June 22, 20204 yr Author Aaron van der Meede stood from the Sea of Storms delegation. "Aye!" "And an 'Aye!' from me as well," added Pieter Reyngout, as he remained seated.
June 23, 20204 yr Dr Ayuda said a clear "Aye!" Chief Apulo near the door just said : "She is here !" And through the back door burst in the council room Lady Condora accompanied by Sir Basil de Eslandola ! She launched a great "AYE!" entering the hall greeted by the chief with a small tribal danse he achieved yelling a great "Aye !" to the rest of the council. "I can confirm our fears about Terraversa." She declared. "Our friend Basil de Eslandola here has witness strange actions from Mardier and we have hear says telling us it's not the only move we could have seen from our dangerous neighbour..." "Let me tell you what happened when I went to recover Basil after the wreckedge of The Brickwall." Lady Condora continued. And she told her story : Â
June 23, 20204 yr Author A naval courier entered the hall, strode purposefully to the main desk, slapped a sealed letter down on the desk in front of Willem Guilder, then turned around and purposefully strode out of the hall the way he had arrived. Guilder opened the letter and read it silently. Then he returned his attention to the council members. "Well, then, the Ayes have it on our first item of business," stated Guilder. "I shall write a letter to Consul Montoya and assure him of our continued anti-piracy efforts." Guilder then picked up the courier's letter and waved it in the air. "And with this recent news, it looks like I can brag about some success with our anti-piracy patrols at that. While I cant reveal the contents of this letter yet, it appears we have captured a big fish!" Guilder turned to Commodore Grei, then said, "and it appears we have recovered the Valiant Phoenix in the process." "Our next item is the state of affairs on Terraversa." Guilder then turned to Lady Condora. "M'lady, what can you tell us from your visit there?"Â Â
June 24, 20204 yr Author Aaron van der Meede stood from his seat in the Sea of Storms delegation. "As I read the letter from the Corries about the Terraversa situation, I am concerned that we don't have more information. Lady Condora's recent experience there certainly adds fuel to the fire that something is amiss. I think we all agree that Terraversan independence is in Eslandola's best interest, and we certainly don't want to see Mardier regain control of the island. I propose that we send someone to investigate these rumors." Pieter Reyngout stood to assert his agreement. "And it appears that the Corries have developed a working relationship Grand Admiral L'Olius. They seem to have an anti-piracy fleet operating out of Westface! We should make sure that we maintain our close relationship with Archduke Oldis in Kings Port, as the balance of political power in Terraversa is tricky, even under normal circumstances. A formal offer of support to Oldis would seem to be in order. Are we willing to send troops to assist him against Marderian spies if he desires?"
June 24, 20204 yr Commodore Grei pulled out a high quality sheet of parchment from the stack he brought in with him, and stood to address the room, "It is true that we here need reliable intelligence of the goings-on in Terraversa. To assist us in this, the leadership of the Crahaish neh Triuri have furnished me with a letter written to them from a retired of their number, High Priestess Lillian the Skydancer, now living in Westface. It reads:" Dearest Sisters,      It is with great concern that I write to you about the civil unrest in Terraversa of late. The city of Nola Mar is in open revolt against the legitimate Terraversan government. A Maridierian Royalist faction has taken control of all routes in and out of the city. I know of at least four merchants from here in Westface that were, instead of being admitted into Nola Mar, beaten and bloodied before being driven away from the gates. One man I tended myself was lucky he came to me, or he would have lost an arm to gangrene.     In addition to the governmental woes of the island, the local Atwi people are greatly upset over the seizure of the object being called the Quiver of Artemis. Since I have tended to many a sick Atwi in the time I have been here, I was afforded the opportunity to sit in on a meeting of the Westface area elders. There was a firm consensus that a plan for its return was needed, but of the six proposals put forward, none garnered enough support for action. When I was asked my opinion, I told them that any attempt to take the object by force would result in numerous deaths on both sides.     All of this is on top of the fractious Terraversan internal politics, with Archduke Oldis and Grand Admiral L'Olius each leading a group of political actors with opposing views on the direction their young nation should take.      The tension here is palpable, and people on the street watch their fellows with suspicion. A priest of Poseidon tripped over his own robes yesterday, and instead of helping him up, the people around merely gawked. Another incident had a supporter of Archduke Oldis being drenched with the foul contents of a chamber pot.      It is my concerted opinion that the Crahaish could do much to alleviate the tension. I suggest a hospital, staffed by Wandering Acolytes, be set up in a neutral location and open to all who come. I know of several stately homes, now vacant since the recent war, in an area that would suit such needs.      