme to another, from 'he's irrelevant' to 'they listened to him, now he will...' - and somehow be mad about both.

I don't care either way, I just will enjoy the set and army build a clone legion, the most prominent one.


58 minutes ago, ARC2149Nova said:

the white hips are a bit of an eyesore (a belt print would've solved this, as mentioned)

That is about the only thing I dislike about the new figures. I am prepared that, if we ever got new 501st troopers, that they would look different. I don't mind the white arms. But the hips...

While AT-RTs are typically designed to be too large, they look so good that I don’t even mind. The Kashyyyk AT-RT was the best thing about the 20th Anniversary wave imo because it looks so good. This one doesn’t look quite as nice but it’s not far behind. And the BARC Speeder is very nice as well. I love the figures, the new clone designs are amazing. I’ll have to get used to the white hips (they are technically more accurate). Blue printing on the shoulders is the only thing I would add to the new 501st troopers and the Jet Trooper is outstanding and more than we could have hoped for 

Piece counts for the august/september sets:

Anakin's Jedi Interceptor - $30 - 248 pieces

AAT - $40 - 286 pieces

Night Buzzard - $70 - 595 pieces

Soulless One - $80 - 487 pieces

AT-AT - $160 - unknown pieces

Calendar - $40 - 311 pieces

I'm kinda worried about how the Night Buzzard will look with such a low amount of pieces. The price for Grievous' Soulless One is honestly just an insult to LEGO Star Wars fans, that set is criminally overpriced!

28 minutes ago, Flieger said:

Tbh, I too was unaware of any campaign as I rarely watch MandR; there are much better Lego channels to watch imo

If you were unaware of the campaign you probably don't follow LEGO's Instagram and Twitter because the commentsection of every single post they uploaded was littered with ''we want/deserve a 501st battlepack''

18 hours ago, Graupensuppe said:


Dunno how to remove that^


I see @Guyon2002 beat me to posting the piece counts. However, I was working on a full list, so here y'all go:

LEGO Star Wars Spring/Summer 2020 Sets List

SPRING - April 19
75274 $60 TIE Pilot Helmet (724 pcs)
75276 $60 Stormtrooper Helmet (647 pcs)
75277 $60 Boba Fett Helmet (625 pcs)
75278 $70 D-0 (519 pcs)

May 4
75275 $200 UCS A-Wing

SUMMER - August 1
75280 $30 501st Legion Clone Troopers (285 pcs)
75281 $30 Anakin’s Jedi Interceptor (248 pcs, will probably just include Anakin and R2)
75283 $40 AAT (286 pcs, blue version)
75284 $70 Night Buzzard (595 pcs; 2 Knights of Ren, Rey)
75286 $80 Grievous Starfighter (487 pcs; Tan Grievous, Obi-Wan, & Orange Clone Trooper)
75288 $160 AT-AT (6 minifigures)
75317 $20 Mandalorian & The Child Brickheadz

September 1
75292 $130 Razor Crest (1,023 pcs)
75279 $40 Advent Calendar (311 pcs; Jolly Darth Vader)

Unknown Release Date
31200 $100-150 Darth Maul Mosaic
75282, 75285, 75287, 75289, 75290 Unknown (maybe August)
75291 ~$100 MDP/Retail Exclusive (775 pcs)

6 minutes ago, Guyon2002 said:

Piece counts for the august/september sets:

Anakin's Jedi Interceptor - $30 - 248 pieces

AAT - $40 - 286 pieces

Night Buzzard - $70 - 595 pieces

Soulless One - $80 - 487 pieces

AT-AT - $160 - unknown pieces

Calendar - $40 - 311 pieces

There’s my hopes for a bigger AAT out the window...must have some exclusive figure for it to be that expensive. 

The Soulless One is a mystery. Perhaps it has Boga because I don’t see how the price matches up at all. It’s not like Lego have marked up previous versions of this set before. 




1 hour ago, ARC2149Nova said:

The biggest downfall, imo, are the droids. They're just so, plain. Two supers, or the return of the commandos would've been cooler. As they are, just two more Battle Droids to add to the fragile ranks.

