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Yeah, I saw that most of this was very innacurate. But maybe each represents more than one scene?

They were driving past a river in the movie and actually went into it. Maybe they were trying to get at that?

Also, the Peril in Peru could represent the plane scene and the scene at the camp (I know we already have one, but still).

Also, cutting the table in half isn't all that different from flipping it over and kicking some megablocks. :tongue:

Still, I think it was a great movie. Great plot, great action, just didn't really feel like an Indy movie.


Watch in horror as Batbrick sweeps in and gives the entirely obvious reason:

TLC DIDN'T get to watch the movie! As if they would be allowed! Do you think for a second that they would all keep their traps shut if they did? They would've been given a few sketches, a pic or two, and maybe clip, but the most part it is creative license and improvisation over what they would've been given :wink:

I was also thinking that was the case, as I built the Temple set. Some of the stuff included just seems off the wall.

And why aren't the skeletons transclear too? That's a terrible cost-cutting measure.


I also think that TLC received a little info, maybe some speculation as to how some scenes were going to play out very early in the movie's production. So TLC took what they had and began the design process, improvising what was unknown or impossible by virtue of scale or economy. As the movie continued along in production, various things changed, including some ideas and concepts given to TLC. Whether or not TLC was aware of those changes, we may never know unless the designers are allowed to speak about the experience. If they were made aware of changes, TLC may have been too far into their own production process to make changes. Regardless, the sets are fine as they are, retaining enough accurate elements of the movie to be recognizeable while also exhibiting many charming LEGO touches.

I realize I'm writing an apologetic; I try to see both sides of the process. As a film producer/director, your movie is your primary focus. However, merchandising is a large part of the movie industry, and I'm sure there are many companies making everything from socks and sleeping bags to toys and food products. The production team no doubt has a rep who provides a basic info package with images and basic plot points to the various merchandisers fairly early in the movie's production. Beyond that bit of sharing, I doubt much more time or effort is expended to keep these companies updated on all the changes. So, perhaps there really was going to be a Russian in a tree watching our heroes in their aquatic car, followed by more Russians in a dinghy, and it got cut from the movie for whatever reason. Does it subtract anything from the set? Not really...there's more playability, but some accuracy is lost. So what? More LEGO bricks in the box is never ever a bad thing. Too, the greatest thing about LEGO above all other toys is that it is infinitely changeable if one has time, imagination and a few spare bricks.


What are u talking about Kahgarak? Who's Marduk and wheres Aetherium?

From the game Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine.

Marduk is the King of Gods from Babylonian mythology, who (in the game) is actually an alien trying to take over Earth from his realm, the Aetherium, which is a parallel energy universe. I believe that the portal in Indy 4 leads to the Aetherium.

Sorry if it was rather off-topic, but I couldn't find any other topic to post this. :sadnew::blush::grin:


Marduk (in the middle).

Part One of the Aetherium walkthrough.

Edited by Kahgarak

From the game Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine.

Marduk is the King of Gods from Babylonian mythology, who (in the game) is actually an alien trying to take over Earth from his realm, the Aetherium, which is a parallel energy universe. I believe that the portal in Indy 4 leads to the Aetherium.

Sorry if it was rather off-topic, but I couldn't find any other topic to post this. :sadnew::blush::grin:


Marduk (in the middle).

Part One of the Aetherium walkthrough.

if anyone has questions on it im the man to ask

anyway i do think the sets were very off i mean come on why on earth was there a dingy and a tree-base in river chase?

if anyone has questions on it im the man to ask

anyway i do think the sets were very off i mean come on why on earth was there a dingy and a tree-base in river chase?

Well, like previous posters said, maybe these things appeared in a different scene or movie, so that having all sets would allow us to combine them to have the correct scene ^^. Like mr Spielbrick said, put the armored skeleton from the Temple set behind the outpost, and there ye have it: the Cradle of Ordenallo.

I agree and have to add to the Temple of Crystal Skull section. First of all, it was Temple of Akator :sceptic: . Also, why were there TWO sets of falling stairs :hmpf: ? Where were "the Ox" and "Mac"? There were no arrows shooting from the wall by a staircase, the "trapdoor" was huge and didn't open like that, and there were four stone blocks atop the obelisk, not two :angry: !

