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An all new LEGO mobile game is now available and they don't appear to have neglected the LEGO Pirates...

LEGO® Legacy Heroes Unboxed – Apps on Google Play.jpg


Immerse yourself in a vibrant LEGO® universe full of action, battles, sets and heroes! Your favourite minifigures and sets are busting out of the box in the most vibrant turn-based RPG ever assembled.

Battle your way to the top of the leaderboard with teams of iconic heroes from the LEGO themes you love, and prepare for action-packed RPG campaigns that will take you all the way from the high seas to space.





Hope this will lead to some form of LEGACY line of sets , not just Ninjago but all sorts of old themes under 1 name.

So we can actually "Unbox" those heroes in physical form (again).

Edited by TeriXeri

31 minutes ago, TeriXeri said:

Hope this will lead to some form of LEGACY line of sets , not just Ninjago but all sorts of old themes under 1 name.

So we can actually "Unbox" those heroes in physical form (again).

You know, that would be a great idea. I was recently looking back at classic sets and found the variety those old sets had to be the best part about them, to see some of them reimagined would be great.

besides that, the game has am interesting mix of both modern and classic pirate mini figs and sets, like how the admiral, cook, and pirate queen from 2015 are used, but the captain is good old red beard, and the imperial soldiers are also classic figures, on top of a few others. For the sets, they use the 2015 brick bounty but otherwise they are all classic sets.

Man, in another universe,  this could have been LEGO Dimensions. 


Imagine going through a level based on Monster Hunters,  as Captain Red Beard, using a Blacktron weapon/build.


I don't particularly care about Mobile games,  but what the Lego group is doing,  or has been doing has me curious and optimistic!

One of the really cool things is that the game designers seem to have kept all the existing names for the LEGO characters, however obscure. For example, the 6281 variant of the green Armada figure is called Valiant, a fairly obscure name from the UK Bricks 'n Pieces magazine. Even better, some of the previously unnamed characters are now identified! Calling @Runamuck!

Private LaQuay (Classic 1989 bluecoat soldier)

Darwin (The red striped, blue bandanna, gray pants wearing pirate that appeared first in the 1989 6257 Castaways Raft)

Scarlett the Buccaneer (The scarred female pirate with the large sword from the 2013 Classic Pirates minifigure set)

Princess Argenta (The red female pirate from the 2015 Treasure Island set)

Cook Bart (The Pirate cook from 2015's Brick Bounty)

Admiral Nonsuch (The bluecoat admiral, also from 2015's Brick Bounty)

There are some classic non-Pirate character receiving names for the first time as well, such as Doctor Kelvin, who for years was known as the Ice Planet Babe. Good to see her get a proper name at last. I wonder if the development team came up with all of these names, or if they were provided a list by LEGO.




The balance of the game is a bit questionable at the moment. I'm a top-10 player in the game right now and it is almost impossible to win with all-Pirates team. The synergy isn't there at the moment, and that's probably the reason why Gameloft has introduced 2 new Pirates heroes in the game.

Having said that, I do enjoy the presence of Pirates, along with classic Space and Castle.

Btw @Mister Phes are you using Windows version? It's interesting that I don't see the "NINJAGO set" in both iOS and Android versions.

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On 3/2/2020 at 4:39 PM, makoy said:

Btw @Mister Phes are you using Windows version? It's interesting that I don't see the "NINJAGO set" in both iOS and Android versions.

As far as I've got  is watching the trailer.  I doubt I'll have time to actually play it.

I don't know that I'd recommend it; the gameplay is awfully tedious. I did notice from the YouTube videos that as you level up your characters, you get fun trivia facts and slightly more character details as well, so there is some added incentive. These would be interesting to read; I think collecting them might be in@jamesster wheelhouse. :grin:

On 3/1/2020 at 4:40 PM, TalonCard said:

There are some classic non-Pirate character receiving names for the first time as well, such as Doctor Kelvin, who for years was known as the Ice Planet Babe. Good to see her get a proper name at last. I wonder if the development team came up with all of these names, or if they were provided a list by LEGO.

Paging @Tazakk - pretty sure there's something about that character maybe having a name in some old marketing booklet that hasn't ever been recovered(?), Major Ursa or something. I think it was only mentioned in some old rec.toys.lego post or somewhere else like that...?

