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4 hours ago, THELEGOBATMAN said:

More info about the Bespin Duel set:

 • it's set number is 75294

 • price is around $40

 • it's coming in September

 • it will be available in "Lego Brand Stores"

Stoked to hear that this is finally coming!  Perfect time to release it with the 40th anniversary, too.  I’m curious how it will look, I’d guess quite a bit larger than the one from UCS Cloud City, since that section of the set, if removed, would be (at most) a $20 set.  Maybe make the interior/tunnel section a little bit larger and the bridge a little bit longer? I’m also wondering if they’ll use the same Luke figure or update him at all.  

16 minutes ago, jdubbs said:

Bwahahahahaha. This is the funniest thing I've read in a long, long time. You clearly don't have kids.

Read the post above with explanation. Possibly the difference between US and Europe. I have two 6y girls. My wife did not worked until they were 4y - she was taking care of the kids full time. Seems really a difference in the whole social system. I assume in US you have a lot of expenses to take care of the toddler while you are working ? But if you are interested to know more, i can create a separate Off Topic thread here under the OT category to explain more.

Just now, STARHAWK said:

Read the post above with explanation. Possibly the difference between US and Europe. I have two 6y girls. My wife did not worked until they were 4y - she was taking care of the kids full time. Seems really a difference in the whole social system. I assume in US you have a lot of expenses to take care of the toddler while you are working ? But if you are interested to know more, i can create a separate Off Topic thread here under the OT category to explain more.

Probably, yes. In America, kids are insanely expensive until you can ship them off to kindergarten. Unless you're very lucky, no family leave to speak of (6 weeks... maybe... for one parent). If both parents work, you're looking at hundreds if not thousands of dollars a month in childcare/daycare/preschool. Not to mention the gear (strollers, carseats, cribs, bouncers, etc.) and replacing their entire wardrobe every 6 months when they grow out of stuff. It sounds like you had it relatively easy by comparison. I only know that in my (and my friends'/family's) experience, the reverse was true.

15 minutes ago, Kit Figsto said:

Stoked to hear that this is finally coming!  Perfect time to release it with the 40th anniversary, too.  I’m curious how it will look, I’d guess quite a bit larger than the one from UCS Cloud City, since that section of the set, if removed, would be (at most) a $20 set.  Maybe make the interior/tunnel section a little bit larger and the bridge a little bit longer? I’m also wondering if they’ll use the same Luke figure or update him at all.  

I would be careful making assumptions about the contents of this set. 

I believe a proper minifig-scale UCS Gunship (slighly larger that the previous versions and with higher level of detail) selling for $200-250 would satisfy many. First of all LEGO, such a set would probably sell well. Then customers, both those who want a larger and detailed set and those who want a set to be used with minifigures. The set would be like the Slave 1, Millenium Falcon, Lambda Shuttle etc, all sets which have been very popular when launched and in the after market.

41 minutes ago, STARHAWK said:

Now back on track.    What hinders them to put more minifigs in all the UCS sets ? What is the production cost of a minifig when no new mold is needed, and even if its needed. CMF is 4Eur per fig which has new molds, doublemolded arms and legs.

Because that's not how they're marketed. UCS sets are aimed at collectors and older fans for display, not army builders. LEGO's '18+' sets are designed to satisfy AFOLs to an extent, but they mainly want to attract adults who wouldn't normally buy LEGO to expand their customer base. These adults want sculptures that'll look good on their mantelpiece, not rows of minifigs, that are perceived very much as toys. That's also the reason these sets are presented in clean, minimalist houses, to answer your previous query. Either way, I very much doubt the inclusion of six exclusive figs would greatly affect the sales; if that were the case - albeit I realise they're not exclusive figs - the Cloud City MBS would have sold like hot cakes, and AFAIK it hasn't.

This is a conversation for a different thread so I'm gonna come back when the conversation has gone back to 2020 sets.

