Posted September 15, 20204 yr July-September 620. Vol 5, Issue 4 KINGS PORT UNDER SIEGE Bluecoats Land Troops across Terraversa A fleet of 24 ships, under the flag of King Philip of Oleon and flying the banner of Oleonder national hero Sir Admiral Dukesc, sailed into the harbor of Kings Port and opened fire on the multiple fortifications of our capital city without provocation. Three Oleon ships were sunk as the invaders’ fleet closed to trade blows at close range, and our fortresses have taken considerable damage. Under heavy fire, the bluecoats narrowly managed to launch longboats carrying hundreds of men ashore. The local regiment, as well as troops from the royal fortress, have taken up positions around the upper city and government buildings, and have so far kept the bluecoats at bay. But the streets are running red with blood as the fighting is fierce, and both sides appear to have taken considerable losses. Archduke Oldis has put out the call for reserves to reinforce the city, and we hear reports that the native Atwi are mustering their tribes inland. Meanwhile, the Oleonder fleet has anchored at bay and blockaded the port. From elsewhere around the island we have received reports of similar assaults by the bluecoats. Sillithonia is now under Oleonder control, as our man there sends word that nine ships flying the command banner of Admiral Winston decimated the small tower defending the port and landed troops as troops from Nola Mar launched a ground attack on the town guards at the same time. Pilnton has suffered a similar fate, attacked by a fleet of 17 ships under the banner of Commodore la Guffre, although it appears the command may have been too much for him. We hear that the fleet was very disorganized as it approached the batteries and that one ship was lost to fire from Terraversan gunners before the tower was silenced. We also hear that Tarlor has been overrun by bluecoats after 23 ships overwhelmed the small port, but again the Oleonder fleet coordination appeared suspect. Three Oleonder ships were severely damaged when they collided, despite only a single martello tower and no Terraversan ships opposing them. The fleet has anchored off shore. Our man in Tanari reports that Terraversan forces have repelled the invaders there! The firepower of the five Oleonder ships quickly reduced the single defensive tower to rubble, but militia and government forces were able to force the bluecoats back onto their ships, which have departed the port. We hear that bluecoat discipline was minimal, with the invaders acting more like common looters than soldiers. At this time we have not received word from Westface or any news of actions by Grand Admiral L’Olius, but for the moment we hope that the presence of visiting Corlanders in our second largest port means that port is still open. The fate or Terraversan independence is at stake. As our valiant soldiers fight the bluecoats in the streets of Kings Port and across the island, we will continue to gather the news and get it out as long as we draw breath. Events at Sea Sea Rats Raid Stormhaven From Stormhaven we have reports that the notorious Sea Rat black-flagged fleet, now led by Hand of Fate II, raided the Corlander settlement. The raiders outgunned the defenses and made their way in land their marauders easily enough, but local troops put up a stiff defense. Still, the Rats made off with 170 DBs worth of coin and goods. Furthermore, we hear that the pirates captured Gun Sloop No. 2 on patrol from Elizabethville during their escape. Sea Rats Capture Two Eslandian Ships Our man in King’s Harbour sends word that an Eslandian merchant fleet sailed into port and immediately reported an act of piracy. The captain of the Long Beard IV says that the merchant convoy was set upon by a Sea Rat black-flagged fleet near Fatu Hiva. The Greenies tried to outrun the Rats, but eventually had to stand and fight. While the Eslandians sank the Sea Rat ship Black Rat, the pirates were able to capture two Eslandian man-o-wars, Grand Venture and Cannonball, while the merchant carracks Eslandita and Hidalga made their escape. Long Beard IV was able to disengage and escort the merchants the rest of the way to King’s Harbour, while the Sea Rat fleet, led by the Atropos, sailed away with the captured ships. Eslandian officials are concerned about the growing presence of black-flagged ships in the seas south of Celestia and Cascadia. Lotus War Fleet Attacks Carno Supply Ships Our war correspondent in Neustadt reports that a Lotii feet surprised a Carno supply fleet just east of the Carno settlement in the New Haven Sea. A fleet of five ships, led by the war junk Lion, sank the clipper ship Camel and captured the large merchant sloop Chital. Carno officials claim to have damaged the junk Leopard. While conflicts between Lotus and some Halosian forces appears to be winding down, the fight between the Lotii and Carno continues, and all travellers should continue to be wary in the seas around El Oleonda. Lotii Capture Sea Rat Ship? Our war correspondent also sends word that the Lotii are rumored to have captured the Sea Rat sail kart Exocet. A squadron of three Lotii junks was seen north of El Oleonda attacking two Sea Rat vessels fitting the descriptions of Arkham Chaser and Exocet. Later reports say that Exocet was seen in the company of the Lotus junks approaching the island. We have no word on the fate of the cutter Arkham Chaser, but believe it escaped to parts unknown. Pirate Round-Up Corries Capture Bluebeard – Again! Corrie officials in Quinnsville are crowing about the re-capture of the notorious pirate Bluebeard! The HMS Juniper sailed into port with the pirate in chains and his large sloop Indigo in tow. Our loyal readers may recall that the Redcoats previously captured Bluebeard in February of this year, but that he escaped his prison cell in King’s Harbour three months later, before he could be brought to trial. We’ll be watching to see if the pirate can slip his bonds once again, or if the Corries can finally put the noose on him. Greenie Vessel Eludes Bloody Bill From Fuerte Unido we hear that the crew of Consort’s Duty is celebrating their escape from the infamous pirate Bloody Bill. Consort’s Duty was making her way around Isle de Victoria from Puerto Desafio when Bloody Bill struck from the west. In addition to the large sloops Little Scavenger and Cutlass, Bloody Bill counted a captured WTC gunboat among his numbers. This may have hindered his attack, as Consort’s Duty, a cross between a xebec and a junk, was able to outrun the pirate and make it around the western point of the island and to port safely. Satyr Damaged by Captain Gore Our man in Arlinsport sends word that the Corrish xebec Satyr arrived in port visibly damaged. The crew of the vessel was telling the tale of being attacked by the pirate Captain Gore in the vicinity of Baskers Island. The Satyr took heavy damage from the war galley HMS Carnage (a former Corrish vessel), but an opportune breeze gave the xebec the push it needed to escape. Gentleman Privateer Escapes from Eslandian Patrol Our man in Weelond reports that the crew of Myth Chaser encountered the Gentleman Privateer in the vicinity of Berelli. They report damaging the three-masted lugger Audacious and the cutter Maverick. The Gentleman Privateer was easily recognizable in his bowler hat aboard Audacious, and ultimately was able to gain the weather gage and disengage his smaller vessels from the pounding from the Eslandian ship-of-the-line. HMS Ironsides Sunk by Pirate Montroy! Corrish naval authorities in King’s Harbour are sad to report the loss of HMS Ironsides. The storied man-o-war has a special place in the hearts of Corrish sailors across the Brick Seas, having won many significant naval encounters. Alas, the notorious pirate Montroy got the better of her this time. HMS Ironsides was leading a squadron of five ships when they encountered Montroy in the ship-of-the-line Cardinal’s Shadow east of Charlatan Bay. The pirate came under heavy fire, but maneuvered his warship expertly, effectively using HMS Ironsides to shield himself from the rest of the Corrish patrol. A lucky shot from the pirate reportedly