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Players (in their anonymous character accounts) only please!!!




















Congratultions to the Baby Dragon Haters! Bixby Bunny (mostlytechnic), Corrina Cow (Shadows), Holbrook Horse (jimmynick), Leatrix Lamb (Rick), and Parvani Poodle (Fugazi)! Great game to everyone! Thank you for playing.

A well-deserved, honorary (yet very real) win for Benicia Bear (Pandora), The Trickster, as well.

NOTE: Considering the mechanics mistakes I made (Hyacinth Hippo and Emeric Elephant were not supposed to die, according to the mechanics, but I forgot) Day Five would've started with three Town, four Scum and the Trickster. As the win condition for The Trickster was either parity or killing everyone, she actually would've stood a pretty good chance with that balance, so considering all the hard work she put in for two games with a ludicrous role, I think she deserves to win with the Scum, despite that being the opposite of the win conditions in the role PMs. This game is screwy enough for me to make that tweak and I think it's totally fair. Please feel free to express if you think it's not. I will gladly listen and take any advice in to consideration for future games.

When I checked in with some people about making the mistake with Scum getting the vigilante (it was supposed to convert to a strongarm modifier for their kill instead of an additional kill), both Shadows and Pandora said it risked revealing the Scum (Shadows, in this case) to the Trickster. I actually would've been fine with that as the Trickster can't come out and tell everyone how they discovered the Scum in such an instance, and they would want to keep the info in their back pocket anyway. I think the key to the ever-complicated Trickster is learning who is who throughout the game and then manipulating Night Actions to make the balance work for their win condition. I have lots of notes and ideas about this (some that suggest I should never try the Trickster role in a game again) as well as Night Actions and other notes for the rest of the game, but right now I need a break.

Thank you again to everyone! Feel free to discuss away. Please don't hold anything back. I know the balance was off here and the game potentially flawed, but I think it was possible for any side to win, regardless of adding one too many Scum to the setup. Again, I'll discuss all that soon and reveal my reasoning and my mad scientist ways (as well as fix all the typos in the comics). Please let me know any suggestions or criticism you have regarding the last two games as I would love to take it all in and help me grow as a host!


(Deviations from the EB standard Mafia rules are in bold blue. Modified clauses have been struck through.)

1. Each player will be given a character to play, who will be aligned with either the Town (Emancipators) or the Scum (Baby Dragon Haters). To win the game, the Town must kill off all threats to the Town, while the Mafia needs to kill off all players who are not a member of their team, or nothing can prevent this from happening (see example role PMs below) Third-Party (neutral) characters have their own win conditions as outlined in their roles.

1a. This is an anonymous game and you may only post in your character account sent to you by the host. Be sure to check before you post that you are in your anonymous account and not in your main Eurobricks account.

1b. When communicating in private, you should not reveal you true identities to each other, either.

1c. You have been given a Personality Quirk to play. Roleplaying is highly encouraged in this game. After all, you're playing happy, adorable little animals. Feel free to ignore what I've created for you and make up your own personality quirk to play. I will attempt a Darkdragon and award a roleplaying prize to a player or players each game day. This (virtual) prize is for fun only and has no effect on game mechanics.

2. Each day you will be able to vote to lynch a player. Voting is mandatory. Voting should be done in the following format; Vote: Character. Similarly, unvoting is to be done in the format; Unvote: Character. No other format will be accepted. A majority vote is required to lynch a player.

2a. You may not vote for yourself.

2b. You may not purposely break the rules to garner penalty votes (this will be dealt with on a case by case basis, and I hope I don't need to address it).

3. A game day will last a maximum of 72 hours. You may not vote in the first 24 hours. The day will end when a majority vote has been reached. A majority being reached will not end the day. The day will continue for the full 72 hours and any majority vote that is reached can be overturned. After the day has concluded, a night stage will commence, which will last a maximum of 48 hours. Night actions must be sent to the host in the first 24 hours of the night stage.

3.5. Players may not target the same player two nights in a row, and may not target themselves. Players may not target themselves, unless otherwise noted in your role PM. Players CAN target the same player two nights in a row.

4. The alignment of lynched players, as well as those that died during the night, will be revealed at the beginning of the following day.

