Posted May 3, 20204 yr ... it is still a WIP, but now I am finally satisfied with the overall shape of the ship; so ready to share the build process in a separate topic. Hopefully, this will also give me extra incentive to complete it in a reasonable amount of time. :) Also, I want to share some "in progress" pics and thinking process behind the specific parts of the build. This is the current state of the project (as of May 3rd 2020). All the main shapes are done, with the back of the wings being an exception (this "straight" area of the tail section should be connected to engines), also the width seem slightly too big and I may need to move engines 2-3 studs closer to mid-section. Edited May 3, 20204 yr by WickNole
May 3, 20204 yr Looking good! Interested to see how this turns out. Will you be adding the yellow accents?
May 4, 20204 yr Author ... so, the process. For the initial size study I've used this reference picture ( ) from Mel Miniatures. As there also was a comparison shot with the Falcon, I was able to calculate dimensions and see what could be the size of the ship if scale is the same. This is what I came up with: 72 studs length (w/o guns) and 50 studs width; the assumed scale was 1:50. All these calculations, however, were wrong :( , but I've realized this only a month later... so all initial attempts to get the proportions were off by about 10%. The second main reference I've used is this awesome custom cross-section from Max Degtyarev (see here - ) - and it really gave me a push to continue the design. It has some flaws proportion-wise, and tail section is not shown there at all; but overall there is a great attention to detail, and author made a huge amount of work to show external and internal details as movie-correct as possible. The third source is a 3d model available here - - by Jeff Lu. This was the first attempt on ship size and main surfaces - to get an idea of how would all the angles come together, and to test the "frame+skin" idea for the hull. 11 hours ago, Reaper said: Will you be adding the yellow accents? As of today: not as a brick-build solution; probably will try custom stickers.
May 7, 20204 yr Author ... continuing. The first version of hull shape was built only based on source drawing's top view and couple of movie stills, therefore, when I've found that 3d model - it was obvious that side view is significantly different from what was initially built. St the same time the scaling issue was found, so everything needed to be recalculate and scaled down by 8 pins in length. This was the v2.0 shape and frame. Minus 4 studs from bow, minus 2 studs from aft section; frame also rebuilt to be more rigid and same time lighter (first frame was mostly bricks, this one, and all the following, are Technic). Engine size dummies were also built to show assess the placement and shape. I still was not happy with aft section, its angles and shapes - but, as all that area depended on landing legs solution, decided to postpone any changes there. Next step was to check front and cockpit area.Putting the figure inside, I realized that there is no way I can add two floors of space inside there (the cross-section really helped in understanding the internal spaces). Had to increase the height by two extra studs (see the 2x16 plate added). Independently of hull construction I was trying to build as "round" engine as I could. The best result was probably the one shown below: based on hexagonal shape, 11 studs diameter. However, due to this internal frame - it was rather complicated to attach, and all narrower diameters were not as "round" as 11-wide widest section. On this same picture you can also see that the front wing panels became smaller, and front angle (cockpit panel) is much less steep. This allowed to remove one of two studs added to height in the previous step, but still keep "two-floor cockpit and living quarters" inside bow area.
May 7, 20204 yr Great work! Definitely to follow your advances. The Razor Crest is a very interesting build. It seems very close to minifig scale.
May 8, 20204 yr Author ... probably, two more updates before i arrive to the current status. The next step was to develop the cockpit "blob" and front panels in general. I've written yesterday that angle of the cockpit panel was changed, but, probably, for the next picture it was updated again to allow for side edges to be horizontal. Furthermore, the tiling for sidepanels was done using curved slopes (this seemed more appropriate, especially when comparing to sources nr.2 and nr.3). As for the "blob" - I've tried some variants using 1x2 curved slopes and SNOT, but these did not work out; so the main choice was either to use two half-arches or two half-arches + plate (i.e. either 6-width in total, or 7-width). Second picture shows some more updates on the front area - it is also now made from half-arches, and there is now an angled edge between front area and side plates - but this angle should be "rotated" and be 20 degrees instead of current 70 (this is not changed, however, up to today, as this would cause many more changes to be made... and I am not sure if I want that). Side doors are added as well, not at the final place, but with the final shape. Also, for the first tome the landing legs placeholders are attached - and, as the model is still quite light - the back legs can easily support the weight... but not for long: as the new engines are added and more "skin" panels are attached - the choice had risen either to completely re-do the leg frame to allow for more rigidity, or to keep the "movie correct" leg shape and add the extra support. On this picture the side panels are tiled, and for the first time the bottom wing panels are added. One can also see the bending on rear legs - but this was yet manageable. 11 hours ago, dvogon said: It seems very close to minifig scale. Thank you. This should indeed be a minifig scale.
May 9, 20204 yr Author ... and the last one before I move to more "up-to-date" pictures. The engines are reworked. I've used Saturn 5 octagonal shape base to construct the 11-stud diameter cylindrical shapes. It is also easier in terms of modularity - 4+4 identical modules used for each engine (some of them are later edited for specific sections, but the principle is the same anyway). The engines are attached by a simple "brick-to-brick" connection, no specific Technic pins are used as 10-pin clutch seemed enough. A bit more detailed picture of an engine. The back angled section is also based on Saturn 5, but I've used a brick-built solution instead of part 93348. Also - with the addition of engines - rear legs are not able to support the ship anymore - so the support is added. Here is the top view after some more paneling and tiling is done - both front and back. Also the escape capsule is seen (no official reference from the movie, but it is present on LEGO model,and added on cross-section), and the work is started on the large central panel. This last picture is "exploded" view. It shows the main "modularity" idea for the build - rigid central frame and individual panel sections which can be updated or edited if needed. This pic is taken couple days earlier then the previous one - so the top panel is yet a preliminary version.
