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There was a locked drawer of some kind in the dining room. We should try it there.

Yes! I'd forgotten about that.

Or maybe it opens the front door?


But as for our duty, we should not leave until we solve this mystery...Unless you want to examine outside for clues...

Well lets open that drawer then.


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Unlocking the China Cabinet

You go back to the dining room to attempt to unlock the drawer(s) in the china cabinet. You put the brass key in one of the locks; and this time, it at least fits the lock.


It works. You begin unlocking and opening each of the six drawers. Drawers 1-4 are farely small and 5 & 6 much larger.

Drawer 1: some rather fancy silverware

Drawer 2: some oil paints and brushes

Drawer 3: a rope tied in a noose

Drawer 4: a small brass telescope

Drawer 5: several pieces of old wood

Drawer 6: a small safe/valuable box with a three-digit combination lock. On the box is a small note that says, "five attempts to open this lock will result in rendering the lock useless and seal the contents for good". The combination has the numbers now set to 3 0 0. A small red button appears under the lock.

It seems we might be stuck again. How are we going to know the combination without any leads? Any suggestions?

But while we are at it, is there anything special about any of those or things we found? Or are we allowed to take the safe out of the drawer?

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The safe is rather heavy as it appears to be fire proof. You can always come back to it. It is moveable, however.

How about a closer inspection of the items in the drawer?

Anyone remember anywhere we could use the spyglass?


Heh heh...lucky number 33...

Brickster, I'd like to get a closer look at the pieces of wood in the desk.


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Appears to be old wood (perhaps from a crate).

A closer inspection of all the items reveals nothing.

For the time being, I think we should not attempt any combination on the safe !!!!!! Could we have a more closer look on that red button underneath it ????

One other question Mister Brickster, have the oil paints and brushes been used ??? If yes, there is probably another hidden message to find.

OK, what do we need to open the safe - find the 3 digit combination !!! yeahhhhhh.

One thought: the State of Oregon was admitted in the Union in 1859, this date might represent a clue !!

I also would like to remind you that we have still to open the gate near the place where we found poor old Mister Crowley and the bedroom - 2 keys to find !!!

If we look on the inscription of the blackboard carefully, that RC character have hidden clues to something of importance !!!! Now all we need to do (yeahhh sounds so easy saying it like that) is putt all the pieces of the puzzle together !!!

Books, hieroglyphs, ring... Those clues were left to unreveal more clues !!! The dark secret of this mansion lies in those clues !!! We have to find the common thread to them in order to move on, or we will be stuck here a very long time !!!!

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Examining the oil paints, they include the colors blue, red, mustard/yellow, and brown. Appears that the blue and mustard have been opened. The two brushes are clean and look fairly new.

The red button on the safe appears to be some sort of device to push in conjunction with the combination as no other button/switch is visible.

Pete states, "XWingYoda seems to be applying some very good analytic skills. I think that the initials 'RC' on the blackboard is a significant clue as well as the symbols. Crowley's message included:

find the symbols

I have left them for you

If I die

add the letters

the word is easy

but I can not spell it

Crowley must have been trying to encrypt his message by writing it in Latin. I think if we figure out "the word", it would unlock another clue. Perhaps the symbols were in some order around the table to help us figure out the word".

I see now why the blue has been used, it was to cover the 33rd star on the Oregon seal !!!!

Concerning the hieroglyphs found on the chairs, someone suggested the letters KALI. I have to disagree on this. The quail does not represent an A: it represents a W but can be read as W or U. Also the reed represents an I but can read as I or A.

So the letters we have so far are W (U), L, K, I (A). KIL U !!! that is optimistic !!!!

I think that we need more symbols/letters to unreaveal the word !!!

Mister Brickster, could we examine more closely the book by Arlington. This book does not make sense with the other books !!! It is just poetry, and has nothing to do with macabre, horror... Maybe a new clue lies in that old book !!!!

KALI. I'm sure those letters are right. They added up to 33.

Lets go back to the mural and see if the missing yellow paint went there too?

I want to go back and scrape that paint off the extra island part too. We kind of forgot about that discrepancy after we found the key. Maybe the backwards eagle too...


I wonder why the first number is set to "3" I wonder if anybody before us has tried to open the safe. If they have, then we in ore trouble than we think! We have no clue how many times the person/s before us has tried. Or, if we look on the bright side, this preset number 3 might be another clue...

Yoda-the translations of the glyphs are not incorrect--they're out of context. Certain symbols have many meanings, depending on where they fall in the sentence or word.

Also, we fleetingly passed a Pharoah. Was it a statue, or an actual mummy? Which Pharoah was it? Does he have any heiroglyphs on him?

