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4 hours ago, Benicia Bear said:

WHY WOULD THE scum turn off all the informative roles if the scum HAD most or all the informartive roles? They might have had one and just not wanted to risk the others being used against them, but it would be strange if they'd had most of them. 

I don't know how many Scum we're going against, but say that had all the informative roles but the important one, Investigator, I could still see them wanting to block the investigative night actions. Anyway, it's all very speculative at this point.


3 hours ago, Holbrook Horse said:

And this again plays into my suspicion that Benicia is the Trickster:

It's easily explained if the tracker knows who the vig is because they're the one giving out actions :look: and we can explain the rolewatch on Mobley as luck.

Let's now consider Bixby's contributions to the smooth sailing of this ship. On day 2 she announced she had protected Benicia. Parvani asks:

As Bixby was scum, she would have known the informational roles were to be turned off on the first night, so watcher, tracker, investigator, voyeur were out of the picture. Rolewatcher is the only risk left, and Franczeska claimed before Bixby did:

If Benicia is a scum teammate, why fess up to protecting her? Why not lie and say she protected a townie instead, especially since at that stage there was no risk to her in doing so? I think either Bixby protected Benicia genuinely, or she protected someone else and said it was Benicia after the fact. Benicia would actually know the answer, because she absorbed the action.

Yes, it does appear less likely that Benicia would be scum, following your logic. But... if she's the truly the Trickster, what are we going to do about it? Are we really better off without any night actions? I know they must have win conditions of their own, but I can't make up my mind about whether they would benefit from helping Town, Scum or just turning everyone against each other.


2 hours ago, Benicia Bear said:

I don't like how you and Bartosz are lining up to get rid of me, especially with soft support from Parvani. Why are none of you all that bothered about Hyacinth? Or are you trying to lay groundwork for her to be able to say "well of course I used that action and the reason nobody will confirm it is because we have all now agreed that people don't get a PM from the host with Baby Dwagon actions." EXCEPT FOR THE FACT THAT WE DO GET A PM FROM THE HOST, BECAUSE I DID.

Actually Holbrook argued against you being Scum, and he's being pretty convincing about it.

Still waiting to hear from Hyacinth though.


2 hours ago, Leatrix Lamb said:

Am I the only one who sees an inconsistencyyyyyyyy in these night action results? I had to look it up, but from what I understaaaaaaaaand from the Big Book of the Forest God, a hooker normally blocks a plaaaaaayer from performing their aaaaaaaaction. I know I asked earlier, but Parvani: were you succeeeeeeessful? 

Oops sorry I missed your question... Yes I was told I was successful. Like in "successful performing my action". I can't tell if I actually deflected anything. Like the night before, I was told my Bus Driving was successful but the Forest God didn't mention whether any action had been switched.

You're correct, I thought the Hooker only cancelled the Virgin effect, but it would appear it's also a Blocker. I definitely wasn't blocked last night, so what's going on? :look:


I'm at work mopping rn but we Def have to press the Hippo for more information regarding her action.

Also the hooker action! I didn't catch that one but that is a brilliant observation! @Shainen Sheepdog mind telling us what the role said you do? 

I'm pretty sure that if the Trickster CANNOT target themself, that completely rules Bernicia out of the running due to claiming a mandatory role on day 1 and not getting counterclaimed. Also I'm letting my ego interpret the role I got today from the trickster as a "fuck Bork you," so I'm choosing to believe I was on to something last night in winnowing the list down.

I still think Bernicia could be scum tho. The fox is back up to topping my list though. And now the sheepdog who was NOT on my radar. I'll have to deepdelve into this when I get a free chance. So much excitement today the grit hasn't even begun to settle in my bucket! :moar:

33 minutes ago, Parvani Poodle said:

You're correct, I thought the Hooker only cancelled the Virgin effect, but it would appear it's also a Blocker. I definitely wasn't blocked last night, so what's going on? :look:

13 minutes ago, Bartosz Bulldog said:

Also the hooker action! I didn't catch that one but that is a brilliant observation! @Shainen Sheepdog mind telling us what the role said you do? 

The Hooker role only impacts the Virgin and does not have a blocking action on anyone else, unlike what the mafiascum wiki says.  I have clarified this with Hinckley.  The Hooker only has an impact if it targeted the Virgin.


