May 28, 20204 yr 2 hours ago, Didumos69 said: They also experimented with the existing fender panels... I need more pics of that green Aventador SVJ!
May 28, 20204 yr 1 hour ago, technic_addict said: ~$550 Canadian after taxes um.....nope. Maybe when it is 30% off at Costco. That'll be almost 2 years down the line unfortunately. The prices are just terrible.
May 28, 20204 yr I really like the look of this. I think that Lego have managed to get the right balance between replicating the shape of the real car, while achieving a technic model that also looks good.
May 28, 20204 yr 3 minutes ago, Abraham5G said: I need more pics of that green Aventador SVJ! You may ask Uwe ...but i doubt of it. Joke appart, it would be very interresting to see the whole design evolution of the model but i am afraid this is ' authorized eyes only' and that TLG will keep it secret. Who knows? Uwe (i know you read this) would it be possible?
May 28, 20204 yr Aarrgh I really want to like this set, for the past few hours I've been willing myself to want to buy it but sadly it's not working, which is a shame as I really wanted something to build to help ease the lockdown blues. But for me the driveline (which is the main mechanical element of any car) is still too unrealistic, too conveluted, too much backlash from having to go through 3 drive rings whereas in a real gearbox you only have to go through 1, and there's still too many axles and too much friction for efficient motorisation. All of that could have been made much much better had they just copied the real gearbox layout. They released new parts for the Chiron gearbox, and those parts have been useful in other sets, but no new parts for this one. It does look absolutely gorgeous though, but if the mechanics aren't there I'm just not going to buy it.
May 28, 20204 yr AWESOME MOC!!! Lego should really learn from this! Waaaaaaaaaaiiiit... Spoiler I believe, we got we were asking for. It IS definitely a very-very good set, good job Uwe, good job LEGO!
May 28, 20204 yr 4 minutes ago, allanp said: Aarrgh I really want to like this set, for the past few hours I've been willing myself to want to buy it but sadly it's not working, which is a shame as I really wanted something to build to help ease the lockdown blues. But for me the driveline (which is the main mechanical element of any car) is still too unrealistic, too conveluted, too much backlash from having to go through 3 drive rings whereas in a real gearbox you only have to go through 1, and there's still too many axles and too much friction for efficient motorisation. All of that could have been made much much better had they just copied the real gearbox layout. They released new parts for the Chiron gearbox, and those parts have been useful in other sets, but no new parts for this one. It does look absolutely gorgeous though, but if the mechanics aren't there I'm just not going to buy it. Buy it, build it, then mod it to suit your taste, job jobbed. I do appreciate that there is no easy way to make your own accurate gearbox internals (i doubt 3 printing has come far enough in terms of tolerances), but you could easily build a new driveline more suited to motorisation, you could even make it RWD only TBH, or this might be an interesting case to see if Sariels 4 speed torque sensing auto works for getting a big heavy car moving for instance. Im not trying to say you should spend huge amounts of money on something you dont like, but with these big technic sets, IMHO, the way it comes out of the box is just the starting point for the next phase of AFOL set ownership, modding it, tweaking it, and making it so that it ends up the way you like it.
May 28, 20204 yr 11 minutes ago, steph77 said: You may ask Uwe ...but i doubt of it. Joke appart, it would be very interresting to see the whole design evolution of the model but i am afraid this is ' authorized eyes only' and that TLG will keep it secret. Who knows? Uwe (i know you read this) would it be possible? Is Uwe the designer? Do you know his contact info (twitter/IG handle)?
