Posted September 18, 20195 yr So I decided to try a SHIPtember build- but I wanted to be reasonable about it. I have built what would classify as a SHIP before, and it was a lot of fun- so much fun in fact I made 4 of them (though 1 is perhaps not SHIP length) for Brickworld 2018. I have photographed 2 of those 4 and I will hunt down links to the EB posts on them soon. As for the need to be "reasonable"... I am a dad. I have 2 youngish children (3 and 6), a wife and full time job, so if I am approaching SHIPtember, I wanted to make sure this build "fit' in my fleet so that some of the design language was already determined and I had many of the parts I already need. I also have a work trip at the end of the month, so my 30 days will be more like 27ish- knock off 1 day for photos and editing and 4 or 5 more for family time and this whole idea may be a little challenging. While I could document this on Flickr, I feel like EB is still my base of operations- plus, I can leave many of the photos private to not clog up my photostream. Jump to the finished SHIP here: Build Log: Day 0- Before SHIPtember begins, I started a project on my other SHIPs, and that was transitioning them from a fixed base onto removable ones. This was so I could adjust the height of the stands or their rigidity as needed as well as making them easier to pick up and move. The integrated stands also tended to wobble and flex a little meaning I was always nervous to move them around a table since the stand posts we're connected to each other. I came up with a design for the bases on the other SHIPs and built them up giving me ideas for how I would build the stand for my SHIPtember build. Day 1- The Stand- The stand goes together quickly. The stand off in the back is a single post rather than a double to accommodate my planned shape- which will be quite narrow in the very bottom of the rear section. The desk is fairly clean- I am sure that will change. Day 2- Time to build up the "cups" which will sit over the stand pegs to hold the ship. You will also see all the Technic bricks that will form the frame being sorted for size. Day 4- The Frame Job The bottom frame for Orange Crush is constructed as well as the outriggers that will support the angled bottom "skin". One interesting note here is that while for SHIPtember I will be making the skin orange, I planning allowing the skins to be fairly easy to remove so I can reskin the ship later, including possibly for Brickworld Chicago.
September 18, 20195 yr Author Day 5- Skin Me- A first swath of orange skin is made and hung. It looks pretty good- I am pleased with the sloped stripes, but they do look a little too studded compare to the rest of the smooth skin. I'll soon learn the angle I placed them at though is a little too obtuse to use, so the outriggers will need adjustment. Day 7- Getting the Rear in Gear- my first work on the rear which includes the first part of the engine clusters. I can already tell the rear may be a bit small, but that is okay, I actually plan to bump it out another 10-12 studs as it goes up. I also need to pull off the skin to fix the outriggers for the frame to be more acute. It does give the SHIP a bit of a narrow vibe, but hopefully that won't be an issue when all is said and done. I also started to work on the top of the lower section/bottom of the "middle section" which will be more apparent soon.
September 18, 20195 yr Author Day 8- Taking it to the Next Level- The main features of the SHIP begins to take shape. A couple of notes on those features- I want a somewhat open middle section, which will allow for a medium sized frigate to park inside. The one in the photos here isn't new and therefore won't be used for the final SHIPtember build- its purpose here is as a counterweight to the skin on the SHIP to keep if from tipping. The top section will have an open front, so you will be able to see inside the hanger from the front- that gives me the challenge of building it so that the interior doesn't look like a big mess. I am using the large girder pieces on both the middle and to make the supports for the top section. I also want the top section to be slightly longer than the bottom.
September 18, 20195 yr Author Day 11- Shaping Up- skinning what remains on the upper half- at least on this side. Experimenting with the armor in the middle- don't love the way it looks here. I also will eventually experiment with the supports in the middle to fill it out. I also did work on the floor of the top level/ceiling of the middle level and started the work on the very top of the SHIP for the front half. Day 14- Bringing Out the Big Guns- ...Day 14- a little past half way in my slightly truncated schedule and I am working on the "big guns". I know I want them to tilt and swivel and be side mounted, but outside of that, I don't have a solid design plan. I come up with this design using a 6 x 6 dish as the top and bottom of the guns with a 8 long arch as the ship attachment point. I do have to do a little gearing inside the gun to make is not swivel like mad when it is attached through the center. Each gun is the also attached via a ball joint inside so it can tilt and rotate too! The pliers aren't for anything nefarious, I use them sometimes when a technic axel is really jammed inside an axel hole, but here they are really nothing more than counter weights for the guns. And here they are attached to the SHIP The SHIP here definitely looks too tall for it's length and sort of like a C, but that will change as the back gets extended and worked on I hope. I also think the guns make it appear a bit wider to help relieve a little of the squatty look.