set a magazine ablaze, and Montroy was able to make his escape. There was nothing the Corrie crew could do to save HMS Ironsides, although they did prevent an explosion that could have damaged other ships in their fleet. Jolly Rogers Captures Corrish Merchant Sloop From Mooreton Bay the crew of the armed cog Huntress report that they were attacked by the man-o-war Jolly Rogers in the South Prio Sea. The youthful crew of the Jolly Rogers captured the cog Octan Tanker 1 and her valuable cargo of whale oil. Overdue/Missing Our man in Yeldo reports that officials of the Seawolf Shiping Company are concerned that the cog Corland Supplier 2 is overdue in port. Between the heavy storms on her route and known pirates in the area, there is great concern for the fate of the crew. And from Aden we hear that the new ETWC ship WDTPTOE (Why Did They Not Put This Out Earlier) is overdue and presumed lost. We can only hope that, if the ETWC decides to build a sistership of her, they give her an easier name! -page 2- Sea of Storms Lives Up to Name In the Sea of Storms, a vicious system came up from the south and progressed through the islands to the north and then moved as far east as Terraversa. We have word that the Garveyian trader Goldfish was forced into Arlinsport by rough seas and the Namerean trader Nemesis had to divert to Aden. We also hear that the Bluecoats lost some of their invasion force as they crossed the open sea to Terraversa, as our observers report that Executioner, Kuga, and HRS Pride of Oleon are missing from the attacking fleets. We also hear that Le Gros was forced to make port in Eltina before eve making the crossing. Locally, Eslandian galleon The Big Apple was forced to return to Westface, but the cutter The Messenger was not as fortunate and sank before she could return to port. Corrish official also report that the HMS Intrepid is missing, and it is not known if it sunk or was intercepted by Oleon forces. A lesser storm system made its way through the Sea of Thieves: The FTA fleet led by Hades' Tuba sailing out of Charlatan Bay was hit hard, as FTA Fluttering Petal was forced to divert to Leopaldis, and FTA Dusk was driven east to Bastion. From King’s Harbour we hear that the large merchant sloop Thalia, part of our Terraversan national trade fleet, sank before it could reach the Corrish city, and word is that damage it took from Oleon ships as it escaped Kings Port may have led to it being unable to handle the rough seas. We also hear from Elysabethtown that the Eslandian galleon Prince Fernando II was also forced to cut short it trade mission. In the east, only small squalls were reported, but that was enough to throw the WTC Iron Tony far off course, eventually making port at Camp Isaac. Mercantile Report From Breshaun we hear that the crew of the cutter Lark are buying rounds in the local pubs after bringing in 900 DBs for their cargo. We hear that Seawolf Shipping was ecstatic with the haul by the Eliza, garnering nearly 700 DBs for their cargo in Belson, and with the payout for the cargo of Corland Provider 2 in Elizabethville. A Sea Rat trade fleet led by the fluyt The Octopus II, and including the brig Dragon Fly and Margaret, made port in Trador. Between the three of them, we hear that pulled in nearly 700 DBs. The capture of the pirate Bluebeard and his ship wasn’t the only bounty HMS Juniper brought into Quinsville. She apparently also had quite a valuable cargo, netting north of 600 DBs. From Londa we hear that the Mardier trade fleet garnered modest profits there and in Prinport. From Jamestown we hear that the crew of the snow Jon El Flurry were celebrating after a profitable run, and that MCTC officials were generally happy with the profits of the whole fleet, but grumbled about lost revenue due to the Prince Fernando II being diverted by the storm in the Sea of Thieves. Our man in Kieg reports that the black market is booming this month. The Garveyian settlement is a well-known port of call for western pirates. Finally, from Weelond we have a tale of woe about an old man who set out for Bardo in his small fishing boat. He indeed caught a mammoth fish, but it was more than he or his boat could handle. The weather forced him to return to Weelond and, as his catch was too big for his boat, he was forced to leave it in the water and sharks consumed his catch before he could return to port. Notable Events Tortuga Crowns Sand Castle King Tortuga’s sand castle contest attracted beach sculptors from several Halosian nations, and Dr. Thaum has announced the winners. Congratulations to all the creative seafarers who took time out from plying the Brick Seas to re-explore their childhood. Octoberfest Moving East? We expect to learn details about this year’s Octoberfest soon, but the rumor is that it will have a new host settlement. While Weelond residents will celebrate privately this year, we’re hearing that a different Eslandian settlement, somewhere much farther east, will be hosting the public festivities this year. Ships Lost to Davy Jones’ Locker Black Rat (Tom Skippy/Sea Rats) Camel (Carno) Devil’s Barnacle (Oleon) Executioner (Oleon) HMS Intrepid (Flavius Gratian/Corrington) HMS Ironsides (Bregir/Corrington) HRS Pride of Oleon (Oleon) HRS Ville de Granoleon (Oleon) Kuga (Dukesc/Oleon) Le Fougueux (Bodi/Oleon) Thalia (Terraversa) The Ambition (Phred/Oleon) The Messenger (Faladrin/Eslandola) WDTPTOE (ETWC/Eslandola) Ships Captured MOC’d: Exocet (class 1) taken from Professor Thaum by Lotus Corland Supplier 2 (class 1) taken from Brickwolf by Jan Van Sud Octan Tanker 1 (class 2) taken from Brickwolf by Professor Thaum Cannonball (class 5) taken from Eslandola by Professor Thaum/Tom Skippy/Roadmonkeytj Gun Sloop No. 2 (class 2) taken from Elizabethville by Kwatchi/Gulagurag/Sea Rats Un-MOC’d: Indigo (class 3) taken from Bluebeard by Sir Kingston Chital (class 3) taken from Carno by Lotus Grand Venture (class 5) taken from Eslandola by Professor Thaum/Tom Skippy/Roadmonkeytj Known Black Flag Ships Still At Large (all of their crews scoundrels and wanted for piracy) Alexander Apollo’s Mirth AQAR Atropos Audacious Dreamchaser II Enyo Golden Rat Hand of Fate II Hotspur Joker’s Folly Jolly Rogers Komodo Dragon II Lachesis Marvel II Maverick Nightingale Puck’s Jest II Purple Rain Stormbringer II The Andromeda The Drunken Monkey Valkyrie Villain’s Boat Viper Note that Black Flag Sea Rat ship locations are hidden when docked in Sea Rat ports, Garveyian ports, and Barracuda Bay or other pirate hideouts. Result tables to follow shortly.
September 15, 20204 yr Author Results by faction: Part 1 Spoiler . Ship Flagship Owner Nationality Destination DBs Notes Aurora Aurora Altonia Altonia Ulric 40 Antelope Aurora Altonia Altonia Ulric 0 Archer Aurora Altonia Altonia Ulric 20 Aardvark Aurora Altonia Altonia Ulric 30 Abalone Aurora Altonia Altonia Ulric 30 Cobra Cobra Carno Carno Port Woodhouse 0 Escaped from Lotus war fleet Coyote Cobra Carno Carno Port Woodhouse 0 Escaped from Lotus war fleet Camel Cobra Carno Carno XXX 0 Sunk by Lotus war fleet Chital Cobra Carno Carno Oryant 0 Captured by Lotus war fleet Civet Cobra Carno Carno Port Woodhouse 60 Escaped from Lotus war fleet Audacious Audacious Bregir Corrington ??? 0 Damaged by Myth Chaser, escaped Maverick Audacious Bregir Corrington ??? 0 Damaged by Myth Chaser, escaped Colonial Gunboat Colonial Gunboat King's Harbour Corrington Quinnsville 0 Corland Provider 2 Corland Provider 2 Brickwolf Corrington Elizabethville 300 Corland Supplier 2 Corland Supplier 2 Brickwolf Corrington ??? 0 Captured by pirate Jan Van Sud Eliza Eliza Brickwolf Corrington Belson 680 Golden voyage Gun Sloop No. 2 Gun Sloop No. 2 Elizabethville Corrington ??? 