22 minutes ago, TalonCard said:

I don't know that I'd recommend it; the gameplay is awfully tedious. I did notice from the YouTube videos that as you level up your characters, you get fun trivia facts and slightly more character details as well, so there is some added incentive. These would be interesting to read; I think collecting them might be in@jamesster wheelhouse. :grin:

I'm more inclined to just rip stuff right from the game data, haha - already did that with an earlier beta release of it. There wasn't a ton to find in it at the time, but perhaps there is now.

Edited by jamesster

22 minutes ago, jamesster said:

Paging @Tazakk - pretty sure there's something about that character maybe having a name in some old marketing booklet that hasn't ever been recovered(?), Major Ursa or something. I think it was only mentioned in some old rec.toys.lego post or somewhere else like that...?

December 17 1996 - user "JohnKelly" claimed that Lego had names for all the minifigures in space at that time, as well as the other themes. He only remembered the red haired ice planet astronaut was Major Urusa:


I was in the model shop when Ice Planet rolled out.  That summer before
it came out, they passed around a theme summary that named all of the
mini firgures in the theme.  Turned out there were names for the other
themes as well.  Pity I didn't write it down, or I'd be able to post
it.  The one that I do remeber is the red haired woman from Ice Planet
was Major Urusa.

I wondered at the time I discovered this if this may have been a typo and the name was actually Major Ursa, since that'd be an obvious pun on Ursa Major. It wouldn't be the only typo in that post.

Edited by Tazakk

And the ice planet leader was named Bear in some sources too, right? So Ursa would fit. Anyone know who JohnKelly was? I was actually on rec.toys.lego, but not until a year or two later. (I'm so old!)

Major Dr. Ursa Kelvin, perhaps?

On 2/29/2020 at 4:09 PM, TeriXeri said:

Hope this will lead to some form of LEGACY line of sets , not just Ninjago but all sorts of old themes under 1 name.

So we can actually "Unbox" those heroes in physical form (again).

Is there any way to convey this message to Lego?

I mean, it would be really great to have legacy sets in the literal way.

Based on the game or in relation to it, LEGO could bring out a series of legacy sets covering stuff like space, castles, pirates and other, just one or depending two per topic. I mean clean sets in the first place, which can be mixed by the builder, but also kept separate, not like this time travel them once.

This would be really great

While I’m a bit skeptical of mobile games, I have to say that the info from this game sounds fairly interesting.


So let me see if I get this right:


This is Private LaQuay.


This is Darwin.


This is Scarlett the Buccaneer.


This is Princess Argenta.


This is Cook Bart.


And this is Admiral Nonsuch.


This is very interesting.

Are there any old names that are being used in the game besides Captain Valiant? It would be quite interesting if an official source finally gave Flashfork a figure.


Any good links to where one could see the trivia and character facts that can be unlocked besides in the game itself?

It seems their main sources of info about all the characters were sites like Brickset, Brickipedia, etc. For starters, here's the internal names for some random minifigures:

  • minifig_johnny_thunder_adv010 (As far as I know he's not actually in-game yet, but there's some data for him)
  • minifig_crusader_axe_cas105
  • minifig_demolition_dummy_col008
  • minifig_ice_planet_babe_sp017
  • minifig_ice_planet_chief_sp019
  • minifig_spyrius_droid_sp041

AFAIK, the naming system like "cas105" is entirely fan-created and used on sites like Brickset.

Here's the internal pirates character names - note there's a duplicate of pi061:

  • minifig_admiral_pi149a
  • minifig_captain_valiant_pi015
  • minifig_castaway_pi100
  • minifig_governor_pi117
  • minifig_governors_daughter_pi121
  • minifig_green_scar_pirate_pi143
  • minifig_imperial_soldier_pi061
  • minifig_pirate_cook_pi164
  • minifig_pirate_pi041
  • minifig_pirate_princess_pi165
  • minifig_pirate_red_pi043
  • minifig_private_laquay_pi061
  • minifig_redbeard_pi055

Likewise, the trivia seems to mostly be stuff they pulled from sites like Brickipedia. Here's the trivia text for the Spyrius Droid/Major Kartofski, pulled from Data\Localization\MFSP041SpyriusDroid_en.json:

  • Premiered in 1994.
  • Appeared in 5 sets.
  • Had a speaking role in a LEGO commercial featuring the Spyrius faction.
  • Was the most prominently featured member of the Spyrius faction.
  • One LEGO magazine suggests this minifigure's helmet is magical and can turn the minifigure (but not its hands) invisible.
  • Had a cameo in the Space Police III videos.

