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Day Four - Data's Day


...None other than Q!

"Ah, the emotionless android. Nice try, but you'll have to do better than that." Q said, smug.


With five players, a majority of three is required to lynch. 48 hours remain in the day. 
With five players, a majority of three is required to extend the day an extra 24 hours for a maximum of 72 hours.

Players (5):
Captain Jean-Luc Picard - Lind Whisperer
Commander William T. Riker - Darkdragon
Lieutenant Commander Deanna Troi - Hinckley
Lieutenant Worf - Fugazi
Ensign Wesley Crusher - Pandora

Lost in Space (3):
Lieutenant Commander Beverly Crusher - mostlytechnic (scum)
Lieutenant Commander Geordi LaForge - KotZ (town)
Lieutenant Commander Data - Trekkie99 (town)

Rules (Please Read!)
1) There are eight players. Two of those players are Q's scum. The other six are loyal Starfleet Officers. There are no third party players.
2) A game day will last for a minimum of 48 hours. You may vote at any time during the day. You must vote. A player must be lynched every day or else. A majority of players can vote to extend the day by 24 hours once, meaning the day would be a maximum of 72 hours. This majority has to be reached before the 48 hour mark.
3) There are no night actions in this game. The Starfleet Officers win by voting out all of Q's scum and the scum win by outnumbering or tying the town in a parity.
4) Use the power of the vote to win this game.
5) The alignment of players that have been voted out will be revealed the next day.
6) Under the honor rule, there will be no PMing in this game, except for the scum
7) Don't quote anything that the host sends you via PM
8) Once you are voted out, you may not post in thread or discuss the game with any players.
9) Don't edit your posts!
10) There's no clues anywhere.
11) You must post in every day thread! 

Vote: Extend the day

Having read what happened at the end of Day Three, I'm not surprised Data was town. Up until that last moment he was scummy as hell, and then he became a saint for the town. I hope the wizard gives you your heart or you become a real boy or whatever good things can happen to you, Data. In doing what he did at the moment that he did, Data has at least provided clarity. 

It's The Forg. The other scum is The Forg. The only person relentlessly pursuing me and not even willing to consider other actions. Picard and Troi at the end of yesterday did everything they could, along with Data, for the good of the town. I believe Riker has been acting in the interests of the town. I believe I have too, in trying very hard not to get a townie (me) lynched. Forg basically posted a guilt-ridden apology yesterday, after changing his tune about why he even suspected me. He has been utterly unwilling to consider anything else. Troi's not going to like it, but it's Forg.

So here's my view on things. I'm going to Vote: Lieutenant Worf (Fugazi) and if you agree with me then vote for Forg too.

If you disagree with me, vote for me, and when you see I am town you must, must, must get rid of Forg. I'm ok with it, vote me off as long as Forg goes the next day. It'd be nice if we could just vote him off now and wrap all this up, but having railed against this for so long I really don't expect that to happen, so vote me off and then vote Forg off. It's The Forg.

Vote: Extend the Day

I'm sorry I missed that craziness at the end of the day. I am surprised that Data was town based on all play yesterday ad previous days except for that last hour. I don't know if voting for himself was the right move but i guess "death" is really the only way have to prove ourselves in Q's rediculous game.

To answer one of Deanna's questions in the last moments of yesterday, I can't speak for everyone else but I voted to extend the day in the hope that the silent folks still voting on Wesley would have a chance to discuss/read/come to some better conclusion. I guess they finally did revote but it was still for another townie, so it wasn't all that useful in the end. Unless we really can recover from this by looking closely at what he said.

As for Wesley's current vote, I'm going to have to look back at all the other days because that was not a person on my radar at all. Deanna could be right and maybe we get blinded by who people are and don't want to consider them.

6 hours ago, Pandora said:

Having read what happened at the end of Day Three, I'm not surprised Data was town. Up until that last moment he was scummy as hell, and then he became a saint for the town. I hope the wizard gives you your heart or you become a real boy or whatever good things can happen to you, Data. In doing what he did at the moment that he did, Data has at least provided clarity. 

It's The Forg. The other scum is The Forg. The only person relentlessly pursuing me and not even willing to consider other actions. Picard and Troi at the end of yesterday did everything they could, along with Data, for the good of the town. I believe Riker has been acting in the interests of the town. I believe I have too, in trying very hard not to get a townie (me) lynched. Forg basically posted a guilt-ridden apology yesterday, after changing his tune about why he even suspected me. He has been utterly unwilling to consider anything else. Troi's not going to like it, but it's Forg.

So here's my view on things. I'm going to Vote: Lieutenant Worf (Fugazi) and if you agree with me then vote for Forg too.

If you disagree with me, vote for me, and when you see I am town you must, must, must get rid of Forg. I'm ok with it, vote me off as long as Forg goes the next day. It'd be nice if we could just vote him off now and wrap all this up, but having railed against this for so long I really don't expect that to happen, so vote me off and then vote Forg off. It's The Forg.

Vote: Extend the Day

Things that make you go Hmmmm...

So, why was Forg the first vote on Beverly? WIFOM?

Yesterday's actions, even those at the end of the day, made me continue to suspect Picard, even with the personality-ectomy. He had the opportunity to achieve a lynch with Wesley. He pushed the Data lynch and even suggested that Data should vote himself out. This can be seen as attempting to not lynch. Why would Data vote for himself if he was Town? I'm seriously considering making a rule against self-voting in my next game. Ugh. Ugh, ugh, ugh. I've got a non-peaceful, uneasy feeling.

I had the capability to un-vote Data after his "saint-hood" but I also (needed bacon cheeseburger) thought it would be a diabolical and risky move for him to make, and would chalk him up to taking such a risk, if he were Scum trying to convince us he was Town.

I'm getting the same sinking feeling that I got the first time around with this setup. :sceptic: I was kind of hoping the Scum would get a kill. I'd be more inclined to believe Forg was Scum if they didn't kill him and was kind of hoping I would be put out of my misery...

The end to Day Three was bonkers.


I'm not sure I see Data's move as sainthood-worthy and Wesley's proclamation thereof feels off to me. Wesley's entire post seems off to me. And I've had two bacon double cheeseburgers, lots of fries, and two whiskeys and a long sleep so I'm seeing more clearly now.

I'm curious, Wesley, why the line in the sand today? Why is it either you or Forg? I don't understand the sudden, definitive stance, solely based on the fact that he's been pursuing your lynch. This is Forg-y to me. He insisted on lynching The Traveler in the last game, due to unknowns. He's a smart, effective player, yet stubborn. He wants to be sure of things and there remain questions swirling around you, so pursuing your lynch is a logical course of action to take. I'm not doing so, only because I hate lynching someone without concrete evidence, because I don't want to hurt other people's feelings. I flail like a fish out of water. I'm curious to hear how everyone else...who else is left???...feels about this.