0 Captured by Hand of Fate II HMS Badger HMS Badger Corrington Corrington Port Woodhouse 0 HMS Black Panther HMS Black Panther Corrington Corrington Port Raleigh 0 Alexander Keith HMS Black Panther Ayrlego Corrington Port Raleigh 240 HMS Greyhound HMS Greyhound Corrington Corrington Westface 0 HMS Diligence HMS Greyhound Corrington Corrington Westface 0 HMHV Athena HMS Greyhound Bregir Corrington Westface 0 HMS Publius HMS Greyhound Corrington Corrington Westface 0 HMS Intrepid HMS Greyhound Flavius Gratian Corrington XXX 0 Sunk in storm? HMS Ironsides HMS Ironsides Bregir Corrington XXX 0 Sunk by pirate Montroy Pineapple Revenge HMS Ironsides Corrington Corrington King’s Harbour 20 Unsuccessfully pursued pirate Montroy Hades Fury HMS Ironsides Bregir Corrington King’s Harbour 10 Unsuccessfully pursued pirate Montroy HMS Otter HMS Ironsides Bregir Corrington King’s Harbour 0 Unsuccessfully pursued pirate Montroy HMS Resolute HMS Ironsides Corrington Corrington King’s Harbour 0 Unsuccessfully pursued pirate Montroy HMS Juniper HMS Juniper Sir Kingston Corrington Quinnsville 680 Captured pirate Bluebeard! HMS Red Angel HMS Red Angel Mesabi Corrington Mesabi Landing 0 WTC Blackbird HMS Red Angel WTC Corrington Mesabi Landing 20 WTC Teamwork HMS Red Angel Mesabi Corrington Mesabi Landing 60 HMS Red Angel HMS Red Angel Mesabi Corrington Mesabi Landing 0 Huntress Huntress Brickwolf Corrington Mooreton Bay 0 Damaged by Jolly Rogers, escaped Octan Tanker 1 Huntress Brickwolf Corrington ??? 0 Captured by Jolly Rogers Liferaft Liferaft Bregir Corrington Alexport 10 Misfortune's Wrath Misfortune's Wrath Mesabi Landing Corrington Mesabi Landing 20 WTC Bully Boy I Misfortune's Wrath Drunknok Corrington Mesabi Landing 20 WTC Bully Boy III Misfortune's Wrath Drunknok Corrington Mesabi Landing 20 WTC Agnes Y3 Misfortune's Wrath Drunknok Corrington Mesabi Landing 20 WTC Agnes B2 Misfortune's Wrath Drunknok Corrington Mesabi Landing 20 Red Queen Red Queen Mesabi Corrington Alexport 50 Satyr Satyr Corrington Corrington Arlinsport 40 Damaged by pirate Captain Gore, escaped Tuna King Tuna King ETTC Corrington Mooreton Bay 150 Dozy Dragon Tuna King Bregir Corrington Mooreton Bay 180 WTC Icarus Returning WTC Icarus Returning Mesabi Corrington Mesabi Landing 50 WTC Iron Tony WTC Iron Tony WTC Corrington Mesabi Landing 0 WTC Copperhead WTC Iron Tony Mesabi Corrington Mesabi Landing 0 WTC Checkered Past WTC Iron Tony Mesabi Corrington Mesabi Landing 0 WTC Dog Days WTC Iron Tony Mesabi Corrington Mesabi Landing 0 WTC Stoned Serpent WTC Iron Tony Drunknok Corrington Mesabi Landing 10 WTC IRON TONY WTC Iron Tony WTC Corrington Camp Isaac 0 Diverted by storm to Camp Isaac WTC Riff Raft WTC Riff Raft Mesabi Corrington Alexport 50 WTC Seriously WTC Seriously Mesabi Corrington Mesabi Landing 100 WTC Agnes B4 WTC Seriously Drunknok Corrington Mesabi Landing 20 WTC Green Viper WTC Seriously Drunknok Corrington Mesabi Landing 0 WTC Brown Bear WTC Seriously Drunknok Corrington Mesabi Landing 0 HMS Hermes WTC Seriously Drunknok Corrington Mesabi Landing 20 Asesino II Asesino II Nova Terreli Eslandola Fuerte Unido 0 Peregrine II Asesino II Fuerte Unido Eslandola Fuerte Unido 20 Victoria II Asesino II Fuerte Unido Eslandola Fuerte Unido 0 Colonial Storm Colonial Storm Capt Wolf Eslandola Puerto Desafio 40 La Sirena Colonial Storm Capt Wolf Eslandola Puerto Desafio 40 Lady's Revenge II Colonial Storm Capt Wolf Eslandola Puerto Desafio 150 Consort's Duty Consort's Duty gedren_y Eslandola Fuerte Unido 60 Damaged by Bloody Bill's fleet, escaped Espada de Luna Espada de Luna Weelond Eslandola Weelond 0 The Gallant Espada de Luna Bardo Eslandola Weelond 0 Red Dragon Espada de Luna Eslandola Eslandola Weelond 0 Clearance Espada de Luna Salida Este Eslandola Weelond 90 Holder's Secret Espada de Luna MCTC Eslandola Weelond 50 Mysterious Lady Espada de Luna Capt Wolf Eslandola Weelond 280 Swift Espada de Luna Weelond Eslandola Weelond 140 The Defiance Espada de Luna Legostone Eslandola Weelond 190 FIshing Boat Fishing Boat Weelond Eslandola Weelond 0 Forced to return to port, catch eaten by sharks Golden Grasshopper Golden Grasshopper Eslandola Eslandola Jameston 0 El Genio Golden Grasshopper Capt Wolf Eslandola Jameston 0 Piece of Eight II Golden Grasshopper MCTC Eslandola Jameston 290 Prince Fernando II Golden Grasshopper MCTC Eslandola Elysabethtown 0 Diverted by storm to Elysabethtown, cargo ruined Jon El Flurry Golden Grasshopper MCTC Eslandola Jameston 340 Grand Venture Grand Venture Eslandola Eslandola ??? 0 Captured by Sea Rats Atropos fleet Cannonball Grand Venture Eslandola Eslandola ??? 0 Captured by Sea Rats Atropos fleet Long Beard IV Grand Venture Puerto Desafio Eslandola King’s Harbour 0 Sank Black Rat Eslandita Grand Venture MCTC Eslandola King’s Harbour 150 Escaped from Sea Rat Atropos fleet Hidalga Grand Venture Capt Wolf Eslandola King’s Harbour 150 Escaped from Sea Rat Atropos fleet La Comete III La Comete III Eslandola Eslandola Elysabethtown 10 Oscuridad III La Comete III Eslandola Eslandola Elysabethtown 0 Verde Oro La Comete III Eslandola Eslandola Elysabethtown 0 Firefly La Comete III Eslandola Eslandola Elysabethtown 0 Lark Lark Capt Wolf Eslandola Breshaun 900 Golden voyage! Sparrow Lark Capt Wolf Eslandola Breshaun 0 Migery's Revenge Migery's Revenge Eslandola Eslandola Mesabi Landing 0 Midas Touch II Migery's Revenge Nova Terreli Eslandola Mesabi Landing 0 Far Horizon Migery's Revenge Capt Wolf Eslandola Mesabi Landing 110 Fenris Ranger Migery's Revenge Capt Wolf Eslandola Mesabi Landing 20 La Contessa de Victoria Migery's Revenge Capt Wolf Eslandola Mesabi Landing 140 Myth Chaser Myth Chaser Eslandola Eslandola Weelond 70 Unsuccessfully pursued Gentleman Privateer Pearl Diving Canoe Pearl Diving Canoe Elysabethtown Eslandola Elysabethtown 10 Time to find a new diving location Reventazon Reventazon Legostone Eslandola Fuerte Unido 30 Sleeping Siren II Sleeping Siren II Weelond Eslandola Fuerte Unido 0 Blood Diamond Sleeping Siren II Salida Este Eslandola Fuerte Unido 0 La Salamandra Sleeping Siren II Eslandola Eslandola Fuerte Unido 0 Cotton Lady II Sleeping Siren II MCTC Eslandola Fuerte Unido 70 Dark Spirit Sleeping Siren II Kai NRG Eslandola Fuerte Unido 20 Esmerelda Sleeping Siren II Capt Wolf Eslandola Fuerte Unido 50 Island Rose Sleeping Siren II gedren_y Eslandola Fuerte Unido 40 The Big Apple The Big Apple Faladrin Eslandola Westface 0 Forced by storm to return to Westface The Raenette The Big Apple Faladrin Eslandola Weelond 140 The Lady Hawk The Big Apple Faladrin Eslandola Weelond 0 Lady of Madrice II The Big Apple Capt Wolf Eslandola Weelond 230 The Brickwall II The Brickwall II Faladrin Eslandola Elysabethtown 0 The Messenger The Brickwall II Faladrin Eslandola XXX 0 Sunk in storm The Golden Bugle The Brickwall II Faladrin Eslandola Elysabethtown 40 The Flying Apple The Brickwall II Faladrin Eslandola Elysabethtown 30 WDTPTOE WDTPTOE ETWC Eslandola XXX 0 Sunk by pirate LeColeon Gilded Lilly Gilded Lilly Garvey Garvey Prinport 140 Goldfish Gilded Lilly Garvey Garvey Arlinsport 0 Diverted by storm to Arlinsport, cargo ruined Golden Shekel Gilded Lilly Garvey Garvey Prinport 80 Gardenia Gilded Lilly Garvey Garvey Prinport 80 Garter Grasshopper Garvey Garvey Fatu Hiva 130 Gazelle Grasshopper Garvey Garvey Fatu Hiva 110 Gecko Grasshopper Garvey Garvey Fatu Hiva 110 Grasshopper Grasshopper Garvey Garvey Fatu Hiva 130 Ladybug Ladybug Lotus Lotus Luyang 0 Llama Ladybug Lotus Lotus Luyang 0 Lory Ladybug Lotus Lotus Luyang 0 Nightwing Ladybug Lotus Lotus Luyang 0 Lemur Lemur Lotus Lotus Jiangkai 0 Captured Exocet Lobster Lemur Lotus Lotus Jiangkai 0 Attacked Arkham Chaser fleet Lemming Lemur Lotus Lotus Jiangkai 0 Attacked Arkham Chaser fleet Lion Lion Lotus Lotus Oryant 0 Sank Carno clipper Camel Leopard Lion Lotus Lotus Oryant 0 Damaged by Carno man-o-war Cobra Longspur Lion Lotus Lotus Oryant 0 Captured Carno sloop Chital Liger Lion Lotus Lotus Oryant 0 Attacked Carno Cobra fleet Limpet Lion Lotus Lotus Oryant 0 Attacked Carno Cobra fleet Mongo Majestic Mardier Mardier Prinport 340 Midnight Sun Majestic Mardier Mardier Prinport 0 Midnight Ruby Majestic Mardier Mardier Prinport 30 Wyvern Majestic Mardier Mardier Prinport 30 Minerva Minerva Mardier Mardier Londa 0 Meteor Minerva Mardier Mardier Londa 0 Marauder Minerva Mardier Mardier Londa 280 Macaw Minerva Mardier Mardier Londa 220 Maria Minerva Mardier Mardier Londa 190 Magpie Minerva Mardier Mardier Londa 190 Majestic Majestic Mardier Mardier Prinport 0 . Part 2 Spoiler . Ship Flagship Owner Nationality Destination DBs Notes Nemesis Nemesis Namere Namere Aden 0 Diverted by storm to Aden Nova Nemesis Namere Namere Balmin 0 Ninja Nemesis Namere Namere Balmin 60 Nexus Nexus Namere Namere Balmin 110 Nighthawk Nighthawk Namere Namere Arlinsport 190 Nuthatch Nighthawk Namere Namere Arlinsport 190 Nymph Nighthawk Namere Namere Arlinsport 150 Atlantis Atlantis LeColeon NPC ??? 