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Mystery on the Excelsior - Confirmation and Discussion

Welcome aboard the Excelsior, the first commercially owned faster-than-light vessel. Run by Blue Star Cruises, it is a short-haul vessel designed to luxuriously carry a small amount of passengers to and from Alpha Centauri, which is the Earth's first out of solar system colony. 




Captain Amelia Bennett - Played by Shadows
Noah Baker, chef - Played by Kristel
Arthur Allan, steward - Played by Waterbrick Down
Gabriella Palmer, engineer - Played by Hinckley

George Dawson, businessman - Played by Lind Whisperer
Emily Dawson, lawyer - Played by jimmynick
Jack Mallory, author - Played by KotZ
Dr. Logan Frost, psychiatrist - Played by Fugazi
Charlotte Sawyer, regional politician - Played by Pandora
Sophie Young, lecturer - Played by Darkdragon
Charlie Seymour, zoologist - Played by Tariq j
Oliver Hudson, artist - Played by Trekkie99

Jason Falcon, helmsman
Pierce Foster, navigator
Alfie Peck, passenger
Ezra Parry, passenger


1) Every player has received a character with a backstory and information that may be exclusive to them knowing. You can feel free to roleplay the character and flesh them out more. Mystery games are often primarily role-playing games, don’t forget that. There is no such thing as a “fluff post” or anything to the like. Throw out any conceptions you have used in mafia games. Feel free to make the character yours beyond what I've given.

2) There is no voting of players in this game. Providing something extreme, all twelve characters will last until the end of the game, at which time they must attempt to “solve” the mystery. You win if you are able to correctly solve the mystery, or if you get close enough to do so. This will happen in the final chapter of the game. You’ll receive several questions and then you have to answer them and explain. If you get it right, you win. If not, well…

3) A chapter will last as long as necessary for the story with no given or set end time. This is, of course, different to mafia games where days last about 72 hours. Keep in mind that mystery games often run longer than mafia games. If you commit to signing up and playing, make sure you can participate for at least a few months.

4) There is no PMing in the game without my permission. For example, you can say “I wish to speak to this person privately” and I may give you approval to do so.

5) You must search for clues. The room that you enter will be described to you and will also usually have a photo to accompany the description. This means that clues typically won’t be out in the open for you to see. If you want to search a room or area for clues, you cannot type:

               “I want to look for suspicious or hidden objects in this room."

Rather, you must specify what you want to do. For example:    

               “I want to open the drawers of the cabinet.”

You can only submit one action at a time until I reply to it, but anyone can request a search of something at the same time as you. For example, if you ask for a search of a closet, you must wait until I reply to it to submit another action. However other players can request searches of other parts of the room.

6) Please don’t edit your posts. There’s no real penalty to it, but it might make you look more suspicious and I would appreciate not doing so. If you’re worried about a typo, double check your post.

7) Do not talk about the game outside of the threads!

8) This is still a game of deception. Players have things that they wish to hide. If you have any questions about your character, feel free to ask via PM!

9) Make sure any actions that you take are in italics and on a separate line so I can see them. If I miss it for some reason, just quote it and yell at me in another post.

10) When it’s time to end the chapter, you can decide where you’d like to go next in the form of a vote. Voting will last 24 hours strictly. The location with the most votes will win. You’ll be given a map/layout of the ship as well as some choices that you can explore. You can always return to a previous location if you wish.

11) I know we'll all be good rule-followers, but I'll ask everyone to adhere to these rules. Breaking them too frequently could see you removed from the game. 


Please make sure you put your avatar and character name somewhere, either your signature or avatar. Also please don't make fun of the Excelsior, I know she's boxy, but she was built interior first for an RP that I'm hosting. :blush:

*takes a swig flom flask*

Marvelous ship captain! I'd paint her exterior but I believe I'd explode! That's how it works right?... Well, no worry! The bridge will do nicely. What?! No! Damn you man I'll go where I please~*BLURGH!!!!!*~oh sorry bout that. As I was saying! I'll go where I please! A artist knows no boundaries! Where am I going you say? Why to my quarters to get my beloved easel you see! A artist cannot paint without his easel! *Laughs* Everyone knows that! Well if I'm not back in fifteen them consider yourselves lucky because it means I've passed out.


Oh dear me and right on the carpet as well.

5 minutes ago, Trekkie99 said:

*takes a swig flom flask*

Marvelous ship captain! I'd paint her exterior but I believe I'd explode! That's how it works right?... Well, no worry! The bridge will do nicely. What?! No! Damn you man I'll go where I please~*BLURGH!!!!!*~oh sorry bout that. As I was saying! I'll go where I please! A artist knows no boundaries! Where am I going you say? Why to my quarters to get my beloved easel you see! A artist cannot paint without his easel! *Laughs* Everyone knows that! Well if I'm not back in fifteen them consider yourselves lucky because it means I've passed out.