Ugh, the more I read Wesley and Riker's posts, the more confused I get about the best path forward. I need more cheeseburgers and a nap.


15 minutes ago, Hinckley said:

So, why was Forg the first vote on Beverly? WIFOM?

I don't think he thought it would actually gain traction, and nobody would suspect the first person to vote for scum if they should be eventually lynched.

15 minutes ago, Hinckley said:

Yesterday's actions, even those at the end of the day, made me continue to suspect Picard, even with the personality-ectomy. He had the opportunity to achieve a lynch with Wesley. He pushed the Data lynch and even suggested that Data should vote himself out. This can be seen as attempting to not lynch. Why would Data vote for himself if he was Town?

The way I saw it was that Data actually preferred to be lynched himself than let the scum decide who would die. I believe Picard understood that goal and suggested a way to achieve it by unconventional means (Data voting for himself.) I don't believe either Data or Picard were aiming for no-lynch. They were actively working to avoid it, and we have the confirmation of Data's status as town to back it up.

15 minutes ago, Hinckley said:

I was kind of hoping the Scum would get a kill. I'd be more inclined to believe Forg was Scum if they didn't kill him and was kind of hoping I would be put out of my misery...

You accuse others of trying for a no-lynch (when they clearly weren't) and yet say you were kind of hoping the scum would get a kill. 

15 minutes ago, Hinckley said:

I'm not sure I see Data's move as sainthood-worthy and Wesley's proclamation thereof feels off to me. Wesley's entire post seems off to me.

Like I said, if you don't like it then vote for me. 

15 minutes ago, Hinckley said:

I'm curious, Wesley, why the line in the sand today? Why is it either you or Forg? I don't understand the sudden, definitive stance, solely based on the fact that he's been pursuing your lynch. This is Forg-y to me. He insisted on lynching The Traveler in the last game, due to unknowns. He's a smart, effective player, yet stubborn. He wants to be sure of things and there remain questions swirling around you, so pursuing your lynch is a logical course of action to take. I'm not doing so, only because I hate lynching someone without concrete evidence, because I don't want to hurt other people's feelings. I flail like a fish out of water. I'm curious to hear how everyone else...who else is left???...feels about this.

As I've also already said, the events at the end of yesterday provided some clarity. Ironically clarity that you are now somewhat clouding. The fact that Riker has been willing to listen and evaluate evidence other than just about me, and the actions of Picard in conjunction with Data to prevent the scum from getting a night kill - well, that's one definite town (Data - we all wondered) and two likely townies. I know I'm town, and until this post I kinda thought you were too, so that left Forg. 

If I had been lynched earlier to yesterday's revelations, I don't think it would have helped as much, but now if I prove I'm town you all might look at people in a different perspective, and there's still time to lynch again tomorrow without me, as there are enough townies still to outnumber the scum. 

Forg didn't insist on lynching the traveller in the last game, I remember it quite clearly because I was the one he said he should have listened to and lynched the traveller sooner. He is not so inflexible as to utterly tunnel in on one person. I really feel like you're creeping up to The Forg. He's lovely and everything, but the whole of your post makes me decidedly uneasy about your motives with a lot of things. The self-deprecation is an odd fit on you, too. So maybe it isn't The Forg, maybe it's you. If you don't like that, vote me out.



earlier *than yesterday's revelations

Vote: Wesley(Pandora)

Why? Because I keep my promises. And I promised Data I would cast a first vote. (Wesley beat me to Fworg).

Unvote: Wesley(Pandora)

If Wesley's scum, he's doing a master job of it. He keeps throwing the option of his own lynch out there. "Just get rid of Fworg when I come up town!"

Troinkley's repeating what I said on Day Three - long, energetic posts. But, he seems to have stopped, or slowed down, saying "If I was a scum...". Interesting.

Riker's post boils down primarily to fluff. :thumbdown:

Fworg: MIA.

Picard: I gave a run-down of my actions at the end of yesterday. Wesley posted further clarification.

Pretty much everyone on this list gives me red flags, including me (from an outside perspective).

Vote to extend.

As a thought experiment. I decided to make a list of possible night targets for each of us, if we were scum.

Troinckley: Picard, Fworg, Riker(Wesley is too high profile.)

Wesley: Riker(Fworg is too high profile, Troi causes confusion, and I'm not as hard on him as old Picard)

Riker: Picard, Fworg(Troi/Wesley lovefest allows him to stay shadowed)

Fworg: Picard, Riker(See above, R. T/W)

Picard: Fworg? Not really anyone I can imagine myself safely axing. Wesley seems to stand up for me - I've mentioned Troi, but I suppose I could pull him off, but, then what? Fworg would take a day of lynching, and I'm the only one looking at Riker, so in a Wesley/Riker/me standoff, Wesley would probably flip Riker.

I agree with Troi that a scum kill could be informative, except that looking over the list, it, would almost certainly be me. I'm the easiest name to knock off, for everyone except maybe Wesley. Unless he knocks me off as a twist, because why would he kill the person that's interceded for him?

How convenient is it that Welsey would choose to go after me on the day I announced I would be less present. That's certainly not scummy at all. But it must be a coincidence, right? :sweet:

Anyway, you go on lynching townie after townie until there's none left. The reason I'm intent on lynching Wesley is that's he's my main suspect since Day 2 and for some reason he's still around. A real Scum wouldn't be focused on anyone in particular, as long as Townies keep getting lynched. Like what Wesley is going for, switching targets day after day. Deanna as well for that matter. Wake up Town. :hmpf_bad:

Before I forget:

Vote: Wesley

Vote: extend day

1 hour ago, Fugazi said:

How convenient is it that Welsey would choose to go after me on the day I announced I would be less present.

And yet here you are. You're perfectly capable of defending yourself, and any time you'd like to actually start, I'd love to hear it. :sweet: 

1 hour ago, Fugazi said:

Anyway, you go on lynching townie after townie until there's none left.

I'm not lynching anybody - I was the hot favourite to be lynched yesterday and it was Data who lynched himself

1 hour ago, Fugazi said:

The reason I'm intent on lynching Wesley is that's he's my main suspect since Day 2 and for some reason he's still around.

I'm still around because I've done a decent job of defending myself, sorry. That and I am town. You still can't say why I'm your main suspect, though, can you? Is it still because of Bev today? Or is it because I just bloody well won't go away? You have not once stopped and thought "Hmm, maybe I have it wrong? Maybe I should consider some other potential suspects?" even though your entire case is rubbish and changes every day.