Blast! >:( I had an idea about the Pharoah, this weekend, but I was away from my computer, so I couldn't post it. Now I've forgotten it...


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More Analysis

Athos examines the Seal of Oregon again. Attempting to scrape off the paint of the eagle, the ships, and the island reveals nothing.

Pete states, "although the word 'KALI' does add up to 33, I think it's purely a coincidence. Some Egyptian symbols represent more than one English word or sound since the Egyptian alphabet did not contain as many letters as the English alphabet - just like the symbol for K could also mean a C. I don't believe the word is Kali".

Darkie examines the statue of the pharaoh once more. It appears to be made of stone or other hard substance covered/polished with a dull glaize paint/finish of some kind. The statue wears an ornate cloth headdress with blue and white stripes and a greenish cloth kilt. The fabrics look rather aged. The statue does not have any markings/heiroglyphics.

Xwingyoda examines the Edward Arlington Robinson book once more. It contains the following poems and literary analysis of the following: On The Night Of A Friend's Wedding, Miniver Cheevy, Llewellyn and the Tree, Richard Cory, Bewick Fenzer, The Mill, and Mr. Flood's Party. The book is approximatey 200 pages long.

I don't believe the word is KALI either, I just thought they might be the proper letters. It is, however, interesting to know that we might be wrong about the letters.

I wonder if maybe the word is mispelled? The chalk board said he could not spell it, after all. Perhaps the word is KILA (Killer) or CILA (Cellar)?

My other thought, was maybe the R and C are our missing letters?

Finally, on the word subject, can anyone tell me what order the letters were in when they were presented to us?

Lets take Pharoah's clothes off... no I'm not a pervert, there was just what seemed to be some unusual care in describing his clothes. Did Egyptians wear kilts?


One quick thought: maybe the word is effectively KALI.

In that case, we would need to find a book about KALI in the library to find another clue !!!!

Afterall, Mister Crowley was a great art collector, there might be some hindu art somewhere !!! (we already found US art, Egyptian art and viking art).

Egyptians, young/old/rich/poor wore linen cloths, seeing as it was entirely too hot around there. Usually they were white.

In addition, may I see the book of Poems by Edward Arlington Robinson again? You state the titles of the poems--what pages are they on? Each poem and analysis, please. :)

Also--when we examined the chairs in the first place, how much were the moved? Completely? Might we go back and see what order the marked chairs sit it, in regards to their markings?

I'm pretty sure KALI is not the right word. Pete has been pretty adament about the word not being KALI. I'm going to theorize again that it might be ALKALI, if we double up some of the letters. Though it is not an easy word.


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Finally, on the word subject, can anyone tell me what order the letters were in when they were presented to us? - Athos

The chairs are still placed around the table in the same fashion as they were discovered (see diagram).


Chair 1: Quail/Bird

Chair 2: Feather

Chair 3: no symbol

Chair 4: Cup

Chair 5: Lion

Chair 6: no symbol

Lets take Pharoah's clothes off... no I'm not a pervert, there was just what seemed to be some unusual care in describing his clothes. Did Egyptians wear kilts? - Athos

Athos undreses the statue. Nothing peculiar in regard to the clothing/covered parts of the statue. Recommend one of the Egyptian historians answer the question in regard to the kilt.

In that case, we would need to find a book about KALI in the library to find another clue !!!!

Afterall, Mister Crowley was a great art collector, there might be some hindu art somewhere !!! (we already found US art, Egyptian art and viking art) - XWingYoda

After exhausting effort to find a book relating to Kali or Hindu subject matters, you find nothing in the library.

In addition, may I see the book of Poems by Edward Arlington Robinson again? You state the titles of the poems--what pages are they on? Each poem and analysis, please. - Darkie

Pete states, "I don't believe the analysis of Robinson's poetry is important". But in looking at the index, the stories begin on the following pages:

On The Night Of A Friend's Wedding - 35

Miniver Cheevy - 61

Llewellyn and the Tree - 85

Richard Cory - 124

Bewick Fenzer - 163

The Mill - 174

Mr. Flood's Party - 183

The poems are mostly 1-2 pages long.

Also--when we examined the chairs in the first place, how much were the moved? Completely? Might we go back and see what order the marked chairs sit it, in regards to their markings? - Darkie

see response to first question

Chair 1: Quail/Bird = O, U, W

Chair 2: Feather = I

Chair 3: no symbol = ____

Chair 4: Cup = C, K, Q, X

Chair 5: Lion = L

Chair 6: no symbol = ____

Hmmmm.... I got nothing. Damn stupid hieroglyphics >:(


It really depends on the context. Unfortunately, and these seem to be out of context.

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