5. You may not quote or pretend to quote anything sent to or from you in PM with the game host. This includes all the details of your character and role, as well as any night action results. Role claims and reporting of night action results are acceptable, but in your own words only. Do not attempt to use the structure of your role PM to your advantage. Similarly, you may not directly quote any communications that were sent to you by other players in the game. If you wish to reveal private communications, these must also be paraphrased. 

5a. The Role PM is structured for every player in this way:

Player: Your EB Profile

Character: Character name

Affiliation: Town (Emancipators) or Scum (Baby Dragon Haters) or Neutral

Role: [Either the details of a Night Action or] Vanilla. You have no ability. Your power is in your vote! Use it wisely.

Win Condition: Either (You win when all threats to the Emancipators are eliminated) or (You win when all the Emancipators and any other factions are eliminated or nothing can prevent this from happening) or (Neutral's win condition)

Character Quirk: See Role 1c.

6. Do not play the game outside the thread. Similarly, do not post out of character inside the thread; you must always play the role given to you. Game tactics and roles may only be discussed in the game thread or via PM with other players. Private discussion is done at your own risk and should be treated as part of the game.

6a. PMing (or writeboard activity) is only allowed during the Night phase for every player.

7. If you are dead, you may not post in thread or discuss the game with any of the players. Any information you had becomes void, and may not be passed on.

8. You may not edit your posts. You literally can't, anyway.

9. You must post in every day thread.

10. If you encounter a problem or have a question, please contact the host via PM.

11. Violation of the above rules will result in a vote penalty of half the required majority against you on your first offense, and the death of your character on your second offense. Violation of rule 7 will have a heavier penalty, including suspension, made at the discretion of the Games Moderator. A warning will be given upon our first violation of Rule 1. Do be careful when posting to ensure you are posting from the correct account.

12. There are no hints or clues in the day/night images.



Wolfrik Walrus, Captain of The Pluto


Pernilla, a pig


Omrom, a baby dragon


Covam, a baby dragon


Torgam, a baby dragon

Winners (5)


Corrina Cow, female, Royal Astrologer–Baby Dragon Hater


Holbrook Horse, male, Captain of the Royal Guard–Baby Dragon Hater


Leatrix Lamb, female, Tutor of the Royal Brats, killed in the ConclusionBaby Dragon Hater


Parvani Poodle, female, Seamstress–Baby Dragon Hater


Bixby Bunny, female, Baroness of the Royal Crest, killed on Night TwoBaby Dragon Hater


Benicia Bear, female, Town Crier, lynched on Day FiveTrickster

The Deceased (11)


Caladon Crocodile, male, Dragon Herder, killed on Night OneEmancipator


Mobley Mouse, male, Baby Dragon Bather, killed on Night OneEmancipator


Franczeska Fox, female, Advisor to the King, lynched on Day ThreeEmancipator


Bartosz Bulldog, male, Royal Mopper, killed on Night ThreeEmancipator


Hyacinth Hippo, female, Stable Hand, killed on Night ThreeEmancipator


Rutherford Raccoon, male, Troubador, killed on Night ThreeEmancipator
Lind Whisperer


Marlowe Monkey, female, Imperator of Dreams, lynched on Day FourEmancipator
Tariq J


Emeric Elephant, male, Emmisary to the Elves, killed on Night FourEmancipator


Shainen Sheepdog, male, Stevedore, killed on Night FourEmancipator


Gilford Goat, male, Distiller, killed in the ConclusionEmancipator

Scum Writeboard: https://123.writeboard.com/7lxo6nlor6wag1qikwu92ppv

Password: imah4tew

Dead Writeboard: https://123.writeboard.com/6rei4w8s9l9sz398bd7zk85x

Password: deadag4in

Good fricking game!!! :laugh: So did scum have to lynch the trickster in order to win? 

Holy crap that's a long scumboard.

  • Author
Just now, Trekkie99 said:

Good fricking game!!! :laugh: So did scum have to lynch the trickster in order to win?


Just now, Trekkie99 said:

Holy crap that's a long scumboard.

A lot longer than the first game's! Like they did some planning or something. :tongue:

@Trekkie99 How did you like being the only Townie in the game on Day Five? :snicker: Sorry... :blush:

13 minutes ago, Hinckley said:


@Trekkie99 How did you like being the only Townie in the game on Day Five? :snicker: Sorry... :blush:

Had no idea. Ignorance is bliss. :laugh: I just thought everyone (townie or scum) was just fricking around and joking.