The impact if I had targeted the Virgin were as per the wiki - they would lose their ability and the kills the next night would proceed.

13 minutes ago, Bartosz Bulldog said:

I still think Bernicia could be scum tho. 

I still don’t get why? Because I tracked the guy who was a lot of people’s top choice for a lynch yesterday, who fortunately turned out to be vig-killing a scum? :wacko:

11 minutes ago, Benicia Bear said:

I still don’t get why?

Bun-bun protected your tush. Maybe she hoped she could drag someone down with her, maybe she didn't want to protect a scum mate cause this exact situation could happen, or maybe you are scum and she was protecting a m8. Either way the possibility is there. As is you maybe being a trickster

1 minute ago, Gilford Goat said:

Bun-bun protected your tush. 

She said she did. We don’t actually know what she really did. She was scum, and scum lie.

Even if she did protect someone, why would she choose a scum buddy to give as her target? Why not choose someone like me, who had already been deemed townie enough for someone else (Corrina on that night) to protect? Like I said earlier, she knew she’d be safe to do that because the role stopper had already claimed to target Mobley and the other investigative roles were turned off. 

16 hours ago, Leatrix Lamb said:

Hyacinth claimed to have baby dragon baaaaaaath, said it wasn't "particularly useful" and said she would target me, but I haven't been told.

3 hours ago, Marlowe Monkey said:

Have we had any update on who Hyacinth Hippo targeted? The fact we haven't had any updates from her and the fact she seemed very eager to claim yesterday makes me think she's hiding something.


This is going to sound very very bad, considering how eager I was to claim yesterday and that I was going to target Leatrix, but I didn't get my night action in on time. I missed it by only moments. :blush: Therefore I didn't target anyone. Yes, yes, I know it's the worst excuse in the book of mafia, but it's unfortunately what happened. We are fortunate, though, that it was a flavor action, and that it had no effect on the game. The only effect it would have had would've been to prove that I wasn't lying yesterday about having it. Instead, it makes me look much worse. 

I'd understand why people will think I've got to go today, but I disagree with it. Some people have been after me since Day One with baseless accusations like "I'm sitting on a fence." They came after me again yesterday for no clear reason. Now today I fully expect some people to use my failure to submit a night action as a pretext to get rid of me. 

Ooof! I slipped on a puddle. Please clean up after yourselves friends. :cry_sad:


It is important that I share this before we waste too much time barking up the wrong tree. I have received a clarification on my night 1 action, the lullaby. It has now been confirmed that I made Benicia sing a lullaby to one of the baby dragons. Which one, is unspecified and I still haven't had the satisfaction of hearing said lullaby, which I expected to be adorable. 0/10, want a refund.

With that in mind, I feel like it's very unlikely that she's the trickster. It doesn't speak at all to her being town or scum, obviously. I think that brings us back to the dark clouds hanging over the chart of Hyacinth, who just replied as I am writing this and wow, more clouds. The stars are dancing wildly now but their message is unclear.

Since we are speculating on the mechanics of things, I am going to venture my own uneducated take on it. I think the trickster can give themselves a role. I suspect it is from a slightly less powerful subset of the main pool of roles, like not allowing them to be a vig or anything involved with the bomb. Non-lethal stuff. That theory might also clear Shainen, since the mirror role had a lot of lethal potential. I'm sure others qualify, but again, it's just a theory anyway.

8 minutes ago, Hyacinth Hippo said:

This is going to sound very very bad, considering how eager I was to claim yesterday and that I was going to target Leatrix, but I didn't get my night action in on time. I missed it by only moments. :blush:

Oh boy. I think we're going to be seeing some discussion of this. I'm going to need to take a little time and try to put two and two together here. I do not see a lot of 4 in this future.


I regret that I cannot speculate more deeply, but a few thoughts:

On 8/13/2020 at 9:20 PM, Bixby Bunny said:

Looks like Caladon probably had the rolestopper. It's not obvious who he would have used it on. We had a bunch of unsuccessful people, but all would be explained by the scum turning off investigative roles. So probably Caladon targeted one of them and his role was useless. His action would have gone thru before he was killed, correct? 

On 8/13/2020 at 10:17 PM, Rutherford Raccoon said:

Why "probably" friend? What made you think he had it?