Absolutely! We havent seen any supers since the 2015 Hailfire droid and any commando droids since 2013. Ive noticed that TLG always opts for using B1s in all the more recent prequel sets rather than supers.

Just now, ArrowBricks said:

must have some exclusive figure for it to be that expensive. 

Or it has something to do with that little Disney logo on the box

Just now, scrapper142valk said:

Dunno how to remove that^


I see @Guyon2002 beat me to posting the piece counts. However, I was working on a full list, so here y'all go:

LEGO Star Wars Spring/Summer 2020 Sets List

SPRING - April 19
75274 $60 TIE Pilot Helmet (724 pcs)
75276 $60 Stormtrooper Helmet (647 pcs)
75277 $60 Boba Fett Helmet (625 pcs)
75278 $70 D-0 (519 pcs)

May 4
75275 $200 UCS A-Wing

SUMMER - August 1
75280 $30 501st Legion Clone Troopers (285 pcs)
75281 $30 Anakin’s Jedi Interceptor (248 pcs, will probably just include Anakin and R2)
75283 $40 AAT (286 pcs, blue version)
75284 $70 Night Buzzard (595 pcs; 2 Knights of Ren, Rey)
75286 $80 Grievous Starfighter (487 pcs; Tan Grievous, Obi-Wan, & Orange Clone Trooper)
75288 $160 AT-AT (6 minifigures)
75317 $20 Mandalorian & The Child Brickheadz

September 1
75292 $130 Razor Crest (1,023 pcs)
75279 $40 Advent Calendar (311 pcs; Jolly Darth Vader)

Unknown Release Date
31200 $100-150 Darth Maul Mosaic
75282, 75285, 75287, 75289, 75290 Unknown (maybe August)
75291 ~$100 MDP/Retail Exclusive (775 pcs)

1. 75282, 75285 and 75987 have been cancelled. 75289 and 75290 were never mentioned as sets that are coming out this year, they actually haven't been mentioned at all.

2. We are not sure if the Wall Art set (31200) is Darth Maul or Darth Vader. Two reliable leakers/sites say different things (Vader has a more reliable site backing it up). The price is confirmed to be 120€. Also, it's coming in August (1st or 3rd).

Just now, Guyon2002 said:

Or it has something to do with that little Disney logo on the box

If that was so, the “501st battlepack” wouldn’t have a good price etc. 

7 minutes ago, scrapper142valk said:

75283 $40 AAT (286 pcs, blue version)

Last AAT in 2015 was 251 pieces, so im hoping those extra 35 pieces somehow translate into a bigger AAT.



75286 $80 Grievous Starfighter (487 pcs; Tan Grievous, Obi-Wan, & Orange Clone Trooper)

Could there be any chance that this "orange clone trooper" was Commander Cody?

- Samppu

Just now, Samppu said:


Could there be any chance that this "orange clone trooper" was Commander Cody?

- Samppu

Was discussed at length a while back but the leakers have implied that it isn’t him unfortunately.


28 minutes ago, Guyon2002 said:

The price for Grievous' Soulless One is honestly just an insult to LEGO Star Wars fans, that set is criminally overpriced!

I mean, if there was any year when sets that would normally sell well don't, it would be this year what with what is happening economically. Given that, and the fact that the price of the Souless One just seems completely disproportionate whether you consider price per piece (which I know is technically a fan method of pricing not official) or the amount of 'stuff' you get, and on paper at least, the AAT's price doesn't look too good and I can't see the Clone Wars sets from this wave selling well. The 501st Legion maybe, but after that I think most general consumers will be using any money they have on the Razorcrest, Night Buzzard (for those KOR figures) and even the AT-AT due to its iconic status. Now I don't consider these Summer sets to be classic 'prequel' sets; the Souless One and Anakin's Interceptor might be ROS based, but the 501st Legion is definitely based on CW and the AAT is if the rumours are correct. But my fear is that Lego will look at these as 'prequel era' sets, they don't sell well partly due to the fact that people will have a lot less disposable income this year and those who would have bought them now simply can't, and then we get less prequel sets again. I'm still wanting more 'classic' prequel sets based on the movies (TPM and AOTC really).

Edited by BacktoBricks

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