Posted March 8, 20205 yr REVIEW - 42099 - 4X4 X-TREME OFF-ROADER INTRODUCTION First of all, I like to thank the wonderful Eurobricks community for reinvigorating my interest in doing reviews. My motivation slowly dwindled up to a point where I considered quitting writing reviews altogether. But here we are again, with a lengthy review of the 4x4 X-Treme Off-Roader with the new PoweredUp elements and  Control+ app. As a bonus I have added a section where I show you the unofficial B-Model made by @Didumos69. When it comes to PoweredUp/Control+ I am a bit late to the party, because upon opening the box, it was literally the first time I laid eyes on the new PoweredUp parts. I haven't had the chance to test or even see these new parts. Therefore, it's exciting for me to write this review and see what the fuss is all about. Of course, I have seen several video reviews, and some of them were very entertaining. RacingBrick made one of my favorites. I recommend checking it out. You can't go wrong with Sariel's review either, and his comparison with the 9398 - 4x4 Crawler from 2012. And if you haven't had enough of the videos, make sure to watch Zerobrick's review. Before we continue, I need to state that I like progress. I love new technologies. I'm not the kind of guy who wants to keep watching movies on VHS and rocking the good old TDK's. However, when a new technology emerges, most of the time, it's because the new technology offers a significant improvement over the soon-to-be-obsolete technology. In this case, the latter is the Power Functions system, first released in the 8275 - Motorized Bulldozer set from 2007. The main question of this review is whether the new PoweredUp/Control+ system is worth the money and offers a significant improvement over Power Functions. For this review, I used an iPhone 8 running iOS 13 something. PICTURES Pictures can be clicked to view hi-res versions. My Flickr album contains all the photos taken for this review. DISCLAIMER The CEE Team of TLG has provided this set. It's not my goal to promote this set. It's my goal to give you an honest opinion about it. Therefore, the opinion in this review is my own and is in no way linked to TLG. SET INFORMATION Number: 42099 Title: 4x4 X-Treme Off-Roader Theme: Technic Released: 2019 Part Count: 958 Box Dimensions: 52,8 cm x 48,0 cm x 12,4 cm Weight: 2156 gr Set Price (RRP): £ 199.99 / $ 249.99 / € 229,99 Price per Part:  £ 0.209 / $ 0.261 / € 0.240 Links: Brickset, Bricklink THE BOX The limited part count results in the box being reasonably small. The bottom right corner of the box shows the new LEGO Technic Control+ logo and smart device. There is a message stating that a smart device is required, but I wonder if this message should have been somewhat more prominent. Or is it safe to assume that people scrutinize the box before forking out this amount of cash? On the other hand, people easily paying this amount of money will most likely have a smart device anyway. The back of the box shows the standard driving functions, together with a summary of what the Control+ app can do. Compared to the Land Rover, the box is quite a bit smaller. Yet the price is higher. Those PoweredUp parts don't come cheap. The Land Rover costs 180 euros, while the Off-Roader costs 230 euros, with a respective part count of 2573 and 958. For 50 euros less, you get around 1500 parts more, but you don't get the PoweredUp elements. Comparing these sets is comparing apples and oranges, so I'm not sure whether we need to draw conclusions based on this comparison. What I do find odd is that the Liebherr costs around 450 euros, but it does have 4108 parts and 7 PoweredUp motors and 2 Technic hubs. When you look at the price of the Off-Roader, it's safe to assume that the PoweredUp elements add around 100 euros. The Liebherr has over twice the PoweredUp elements, which results in approximately 200 euros of PoweredUp in that set. That almost makes up half of the set price. Even though the Liebherr is quite expensive, you do seem to get more value for money. CONTENTS OF THE BOX Opening the box and throwing the content on the table has seldom felt more underwhelming. Only six bags comprising the parts for this set, not counting the bag with rims. The box contains: 1x Instruction manual 1x Sticker sheet 4x Tire 1x Bag with 4 rims 6x Numbered bag with parts 1x Box with PoweredUp parts INSTRUCTION MANUAL  RIMS Four commonly found rims. TIRES Four "Claas" tires to match the four rims, what a coincidence. This set is already the fifth set containing these tires. Your mileage may vary, but I am still deeply in love with these tires. TLG nailed this tire. Let's hope the rumored Mini Xerion will use a smaller version of this tire (edit: unfortunately, it does not). POWEREDUP The smaller inner box contains the Technic hub and motors. The box did take some damage in transit. This set contains the mandatory hub and three motors, one L and two XL. The two designations make you wonder whether we will get different versions in the future. Looking at the L motor, I can't imagine getting a smaller M version. It could be shorter than the L, but I don't see that happening. BAGS Six numbered bags and a bag with rims.       