160 Sank WDTPTOE Angelfish Atlantis LeColeon NPC ??? 60 Sank WDTPTOE Cardinal's Shadow Cardinal's Shadow Montroy NPC ??? 30 Sank HMS Ironsides, damaged, escaped HMS Carnage HMS Carnage Captain Gore NPC ??? 0 Damaged Satyr Rhodos HMS Carnage Captain Gore NPC ??? 20 Damaged Satyr Indigo Indigo Bluebeard NPC Quinnsville 0 Captured by HMS Juniper Little Scavenger Little Scavenger Bloody Bill NPC ??? 0 Damaged Consort's Duty Cutlass Little Scavenger Bloody Bill NPC ??? 20 Damaged Consort's Duty WTC Agnes Y4 Little Scavenger Bloody Bill NPC ??? 10 Damaged Consort's Duty Mermaid's Secret Mermaid's Secret Jan Van Sud NPC ??? 0 Captured Corland Supplier 2 Turaco Mermaid's Secret Jan Van Sud NPC ??? 440 Damaged by Corland Supllier 2 Flying Colt Mermaid's Secret Jan Van Sud NPC ??? 150 Attacked Corland Supplier 2 Bruyant Bruyant Oleon Oleon Nola Mar 0 HRS Pride of Oleon Bruyant Oleon Oleon XXX 0 Sunk in sotrm en route to Nola Mar Fleur Verte Bruyant Oleon Oleon Nola Mar 0 HRS Royal Philip HRS Royal Philip Oleon Oleon Kings Port 0 Led Oleon's Kings Port invasion fleet Le Fougueux HRS Royal Philip Bodi Oleon XXX 0 Sunk in assault of Kings Port The Navigator HRS Royal Philip Dukesc Oleon Kings Port 0 Part of Oleon's Kings Port invasion fleet Etalon HRS Royal Philip Oleon Oleon Kings Port 0 Part of Oleon's Kings Port invasion fleet HRS Tonnant HRS Royal Philip Oleon Oleon Kings Port 0 Part of Oleon's Kings Port invasion fleet Le Clarion HRS Royal Philip RNTC Oleon Kings Port 0 Part of Oleon's Kings Port invasion fleet HRS Audacieux HRS Royal Philip Oleon Oleon Kings Port 0 Part of Oleon's Kings Port invasion fleet The Pearl of Loyalty HRS Royal Philip Phred Oleon Kings Port 0 Part of Oleon's Kings Port invasion fleet l'Acharnée HRS Royal Philip Bodi Oleon Kings Port 0 Part of Oleon's Kings Port invasion fleet Scamandre HRS Royal Philip Keymonus Oleon Kings Port 0 Part of Oleon's Kings Port invasion fleet The Aspiration HRS Royal Philip Phred Oleon Kings Port 0 Part of Oleon's Kings Port invasion fleet The Ambition HRS Royal Philip Phred Oleon XXX 0 Sunk in assault of Kings Port The Demon Sea Turtle HRS Royal Philip Phred Oleon Kings Port 0 Part of Oleon's Kings Port invasion fleet Licorn HRS Royal Philip RNTC Oleon Kings Port 0 Part of Oleon's Kings Port invasion fleet Licorne HRS Royal Philip RNTC Oleon Kings Port 0 Part of Oleon's Kings Port invasion fleet Gladiateur HRS Royal Philip blackdeathgr Oleon Kings Port 0 Part of Oleon's Kings Port invasion fleet Floating Battery HRS Royal Philip Bodi Oleon Kings Port 0 Part of Oleon's Kings Port invasion fleet The Ranger HRS Royal Philip Dukesc Oleon Kings Port 0 Part of Oleon's Kings Port invasion fleet Bloody Compass HRS Royal Philip Oleon Oleon Kings Port 0 Part of Oleon's Kings Port invasion fleet Executioner HRS Royal Philip Oleon Oleon XXX 0 Sunk in storm en route to Kings Port HRS Retribution of Breshaun HRS Royal Philip Oleon Oleon Kings Port 0 Part of Oleon's Kings Port invasion fleet HRS Ville de Granoleon HRS Royal Philip Oleon Oleon XXX 0 Sunk in assault of Kings Port HRS Eltina II HRS Royal Philip Oleon Oleon Kings Port 0 Part of Oleon's Kings Port invasion fleet The Turgut HRS Royal Philip Phred Oleon Kings Port 0 Part of Oleon's Kings Port invasion fleet Malto Express HRS Royal Philip RNTC Oleon Kings Port 0 Part of Oleon's Kings Port invasion fleet HRS Terrible HRS Terrible Oleon Oleon Pilnton 0 Led Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Pilnton Étoile du Sud HRS Terrible Captain Genaro Oleon Pilnton 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Pilnton The Lightning HRS Terrible Dukesc Oleon Pilnton 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Pilnton Comtesse de Praenia HRS Terrible Kolonialbeamter Oleon Pilnton 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Pilnton Amphitrite's Lily HRS Terrible Bodi Oleon Pilnton 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Pilnton Wolf II HRS Terrible Oleon Oleon Pilnton 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Pilnton FTA The Gargoyle HRS Terrible Captain Genaro Oleon Pilnton 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Pilnton The Divination Revival HRS Terrible Phred Oleon Pilnton 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Pilnton Dying Gull HRS Terrible Phred Oleon Pilnton 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Pilnton The Benefactor HRS Terrible Phred Oleon Pilnton 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Pilnton Supreme HRS Terrible RNTC Oleon Pilnton 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Pilnton The Torino HRS Terrible Dukesc Oleon Pilnton 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Pilnton La Fleur Pourpre HRS Terrible Dukesc Oleon Pilnton 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Pilnton Devil's Barnacle HRS Terrible Oleon Oleon XXX 0 Sunk by shore battery in assault on Terraversan village of Pilnton The Resurrection HRS Terrible Phred Oleon Pilnton 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Pilnton Mr. Twistie HRS Terrible Phred Oleon Pilnton 0 Damaged in assault on Terraersan village of Pilnton; MOC required for return to action Dagger HRS Terrible blackdeathgr Oleon Pilnton 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Pilnton Kuga HRS Terrible Dukesc Oleon XXX 0 Sunk in storm en route to Pilnton HRS Triton HRS Triton Oleon Oleon Sillithonia 0 Led Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Sillithonia HRS Tigre HRS Triton Oleon Oleon Sillithonia 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Sillitonia États de Boussac HRS Triton Oleon Oleon Sillithonia 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Sillitonia Le Hussard HRS Triton Bodi Oleon Sillithonia 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Sillitonia HRS Resistante HRS Triton Oleon Oleon Sillithonia 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Sillitonia Le Gaillard HRS Triton RNTC Oleon Sillithonia 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Sillitonia HRS Audacieuse HRS Triton Oleon Oleon Sillithonia 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Sillitonia la Sentinelle HRS Triton Bodi Oleon Sillithonia 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Sillitonia Le Fleur HRS Triton KotZ Oleon Sillithonia 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Sillitonia La Recouvrance La Recouvrance Kolonialbeamter Oleon Nola Mar 0 Led Oleon's assault on Terraversan vilage of Tanari; troops repelled, ships retreat to Nola Mar Santa Clara La Recouvrance Kolonialbeamter Oleon Nola Mar 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Tanari; troops repelled, ships retreat to Nola Mar Persévérante La Recouvrance Kolonialbeamter Oleon Nola Mar 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Tanari; troops repelled, ships retreat to Nola Mar HRS Ardent La Recouvrance Oleon Oleon Nola Mar 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Tanari; troops repelled, ships retreat to Nola Mar Zephyr La Recouvrance Breshaun Oleon Nola Mar 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Tanari; troops repelled, ships retreat to Nola Mar Le Gros Le Gros RNTC Oleon Eltina 0 Was to lead Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Tarlor, but forced by storm to stop at Eltina; fleet continued on Raging Fire Le Gros Sebeus I Oleon Tarlor 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Tarlor La Poule Le Gros Bodi Oleon Tarlor 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Tarlor La Bombe Le Gros Bodi Oleon Tarlor 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Tarlor Blood and Guts Le Gros Captain Genaro Oleon Tarlor 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Tarlor The Festiva Le Gros Dukesc Oleon Tarlor 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Tarlor Tartarus Le Gros Keymonus Oleon Tarlor 0 Damaged in assault on Terraersan village of Tarlor; MOC required for return to action The Argo Le Gros Phred Oleon Tarlor 