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  On 1/14/2024 at 5:44 PM, Kaijumeister said:

As much as it’d disturb the serenity of the Deku Tree setpiece, it would be nice to get some sort of ‘bad guy’ for Link to fight, like a Bokoblin or something.

Someone noted that it looked like Deku Babas were included in the OoT version of the build. Something a little spicier would be nice though.

I didn’t realize this at the time, but apparently the version of Rivendell from the survey leak actually has some differences from the final version that was released about a month later (mainly the waterfall).

Since it’s been just under a year since the Deku Tree leaked and there’s still been no new pictures, I’d say that there’s a good chance it’s going to have some improvements as well. I’m pretty content with how both of the builds look already, but it’s exciting to think they might look even better by the time they’re actually revealed.

Too much of a tinfoil hat theory? Maybe I’m just getting a little stir crazy waiting for more news :grin:

  On 1/18/2024 at 8:17 AM, Portal Out said:

I didn’t realize this at the time, but apparently the version of Rivendell from the survey leak actually has some differences from the final version that was released about a month later (mainly the waterfall).

The Sorting Hat had differences from prelim to final as well. 

The Deku Tree (77092) is coming in September, and the final version is still a 2-in-1 set! :thumbup: 

Take that, naysayers :tongue: All of the survey sets are coming this year! Except for the Donald one, which is now the only one unaccounted for

  On 1/19/2024 at 5:32 PM, BrickBob Studpants said:

The Deku Tree (77092) is coming in September, and the final version is still a 2-in-1 set! :thumbup: 

Take that, naysayers :tongue: All of the survey sets are coming this year! Except for the Donald one, which is now the only one unaccounted for

Oh, gosh... I'm so torn.

On the one hand... OMG, it's actually happening! I'm super glad that this set is finally being made. Based on the quality of the Animal Crossing minifigs, I'm sure that whatever the finalized minifigs are will be fantastic. Hopefully this will also lead to some other sets!

On the other hand... Golly, $250 (assuming the 2500 part count is correct) is a big chunk of change just for a tree. My childhood Zelda was Twilight Princess, so I don't have any strong attachment towards the Deku Tree (I only know about the character from BoTW/TotK - I have yet to play Ocarina of Time). If this was a smaller $100 diorama or playset, then it might be in my price range, whether it was tree-centric or not.. $250 though? That's a bit much. Again, hopefully some smaller sets can come from this once the Link/fairy/sword/whatever molds are made, because I don't think I will be able to get any Lego Legend of Zelda stuff (I can only imagine what the minifigs will go for on Bricklink). 

I do wonder what will happen with Donald though... I think this set got the most "meh" reception, so I don't think a ton of people would be sad if it got scrapped. It could very well jsut be released later this year, though.

  On 1/19/2024 at 5:45 PM, JohnTPT17 said:

I do wonder what will happen with Donald though... I think this set got the most "meh" reception, so I don't think a ton of people would be sad if it got scrapped. It could very well jsut be released later this year, though.

It would be strange if this was the only set not to make it :laugh_hard: However, you‘re right. It‘s clearly the weakest one out of all 12!

A few other details about the Zelda set from TandNbricks:

  • Cost: $300 :cry2:
  • Includes a new shield element
  • The "2 in 1" means that one version of the tree will be from Breath of the Wild, with the other from Ocarina of Time.
  • Comes with a Zelda logo
  • Minifigs:
    • Link in a green outfit with medium legs (based on OoT)
    • Link and Zelda in blue outfits with normal legs (based on BotW)

Man... That price really takes it out of my range then. It's especially annoying, since I feel like that price could have been lowered if the tree wasn't 2 in 1 and had (what I assume to be) a buildable logo on the side. Ah, well, I'll just have to look at this one from a distance...

Oh wow, $300? I don't know if I can justify a model of the Deku tree for $300.

  On 1/19/2024 at 5:32 PM, BrickBob Studpants said:

The Deku Tree (77092) is coming in September, and the final version is still a 2-in-1 set! :thumbup: 

Take that, naysayers :tongue: All of the survey sets are coming this year! Except for the Donald one, which is now the only one unaccounted for

I almost literally started hyperventilating. I have been CRAVING this ever since the rumor first dropped.

$300? Ouch, but I can budget for it. Seeing the winces in this thread, maybe we should start a GoFundMe for the poor souls who will otherwise be deprived! (I'm only half-joking)

  On 1/19/2024 at 6:54 PM, Karalora said:

Seeing the winces in this thread, maybe we should start a GoFundMe for the poor souls who will otherwise be deprived! (I'm only half-joking)

I might be one of those people who would need to get in on that, haha. The most I might be able to spring for a set like this would be around $100... Maybe $150, if it also has Navi, Hestu, and several Koroks like in the leaked photo from last year. I don't think I would be able to spring for any $200+ Zelda sets unless if it was some kind of massive Hyrule castle, loaded with minifigs for Link, Zelda, Ganondorf, and several enemies. $300 is just too much, sorry...