HIGHLIGHTED PARTS This section describes interesting parts, and it won't come as a surprise that I will start with the PoweredUp parts. POWERED UP BLUETOOTH HUB According to Bricklink the name of the hub is Powered Up Bluetooth Hub, which confirms that this element is part of the Powered Up family. TLG calls it the "Bluetooth controlled smart hub". There's no denying that the hub is rather big. I have seen numerous complaints about the size, but the unit does pack the batteries, motor inputs and the electronics for extra functionality. The number of attachment points is limited, which might be more limiting than the size. Size: 9 x 9 x 5  XL MOTOR The XL Motor looks like a low-resolution pixelated version of the PF XL motor. If I recall correctly, lots of Technic fans were surprised by this sudden change in shape. I will discuss the form factor in more detail later in this review, but I can already reveal that I am a big fan, and that's an understatement. Comparing this XL motor with the PF version, the sheer number of attachment points is incredible. Size: 8 x 5 x 5  L MOTOR The L Motor is what it is. A motor with a slightly smaller footprint, but with less torque and a higher RPM. For more details about torque or RPM, I recommend visiting Philo's excellent page about LEGO motors. A limited number of pinholes, but enough to be able to mount it easily. Size: 8 x 3 x 3 (top and bottom are slightly larger than 3 units in the center)  BRIGHT LIGHT ORANGE Out of the blue, TLG introduced a new shade of orange. And by out of the blue I mean that there is no obvious reason for this color, unlike the green variant for the Land Rover Defender. The only reason I can imagine is that regular yellow is too bright and orange is I really like this new shade and I assume we will see more of it in the near future. Will this be the new dark azure? :wink: CONNECTOR BLOCK When we saw this new part most of us were convinced it was an April Fool's joke. It turned out to be a legit part. After that, I wondered whether we needed this part. Having used it a couple of times, this part is turning out to be one of my new favorites. CV JOINTS The new CV Joint Ball and CV Joint Axle are compatible with the new planetary gear hubs. I'm not sure whether these new designs will entirely replace the old CV Joint Axle and CV Joint, but I reckon they will be used in new heavier RC models. I' wonder if these will be used in the new Lamborghini, most likely with new hubs. PLANETARY GEAR HUBS The new Planetary Gear Hub is something AFOLs have been asking for, for quite some time. And TLG finally released them. They are not really suited for regular cars, but they are perfect for crawlers or heavy machinery. Here's a picture of the "complete assembly". WIRE CONNECTORS These new Wire Connectors are used to indicated which wire needs to be attached to a certain port on the hub. These little babies are nothing short of spectacular. So simple, yet so effective. I love 'em. TURNTABLES These turntables are definitely not new, but I felt like highlighting them anyway. This design is way better than the old one. COLORED PARTS If you don't need color in your life, or in the chassis for that matter, these are the parts you need to swap. Please, be aware that I missed a blue Pin with Pin Hole, so you need to swap four instead of three. And you need to swap the 3L Perpendicular Connector for a light bluish grey one. Not that's it is necessary, but if you want to get rid of the white parts too, these are the ones you need to replace. PART LIST A total of 958 parts.  CONTROL+ Before I started the build, I tested the new PoweredUp elements. Please make sure to use six AA-batteries. It's quite easy to make the mistake of only using three batteries. You need to pull out the inner section so you can put in three batteries on the opposite side of the first three. Hook up the two XL motors to port A and B and attach the L motor to port C. Turn on the unit, fire up the Control+ app, and you are good to go. A simple wizard will take you through some simple introductory steps to get you started. Turning the Technic hub results in changing values in the corresponding tilt/pitch and roll meters. While there isn't much more to it (yet), it is a cool feature. The app also registers the "yaw" by the way. THE BUILD When I started the build, I planned on swapping the colored parts for black and grey elements. I even started the build with replacement parts. However, this being a review for an official set, it didn't feel right to start modding right away. Some members confirmed this, so I decided to start over, using the original parts. Since I already had built the front suspension, I can show you a comparison. In the left picture, you see the version with replaced parts. The right picture shows the original version.  