May 28, 20204 yr 27 minutes ago, GenericMIKE said: same here. I am in the US and I hope to get the Sian as quick as possible online since all the LEGO stores are still closed. I think in the first few hours of going live it will be back-ordered. Tho, LEGO did state there will be a general release in August. But which retailers will have them? (I've only seen Target carry the Chiron.) I do have an issue with that $380 price point bringing it to $414 after tax in NY is painful esp. when I've been seeing some comments in this thread stating that the Sian is cheaper than the Chiron in their nations. But factors such as the frontal design, awesome mechanism to open doors, amazing rims are a few of factors that had me hold of from Chiron which has such a gorgeous interior and rear bumper. I’m in the US as well; on south California coast, and both the LEGO stores in San Diego and La Jolla are open for “curbside pickup”... I’m intending to give them a call soon and ask how that would work; since both of the stores are not really curbside; but buried inside a “shopping mausoleum”... Otherwise it will be online, and in the worst case I’ll have to wait a little bit... Still, overall quite;...H...A...P...P...Y...
May 28, 20204 yr 1 minute ago, vectormatic said: Buy it, build it, then mod it to suit your taste, job jobbed. I do appreciate that there is no easy way to make your own accurate gearbox internals (i doubt 3 printing has come far enough in terms of tolerances), but you could easily build a new driveline more suited to motorisation, you could even make it RWD only TBH, or this might be an interesting case to see if Sariels 4 speed torque sensing auto works for getting a big heavy car moving for instance. Im not trying to say you should spend huge amounts of money on something you dont like, but with these big technic sets, IMHO, the way it comes out of the box is just the starting point for the next phase of AFOL set ownership, modding it, tweaking it, and making it so that it ends up the way you like it. Sorry but I have to disagree, partly for the reason you said actually. Lego doesn't make the parts to make it realistic. There's not enough gear sizes and the drive rings are too long (why they made then 3 long I don't know!) I would like the option to add a motor but not at the expense of mechanical authenticity. So I don't agree with the "it's Lego, you can make it as you like" argument because it's not possible with the current parts and even if it was I would have to change so much that I'd only be keeping the body, and as beautiful as it is, it's not £350 beautiful. The designer really did do a fantastic job of the body, but the beauty of this car is only skin deep.
May 28, 20204 yr 2 hours ago, Bartybum said: Did you also sputter in rage at how good Canada got it with the Chiron, Liebherr, Charger, Defender and the 4x4? They still get it really good with the Sian at $490CAD, although not as good as the Chiron (thank the gods). Do we though?... because I'm here to tell you, we don't. It's $550 CAD after tax, and I gotta tell ya, I have to work a LOT for $550. Am I going to buy it? Damn right I will, but it's gonna hurt my wallet harder than you think. Edited May 28, 20204 yr by moebiusfactor
May 28, 20204 yr I am so sold on this as of right now, time to do some budget management... (╥﹏╥) Amazing job Uwe, I am very glad the final colour choice was lime green, even though metallic green is definitely more beautiful. Very excited for the new flexaxle lenghths in lime as well, these will be amazing to have (≧◡≦) ♡
May 28, 20204 yr 1 hour ago, allanp said: Sorry but I have to disagree, partly for the reason you said actually. Lego doesn't make the parts to make it realistic. There's not enough gear sizes and the drive rings are too long (why they made then 3 long I don't know!) I would like the option to add a motor but not at the expense of mechanical authenticity. So I don't agree with the "it's Lego, you can make it as you like" argument because it's not possible with the current parts and even if it was I would have to change so much that I'd only be keeping the body, and as beautiful as it is, it's not £350 beautiful. The designer really did do a fantastic job of the body, but the beauty of this car is only skin deep. In my opinion, whether or not the gearbox matches a real gearbox is less of a concern and lets be honest, given that most gearboxes have many electronics these days it is almost impossible to replicate mechanically with Lego. Therefore, I think it is more important that the gearbox is conceptually interesting and perhaps looks to follow a few conceptual aspects of the car it is based on. Likewise with all of the other mechanisms. The key factors for me are how smoothly they work, how sturdy, and of course whether they follow the design concepts of the real car, and finally how they are operated. The real challenging part of the design in my experience is the body, and from the pictures it seems to me that they have nailed it this time in most aspects.