On 8/15/2020 at 4:06 PM, Bixby Bunny said:

Because I didn't expect you to reappear. Rolestopper was the only mandatory role we didn't have a claim on yet, so I assumed he was it. 


I'm not gonna deny that my vote looked a little wagony. The reality was I was absent for the day until I got online to make that post, so I had to read and vote fairly quick [real-life issues; not gonna say more till game is over so I don't reveal my real identity]

The summaries don't count for much in my scum/town analysis, but I have appreciated them so far since my time has been limited. Concise recitations of the vital information is useful in my considerations. 

Normally, informative roles are vital to the scum in figuring out who to kill, but since roles constantly change on this airship, you're right, they're useless to the scum. I bet they actually hope to get them though just to keep out of hands of the town. Since they blocked the informative roles, I'd lean towards the town having at least a few of them. If the scum had most of the informatives, they probably would have blocked something else. It's not a certainty, but it's enough to bump the informative holders up a point in my rating system... 

Her repeated use of probably instead of a more speculative term, makes it feel as if she's trying to push Caledon asriel stopper harder than she should. Why?

Also if parbhani is to be believed, the baby Dragon haters tried to kill Guilford. Why?

This is interesting:

On 8/8/2020 at 5:58 AM, Gilford Goat said:

How did I miss the fricking compulsive modifiers when writing everything up??? :ugh: So the hooker is compulsive. Just a little thing I guess but the virgin could be helpful IMO.

Does that mean the falsifier isn't compulsive since it doesn't say it is? Hopefully. If desired that is.

The rolestopper could be a pain in the ass. have them target the bus driver if possible?

Got plenty of time before voting opens which will be when the roles get handed out so hopefully we can settle on this stuff beforehand. Some are obvious that they shouldn't be claimed, but others not so much.


My apologies, bold red was not the right choice. Still it's interesting to see those two roles mentioned simultaneously. Remember parvani bus drove that night.

4 hours ago, Gilford Goat said:

Bun-bun protected your tush. Maybe she hoped she could drag someone down with her, maybe she didn't want to protect a scum mate cause this exact situation could happen, or maybe you are scum and she was protecting a m8. Either way the possibility is there. As is you maybe being a trickster

Well *hic* maybeeee we should just clear the air and striiing the bear up like a hiiive? 

3 hours ago, Hyacinth Hippo said:

This is going to sound very very bad, considering how eager I was to claim yesterday and that I was going to target Leatrix, but I didn't get my night action in on time. I missed it by only moments. :blush: Therefore I didn't target anyone. Yes, yes, I know it's the worst excuse in the book of mafia, but it's unfortunately what happened. We are fortunate, though, that it was a flavor action, and that it had no effect on the game. The only effect it would have had would've been to prove that I wasn't lying yesterday about having it.

Obviously *hic* thisss isn't great, (would you mind sayyying whattt rolee you *hic* failled to utiliiiize ?) But tbh unlessss thiss is a extremeely weirdd wayyy to try and loook liiiike a *hic* dummbb towwwnie, thisss soundds liiike a forgetfulll *hic* towniiie move that nooo baby dwagggon hateer would dooo

Vote: Benicia Bear


@Benicia Bear @Corrina Cow 0/10 want a refund too, I thought long and hard about what I thought was a very nice theory and now it's got more hole's than Frank n Furter's string vest.

4 minutes ago, Franczeska Fox said:

Obviously *hic* thisss isn't great, (would you mind sayyying whattt rolee you *hic* failled to utiliiiize ?) But tbh unlessss thiss is a extremeely weirdd wayyy to try and loook liiiike a *hic* dummbb towwwnie, thisss soundds liiike a forgetfulll *hic* towniiie move that nooo baby dwagggon hateer would dooo

Bixby called, she wants her soft defense back.

45 minutes ago, Rutherford Raccoon said:

I regret that I cannot speculate more deeply, but a few thoughts:

Her repeated use of probably instead of a more speculative term, makes it feel as if she's trying to push Caledon asriel stopper harder than she should. Why?

Also if parbhani is to be believed, the baby Dragon haters tried to kill Guilford. Why?

This is interesting:

The rolestopper could be a pain in the ass. have them target the bus driver if possible? 

My apologies, bold red was not the right choice. Still it's interesting to see those two roles mentioned simultaneously. Remember parvani bus drove that night.