The picture below shows the front suspension with gray and black replacements. The original front suspension contains a lot more color. While some consider this color vomit, which it basically is, I do appreciate color in the chassis. It makes the chassis look less dull. That being said, I don't think that using orange was the right choice. Orange doesn't work well with bright light orange. Adding some more red, or blue for that matter, would have worked better in my opinion. TLG uses these orange 2L liftarms fairly regular, so it's not a big surprise though. This step ignited my love for the new motors. The new form factor of this motor is so much better than its Power Function counterpart. Not only does this version have more pinholes, but it can also be used to enhance structural integrity. The 5x5 total width and height and the 3x3 "protrusion" allow for perfect integration in a Technic chassis. With all the talk about the new PoweredUp parts, one would almost forget to mention another special part in this set, the new planetary hub. This new hub is roughly geared down 1:5. So for five rotations of the powering axle, the wheel will do a single full rotation. It's very cool that TLG is actually releasing these kinds of parts. It shows that they are constantly improving and maturing the Technic product line. The smaller of the two motors can also be mounted perfectly, even in smaller cars. These new motors are shaped to perfection. It almost makes you wonder why TLG chose round ones when they released the Power Functions system. Attaching the two sub-assemblies results in the, more or less, completed front suspension. The two motors fit in nicely and they both add rigidity to the model. The shape of the chassis doesn't need alteration to accommodate the motors. The big turntable mounted at the front allows the front suspension to rotate freely. The bodywork will be attached at a later stage. The rear suspension doesn't have steering, so it's built differently. This sub-assembly doesn't contain as much color as the front one, but you can still see some yellow and orange. The other XL-motor is mounted the same way as in the front suspension. Due to the lack of steering, there's no L-motor and the rear suspension is a bit shorter than the front one. The turntable is placed inside, instead of outside. The chassis is almost complete after combining the front and rear suspension. And yes, I forgot to mount the shock absorbers. I was too busy with routing the wires that I didn't even notice this when I took the picture. The smart hub is mounted behind the seats. The wire connectors are a welcome addition. Not only do they provide a way to attach the wires to the chassis, but the color-coding allows for easy identification. Job well done! Building the chassis was fun and the final assembly feels rigid enough to take some beating. It's hard to resist mounting the wheels before the end of the build, so that's what I did. Eager to try out the new Control+ app, I turned on the smart hub and everything worked smoothly. The suspension test also turned out the be successful. Even though the same shock absorbers are used, the front suspension feels less stiff than the rear one. Time to build the bodywork. Aaaaaand it's done! Usually, I always apply the stickers when I review a set. This time I decided to omit the stickers to see how the model looks. And you know what, it looks awesome. The bodywork looks phenomenal and doesn't need stickers at all. Being able to easily attach and detach the bodywork is a big plus. If you don't like it, it's very easy to create your own version. Or the same body, using a different color, which I will show you in a bit. The on/off button can easily be reached and the wires are routed nicely behind the liftarms. Maybe I missed two black pins, but these look like the usual leftover parts. COMPLETED MODEL I absolutely love the though look of this crawler and I like the fact that this model doesn't need stickers for its appeal. I have said it before, but TLG hit it out of the park when they designed these tires. Various bars protect the car from being damaged when it rolls over. The bed of the crawler has ample space to place the battery box. It's very easy to replace the batteries. The front and rear view don't look particularly appealing, but being a crawler, that's what you expect.  Another front view pic from a different angle. And a rear view one. The bottom view shows the suspension and motor placement. ALTERNATE BODYWORK Since it's very easy to swap the bodywork, I decided to create a white-and-black version. The original colors works very well for me, but this combination isn't too shabby either. Maybe we can reinvigorate the Eurobricks Car Chassis project and design some cool detacheable bodyworks like this one. Here are some pictures with the white body attached to the chassis. POWEREDUP/CONTROL+ VS POWER FUNCTIONS The main question we need to address is the new PoweredUp system. How does the new kid on the block stand up to good old Power Functions. HUB The hub is rather bulky, but it does include all the batteries. Since PoweredUp isn't using IR to communicate, you can place the hub somewhere in the chassis. Of course, you do need to think about an option to detach the hub from the chassis to replace the batteries. Unfortunately, the Technic hub still uses batteries, instead of an internal rechargeable battery. For all my EV3 units I purchased the rechargeable battery, which makes it very convenient to simply plug in a USB cable and charge the unit. I sure hope TLG will provide options for this in the future. Of course there are (and will be more) third party solutions, but I'm talking about a solution for the purists. MOTORS I