I agree and have to add to the Temple of Crystal Skull section. First of all, it was Temple of Akator :sceptic: . Also, why were there TWO sets of falling stairs :hmpf: ? Where were "the Ox" and "Mac"? There were no arrows shooting from the wall by a staircase, the "trapdoor" was huge and didn't open like that, and there were four stone blocks atop the obelisk, not two :angry: !

And all the characters were people and not little men made out of ABS plastic!

And all the characters were people and not little men made out of ABS plastic!

I love your humor and sarcasm spread throughout here.

You all really need to calm down. If you think about it, what you people are throwing complaints at here is essentially what is intended to be a childrens toy. CHILDREN are the target audience. NOT a 35 year old perfectionist who sits at home and goes on a forum complains about everything that could possibly be wrong in the universe. Can AFOL's be happy about anything? We have Indy sets! Yay! Wait. They arent EXACTLY like the movie! Boo!

Lighten up and enjoy your hobby. :classic: (if your hobby is nagging, go away :wink: )


Edited by darthperson8

I don't see why some of this is really a problem honestly. Sure you might not have an accurate movie scene but you do get a lot of fun stuff (and some extras) and since it's LEGO you can build the bits you want.

I don't see why some of this is really a problem honestly. Sure you might not have an accurate movie scene but you do get a lot of fun stuff (and some extras) and since it's LEGO you can build the bits you want.

nothing for days after this last comment? Like everyone noticed suddenly: "oh yeah, he is right. look, you can build things different!" and is still building and adapting.. :laugh: (no offense here, people!)

I also try to make sets as real and perfect as they should be, so I am still changing things on my 4502 X-Wing, but it

gets better and better! Sometimes I like it, sometimes it goes on my nerves, cause 90% of my bricks are far away, not in my flat. The cockpit of my AT-AT can fit 3 minifigs, which was the first thing I changed after building it 5 years ago. And if something is too perfect, like Race for the Stolen Treasure e.g. - it makes me a bit sad. Cause right now I can't see any point how to improve it, and how to !personalize! it. And that is whx I like and dislike Lego sometimes, and why it is my favorite hobby!


  • 2 weeks later...

Thinking again, this topic is weird. No offence, we got absolutely no temple development in the movie. No car chase development, only cars and... a bunch of trees. What did you want, a waterfall set? That would be too difficult to make and would end up... weird. The car set needed the Nazi boat and tree because- well, more commies for children and more development! The Jungle Duel was good, though pretty unnecesary. And the Peril in Peru? Didn't make any sense moviewise even though it had Irina Spalko's car from the movie (combining it, the amphibious vehicle and the Jungle Cutter along with the two smaller commie vehicles (Temple Tank and Brickmaster Jeep) to make the car scene! You should all be happy, because... it's Indy's plane! With a new pilot fig for Indy's travels! HAPPY DAYS! And, landing equipment! And, crates! Combining Jungle Duel with Peril In Peru gives you the perfect Camp Scene! No cool Oxley, but crates and random materials, etc. Those were part of the camp! Use the commies for dancing! It also came with most of the main characters, yet again excluding Marion. I was happy they tied everything together in the temple, even if it may have been better seperate! I'd put the skeleton in that tiny "temple" in the Jungle Cutter set to make the tomb! Use the Ugha warriors as undead guards! And put a Crystal Skull in the tiny temple for the big finish. People are complaining, but all I remember is the neat sand trap and the big red door, along with the spinning throne room! Not much, so TLC had to do a bit of adding. For the last time, please... be proud!

I think the reaction over the innacuracy is a bit excessive. I actually thought the tree in the River chase set was supposed to be the tree Marion used to go from the cliff to the river, and the outpost there was mainly to give the children something to play with since it'd be nigh on impossible from an economic standpoint to build the tree big and flexible enough. The temple would also be really hard to make accurate from a financial standpoint, because of all the expensive colour pieces that would have been needed for the aliens and the treasure room. Since they are made for kids, throwing in a few more traps here would help it sell better.

The Jungle Cutter set is great I think. Sure the hidey spot isn't there, but it's great for parts, and as far as selling a set goes, it makes it look more interesting than perhaps even another car would have been. The Jungle Duel is inaccurate too, but for a $10 set, the tent is about as good as they could have done. It wouldn't sell as well it it was twice the cost and had a bigger brick built tent if you ask me.

And there's always the next wave to be accurate.