In all seriousness, though, I really do hope that a smaller, cheaper line comes shortly, especially now that several new molds have been produced and "paid for." Just having the tree would be like just having a UCS X-Wing being the only Star Wars set, with no smaller X-wing on the market for people with smaller budgets/space. Both of them have their own audiences, and I don't even think it would even hurt each other's sales significantly, especially if the larger set has exclusive/detailed minifigs and the cheaper set has more common, less detailed minifigs. You can't tell me a $35 set with Link raiding a bokoblin camp, or a $50 small dungeon room with a Darknut, wouldn't fly off shelves. Ah, well... 

  On 1/19/2024 at 9:09 PM, JohnTPT17 said:

In all seriousness, though, I really do hope that a smaller, cheaper line comes shortly, especially now that several new molds have been produced and "paid for." Just having the tree would be like just having a UCS X-Wing being the only Star Wars set, with no smaller X-wing on the market for people with smaller budgets/space. Both of them have their own audiences, and I don't even think it would even hurt each other's sales significantly, especially if the larger set has exclusive/detailed minifigs and the cheaper set has more common, less detailed minifigs. You can't tell me a $35 set with Link raiding a bokoblin camp, or a $50 small dungeon room with a Darknut, wouldn't fly off shelves. Ah, well... 

Oh, for sure. After as long as we've waited and as hard as we've pleaded, getting just one set which is out of budget for half the fans feels almost insulting. To be fair to TLG, I think the biggest obstacle is probably Nintendo's notorious reluctance to let third parties mess around with their trademarked IP.

But the second biggest obstacle would be deciding which pieces of the trademarked IP to brickify, because oh my goodness is there a lot of Legend of Zelda on the table. It's not like Mario, which is visually pretty consistent from one game to the next and doesn't rely too heavily on intricate "lore." With Zelda, A Link to the Past is not Twilight Princess is not Wind Waker is not Tears of the Kingdom, and you can't give full detailed representation to all of them, and you can't pick just one because then fans of the others will feel left out...

It's a right pickle.

But I still hope we get more.

  On 1/19/2024 at 6:35 PM, JohnTPT17 said:

A few other details about the Zelda set from TandNbricks:

  • Cost: $300 :cry2:
  • Includes a new shield element
  • The "2 in 1" means that one version of the tree will be from Breath of the Wild, with the other from Ocarina of Time.
  • Comes with a Zelda logo
  • Minifigs:
    • Link in a green outfit with medium legs (based on OoT)
    • Link and Zelda in blue outfits with normal legs (based on BotW)

Man... That price really takes it out of my range then. It's especially annoying, since I feel like that price could have been lowered if the tree wasn't 2 in 1 and had (what I assume to be) a buildable logo on the side. Ah, well, I'll just have to look at this one from a distance...

Ohhhh, boy. If I had the cash, I would buy two copies. One to build the Ocarina of Time version, and the other for Breath of the Wild.

I'm wondering how easy it will be to convert the young Link into a more grown green-clad Link by swapping out parts. Presumably the BotW Link's face will be fit for purpose, but the legs might be trickier.

  On 1/19/2024 at 11:31 PM, MatthewRC said:

Ohhhh, boy. If I had the cash, I would buy two copies. One to build the Ocarina of Time version, and the other for Breath of the Wild.

Oh, that is definitely my temptation, too! 

The $300 price tag stings a little, but I've waited so long for Zelda LEGO sets that I'm getting this day one, if I can. So excited, just wish it was sooner than September! Given the new molds made for this, I find it hard to believe we won't get more in 2025 and on, but will they be big sets or a line of smaller sets? I mean, Link's hair/ear/hood a Hylian shield, and likely a Master Sword are all molds that can't transfer to any other franchise/line of sets. So, LEGO has to have bigger plans...right?

  On 1/19/2024 at 9:58 PM, Karalora said:

With Zelda, A Link to the Past is not Twilight Princess is not Wind Waker is not Tears of the Kingdom, and you can't give full detailed representation to all of them, and you can't pick just one because then fans of the others will feel left out...

Very true, and quite a predicament for LEGO to decide on a direction if they go with a full series of sets. I think Ocarina to represent classic Zelda and BotW/TotK to represent modern Zelda is a great starting point. Wind Waker is one of my favorites, but with the design being so different you might even need new molds for the same items, hair, etc.

My main contention (and I feel this way about Lord of the Rings too) is that a new theme for Lego shouldn’t be locked behind expensive and space consuming sets. With LotR I suppose it’s fairly understandable given how old the films are now, but Zelda is far more kid-oriented which makes this odd.

It sort of makes sense, orienting towards Ocarina of Time clearly appeals to a more mature audience, but Breath of the Wild certainly has more than enough young fans. I’ll still buy this set just because a BotW set is a dream come true, but I can’t say I’m a fan of the practice.

