December 20, 2024Dec 20 Im not familiar with this manga/anime but I thought it was very adult in some topics
December 20, 2024Dec 20 I will believe it when I see it on store shelves. As @Robert8 said, the source material can be very adult. Even if the Netflix adaptation is made differently / adapted, it still will be tainted by association with the original works in my opinion.
December 20, 2024Dec 20 It’s funny to see lego pick themes that sell good with the off brand minifigs. The Skibidi Toilet that i saw with the Fornite leaks is also the same as some off brand minifigs. If lego keeps up copying the off brands (which would be funny in a way) they should release Dragon Ball as well x-D
December 20, 2024Dec 20 3 hours ago, Bloquerto said: I didn't know where to post it but... THE ONE PIECE IS REAL!!! Â Set list thanks to Brick Clicker: 75636 301pcs $29.99 75637Â 573pcs $49.99 75638Â 926pcs $79.99 75639Â 1376pcs $99.99 75640Â 3402pcs (18+) These sets are based on the Netflix show. Also 75640 is the Going Merry. August 1st release. As much as this excites me (despite the theme being based on the live-action Netflix series), I hope we get some sets based on the original anime series as well after the first wave.
December 21, 2024Dec 21 6 hours ago, Robert8 said: Im not familiar with this manga/anime but I thought it was very adult in some topics There is a live action show on netflix that this may be based off of. Â
December 25, 2024Dec 25 According to Brick Tap, both PotC and Star Trek are coming in 2025 under the Icons theme (one set each). On 12/21/2024 at 2:36 AM, zoth33 said: There is a live action show on netflix that this may be based off of.  According to Brick Tap that's the case, yes. On 10/3/2024 at 11:47 AM, BrickBob Studpants said: @TandNbricks is hinting at multiple themes returning (i.e., themes that didn‘t have sets in the last 1-2 years). One is The Simpsons, but what could the other(s) be? Would PotC qualify? The last set (the Silent Mary) came out in 2017, I think, and they're not returning as their own theme, but still ... Edited December 25, 2024Dec 25 by brickbride
December 25, 2024Dec 25 The rumour was posted at the usual place. Both sets will reportedly come out in the second half of 2025. I've said in another thread (and was viciously attacked for it) that LEGO seem to base a lot of their recent product decisions on their competitors' existing products (i.e. Notre Dame, solar system model, microscale Hogwarts and Grounds, 2025's booknooks based on licenced themes in general and specifically the Hogwarts Express one for HP after Reobrix has already done both). Now they"re taking over the Star Trek licence from Bluebrixx and at the same time attack Bluebrixx' and Reobrix' pirates themes with One Piece and PotC sets. I really think there is a pattern of trying to assert market dominance in order to prevent customers from switching brands here. EDIT: Consensus at the usual place and in the Pirates subtheme of Eurobricks seems to be that the PotC set will be the Black Pearl (that's apparently a given) in midi scale with a Jack Sparrow minifig (I'm not sure where those details originate and how accurate they are). The Star Trek set is likely the Enterprise because what else would it be, but it will be interesting to see which iteration. The 90s kids that seem to be LEGO's main target group these days would have grown up with TNG, but personally I think that TOS is more iconic, and also that more people who grew up with TNG would be willing to buy a set based on TOS than the other way round. As for One Piece, right now the main thing I'm curious about is how they're going to do Zoro's three swords. Minifigs cannot hold stuff in their mouths. Do you think he'll hold two swords in his hands and maybe have some sort of utility belt for the third? (I guess they could always cheat and use scenes from past the mid-way point of season one, but come on, Zoro needs his swords!). Edited December 27, 2024Dec 27 by brickbride
December 25, 2024Dec 25 OhmyGod, it's happening! STAR TREK LEGO aaaannd breathe... 6 hours ago, brickbride said: The Star Trek set is likely the Enterprise because what else would it be, but it will be interesting to see which iteration. The 90s kids that seem to be LEGO's main target group these days would have grown up with TNG, but personally I think that TOS is more iconic, and also that more people who grew up with TNG would be willing to buy a set based on TOS than the other way round. I agree with you there. I grew up with TNG as well but the Enterprise-D is not nearly as good looking as the original Enterprise, or the Enterprise-A. Now, who wants to take bets how many minifigs it comes with? I'm guessing at least three. Kirk, Spock and Bones. But if they're feeling generous it'll be the entire main cast, adding Uhura, Checkov, Scotty and Sulu  Regards, Mitch
December 25, 2024Dec 25 13 hours ago, Robert8 said: LEGO Star Trek???? What the heck?? LEGO...the Final Frontier. Can't wait!
December 25, 2024Dec 25 6 hours ago, CF Mitch said: OhmyGod, it's happening! STAR TREK LEGO aaaannd breathe... I agree with you there. I grew up with TNG as well but the Enterprise-D is not nearly as good looking as the original Enterprise, or the Enterprise-A. Now, who wants to take bets how many minifigs it comes with? I'm guessing at least three. Kirk, Spock and Bones. But if they're feeling generous it'll be the entire main cast, adding Uhura, Checkov, Scotty and Sulu  Regards, Mitch Ditto. ALL seven minifigures would be great! My guess would be 4: Kirk, Spock, Scotty and Uhura. Original 1701, 1701-A would be the best place to START. Later we can expand to TNG. Personally, for a complementary follow-up set, I am hoping for a Klingon Bird-of-Prey (same scale as the Enterprise) with minifigures of course.  May Santa bring a sleigh full of coal to the leaker if this theme turns out to be a false rumor.Â
December 25, 2024Dec 25 6 hours ago, CF Mitch said: I agree with you there. I grew up with TNG as well but the Enterprise-D is not nearly as good looking as the original Enterprise, or the Enterprise-A. Now, who wants to take bets how many minifigs it comes with? I'm guessing at least three. Kirk, Spock and Bones. But if they're feeling generous it'll be the entire main cast, adding Uhura, Checkov, Scotty and Sulu  Facts, nothing beats the 1701-dash-nothing. I hope we get the OG crew, and a Klingon or Gorn for good measure.