Oh dear me and right on the carpet as well.

Oh dear. Please, keep your alcohol down. Some of us are trying to not look like alcoholics. Now, where is that bartender? I ordered a damn neat bourbon five minutes ago. I'm almost done with my martini as it is. Hopefully the food doesn't take this long to come out.

Mallory. Jack Mallory. Perhaps you've heard of my books?

5 minutes ago, KotZ said:

Mallory. Jack Mallory. Perhaps you've heard of my books?

Yes but not your looks apparently. Unlike George over there looking like an anime villain.

Ey could I get some eggs and toast?... Yeah I didn't think so. Not a bloody soul back in the kitchen. What kinda ship ya running here captain?

Arthur Allen steps into the main cabin, he seems a tad frazzled but quickly pulls himself together. Straightening his tie and brushing off his suit jacket he addresses the guests, "Ladies and Gentlemen, I do hope..."

1 hour ago, Trekkie99 said:

*takes a swig flom flask*

Marvelous ship captain! I'd paint her exterior but I believe I'd explode! That's how it works right?... Well, no worry! The bridge will do nicely. What?! No! Damn you man I'll go where I please~*BLURGH!!!!!*~oh sorry bout that. As I was saying! I'll go where I please! A artist knows no boundaries! Where am I going you say? Why to my quarters to get my beloved easel you see! A artist cannot paint without his easel! *Laughs* Everyone knows that! Well if I'm not back in fifteen them consider yourselves lucky because it means I've passed out.


Oh dear me and right on the carpet as well.

"Oh dear, that was just cleaned this morning, and the robo-maid is still in the shop..." Arthur makes a note on a data pad. "As I was saying, I do hope you make yourselves comfortable. If you should need anything, please let me know and I'll see to your requests."

1 hour ago, KotZ said:

Oh dear. Please, keep your alcohol down. Some of us are trying to not look like alcoholics. Now, where is that bartender? I ordered a damn neat bourbon five minutes ago. I'm almost done with my martini as it is. Hopefully the food doesn't take this long to come out.

Mallory. Jack Mallory. Perhaps you've heard of my books?

"So sorry, my good sir I'll look into this issue with the beverage-bot, we just had it's firmware updated this past week you see and you know how technology is these days..."

Noah! Noah? You in dere? Or are ya busy sorting the animals? Listen, I got a right good tip for you, DON"T PUT THE LIONS IN THE SAME PEN WITH THE UNICORNS AND-oh for gosh sakes! He's already done it!

1 minute ago, Trekkie99 said:

Ey could I get some eggs and toast?... Yeah I didn't think so. Not a bloody soul back in the kitchen. What kinda ship ya running here captain?

"That would be the purview of Chef Baker, Mister... Mister..." Arthur checks his data pad "Hudson. I'm sure he'll be along shortly"

5 minutes ago, Waterbrick Down said:

"So sorry, my good sir I'll look into this issue with the beverage-bot, we just had it's firmware updated this past week you see and you know how technology is these days..."

:Thank you," Mallory says dismissively.

Just now, Waterbrick Down said:

"That would be the purview of Chef Baker, Mister... Mister..." Arthur checks his data pad "Hudson. I'm sure he'll be along shortly"

Nah there really wasn't nuffin to it I was just checkin. Maybe later but right now I'd much rather have some of dat rocky road you got dere hidin in da freezer. Could I just take da whole bucket back to my quarters? Well then give me whichever one nobody wants! I really don't care I just wanted to sit in bed, watch soaps, and cry into the bucket cause I though it'd look right funny ya know?

Hold on do we have synthesizers on this here ship? I'd love to do the funny thing!

"Tea. Earl Grey. Hot."

Hello, I'm Dr. Logan Frost, but you can call me Dr. Frost. I'm a psychiatrist about to retire on Alpha Centauri, but I'm sure that this long trip will take a toll on the best of us. If you feel like you're losing your grip on sanity, don't drink yourself into oblivion -- I'm looking at you Mr. Hudson -- I may have just the right pill for you.

*strides into the room, glancing at the assembled passengers disapprovingly*

I'm Captain Bennett, I will respond to Captain or Captain Bennett and nothing else. Just to get this out of the way now, I am not looking to make friends and certainly not for romance, so don't get any funny ideas.

I have to get back to work now, this ship doesn't fly itself. Well, it does, but I like to keep an eye on things to make sure that you space tourists can see the galaxy and then go back home.