I live in hope that the Crahaish heeds my words, and acts with swiftness to aid troubled peoples.      Yours Faithfully,            Lillian the Skydancer, High Priestess Ret. Taking a breath, Commodore Grei continued with his address, "In addition to this letter, I have compiled all the Crahaish neh Triuri's fleet reports on the various rumors concerning Terraversa, and the RNTC's involvement, that seem to corroborate High Priestess Skydancer's assertions. I am in complete agreement with her that a neutral position needs to be taken with respect to Terraversa's internal political situation. While we cannot condone the armed insurrection of a legitimately elected government, we also cannot have the Terraversan populace believe we are trying to interfere with their self-governing." "A hospital catering to all would do this well," Lady Cantoni interjected. "And provide us with the first-hand intelligence we need," Viscount Doblin added. "True," Hammish continued, "But the Crahaish cannot fund such an undertaking at this time. Acquiring Terraversan property, renovation and supply, would divert funds from ongoing relief missions elsewhere. I am provided with only a modest budget to manage their fleet, though I do believe I can cover a blood price for the return of the Valiant Phoenix. The Crahaish can however, should we decide to build such a hospital, provide medically trained Wandering Acolytes to handle the care of the wounded and the sick." "I agree with Mr. Reyngout that our anti-piracy missions should include the waters around Terraversa," Viscount Doblin commented, "but doing so with a specific political faction would be a mistake. Being seen as interfering outsiders would be a real problem. I remember the mess that was Nova Malto after Mardier 'ceded' control of Isla de Victoria to us." "Exactly my point," Commodore Grei responded, "Even one of the Crahaish's captains, Missa Drewsa, in her honest attempt to do the right thing inadvertently caused more unrest by working too closely with Archduke Oldis. Whatever we decide, it should be done with respect to Terraversa's sovereignty." Edited June 25, 20204 yr by gedren_y Made it a bit more GM friendly.
June 24, 20204 yr Author "Commodore Grei, thank you for that letter from the high priestess," said Guilder. "A strong source, but it needs verification. I would like us to get some first-hand information on the situation. In conjunction with Mr. Reyngout's suggestion that we send a formal letter of support to Archduke Oldis, I propose we send a mixed delegation, representing a cross-section of Eslandola, to Nola Mar and see for ourselves what is happening there."
June 29, 20204 yr Author Guilder was surprised by the silence that met his proposal. "Is there no appetite for an expedition at this time? The situation on Terraversa sounds like it could escalate quickly, from the sound of the latest KPA." Guilder waved the newspaper in the air. "But we need to take some action. If not an expedition, should we at least send a letter of inquiry and support to Archduke Oldis? What say ye members of the council?"
June 30, 20204 yr "What's that? We need to support an arch to Duke Oldis? I think we can let the Terraversans build their own statues," Chef Jalape muttered. Esterhazy squirmed in his seat, obviously embarrassed by his companion's ignorance but unfortunately unable to set him straight, since he didn't know who Archduke Oldis is either...
June 30, 20204 yr Willoughby lifted his hand (it was a hand, I'm pretty sure - might have been a foot...) and, through Agent Guelds, assented to the good Governor's proposal.  "Seconded, sir! Yes, I believe a formal letter of inquiry into the desires of the Terraversans and the state of the matters there would be in order. At the moment all is merely conjecture and confusion - the Corries and the Oleanders are mutually annoying each other, and we have yet to hear from the actual residents of the island, and can make no decision before knowing their will in this affair. They are a self-governing, independent country, and as such it is their place, and not ours, to primarily defend their own interests and sovereignty. If they are continually leaning upon Corrington and Eslandola for their independence, they, frankly, are not independent at all - and simply intruding and prodding into foreign affairs with perhaps unwanted, certainly unsolicited, dubitable aid is not a trait of the fair and level-headed citizens and leaders of Eslandola." "Unlike those of some other countries..." muttered the rather non-tactful Lieutenant H. - "Remember Nova Malto!? War, I say - it is time for war!" Agent Guelds nodded emphatically. "Well, once we are done with the good Governor's proposition, I suggest we vote on that declaration of war on Corrington! Do I have a second?" He glanced around the room, then turned and whispered to Lieutenant H, "That is what we're here for, right??" Willoughby rolled his eyes.
July 1, 20204 yr Author Guilder regained his composure after a facepalm. "The proposal has been seconded, so let us proceed to a vote. Shall we send a letter to Archduke Oldis -- head of state of Terraversa" (he said as he looked at the MCTC delegation) "-- asking if Terraversa requires Eslandola's assistance in any manner with regard to the rumored attempts against their independence? All in favor say 'AYE'."