1 hour ago, ARC2149Nova said:

I feel like this is an expectation of failure. Is it so horrible to expect more PT-era UCS sets, given we've had nearly a whole 20 years of purely OT ones? I'd hate to think the conversation would be skewed the other way if it were sequel vehicles instead.

Sure, you might not buy an LAAT at that price, but there are people who would/will. People can save money for stuff they want. $400 worth of other sets will always be there, but a $400 Gunship won't. And again, I'm one of those people who cares more about the model than the figures. Also, a lot of you fail to realize the absolutely absurd amount of money some kids have. Not everyone is a struggling college student. To say that is to really ignore the reality of the situation. Some people, as they grow older, might actually tend to gravitate towards more collector-focused sets, saving their money to get a few key pieces, and that's that.

To combat the minifig problem, then maybe after the Gunship, we get a UCS playset from the PT. That way both camps are satisfied.

Essentially, don't underestimate the willpower of a fan or even entire fanbase. Not all financial situations are created equal, and adults like these movies too. I'd say more 20-30 year olds buy UCS than older adults, but that's just what I've seen.

Don't get me wrong, I want more prequel UCS. As I've said before, I love the clone wars and revenge of the sith, heck, I've been digitally making sets for the siege of mandalore and posting them on this forum. I know you care more about the model than the figures, and so do many others, but multiple people in this thread have already stated that they wouldn't buy the set if it didn't have an "army of clones". What I'm worried about is that those people make up a large enough number of the gunship votes that when the set comes out with realistically 2-5 figures, those people won't buy it and lego will see it as a failure. And yeah, some kids are absurdly spoiled, but kids usually care more about the figures, which I think is the problem. 

36 minutes ago, jdubbs said:

I would be careful making assumptions about the contents of this set. 

I've got a bad feeling about this...


I'm still wondering how this set is able to be released at brand stores if it was meant as a celebration exclusive. Did they make more copies?

1 hour ago, jdubbs said:

I would be careful making assumptions about the contents of this set. 

Well, with that in mind, I'm going to assume it's a miniature scale scene and if it turns out not to be, I'll be pleasantly surprised :classic:

1 hour ago, TeddytheSpoon said:

Either way, I very much doubt the inclusion of six exclusive figs would greatly affect the sales; if that were the case - albeit I realise they're not exclusive figs - the Cloud City MBS would have sold like hot cakes, and AFAIK it hasn't.

Seeing as it retired after like a year and a half, I would think it's safe to assume it hasn't.  And, while it wasn't entirely exclusive figures, there were 3 very highly requested remakes in there (Bespin Leia, Cloud City Lando, Bespin Luke), an updated Lobot, new Cloud Car pilots, a very detailed Boba Fett, and ESB Han (blue jacket) that was only available in that set with the dual-molded legs.  That's at least 5 highly desirable minifigures in my opinion.

EDIT: Just out of curiosity, I bricklinked those five figures.  Leia is about $10, Lando is about $40, Luke is about $20, Boba Fett from that set (printed arms/legs, jetpack, pauldron) is about $30, and Han with dual-molded legs is about $20.  So just those five figures alone is over $100 USD.  So I agree, minifigures aren't going to make or break a UCS sale, otherwise the demand for Cloud City would've been way higher.  (Worth noting too, Vader, Lobot, and the Ugnaught are also about $8-10 each, meaning that just the desirable figures could go for close to $150 total, almost half the price of the set).

Edited by Kit Figsto

This definitely might be a regional thing, but there is a huge financial difference between someone in their early and late 20s here in the US. You can't just say that 20-30 year olds uniformly have a lot of buying power. Remember what we're talking about here: a $200-$700 object that you can't really do anything with but build and then look at. And then find the space for. If I were Lego I'd be using my marketing information to make sure most of my audience was in their late 20s before releasing a UCS set for them in this economic environment. If lets say 30% of the audience of a CW era set is in their early 20s and most of them can't afford it, that set would sell much more poorly than if I waited 3-5 years to make the same set.