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Tarlor Lady Jacqueline Le Gros RNTC Oleon Tarlor 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Tarlor The Marion Le Gros RNTC Oleon Tarlor 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Tarlor Villian's Boat Le Gros Bodi Oleon Tarlor 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Tarlor Nerdy Mermaid Le Gros Dukesc Oleon Tarlor 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Tarlor The Taurus Le Gros Dukesc Oleon Tarlor 0 Damaged in assault on Terraersan village of Tarlor; MOC required for return to action Gray Lilly Le Gros Oleon Oleon Tarlor 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Tarlor The Yacht Majestic Le Gros Phred Oleon Tarlor 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Tarlor Slippery Banana Le Gros RNTC Oleon Tarlor 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Tarlor Grey Lilly (Gray Lilly) Le Gros Ross Fisher Oleon Tarlor 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Tarlor Little Hermes Le Gros blackdeathgr Oleon Tarlor 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Tarlor Jacinthe Le Gros Bodi Oleon Tarlor 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Tarlor Pride of Poseidon Le Gros Captain Genaro Oleon Tarlor 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Tarlor The Fiesta Le Gros Dukesc Oleon Tarlor 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Tarlor Comet 2 Le Gros Dukesc Oleon Tarlor 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Tarlor The Corcel Le Gros Dukesc Oleon Tarlor 0 Damaged in assault on Terraersan village of Tarlor; MOC required for return to action Rambler's Reward Le Gros SpaceJoey86 Oleon Tarlor 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Tarlor Prio's Fortune Prio's Fortune Romantica Romantica Astrapi 100 Phanish Prio's Fortune Romantica Romantica Astrapi 30 Patriot III Prio's Fortune Romantica Romantica Astrapi 30 Pronghorn II Prio's Fortune Romantica Romantica Astrapi 30 Peacock Prio's Fortune Romantica Romantica Astrapi 150 Arkham Chaser Arkham Chaser professor thaum Sea Rats Black Rock 30 Escaped from Lotus war fleet Exocet Arkham Chaser professor thaum Sea Rats Jiangkai 0 Captured by Lotus war fleet Atropos Atropos professor thaum Sea Rats ??? 0 Captured Grand Venture Enyo Atropos Professor Thaum Sea Rats ??? 0 Captured Cannonball Lachesis Atropos professor thaum Sea Rats ??? 0 Attacked ESL merchant fleet Black Rat Atropos TomSkippy Sea Rats XXX 0 Sunk by Long Beard IV Golden Rat Atropos TomSkippy Sea Rats ??? 0 Attacked ESL merchant fleet Joker's Folly Atropos Roadmonkeytj Sea Rats ??? 0 Attacked ESL merchant fleet Bolsillos Llenos Bolsillos Llenos FTA Sea Rats Charlatan Bay 150 DMDR 6 Bolsillos Llenos Bart Sea Rats Charlatan Bay 0 Hades' Tuba Hades' Tuba Sea Rats Sea Rats Charlatan Bay 10 FTA Redtail Hades' Tuba FTA Sea Rats Charlatan Bay 30 FTA Nights whisper Hades' Tuba FTA Sea Rats Charlatan Bay 20 FTA Fluttering petal Hades' Tuba FTA Sea Rats Leopaldis 0 Diverted by storm to Leopaldis, cargo ruined FTA Dusk Hades' Tuba FTA Sea Rats Bastion 0 Diverted by storm to Bastion, cargo ruined FTA Achernar Hades' Tuba FTA Sea Rats Charlatan Bay 40 Hand of Fate II Hand of Fate II Kwatchi Sea Rats ??? 170 Raided Stormhaven, captured Elizabethville's Gun Sloop No. 2 Dreamchaser II Hand of Fate II Gulagurag Sea Rats ??? 0 Raided Stormhaven Stormbringer II Hand of Fate II Sea Rats Sea Rats ??? 0 Raided Stormhaven Hotspur Hand of Fate II Kwatchi Sea Rats ??? 0 Raided Stormhaven Apollo's Mirth Hand of Fate II Kwatchi Sea Rats ??? 0 Raided Stormhaven Marvel II Hand of Fate II Kwatchi Sea Rats ??? 0 Raided Stormhaven Puck's Jest II Hand of Fate II Gulagurag Sea Rats ??? 0 Raided Stormhaven Jolly Rogers Jolly Rogers professor thaum Sea Rats Tortuga 290 Capturted Octan Tanker 1, damaged Huntress Nymeria Nymeria Corweena Sea Rats Mesabi Landing 40 The Eagle The Eagle Professor Thaum Sea Rats Charlatan Bay 20 Vic Viper The Eagle professor Thaum Sea Rats Charlatan Bay 20 The Octopus II The Octopus II Fraunces Sea Rats Trador 300 Dragon Fly The Octopus II Fraunces Sea Rats Trador 250 Margaret The Octopus II Fraunces Sea Rats Trador 130 Tiger Tiger Terraversa Terraversa King’s Harbour 0 Evaded Oleon invaders Tyche II Tiger Terraversa Terraversa King’s Harbour 70 Evaded Oleon invaders Trident Tiger Terraversa Terraversa King’s Harbour 115 Evaded Oleon invaders Thalia Tiger Terraversa Terraversa XXX 0 Damaged by Oleon invaders, sunk in storm Typhoon Typhoon Terraversa Terraversa King’s Harbour 0 Evaded Oleon invaders .
September 15, 20204 yr Author Results by destination: Part 1 Spoiler . Ship Flagship Owner Nationality Destination DBs Notes Nemesis Nemesis Namere Namere Aden 0 Diverted by storm to Aden Liferaft Liferaft Bregir Corrington Alexport 10 Red Queen Red Queen Mesabi Corrington Alexport 50 WTC Riff Raft WTC Riff Raft Mesabi Corrington Alexport 50 Goldfish Gilded Lilly Garvey Garvey Arlinsport 0 Diverted by storm to Arlinsport, cargo ruined Nighthawk Nighthawk Namere Namere Arlinsport 190 Nuthatch Nighthawk Namere Namere Arlinsport 190 Nymph Nighthawk Namere Namere Arlinsport 150 Satyr Satyr Corrington Corrington Arlinsport 40 Damaged by pirate Captain Gore, escaped Prio's Fortune Prio's Fortune Romantica Romantica Astrapi 100 Phanish Prio's Fortune Romantica Romantica Astrapi 30 Patriot III Prio's Fortune Romantica Romantica Astrapi 30 Pronghorn II Prio's Fortune Romantica Romantica Astrapi 30 Peacock Prio's Fortune Romantica Romantica Astrapi 150 Nova Nemesis Namere Namere Balmin 0 Ninja Nemesis Namere Namere Balmin 60 Nexus Nexus Namere Namere Balmin 110 FTA Dusk Hades' Tuba FTA Sea Rats Bastion 0 Diverted by storm to Bastion, cargo ruined Eliza Eliza Brickwolf Corrington Belson 680 Golden voyage Arkham Chaser Arkham Chaser professor thaum Sea Rats Black Rock 30 Escaped from Lotus war fleet Lark Lark Capt Wolf Eslandola Breshaun 900 Golden voyage! Sparrow Lark Capt Wolf Eslandola Breshaun 0 WTC IRON TONY WTC Iron Tony WTC Corrington Camp Isaac 0 Diverted by storm to Camp Isaac Bolsillos Llenos Bolsillos Llenos FTA Sea Rats Charlatan Bay 150 DMDR 6 Bolsillos Llenos Bart Sea Rats Charlatan Bay 0 Hades' Tuba Hades' Tuba Sea Rats Sea Rats Charlatan Bay 10 FTA Redtail Hades' Tuba FTA Sea Rats Charlatan Bay 30 FTA Nights whisper Hades' Tuba FTA Sea Rats Charlatan Bay 20 FTA Achernar Hades' Tuba FTA Sea Rats Charlatan Bay 40 The Eagle The Eagle Professor Thaum Sea Rats Charlatan Bay 20 Vic Viper The Eagle professor Thaum Sea Rats Charlatan Bay 20 Corland Provider 2 Corland Provider 2 Brickwolf Corrington Elizabethville 300 Le Gros Le Gros RNTC Oleon Eltina 0 Was to lead Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Tarlor, but forced by storm to stop at Eltina; fleet continued on Prince Fernando II Golden Grasshopper MCTC Eslandola Elysabethtown 0 Diverted by storm to Elysabethtown, cargo ruined La Comete III La Comete III Eslandola Eslandola Elysabethtown 10 Oscuridad III La Comete III Eslandola Eslandola Elysabethtown 0 Verde Oro La Comete III Eslandola Eslandola Elysabethtown 0 Firefly La Comete III Eslandola Eslandola Elysabethtown 0 Pearl Diving Canoe Pearl Diving Canoe Elysabethtown Eslandola Elysabethtown 10 Time to find a new diving location The Brickwall II The Brickwall II Faladrin Eslandola Elysabethtown 0 The Golden Bugle The Brickwall II Faladrin Eslandola Elysabethtown 40 The Flying Apple The Brickwall II Faladrin Eslandola Elysabethtown 30 Garter Grasshopper Garvey Garvey Fatu Hiva 130 Gazelle Grasshopper Garvey Garvey Fatu Hiva 110 Gecko Grasshopper Garvey Garvey Fatu Hiva 110 Grasshopper Grasshopper Garvey Garvey Fatu Hiva 130 Asesino II Asesino II Nova Terreli Eslandola Fuerte Unido 0 Peregrine II Asesino II Fuerte Unido Eslandola Fuerte Unido 20 Victoria II Asesino II Fuerte Unido Eslandola Fuerte Unido 0 Consort's Duty Consort's Duty gedren_y Eslandola Fuerte Unido 60 Damaged by Bloody Bill's fleet, escaped Reventazon Reventazon Legostone Eslandola Fuerte Unido 30 Sleeping Siren II Sleeping Siren II Weelond Eslandola Fuerte Unido 0 Blood Diamond Sleeping Siren II Salida Este Eslandola Fuerte Unido 0 La Salamandra Sleeping Siren II Eslandola Eslandola Fuerte Unido 0 Cotton