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[Factions Ep. 5 - Cat. C][M6 - Ithor - CS] Ithor Dragon Attack

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Mick's Story:

640x640.jpg Alright team, before we go any further I should tell you about what happened between Flyrl, Kale, and myself. It all started shortly after my visit to Mon Cala. Kale had been on assignment with the New Republic on Dathomir. But he had recently come back and they teamed us up together to try to get Ithor to join the New Republic.


The Ithorians are a peaceful people. They don't like conflict and spend much time in nature. We showed up in time for one of their many festivals of nature. The elders invited us to join.


Many different alien races were present to celebrate the arch of life ceremony. The Ithorians view life like a rock arch formation. You start at one end of the arch, find your peak about half way, and then head down-hill to the bottom. And while there is an end to every life, like the rock formation each life can leave a lasting impact. Weapons were highly frowned upon at such ceremonies, but Kale was not willing to make the visit to the planet's surface without one. We stayed off to the side out of respect for the Ithorians.


In the middle of the ceremony Imperial Officer Faust showed up with a battalion of Stormtroopers! Kale ran into the forest to try to find a good snipping position while I ran to intervene.


Faust had orders from Moff Mylore to set up a garrison on Ithor. I told him this was a blatant abuse of power and that the New Republic would not sit still for it. The interaction went no further though because a duo of Ithorian Dragons burst out of the tree line and attacked!


They had been drawn to us by the sunlight reflecting off the Stormtrooper's armor. Beings scattered left and right, trying to escape the dragon's teeth.

Star Wars Ithor Dragons

Having no weapon myself, I yelled at the Stormtroopers to concentrate their fire on the eyes. Faust was nowhere to be found.


He was too busy trying to save his own skin. He and some others had broke left while the rest of us broke right. I didn't know it at the time, but Flyrl's brother was one of those who went left.


We didn't think any of them survived.


Thankfully for us, Kale lined up the prefect shot on the dragon chasing us. It went down with a crash, while the grey one continued to chase the running beings into the forest. We went looking for survivors. But we only found body parts. Flyrl's brother was found missing his head and an arm. He was so grief stricken he was ready to kill Kale. He said he should have gotten his shots lined up sooner and taken out both of the dragons.

The Ithorians ended up join the New Republic. Kale continued to go on missions. And Flyrl never forgave Kale.


Great scene and story. I like the small coves of forest, but there's something about the open space that seems a little too 'clean' maybe it's the leaves being spread out so perfectly distanced or something like that. Other than that, I love seeing a big open build like this! Super cool dragons also!


Great dragons! They are quite big and effective in the scene. The scene itself is very nice. I like the rocks place and the surrounding forest formations. 

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