cannot express enough love for the form factor of the motors. I highly doubt TLG will ever top this design (we will read this statement in ten years and laugh out loud). Using the motors to provide extra structural rigidity is very convenient. And the motors do nicely fit in a 5x5 chassis assembly. I was hoping for a bit more torque and speed. In other words; I was hoping that PoweredUp would bring a significant performance upgrade compared to PF, but unfortunately that is not the case. CONNECTIVITY Using Bluetooth over Infrared does provide a wider range of options. And it's less prone to communication issues (like IR has in the sun). That feels like a step forward. "But what happens when TLG doesn't support the apps anymore?" and "I don't like to give my kids a smart device to control LEGO sets. Can't I use a regular remote?" These are  very valid questions. I am not opposed to using a smart phone to control these vehicles, but I would love to be able to choose between a smart phone and a regular remote, like the PF one. Hopefully TLG will provide better support for physical remotes, like the one used in the new train sets. And for TLG not supporting the apps anymore; by the time TLG drops support for the Control+ app there will be loads of third party alternatives. Therefore, I am not afraid that we can't use PoweredUp anymore in a decade or two. MOCs For now, I do think that PoweredUp and the Control+ app lack in one department and that's the MOC-ing department. When you design your own creation, you aren't very flexible when it comes to controlling the model. You basically need to use an existing profile in the app. I started creating a PoweredUp chassis for the 42039 and I soon found out that one of my motors needed to turn counter-clock-wise. There is no way I can change this in the app. This will hopefully change in the future, when TLG releases an SBrick like profile creator. But for now, I consider this a major downside! BRICKCONTROLLER2 Lucky for us, there will always be people like @imurvai who invest their time to create cool project like BrickController2, which allows you to control all kinds of LEGO hubs, and thus motors. Check out this informative video made by @kbalage aka RacingBrick.  All in all I am very happy with PoweredUp and I am looking forward to what the future will bring, but I do need to address that Power Functions still offers more usability and flexibility at the moment. B-MODEL - ROCKY Remember the good old days when TLG designed B-models to provide some added value. Those days have been few an far between. Again, lucky for us, we do have an awesome community with awesome members. In this case Eurobricks member @Didumos69 created a remarkable B-model, which I will be reviewing as well. Thanks to Diederik for providing me with instructions. In case you like to build it yourself, the instructions can be found on Rebrickable. We even have a dedicated topic if you like to discuss this model. As usual, I had my lovely wife Kitty disassemble the A-model. She knows I hate, or rather not like, disassembling models. Thanks babe! You start by building the middle section, which is kind of the pivot point of the model. The basic setup is more or less the same as the original crawler, which is not surprising at all. The front suspension contains the L and XL motor, for steering and driving. The front wheels don't have independent suspension. Instead, the entire front carriage is suspended. Since the front suspension is attached to the turntable, it is able to rotate as well. The rear suspension is also attached to a turntable, but it only has a single motor, since the rear wheels don't steer. The picture below shows the finished chassis. The smart hub slides into the middle section, where the wires are attached. The color coded wire clips are well thought out and they are properly used in this model as well. Due to the limited availability of certain parts, some very minor concessions have been made. But overall, it's a great build and a great chassis! The bodywork is very limited, but this B-model is not about the bodywork. It's about performance of the chassis. That being said, the bodywork has been designed elegantly. Both sides are detachable to access the battery box. Detaching, and especially attaching, the sides is somewhat cumbersome because there a lot of pins which need to be attached at the same time. But practice makes perfect so it gets easier over time. The collection of leftover parts. This model definitely looks like a proper B-model. Without the limited part restriction, this could easily be turned into an A-model. As it is, it's somewhere in the middle between an A-model and a B-model. Please bear in mind that I am talking about the looks, not the performance. It's worth mentioning that when you test the suspension, the axles going into the motors will slightly rotate. This results in the model not fully returning to its original position. When you drive the car this will automatically be corrected to return to 40% compression again. The side view shows what a proper crawler looks like, lean and mean! TLG has released several 4x4 off roaders. None of them are officially called crawlers, because they aren't actually crawlers. This is one of the