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5 minutes ago, ARC2149Nova said:

This. From now on whenever someone says "that's too niche to get a set" we will forever show them this set. I don't mind it per se, but come on, we can't get a Z-95 or an ARC-170?

I'm torn about the Final Duel as I never got the 2015 version, but I could just buy that off eBay or Bricklink if I really wanted it. I'm sure all of us would much rather have had something new (and no the transport doesn't count)

Just because you're unfamiliar with the source material (Galaxy's Edge, in this case) doesn't invalidate the set. Personally, I'll take new sets any day over an endless stream of rehashes. :shrug_oh_well:

I feel like there's gotta be an explanation for these weird filler minifigs. Like, Kashyyyk droids, maybe that was deliberate, but burnt Mustafar Obi-Wan? There's gotta be something fishy going on there, right?

Maybe the pandemic prevented their engineers from being able to set up the production lines to create the new figs they hadn't done yet, so they substituted in stuff that was already in production? It would make sense that since they already had one Obi Wan in production.

It just seems below Lego's standards to do something like that so I feel like there's gotta be something up.

29 minutes ago, FeepoGerbin said:

but Kashyyyk droids? I already had two from the AT-DP, so these will be an army boost for me, but they seem so out of place in that set..

They aren't Kashyyyk droids, they're AAT drivers from TCW. They were out of place in the Kashyyyk sets. Lego probably only calls them Kashyyyk droids because they're green.

Edited by Graupensuppe

20 minutes ago, ArrowBricks said:

What makes this wave even more baffling is that they haven’t gone all out for The Clone Wars, it was obvious it would smash it pandemic or not. 

I was wondering something similar about TROS - I know the other two have been out longer, but it feels like TLJ and TFA had more sets than TROS got, so maybe with Mando and Clone Wars alongside OT and PT stuff TLG are a bit saturated for ideas and don't really know where to look.

I hear you about the Galaxy's Edge ship though. I have heard of Vi Moradi and the characters, and I think the ship matches sequel stuff well enough to satisfy kids, but I'd love to see the market research justifying that choice of product.

I don't really get the dislike for the Obi-Wan included in General Grievous' Starfighter.
He does get a little damaged during the fight and chase with Grievous and the torso is the only thing that has the stains on it, I believe.
So it makes sense, in my opinion for LEGO not to create an entire new torso with the same print except the dirt stains just for this set.
Sure there might be more future sets that could use such a torso, but still, this seems quite reasonable to me.


35 minutes ago, FeepoGerbin said:

The Ashoka and 332nd are really exciting, but Kashyyyk droids? I already had two from the AT-DP, so these will be an army boost for me, but they seem so out of place in that set...

Also kinda irked that we don't get a new Rex. I might be in the minority on this, but I think the P2 Clone Wars version is really strange looking. I'd like one to combine the new P2/realistic P1 designs. Oh well, TCW killed it in streaming stats in May so hopefully Lego will see that as an incentive to bring him along in a future wave.

The Kashyyyk Droids are actually AAT Drivers as seen in the Clone Wars, you can tell by the head print as it's an excellent match (in particular you see them prominently in S01E01 'Ambush', but they appear on occasion in other episodes, though sometimes standard battle droid or even pilots are seen driving AATs instead) so their inclusion makes sense - it's actually their previous appearances named as Kashyyyk droids that didn't make sense.

I do think that the 2013 Phase 2 Rex helmet looks a little odd due to its small 'mouth' print, but it's actually pretty accurate to Rex in TCW as in that the mouth part of his helmet is smaller & further down the helmet compared to the standard P2 troopers. They just made it a little too small imo, but I don't mind it too much. Still, with Rex being the main clone trooper character and being so prominent in season 7, I think it's a mistake not to re-release him whilst Clone Wars is still fresh in people's minds.


6 minutes ago, Graupensuppe said:

They aren't Kashyyyk droids, they're AAT drivers from TCW. They were out of place in the Kashyyyk sets. Lego probably only calls them Kashyyyk droids because they're green.

Bah beaten to it! I always wondered if they were thinking of these old figures from 2006 when initially deciding on what figures to include in those sets, but got them mixed up with the AAT driver design during the design process.

Edited by Sabre-aN
Beaten to the AAT-driver punch

This is a pretty eh wave for me. The Night Buzzard is great, the AAT is okay at best, and I might get the Resistance I-TS transport. Other than that, bleh. The 2011 version of Grievous' Starfighter was better, Anakin's doesn't look good enough to buy the new one, I'm not big on location sets so the Duel is out. I probably won't bother with the Advent either.


The AAT is pretty much exactly what I wanted. Looks about the size of the 2015 set which is perfect for me, as I'd rather have something a bit too small than something too large. I also needed an Ahsoka figure as the non-CW version is way too expensive on BL. I don't really care about the clone trooper though. It doesn't fit with the rest of my clones.