Lady II Sleeping Siren II MCTC Eslandola Fuerte Unido 70 Dark Spirit Sleeping Siren II Kai NRG Eslandola Fuerte Unido 20 Esmerelda Sleeping Siren II Capt Wolf Eslandola Fuerte Unido 50 Island Rose Sleeping Siren II gedren_y Eslandola Fuerte Unido 40 Golden Grasshopper Golden Grasshopper Eslandola Eslandola Jameston 0 El Genio Golden Grasshopper Capt Wolf Eslandola Jameston 0 Piece of Eight II Golden Grasshopper MCTC Eslandola Jameston 290 Jon El Flurry Golden Grasshopper MCTC Eslandola Jameston 340 Exocet Arkham Chaser professor thaum Sea Rats Jiangkai 0 Captured by Lotus war fleet Lemur Lemur Lotus Lotus Jiangkai 0 Captured Exocet Lobster Lemur Lotus Lotus Jiangkai 0 Attacked Arkham Chaser fleet Lemming Lemur Lotus Lotus Jiangkai 0 Attacked Arkham Chaser fleet Long Beard IV Grand Venture Puerto Desafio Eslandola King’s Harbour 0 Sank Black Rat Eslandita Grand Venture MCTC Eslandola King’s Harbour 150 Escaped from Sea Rat Atropos fleet Hidalga Grand Venture Capt Wolf Eslandola King’s Harbour 150 Escaped from Sea Rat Atropos fleet Pineapple Revenge HMS Ironsides Corrington Corrington King’s Harbour 20 Unsuccessfully pursued pirate Montroy Hades Fury HMS Ironsides Bregir Corrington King’s Harbour 10 Unsuccessfully pursued pirate Montroy HMS Otter HMS Ironsides Bregir Corrington King’s Harbour 0 Unsuccessfully pursued pirate Montroy HMS Resolute HMS Ironsides Corrington Corrington King’s Harbour 0 Unsuccessfully pursued pirate Montroy Tiger Tiger Terraversa Terraversa King’s Harbour 0 Evaded Oleon invaders Tyche II Tiger Terraversa Terraversa King’s Harbour 70 Evaded Oleon invaders Trident Tiger Terraversa Terraversa King’s Harbour 115 Evaded Oleon invaders Typhoon Typhoon Terraversa Terraversa King’s Harbour 0 Evaded Oleon invaders HRS Royal Philip HRS Royal Philip Oleon Oleon Kings Port 0 Led Oleon's Kings Port invasion fleet The Navigator HRS Royal Philip Dukesc Oleon Kings Port 0 Part of Oleon's Kings Port invasion fleet Etalon HRS Royal Philip Oleon Oleon Kings Port 0 Part of Oleon's Kings Port invasion fleet HRS Tonnant HRS Royal Philip Oleon Oleon Kings Port 0 Part of Oleon's Kings Port invasion fleet Le Clarion HRS Royal Philip RNTC Oleon Kings Port 0 Part of Oleon's Kings Port invasion fleet HRS Audacieux HRS Royal Philip Oleon Oleon Kings Port 0 Part of Oleon's Kings Port invasion fleet The Pearl of Loyalty HRS Royal Philip Phred Oleon Kings Port 0 Part of Oleon's Kings Port invasion fleet l'Acharnée HRS Royal Philip Bodi Oleon Kings Port 0 Part of Oleon's Kings Port invasion fleet Scamandre HRS Royal Philip Keymonus Oleon Kings Port 0 Part of Oleon's Kings Port invasion fleet The Aspiration HRS Royal Philip Phred Oleon Kings Port 0 Part of Oleon's Kings Port invasion fleet The Demon Sea Turtle HRS Royal Philip Phred Oleon Kings Port 0 Part of Oleon's Kings Port invasion fleet Licorn HRS Royal Philip RNTC Oleon Kings Port 0 Part of Oleon's Kings Port invasion fleet Licorne HRS Royal Philip RNTC Oleon Kings Port 0 Part of Oleon's Kings Port invasion fleet Gladiateur HRS Royal Philip blackdeathgr Oleon Kings Port 0 Part of Oleon's Kings Port invasion fleet Floating Battery HRS Royal Philip Bodi Oleon Kings Port 0 Part of Oleon's Kings Port invasion fleet The Ranger HRS Royal Philip Dukesc Oleon Kings Port 0 Part of Oleon's Kings Port invasion fleet Bloody Compass HRS Royal Philip Oleon Oleon Kings Port 0 Part of Oleon's Kings Port invasion fleet HRS Retribution of Breshaun HRS Royal Philip Oleon Oleon Kings Port 0 Part of Oleon's Kings Port invasion fleet HRS Eltina II HRS Royal Philip Oleon Oleon Kings Port 0 Part of Oleon's Kings Port invasion fleet The Turgut HRS Royal Philip Phred Oleon Kings Port 0 Part of Oleon's Kings Port invasion fleet Malto Express HRS Royal Philip RNTC Oleon Kings Port 0 Part of Oleon's Kings Port invasion fleet FTA Fluttering petal Hades' Tuba FTA Sea Rats Leopaldis 0 Diverted by storm to Leopaldis, cargo ruined Minerva Minerva Mardier Mardier Londa 0 Meteor Minerva Mardier Mardier Londa 0 Marauder Minerva Mardier Mardier Londa 280 Macaw Minerva Mardier Mardier Londa 220 Maria Minerva Mardier Mardier Londa 190 Magpie Minerva Mardier Mardier Londa 190 Ladybug Ladybug Lotus Lotus Luyang 0 Llama Ladybug Lotus Lotus Luyang 0 Lory Ladybug Lotus Lotus Luyang 0 Nightwing Ladybug Lotus Lotus Luyang 0 HMS Red Angel HMS Red Angel Mesabi Corrington Mesabi Landing 0 WTC Blackbird HMS Red Angel WTC Corrington Mesabi Landing 20 WTC Teamwork HMS Red Angel Mesabi Corrington Mesabi Landing 60 HMS Red Angel HMS Red Angel Mesabi Corrington Mesabi Landing 0 Migery's Revenge Migery's Revenge Eslandola Eslandola Mesabi Landing 0 Midas Touch II Migery's Revenge Nova Terreli Eslandola Mesabi Landing 0 Far Horizon Migery's Revenge Capt Wolf Eslandola Mesabi Landing 110 Fenris Ranger Migery's Revenge Capt Wolf Eslandola Mesabi Landing 20 La Contessa de Victoria Migery's Revenge Capt Wolf Eslandola Mesabi Landing 140 Misfortune's Wrath Misfortune's Wrath Mesabi Landing Corrington Mesabi Landing 20 WTC Bully Boy I Misfortune's Wrath Drunknok Corrington Mesabi Landing 20 WTC Bully Boy III Misfortune's Wrath Drunknok Corrington Mesabi Landing 20 WTC Agnes Y3 Misfortune's Wrath Drunknok Corrington Mesabi Landing 20 WTC Agnes B2 Misfortune's Wrath Drunknok Corrington Mesabi Landing 20 Nymeria Nymeria Corweena Sea Rats Mesabi Landing 40 WTC Icarus Returning WTC Icarus Returning Mesabi Corrington Mesabi Landing 50 WTC Iron Tony WTC Iron Tony WTC Corrington Mesabi Landing 0 WTC Copperhead WTC Iron Tony Mesabi Corrington Mesabi Landing 0 WTC Checkered Past WTC Iron Tony Mesabi Corrington Mesabi Landing 0 WTC Dog Days WTC Iron Tony Mesabi Corrington Mesabi Landing 0 WTC Stoned Serpent WTC Iron Tony Drunknok Corrington Mesabi Landing 10 WTC Seriously WTC Seriously Mesabi Corrington Mesabi Landing 100 WTC Agnes B4 WTC Seriously Drunknok Corrington Mesabi Landing 20 WTC Green Viper WTC Seriously Drunknok Corrington Mesabi Landing 0 WTC Brown Bear WTC Seriously Drunknok Corrington Mesabi Landing 0 HMS Hermes WTC Seriously Drunknok Corrington Mesabi Landing 20 Huntress Huntress Brickwolf Corrington Mooreton Bay 0 Damaged by Jolly Rogers, escaped Tuna King Tuna King ETTC Corrington Mooreton Bay 150 Dozy Dragon Tuna King Bregir Corrington Mooreton Bay 180 Bruyant Bruyant Oleon Oleon Nola Mar 0 Fleur Verte Bruyant Oleon Oleon Nola Mar 0 La Recouvrance La Recouvrance Kolonialbeamter Oleon Nola Mar 0 Led Oleon's assault on Terraversan vilage of Tanari; troops repelled, ships retreat to Nola Mar Santa Clara La Recouvrance Kolonialbeamter Oleon Nola Mar 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Tanari; troops repelled, ships retreat to Nola Mar Persévérante La Recouvrance Kolonialbeamter Oleon Nola Mar 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Tanari; troops repelled, ships retreat to Nola Mar HRS Ardent La Recouvrance Oleon Oleon Nola Mar 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Tanari; troops repelled, ships retreat to Nola Mar Zephyr La Recouvrance Breshaun Oleon Nola Mar 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Tanari; troops repelled, ships retreat to Nola Mar . Part 2 Spoiler . Ship Flagship Owner Nationality Destination DBs Notes Chital Cobra Carno Carno Oryant 0 Captured by Lotus war fleet Lion Lion Lotus Lotus Oryant 0 Sank Carno clipper Camel Leopard Lion Lotus Lotus Oryant 0 Damaged by Carno man-o-war Cobra Longspur Lion Lotus Lotus Oryant 0 Captured Carno sloop Chital Liger Lion Lotus Lotus Oryant 0 Attacked Carno Cobra fleet Limpet Lion Lotus Lotus Oryant 0 Attacked Carno Cobra fleet HRS Terrible HRS Terrible Oleon Oleon Pilnton 0 Led Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Pilnton Étoile du Sud HRS Terrible Captain Genaro Oleon Pilnton 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Pilnton The Lightning HRS Terrible Dukesc Oleon Pilnton 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Pilnton Comtesse de Praenia HRS Terrible Kolonialbeamter Oleon Pilnton 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Pilnton Amphitrite's Lily HRS Terrible Bodi Oleon Pilnton 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Pilnton Wolf II HRS Terrible Oleon Oleon Pilnton 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Pilnton