1 hour ago, Fugazi said:

A real Scum wouldn't be focused on anyone in particular, as long as Townies keep getting lynched. Like what Wesley is going for, switching targets day after day. Deanna as well for that matter. Wake up Town. :hmpf_bad:

Oooooh. wAkE uP sHeEpLe!! :tongue: 

A real townie (it's so much nicer to think of it in those terms than What Would Scum Do) lacks knowledge and insight, and so reassesses the situation all the time, especially as the situations change. A real townie doesn't know who anyone really is, so gets confused by motives sometimes. A real townie listens to some of the other players. 

A colder response to that would be: well of course my suspects change each day, because the previous suspects are dead.

I am quite happy to be lynched and proven town, and then the town will come for you Forg. They better come for you Forg. My team can still win if I die, yours can't.

You're  starting to distort the truth. Look back at day one and read it carefully. I laid out my case against Beverly and kept at it, arguing with her until she was gone. I didn't just place a poke vote then forgot about it.

Wesley dismissed my case against Beverly and went in a different direction. Basic mafia rules tell that suspicious behavior must be tested. If you (town) are not going to do it, it's not for my lack of trying.

I do have other suspects, as I mentioned before. Someone even said that I was lining up Deanna for a lynch down the road. Yes, if there's anyone freaking out and shuffling the cards in this game it's Deanna. She keeps switching votes and being indecisive, which is just like her but also quite over the top in this game. I do think that a Scum is bound to profit from two Townies arguing against each other without the situation being settled. With barely enough players left, a desperate plan would be to lynch Wesley and me, then Deanna before not enough townies are left. Does that make sense?

OK, fine. Let's take a closer look at what transpired on Day Two. If you don't like what I have to say...um, don't vote me out? Because that's not how it works. It's not "I disagree with your thinking, I'm going to vote for you." It's "I find your words and actions Scummy." So Wesley's entire diatribe of "If you don't like it, vote for me" is adding to my uneasiness of him continuously avoiding the lynch.

Wesley defending his mother more times than just refusing to join the bandwagon that had formed against her. Here's the first one:

On 2/21/2020 at 10:12 AM, Hinckley said:

Wait a second. Almighty @Bob How do lynches occur? Is it a majority or most votes? If it's majority, we seem to be trekking ( :laugh: ) the path of spreading out the vote like @mostlytechnic just loves to play this game. In the last Star Trek game, the Scum got a night kill if there was no lynch. If it's most votes, this is less of a concern. But if it's majority, then the other conversation that might be occurring on the Scum writeboard could be:


On 2/21/2020 at 1:48 PM, Pandora said:

Metagaming much? :look: 

Um...no? In a post where I am actually pointing the finger at Kyle and Picard, Why does Wesley react to this? I'm asking about the mechanics of the game and demonstrating the if we play like mostlytechnic did in Thack Desteck, the Scum will get to kill us at night. I'm not blaming mostlytechnic for spreading out the vote in this post, I'm simply pointing out that mostlytechnic liked this strategy in the last game. I'm warning against being like mostlytechnic, the Town player, not accusing mostlytechnic of trying to garner a kill for the Scum. I'm warning the Town to not use the Town-tactic that Town-mostlytechnic used in the last game. So, who am I metagaming? The game itself? Am I metagaming a game? :wacko:

On 2/21/2020 at 7:07 PM, mostlytechnic said:

Thanks for defending me, son. Oh shoot, did I just out us as the scum team? I mean, that would be just like Q to team us up. Or maybe he'd split our family so one of us has to kill the other. Dang, now I'm getting confused.


On 2/22/2020 at 5:42 AM, Pandora said:

I love you Mom, but I wasn't defending you, it was more a reaction to Deanna. Please don't kill me Mom, I'll tidy my room!

Beverly sees it as a defense but Wesley is quick to distance himself, then mumbles something about a reaction to me. For why??? Why react to me trying to convince the Town not to spread the vote out?

On 2/21/2020 at 1:48 PM, Pandora said:

Metagaming much? :look: 

You're basically saying six out of eight people are suspect? Way to narrow it down. :hmpf: :laugh:  Mom and Commander Data don't have any votes yet, and you said yourself you're only leaving your vote on Mr LaForge because you'll be drunk later, so you could change it and start the ball rolling if you don't like how the votes are spread. I mean, why keep your vote on Mr LaForge, the one person you literally just said might be the exception to your suspicion? Especially if you're worried about trying to obscure voting patterns prior to a night kill? 

So, she "defends" Mom since I mentioned her name and now is casting suspicion on me. And does she vote for me? Nope. But she, later, votes for Picard for casting suspicion on me, but not voting, despite that being the thing she just did.

On 2/22/2020 at 5:42 AM, Pandora said:

You admit you don't have much to go on, and then say you'd LOVE to vote for someone else (we'll get to the hazy logic around why later) - so why not just vote for the person you'd LOVE to vote for and maybe not vote for the exact person they're voting for? 

Plus, you'll never replace my real father! :sing: 


That's quite a reaction to a mere suggestion of scumminess. :look: You said you'd LOVE to vote for her for this. :wacko: 

This is such a weak, weak reason to say he's suggesting you might be scum. You'd have to be ridiculously hyper-sensitive for this to even register, and for this to go so far as to almost generate an OMGUS vote is utterly crazy. Too much, Captain, so I will:

Unvote: Worf (Fugazi) and Vote: Captain Jean-Luc Picard (Kristel)

And what is in that snipped part? Another defense of Mom.

On 2/21/2020 at 7:07 PM, mostlytechnic said:

Glad to see people saw my deliberately bad logic. Congratulations.


On 2/22/2020 at 5:42 AM, Pandora said:

You're probably gonna have to use the :sarcasm_hmpf: a bit more Mom.

Ok, so it wasn't just Geordi who thought that.

I love you Mom, but I wasn't defending you, it was more a reaction to Deanna. Please don't kill me Mom, I'll tidy my room!

This can, of course, be seen two ways: 1, as he has said, he understood it was a joke and therefore a bad reason to vote for his Mom. But, also, another defense. How would he know this was a joke when people were reacting to it, already, as a Scummy post. Forg and I had already voted for Beverly and Beverly hadn't been there yet to clarify her statement as a joke. I still don't get the joke. I can, now, see it as sarcasm in that he was explaining that his first statement regarding Picard not being Scum because he's the captain as a joke, but the declaration of deliberate bad logic pinged me and Forg, clearly, yet Wesley was able to see it as a joke. And swooped in to do so. And then continued to distance himself from Mom, two sentences away. And while I'm at it, what was with that sentence in the middle regarding Beverly's claim of not understanding the rules regarding the voting to extend the day. "It wasn't just Geordi who thought that." And??? Why is that pinging me? Back to the non-defense defense followed by a declaration of non-defense for the previous defense. Maybe I'm trying to shove a square peg into a round hole here, but I'm trying to put myself in Scum Perspective and see how they would both, assuming Wesley is Scum, think that we should all have seen Beverly's statement as inocuous.