The Kashyyyk droids... were always AAT drivers....

My whole life is a lie.

Thanks for correcting me on that, guys. Now I'm mad at Lego for confusing me :wacko:

23 minutes ago, CF Mitch said:

I don't really get the dislike for the Obi-Wan included in General Grievous' Starfighter.
He does get a little damaged during the fight and chase with Grievous and the torso is the only thing that has the stains on it, I believe.
So it makes sense, in my opinion for LEGO not to create an entire new torso with the same print except the dirt stains just for this set.
Sure there might be more future sets that could use such a torso, but still, this seems quite reasonable to me.


You're right, this makes sense in the scene. I stand corrected. The only issue I see now is desirability of that figure... I feel like if I were a kid I'd prefer a more "default" Obi-Wan that I could apply to more play scenarios.

@The_Chosen_1, Like I said, the fact that this got a set, invalidates the argument of other (no doubt more popular) vehicles being "too niche" or "not popular enough" to get a set. Not saying that the set itself shouldn't have been made, that's debatable, but certainly there were better sets to make? Besides, sets that haven't been made in over 10 years don't get a new version, but Final Duel gets a remake 5 years in, and we get a real curveball with the I-TS. It's questionable, is all.

Just now, ARC2149Nova said:

@The_Chosen_1, Like I said, the fact that this got a set, invalidates the argument of other (no doubt more popular) vehicles being "too niche" or "not popular enough" to get a set. Not saying that the set itself shouldn't have been made, that's debatable, but certainly there were better sets to make? Besides, sets that haven't been made in over 10 years don't get a new version, but Final Duel gets a remake 5 years in, and we get a real curveball with the I-TS. It's questionable, is all.

This. Many people on this forum constantly remind us that Lego Star Wars is for children, which is absolutely correct. The point is that I can almost say with absolute certainty children will not know what or where this set is from. Hence it is a strange choice, considering this set is targeted for them.

I’m sure a larger Clone Wars vehicle for example would be instantly more recognisable in terms of the set itself and the minifigures included than this. I personally think it looks decent but the reasons I’ve stated means I don't think it will sell well.

Getting easier and easier to swerve SW sets these days. A sad indictment.

As for the most headscratching of all, the DS Final Duel, if you’re going to do a remake after just 5 years, why not at least make significant upgrades/changes to the original to be actually worth it. 

Edited by Lucarex

I gotta say this is a pretty great wave, with a big variety of sets from different ears and sources (movies, series and even a theme park!).

Anakin's Interceptor: Nothing new, exactly what I expected.

AAT: I love this set. It's fantastic to get Ahsoka and S7 Clone Trooper, and the build is looking great too.

Night Buzzard: Definitely my favourite set of this wave. The build actually looks amazing, and I love those 2 new Knights.

Soulless One: Aside from it being terribly overpriced, it's not a bad set. I love the new Clone, other minfigs are disappointing tho. The build is ok.

Resistance Transport: That came out of nowhere but it's a great set, nothing that interests me but I support the idea of Lego doing more obscure SW sets.

Death Star Duel: It's basically a re-release, with a few changes... but it's $20 more. As much as I'd love to get that set, I'm not gonna spend $100 on it. I think they should have made a smaller EP VI duel set this time, something more similar to Starkiller and Mustafar duels.

22 minutes ago, FeepoGerbin said:

You're right, this makes sense in the scene. I stand corrected. The only issue I see now is desirability of that figure... I feel like if I were a kid I'd prefer a more "default" Obi-Wan that I could apply to more play scenarios.

There is that, I suppose. I'd argue there are previous/current torsos around that fit the bill as well, but can't say how many children will feel the same way or if they will think of that when buying.

14 minutes ago, ArrowBricks said:

[..] children will not know what or where this set is from. Hence it is a strange choice, considering this set is targeted for them.

I dunno, maybe a lot of kids will see this and think 'whoah, cool, new Star Wars ship with new people on it' and be satisfied with it. 


This new AAT is even worse the the one from 2015. :sick:  Only plus is Ahsoka and AAT driver droids.

Soulless One is almost the same as the 2010 version, minifigure selection and printing is questionable to say the least. :wacko:  

Jedi Interceptor looks good, but almost a copy of the previous one so not worth the money. :hmpf:

Not going to bother with ST sets, those movies are garbage. :laugh_hard:

Looks like it will be a cheap year for me. :thumbup:



Edited by Cyberfounder

3 minutes ago, CF Mitch said:

There is that, I suppose. I'd argue there are previous/current torsos around that fit the bill as well, but can't say how many children will feel the same way or if they will think of that when buying.

I dunno, maybe a lot of kids will see this and think 'whoah, cool, new Star Wars ship with new people on it' and be satisfied with it. 