I have a feeling Gilford didn't understand the Rolestopper's action. It's a powerful protective role, and it would be just a bit strange for a Townie to describe it as "a pain in the ass". What would have been achieved by protecting the Bus Driver? I think he meant that the Bus Driver should preferably be blocked (and I tend to agree! :laugh:), but the Rolestopper as I understand it wouldn't have helped. Anyway, I fail to see how this adds up to a motive for Scum to kill Gilford.

Another theory would be that Scum had a Strongarm variety of kill action, and they never actually intended to kill Gilford. But that would have been mentioned by Omrom, I suppose? He only said " Scum get deiw factionaw kiww ".

7 hours ago, Bartosz Bulldog said:

I'm pretty sure that if the Trickster CANNOT target themself, that completely rules Bernicia out of the running due to claiming a mandatory role on day 1 and not getting counterclaimed. Also I'm letting my ego interpret the role I got today from the trickster as a "fuck Bork you," so I'm choosing to believe I was on to something last night in winnowing the list down.

Why do you keep coming baaaaaaaack to your assumption that the trickster cannot target themseeeeeeeelves? I think Holbrooke highlighted an important paaaaaaart from the Forest God's rule book that says you caaaaaaaannot target yourself unless noted otherwiiiiiiiise. It seems like this can only refer to the trickster assigning roles to themseeeeeeeelves. Only Caladon, Corrina and Mobley did not get a maaaaaaaaandatory role on night one, unless the trickster hid behind one of their reeeeeaaaaaaal roles, which, with Corrina having sang a baby draaaaaaagon lullaby to Benicia and Mobley being a confirmed emaaaaaaaancipator, realistically only leaves Caladon's roooooole. As I said earlier, they would run out of places to hiiiiiiide rather quickly. And what if day one would have turned out to be a claim paaaaaaaarty? Then the trickster would have been outed alreeeeaaaaaaady. I think we really need to let go of the assuuuuuuumption that the trickster cannot assign a role to themseeeeeeeelves.

Another point that has been mentioned by Holbrook is the absorbing of aaaaaaaaactions. I already made the point that it is highly unliiiiiiikely that the trickster gets to use the absorbed action on the saaaaaaame night. Why then let the action fail if it is being absoooooooorbed? Wouldn't that also give them away too eeeeaaaaaaaasily? It would explain why we haven't seen aaaaaaaanything inconsistent in the night action results being reported, no matter how hard we tryyyyyyyyy.

6 hours ago, Gilford Goat said:

Bun-bun protected your tush. Maybe she hoped she could drag someone down with her, maybe she didn't want to protect a scum mate cause this exact situation could happen, or maybe you are scum and she was protecting a m8. Either way the possibility is there. As is you maybe being a trickster

Indeeeeeeeed. We're back at square ooooooone with Benicia. What we've heard so far is not evidence she is a baby dragon haaaaaaater or the trickster, but it by no means clears her eeeeeeiiiiither. 

4 hours ago, Hyacinth Hippo said:

This is going to sound very very bad, considering how eager I was to claim yesterday and that I was going to target Leatrix, but I didn't get my night action in on time. I missed it by only moments. :blush: Therefore I didn't target anyone. Yes, yes, I know it's the worst excuse in the book of mafia, but it's unfortunately what happened. We are fortunate, though, that it was a flavor action, and that it had no effect on the game. The only effect it would have had would've been to prove that I wasn't lying yesterday about having it. Instead, it makes me look much worse. 

I'd understand why people will think I've got to go today, but I disagree with it. Some people have been after me since Day One with baseless accusations like "I'm sitting on a fence." They came after me again yesterday for no clear reason. Now today I fully expect some people to use my failure to submit a night action as a pretext to get rid of me.

And whyyyyyyy didn't you mention this eeeeaaaaaaarlier when everyone was reporting what haaaaaaappened last night?

It's your faaaaiiiiiilure to contribute anything useful that makes you staaaaaaaand out.

5 hours ago, Franczeska Fox said:

jusst the beaar is a muccch bigger nuissance

Hmmmmm. I don't like that wording.

5 hours ago, Parvani Poodle said:

I have a feeling Gilford didn't understand the Rolestopper's action. It's a powerful protective role, and it would be just a bit strange for a Townie to describe it as "a pain in the ass". What would have been achieved by protecting the Bus Driver? I think he meant that the Bus Driver should preferably be blocked (and I tend to agree! :laugh:), but the Rolestopper as I understand it wouldn't have helped. Anyway, I fail to see how this adds up to a motive for Scum to kill Gilford.

