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Becky Carroll took the evening to look out over the city from her favorite place to read: the roof of a mechanic's shop. As she was contemplating life and her own writing ambitions, she heard footsteps.

"Bananaman!" she exclaimed, startled. What's "with the fish?"
"Well, I've come to smack you silly."
"Are you the same one who beat Molly's husband? He was wearing a banana suit, too."
"You know I can't say that," the masked figure replied. "Because all mysterious actions in previous books are figures clad in all black, it was time to change it up. I might be scum, I might be town, I might even be Clutch Powers. That's part of the mystery."
"But why the fish?"
"I pulled it out of the freezer."

SMACK! The banana man thwapped Backy Caroll rightly across the face, and unlike butterflies in the sky, she fell to her untimely death.

The next morning, everyone gathered around Becky's cold, ABS plastic corpse.
"Well, this isn't good," Molly said as she searched Backy's pockets. "Becky was one of us, she was Book Club (Town). Alright, eveyone, let's get to work."

The Rules

1. Each player will be given a character to play, who will be aligned with either the Book Club (Town) or the Knitting Club (Scum). To win the game, the Town must kill off all the Scum, while the Scum needs to outnumber the Town. Third-party (neutral) characters have their own win conditions as outlined in their roles.

2. Each day you will be able to vote to lynch a player.  Voting is mandatory. Voting should be done in the following format; Vote: Character (Player). Similarly, unvoting is to be done in the format; Unvote: Character (Player).  No other format will be accepted. A majority vote is required to lynch a player. Failure to vote will incur a 2-vote penalty the following game day.

3. A game day will last a maximum of 72 hours. You may not vote in the first 24 hours. The day will end when a majority vote has been reached after 72 hours. After the day has been concluded, a night stage will commence, which will last 48 hours. Night actions must be sent to the host in the first 20 hours of the night stage.

3.5. Players may not target the same player two nights in a row, and may not target themselves.

4. The alignment of lynched players, as well as those that died during the "Off-hour"/night, will be revealed at the beginning of the next "Hour"/day.

5. You may not quote or pretend to quote anything sent to or from you in PM with the game host, or in PM with any other players. This includes all the details of your character and role, as well as any night action results. Role claims and reporting of night action results are acceptable, but in your own words only. Do not attempt to use the structure of your role PM to your advantage.

6. Do not play the game outside the thread. Similarly, do not post out of character inside the thread. Game tactics and roles may only be discussed in the game thread or via PM with other players. Private discussion is done at your own risk and should be treated as part of the game.

7. If you are dead, you may not post in thread or discuss the game with any of the players. Any information you had becomes void, and may not be passed on.

8. You may not edit your posts.

9. You must post in every day thread. 

10. If you encounter a problem or have a question, please contact the host via PM.

11. Violation of any of the above rules will result in a 5 vote penalty for the first offence, and death on your second offence.

12. There are no hints or clues in the day/night images.


kendallkane.png Kendall Kane (Trekkie99)

chelseacaron.png Chelsea Caron (Kristel)

autumnmartin.png Autumn Martin (fhomess)

adamstewart.png Adam Stewart (jimmynick)

karenmcmillan.png Karen McMillan (Hinckley)

mirandabeal.png Miranda Beal (darkdragon)

robertstewart.png Robert Stewart (jackjonespaw)

Dead Reader's Society

beckycarroll.png Becky Carroll (Bob) - Book Club (Town)

Becky or Backy or whatever her name was...and was she our mayor or something?...was kind of a total butthole. Kyle liked her a lot which made me like her even less. Still, she was part of the book club and although she was a butthole she had a tendency to confide in those she trusted, so you know, ambiguous statement just left hanging there. Whatever.

I am going to assume in a game this small there is no vigilante so Backy/Becky was murdered by the knitting club. However, what were they thinking? It’s not like Bicky or whatever her name was contributed much. Why would a vig kill someone who didn’t even vote? Why would the Knitting Club kill someone who barely posted? Why is Bocky dead??