I think so. One of my first Star Wars sets as a nipper was the Vulture Droid from '99, and I didn't have a clue where it was from. I knew it was a spaceship and it looked cool which was enough for me.

As others have said in any case, new obscure sets > remakes any day of the week.

1. AAT is pretty good even though i would rather have  tactical or super tactical droid ,glad they put droid tank pilot drivers in and not regular droids,glad we are getting ahsoka. Ahsoka trooper is awesome but army building them would be a nightmare. Getting 2
2. Will get 1 501st XL battle pack to support MandRproductions. I like the figures and barc speeder,dont like or care about AT-RT plus i can use jetpack for blue mandalorian.
3. Jedi interceptor is disappointing i expected a cool figure inside alongside anakin and r2 but will get it cause i missed out on last one and didnt like his last years starfighter.
4. Grievous starfighter is meh and overpriced and i have no interest of getting it .Ship is ugly rerelease and idc about figures.
5. Didnt expect final duel and i dont care about ot but that set is pretty good but basically the same set from 5 years ago.
6. Knight of Ren ship looks cool,but i have no attachment towards it cause last jedi ruined st for me.
7. Not gonna lie i dont even know what that Resistance I-TS Transport is and had to google it,never heard of vi moradi or other figures either.

In 1 hand i am extremely disappointed we didnt get anything mandalorian from clone wars from mauls mandalorians to bo katan and gar saxon. I am disappointed 3/7 sets are straight rereleases with nothing exciting to offer. But i am glad there is few great prequel sets to get and even extremely good iconic ot choices like at-at and final duel,and i am glad st fans can collect all knights of ren and there is also razor crest and advent calendar coming in spetember and then buildable child. Overall some great sets and if you are Harry Potter,superhero or Jurassic fan you have some pretty good amount of sets to build for the rest of the year.

Edited by PreVizsla

The best sets have already been announced prior. 

The AT-AT, Razor-crest and 501 set are easily the best sets. The AAT is a neat little build but the main attraction is Ashoka and her clone trooper, the two droids are also neat.

It's a really high/low wave for me, I'll probably buy those sets above but have absolutly zero interest for the rest of the wave. 



2 minutes ago, TeddytheSpoon said:

I think so. One of my first Star Wars sets as a nipper was the Vulture Droid from '99, and I didn't have a clue where it was from. I knew it was a spaceship and it looked cool which was enough for me.

As others have said in any case, new obscure sets > remakes any day of the week.

I’m sure the Vulture Droid was cheap though wasn’t it, unlike the Galaxy Edge Transport which looks pricey. 

There’s no way the AAT wasn’t coming with Ahsoka... I’m glad we can finally put that to rest.

Seeing the same Kashyyyk battle droids and Obi-Wan figures again screams “cost cutting” at LEGO. I’m surprised Anakin isn’t the same as the other starfighter set. 

I was hoping the Eta-2 would have the slightly different colour scheme. Easy pass.

Night buzzard looks great

Grievous fighter looks way too expensive but I want it.

Good to see the final duel again. I personally don’t like the set but it’s a very well executed playset that a lot of people loved last time, I’m glad those who missed out will be able to get it. 

I don’t like the galaxy’s edge ship.

6 minutes ago, CF Mitch said:

I dunno, maybe a lot of kids will see this and think 'whoah, cool, new Star Wars ship with new people on it' and be satisfied with it. 

And that's why children ruin everything. :laugh:

I kid, of course.

When I was younger, I knew what I wanted pretty precisely. If it wasn't something I recognized (licensed set wise), I couldn't care less. But, that's just me I suppose. The I-TS looks nice, don't get me wrong, but Lego's almost avoiding big sellers. No one needs another Anakin's Interceptor, especially with only 2 figures, both of which we got together 2 years ago. Grievous' Starfighter would've printed money with Cody, but another Airborne gets the job, Final Duel could've made a nice $20 set as mentioned above, but no, $100 it is.

It's just a strange business model. Lego used to be about innovation and taking risks, not playing it safe and dull. But, AAT and 501st Legion are sure sellers, even the AT-AT (despite the 6 years since the last one).

5 minutes ago, ArrowBricks said:

I’m sure the Vulture Droid was cheap though wasn’t it, unlike the Galaxy Edge Transport which looks pricey. 

Good point. Do we have an indication on the price of that? I assume $80 - $100?

10 minutes ago, TeddytheSpoon said:

As others have said in any case, new obscure sets > remakes any day of the week.

Depends on what remakes we're talking about. I for one would much rather have an ARC-170/Z-95/TIE Bomber/Interceptor/etc. over random ship #1138 any day. Hell, where's my UT-AT or Crab Droid, Lego? You haven't made those before. :laugh:

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