Oh yes, and on behalf of Blue Star Cruises, "Enjoy the stars in style with Blue Star Cruises.™"


1 hour ago, Trekkie99 said:

Nah there really wasn't nuffin to it I was just checkin. Maybe later but right now I'd much rather have some of dat rocky road you got dere hidin in da freezer. Could I just take da whole bucket back to my quarters? Well then give me whichever one nobody wants! I really don't care I just wanted to sit in bed, watch soaps, and cry into the bucket cause I though it'd look right funny ya know?

Hold on do we have synthesizers on this here ship? I'd love to do the funny thing!

"Tea. Earl Grey. Hot."

"I believe the kitchen may have a fair amount of Proxima Purple Passion flavor from the last voyage, if the pantry manifest still checks out. As for soaps, I believe the channel selection on HBDisnetfulu Plus will carry anything you fancy."

15 minutes ago, Fugazi said:

Hello, I'm Dr. Logan Frost, but you can call me Dr. Frost. I'm a psychiatrist about to retire on Alpha Centauri, but I'm sure that this long trip will take a toll on the best of us. If you feel like you're losing your grip on sanity, don't drink yourself into oblivion -- I'm looking at you Mr. Hudson -- I may have just the right pill for you.

"Ah Dr. Frost, I trust you found your accommodations suitable? We tried to take everyone's cabin preferences into account when assigning rooms. Hopefully your luggage was delivered intact by the porters?"

Hello! Dr Charlie Seymour here. B.S. PhD, MA, ScD. But call me Charlie. I’m the zoologist and I’ve come to study all the local fauna on the planet. 

1 hour ago, Trekkie99 said:

Noah! Noah? You in dere? Or are ya busy sorting the animals? Listen, I got a right good tip for you, DON"T PUT THE LIONS IN THE SAME PEN WITH THE UNICORNS AND-oh for gosh sakes! He's already done it!

Animals?! Where? I love animals. I have a tiger named Colin. Or at least that’s what I call him. I’ll be interested to see if there are any autotrophs or heterotrophs on the local planet I am going to visit. We found some nectivorous organisms on my last trip. 

*opens brief a case and pulls out petri dishes* 

Have a look yourself.

On the subject of breakfast could I get some eggs and bread as well please?

54 minutes ago, Waterbrick Down said:

"Ah Dr. Frost, I trust you found your accommodations suitable? We tried to take everyone's cabin preferences into account when assigning rooms. Hopefully your luggage was delivered intact by the porters?" 

Thank you Mr Allan, I believe everything is safely on board. Ones does not move planet without a fair amount of luggage!

As for the room, I'm pleasantly surprised. I do plan to spend most of the flight in my quarters, so I'm relieved to find them more than adequate.

1 hour ago, Tariq j said:

Hello! Dr Charlie Seymour here. B.S. PhD, MA, ScD. But call me Charlie. I’m the zoologist and I’ve come to study all the local fauna on the planet. 

Animals?! Where? I love animals. I have a tiger named Colin. Or at least that’s what I call him. I’ll be interested to see if there are any autotrophs or heterotrophs on the local planet I am going to visit. We found some nectivorous organisms on my last trip. 

*opens brief a case and pulls out petri dishes* 

Have a look yourself.

On the subject of breakfast could I get some eggs and bread as well please?

"Dr. Seymour, you did read the policy regarding pets and live specimens, I presume? I'd hate the cleaning fees to come as a surprise." Arthur takes a note to double check the carpets in the Zoologist's quarters later. "Now where is that cook..."

28 minutes ago, Fugazi said:

Thank you Mr Allan, I believe everything is safely on board. Ones does not move planet without a fair amount of luggage!

As for the room, I'm pleasantly surprised. I do plan to spend most of the flight in my quarters, so I'm relieved to find them more than adequate.

"Excellent, as you know Blue Star Cruises aim to please."

Hells' bells this ship is decked to the nines! Golly gee she sure is a beaut! What a craft! George!? George! Of there you are! Look at these state of the art accommodations oh this is exquisite! Oh George, I love your hair let down like that it lends you a certain suaveness. Shall we abscond to the dining hall? I'm absolutely famished!! :wub:

2 hours ago, Waterbrick Down said:

"Dr. Seymour, you did read the policy regarding pets and live specimens, I presume? I'd hate the cleaning fees to come as a surprise." Arthur takes a note to double check the carpets in the Zoologist's quarters later. "Now where is that cook..."

Apologies Mr Allan, I can assure you Colin is very well trained. And my specimens will remain inside the Petri dishes at all times. *Nervously checks to see if the lid is still taped too the dish*. 