Speaking of knitting, I have to knit Chad a scarf. I hate knitting and I hate Chad. His neck is enormous so I have to use a ton of yarn and I have zero knitting skills. I could read this month’s book when I take breaks. Who am I kidding? I never read the book. 

My sons are total assholes. Can I kick them out of the nest yet?

Since Biycky only spoke three times yesterday with only one vote of any substance, I have to wonder why the knitting club would target her. Maybe her tacky suit or awful hair. I know I’m not stunning but I’m a steel worker. I forge iron. I’m gorgeous with what I have to work with, OK? Where was I? Baecky makes more sense as a vig kill since she wasn’t posting and could be seen as flying under the radar. However, not voting is a little too under the radar, actually making her look more aloof than deliberate. I mean, what kind of irresponsible asshole attends a lynch mob yet doesn’t bother to vote? :hmpf: my point is, if I can ever get to it with Kyle crying about Boyocky‘a death over here, is that if Bucky was killed by the knitting club, why would they target her? To implicate Kendall? But Miranda and Robert were more critical of Kendall’s super-weird blatant blabbing of her role in her first post than Buoocky was. 

My real point is I would be fascinated to know that Beecky was killed by a vig. Fascinated

There’s a point about third parties in the rules and I’m told I don’t win unless all screwballs who want to stabby-stab me are done (sorry, can’t directly quote). I wouldn’t normally consider a serial killer in an 8 person game, but it’s possible. Especially if the knitting club would have to eliminate that killer to win too. That would actually give the Town a fighting chance if they fell behind. Sort of the same philosophy in a book I read (not for book club, of course) about talking animals who were evil on two scum teams. The two scum teams kept the balance for the town to have a fighting chance but for people to still be murdered. Anyway, my point is. Baeiucky’s death makes the most sense as a third-party kill. She wasn’t posting, didn’t even vote, who would protect or watch someone so ineffective with such bad taste in clothing?

OMG! Why would they like kill such a quiet person?! I mean like, yeah it's safe or whatever, but couldn't they have like given us something to work with??? I mean it is like literally day one but with one less person! What the frick?!

47 minutes ago, Trekkie99 said:

OMG! Why would they like kill such a quiet person?! I mean like, yeah it's safe or whatever, but couldn't they have like given us something to work with??? I mean it is like literally day one but with one less person! What the frick?!

It's actually like literally Day Two, Kendall. :hmpf:

I find Bob's death interesting from the standpoint of the penalty votes applied yesterday. There were three non-voters: Karen, Autumn, and Becky. Now one of them is gone! I found Becky's quietness yesterday suspicious and I was ready to press her on it today, but she's dead. Now Karen and Autumn are the ones with 5-vote targets on their backs. It's like we're in a big ducked-up Monty Hall problem. But first let's note that the knitting clubbers were probably careful enough to make sure to vote yesterday.

If either Karen or Autumn is scum, why would the knitting club kill Bob? It turns up the heat on them because of the sheer number of votes.

If neither Karen nor Autumn is scum, then turning the heat up on them while knocking off Becky seems like a good deal - two for the price of one, almost.

But if neither Karen nor Autumn is scum, then we have to look for all the scum in the group of Kendall, Chelsea, Miranda and Robert. And then I don't know what to think. But it's something to keep my mind on as the day progresses.

8 hours ago, Hinckley said:

why would they target her? To implicate Kendall?

I'm not sure prima facie how Becky's death could implicate Candle Kendall?

3 hours ago, Trekkie99 said:

OMG! Why would they like kill such a quiet person?! I mean like, yeah it's safe or whatever, but couldn't they have like given us something to work with??? I mean it is like literally day one but with one less person! What the frick?!