1 hour ago, storskogen said:

I believe a proper minifig-scale UCS Gunship (slighly larger that the previous versions and with higher level of detail) selling for $200-250 would satisfy many. First of all LEGO, such a set would probably sell well. Then customers, both those who want a larger and detailed set and those who want a set to be used with minifigures. The set would be like the Slave 1, Millenium Falcon, Lambda Shuttle etc, all sets which have been very popular when launched and in the after market.

Bear in mind LEGO can't just make any set at any scale they want. Existing parts dictate what is possible... if the previous System-scale sets were slightly smaller than minifig scale (let's say, 90%), it's not like they can necessarily rescale the ship to 100%, or even to 110%. The sizing of parts (especially the round/curved parts and canopies/domes) will dictate what scales are possible. I would not be at all surprised if LEGO has to choose between making it System scale (which in this case is pretty close to minifig scale), or making it substantially larger.

This is why I worry about the success of this set. I think a lot of people voted for it thinking they were going to get exactly what you describe: a deluxified System set, loaded with minifigs, priced at the low end of UCS sets. But the designer's concerns about supporting the wings and talk of working at UCS scale are fairly good indicators that he is designing something substantially larger than the previous gunships. So if/when it turns out to be ~150% scale, $350, and with two token minifigs, I think there will be a lot of complaining and maybe not so much buying. Of course there will be people who buy it no matter what (I count myself among these, lol). But will there be enough, is the question.

3 hours ago, STARHAWK said:

As @PreVizsla already mentioned you are somehow wrong with your math. The kids who saw PT in 1999-2005 are now 20-30 -> the best age for purchasing power i would say as u just got a job and dont have kids maybe yet or your kids dont need that much spendings yet (a toddler does not need that much as a teenager). All of a sudden you have your budget for thigs u wanted as a kid but parents did not purchased them for you for whatever reason.

Plus the OT 30-40-50s already have a lot of older UCS sets and space starts to be a problem for them. They will be more pickie in what to purchase, especially if its expensive and/or too big. I have 2 UCS falcons but did not purchased ISD for ~450 EUR because the set is too big and not perfect - so no reason for me to really make space for it, i can later rebuild it from my own parts.

Did anyone noted how always this presentation of a big set is in a room on a separate piece of furniture just for it in a big empty room ? This is how marketing guys think of us AFOLs obviously while the reality is that our flats and houses are filled up to the roof with legos and only few of us have the luxury of a really big room completely dedicated to Lego. I personally have only a small room dedicated to toys - my lair - but legos are stored in the entire flat.

I personally would buy a Gunship which is just litle bit bigger than the system scale and with a lot of details. An army of clones that could not be found anywhere else and a possiblility to change the version of it with some extra bricks in different color and printed pieces with decorations (a twillek girl, even pinup Padme that was cut out of CW). If it will be oversized, i might give it a pas but many PT fans will not. I collect mainly minifig scale UCS.

I dont understand the lack of PT sets especially with CW theme right now when its still fresh. CW era had a lot of sets compared to Rebels or Resistance, even Freemakers have more sets than Resistance :) -> those were for kids and failed. There is a big CW fanbase which is now waiting for good products and its overlooked greatly


Well even if most 20-30 years old have less economical demands which are created by family life, they earn less and also my experience is that many are in the dark ages until they actually get kids and thats how they come back to lego

15 minutes ago, jdubbs said:

So if/when it turns out to be ~150% scale, $350, and with two token minifigs, I think there will be a lot of complaining and maybe not so much buying. Of course there will be people who buy it no matter what (I count myself among these, lol). But will there be enough, is the question.