Oh wow yeah I did say that. :laugh: I must have thought the rolestopper was a blocker. Either way though I saw both the roles as interference for town.

6 hours ago, Franczeska Fox said:

Well *hic* maybeeee we should just clear the air and striiing the bear up like a hiiive? 

Obviously *hic* thisss isn't great, (would you mind sayyying whattt rolee you *hic* failled to utiliiiize ?) But tbh unlessss thiss is a extremeely weirdd wayyy to try and loook liiiike a *hic* dummbb towwwnie, thisss soundds liiike a forgetfulll *hic* towniiie move that nooo baby dwagggon hateer would dooo

As I’d said, I was the baby dragon bath giver. 

4 hours ago, Leatrix Lamb said:

And whyyyyyyy didn't you mention this eeeeaaaaaaarlier when everyone was reporting what haaaaaaappened last night?

It's your faaaaiiiiiilure to contribute anything useful that makes you staaaaaaaand out.

I didn’t mention it earlier because I didn’t think it was an important thing to bring up and I wanted to see your reaction to the lack of bath-giving. 

4 minutes ago, Gilford Goat said:

Hmmmmm. I don't like that wording.

To expound on this, I think I read it as a scum threatened by someone who could be difficult to lynch if they let this opportunity slip. 

6 hours ago, Franczeska Fox said:

Heyyyy, I'm fiiinee with *hic* hammerin the hipppo tooo, jusst the beaar is a muccch bigger nuissance

"Nothing someone says before the word but really counts"

13 minutes ago, Hyacinth Hippo said:

I wanted to see your reaction

This is definitely me as a uncertain townie. Hmm.


Stop running at the mouth you goof. Compile all your thoughts into one sentence like normal people. What do you think this is? Discord? And what the hell is "yeas"? Yeah and yes? Weirdo.


I believe our host did mention a couple of night actions were late so I'm willing to believe the Hippo on this one. Though I still have my doubts on Hyacinth. 

4 hours ago, Covam said:

Stop running at the mouth you goof. Compile all your thoughts into one sentence like normal people. What do you think this is? Discord? And what the hell is "yeas"? Yeah and yes? Weirdo.

Covam!!! Can I feed you anything? 







14 hours ago, Corrina Cow said:

It is important that I share this before we waste too much time barking up the wrong tree. I have received a clarification on my night 1 action, the lullaby. It has now been confirmed that I made Benicia sing a lullaby to one of the baby dragons. Which one, is unspecified and I still haven't had the satisfaction of hearing said lullaby, which I expected to be adorable. 0/10, want a refund.

THANK YOU for working on clearing this up. I'd said (in the thread) I sang the first lullaby that came to my head, which I shall reprise for you now:



AS YOU CAN imagine, the baby dwagons told me very quicky they loved it and they were completely asleep so fast, so I could stop now. Twinkle twinkle little star would have been my choice had I known, though.


ONTO OTHER business:

14 hours ago, Hyacinth Hippo said:

This is going to sound very very bad, considering how eager I was to claim yesterday and that I was going to target Leatrix, but I didn't get my night action in on time.

EACH MORNING we have been convening to report in our actions. In addition to being so keen to claim Baby Dwagon baf, you were also very keen early yesterday morning to tell us you used the Normalizer action, even though you didn't see the need for it. (You didn't see the need for it because you knew I'd keep my word because you know I'm not scum! :wink: )  

On 8/14/2020 at 12:08 AM, Hyacinth Hippo said:

Last night I was the normalizer. I had to look up what the role did because I had no idea. Apparently if the person I targeted had a falsified action, I made it a normal action. However, our falsifier didn't target anyone apparently and I didn't want to waste it because I felt special, so I targeted Corrina Cow.

Today you didn't say anything at all about your night action when you posted first thing:

On 8/19/2020 at 2:00 AM, Hyacinth Hippo said:

Hello everyone. This is good news that Bixby was scum. This proves that Rutherford isn't the Trickster. Interesting as well that the Fox was blocked last night. That seems to be the best place to look today.

How many NPC accounts do you have? 

This was in the midst of conversation where everyone was literally reporting their night actions and discussing them. 