FTA The Gargoyle HRS Terrible Captain Genaro Oleon Pilnton 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Pilnton The Divination Revival HRS Terrible Phred Oleon Pilnton 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Pilnton Dying Gull HRS Terrible Phred Oleon Pilnton 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Pilnton The Benefactor HRS Terrible Phred Oleon Pilnton 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Pilnton Supreme HRS Terrible RNTC Oleon Pilnton 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Pilnton The Torino HRS Terrible Dukesc Oleon Pilnton 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Pilnton La Fleur Pourpre HRS Terrible Dukesc Oleon Pilnton 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Pilnton The Resurrection HRS Terrible Phred Oleon Pilnton 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Pilnton Mr. Twistie HRS Terrible Phred Oleon Pilnton 0 Damaged in assault on Terraersan village of Pilnton; MOC required for return to action Dagger HRS Terrible blackdeathgr Oleon Pilnton 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Pilnton HMS Black Panther HMS Black Panther Corrington Corrington Port Raleigh 0 Alexander Keith HMS Black Panther Ayrlego Corrington Port Raleigh 240 Cobra Cobra Carno Carno Port Woodhouse 0 Escaped from Lotus war fleet Coyote Cobra Carno Carno Port Woodhouse 0 Escaped from Lotus war fleet Civet Cobra Carno Carno Port Woodhouse 60 Escaped from Lotus war fleet HMS Badger HMS Badger Corrington Corrington Port Woodhouse 0 Gilded Lilly Gilded Lilly Garvey Garvey Prinport 140 Golden Shekel Gilded Lilly Garvey Garvey Prinport 80 Gardenia Gilded Lilly Garvey Garvey Prinport 80 Mongo Majestic Mardier Mardier Prinport 340 Midnight Sun Majestic Mardier Mardier Prinport 0 Midnight Ruby Majestic Mardier Mardier Prinport 30 Wyvern Majestic Mardier Mardier Prinport 30 Majestic Majestic Mardier Mardier Prinport 0 Colonial Storm Colonial Storm Capt Wolf Eslandola Puerto Desafio 40 La Sirena Colonial Storm Capt Wolf Eslandola Puerto Desafio 40 Lady's Revenge II Colonial Storm Capt Wolf Eslandola Puerto Desafio 150 Colonial Gunboat Colonial Gunboat King's Harbour Corrington Quinnsville 0 HMS Juniper HMS Juniper Sir Kingston Corrington Quinnsville 680 Captured pirate Bluebeard! Indigo Indigo Bluebeard NPC Quinnsville 0 Captured by HMS Juniper HRS Triton HRS Triton Oleon Oleon Sillithonia 0 Led Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Sillithonia HRS Tigre HRS Triton Oleon Oleon Sillithonia 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Sillitonia États de Boussac HRS Triton Oleon Oleon Sillithonia 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Sillitonia Le Hussard HRS Triton Bodi Oleon Sillithonia 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Sillitonia HRS Resistante HRS Triton Oleon Oleon Sillithonia 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Sillitonia Le Gaillard HRS Triton RNTC Oleon Sillithonia 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Sillitonia HRS Audacieuse HRS Triton Oleon Oleon Sillithonia 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Sillitonia la Sentinelle HRS Triton Bodi Oleon Sillithonia 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Sillitonia Le Fleur HRS Triton KotZ Oleon Sillithonia 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Sillitonia Raging Fire Le Gros Sebeus I Oleon Tarlor 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Tarlor La Poule Le Gros Bodi Oleon Tarlor 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Tarlor La Bombe Le Gros Bodi Oleon Tarlor 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Tarlor Blood and Guts Le Gros Captain Genaro Oleon Tarlor 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Tarlor The Festiva Le Gros Dukesc Oleon Tarlor 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Tarlor Tartarus Le Gros Keymonus Oleon Tarlor 0 Damaged in assault on Terraersan village of Tarlor; MOC required for return to action The Argo Le Gros Phred Oleon Tarlor 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Tarlor Lady Jacqueline Le Gros RNTC Oleon Tarlor 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Tarlor The Marion Le Gros RNTC Oleon Tarlor 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Tarlor Villian's Boat Le Gros Bodi Oleon Tarlor 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Tarlor Nerdy Mermaid Le Gros Dukesc Oleon Tarlor 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Tarlor The Taurus Le Gros Dukesc Oleon Tarlor 0 Damaged in assault on Terraersan village of Tarlor; MOC required for return to action Gray Lilly Le Gros Oleon Oleon Tarlor 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Tarlor The Yacht Majestic Le Gros Phred Oleon Tarlor 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Tarlor Slippery Banana Le Gros RNTC Oleon Tarlor 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Tarlor Grey Lilly (Gray Lilly) Le Gros Ross Fisher Oleon Tarlor 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Tarlor Little Hermes Le Gros blackdeathgr Oleon Tarlor 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Tarlor Jacinthe Le Gros Bodi Oleon Tarlor 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Tarlor Pride of Poseidon Le Gros Captain Genaro Oleon Tarlor 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Tarlor The Fiesta Le Gros Dukesc Oleon Tarlor 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Tarlor Comet 2 Le Gros Dukesc Oleon Tarlor 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Tarlor The Corcel Le Gros Dukesc Oleon Tarlor 0 Damaged in assault on Terraersan village of Tarlor; MOC required for return to action Rambler's Reward Le Gros SpaceJoey86 Oleon Tarlor 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Tarlor Jolly Rogers Jolly Rogers professor thaum Sea Rats Tortuga 290 Capturted Octan Tanker 1, damaged Huntress The Octopus II The Octopus II Fraunces Sea Rats Trador 300 Dragon Fly The Octopus II Fraunces Sea Rats Trador 250 Margaret The Octopus II Fraunces Sea Rats Trador 130 Aurora Aurora Altonia Altonia Ulric 40 Antelope Aurora Altonia Altonia Ulric 0 Archer Aurora Altonia Altonia Ulric 20 Aardvark Aurora Altonia Altonia Ulric 30 Abalone Aurora Altonia Altonia Ulric 30 Espada de Luna Espada de Luna Weelond Eslandola Weelond 0 The Gallant Espada de Luna Bardo Eslandola Weelond 0 Red Dragon Espada de Luna Eslandola Eslandola Weelond 0 Clearance Espada de Luna Salida Este Eslandola Weelond 90 Holder's Secret Espada de Luna MCTC Eslandola Weelond 50 Mysterious Lady Espada de Luna Capt Wolf Eslandola Weelond 280 Swift Espada de Luna Weelond Eslandola Weelond 140 The Defiance Espada de Luna Legostone Eslandola Weelond 190 FIshing Boat Fishing Boat Weelond Eslandola Weelond 0 Forced to return to port, catch eaten by sharks Myth Chaser Myth Chaser Eslandola Eslandola Weelond 70 Unsuccessfully pursued Gentleman Privateer The Raenette The Big Apple Faladrin Eslandola Weelond 140 The Lady Hawk The Big Apple Faladrin Eslandola Weelond 0 Lady of Madrice II The Big Apple Capt Wolf Eslandola Weelond 230 HMS Greyhound HMS Greyhound Corrington Corrington Westface 0 HMS Diligence HMS Greyhound Corrington Corrington Westface 0 HMHV Athena HMS Greyhound Bregir Corrington Westface 0 HMS Publius HMS Greyhound Corrington Corrington Westface 0 The Big Apple The Big Apple Faladrin Eslandola Westface 0 Forced by storm to return to Westfcae Atlantis Atlantis LeColeon NPC ??? 160 Sank WDTPTOE Angelfish Atlantis LeColeon NPC ??? 60 Sank WDTPTOE Atropos Atropos professor thaum Sea Rats ??? 0 Captured Grand Venture Enyo Atropos Professor Thaum Sea Rats ??? 0 Captured Cannonball Lachesis Atropos professor thaum Sea Rats ??? 0 Attacked ESL merchant fleet Golden Rat Atropos TomSkippy Sea Rats ??? 0 Attacked ESL merchant fleet Joker's Folly Atropos Roadmonkeytj Sea Rats ??? 0 Attacked ESL merchant fleet Audacious Audacious Bregir Corrington ??? 0 Damaged by Myth Chaser, escaped Maverick Audacious Bregir Corrington ??? 0 Damaged by Myth Chaser, escaped Cardinal's Shadow Cardinal's Shadow Montroy NPC ??? 30 Sank HMS Ironsides, damaged, escaped Corland Supplier 2 Corland Supplier 2 Brickwolf Corrington ??? 