In the mean time, here's Forg's case against Beverly:

On 2/21/2020 at 9:39 PM, Fugazi said:

Totally so, Mr Scummypants! Now that you're acting natural again, I just can't keep my vote on you. :tongue:

Deliberately bad logic? Wut? OMG it was a trap! :wacko:

You're right, it wasn't needed. Aren't you being overly careful here? Like in, making sure you don't stick out from the pack...

Don't worry, everything is random and character bios don't have a bearing on player alignment. This must be your first game here. :snicker:

Yes, always a winning strategy. We all know scum don't really pay attention to the game and are so afraid to slip up that they would rather not speak at all.

Ok, this is all really fishy.

Unvote: red shirt (Hinckley)

Vote: blue shirt (mostlytechnic)

Nah, the show is actually called "Star Trek: Nobody Likes Klingons With Bald Heads And Four Nostrils". But I digress.

This is not, as Wesley claims, just a first vote to, potentially-assuming Forg is Scum, make him look more Townie later as the first vote against Beverly, or distancing himself from her by voting for her at all. This is a case against Beverly. It's one thing for Scum to vote for a Scum buddy to create distance, but to actually pick apart Beverly's contributions at that point and spell out a clear case against her is a huge risk. He doesn't just say "I get a crazy Scummy feeling from this statement, can you clarify?" He goes through the rest of Beverly's posts and finds other Scum-tells and points them out to all of us. Yes, he's capable of running this as a winning Scum gambit, yes. Genius Forg. But, Occam's Razor, let's look at all of these interactions from Day One together and look at it as Wesley is insisting we do, Wesley vs. Forg. What does it look like to everyone else?

4 hours ago, Pandora said:

The way I saw it was that Data actually preferred to be lynched himself than let the scum decide who would die. I believe Picard understood that goal and suggested a way to achieve it by unconventional means (Data voting for himself.) I don't believe either Data or Picard were aiming for no-lynch. They were actively working to avoid it, and we have the confirmation of Data's status as town to back it up.

Of course, this is what Data's intentions were, but how can you be so sure about Picard? I wish I had the luxury of putting anybody in the definite Town category. I believe Picard was also around after Data voted for himself and had the option, as I did, of un-voting Data to keep a Townie. I've explained why I didn't try to save Data despite having the opportunity. Did Picard have the same option and if so, why didn't he take the opportunity? Wouldn't a "real Townie" have this question of both of us? Picard also had the easier option of voting for you to avoid the Scum getting a night kill. You voted against Picard for his actions on Day One and now he's a definite Townie, in your eyes. The player may have changed but the role didn't. Couldn't the change in behavior be chalked up to a player with more time to dedicate to a Scum tactic? We have evidence from Picard's posts yesterday that he did suspect you, making you a viable candidate for his vote. He could've just hammered you. I don't chalk it up to being a Townie that he decided not to. If he's the Scum and you're Town, keeping you around would keep scrutiny off of him as two vocal and active players have been building a case against you for days now. I do not trust Picard based on anything he did yesterday. If you don't like that...then, don't like it. Again, a difference in perspective or opinion isn't a sign of Scumminess.

4 hours ago, Pandora said:

As I've also already said, the events at the end of yesterday provided some clarity. Ironically clarity that you are now somewhat clouding. The fact that Riker has been willing to listen and evaluate evidence other than just about me, and the actions of Picard in conjunction with Data to prevent the scum from getting a night kill - well, that's one definite town (Data - we all wondered) and two likely townies. I know I'm town, and until this post I kinda thought you were too, so that left Forg.


"If I can convince you all to lynch Forg, I know he'll flip Town, so I'd better start planting the seeds for a Deanna lynch..."


4 hours ago, Lind Whisperer said:

Vote: Wesley(Pandora)

Why? Because I keep my promises. And I promised Data I would cast a first vote. (Wesley beat me to Fworg).

Unvote: Wesley(Pandora)

If Wesley's scum, he's doing a master job of it. He keeps throwing the option of his own lynch out there. "Just get rid of Fworg when I come up town!"

Troinkley's repeating what I said on Day Three - long, energetic posts. But, he seems to have stopped, or slowed down, saying "If I was a scum...". Interesting.

Riker's post boils down primarily to fluff. :thumbdown:

Fworg: MIA.

Picard: I gave a run-down of my actions at the end of yesterday. Wesley posted further clarification.

Pretty much everyone on this list gives me red flags, including me (from an outside perspective).

What and what? I'm not sure a vote and un-vote is keeping your word. That's just odd to me. I'm trying not to dwell on it, but it's keeping my suspicion roiling. Throwing the option of your own lynch out there isn't a Town-tell in my book. It's a classic WIFOM strategy, "go ahead and lynch me then." Nothing you've listed for me is a change in behavior. I've told you all why I might be Scum and I've certainly said "If I was Scum" since Day One. Forg has hardly been MIA, he's been active throughout this entire game, what's your opinion on his actions?

3 hours ago, Lind Whisperer said:

Vote to extend.

As a thought experiment. I decided to make a list of possible night targets for each of us, if we were scum.

Troinckley: Picard, Fworg, Riker(Wesley is too high profile.)

Wesley: Riker(Fworg is too high profile, Troi causes confusion, and I'm not as hard on him as old Picard)

Riker: Picard, Fworg(Troi/Wesley lovefest allows him to stay shadowed)

Fworg: Picard, Riker(See above, R. T/W)

Picard: Fworg? Not really anyone I can imagine myself safely axing. Wesley seems to stand up for me - I've mentioned Troi, but I suppose I could pull him off, but, then what? Fworg would take a day of lynching, and I'm the only one looking at Riker, so in a Wesley/Riker/me standoff, Wesley would probably flip Riker.

I agree with Troi that a scum kill could be informative, except that looking over the list, it, would almost certainly be me. I'm the easiest name to knock off, for everyone except maybe Wesley. Unless he knocks me off as a twist, because why would he kill the person that's interceded for him?

What is this second post, at all? I cannot wrap my brain around it. Who would Scum kill if they had the chance, if each of us was Scum? :wacko: We'd all want to kill you? Why would Wesley not want to kill Forg for being too high profile but I'd just go zap him? Does high profile mean the relationship between the two players is too high profile? None of this rings true and I'm struggling to see the utility of it. And spelling it all out in this way would just give the Scum potential WIFOM for killing whoever they wanted and also a map for who would likely take the blame if a certain player was killed. Also, if you are Town, it gives them a great excuse to just kill you and keep everyone confused. This game is driving me batshit crazy.

I call for a rule, no mafia on weekends :snicker: Honestly though, where is the Computer today?