December 25, 2024Dec 25 PotC returning and a Star Trek set?!  If true, 2025 is gonna be even more of a killer year for LEGO than I thought before! So we have PotC, Horizon, and the Simpsons returning, plus One Piece, Bluey, and Star Trek as new IPs. Wow
December 25, 2024Dec 25 26 minutes ago, BrickBob Studpants said: PotC returning and a Star Trek set?!  If true, 2025 is gonna be even more of a killer year for LEGO than I thought before! So we have PotC, Horizon, and the Simpsons returning, plus One Piece, Bluey, and Star Trek as new IPs. Wow Wait..... is Bluey Duplo or system? I have a sister who would love to add Bluey to her Animal Crossing village, and who would throw so much money at LEGO if it were system it would be obscene. Edited December 25, 2024Dec 25 by Murdoch17
December 25, 2024Dec 25 At first glance I feel like it doesn't make sense for Bluey to be System, since it's a preschool show, but then again Bluey and Bingo are aged what, 4 and 6? So they're old enough for System. I guess it could go either way.
December 25, 2024Dec 25 20 minutes ago, icm said: At first glance I feel like it doesn't make sense for Bluey to be System, since it's a preschool show, but then again Bluey and Bingo are aged what, 4 and 6? So they're old enough for System. I guess it could go either way. I think you underestimate the large amount of adults who like Bluey. The house has reached 10,000 votes on ideas three times. Twice it was rejected, with one still in review. They reached 10,000 VERY rapidly each time... it's been up for review for each of the last three years. I just hope it makes it, and doesn't just be relegate to Duplo, like Thomas and Friends (my personal wish for system sets) was... Edited December 25, 2024Dec 25 by Murdoch17
December 25, 2024Dec 25 I know Bluey has lots of adult fans, I was just referring to matching the nominal age range for the sets to the nominal age range for the audience.
December 26, 2024Dec 26 4 hours ago, Murdoch17 said: Wait..... is Bluey Duplo or system? I have a sister who would love to add Bluey to her Animal Crossing village, and who would throw so much money at LEGO if it were system it would be obscene. Both. Specifically, the list right now is: 4+ Sets: 11201: $19.99 (104 pieces) 11202: $29.99 (133 pieces) 11203: $69.99 (382 pieces) 30687: Polybag Duplo Sets: 10458: $29.99 (22 pieces) 10459: $69.99 (83 pieces) I still don't know if I quite buy that the "Berry" theme is 100% going to be Bluey, but I might be interested in some if they do come out. At least to be able to get figures of Bluey and Bingo. Either way, I'm taking it with a grain of salt until we here something more concrete. Star, Trek, though, has be quite excited! I know that MOCs and other brands have existed now for awhile for the sets, so I'm excited to see what minifigures they go with. Will they start with TOS? TNG? Go the route of the Deku Tree and make a 2-in-1? Make the full ship, or just go with the bridge? I would love it if we could eventually get into more niche things like Quark's Bar or even Voyager, but it's almost certainly going to be an Enterprise first.Â
December 26, 2024Dec 26 18 minutes ago, JohnTPT17 said: Star, Trek, though, has be quite excited! I know that MOCs and other brands have existed now for awhile for the sets, so I'm excited to see what minifigures they go with. Will they start with TOS? TNG? Go the route of the Deku Tree and make a 2-in-1? Make the full ship, or just go with the bridge? I would love it if we could eventually get into more niche things like Quark's Bar or even Voyager, but it's almost certainly going to be an Enterprise first. I really hope they choose one and do it really well. There are enough differences in the Enterprise models that you really need very different shaping and styling for them, and I don't want them to compromise one for the other. Part of me hopes for a midi scale Enterprise (of any kind) as they look so good and they've generally done well with Star Wars. But, just a few days ago, I found these great Enterprise D and E models on Rebrickable, and I don't know if LEGO could do significantly better. LEGO MOC USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) Midi Scale — Star Trek: The Next Generation/Picard by skyfox2k | Rebrickable - Build with LEGO LEGO MOC USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-E) Midi Scale — Star Trek: The Next Generation/First Contact/Insurrection/Nemesis by skyfox2k | Rebrickable - Build with LEGO So I'm probably more hoping they do a minifigure scale bridge. I suspect the midi scale ship is the way they'll go though, as it has the broadest appeal. And it would be neat to get 1701, D, E, maybe F, Voyager, and DS9, plus a Bird of Prey and Borg Cube. That could give them a nice few years of small release waves.
December 29, 2024Dec 29 If they did a NCC-1701-D with a Picard minifigure then "shut up and take my Gold Pressed Latinum" :) Â
December 31, 2024Dec 31 On 12/29/2024 at 12:24 AM, jonwil said: If they did a NCC-1701-D with a Picard minifigure then "shut up and take my Gold Pressed Latinum" :) Â Did you see the new leak?
January 12Jan 12 The leaked hat pieces from One Piece look fantastic! Gotta watch the Netflix show now  Another property that caught my interest because of a LEGO-tie in, rather than the other way round
January 12Jan 12 Asterix and Obelix Tintin (The Unicorn would be such an awesome set) Thunderbirds (Thunderbird 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and Shadow are perfect for Lego sets)
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