As Karen pointed, it's Day Two and we have one death, 5 voters from yesterday and 10 penalty votes to consider. And a partridge in a pear tree. We do have stuff to go on. Would you mind telling us whom you "compulsively visited" last night?

It's interesting, even in this book club full of new faces, Becky still behaved the same as always and was still kicked out early as always. I would imagine that the reason she was kicked out was the reason she always is - the knitting club figured nobody would be protecting her since she didn't bother to participate in the vote. Looks like they were right this time. 

Way too many of us didn't vote yesterday. Every! Vote! Counts! If we are to save this club, we need to work together and not just disappear into a book halfway through the day. Come on people!

So, I'm currently leaning toward our bananaman as being someone who's been in a lot of clubs in the past. Somebody who was pretty sure nobody was going to be watching Becky. I wish I had more than just suspicion at this point, I hope someone saw something helpful.

21 minutes ago, Darkdragon said:

I hope someone saw something helpful.

:look: Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

45 minutes ago, jimmynick said:

I'm not sure prima facie how Becky's death could implicate Candle Kendall?

Right. Because there's limited facie. That's why it was a question.

10 hours ago, Hinckley said:

I mean, what kind of irresponsible megablock attends a lynch mob yet doesn’t bother to vote? :hmpf: 


4 hours ago, Trekkie99 said:

OMG! Why would they like kill such a quiet person?! I mean like, yeah it's safe or whatever, but couldn't they have like given us something to work with??? I mean it is like literally day one but with one less person! What the frick?!

That's not the worst reason in the world.  I do find it a bit odd that they'd pick one of the non-voters, though.  It seems like there would be incentive to keep all those with penalty votes alive in order to be able to steer the lynch towards any of us.

1 hour ago, jimmynick said:

Would you mind telling us whom you "compulsively visited" last night?

This would be helpful information to have, but what's your rush?  Wouldn't it make sense to let the conversation go a bit first and see if anyone steps in the proverbial megablocks?

1 minute ago, fhomess said:


That's not the worst reason in the world.  I do find it a bit odd that they'd pick one of the non-voters, though.  It seems like there would be incentive to keep all those with penalty votes alive in order to be able to steer the lynch towards any of us.

True, but there's no lack of us with penalty votes without Baeioucky.

Just now, Hinckley said:

True, but there's no lack of us with penalty votes without Baeioucky.

That is true, too.

1 hour ago, fhomess said:

This would be helpful information to have, but what's your rush?

Well I was thinking that if you're up to no good, the longer you have to coordinate a story, the better. This happened once on a pirate ship and I had hoped to head off that possibility in future. And since Crandall Kendall claimed to be a peeping tom sort of thing, I thought it would be better to hear it sooner.

Seeing as I don't exactly trust her.

I think it's a reasonable thing to ask since she blurted out her role with her first post on Day One.

O. M. G! There is like, so much to catch up on! BRB.

Gosh, late to the party. 

The way I see it, all of us will have to vote in unison today, otherwise Karen and Autumn are both gone, I assume. I think a lot of this relies on - as little as I trust Kendall - what she saw last night (though taken with the giantest grain of salt in the universe). 


5 hours ago, fhomess said:

That's not the worst reason in the world.  I do find it a bit odd that they'd pick one of the non-voters, though.  It seems like there would be incentive to keep all those with penalty votes alive in order to be able to steer the lynch towards any of us.

This is the part I'm having trouble wrapping my head around - since Becky was one of us Book Clubers, wouldn't it be in the Knitting Club's best interest to leave her alive AND under the suspicion that she was (2 votes against yesterday)? Instead, they've left us with not a lot to go on.

Karen and Autumn, I'd like to hear from both of you about who you would have voted for yesterday if you'd been able to based on the conversations. I know it's in the past, but maybe you have some contextual insight for us.

6 hours ago, Darkdragon said:

It's interesting, even in this book club full of new faces, Becky still behaved the same as always and was still kicked out early as always. I would imagine that the reason she was kicked out was the reason she always is - the knitting club figured nobody would be protecting her since she didn't bother to participate in the vote. Looks like they were right this time. 