As far as all the talking and voting, I am really surprised that people are still gunning for Wesley. I don't agree at all with his assment of Word, but the thing that really stands out to me is there's no way he would do so much defence of Beverly if they were on the same team. The only way I could see it happening is if they didn't know they were teammates but I didn't see anything about that in the rules. The rules said only scum can PM, which I assume means they know who each other are. I really feel like Deanna, you have tunnle vision on this issue and will not rest until Wes is proven town.

I think Worf isn't defending himself as has been suggested simply because he doesn't feel a need? The accusations don't really make sense and feel rushed to me. I'm not seeing anything changed in the Picard situation other than more posting and different style, as would be expected with a new puppetmaster. My suspicion is still there and I see no reason to move it based on what's happened so far today.

Vote: Picard (Lind)


  • Author

Vote Count:
Worf / Fugazi - 1 (Pandora)
Wesley Cruser / Pandora - 1 (Fugazi)
Jean-Luc Picard / Lind Whisperer - 1 (Darkdragon)

With five players remaining, a majority of 3 is required.

Extend the Day: 
Yes - 4 (Hinckley, Pandora, Lind Whisperer, Fugazi)

With five players remaining, a majority of 3 is required. Therefore, Day Four is extended an extra 24 hours. This day will now end in about 38 hours.

Edited by Bob

13 hours ago, Fugazi said:

You're  starting to distort the truth. Look back at day one and read it carefully. I laid out my case against Beverly and kept at it, arguing with her until she was gone. I didn't just place a poke vote then forgot about it.

You didn't quote me here, and the bit I assume you're referring to is from some time ago. Anyway, I never said you placed a poke vote and forgot about it. I have even previously suggested that it might have been deliberate, with Bev knowing she wouldn't be around too much and that you driving a lynch against her would make you virtually untouchable, especially with a game without night actions. Funny how things work out, eh?

13 hours ago, Fugazi said:

Wesley dismissed my case against Beverly and went in a different direction. Basic mafia rules tell that suspicious behavior must be tested. If you (town) are not going to do it, it's not for my lack of trying.

Interesting choice of word there, "dismiss" I said that I didn't see it, people say stuff like that all the time. Riker said it about me earlier, but there's something about the tone of "dismiss" that evokes a certain feeling. Smart.

Anyway, we test investigation results, not opinions. Me not having the same point of view as you on what Beverley said is hardly enough to throw a perfectly good Townie onto the fire. You act like it is utterly unreasonable that I might have had a different point of view, and this was entirely obvious that Beverly was scum, so I must have known she was to pretend she wasn't. Except it wasn't entirely obvious to anyone who isn't scum, it's only entirely obvious to you because you are scum.

And I've suggested a couple of times already that you should just go ahead and lynch me, but now it's worrisome for you, because you know I will actually end up Town, and people might just see that you're full of poo.

13 hours ago, Fugazi said:

I do have other suspects, as I mentioned before. Someone even said that I was lining up Deanna for a lynch down the road.

That someone was me. I like how you're trying to make it sound like someone else out there agrees with you. I think you are indeed lining up Deanna, but that's the only person you've said anything about, and even then you've barely said anything, until now. What will you do tomorrow when I'm lynched and proven to be Town?

13 hours ago, Fugazi said:

She keeps switching votes and being indecisive, which is just like her but also quite over the top in this game.

Pretty much par for the course mind-losing at the moment, I think. 

13 hours ago, Fugazi said:

I do think that a Scum is bound to profit from two Townies arguing against each other without the situation being settled. With barely enough players left, a desperate plan would be to lynch Wesley and me, then Deanna before not enough townies are left. Does that make sense?

So in this scenario I'm town now? Ok, and then Deanna's town too, after you and I have been lynched, so... Picard or Riker must be scum in your opinion? :look: 

13 hours ago, Fugazi said:

Does that make sense?

Only in the context that you're scum. 

Also, I see you're around again. You were worried I'd made a case against you when you might not be available, so I'm glad to see you are. I even voted to extend the day so you'd have plenty of time, so you didn't have to. Even though you did anyway.


13 hours ago, Hinckley said:


I can't dissect all this out, as I'll end up pulling my brain out of my ears. A lot of what you've said, I've already explained. I'll be happy to counter specific points if you'd like, but.... this will take me all day. I'll try to answer a few bits, but I think you need another whiskey.

13 hours ago, Hinckley said:

Because that's not how it works. It's not "I disagree with your thinking, I'm going to vote for you." It's "I find your words and actions Scummy." So Wesley's entire diatribe of "If you don't like it, vote for me" is adding to my uneasiness of him continuously avoiding the lynch.

I think it's fair to say you think I was very scummy on Day One. Or Day Two. Or both? Or the whole game? Anyway, if you think I'm so scummy, vote me out because you're just not listening to me. That's what I am saying! You think I'm saying everything I'm saying because I'm scum, so I'm saying "vote me out, see I'm town and then take what I'm saying seriously".

And don't accuse me of giving up or not fighting, because I seriously have been and I am. Gorf was so convinced I am scum that he waited to see what everyone else was going to do before voting for me yesterday, and he still seems hellbent on voting for me today. You're not bothered at all about what he said about you? 

13 hours ago, Hinckley said:

Um...no? In a post where I am actually pointing the finger at Kyle and Picard, Why does Wesley react to this? I'm asking about the mechanics of the game and demonstrating the if we play like mostlytechnic did in Thack Desteck, the Scum will get to kill us at night. I'm not blaming mostlytechnic for spreading out the vote in this post, I'm simply pointing out that mostlytechnic liked this strategy in the last game. I'm warning against being like mostlytechnic, the Town player, not accusing mostlytechnic of trying to garner a kill for the Scum. I'm warning the Town to not use the Town-tactic that Town-mostlytechnic used in the last game. So, who am I metagaming? The game itself? Am I metagaming a game? :wacko:

I have said this before and I will say it again. I was accusing you of metagaming mostlytechnic. I don't think I have been unclear about this.

13 hours ago, Hinckley said:

Of course, this is what Data's intentions were, but how can you be so sure about Picard? I wish I had the luxury of putting anybody in the definite Town category.

I'm not completely sure, of course I'm not, but it was a very town thing to do in my opinion. The only person in the definite town category for me is me, obviously. If you think I have some sort of scum perspective here, then you must think I'm scum, so why aren't you voting for me? And please don't misunderstand, I'm not accusing you of being scum for not doing so, I'm just baffled by the quantity of weird logic going around.

13 hours ago, Hinckley said:

I believe Picard was also around after Data voted for himself and had the option, as I did, of un-voting Data to keep a Townie. I've explained why I didn't try to save Data despite having the opportunity. Did Picard have the same option and if so, why didn't he take the opportunity? Wouldn't a "real Townie" have this question of both of us?