May 10, 20204 yr Author For the last week there were two main areas I've worked on, bottom section being the first. The target was to avoid any anti-studs visible. Angled front section was tested earlier and can be partially seen on previous pictures. There are still some narrow gaps which I am not able to cover, but can't figure out how to do any better there. Probably, it can be improved if the bottom plate is made 3-plate-wide, but then it will look too bulky. Rear section is a completely new addition to the build (first I wanted to finalize the design for rear landing legs' area, and then use the same angles for bottom section). Open studs act as connection points for a transparent support I've talked about earlier. There are still some gaps remaining in an area where hangar door hinges are placed - so the "very rear" of the bottom plate is still work-in-progress. Same is true for the whole front area - nothing was added here since the frame update over a month ago. Second update was made on the engines placement, which also made me re-do the bottom wing panels visible here as well. But those areas are for the next update, most probably.
May 14, 20204 yr Author It is time to finally do something with the front section. The guns are quite "up to scale" now, but all these panel connections are so messed up... and the gaps are killing me. Only good news is that they all are modular and can be changed without affecting other parts of the ship. Cockpit layout is there as well now. Due to LEGO minifig proportions the internal area seems way too small... but that is the usual issue with "minifig-scale" project. At least there is enough place for three people. And, I have no idea what to do with the windscreen. Any ideas? The area is 7-stud-wide and 7-stud-long now (length can be extended by 1-2 studs). I was looking at these 3x3x6 convex panel - but it gives either a 1-stud gap in-between, or a 6-wide piece which is too narrow. Other option, which I currently am using as "version 1.0" is a brick-built frame construction - but I am yet unable to come up with a rigid enough idea. Edited May 14, 20204 yr by WickNole
June 18, 20204 yr Author Had to wait quite a bit for Bricklink orders to arrive, but now it is all here, and now the exterior plating is finally done. Next step is to do all the remaining small tiles outside and cockpit interior inside... and it is then more or less “display worth”.
June 18, 20204 yr I wasnt that impressed with the razor crest, until I saw this moc. outstanding work.
June 19, 20204 yr Author Some more exterior shots: As previously mentioned, rear lending legs are not able to support the full weight of the model, so transparent bricks support pillar is added. Good news is that it is visible only from limited viewpoints. I'll probably put the model to "pause" now. Need to let it stay there for a while so I can think of next steps and "mini-assemblies" such as engine internals, cockpit details and cargo bay interior... Edited June 19, 20204 yr by WickNole
June 20, 20204 yr I love the shaping and detail around the front end and engines, the rest is very impressive too. The small bits of greebling in the mostly smooth panels are a nice touch, well done it’s a great MOC!
June 22, 20204 yr I really like the way that you shaped the ship's structure. It is really a fantastic build. Extremely detailed contours of the ship. Truly a masterpiece. Fantastic work!
June 29, 20204 yr This is awesome! How many pieces is it currently? and I’m assuming this is minifigure scale, right?
June 29, 20204 yr Not to take away from your work but we had similar ideas on the construction. As a suggestion, it might be worth breaking up the solid grey with some variations on the larger panels just for interest/weathering etc. See my earlier post here:
June 30, 20204 yr Author 19 hours ago, Naixin said: This is awesome! How many pieces is it currently? and I’m assuming this is minifigure scale, right? Yep, the plan was to have the same scale as UCS Falcon. As for piece count - I would estimate from 2.5k to 3.5k at the moment. But no exact number. 16 hours ago, faqby said: Not to take away from your work but we had similar ideas on the construction. As a suggestion, it might be worth breaking up the solid grey with some variations on the larger panels just for interest/weathering etc. See my earlier post here: Thank you. I like what you did with the windscreen - just plain black brick-built solution. Considering similar option for mine.
August 24, 20204 yr Author On 8/15/2020 at 3:33 AM, Naixin said: any updates on this? I've ordered and received some more tiles to complete the external areas. But still don't have a good solution for engine intakes... and there are couple more places I want to work on before releasing "final" model (and i don't even think of any interior details now; only the areas directly visible when the hatches are open). Not as an excuse (but still :) ) - I've also upgraded the Tatooine layout in preparation for our (hopefully) October event.
September 15, 20204 yr On 8/24/2020 at 7:00 AM, WickNole said: I've ordered and received some more tiles to complete the external areas. But still don't have a good solution for engine intakes... and there are couple more places I want to work on before releasing "final" model (and i don't even think of any interior details now; only the areas directly visible when the hatches are open). Not as an excuse (but still :) ) - I've also upgraded the Tatooine layout in preparation for our (hopefully) October event. Awesome! I look forward to it
September 21, 20204 yr Are you planning to release instructions anytime? This looks like a great fusion between richoyjhae and papaglop’s versions.
September 22, 20204 yr Author On 9/21/2020 at 3:44 PM, Naixin said: Are you planning to release instructions anytime? This looks like a great fusion between richoyjhae and papaglop’s versions. Not earlier than New Year. I'll start modelling in mid-October, probably. And i don't really think it is close in design to either of ones mentioned above. :) Edited September 22, 20204 yr by WickNole
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