7 hours ago, KotZ said:

Mallory. Jack Mallory. Perhaps you've heard of my books?

"I can't remember... are you the chap behind 50 Shades of Bley or The DaVinci MOC?"

4 hours ago, Shadows said:

*strides into the room, glancing at the assembled passengers disapprovingly*

I'm Captain Bennett, I will respond to Captain or Captain Bennett and nothing else. Just to get this out of the way now, I am not looking to make friends and certainly not for romance, so don't get any funny ideas.

I have to get back to work now, this ship doesn't fly itself. Well, it does, but I like to keep an eye on things to make sure that you space tourists can see the galaxy and then go back home.

Oh yes, and on behalf of Blue Star Cruises, "Enjoy the stars in style with Blue Star Cruises.™"

"With pleasure, Bennett! I always respect the captain!"

7 hours ago, Trekkie99 said:

Yes but not your looks apparently. Unlike George over there looking like an anime villain.

2 hours ago, Dannylonglegs said:

Hells' bells this ship is decked to the nines! Golly gee she sure is a beaut! What a craft! George!? George! Of there you are! Look at these state of the art accommodations oh this is exquisite! Oh George, I love your hair let down like that it lends you a certain suaveness. Shall we abscond to the dining hall? I'm absolutely famished!! :wub:

"My sweet wife! Of course they're exquisite- can you imagine anything less than the best for someone as wonderful as you! Yes - let us abscond, lest I challenge this rude lout to a duel... Speaking of looks, don't throw rocks in a glass house my friend."

Yes, yes this is much more fitting transport for a woman of my importance. Now, where is the steward?

7 hours ago, Waterbrick Down said:

"As I was saying, I do hope you make yourselves comfortable. If you should need anything, please let me know and I'll see to your requests."

Ah, there you are. I should like a Mimosa, and after that I'll likely want another one, so don't go wandering off anywhere.


6 hours ago, Shadows said:

I like to keep an eye on things to make sure that you space tourists can see the galaxy and then go back home.

I can assure you, Captain, that I am no mere tourist. I am Charlotte Sawyer, Representative Member of the United Earth Parliament, and I would expect your superiors to have informed you of my presence on board your fine ship. 


6 hours ago, Fugazi said:

I may have just the right pill for you.

Oh Dr Frost, I am so glad you're here, you see I'm under such terrible strain with the importance of my work, and nobody could possibly understand how difficult it is to be as important as I, but if I could have some therapy sessions with you you might, of all people, be able to have an inkling of how to make me feel better.

31 minutes ago, Pandora said:

I can assure you, Captain, that I am no mere tourist. I am Charlotte Sawyer, Representative Member of the United Earth Parliament, and I would expect your superiors to have informed you of my presence on board your fine ship. 

Oh well looks like we got a right important bloke here don't we?

2 hours ago, Lind Whisperer said:

Speaking of looks, don't throw rocks in a glass house my friend."

*oh2* Gah!...I...I'm having...a REVELATION!!! MY NEXT PIECE!!! A women holding a umbrella looking into the distance with determination, as the glass house she once lived in CRASHES DOWN AROUND HER!!! FOR SHE HAS DESTROYED IT!!! VOWING NEVER TO LET HER OWN SHORTCOMINGS STOP HER FROM SPEAKING THE TRUTH!!!

7 hours ago, Fugazi said:

don't drink yourself into oblivion -- I'm looking at you Mr. Hudson -- I may have just the right pill for you.

Oughta my way doc! I must paint before the image vanishes! And you can proper fahk off with your pills! Your just jealous you dont have my creative genius.


7 minutes ago, Trekkie99 said:

Oh well looks like we got a right important bloke here don't we?

*Flicks hair and smoothes skirt*

Actually, I am a lady. You may paint my portrait sometime, painter.

9 hours ago, Trekkie99 said:

Ey could I get some eggs and toast?... Yeah I didn't think so. Not a bloody soul back in the kitchen. What kinda ship ya running here captain?

7 hours ago, Tariq j said:

On the subject of breakfast could I get some eggs and bread as well please?

How would you like your eggs and toast, sirs?  Scrambled, poached, sunny side up? Lightly toasted or burnt to a crisp?  Perhaps a side of bacon to take care of that hangover?



3 minutes ago, Kristel said:

How would you like your eggs and toast, sirs?  Scrambled, poached, sunny side up? Lightly toasted or burnt to a crisp?  Perhaps a side of bacon to take care of that hangover?

Scrambled eggs, but make sure you put the salt in the pan with the oil and not in the eggs. Afterwards lightly toast the bread in the pan to soak up all the oil.

C'mon who's gonna say it? 



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