September 18, 20195 yr Author Day 17- Baby Got Back- moving to the engine, docking, and rear section again to begin working on the greebly back end. The cylinder on top is again a counterbalance. The guns have been added up top as well. Also experimenting a bit with the armor plating. This thing certainly needs another engine, and I have to extend that dark orange stripe through the back. Once the back has its shaping done, I will need to move to complete the bridge and then the front... then the top... then back to the backside to skin the second half. Day 18- Earning My Stripes- continued work on the engine cluster and rear including continuing the stripe from below up to the engineering/bridge support section.
September 18, 20195 yr Loving the progression on this and looking forward to seeing the final design! Edited September 18, 20195 yr by Scene
September 20, 20195 yr Author Day 19- Skinning the Beast Working on the greebles and preparing to add a docking port. The base below the skin is on in the back, and not the shape can be seen. I also added more girders to the space between the two main levels. I pulled the top armor plating off so I could get access to the area between the plating and the back so I could wire up the lights- more of which arrived today from Lifelites. I also did the armor skin on the back side of the SHIP, so while it can be seen here, it is a major step towards completing the ship. Light it UP- UP- UP! Speaking of...the iPhone washes some of the lighting out- but here is the basic idea. As mentioned before, the ship inside here is not new- so if I do want to display the finished vehicle for SHIPtember, I will either need to build something new or photograph with nothing in here- this is really just to show off how the lights between the levels look.
September 21, 20195 yr This is rad! I have such a huge soft spot for orange! Can't wait to see how this SHIP progresses :D
September 23, 20195 yr Author Day 20- Filling in the Gaps- Progress on this day includes filling in the gaps so I can add the details and then greebling the surfaces on the rear some more. I like the greebles under the supports that hold the guns in place and I begin adding a few stickers here and there to complete the look. I am sure there are some people who are not big stickers people, but I love the ability to add little details that would not otherwise be achievable with the saved up sticker sheets. Day 22- Sitting by the dock of the bay Some major progress has been made, but it is not all evident. First, the skin is done on the rear and the docking port is now on. All the major greebly bits are done on both sides of the rear. The other thing that has happened is the upper skin on the backside has been places as well. It is missing some details still, but it is all attached to the ship. I also have begun working on some engine thruster detailing and the transition from the top of the ship to the bridge. Still on the "to do" list- build bridge section and stern plating sections- build front greebles and arrays- add details to bottom- then move to backside for some detailing on the plating and hanger bays. I am still also trying to decide how I am going to do the armor plating between the upper and lower half. The way it is right now is likely to change.
September 26, 20195 yr Author Day 22- Captain on the Bridge! Main thing done today was to add the bridge and finish the top of the ship as well as the transition to the bridge and a cover for the light switch. I also completed the engine section including the various directional thrusters and the larger armored versions as well.
September 26, 20195 yr Author Day 25- Arraying Down on you! Moving onto the front array(s). Here is the front of the ship before adding the lower array. Here you can see the open sections where ships can land inside the ship. You can also see the older little cruiser off to the right which fits inside the large center hanger in the ship. It is not a new design- but it hasn't been posted online before either. For SHIPtember purposes, it won't make the final pictures- but perhaps I will have enough time to build a little something for inside that hanger. And then I completed the array- though it is not as evident from this photo due to the shadows down onto the array. You can see some greebles on the bridge added as well.
September 27, 20195 yr Author Day 26- Light Me Up. Taking a peek at a few highlights of some the lighting effects. And moving on to the back side. The ship is largely symmetrical, but I am adding a repair bay to the side here. You can see the repair bay in the process of being added. And now it is on. A little clean up left to do on this- I need to add some details to the bottom plating under the repair bay and make a few changes to the stripes on the top plating. Likely won't be any more WIPS and the next photos will be final.
September 30, 20195 yr Author The build is done- but I didn't have time before I left on a work trip to really get the photos edited. Here is the poster shot for the ship- but once my NEW light box arrives, I will edit and post some quality photos. See the SHIP with additional photos here:
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