This is me. I'm not really interested in large display pieces. I definitely would consider buying a new, deluxe playscale gunship, but not the classic style UCS ship that is just for display. But I also recognize that the latter is more likely than a playscale version for this UCS set,

23 minutes ago, 2maxwell said:

This is me. I'm not really interested in large display pieces. I definitely would consider buying a new, deluxe playscale gunship, but not the classic style UCS ship that is just for display. But I also recognize that the latter is more likely than a playscale version for this UCS set,

This is the exact reason that I didn't vote for the gunship in the UCS vote. I like the prequels and the Clone Wars, but I'm not very interested in UCS sets. I want another system-scale gunship, and I thought we would get something larger than that if it won, which seems to be the case based on what we've heard from the designers so far. If that ended up being the case, I concluded that the chances of a new system-scale gunship being released would decrease with the UCS version, so I voted for the Nebulon under the idea that if it wins the OT UCS fans will get something they want, and I'll be more likely to get something I want. The only reason I'd buy the UCS LAAT is if it is either close in size to the system-scale ones or if it has good minifigures which cost so much to purchase separately that it makes more sense to purchase the whole set instead. Also, price is a consideration. I wouldn't want to pay more than $200 for this thing if it is close to system-scale, but even that is a stretch.

In regards to the UCS Imperial Shuttle, I'm happy for those who wanted it, but I don't fall into that crowd. I would have much rather seen something like a remake of the Dropship and AT-OT. With Clone Wars Season 7 out, it would have been more relevant than the Imperial Shuttle, and the prices on the secondary market for it are also insane (around $800 on the low-end), probably more so than the Imperial Shuttle.

As far as 75294 goes, it sounds interesting. It seems like a lot of people want it. Again, I'm glad that they are getting something they want. I may pick one up if it ends up being a Lego brand store release like @THELEGOBATMAN says, but I'm more focused on the prequel sets in the summer wave.

1 hour ago, jdubbs said:

Bear in mind LEGO can't just make any set at any scale they want. Existing parts dictate what is possible... if the previous System-scale sets were slightly smaller than minifig scale (let's say, 90%), it's not like they can necessarily rescale the ship to 100%, or even to 110%. The sizing of parts (especially the round/curved parts and canopies/domes) will dictate what scales are possible. I would not be at all surprised if LEGO has to choose between making it System scale (which in this case is pretty close to minifig scale), or making it substantially larger.

This is why I worry about the success of this set. I think a lot of people voted for it thinking they were going to get exactly what you describe: a deluxified System set, loaded with minifigs, priced at the low end of UCS sets. But the designer's concerns about supporting the wings and talk of working at UCS scale are fairly good indicators that he is designing something substantially larger than the previous gunships. So if/when it turns out to be ~150% scale, $350, and with two token minifigs, I think there will be a lot of complaining and maybe not so much buying. Of course there will be people who buy it no matter what (I count myself among these, lol). But will there be enough, is the question.

Everyone is different. I voted for it, because I just want to see an amazing UCS set. For me there are alot of factors, as this thread covers in detail. I have both the latest falcon and ISD. As such, more $350+ sets are probably not going to happen for me, unless they are spread out! I like the display factor, and I only display UCS sized Lego Sets, and a few MOCS. I voted for the gunship, but ultimately my decision will be based on the design, and cost, not the minifigures. Buying a $200 UCS once or twice a year, is much easier than a $700 and $350. I hope we continue to get a mix of OT, PT, and remakes as I never buy aftermarket at higher prices, so being able to get better versions of past UCS is something I am grateful for.

That being said, Lego could do whatever they want. Why not make a larger scale Gunship with 4-5 Figs, however make three different squads of clones that could be swapped out.

I think there in a hard spot, system scale wont really justify the UCS line, larger UCS becomes a more expensive set without figs. Something I think the Prequels has going against them. People always want lots of clones!

2 hours ago, Kit Figsto said:

Well, with that in mind, I'm going to assume it's a miniature scale scene and if it turns out not to be, I'll be pleasantly surprised :classic:

Good idea. or: 4+ juniors microfighter duel on bespin: Luke's landspeeder and luke's snowspeeder with no figures.