best renditions made with parts from an official set. Like the A-model I won't be providing a video of the B-model. I can recommend watching two cool videos, one by Diederik himself and one by RacingBrick. Of course, I did test the performance of this model. It's impressive to say the least. It could actually drive up the back of my couch, before it fell over hehe. I definitely recommend getting the instructions and build this B-model. You will have tons of fun with it. Probably more than with the official model SUMMARY I am glad to see TLG constantly improving and maturing the Technic product line. The popularity of SBrick and Buwizz made going down the smart hub road a no-brainer. And I am glad the TLG thinks the same way, and that they are not ignoring RC products. However, I do hope that we will still get big models with manual controls instead of an elaborate line of PoweredUp/Control+ sets. Hopefully, TLG will find the right balance to keep pleasing AFOLs as well. PoweredUp needs to mature before being able to fully compete with third party controllers. The lack of custom profile creation is a major drawback. Comparing PoweredUp with Power Functions, the form factor of the new motors is stellar, but the lack of custom profiles makes it very hard to use PoweredUp in a MOC. And the need for a smart device is limiting as well. PoweredUp is a very cool product line and I am looking forward to what the future brings, but at the moment Power Functions are more versatile. Overall I like this set, but I do think it's better to fork out some extra cash and get the Liebherr. PROS Cool design, even without stickers Body can be easily attached and detached PoweredUp motor form factor is out of this world Wire connectors are spot on New bright light orange New planetary hubs (and new CV Joints) CONS Performance is so so PoweredUp performance isn't significantly better than PF No custom profiles for Technic hub No additional features, besides its off-road capabilities No official B-model Value for money feels off SCORE SCORE How do I rate this set? 9 DESIGN Cool design, even without stickers. 7 BUILDING EXPERIENCE Decent build, but no gearbox or other Technic assemblies. 7 FEATURES No additional features, besides its (limited) off-road capabilities. 7 PLAYABILITY Can be fun when creating an off-road track. 7 PARTS New bright light orange parts, CV joints, hubs and PoweredUp elements. 6 VALUE FOR MONEY The value for money feels off, compared to the Liebherr 7,2 HOPED FOR BETTER PERFORMANCE
March 8, 20205 yr It's great to see you back doing reviews, Jim! Thank for a very in-depth review of this for me quite polarizing set. On one hand it has awesome new parts (New PU system, planetary hubs, CV joints) and functionality (pendular axle with suspension, active servo control). BUT it could have been much better out of the box if they gave it higher gear ratio and redo the axles to have more ground clearance (which can be done by using H frames to hold the lower suspension arms).
March 8, 20205 yr Great review Jim! I wasn't going to get this set originally, but for £100 at Argos I just couldn't say no. Overall I'm pretty ambivalent toward 42099. The app control is fluid and it can handle a thick rug better than 42070. On the other hand it's reliant on a phone being on, and the app lacks the tactile experience of using a remote. No official B-model was a pain initially, but there have been some cool alternatives since. I like "Rocky", but I've gone with @grohl's truck.Â
March 8, 20205 yr Author 23 minutes ago, Zerobricks said: On one hand it has awesome new parts (New PU system, planetary hubs, CV joints) and functionality (pendular axle with suspension, active servo control). BUT it could have been much better out of the box if they gave it higher gear ratio and redo the axles to have more ground clearance (which can be done by using H frames to hold the lower suspension arms). It's a mixed bag for me as well. I really do like the set, but after building it, there isn't much you can do with it. Performance is sub-par and the PoweredUp system can't be used for MOCs. 16 minutes ago, Maaboo35 said: Great review Jim! I wasn't going to get this set originally, but for £100 at Argos I just couldn't say no. That's a pretty good deal.Â
March 8, 20205 yr I honestly can't wait for adapters so you can plug the new motors into buwizz. I feel like the PoweredUp battery box is a massive chunk of wasted space.Â
March 8, 20205 yr Author 8 minutes ago, Mechbuilds said: I honestly can't wait for adapters so you can plug the new motors into buwizz. I feel like the PoweredUp battery box is a massive chunk of wasted space. That would indeed be a welcome addition. I don't think the hub is too big, but sometimes every stud counts It would be nice if it were the size of the Buwizz.Â
March 8, 20205 yr 26 minutes ago, Jim said: That would indeed be a welcome addition. I don't think the hub is too big, but sometimes every stud counts It would be nice if it were the size of the Buwizz. Converter cables are not a wholesome solution, becasuse you don't get the feedback from the motors, hence you can't control them as servos. Don't worry, we are working on a wholesome solution to make the PU models more compact and powerful.