Now take a look at the Brickipedia page for him: https://brickipedia.fandom.com/wiki/Spyrius_Droid (I'm pretty sure they wouldn't have even called him Major Kartofski if I hadn't added all that to the page, haha - that sort of thing has happened before with DK books pulling info straight from Brickipedia, including mistakes)

Characters don't always have the same amount of trivia, for example, there's only two for Private LaQuay:

  • Debuted in 1989.
  • Appeared in 7 LEGO Pirate sets.

Thrilling stuff. :tongue:

Here's Redbeard's:

  • Redbeard was introduced in 1989 and initially stopped being produced in 1997.
  • Appeared in 14 sets.
  • Redbeard's first name is Roger.
  • Redbeard was the first-ever minifigure with a hook and peg leg.
  • Redbeard made his triumphant return to production in 1999, 2002, and 2015.
  • Appeared in 3 LEGO games.

Again, seems like someone just skimmed over the Brickipedia article: https://brickipedia.fandom.com/wiki/Captain_Redbeard So don't expect anything really new for us hardcore fans, haha.

Willa the Witch is a fairly major character in the game, so here's her trivia:

  • Premiered in 1995. (Should actually be 1997)
  • Has appeared in 5 sets.
  • Is also known as Hubble Bubble in the UK.
  • Appeared in the \"Lego Racers\" video game. (They forgot to make LEGO all upper caps there, lolwhoops)
  • Is the first minifigure to use a black version of the Wizard's Hat piece.
  • Her broomstick comes from the Fabuland product line.
  • Is a minifigure only found in the Fright Knights subtheme.

Not 100% of that info can be found on her Brickipedia page: https://brickipedia.fandom.com/wiki/Willa_the_Witch So they must have done some other amount of searching elsewhere - perhaps here? http://legosteveblog.blogspot.com/2012/02/lego-fright-knights-1997-1998.html


New elements for this wave come in the form of new torso prints, a new bat helm, a crystal ball, a bat fig, and best of all, the chain piece we all love nowadays. They also repainted the Green Dragon from the Dragon Masters theme with a nice coat of black and gave him the name Draco; this theme also stole the broomstick piece from the Fabuland line.

Or perhaps they just looked at her Bricklink inventory, haha.

Anyway, you get the idea - so far I haven't found anything really new in the trivia points. I'm pretty sure when the internet didn't have a name immediately on hand for a character, they decided to come up with their own. The game's story and setting is framed as a bunch of minifigures in a real life house, which they of course see as this big sprawling world, and I wouldn't be surprised if the whole story was intended as a LEGO Movie-esque "kid playing with their toys" type thing. So while you have some kinda weird stuff like Princess Storm being a villain (???), it totally makes sense in that context, it's not like kids really care about established story, they just take bits and pieces of it and make up their own stuff. Charming game... Except for the aggressive microtransactions, which kinda ruin it for me... Oh well.

Edit: Ok, browsing again now, and the bios are sometimes kind of entertaining, and there are a fair few new names. I'll just dump the full JSON files that store the text for them. Also note there's only 11 of these; minifig_pirate_red_pi043 mentioned earlier doesn't actually seem to be implemented in the game enough to have a text file:

Edit again: LOLWHOOPS it seems somebody got confused by some unspecific wording on Brickipedia and thought "Medieval Mischief and Mayhem" was a video game...


      "Text":"Appeared in the \"LEGO Island 2,\" \"LEGO Creator Knights' Kingdom,\" and \"Knights' Kingdom: Medieval Mischief and Mayhem\" video games.",

The game has an official Discord server where some developers hang out and read bug reports/feedback though, so I'm letting them know about some of the minor mistakes, sounds like they'll be fixed.

Edited by jamesster

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On 3/9/2020 at 5:17 AM, jamesster said:

It seems their main sources of info about all the characters were sites like Brickset, Brickipedia, etc. For starters, here's the internal names for some random minifigures:

This is some fascinating stuff - thank you for the thorough investigation! :thumbup:

So I take you're a developer?

Interesting to note the new character names...


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