I was seriously back to wondering who was town and who was scum, but never once did it cross my mind that the remaining scum could be in excess of three.

Wait why weren't Hyacinth and Emeric supposed to die?

7 minutes ago, Trekkie99 said:

Had no idea.

On 8/28/2020 at 5:42 AM, Gilford Goat said:

The Spanish Inquisition

Oh the irony. 

15 minutes ago, Holbrook Horse said:

Wait why weren't Hyacinth and Emeric supposed to die?

Ah, the strongarm. When you mentioned that in the scumboard I thought you meant specifically for Day Five - didn't realize you meant for the entire game.

Thanks for hosting Hinckley! I think I said somewhere (scumboard? PM?) that 5 scum was a bit many but I hope everyone had fun nevertheless!

And everyone lived happily ever after, except the ones who didn't, but oh well, you can't make a cake without ingredients! I'm not sure that's how that goes, but you know what I mean.

I really did end up liking everyone so much that I hated to see you die, but business is business and the stars required it and I was bored anyway, so a little chaos livens things up.

Thanks to all of you for a fun time, and no, Hinck, it isn't too soon. It was just about right. Oddly enough, since we didn't have a set godfather, and I never took the role when we did, usurping was incredibly unlike. Did you know that I was an usurper in my first game here? Draggy made me kill TPRU. It's only fully investigated and confirmed fake conversions that I hate, but that is all forgiven now.

  • Author
4 minutes ago, Corrina Cow said:

 It's only fully investigated and confirmed fake conversions that I hate, but that is all forgiven now.

:wub: (Note to self: fully investigated and confirmed fake conversions take 8.5 years for forgiveness. :snicker: )

55 minutes ago, Hinckley said:


A lot longer than the first game's! Like they did some planning or something. :tongue:

@Trekkie99 How did you like being the only Townie in the game on Day Five? :snicker: Sorry... :blush:

I love how Trekkie lived to the end in ALL of these. :laugh_hard:

Also Shadows you played me SO FuCKING HARD with your acting dumb. bruuuuuuh I fucking love you. Are you a con-artist in real life because honestly you are good at it. Not that I was a hard mark tbh. That said, welllll fucking payed. 

I should have been much more suspicious of someone popping in my DMs tbqh. Like... In the future I'll definitely not take that for granted. I've been out of the game for a while and forgot how scummy that should have pinged to me. ANywhoo I stuck to my guns and hoses and was fairly certain you were Town until well after I died. 

Here Trekkie: Be proud of me: 


I do think that somewhere between the 2 games was perfectly balanced game that sadly we'll never play. 

Interesting game. Nice comics :classic:

@Hinckley definitely has a talent for bringing out an insane amount of emotion from a Fabuland character with a perfect head tilt.

1 hour ago, Gilford Goat said:



8 minutes ago, Bartosz Bulldog said:


I'm glad someone made this! I was thinking of doing it but I was a bit tuckered out from doing the coffin dancers for Bixby

This damn game!!:wall:

It was a fun game, Hinckley, as always. Even though I died unceremoniously (I blame that damn ghost!), it was a fun one, even if I took a bit of a step back compared to the last one. Great game everyone. Seriously, this was a fun one to play and watch, especially from the deadboard. That was an active one! A lot of fun intereracting with everyone there.

4 minutes ago, Bartosz Bulldog said:

Also Shadows you played me SO megablocking HARD with your acting dumb. bruuuuuuh I megablocking love you. Are you a con-artist in real life because honestly you are good at it. Not that I was a hard mark tbh. That said, welllll megablocking payed. 

The only way to get rid of Shadows is to vote him out day one or accidentally screw him in a result from a night action.:look:

To get away from the game and mechanics, I just want to say what awesome builds (kind of a repurpose?) from Hinckley. Such a beautiful airship and the dragons (those were MOCs right?). Great work on all the builds.

1 minute ago, Darkdragon said:

definitely has a talent for bringing out an insane amount of emotion from a Fabuland character with a perfect head tilt.

It's like watching a someone is a character costume emoting perfectly!

Just now, jimmynick said:

I'm glad someone made this! I was thinking of doing it but I was a bit tuckered out from doing the coffin dancers for Bixby

YOur merest whim is my command :devil_laugh: 

Yeah no I had some choice meme ideas when I realized what the settup actually was. 5 was definitely too many but like... we all know that now. I had fun. 