Miranda, this is an interesting point here, but then why would they choose Becky over Karen and Autumn? The way I see it, there's a few possible options:

1. Chosen at random

2. Karen and/or Autumn are part of the Knitting Club. That could explain why they're both safe despite being in the same situation that Becky was.

3. Roles. I forget how the night order works, but can a person be investigated, then the role told, then killed? If so, we might have just lost a super powerful role in Becky.

I'm sure there are other options, but these are the big three I'm looking at. 

6 hours ago, jimmynick said:

But if neither Karen nor Autumn is scum, then we have to look for all the scum in the group of Kendall, Chelsea, Miranda and Robert.

You need to add your own name to this list since you also voted yesterday. 


5 hours ago, Hinckley said:

True, but there's no lack of us with penalty votes without Baeioucky.

It would not make sense for the knitters to take out a book club member with penalty votes unless they knew something about Becky that the rest of us don't. At this stage, that is highly unlikely.  I doubt she would have blurted out anything of importance.

It would make even less sense for the knitters to take out a book club member with penalty votes if one (or both) of the others with penalty votes carried knitting needles.  I'm not suggesting that neither Karen or Autumn is scum, but I do think this, combined with the first point, suggests it might be a third party killer.

The other thing that points to it being a third party is that I was leaning towards scum on Becky on Day 1.  Admittedly it was only Day one, but she had said enough to raise a flag for me.  I don't think it makes sense for the knitters to kill someone who was acting somewhat dummy, especially given the penalty votes.

Then, if becky was not killed by scum, did we manage to successfully block the scum kill / protect their intended target overnight?


3 hours ago, Hinckley said:

I think it's a reasonable thing to ask since she blurted out her role with her first post on Day One.

Agreed.  I'm curious why Kendall didn't tell us in her first post today given she was so keen for us to know she was a compulsive visitor yesterday.

13 minutes ago, JackJonespaw said:

I think a lot of this relies on - as little as I trust Kendall - what she saw last night (though taken with the giantest grain of salt in the universe). 

A compulsive visitor doesn't see anything.  The only thing Kendall can tell us is who she visited, not what the person she visited was doing.

I visited Karen

17 minutes ago, JackJonespaw said:

Karen and Autumn, I'd like to hear from both of you about who you would have voted for yesterday if you'd been able to based on the conversations. I know it's in the past, but maybe you have some contextual insight for us.

I was a bit distracted (wasn't around) so I can't give an in context answer and it's hard to say what I would've done for sure.  Prior to the votes for Becky I might've voted for you, Robert.  If I'd been around later, I likely would've voted for Becky or Kendall, probably in that order, in order to get us closer to a lynch.  Voting patterns really only become useful once there is some threat of an actual lynch.  When the votes are spread out, it's hard to read anything into them.


39 minutes ago, Trekkie99 said:

I visited Karen

Which is what she told me she would do when I contacted her in private to ask who she would target. I got no indication that I was visited. For a "named Townie" role like visitor, I doubt the visited would be told.

58 minutes ago, JackJonespaw said:

Gosh, late to the party. 

The way I see it, all of us will have to vote in unison today, otherwise Karen and Autumn are both gone, I assume.

My name is Karen, thank you.

58 minutes ago, JackJonespaw said:

Karen and Autumn, I'd like to hear from both of you about who you would have voted for yesterday if you'd been able to based on the conversations. I know it's in the past, but maybe you have some contextual insight for us.


Ooh, good question, Robert. I was going to vote for Kendall, based on the weird behavior of blabbing her non-role in her first post. I agreed with Miranda's reasoning that Kendall was laying the ground work to be caught by a Watcher or Tracker. I was nervous that she said she'd be targeting me! But as far as I know, if she's telling the truth, she just watched me strip naked and tweak my nipples in the mirror like I do every night before bed.