Watch in horror as Batbrick sweeps in and gives the entirely obvious reason:

TLC DIDN'T get to watch the movie! As if they would be allowed! Do you think for a second that they would all keep their traps shut if they did? They would've been given a few sketches, a pic or two, and maybe clip, but the most part it is creative license and improvisation over what they would've been given :wink:

Batbrick Away! :devil:


Year after year, Lego manages to lose TOTAL control over their OWN upcoming intellectual properties!

But they'd be able to drop their Keystone Cops manner of internal security for someone ELSE'S property?!?


Why, that's as silly as saying that the great spirit in their Bionicle lore is a giant, walking landmass created of all the islands in the story combined!

Oh, SHI... *

@ sdpirate: Okay, the plane is nice but the pilot is just Bruce Wayne with a white cap, so this guy is very useless because, when I am thinking about a pilot for some 50s plane I would never think of Bruce Wayne!

@ topic:

Jungle Duel is like in the movie, except the wrong function from the table (I prefer this function more) and the 3 ants.

River chase is completly wrong. I think TLC could have give us the jeep from the plane set but then they thought "Oh no, the children are thinking that this is the same set as 7622 except the soldiers are green, the cars are others, there i´s just a Crystal skull as treasure and it´s a complete different scene..." Hopefully we get will get next year some sets with the trucks and the jeep.

Jungle Cutter is needless and just a waste of money for people that wants to readjust the movie because he is just for 30 seconds on the screen. But the vehicle is very good for doing an own scene from an other Indy-adventure, so it has a right to exist.

The temple is uninteresting and nobody buys it, so why do we talking about it?^^

The plane is for movie fans useless because it´s for less than one second in the movie. Non movie fans will like it because it´s a plane, mostly build out of normal bricks and not out of this giant wings and cockpit-parts.

We got many things from the movie but we are missing many things because TLC just concentrated the line on the travel in Peru and not on the USA-scenes. There could be a city chase with one car and Mutts bike, a Area 51 playset with one jeep, a few soldiers, many boxes, Indy, Mac and Irina and maybe the graverobber scene with the native peruvian guys. From the jungle part of the movie we need just a cheaper way to get a jeep and a truck set and I am very sure that TLC will do this sets and a few more.

The temple is uninteresting and nobody buys it, so why do we talking about it?^^

The temple is a great set that a lot of people have bought.

Batbrick Away! :devil:

Why, that's as silly as saying that the great spirit in their Bionicle lore is a giant, walking landmass created of all the islands in the story combined!

Oh, SHI... *

...oh lord I hope you're just yanking our chains... :angry:

I just wanted to point out the fairly accurate depiction the temple offered. Yes, albeit being a bit too crammed, Lego gave the set its best and the result isfantastic given its a playset and only uses one baseplate. Lets view it step by step:

1. Giant turret thingy: We all saw how it works in the film, in the set when it lifs up, the blades blocking the way lift up as well, not exactly falling through sand, but the point is clear, raise them and thy shall pass. Also, Lego was awesome enough to give us foliage on top f the pieces. :thumbup:

2. On the outside you have the temple entance with stairs represntig the climb up the pyramid. Also you have Uggha warriors that can hide around the structure, sure they aren't collapsabible stone faces, but there IS a limit as to what can be included in an 80$ set.

3. When you get past the raising spike thing, you reach the revolving stairs with the conquistador at the bottom. This conquistador represents the dead impaled guy at the bottom of the retractable stone steps in the movie, remember that scene? :wink: There's two spikes at the stairs bottom, so, there you have it. Then you have the wall with the hands, and the diagonal slates and the skeleton in the middle. In the movie they pressed up the crystal skull into the carved skull's face, and, voila! Everything opened up. Then there were some red stairs leading up to the skeleton chamber.

4. the skeleton chamber in Lego is fairly large and includes 3 skeletons (eaily modded into 4) Next to that chamber you have a chamber with a diamond (the film's treasre chamber) SO once the Skeleton merry-go-round moves, people cna fall of the treasure chamber and into the abyss.

5. Regarding the waterfall, if I remember correctly, Indy and his crew are thrown out of the temple through a hole that fills up with water, where did that water come from? From within the temple. And, when people exit the temple, you can make the stairs fall of by slowly lifting the technic piece beneath them to give them a collapsing effect.

There you have it, didn't take much, but that temple can be deciphered if you have the right frame of mind. :classic:

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