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2 hours ago, ARC2149Nova said:

@The_Chosen_1, Like I said, the fact that this got a set, invalidates the argument of other (no doubt more popular) vehicles being "too niche" or "not popular enough" to get a set. Not saying that the set itself shouldn't have been made, that's debatable, but certainly there were better sets to make? Besides, sets that haven't been made in over 10 years don't get a new version, but Final Duel gets a remake 5 years in, and we get a real curveball with the I-TS. It's questionable, is all.

Yeah, I may have overstepped in my logic in my first response. I do agree that it's puzzling a set like the Resistance Transport gets made, while there are gaping holes in Lego SW that we've yet to see.

This wave is certainly an interesting case study in that regard - on one end there's a niche item (the aforementioned transport), and on the other.....a nearly exact remake of a fairly recent set (DS Final Duel).

As I mentioned before, I'm ALL for expanding the theme will lesser-known scenes, characters, and vehicles. It's equally disappointing, however, to see a lack of innovation with something like the Final Duel.

Edited by The_Chosen_1

About the Interceptor pricing, the most recent Eta-class fighters were both $25, which was six years ago.  Given how prices tend to increase, it's not that crazy that we only get two figures despite a $5 increase in price.  I know that the new one is $30, but keep in mind, most US retailers end up reducing that by $4-6 anyway (the current version of Anakin's fighter could be found for $15.99 at Target).  Can't speak for other countries on that, though.

Also, the more I think about this wave, the more I think it's great, despite the fact that only one set is a "must buy" for me.  I can't recall a wave that's been as diverse as this one in recent years.  All three major eras are represented with either iconic scenes and vehicles, or desirable/new figures and ships.  You can acquire a ton of major characters (Luke, Anakin, Obi-Wan, Palpatine, Vader, Grievous, Ahsoka, Rey, Mando), there's some re-releases thrown in for people who weren't collecting when the original versions were put out, sets that can be used to army build, as well as three more sets (the DS Duel, Galaxy's Edge transport, and Razor Crest) than we initially expected when the set names/descriptions were initially given to us back in March-ish (Plus the mosaic, Brickheadz, and The Child sculpture). 


10 minutes ago, Kit Figsto said:

About the Interceptor pricing, the most recent Eta-class fighters were both $25, which was six years ago.  Given how prices tend to increase, it's not that crazy that we only get two figures despite a $5 increase in price.

Yes, but, Anakin's Delta-7 was $20 in 2008 and given a substantial update in 2018 for $20. That's a decade gap, plus the 2018 version was a decent upgrade. A rehash for an extra five bucks, and essentially nothing new is unforgivable. Maybe if it was the green one, I could give it a pass, but a $30 set should have more than 2 figures. Period. It's wavemate is also $30 and has 6 figures (and yes, the droids do count). Not saying it needs 6 figures, but one clone couldn't hurt.

Love the new sets, but disappointed with the store exclusives. And did anyone notice the battle droid in the advent Callander with the better picture? The top of his head looks white, (maybe hit by a snowball). I cant tell if its actual printing or is just part of the box design. 

Anyone else disappointed by the new clone design? The white arms and waist ,whilst slightly more accurate, wind up losing a lot of contrast and (In my opinion) look significantly worse on the figures than the coloured ones we usually get, the T-visor is too narrow and it's has a lot more of a complex base torso print making the complex design of a character Like the Airborne Trooper look quite messy

Just now, Renny The Spaceman said:

Anyone else disappointed by the new clone design? The white arms and waist ,whilst slightly more accurate, wind up losing a lot of contrast and (In my opinion) look significantly worse on the figures than the coloured ones we usually get, the T-visor is too narrow and it's has a lot more of a complex base torso print making the complex design of a character Like the Airborne Trooper look quite messy

Oh yeah, completely on board with you that the new design is terrible in a lot of ways. I'm going to get the AAT but I may end up hocking the clone trooper on Ebay or something. I'm going to be really frustrated if this design is the new standard going forward because I had just invested in some clones from the 2016 variety, which I personally think at the best they've done so far.

I also was looking and the Night Buzzard looks awfully small. I can't imagine figures standing in there.

I'm happy that Ahsoka and 332nd trooper are in "cheaper" set, but I don't like the AAT, since it does not make any sense - but it's possible that lego did not know much about season 7, so they just made some generic droid build. I hope we'll get Maul and his mandos in the future.

5 minutes ago, Darth2-D2 said:

I'm happy that Ahsoka and 332nd trooper are in "cheaper" set, but I don't like the AAT, since it does not make any sense - but it's possible that lego did not know much about season 7, so they just made some generic droid build. I hope we'll get Maul and his mandos in the future.

Historically we haven't had many Clone Wars sets based on specific scenes or moments, they've more been just generic vehicles with various minifigures that are marginally related thrown in, regardless of whether or not all of the characters/vehicles appeared in the same scene, unless it's a starfighter.  Grievous' speeder, for example, comes with Mace Windu, who I'm pretty sure didn't even fight Grievous in the Clone Wars.  One of the Umbara sets come with Ahsoka, who wasn't present in any of the Umbara episodes.  I'm also guessing LEGO only had concept art or very brief descriptions to go off of for their information, so they just sort of assumed that an AAT was a safe build, like you said.  