Do you notice any other "real Townies" asking that question? Or is it just me that carries that burden? The situation appeared to play out as I stated a few posts ago. I believe (and OF COURSE I may be wrong) that Picard was more concerned that the day would end with no lynch, handing the choice of the kill to the scum. Plus he might have still thought Data was actually scum. I don't believe Picard would do that, if he could have just "un-vote Data to keep a Townie" (your words) and in so doing kill anyone he liked.

13 hours ago, Hinckley said:

You voted against Picard for his actions on Day One and now he's a definite Townie, in your eyes. The player may have changed but the role didn't. Couldn't the change in behavior be chalked up to a player with more time to dedicate to a Scum tactic?

No, the previous incarnation was an excellent player. I stated at the time that his first couple of posts were the least scunny* posts a Picard had made. I never said he was definite Town, there is no definite Town to me but me.

13 hours ago, Hinckley said:

We have evidence from Picard's posts yesterday that he did suspect you, making you a viable candidate for his vote. He could've just hammered you. I don't chalk it up to being a Townie that he decided not to. If he's the Scum and you're Town, keeping you around would keep scrutiny off of him as two vocal and active players have been building a case against you for days now. I do not trust Picard based on anything he did yesterday. If you don't like that...then, don't like it. Again, a difference in perspective or opinion isn't a sign of Scumminess.

Yeah, he could have. The fact that he was willing to consider other possibilities regarding me makes him less scummy in my eyes. The same goes for you - you even, for but one glorious moment, suggest there's a possibility I might actually be Town.

And again, you're misunderstanding my intent with what I've said about lynching me. Gorf has spent almost the entire game trying incredibly hard to lynch me for bugger all reason. That is not normal misguidance, that is wilful and mendacious pursuit. He has been so insistent that I must be scum, after aaaalll this time, that having cleared up the field a little, I am quite happy for you to lynch me, see that I am Town, and let the scales fall from your eyes to reveal Gorf for what he truly is. He has twisted and turned so much to engineer this, that it would be impossible for him to claim that it was just an accident, that he truly believed I was scum, and don't lynch him please, it was a terrible mistake, how was he supposed to know, after all?

13 hours ago, Hinckley said:

"If I can convince you all to lynch Forg, I know he'll flip Town, so I'd better start planting the seeds for a Deanna lynch..."

Ironically, this is exactly what Gorf's doing, but you just can't/won't/don't want to see it.


Ha this is so rich. On the one hand if I'm focusing on Wesley I'm being tunnel minded. On the other hand if I raise concerns about anyone else, like Deanna, then I'm lining her up for the lynch because I'm a scummy scum. You know what? I only have one vote, and it's my right to focus on anyone. It's how the game is played. Give me a good reason to vote for someone else and I will. But nobody has yet. And you haven't convinced me to vote for myself yet.


17 hours ago, Fugazi said:

With barely enough players left, a desperate plan would be to lynch Wesley and me, then Deanna before not enough townies are left. Does that make sense?

If this is a set-up on me(can't be Riker, he's been zeroing in on me), not a good one.

Why "desparate"? You and Wesley are yanking at each other's throats. I'm sitting back saying I'm finding everyone sketchy. I promised Data I would for one of you(and I did)(letter of the law) and I intend to place a final vote on one of you(spirit), but I have no interest in rushing, and I imagine Data would forgive me breaking the spirit, if it led to a Town victory.

This comes off more as projecting emotions for the sake of setting up a future lynch, then sleuthing.

58 minutes ago, Fugazi said:

Ha this is so rich. On the one hand if I'm focusing on Wesley I'm being tunnel minded. On the other hand if I raise concerns about anyone else, like Deanna, then I'm lining her up for the lynch because I'm a scummy scum. You know what? I only have one vote, and it's my right to focus on anyone. It's how the game is played. Give me a good reason to vote for someone else and I will. But nobody has yet. And you haven't convinced me to vote for myself yet.

This is the Scummiest thing you've said so far. People have to present a case to you? On Day One, you made a case for every player. You have no ability to look at every player's actions yourself?

Wesley, it's not that I don't think it's possible that you're Town, it's that every solid argument you give can be seen either way. I trust you would be this skilled and determined to defend yourself, either way. You're one of the smartest players to play this game and I've been convinced enough that you're Town that I've switched my vote twice. Unfortunately, due to this setup, these questions still remain and it's the strongest case we've seen against anyone, in my opinion. Again, aren't you too smart to put yourself in that position if you were Scum? Probably! But, also, wouldn't it be worth the attempt, on Day One, to avoid a Scum buddy's lynch when nobody would be able to catch you with Night Actions and be sure of the perceived connection?

Gaaar! Let's lynch me. I don't want to try to figure out who to vote for today. It's giving me a headache.

Forg, Wesley, isn't it possible all three of us are Town and either Riker or Picard are like :rofl::rofl::rofl: at us for continuously getting ourselves into a Mexican standoff?

For Forg to be Scum, he'd have to have the knowledge of foresight to put himself in the best position by being the first to make a case against Beverly and vote for her. Perhaps, he noted all the Scummy things that Beverly was doing and found it best to set himself apart, assuming she would eventually be caught either way. Diabolical, yes. Occam's Razor has kept me from even considering this as a possibility but he has come in, day after day, and continued on Wesley without genuine concern for any other player. Except for me...because I'm inherently evil? Yeah, let's hear this. What else about me concerns you, Forg? Since I seem to be the only other one you have concerns about.

For Wesley to be Scum, he'd have to have known defending Beverly was a risk and taken that risk to put himself in the worst position for the rest of the game. Would he take this risk? Would this format, that I don't believe he's played before, be enough to throw off his typical careful gameplay and take the risk to save his Scum buddy from a Day One lynch?

I have zero clarity right now, on any of you. This is so frustrating. I can come to zero conclusions. I want to know what Wesley is already. Unfortunately, we're getting dangerously close to losing if we keep having to test people by lynching them. Is this the last chance to get the clarity regarding Wesley? If we lynch him today and he is Town, what does tomorrow look like? Do we lynch Forg, which none of us seem willing to do? Do we lynch me? I'd be happy to finally be out of the game, but there would definitely be a Day Six after that. What's the best path forward. If we're wrong about our current suspicions, who do you want around on Day Six in a two-one situation, figuring out who the Scum are? Do we vote Picard today and Riker tomorrow and leave the three of us bumblenuts to continue this same argument for another freaking day with the crux of the entire game as the result of what conclusion we would come to?

