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Has the world situation caused you to build less or more?  I am finding I am building more things but not caring much now to show them off. Seems like there is more important stuff to be doing than posting ego stroking MOC threads on hobby forums.

Indirectly yes, since delivery slowed down significantly and some parts are not available near me I have lots of waiting...and one more thing every crises shows that people think only on themselves and every mean is approved to reach their goals...

I work best when I have a deadline. Competitions, meetings and shows are a good excuse to turn up with a new model. Since meetings and shows have been canceled, my output has been lacking as well.

No, built 42100 plus several GBC Train modules during lock down and currently have two new projects on the go.

1 hour ago, Bublehead said:

Has the world situation caused you to build less or more?  I am finding I am building more things but not caring much now to show them off. Seems like there is more important stuff to be doing than posting ego stroking MOC threads on hobby forums.

No.  But other things have. 

BTW.....I love the indictment here.  However, there are many different reasons for posting material online. 

Did less physical building but significantly more virtual modelling. I don't know why or how a lockdown would've caused this, if at all. I guess my introspective abilities have not developed either.

yes and no

yes: less parts due to bricklink orders slowing down, also I lowered my spending on lego.

no: before pandemic (start of this year) I got used to digital modeling. now I use %90 time on digital modeling, LXF and Stud.io. also since my office is very very close (next room to bed) now I have less worry about getting up early for the daily commute. for example I can stay long after midnight and get up for work in time. basically I have more free time actually. I am not spending entire time for lego of course.

I’ve been socially isolating for the past 45 years and worked right through lockdown so it didn’t really change my productivity. Had this period been over the winter though... I’d have built way more.

First let me state that there's no right or wrong here with regard to how much time is spend on "hobbies" right now.  Let's say someone is a healthcare professional working a COVID ward in a hospital and after numerous 18-hour shifts they find Lego helps them decompress, so they've been doing more than before.  I would say that they're still doing plenty that's "important" regardless of how much time is spend on forums.  On the flip side, if someone who has been on lockdown for months, by themselves, laid off from work, etc., is spending more time with their Lego hobby to keep themself sane, that's perfectly valid too.

Personally, I'm spending more time with Lego in general than I was before the pandemic, but I've also been working more and under more stress, but it's not drastically more than before and it's not at all because I've had more time available.  Some of the added Lego time has been doing more sorting since that is almost meditative, but I'm also doing more building.  I'm being more mindful to spend time on things that are enjoyable, and since I'm working 95% remotely now (as opposed to about 20% before) I'm at least saving my commute time which offsets some of the additional work time.  The added flexibility of working from home is part of what has increased my building time by, for instance, allowing me to work on a MOC for a bit at lunchtime.  Still, it's mostly that I'm choosing to carve out more time for the hobby because it's good for my mental wellbeing.

Personally, I've been building a lot more since there really isn't other interesting things to do.

I find LEGO Ideas projects achieving support much faster than usual. Seems like many people are online right now.

However, I must say, previous projects that achieved support seems to have higher quality.


6 hours ago, Bublehead said:

Seems like there is more important stuff to be doing than posting ego stroking MOC threads on hobby forums

Covig will kill far less than all the religions of the world do every year... not sure why Lego is suddenly ego stroking when Christians, Catholics, Muslims, Jews etc have spent the last 2000 years slaughtering each other over an imaginary friend?

Perspective maybe a bigger issue here.... 

If lego was fun while Syria* burned, then why does a nasty bug suddenly change things...

*Or Afghanistan, or Iraq, or Northern Ireland, or Palestine, or Bosnia and Croatia


Edited by TeamThrifty

3 hours ago, deraven said:

Let's say someone is a healthcare professional working a COVID ward in a hospital and after numerous 18-hour shifts they find Lego helps them decompress

Being a doctor during a very serious world pandemic, I can completely relate to this. However, more often than not, I found myself not having the strength to do anything other than sleep. Thus LEGO took a hard it. The only thing I've managed to build since March was to buy 42082 after buying it on a discount. And it took me three weeks...