July 1, 20204 yr 3 hours ago, Capt Wolf said: Guilder regained his composure after a facepalm. "The proposal has been seconded, so let us proceed to a vote. Shall we send a letter to Archduke Oldis -- head of state of Terraversa" (he said as he looked at the MCTC delegation) "-- asking if Terraversa requires Eslandola's assistance in any manner with regard to the rumored attempts against their independence? All in favor say 'AYE'." Lady Condora, after seconding the facepalm... "Aye ! But I am volonteer to join an official expedition to Terraversa if you need someone..." Dr Ayuda and Chief Apulo clearly concluded with two simple "Aye ! "
July 1, 20204 yr interrupting the conversation an usher enter the council room. Usher : Sorry, dear ladies and sirs, but we've just received... a seagull with a sealed messsage for the council. He brokes the seal and unrolled the scroll. Usher : /cough /cough To the Eslandola colonial council, greetings I know that the council is in session and that you are discussing most important global matters and that time is money, and that money is not an empty word for Eslandola so I won't disturb you more than necessary. My school ship, the Jolly Roger, reported to have had great time with one of your ship on high seas, the kids were very happy (and my captain worried his head). I wish to thanks the Colonial Storm ship for the time it allowed to my wannabe sailors and I'm very pleased that Eslandola show as much concern than I did for the education of orphans. So, the crew of the ship is granted the title of pirate emeritus and the ship is awarded this honorary black flag. Eslandolan ships are now free to dock in the free port of Tortuga whatever the purpose. The owner of the ship( @Capt Wolf) is granted a free poperty in Tortuga.  kind regards  Doctor Thaum   OOC : the property is free no matter of size.   Â
July 1, 20204 yr The MCTC delegation had looked eagerly at the entering usher, thinking he was bringing some much needed toilet paper. Chef Jalape leaned back in his seat looking disappointed. "Glad though I am that we can now dock in Tortuga, I confess I would have preferred the white gold... anyway, I'll register my aye for the proposal to send a letter to Terraversa." "Aye," added Esterhazy.
July 3, 20204 yr On 7/2/2020 at 12:05 AM, Kai NRG said: I confess I would have preferred the white gold Sure the doctor use soft paper for the message, have a try !
July 7, 20204 yr Author From the Sea of Storms delegation, van der Meede and Reyngout added a pair of "Ayes!" Guilder looked around the hall. "What do the other delegations say? A few more 'Aye' votes and we can conclude this session of the council and dispatch our letters!" Guilder hoped the carrot of ending the current session would entice a bit of activity so they could wrap up their business.
July 7, 20204 yr Lady Cantoni replied, "Aye." And with her elbow bump, Commodore Grie was prompted to say, "Aye." Glancing up from what look like architectural plans, Viscount Doblin said, "Huh . . . What? Oh . . . Aye."
July 9, 20204 yr Three "Aye's" from the ETWC bench! Willoughby would also like to interject the suggestion that while making our friendship clear, of course, we make no promises one way or the other in the letter in order to retain the right to proceed as the citizens and council of Eslandola see fit in reply to Archduke Oldis's response.
July 9, 20204 yr Author Guilder nodded to Willoughby. "Yes, the letter to Archduke Oldis will not commit us to any particular action. It will affirm our willingness to help, but only commit us to respond in this council to any request from Terraversa." Guilder surveyed his notes on the votes, then continued. "And with that, we have a clear majority for sending such a letter. Well done, council members!" Guilder looked around the hall at the assembled delegates, then focused on the Prio Seas delegation. "Lady Condora (@Faladrin), you volunteered to join an expedition to Terraversa. While it does not appear we will be embarking on an expedition at this time, we still need someone of suitable importance to deliver our message to Archduke Oldis. Would you be so kind as to hand deliver the letter to Oldis in Kings Port?"
July 10, 20204 yr 23 hours ago, Capt Wolf said: Guilder looked around the hall at the assembled delegates, then focused on the Prio Seas delegation. "Lady Condora (@Faladrin), you volunteered to join an expedition to Terraversa. While it does not appear we will be embarking on an expedition at this time, we still need someone of suitable importance to deliver our message to Archduke Oldis. Would you be so kind as to hand deliver the letter to Oldis in Kings Port?" Lady Condora answered : "Alright, I am at the service of the council ! I'll deliver the official letter to Archduke Oldis."
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