41 minutes ago, MGS6735 said:

This is the exact reason that I didn't vote for the gunship in the UCS vote. I like the prequels and the Clone Wars, but I'm not very interested in UCS sets. I want another system-scale gunship, and I thought we would get something larger than that if it won, which seems to be the case based on what we've heard from the designers so far. If that ended up being the case, I concluded that the chances of a new system-scale gunship being released would decrease with the UCS version, so I voted for the Nebulon under the idea that if it wins the OT UCS fans will get something they want, and I'll be more likely to get something I want. The only reason I'd buy the UCS LAAT is if it is either close in size to the system-scale ones or if it has good minifigures which cost so much to purchase separately that it makes more sense to purchase the whole set instead. Also, price is a consideration. I wouldn't want to pay more than $200 for this thing if it is close to system-scale, but even that is a stretch.

I had the exact same reasoning when I voted. I'm even bricklinking the parts for an LAAT/i, and I'll fill it with the 501st pack figures. Only expensive parts are the turrets ($40 each, I'll probably just use the unprinted version), and the sticker sheet.

10 minutes ago, Frizzlefry25 said:

Everyone is different. I voted for it, because I just want to see an amazing UCS set. For me there are alot of factors, as this thread covers in detail. I have both the latest falcon and ISD. As such, more $350+ sets are probably not going to happen for me, unless they are spread out! I like the display factor, and I only display UCS sized Lego Sets, and a few MOCS. I voted for the gunship, but ultimately my decision will be based on the design, and cost, not the minifigures. Buying a $200 UCS once or twice a year, is much easier than a $700 and $350. I hope we continue to get a mix of OT, PT, and remakes as I never buy aftermarket at higher prices, so being able to get better versions of past UCS is something I am grateful for.

That being said, Lego could do whatever they want. Why not make a larger scale Gunship with 4-5 Figs, however make three different squads of clones that could be swapped out.

I think there in a hard spot, system scale wont really justify the UCS line, larger UCS becomes a more expensive set without figs. Something I think the Prequels has going against them. People always want lots of clones!

This is sort of why I think the gunship will fail. Not that there's anything wrong with you just wanting to see the gunship but not planning to buy it, but if enough people who voted don't buy it, lego will think the gunship failed and we won't get much prequel UCS anytime soon.

3 hours ago, jdubbs said:

This is why I worry about the success of this set. I think a lot of people voted for it thinking they were going to get exactly what you describe: a deluxified System set, loaded with minifigs, priced at the low end of UCS sets. But the designer's concerns about supporting the wings and talk of working at UCS scale are fairly good indicators that he is designing something substantially larger than the previous gunships. So if/when it turns out to be ~150% scale, $350, and with two token minifigs, I think there will be a lot of complaining and maybe not so much buying. Of course there will be people who buy it no matter what (I count myself among these, lol). But will there be enough, is the question.

It was rather vague to vote for a UCS LAAT or a UCS Nebulon B without a sketch or an overall idea of their possible size. I believe people’s vote would have been more reflective if they were provided with some information of scale (which will be translated into piece count and price), playability and displayability. To me, for instance, the latter is crucial, as I prioritize sets which can be displayed on shelves (up to 40 cm in depth), while others might have completely different preferences.

Anyone have any idea how creditable the rumored ucs release of the imperial shuttle is? And that it is a actual ucs and not a system style set like the tantive iv? The rumors have yet to be wrong thus far and I have an offer on my 10212 but I'll be sad if I sell it and the rumored set ends up not being what I'm thinking. Decisions decisions. 

7 minutes ago, fsuz32 said:

Anyone have any idea how creditable the rumored ucs release of the imperial shuttle is? And that it is a actual ucs and not a system style set like the tantive iv? The rumors have yet to be wrong thus far and I have an offer on my 10212 but I'll be sad if I sell it and the rumored set ends up not being what I'm thinking. Decisions decisions. 

Landino on Instagram as well as reliable leakers from this board have all corroborated it, so if those individuals have reason to believe we're getting an Imperial Shuttle, I would go ahead and assume that we are.  Someone threw out the number $350, which would definitely point to a UCS-sized set.