May 28, 20204 yr 3 hours ago, Zerobricks said: Agreed, they had all 8 arms same length, everything perfect and than they put different length steering arms which will cause toe out. TLG finally replicated properly the suspension setup and BANG, let's have longer steering links and therefore toe-out. This is beyond my understanding. 6L links and longer steering rack would be perfect, but no, why would one use those pieces? Pimp up my Lambo modders - please make it right (add ackermann too )!
May 28, 20204 yr Ok I have the Porsche and the Chiron, this HAS to be added along with the land rover and the new haunted house and the tree house and pirate bay. OH the Gods save my credit card.
May 28, 20204 yr Despite the small stylistic inaccuracies, the bodywork definitely seems to be improved over the Chiron, as it really pops with the lime colour, low-slung profile, angles, and unusual lights compared to the Chiron's more refined and understated appearance. Unfortunately, the extreme similarity with the drivetrain is disappointing. However, the Lambo also gets a +1 for the more visible gearbox, mechanical doors, and internally activated wing. Is this enough to justify the $90 (Canadian) price increase? For me, probably not seeing as I already have the Chiron. Another point to consider is the relative lack of new pieces. As far as we know, the Lambo has new rims, wheel arches, and the panels and rotor blades also present in the Osprey. In contrast, in 2018 the Chiron debuted the wave selectors, 20-tooth clutch gears, yellow extension rings, brake disk hubs - all of which are reused on the Lambo - and its own unique rims. Please correct me if I missed anything.
May 28, 20204 yr I whill defenetly buy this car.....The only thig that bothers me is thouse blue pins!!!! I dont understand whay they dont use the black ones ?
May 28, 20204 yr 1 hour ago, ctx1769 said: Ok I have the Porsche and the Chiron, this HAS to be added along with the land rover and the new haunted house and the tree house and pirate bay. OH the Gods save my credit card. I agree. Have both the Porsche and the Bugatti. I have the treehouse; and am eyeing Pirate Bay and Haunted House as well... But this Lamborghini is definitely moving up to the first place on the "wanted/buy" list !
May 28, 20204 yr If I remember correctly, the chiron had 16 gears (with 8 different speeds). And upshifting in gear 8 would go back to gear 1. Is it the same on the sian?
May 28, 20204 yr 32 minutes ago, lmdesigner42 said: Despite the small stylistic inaccuracies, the bodywork definitely seems to be improved over the Chiron, as it really pops with the lime colour, low-slung profile, angles, and unusual lights compared to the Chiron's more refined and understated appearance. Unfortunately, the extreme similarity with the drivetrain is disappointing. However, the Lambo also gets a +1 for the more visible gearbox, mechanical doors, and internally activated wing. Is this enough to justify the $90 (Canadian) price increase? For me, probably not seeing as I already have the Chiron. Another point to consider is the relative lack of new pieces. As far as we know, the Lambo has new rims, wheel arches, and the panels and rotor blades also present in the Osprey. In contrast, in 2018 the Chiron debuted the wave selectors, 20-tooth clutch gears, yellow extension rings, brake disk hubs - all of which are reused on the Lambo - and its own unique rims. Please correct me if I missed anything. No, I think you're about right. But it sounds to me that you're planning on missing this Lamborghini, and I think that could be a big mistake... (Just think a moment on all the buyers who left "Cafe Corner" alone when the modular buildings came out; and what those now sell for,... even used !)...
May 28, 20204 yr OK - looks kind of cool. But otherwise - we get just another (overpriced imho) sports car with apart of the more complex gear box has no interesting funtionalities. I'm kind of appalled by the marketing speak: "Powered by passion! No batteries are required for this LEGO Technic set, so you can get stuck into your immersive building project right away." which basically translates into: "No, you don't get any motors, lights or whatsoever. This would cost a bazillion." Suddendly, the 42100 Liebherr appears like a bargain. But, heads up - we get tons of parts in lime green. I see great Claas Mocs around the corner.
May 28, 20204 yr 4 hours ago, steph77 said: Uwe (i know you read this) Did my moaning about poor suspension geometry have an effect?!!
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