March 8, 20205 yr Author Just now, Zerobricks said: Converter cables are not a wholesome solution, becasuse you don't get the feedback from the motors, hence you can't control them as servos. Don't worry, we are working on a wholesome solution to make the PU models more compact and powerful. Looking forward to the new solution.
March 8, 20205 yr I also got the set for £100 at Argos as a Christmas present to myself, having not had a large Lego set since 8868. I doubt I'd have bought it for £200 but at £100 it feels like I got a bargain. I think the set is aces, and it's really got me back into Lego. As it comes out the box it's ideal for driving around the house; bothering the dog and tripping up the missus. Not much more than that. Gear it down and it'll get up and down more stuff but the lost speed means it loses a lot of its fun factor and ends up sort of in a no man's land where it's slow but not powerful enough to get up much, and doesn't have the ground clearance for much either. I moved on to grohl's truck and it's good but the transmission winds up due to no central diff, which put me off keeping that model together. I might yet revisit that and see if there's room to mod it for separate front and back drive. I then paid money for moc instructions for the first time ever on Rocky. If you're on the fence, get off, just pay the money and build it, it's brilliant. Be sure n read the thread first as there's a couple of mods in there that are worthwhile, particularly mine that lets you get at the batteries easily but has to be done within the first few building steps. The planetary hubs are great for what they're used for, but do mean it's not really easy to make anything fast from just this set, at least not with no other parts required.
March 8, 20205 yr First of all great review as always @Jim. Set looks very compact, but what I do not like about control+ is (as you mentioned) how to control model without smart device, what will be in 5 years with this app, no compatibility with PF elements and for my MOCs Control+ motors are to long; instead of 6 or 7 studs as PF motors they are 8 studs longÂ
March 8, 20205 yr It's a very good offroader. Pricing: In my opinion, the problem with poweredup is, that you always have to pay for the whole feature-set, even if you don't need or want it. The possibilities with poweredup are great and I like it in general (I bouht the 42099 just because of poweredup), but now that thing exists there is no space for a simple and cheap RC-solution like IR was. If you want to be able to build big sets out of a lot small sets -> the small sets have to contain the same parts as the big sets... so basically small and cheap RC-models are dead and I just don't understand why Lego released the 42109 or 42099, poweredup need larger sets with more features to shine. Â
March 8, 20205 yr I built effermann's version of the crawler different gear ratios, really good at what it does.
March 8, 20205 yr He’s Back! My weekend is now complete. Thank you Jim for taking the (considerable amount of) time to bring this excellent review to these pages.
March 8, 20205 yr Hi Jim, perfect review. The photographs alone blow me off. Really everything to the point. [Everything? Technic is entirely occupied by the NewBLEs. Well, not entirely... One small village of indomitable Technics still holds out against the invaders ... (adapted from Wikipedia)] Every time I am posting a question about the Poop, sorry PUp (PoweredUp), stuff, I am a) confused and b) getting some lectures on the nomenclature - which is perfectly fine! I really love to learn. This is what I learned so far: There are no "Control+" parts. "Control+" is the app for controlling Technic sets containing PoweredUp hardware The hub you are talking about (4I/O) is the "Technic hub" The (white/bley) small hub (2I/O), apparently mostly the train heads and some Bat-folks are concerned with, is the "PoweredUp" hub. On the German LEGO website called simply "Hub". The Hub hub. The PoweredUp Hubs are controlled with the PoweredUp App - in contrast to the Technic hubs controlled by the Control+ App. All hardware is PUp hardware Everything is known from meetings, secrets parties, etc. of THE LAN (just learned that we were not talking about wire based high-speed - often TCP/IP - connections, but the LEGO Ambassador Network (are they allowed to use Cannabis over there? I mean, the nomenclature suggests exactly that as we have the BOOST hub as well - in addition to the SPIKE uhmm Prime stuff) And finally: The Control+ app will sooner or later disappear as the "PoweredUp App" is supposed to be the One-in-All PUp App. In conclusion: They do have access to cannabis. Again: Very, very nice review. I am just having fun here. Oh, I forgot: On the PoweredUp App, there is a "power down" button, so your models can be brought to a smooth stop. Just to be on the safe side here. Best wishes and have fun, Thorsten  Â