1 hour ago, Mandalorianknight said:


And...VI MORADI!!!!!!! I researched this and she's in the park as someone you can interect with, like the people dressed as rey or kylo, but still, a character from the books has a lego minifigure!

This is true! I saw her in the commercials, and the last time I went with my family, I told my girls to go talk to her. She ended up spending 15 minutes with them, (talking in character) taking them all throughout the land, and then snuck us in as members of the resistance into the Smugglers Run ride! Bypassed an hour plus wait, and created an amazing moment for my girls. We be picking up that set just because of that! I think she also plays a part in the first order ride, and is effectively canon now.

I only hope this isn't a park exclusive, and will be interested in the confirmed price.

I was keen for the Night Buzzard, and it would have been the only Rise of Skywalker set I would have bought but it looks.... kinda small. Like, really small. I wonder what the rumoured 4th figure might be. As for the AAT... I think it looks OK. Dinky but instantly recognisable. I think its important to step back from the AFOL perspective and realise kids tend to prefer something smaller with play features (see also the Rebels Ghost). Dat Ahsoka dough. :pir-wub:

17 minutes ago, 2maxwell said:

Oh yeah, completely on board with you that the new design is terrible in a lot of ways. I'm going to get the AAT but I may end up hocking the clone trooper on Ebay or something. I'm going to be really frustrated if this design is the new standard going forward because I had just invested in some clones from the 2016 variety, which I personally think at the best they've done so far.

Yeah, especially annoying as we've gotten so few post TFA, they all go for absurd amounts online

Well that was... Unexpected. Of all things, I was not expecting a Galaxy's Edge set. Not sure how I feel about the build itself though. Kinda plain, but maybe that will change with better photos. The Vi minifig on the other hand is amazing, especially that hair piece :wub:

Wasn't too excited for the AAT at first but having Ahsoka and a 332nd makes it a day 1 buy. The Night Buzzard build also looks great

34 minutes ago, Redroe said:

I was keen for the Night Buzzard, and it would have been the only Rise of Skywalker set I would have bought but it looks.... kinda small. Like, really small. I wonder what the rumoured 4th figure might be. As for the AAT... I think it looks OK. Dinky but instantly recognisable. I think its important to step back from the AFOL perspective and realise kids tend to prefer something smaller with play features (see also the Rebels Ghost). Dat Ahsoka dough. :pir-wub:

What do you mean by "rumoured 4th figure"? There are only 3 minfigures in Night Buzzard.

This wave is a bit of a mixed bag to be honest, here are my thoughts on each of the new sets:

Soulless One - It's a pretty good looking ship but the minifigures aren't anything to write home about. Considering the price and the overall ''meh-ness'' this is going to be an easy skip.

Night Buzzard - This is a really good set. I was afraid they weren't going to be able to pull it off at such a 'low' pricepoint but they did it. Kardo and Kuruk look amazing, getting another Jedi Rey is really nice too and the overall price is pretty fair. The only gripe I have with this set is the Knights themselves as I do feel like the fact the other 4 Knights are spread across 3 really expensive sets pulls this set down. This will most likely be a buy for me regardless as I think it'll look good next to my Falcon. 

AAT - My oh my.... this is horrible. Such an awfull, awfull design..... I just can't say anything good about this build. As for the figures: the droids are whatever, Ahsoka is amazing but not enough to justify buying the set and the 332nd trooper doesn't really make sense to me, why give us just a single trooper? Maybe there's a battlepack in development :def_shrug: Overall this set is going to be a pass for me, though I do want that Ahsoka figure. 

Anakin's ETA-2 - Yeah this is just whatever, nice for the kids. 

Death Star Duel - I missed out on the 2015 version and I do honestly like this set but I really feel like this is going to be extremely overpriced. But why? Why does this exist? It's almost a one to one remake of the original version! If they'd just given us the Sith Throne and Palps with his GLADOS arm alongside Ben and Rey (instead of Vader and Luke) and 2 Sovereign Protectors (instead of the royal guards) this set would be much better. Might pick this one up but that would be on a significant discount. 

I-TS Transport - I honestly really like this set, especially as we're getting a figure of Vi Moradi :excited: Wether or not I buy this set depends on it's price and whatever there's left of my LEGO budget at the end of the year but if I do end up skipping this set I'll be sure to Bricklink Vi. VI MORADI EVERYONE, WE HAVE VI MORADI HERE :excited: :excited:

10 minutes ago, THELEGOBATMAN said:

What do you mean by "rumoured 4th figure"? There are only 3 minfigures in Night Buzzard.

Really? Dang. I saw an early listing with 4 figs (none named). That further dents my enthusiasm. 

4 minutes ago, Guyon2002 said:


Great fig. Hopefully getting her here means LEGO is more willing to give up figs from outside the trilogies/shows in the future. There are some great characters that don’t appear in the those that I’d love to eventually see.

Just now, UberCorp said:

Great fig. Hopefully getting her here means LEGO is more willing to give up figs from outside the trilogies/shows in the future. There are some great characters that don’t appear in the those that I’d love to eventually see.