Also, a new shield element was mentioned by leakers (Hylian Shield?) but surely the Master Sword will get a new mould? Along with Link and Zelda’s hair?

Edited by Kaijumeister

Ugh $300 seems really expensive based on that leak. In all honesty I will probably still end up getting it at some point just because Zelda is my favorite game series, but that really feels overpriced. At least with something like Rivendell we got a ton of minifigures to go with it; the fact that we're only getting three with this one is definitely kind of disappointing if it's going to be that expensive. 


  On 1/20/2024 at 7:01 PM, Meaf said:

Ugh $300 seems really expensive based on that leak.

It's pretty far past what you'd expect based on the piece count. I'm wondering whether the license itself was unusually expensive for TLG to acquire. That would explain why it has taken so long.

  On 1/22/2024 at 5:58 PM, Karalora said:

It's pretty far past what you'd expect based on the piece count. I'm wondering whether the license itself was unusually expensive for TLG to acquire. That would explain why it has taken so long.

I know nothing about how the license acquisition process works so if anyone is better informed and wants to offer insight that'd be appreciated, but in this case I'd assume it wouldn't really be too much work since Nintendo and Lego are already partnered for Mario and Animal Crossing? I'm sure there are some other factors that contribute to the price like the cost of new molds, but $300 still seems exorbitantly expensive going off the original leak.

Really glad this is finally happening!!

I'll defenitely be bricklinking the figures though... What gives to also make a smaller set? Link with the iconic Guardians? People would buy that in a heartbeat, especially if it's around 25€

But again, really really happy about this, just wish I had the budget to support the set :')

  On 1/22/2024 at 7:21 PM, Meaf said:

I know nothing about how the license acquisition process works so if anyone is better informed and wants to offer insight that'd be appreciated, but in this case I'd assume it wouldn't really be too much work since Nintendo and Lego are already partnered for Mario and Animal Crossing? I'm sure there are some other factors that contribute to the price like the cost of new molds, but $300 still seems exorbitantly expensive going off the original leak.

I believe it is per-IP, not per-company. Already having a good relationship with the company makes getting more IPs from that company more likely, but not cheaper. As an example, the star wars mechs are more expensive than the identical marvel mechs, despite being pretty much the exact same product. This implies disney is charging a greater licensing fee to lego for star wars than marvel (Though obviously we don't know that for sure, it's just an example. That said, a lot of data supports this- marvel is getting a set with 4 figs for $15 this year, whereas star wars moved up to $20 for the 4 fig battle packs a few years ago)

  On 1/22/2024 at 9:25 PM, Mandalorianknight said:

I believe it is per-IP, not per-company. Already having a good relationship with the company makes getting more IPs from that company more likely, but not cheaper.

This, and furthermore it might not even be the same people with penultimate decision-making power regarding every IP.

  On 1/19/2024 at 6:35 PM, JohnTPT17 said:

A few other details about the Zelda set from TandNbricks:

  • Cost: $300 :cry2:
  • Includes a new shield element
  • The "2 in 1" means that one version of the tree will be from Breath of the Wild, with the other from Ocarina of Time.
  • Comes with a Zelda logo
  • Minifigs:
    • Link in a green outfit with medium legs (based on OoT)
    • Link and Zelda in blue outfits with normal legs (based on BotW)

Man... That price really takes it out of my range then. It's especially annoying, since I feel like that price could have been lowered if the tree wasn't 2 in 1 and had (what I assume to be) a buildable logo on the side. Ah, well, I'll just have to look at this one from a distance...

The minifig info was from the original survey details.

  On 1/23/2024 at 1:22 AM, TandNbricks said:

The minifig info was from the original survey details.

Sorry if that was a misattribution! I was just going off of a post on Reddit r/legoleak, so that may have gotten lost in the transition. Again, my apologies!

...Unless if you're trying to imply that there's more (or less) minifigs than just those three :look:? Outside of the Hestu and Koroks also from the original survey, of course. 

Now THAT would make this a whole different deal! If the set included 7+ minifigures I could get behind the pricepoint. Defenitely would like to get Ganondorf in some form. And Zelda mainstays like Beedle or Tingle? Or a Hyrule guard of some kind? Bokoblins? Buildable Moblins? Daruk? Rivali? Sidon?

If the set came with more minifigures (especially the BotW Champions) then the price-point would be far more palatable, especially considering that pretty much all of them would require new moulds.

But unfortunately I just don’t see that happening, it’s too good to be true. Plus none of these characters are necessarily associated with the Great Deku Tree either. As long as the Link(s) and Zelda minifigures are top-notch and we get a proper Master Sword / Hylian Shield etc. (seriously, Lego can’t possibly cheap out on these) I’ll still buy this, albeit reluctantly.

The piece count also seems pretty high at 2500 pieces, which to me seems like a bit too much? The survey leak model isn’t that large. I suspect the Great Deku Tree’s interior / navel will also be included to some extent, you can see a cooking pot in the BotW version from the leak.


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