9 hours ago, jdubbs said:

This is why I worry about the success of this set. I think a lot of people voted for it thinking they were going to get exactly what you describe: a deluxified System set, loaded with minifigs, priced at the low end of UCS sets.

To miss quote Winston Churchill I'd form an alliance with the devil himself if it helped defeat OT ucs sets. I am pretty sure anything PT would won cause lot of people want change. I dont think lot of people would complain when there will be 501st set to fill your Gunship with for only 30$ (even less with retail stores discounts if you wait a while). You can literally create 5 squads and have a platoon with 50 clones under 330$(when they hit 25$). They should just give us Cody Phase 2 and Rex phase 2,maybe a pilot too for 200$ - 300$ . Only way i am not getting that set if its 500$-800$ monstrosity that i have no where to put or if it includes yellow face figure inside.

9 hours ago, storskogen said:

It was rather vague to vote for a UCS LAAT or a UCS Nebulon B without a sketch or an overall idea of their possible size. I believe people’s vote would have been more reflective if they were provided with some information of scale (which will be translated into piece count and price), playability and displayability. To me, for instance, the latter is crucial, as I prioritize sets which can be displayed on shelves (up to 40 cm in depth), while others might have completely different preferences.

If the set is labeled UCS, chances that it's bigger than minig scale are very high. If people were knowing what they were doing, no additional information would have been required. I see the possibility, thopugh, that a majority of voters simply expressed their view, "I like gunships (if they are not at the size of a UCS set)!" But it's Lego's responsibilty to have an understanding of the voter's wills, not mine.

2 hours ago, Brickadeer said:

If the set is labeled UCS, chances that it's bigger than minig scale are very high. If people were knowing what they were doing, no additional information would have been required. I see the possibility, thopugh, that a majority of voters simply expressed their view, "I like gunships (if they are not at the size of a UCS set)!" But it's Lego's responsibilty to have an understanding of the voter's wills, not mine.

The others sets will be made in the future anyways, this is how TLG works. So in the end everybody will be happy. I voted for the gunship, not for the set, but for the minifigures. And I don't think OT fans can complain, almost all UCS are from the OT. The other era's deserve some attention too. :wink:



LEGO® Star Wars™ Advent Calendar

39.99 USD/24.99 GBP/29.99 EUR/269.95 DKK/49.99 AUD

Kids can wake up to a gift every day in the run-up to Christmas with the 2020 LEGO® Star Wars™ Advent Calendar (75279) holiday building set. Behind each of the 24 doors is a Star Wars LEGO minifigure, LEGO figure, buildable starship, vehicle or location. Also, look out for a code to unlock Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga game content.





LEGO® Star Wars™ 501st Legion™ Clone Troopers

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LEGO® Star Wars™ Anakin’s Jedi™ Interceptor

29.99 USD/24.99 GBP/29.99 EUR/269.95 DKK/44.99 AUD





LEGO® Star Wars™ Armored Assault Tank (AAT™)

39.99 USD/34.99 GBP/39.99 EUR/349.0 DKK/59.99 AUD






LEGO® Star Wars™ Knights of Ren™ Transport Ship

69.99 USD/64.99 GBP/69.9 EUR/649.0 DKK/119.99 AUD







LEGO® Star Wars™ General Grievous’s Starfighter™

79.99 USD/74.99 GBP/79.99 EUR/749.0 DKK/119.99 AUD







LEGO® Star Wars™ Death Star™ Final Duel

99.99 USD/89.99 GBP/99.99 EUR/899.0 DKK/169.99 AUD






LEGO® Star Wars™ Resistance I-TS Transport

99.99 USD/89.99 GBP/99.99 EUR/899.0 DKK/159.99 AUD






I’m pleased to see that the Resistance I-TS Transport has good interior space. The colour scheme and overall look are also very nice.

The AAT can fit a pilot! The Galaxy's Edge set looks great too, I may pick that up at some point. I'll be getting a couple of 501st sets and the AAT on day one though.

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