No. In fact, it's increased my passion for LEGO. Being stuck at home in quarantine meant a great opportunity for me to focus on my MOCs, and due to no BrickFair VA this summer I was able to focus on individual MOCs rather than ration my pieces for several MOCs. I've made several advanced MOCs, I've got my feet wet with Control+, and based on how much free time I have now that college has started I might be able to build a few more simpler MOCs before the end of the year.

4 hours ago, TeamThrifty said:

... etc have spent the last 2000 years slaughtering each other over an imaginary friend

Very aptly put :classic:

But I suspect humans would have found some other topic to fight over if this one did not exist.

8 hours ago, TeamThrifty said:

Covig will kill far less than all the religions of the world do every year... not sure why Lego is suddenly ego stroking when Christians, Catholics, Muslims, Jews etc have spent the last 2000 years slaughtering each other over an imaginary friend?

It all sounds great and sophisticated and worldly and so on. 

Inconveniently, COVID deaths are reported at about 850k so far, mostly in 2020. 

Deaths from all armed conflict globally are reported at about 120k for 2019.

I didn't include all the religious riots, stonings, honour killings, shame-suicides etc. 

Dunno if including those would add enough to the religion column to make it the winner though.

Source was https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_armed_conflicts_in_2019  - it's only wikipedia, so may not be accurate.

I'm not religious, just a bit OCD.  Happy Lego-ing.

4 hours ago, iLego said:

I suspect humans would have found some other topic to fight over if this one did not exist.

Unfortunately you're completely correct....


9 minutes ago, andythenorth said:

Dunno if including those would add enough to the religion column to make it the winner though.

Probably true, i was more making the point that there were 10's of thousands of deaths reported on the news and lego wasn't at risk of being ego stroking for those people dying, maybe a westerner dying 2 streets away does 'win' over someone in the middle east? I'm being slightly provocative there so probably ignore that last comment... the question felt a little selfish in some one ways. The plague has arrived in america so its more serious than all those other deaths. Maybe thats not how it was intended, but to suddenly get lego guilt over covid and not over the wars over oil seems a little short-sighted..

When thousands are dying there is no winner, but lego isn't killing them and lego does help with mental health for a lot of people..

7 hours ago, jotta93 said:

Being a doctor during a very serious world pandemic

Thank you :classic:

19 minutes ago, andythenorth said:

eaths from all armed conflict globally are reported at about 120k for 2019

A massive number still! And big enough for the OP to get Lego guilt over.... or maybe not apparently!!

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A self deprecatingly asked question was a bit rhetorical, and also a bit tongue in cheek,  but to say “look, he has Lego guilt!” was not the point, or the question asked.  I was finding I am building more, posting way less, mostly because I have no interest to display my creations, and its not due to guilt, not by a long shot.  But if you say people don’t post their MOCs on here to stroke their egos, who’s fooling who thinking that?

Yes - Allmost public event in korea is cancled except brickorea.

No - No lockdown in korea. I need to go to work like normal day.

Having my ego stroked sounds rather lovely, I suppose I'd better build something postworthy!

I've definitely been building more as I've been furloughed for a few months now but spending has had to be stopped as I may not have a job to return to so no new sets, just MOCs and rebuilding old sets.

I also sorted out all the kids city sets but they didn't last long before being one huge pile again :classic:

Since I have a youg child, started house nenewing last year and I was able do do home office work flawlessly from the beginning, the pandemic didn't change a thing in how much spare time I have.
So zero Lego stuff apart form forum lurking since 2019 February. Maybe I can complete the LDD file for my aircraft before it becomes totally obsolete...

My building has taken a bit of a back seat for a few reasons. One: I'm still working in an office (I'm a funeral director). Two: bricks and pieces are taking an age to deliver. Three: my other hobbies have become more prevalent and four: I'm lacking in inspiration.

I think Lego is a great way to de-stress and a good way to block out the world's and personal problems. 

Personnel it got more, I decided to try a 1:8 MOC.

The chassis is nearly finished, will make a topic for it. :grin:

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