Just now, Bartosz Bulldog said:

YOur merest whim is my command :devil_laugh: 

Yeah no I had some choice meme ideas when I realized what the settup actually was. 5 was definitely too many but like... we all know that now. I had fun. 

And how dare you call my BEHOLD! a circle jerk!:laugh:

Just now, KotZ said:

The only way to get rid of Shadows is to vote him out day one or accidentally screw him in a result from a night action.:look:

To get away from the game and mechanics, I just want to say what awesome builds (kind of a repurpose?) from Hinckley. Such a beautiful airship and the dragons (those were MOCs right?). Great work on all the builds.

See, my very first game Shadows came to my DMs with an offer of peace between the scum team and me, the SK. It actually worked. mad props. 

And yeah I mentioned before but Hink. These MoCs are gorgeous with a capital G.  

15 minutes ago, Bartosz Bulldog said:


This one's the best! :laugh:

Here, allow me to slide into a more suitable glove.... Ahh, this one fits. :devil:

Lovely game. Had a blast and a half even spectating was a riot. I enjoyed myself so much I did fanart... or... well... maybe this counts as a fursona? beats me. :tongue:


Just now, Trekkie99 said:

This one's the best! :laugh:

Your approval fills me with shame. 

The good kind! :wub:

17 minutes ago, Bartosz Bulldog said:

I love how Trekkie lived to the end in ALL of these. :laugh_hard:

It's happened a lot and I haven't decided whether it's a good thing or a bad thing. :look: Probably the latter aka I'm a moron and scum need that around during endgame lol.

Beautiful game Hinckley, totally up to your usual high standards! :wub: I loved the wild setup, especially since I hadn't played Chapter 1. And we can debate to no end whether the setup was balanced or not, I think it could have turned very differently had Town had just a bit more luck. With the number of variables, I guess it's just a wildly unpredictable setup, rather than an unbalanced one. And I'm not saying this because Scum won! :grin: Besides, the Trickster totally deserved the win too, I can't imagine what it means to be playing such a complicated role. Congratulations to Pandora, you really had us guessing up until the end!

1 minute ago, Dannylonglegs said:

Here, allow me to slide into a more suitable glove.... Ahh, this one fits. :devil:

Lovely game. Had a blast and a half even spectating was a riot. I enjoyed myself so much I did fanart... or... well... maybe this counts as a fursona? beats me. :tongue:


That's fricking awesome! I saw it as your pfp and I was like eh?

6 minutes ago, KotZ said:

The only way to get rid of Shadows is to vote him out day one or accidentally screw him in a result from a night action.:look:

That was one of the reasons I retired all those years ago, it got to the point where people wanted me dead at the beginning, just in case. Really ruins the fun. For me at least. :laugh:

It's also why I will never play anything but anonymous games, I just need to work on being more anonymous.

4 wins in 4 games. Yeah, I'm definitely never playing anything that isn't anonymous, other than Bob's upcoming Mystery, anonymous or not. I'm no threat in those. :grin:

6 minutes ago, Bartosz Bulldog said:

See, my very first game Shadows came to my DMs with an offer of peace between the scum team and me, the SK. It actually worked. mad props.

Good times. :sweet:

7 minutes ago, Bartosz Bulldog said:

See, my very first game Shadows came to my DMs with an offer of peace between the scum team and me, the SK. It actually worked. mad props. 

I actually referenced this mid-game :tongue: 

On 8/18/2020 at 10:54 PM, Bartosz Bulldog said:

It was a dark and stormy night.  Nearly a decade ago I was performing my normal mopping of the town tiles, when I was visited by a shadowy figure who requested my assistance in the era to come. He told me that great power rested at the bottom of my barrel of mop water... the power to say sooths and divine the future from the echos of the past. The grime of our actions mingles with the cleansing, focusing power of the soapy suds, the lemon and pine scents mesmerize the nostril, and the heady rum I pour in enables the purveyor of these truths to enter a deep and cosmic trance. I see Forests of betrayal, towns of deceit, even crafts that ply the very stars... all of these eventualities coalesce in the glimmering specks of detritus that swirl within my pail. They show me the past and open my third eye to the future. Do not question the wisdom of the pail young dragonling. The pail sees and knows all... It is merely my privilege to serve as her translator... a duty most important in these so trying of times. 


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