58 minutes ago, JackJonespaw said:

Miranda, this is an interesting point here, but then why would they choose Becky over Karen and Autumn? The way I see it, there's a few possible options:


Is it interesting, Robert? Because your question and her point are actually kind of pingy. I'm never comfortable when a Book Club Member gives a definitive explanation for the actions of The Knitting Circle. While I was a Miranda fan yesterday, I'm not so much today.

55 minutes ago, JackJonespaw said:

1. Chosen at random

2. Karen and/or Autumn are part of the Knitting Club. That could explain why they're both safe despite being in the same situation that Becky was.

3. Roles. I forget how the night order works, but can a person be investigated, then the role told, then killed? If so, we might have just lost a super powerful role in Becky.

I'm sure there are other options, but these are the big three I'm looking at. 

1. Like they drew names from a Pick-a-brick cup?

2. Like a decoy? Like we were like "We're Knitters and forgot to vote. Ooops! Well, let's kill Beaecky because she also didn't vote and that will put the eyes off of us! Let's slap her with a frozen fish!"

3. Information is not typically passed to an info-related role if they are killed in the night because they can't do anything with it and it reduces the temptation to pass on what they've learned from the dead. With all due respect, I don't think we have players that would do that anymore. I also admit I may have done it once or twice early on... :look: This point has nothing to do with the Scum's reasoning. It's just speculation about Biicky having a role. It doesn't belong in your list.

Here's option 4: Serial killer.

7 hours ago, Darkdragon said:

So, I'm currently leaning toward our bananaman as being someone who's been in a lot of clubs in the past. Somebody who was pretty sure nobody was going to be watching Becky. I wish I had more than just suspicion at this point, I hope someone saw something helpful.

Why lean, Miranda? Why not be specific? Hinting towards an accusation without making it is what the do in the Scummy Club.

Also, what are your thoughts on Kendall today? Are you going to vote for her again? Or not enough momentum for the Scum to jump on that bandwagon?

6 minutes ago, Hinckley said:

Why lean, Miranda? Why not be specific? Hinting towards an accusation without making it is what the do in the Scummy Club.

Because that early in the morning there wasn't enough to go on.  I'm allowed to lean and read and learn and not blurt out random accusations first thing in the morning.  My vote from yesterday will be my vote for today as well. Everyone who is now saying they would have voted for Becky to "get a lynch" is also suspect because that's a horrible idea.  How many of us are there? 4? 5?  The numbers are very low and every life matters.

8 minutes ago, Hinckley said:

2. Like a decoy? Like we were like "We're Knitters and forgot to vote. Ooops! Well, let's kill Beaecky because she also didn't vote and that will put the eyes off of us! Let's slap her with a frozen fish!" 

Exactly this is what I was thinking at one point, I can see it playing out a couple ways. 

If, for example, Karen is a knitter - she sees her partner (I'm taking a leap of assuming 2 on the team, but could be up to 3 and still be somewhat fair) didn't vote - she would freak out and then come to the conclusion that since Becky also didn't vote (as is common for Becky on first day), both/all team members could do exactly that: not vote and point to Becky as the reason they are not knitters just by not voting.  It's a solid plan to a messed up situation for a team.

Idea 2 - The people who didn't vote were just lazy and we are being steered by the knitters into looking at a pattern that doesn't exist.  Just like the "it's a 3rd party killer" some of y'all seem to be trying to bandwagon into.

6 minutes ago, Hinckley said:

Here's option 4: Serial killer.

I seriously doubt it for reasons such as: the killer is in the same outfit as before and there are way too few of us to make it any fun.

Just now, Darkdragon said:

Because that early in the morning there wasn't enough to go on.  I'm allowed to lean and read and learn and not blurt out random accusations first thing in the morning.  My vote from yesterday will be my vote for today as well. Everyone who is now saying they would have voted for Becky to "get a lynch" is also suspect because that's a horrible idea.  How many of us are there? 4? 5?  The numbers are very low and every life matters.