March 8, 20205 yr At last, the master of the most gorgeous LEGO photos is back! Thank you Jim for this very detailed review, I really missed your in-depth analysis, it was a very enjoyable read. I'd like to add a few things here and there if you don't mind  Actually there are two M motors available in the Powered Up family. The first one is more similar to the Power Functions M motor, it was used in the App-Controlled Batmobile set. The other one is more useful for the studded builds, it came with the Boost set and it has a software encoder as well (can report the relative position of the motor). About the performance of the set - I think it is speedy enough to drive around the house, but it lacks the power by default for climbing. Luckily with a simple gear swap you can significantly improve this, and if you replace two pair of gears and sacrifice some more speed for torque, it becomes a really capable crawler. Regarding the software side I absolutely agree with you, this is the domain where TLG really needs some improvement, especially to support MOCs better. Control+ was always meant to be the app with the "official" set profiles and no customization, that's the task for the Powered Up app. Unfortunately this is not advertised at all on, TLG needs to improve their communication as well. The free play area of the Powered Up app was created for MOCs, but it is a mixed bag at the moment. On one side it offers a huge variety of code blocks similar to Boost with great coding possibilities, but on the other side these blocks are confusing, they don't have an official documentation and there're some very basic controller options missing along with a customizable interface. I think the chosen path is not the best one, while the code blocks might be useful to explore the full potential of the Powered Up ecosystem, there's a need to have an intermediate solution similar to the BrickController2 or BuWizz apps.Â
March 8, 20205 yr In the afternoon I thought to have some sleep but then I saw this article and sleepiness was gone.  Thank you for the detailed and well thought-out review Jim and of course stunning photos, as always. Was worth waiting for it. This was the first set I bought from the 2019 Technic lineup as I was eager to see how Control+ performs compared to the old crawlers and I came to a similar conclusion as you: I hoped that Control+ would bring a significant performance upgrade and versatility compared to PF, but unfortunately that's not the case (for the time being). Overall I like the set, it looks agressive as it should, it runs well but lacks torque, which you can improve only if you sacrifice speed. And one thing that still bothers me is the lack of physical controller. If third parties can make usable controllers then LEGO should have created one as well for this amount of money, because looking your mobile phone instead of looking the action detracts from joy a lot IMO.
March 9, 20205 yr Author 21 hours ago, Toastie said: Hi Jim, perfect review. The photographs alone blow me off. Really everything to the point. [Everything? Technic is entirely occupied by the NewBLEs. Well, not entirely... One small village of indomitable Technics still holds out against the invaders ... (adapted from Wikipedia)] ... Hi Toastie, Thanks for pointing out my mistakes and your elaborate explanation. I tend to struggle with PoweredUp vs Control+. I will make some adjustments. Edit: done. 20 hours ago, kbalage said: At last, the master of the most gorgeous LEGO photos is back! Thank you Jim for this very detailed review, I really missed your in-depth analysis, it was a very enjoyable read. Thanks buddy! 20 hours ago, kbalage said: Regarding the software side I absolutely agree with you, this is the domain where TLG really needs some improvement, especially to support MOCs better. Control+ was always meant to be the app with the "official" set profiles and no customization, that's the task for the Powered Up app. Unfortunately this is not advertised at all on, TLG needs to improve their communication as well. The free play area of the Powered Up app was created for MOCs, but it is a mixed bag at the moment. On one side it offers a huge variety of code blocks similar to Boost with great coding possibilities, but on the other side these blocks are confusing, they don't have an official documentation and there're some very basic controller options missing along with a customizable interface. I think the chosen path is not the best one, while the code blocks might be useful to explore the full potential of the Powered Up ecosystem, there's a need to have an intermediate solution similar to the BrickController2 or BuWizz apps. I wasn't aware that Control+ is only for official sets. Makes sense. Hopefully TLG will bring us an improved version of PoweredUp. 19 hours ago, Interceptor said: In the afternoon I thought to have some sleep but then I saw this article and sleepiness was gone.  Thank you for the detailed and well thought-out review Jim and of course stunning photos, as always. Was worth waiting for it. Thanks!Â
March 10, 20205 yr I wanted to read everything first, before I would reply. So I did, and I think this is the first time since 42056 that I read a full review. It's a pleasant read and I agree with practically everything you say about this set. Your photos are excellent! I bought this set, because the new power up parts were a must have for me, simply because they are new. They are big, but with the attachment points they offer, they can be used to add rigidity and coherence very easily. That makes them very versatile imo, and this characteristic was also essential to my B-model. I feel very honored that you built and showed my B-model. It was a pleasure to make it. The limited number of parts made it a real challenge. You have to believe me that I still know the number of pins of all types from the top of my head . Edited March 10, 20205 yr by Didumos69
March 10, 20205 yr Author 11 minutes ago, Didumos69 said: I feel very honored that you built and showed my B-model. It was a pleasure to make it. The limited number of parts made it a real challenge. You have to believe me that I still know the number of pins of all types from the top of my head . Hehe, I believe you right away. When building your model, I sometimes found myself thinking "why would he do that?" and then suddenly realizing I was building a B-model and you had to be creative.