Riker, Picard, apologies. All I mean is that if we're going to go the route of considering that Wesley, Forg and I are all Town and arguing past each other for days, the two of you are the only ones left to vote for and both of your games can be seen as flying under the radar. Riker more than Picard as Picard made some big moves at the end of yesterday, which I don't necessarily see as Town, but Occam's Razor-were Town moves. So, I would say, in this scenario Riker should go first. Then Picard. If you're both Town, I'd kill myself as I don't want a Day Six with me in this same fucking boat having to choose between Forg and Wesley. Am I asking you to agree to a strategy where we lynch you? I guess I am. But I can't be. Wait, what am I saying any more? Oh, that's right. :wacko:My point to everyone is, do we want it to go down like that or do we put on our big-girl pants and answer the question that seems to have dogged this entire game? So far, neither Riker nor Picard seem to want to go this route.

You know what, this was going to be a quick post, but a question has just arose for me, for Picard. You said you'd vote for Wesley or Forg today. You have your word to St. Data. However, you've voted for neither. You claim to have interceded for Wesley yesterday and yet your words to St. Data at the end of the day were that you'd be the first to vote for him. So, which was it? Were you interceding for Wesley? Or did you believe Wesley had to be Scum if Data was Town, because that's what you made it sound like yesterday. You haven't voiced an opinion on Forg except that he wasn't immediately here when today started. So, who is the Scummiest to you? Forg? Me? Riker? Obviously, you seem to think Wesley's your good buddy despite claiming to want to lynch him if St. Data came up as Town.

I need a nap and then I'll go dig through everything Riker has done throughout this game.

2 minutes ago, Lind Whisperer said:


If this is a set-up on me(can't be Riker, he's been zeroing in on me), not a good one.

Why "desparate"? You and Wesley are yanking at each other's throats. I'm sitting back saying I'm finding everyone sketchy. I promised Data I would for one of you(and I did)(letter of the law) and I intend to place a final vote on one of you(spirit), but I have no interest in rushing, and I imagine Data would forgive me breaking the spirit, if it led to a Town victory.

This comes off more as projecting emotions for the sake of setting up a future lynch, then sleuthing.

We cross-posted.

18 hours ago, Fugazi said:

With barely enough players left, a desperate plan would be to lynch Wesley and me, then Deanna before not enough townies are left. Does that make sense?

This does make sense, I suppose, as it's basically the same plan I've laid out. I am curious, though, why me? I would say I haven't had much scrutiny in this game but let's have it now before a plan like this goes into play. Because I am Town and you and Wesley are both lynched and you're both Town, putting me next would definitely end up with a Town loss. If this is going to be a plan, let's lay it out now why I would be third in line.

17 hours ago, Hinckley said:

What and what? I'm not sure a vote and un-vote is keeping your word. That's just odd to me. I'm trying not to dwell on it, but it's keeping my suspicion roiling. Throwing the option of your own lynch out there isn't a Town-tell in my book. It's a classic WIFOM strategy, "go ahead and lynch me then." Nothing you've listed for me is a change in behavior. I've told you all why I might be Scum and I've certainly said "If I was Scum" since Day One. Forg has hardly been MIA, he's been active throughout this entire game, what's your opinion on his actions?

What is this second post, at all? I cannot wrap my brain around it. Who would Scum kill if they had the chance, if each of us was Scum? :wacko: We'd all want to kill you? Why would Wesley not want to kill Forg for being too high profile but I'd just go zap him? Does high profile mean the relationship between the two players is too high profile? None of this rings true and I'm struggling to see the utility of it. And spelling it all out in this way would just give the Scum potential WIFOM for killing whoever they wanted and also a map for who would likely take the blame if a certain player was killed. Also, if you are Town, it gives them a great excuse to just kill you and keep everyone confused. This game is driving me batshit crazy.

I wanted to keep the letter of the promise - casting a first vote - and Wesley had already voted Fworg. I was not sure whether I found Fworg or Wesley more guilty, so I un-voted.

You mentioned it Day One and Two, not (that far) Three. I made a note. Fworg was active the same days, but had not yet posted- MIA. As I said before, he's a perfect middle - although his poat have heated up in intensity today.

17 hours ago, Hinckley said:

What and what? I'm not sure a vote and un-vote is keeping your word. That's just odd to me. I'm trying not to dwell on it, but it's keeping my suspicion roiling. Throwing the option of your own lynch out there isn't a Town-tell in my book. It's a classic WIFOM strategy, "go ahead and lynch me then." Nothing you've listed for me is a change in behavior. I've told you all why I might be Scum and I've certainly said "If I was Scum" since Day One. Forg has hardly been MIA, he's been active throughout this entire game, what's your opinion on his actions?

What is this second post, at all? I cannot wrap my brain around it. Who would Scum kill if they had the chance, if each of us was Scum? :wacko: We'd all want to kill you? Why would Wesley not want to kill Forg for being too high profile but I'd just go zap him? Does high profile mean the relationship between the two players is too high profile? None of this rings true and I'm struggling to see the utility of it. And spelling it all out in this way would just give the Scum potential WIFOM for killing whoever they wanted and also a map for who would likely take the blame if a certain player was killed. Also, if you are Town, it gives them a great excuse to just kill you and keep everyone confused. This game is driving me batshit crazy.

I'm laying things out as I think of them. (Can't PM, so I laid it here.)

You had proposed a scum night kill, as a test. I went over the options - as I saw them - of who could safely kill who, without suspicion.

Only common thread was that everyone could probably get away with killing me, without drawing any scrutiny. Thus, it wouldn't shed any light, but would leaves us one townie down. Waste of a dead townie. Like Data, I'd rather be lynched than a wasted scum kill.

31 minutes ago, Hinckley said:

This is the Scummiest thing you've said so far. People have to present a case to you? On Day One, you made a case for every player. You have no ability to look at every player's actions yourself?

Wesley, it's not that I don't think it's possible that you're Town, it's that every solid argument you give can be seen either way. I trust you would be this skilled and determined to defend yourself, either way. You're one of the smartest players to play this game and I've been convinced enough that you're Town that I've switched my vote twice. Unfortunately, due to this setup, these questions still remain and it's the strongest case we've seen against anyone, in my opinion. Again, aren't you too smart to put yourself in that position if you were Scum? Probably! But, also, wouldn't it be worth the attempt, on Day One, to avoid a Scum buddy's lynch when nobody would be able to catch you with Night Actions and be sure of the perceived connection?

Gaaar! Let's lynch me. I don't want to try to figure out who to vote for today. It's giving me a headache.

Forg, Wesley, isn't it possible all three of us are Town and either Riker or Picard are like :rofl::rofl::rofl: at us for continuously getting ourselves into a Mexican standoff?

For Forg to be Scum, he'd have to have the knowledge of foresight to put himself in the best position by being the first to make a case against Beverly and vote for her. Perhaps, he noted all the Scummy things that Beverly was doing and found it best to set himself apart, assuming she would eventually be caught either way. Diabolical, yes. Occam's Razor has kept me from even considering this as a possibility but he has come in, day after day, and continued on Wesley without genuine concern for any other player. Except for me...because I'm inherently evil? Yeah, let's hear this. What else about me concerns you, Forg? Since I seem to be the only other one you have concerns about.