But you did? You were leaning towards bananaman as someone who has been in a lot of clubs. Who was that, exactly?

My notifications are off and I missed some earlier posts. I had been waiting to hear from Miranda and only now realized she posted earlier. But without immediately looking back, who said they were going to vote for Byycky? You say "everyone who is now saying?" Is that what Autumn said? Because I answered "Kendall."

Just now, Darkdragon said:


If, for example, Karen is a knitter - she sees her partner (I'm taking a leap of assuming 2 on the team, but could be up to 3 and still be somewhat fair) didn't vote - she would freak out and then come to the conclusion that since Becky also didn't vote (as is common for Becky on first day), both/all team members could do exactly that: not vote and point to Becky as the reason they are not knitters just by not voting.  It's a solid plan to a messed up situation for a team.


In your example, Karen would have to be clarvoyant to know that the day would end with Buucky not placing her vote.

Just now, Darkdragon said:

Idea 2 - The people who didn't vote were just lazy and we are being steered by the knitters into looking at a pattern that doesn't exist.  Just like the "it's a 3rd party killer" some of y'all seem to be trying to bandwagon into.

I seriously doubt it for reasons such as: the killer is in the same outfit as before and there are way too few of us to make it any fun.

Knitting...pattern...I get it! Clever, Miranda! However, only a Knitter could get a pattern from one night of activity. It takes the rest of us at least two nights to discern any patterns in behavior. Three would be best for looking for patterns, but there's only seven of us and I doubt we'll have three nights to look at.

So, according to Miranda, Kendall is Scum. Karen whoever this person who has previously been in a lot of clubs is Scum and probably specifically bananaman, and so is everyone who thinks the Scum killed Baeicky and anyone who suggests there might be a thirdy party.

I think it would be very interesting if there were a third-party killer. Very. Interesting.

Kyle!! Stop playing your banjo already. He's so annoying. And he's terrible at banjo. And just about everything else. :hmpf_bad:

8 hours ago, Darkdragon said:

 I wish I had more than just suspicion at this point, I hope someone saw something helpful.


7 hours ago, jimmynick said:

:look: Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Yes, she did make an odd post about hoping somebody saw something. Maybe somebody did. But it's pingy because it's fluff and it seems like someone fishing for info. But you just said ":look: Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm." Which is just what pinged me about Miranda. You're kind of accusing her of being Scummy without actually accusing her. The two of you maybe trying to make it look like you're not on the same team? Look, we suspect each other! But you both employed the same Scummy tactic of throwing suspicion towards someone without being explicit. Hoping someone else will pick up on it and run with it? I realize my theories bounce back and forth from both of you being Scummy to just one of you. Anyway, it shows that you did the same Scummy thing she did.

1 hour ago, Kristel said:

Then, if becky was not killed by scum, did we manage to successfully block the scum kill / protect their intended target overnight?

I'm also wondering this! Especially since the choice of Buuoocky is so serial-killer-y.

23 minutes ago, Darkdragon said:

I seriously doubt it for reasons such as: the killer is in the same outfit as before and there are way too few of us to make it any fun.

Didn't you read what you said when you were wearing that suit and wielding that fish? You said specifically that the bananaman outfit had no bearing whatsoever on alignment. You said it yourself! Well, assuming that you're bananaman. No reason to think that...unless somebody saw something.

21 minutes ago, Hinckley said:

You're kind of accusing her of being Scummy without actually accusing her.

One doesn't need to write an essay to explain that fishing for night actions smells fishy and I wanted to call it out in the moment. :def_shrug:

49 minutes ago, Darkdragon said:

but could be up to 3 and still be somewhat fair

Yeah nah. What if we lynched a townie yesterday? 

MAfia - Conclusion - LoL Get Rekt Town

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