14 hours ago, Hyacinth Hippo said:

We are fortunate, though, that it was a flavor action, and that it had no effect on the game. The only effect it would have had would've been to prove that I wasn't lying yesterday about having it. Instead, it makes me look much worse.

It actually make you look like you were busy giving out bombs (or hopefully just a single bomb).

4 hours ago, Hyacinth Hippo said:

I didn’t mention it earlier because I didn’t think it was an important thing to bring up and I wanted to see your reaction to the lack of bath-giving. 

It's not like you've had a whole load of other stuff to say. And it really is important, how can you think it's not important when everyone else is reporting their night actions? And was it "not important" or were you "testing" Leatrix? This, of course would only work with the assumption that the bath-giver would RECEIVE SOME KIND OF NOTIFICATION OH MY GOOOOOOD YOU GUYS!!!



14 hours ago, Hyacinth Hippo said:

I'd understand why people will think I've got to go today, but I disagree with it. Some people have been after me since Day One with baseless accusations like "I'm sitting on a fence." They came after me again yesterday for no clear reason. Now today I fully expect some people to use my failure to submit a night action as a pretext to get rid of me.

LOVELY APPEAL to emotion here, but you've not contributed anything, as Leatrix has surprisingly correctly pointed out.

14 hours ago, Hyacinth Hippo said:

Ooof! I slipped on a puddle. Please clean up after yourselves friends. :cry_sad:

I think you made that mess yourself. :tongue: 


10 hours ago, Franczeska Fox said:

Well *hic* maybeeee we should just clear the air and striiing the bear up like a hiiive?

WELL NOW THAT'S a little bloodthirsty. And unneccesary. :sceptic: 
You do notice this theory (me apparently lying about getting a notification) has now fallen apart? You even helped. :look: 

10 hours ago, Franczeska Fox said:

Obviously *hic* thisss isn't great, (would you mind sayyying whattt rolee you *hic* failled to utiliiiize ?) But tbh unlessss thiss is a extremeely weirdd wayyy to try and loook liiiike a *hic* dummbb towwwnie, thisss soundds liiike a forgetfulll *hic* towniiie move that nooo baby dwagggon hateer would dooo

ANOTHER +1 for the soft defense. Foxy, what would be a better way to look like a dumb townie than forgetting to send in your night action (to leave you freeeeee from the obligations of having to prove anything while you go out to block or try to kill people)? Yeah, no baby dwaggon hater would ever do that, like eveeeer.

Oh and Hyacinth was hippoing around yesterday telling everyone what her role was before she even "failed" to use it, so are you just trying a bit too hard to pretend you're not priviy to information here?

10 hours ago, Franczeska Fox said:

Vote: Benicia Bear

JUST REMIND ME PLEASE, why is that? 

10 hours ago, Franczeska Fox said:

Heyyyy, I'm fiiinee with *hic* hammerin the hipppo tooo, jusst the beaar is a muccch bigger nuissance

I'm a NUISANCE?? :sad: 
WHAT KIND OF REASON IS THAT?? That sounds, like Gilford said, like you just want to seize this opportunity to try to lynch me. 

23 minutes ago, Franczeska Fox said:

Myyy *hic* apologiesss for forgettting to sharre thisss resultt, I was givenn a remiinderr by a dwagon. I haad a *hic* swumbew paaarty night 1 with the baaby dwagons

THIS IS, BIZAARELY the most helpful thing you've said. The recipient of the Baby Dwagon action receives notification, thank you. 
Is this how Hyacinth knew that Leatrix should have had a notification? You know, in Hyacinth's "plan" to see Leatrix's reaction when she didn't get one? So the remaining scum are you, the Hippo and....? 

My goodness, I could vote for both of you (except I actually can't, in case anyone thinks that's a soft claim). For consistency, and because Foxy said she'd vote for her too (thanks!), I will:


Oh doodness! I fowgot to mention da Scum stiww wiww have deiw factionaw kiww tonight, of couwse. I feew so siwwy fow fowgetting to mentioned that. Soooooooowwwwwwy.


After watching all of this happen so far today, I'm going to 

Vote: Francezka Fox

Benicio makes an absolute great case against her in his earlier post, and something just seems off about her. She also has 3 penalty votes against her, so we could easily vote her off the ship.

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