For Wesley to be Scum, he'd have to have known defending Beverly was a risk and taken that risk to put himself in the worst position for the rest of the game. Would he take this risk? Would this format, that I don't believe he's played before, be enough to throw off his typical careful gameplay and take the risk to save his Scum buddy from a Day One lynch?

I have zero clarity right now, on any of you. This is so frustrating. I can come to zero conclusions. I want to know what Wesley is already. Unfortunately, we're getting dangerously close to losing if we keep having to test people by lynching them. Is this the last chance to get the clarity regarding Wesley? If we lynch him today and he is Town, what does tomorrow look like? Do we lynch Forg, which none of us seem willing to do? Do we lynch me? I'd be happy to finally be out of the game, but there would definitely be a Day Six after that. What's the best path forward. If we're wrong about our current suspicions, who do you want around on Day Six in a two-one situation, figuring out who the Scum are? Do we vote Picard today and Riker tomorrow and leave the three of us bumblenuts to continue this same argument for another freaking day with the crux of the entire game as the result of what conclusion we would come to?

Riker, Picard, apologies. All I mean is that if we're going to go the route of considering that Wesley, Forg and I are all Town and arguing past each other for days, the two of you are the only ones left to vote for and both of your games can be seen as flying under the radar. Riker more than Picard as Picard made some big moves at the end of yesterday, which I don't necessarily see as Town, but Occam's Razor-were Town moves. So, I would say, in this scenario Riker should go first. Then Picard. If you're both Town, I'd kill myself as I don't want a Day Six with me in this same megablocking boat having to choose between Forg and Wesley. Am I asking you to agree to a strategy where we lynch you? I guess I am. But I can't be. Wait, what am I saying any more? Oh, that's right. :wacko:My point to everyone is, do we want it to go down like that or do we put on our big-girl pants and answer the question that seems to have dogged this entire game? So far, neither Riker nor Picard seem to want to go this route.

You know what, this was going to be a quick post, but a question has just arose for me, for Picard. You said you'd vote for Wesley or Forg today. You have your word to St. Data. However, you've voted for neither. You claim to have interceded for Wesley yesterday and yet your words to St. Data at the end of the day were that you'd be the first to vote for him. So, which was it? Were you interceding for Wesley? Or did you believe Wesley had to be Scum if Data was Town, because that's what you made it sound like yesterday. You haven't voiced an opinion on Forg except that he wasn't immediately here when today started. So, who is the Scummiest to you? Forg? Me? Riker? Obviously, you seem to think Wesley's your good buddy despite claiming to want to lynch him if St. Data came up as Town.

I need a nap and then I'll go dig through everything Riker has done throughout this game.

We cross-posted.

This does make sense, I suppose, as it's basically the same plan I've laid out. I am curious, though, why me? I would say I haven't had much scrutiny in this game but let's have it now before a plan like this goes into play. Because I am Town and you and Wesley are both lynched and you're both Town, putting me next would definitely end up with a Town loss. If this is going to be a plan, let's lay it out now why I would be third in line.

My gut says a Troi/Wesley/Fworg standoff will end in a Town loss.

If it comes down to it, I don't have any problems being lynched, other than being tired of dying every game. Riker would provide more answers, at least for me, than mine(I just realised typing that out how obvious an observation it was), but I know I'm town, and I don't feel like wasting a day defending myself if Riker comes up as town.

1 hour ago, Hinckley said:

My point to everyone is, do we want it to go down like that or do we put on our big-girl pants and answer the question that seems to have dogged this entire game? So far, neither Riker nor Picard seem to want to go this route.

I don't understand what you are asking here. What route do Picard and I not want to go down? Is it like the tunnel of love or something? I want to understand what I'm reading or not reading.

I think I've been pretty clear about why I'm not on board with the Wesley train and agreement I have with you about Worf.  To me it really seems like there are only two options left and that'd be Picard and Deanna, but I can't peg anything about you that appears non-normal/overly-scummy other than the normal mistrust you previously mentioned about yourself :dwacko: due to historical reference.

53 minutes ago, Lind Whisperer said:

If it comes down to it, I don't have any problems being lynched, other than being tired of dying every game. Riker would provide more answers, at least for me, than mine(I just realised typing that out how obvious an observation it was), but I know I'm town, and I don't feel like wasting a day defending myself if Riker comes up as town.


1 hour ago, Lind Whisperer said:

Only common thread was that everyone could probably get away with killing me, without drawing any scrutiny. Thus, it wouldn't shed any light, but would leaves us one townie down. Waste of a dead townie. Like Data, I'd rather be lynched than a wasted scum kill.

This makes no sense at all, it didn't make sense when Data did it and it doesn't make sense now.  A town loss is a town loss, no matter if by scum or lynch kills us. We are so close to the end now that every loss is a major blow. When someone writes something like this it looks very scummy - as in "I'm so townie I'll vote myself, just like that other guy did (so have a heart and don't lynch me)".  There's just no point in it at all.  Your whole exercise in who the scum would kill if they killed seems like something to look helpful but how helpful is it really? So you're guessing why someone might get scum killed but none of it makes any difference - I don't really think the scum would care who was dead as long as it was a townie.  I dunno, I've been called an idiot and lousy player  before so maybe I just can't wrap my thick head around something like that. I don't have any idea if you are posting from a phone which would explain it but man, quoting a huge wall of text but not actually addressing anything in it, while double-posting, is annoying :classic:


2 hours ago, Hinckley said:


I call bullocks. Both Wesley and Deanna keep saying that I'm focused on Wesley without considering other options, but I remember having four suspects on day 2, and now my second biggest suspect is Deanna, as mentioned a couple of times. But let's ignore that, shall we? Also I didn't say that people should be doing the brainwork for me. I have taken care of that, but if you'd like me to change my mind then give me good reasons for that. Nothing that I have read so far makes me more suspicions of anyone else.

I'm not saying that Wesley isn't clever or devious, quite the contrary. But it's Beverly who put him in a difficult position, and regardless of any PM conversations Wesley had little control over how Beverly would behave publicly and how it would all come across.

Phone-posting, yes. I'll try and respond to Riker later, but first:

@Hinckley It just now struck me - you made the first objectively scummy post all day.

You yourself said that I/Riker are, the odd ones out. You've also pointed out Fworg's tunnel vision, and Wesley's focus on Fworg is self-admmited.

I have floated the idea of a self-vote since I joined. Riker not so much - but I have voiced suspicion of him. And your plan floats knocking him off first, followed by either my being lynched voluntarily or not. I'd might be presumed to go along with a Riker vote, and then self-sacrifice.

But where does that leave you?

As the swing vote between two people with tunnel vision.

The perfect place for a scum win.

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