March 10, 20205 yr It's an ok set. Â I like the colour scheme without the stickers. Â I picked it up with a 3rd off on Amazon last year, but it's still in the "To be built" pile. I'm yet to dive into Powered Up/Control+ It looks like it will have real potential as the protocol and apps are developed.
March 10, 20205 yr 4 minutes ago, paul_delahaye said: It looks like it will have real potential as the protocol and apps are developed. For sure! In the recent past, I had the impression that the original "Technic & Mindstorms" forum - should be separated - into two. Because "Technic" folks were and are going nuts on what the bricks can do - and the "Mindstorms" folks were more and more diving into what that electronics stuff can do. OK. Historically speaking Mindstorms was always closely tied to Technic (as far as I am concerned) - and the other way around. Maybe wrong. Whatever. I had a very brief discussion with Jim - and he (as far as I know, I just post here!) created the Mindstorms forum. I bet there were elaborate discussion within board meetings. Subforum or not ... and a million other thoughts. Now we have the Mindstorms forum and I believe this was a very, very smart move. I love that place. However: I sometimes feel a notion here on this forum: We are the Technicians - what do we care about the others. Maybe wrong, I give you that, but it was voice here and there. Thing is: I believe that all Mindstorms (EV3, NXT, RCX ... SPIKE?), PUp (Software: PUp App, Control+ App), PUp (Hardware: Actuators, motors, sensors) ideas and developments should go there and all technical (i.e., hardware builds) should go here. And then folks who are interested can focus on here, here and there, or there. In the end, when TLG has figured it out (I believe they are within a Maelstrom of PUp possibilities - and "third party" participant's ideas, programs, and creativity), provided they do ever - these two forums will be the stronghold of "Technical Building". All the best Thorsten Â
March 14, 20204 yr On 3/8/2020 at 1:18 PM, Mechbuilds said: I honestly can't wait for adapters so you can plug the new motors into buwizz. I feel like the PoweredUp battery box is a massive chunk of wasted space.
March 14, 20204 yr @JaBaCaDaBra Wow. I like the way a link can seriously challenge @Mechbuilds reply (the "massive chunk of wasted space" that is - which it is definitely not) The PoweredUp "battery boxes" are migrating towards very powerful BLE devices - having batteries on board as well. The firmware improvements and the approach they are set up is really nicely thought out. So: Why did TLG not do it? Why on earth are they not providing these >damned plugs<? Because we can mess it up? Look, all >stupid< LEGO motors, from the very beginning of the LEGO 9V universe to the end of every PF motor - even including the LEGO 9V train motors, who would have possibly seen that one coming (nife!) - will seamlessly work with PUp - using these freaking nice Chinese adapters. Man. What is going on here? It is all over the internet how to do it - but we don't get the plugs. I will order 50 of those. Just to be on the safe side. It appears as if TLG still believes we are ... not getting it. All the best, Thorsten   Â
March 14, 20204 yr 53 minutes ago, JaBaCaDaBra said: These adapters are to power PF motors FROM PU and WEDO devices. Powering PU motors AND receiving their position information is NOT POSSIBLE with PF or any kind of a simple adaptor. Edited March 14, 20204 yr by Zerobricks
March 14, 20204 yr Just now, Zerobricks said: These adapters are to power PF motors FROM PU and WEDO devices. Powering PU motors AND receiving their position information is NOT POSSIBLE with PF or any kind of a simple adaptor. These adaptors are just for that, aren't they? Operating PF (or any other dumb active 9V device) from PUp? All the smart PUp device have the 6 wire plug, enabling communication, anyway. Or do I miss something? Best Thorsten
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