I definetely hope so too, there are a fair number of them I'd like to get. Just some of the ones I'd like to see: Doctor Aphra, 0-0-0 and BT-1 (these 2 are unlikely), Tolvan, Shara Bey, Kes Dameron, Sana Staross, Sergeant Kreel, Valance, Cardinal and Sloane and the one and only Mister Bones :wink:

The AAT is worse than the last one, and that's kinda saying something. I'm still going to grab it for the figs though (That includes those droids, love those). The only other one I'm interested in is the 501st troopers.

Wow, I'm very, very happy with the Nightbuzzard and the AAT!!!! They both look awesome and the figures are fantastic. The only disappointing elements of each are Rey not having a yellow lightsaber(which I will fix upon receiving the set) and minor nitpicks with the Knights of Rens' weapons. Card should have a proper arm cannon and I wish Kuruk had a little red on his blaster. I love that LEGO added a little red to each of the Knights of Rens' main weapons so they have an element of uniformity. Again, those are minor nitpicks on some otherwise awesome figures and I can't wait to complete the Knights of Ren who are easily my favorite part of the ST despite how under utilized they are. For the AAT, the build looks excellent but dare I say it could've used a few stickers? It looks kinda plain but will likely look much better in person as opposed to the digital renders. The figures in the set are what I had hoped for but didn't expect, just fantastic all around, even the accurate inclusion of AAT Driver Droids which I fully expected LEGO to throw in plain Battle Droids for.

The Jedi Interceptor is disappointing but the fact that it looks so similar to the previous one we got of Anakin's makes this an easy pass. It's really just a minor update for those who missed the last one which is fine.

The Death Star Duel remake is a big surprise, it looks great with a modern update but I foresee picking it up. 

Grievous's Starfighter is an easy pass. It doesn't look like much of an improvement over the last one, the figures are a disappointment (as much as I love the Airborne Trooper, I already have some from the bp from years ago) and it's waaaay overpriced especially when you compare this set to the Nightbuzzard. 

The Resistance I-TS is a complete surprise, but a welcome one. It looks good for what it is and has cool figures, I just wish it included more. This also opens up a can of worms in terms of possibility. If they're willing to make a Galaxy's Edge set like this, I'm drooling at the idea of something like Doc Ondar's Den of Antiquates(and not just because Ithorians are my favorite Star Wars alien and I want more of them)!

The 501st Trooper set was already a must have and I greatly look forward to it. The new pictures do provide a pleasant surprise in the use of the candlestick piece in black for a more accurate DC-15A blaster rifle, I like that much better than the 3L technic pin with axle hole.

Edited by ToaDraco

75283 Immediate buy.

75280 I like it better, but I'm still not totally satisfied with the design of the troopers.

75286 It makes me hoping for a remake of 75036 :)

4 minutes ago, Brickadeer said:

75286 It makes me hoping for a remake of 75036 :)

Same, I missed the 212th BP when it came out and that's my fav clone legion, I'd love to see more of them. I'm still torn on whether I like the Soulless One or not, I don't have the ship or any of the figs (while it's not Cody I'm not unhappy with the airborne), and the design looks decent, but it is so prohibitively expensive for what it is.

13 minutes ago, Guyon2002 said:

Doctor Aphra, 0-0-0 and BT-1 (these 2 are unlikely), Tolvan, Shara Bey, Kes Dameron, Sana Staross, Sergeant Kreel, Valance, Cardinal and Sloane and the one and only Mister Bones

Don't forget Black Krrsantan and Ren :wink:. Doctor Aphra could totally just be added to whatever the next TIE Advance set is and it'd both make sense as an inclusion and be low risk for LEGO since people would buy it anyways unlike making a full set based off the comics (c'mon, Ark Angel) . Though if we ever do somehow miraculous get a Star Wars CMF, it'd be a perfect way to introduce more characters like that.

9 minutes ago, UberCorp said:

Don't forget Black Krrsantan and Ren :wink:. Doctor Aphra could totally just be added to whatever the next TIE Advance set is and it'd both make sense as an inclusion and be low risk for LEGO since people would buy it anyways unlike making a full set based off the comics (c'mon, Ark Angel) . Though if we ever do somehow miraculous get a Star Wars CMF, it'd be a perfect way to introduce more characters like that.

There are tons more characters from the books and comics they could do, Krrsantan and Ren among them. But if I were to list every single one of the ones I'd like to see in LEGO form I'd be here all day :tongue:

Guys, Considering we have a new Clone Wars box art for these set with the lil Ahsoka clone trooper on the top right, do you think there are more clone wars sets coming in late 2020/2021?

4 minutes ago, NicDotFR said:

Guys, Considering we have a new Clone Wars box art for these set with the lil Ahsoka clone trooper on the top right, do you think there are more clone wars sets coming in late 2020/2021?

SolidBrixStudios made a video on that but I honestly don't know why he jumped to that conclusion. These boxart corner portraits rarely mean anything, it's not like we only got OT sets during the usage of the Vader boxart :shrug_oh_well: We'll just have to wait and see

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