0 Captured by pirate Jan Van Sud Grand Venture Grand Venture Eslandola Eslandola ??? 0 Captured by Sea Rats Atropos fleet Cannonball Grand Venture Eslandola Eslandola ??? 0 Captured by Sea Rats Atropos fleet Gun Sloop No. 2 Gun Sloop No. 2 Elizabethville Corrington ??? 0 Captured by Hand of Fate II Hand of Fate II Hand of Fate II Kwatchi Sea Rats ??? 170 Raided Stormhaven, captured Elizabethville's Gun Sloop No. 2 Dreamchaser II Hand of Fate II Gulagurag Sea Rats ??? 0 Raided Stormhaven Stormbringer II Hand of Fate II Sea Rats Sea Rats ??? 0 Raided Stormhaven Hotspur Hand of Fate II Kwatchi Sea Rats ??? 0 Raided Stormhaven Apollo's Mirth Hand of Fate II Kwatchi Sea Rats ??? 0 Raided Stormhaven Marvel II Hand of Fate II Kwatchi Sea Rats ??? 0 Raided Stormhaven Puck's Jest II Hand of Fate II Gulagurag Sea Rats ??? 0 Raided Stormhaven HMS Carnage HMS Carnage Captain Gore NPC ??? 0 Damaged Satyr Rhodos HMS Carnage Captain Gore NPC ??? 20 Damaged Satyr Octan Tanker 1 Huntress Brickwolf Corrington ??? 0 Captured by Jolly Rogers Little Scavenger Little Scavenger Bloody Bill NPC ??? 0 Damaged Consort's Duty Cutlass Little Scavenger Bloody Bill NPC ??? 20 Damaged Consort's Duty WTC Agnes Y4 Little Scavenger Bloody Bill NPC ??? 10 Damaged Consort's Duty Mermaid's Secret Mermaid's Secret Jan Van Sud NPC ??? 0 Captured Corland Supplier 2 Turaco Mermaid's Secret Jan Van Sud NPC ??? 440 Damaged by Corland Supllier 2 Flying Colt Mermaid's Secret Jan Van Sud NPC ??? 150 Attacked Corland Supplier 2 Black Rat Atropos TomSkippy Sea Rats XXX 0 Sunk by Long Beard IV HRS Pride of Oleon Bruyant Oleon Oleon XXX 0 Sunk in sotrm en route to Nola Mar Camel Cobra Carno Carno XXX 0 Sunk by Lotus war fleet HMS Intrepid HMS Greyhound Flavius Gratian Corrington XXX 0 Sunk in storm? HMS Ironsides HMS Ironsides Bregir Corrington XXX 0 Sunk by pirate Montroy Le Fougueux HRS Royal Philip Bodi Oleon XXX 0 Sunk in assault of Kings Port The Ambition HRS Royal Philip Phred Oleon XXX 0 Sunk in assault of Kings Port Executioner HRS Royal Philip Oleon Oleon XXX 0 Sunk in storm en route to Kings Port HRS Ville de Granoleon HRS Royal Philip Oleon Oleon XXX 0 Sunk in assault of Kings Port Kuga HRS Terrible Dukesc Oleon XXX 0 Sunk in storm en route to Pilnton Devil's Barnacle HRS Terrible Oleon Oleon XXX 0 Sunk by shore battery in assault on Terraversan village of Pilnton The Messenger The Brickwall II Faladrin Eslandola XXX 0 Sunk in storm Thalia Tiger Terraversa Terraversa XXX 0 Damaged by Oleon invaders, sunk in storm WDTPTOE WDTPTOE ETWC Eslandola XXX 0 Sunk by pirate LeColeon .
September 15, 20204 yr Author Results by owner: Part 1 Spoiler . Ship Flagship Owner Nationality Destination DBs Notes Aurora Aurora Altonia Altonia Ulric 40 Antelope Aurora Altonia Altonia Ulric 0 Archer Aurora Altonia Altonia Ulric 20 Aardvark Aurora Altonia Altonia Ulric 30 Abalone Aurora Altonia Altonia Ulric 30 Alexander Keith HMS Black Panther Ayrlego Corrington Port Raleigh 240 The Gallant Espada de Luna Bardo Eslandola Weelond 0 DMDR 6 Bolsillos Llenos Bart Sea Rats Charlatan Bay 0 Gladiateur HRS Royal Philip blackdeathgr Oleon Kings Port 0 Part of Oleon's Kings Port invasion fleet Dagger HRS Terrible blackdeathgr Oleon Pilnton 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Pilnton Little Hermes Le Gros blackdeathgr Oleon Tarlor 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Tarlor Little Scavenger Little Scavenger Bloody Bill NPC ??? 0 Damaged Consort's Duty Cutlass Little Scavenger Bloody Bill NPC ??? 20 Damaged Consort's Duty WTC Agnes Y4 Little Scavenger Bloody Bill NPC ??? 10 Damaged Consort's Duty Indigo Indigo Bluebeard NPC Quinnsville 0 Captured by HMS Juniper Le Fougueux HRS Royal Philip Bodi Oleon XXX 0 Sunk in assault of Kings Port l'Acharnée HRS Royal Philip Bodi Oleon Kings Port 0 Part of Oleon's Kings Port invasion fleet Floating Battery HRS Royal Philip Bodi Oleon Kings Port 0 Part of Oleon's Kings Port invasion fleet Le Hussard HRS Triton Bodi Oleon Sillithonia 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Sillitonia la Sentinelle HRS Triton Bodi Oleon Sillithonia 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Sillitonia Amphitrite's Lily HRS Terrible Bodi Oleon Pilnton 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Pilnton La Poule Le Gros Bodi Oleon Tarlor 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Tarlor La Bombe Le Gros Bodi Oleon Tarlor 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Tarlor Villian's Boat Le Gros Bodi Oleon Tarlor 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Tarlor Jacinthe Le Gros Bodi Oleon Tarlor 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Tarlor Dozy Dragon Tuna King Bregir Corrington Mooreton Bay 180 Audacious Audacious Bregir Corrington ??? 0 Damaged by Myth Chaser, escaped Maverick Audacious Bregir Corrington ??? 0 Damaged by Myth Chaser, escaped Liferaft Liferaft Bregir Corrington Alexport 10 HMS Ironsides HMS Ironsides Bregir Corrington XXX 0 Sunk by pirate Montroy Hades Fury HMS Ironsides Bregir Corrington King’s Harbour 10 Unsuccessfully pursued pirate Montroy HMS Otter HMS Ironsides Bregir Corrington King’s Harbour 0 Unsuccessfully pursued pirate Montroy HMHV Athena HMS Greyhound Bregir Corrington Westface 0 Zephyr La Recouvrance Breshaun Oleon Nola Mar 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Tanari; troops repelled, ships retreat to Nola Mar Corland Supplier 2 Corland Supplier 2 Brickwolf Corrington ??? 0 Captured by pirate Jan Van Sud Eliza Eliza Brickwolf Corrington Belson 680 Golden voyage Corland Provider 2 Corland Provider 2 Brickwolf Corrington Elizabethville 300 Huntress Huntress Brickwolf Corrington Mooreton Bay 0 Damaged by Jolly Rogers, escaped Octan Tanker 1 Huntress Brickwolf Corrington ??? 0 Captured by Jolly Rogers Lark Lark Capt Wolf Eslandola Breshaun 900 Golden voyage! Sparrow Lark Capt Wolf Eslandola Breshaun 0 Colonial Storm Colonial Storm Capt Wolf Eslandola Puerto Desafio 40 La Sirena Colonial Storm Capt Wolf Eslandola Puerto Desafio 40 Lady's Revenge II Colonial Storm Capt Wolf Eslandola Puerto Desafio 150 Mysterious Lady Espada de Luna Capt Wolf Eslandola Weelond 280 El Genio Golden Grasshopper Capt Wolf Eslandola Jameston 0 Far Horizon Migery's Revenge Capt Wolf Eslandola Mesabi Landing 110 Fenris Ranger Migery's Revenge Capt Wolf Eslandola Mesabi Landing 20 La Contessa de Victoria Migery's Revenge Capt Wolf Eslandola Mesabi Landing 140 Esmerelda Sleeping Siren II Capt Wolf Eslandola Fuerte Unido 50 Hidalga Grand Venture Capt Wolf Eslandola King’s Harbour 150 Escaped from Sea Rat Atropos fleet Lady of Madrice II The Big Apple Capt Wolf Eslandola Weelond 230 Étoile du Sud HRS Terrible Captain Genaro Oleon Pilnton 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Pilnton FTA The Gargoyle HRS Terrible Captain Genaro Oleon Pilnton 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Pilnton Blood and Guts Le Gros Captain Genaro Oleon Tarlor 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Tarlor Pride of Poseidon Le Gros Captain Genaro Oleon Tarlor 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Tarlor HMS Carnage HMS Carnage Captain Gore NPC ??? 0 Damaged Satyr Rhodos HMS Carnage Captain Gore NPC ??? 20 Damaged Satyr Cobra Cobra Carno Carno Port Woodhouse 0 Escaped from Lotus war fleet Coyote Cobra Carno Carno Port Woodhouse 0 Escaped from Lotus war fleet Camel Cobra Carno Carno XXX 0 Sunk by Lotus war fleet Chital Cobra Carno Carno Oryant 0 Captured by Lotus war fleet Civet Cobra Carno Carno Port Woodhouse 60 Escaped from Lotus war fleet HMS Black Panther HMS Black Panther Corrington Corrington Port Raleigh 0 HMS Badger HMS Badger Corrington Corrington Port Woodhouse 0 Pineapple Revenge HMS Ironsides Corrington Corrington King’s Harbour 20 Unsuccessfully pursued pirate Montroy HMS Resolute HMS Ironsides Corrington Corrington King’s Harbour 0 Unsuccessfully pursued pirate Montroy HMS Greyhound HMS Greyhound Corrington Corrington Westface 0 HMS Diligence HMS Greyhound Corrington Corrington Westface 0 HMS Publius HMS Greyhound Corrington Corrington Westface 0 Satyr Satyr Corrington Corrington Arlinsport 40 Damaged by pirate Captain Gore, escaped Nymeria Nymeria Corweena Sea Rats Mesabi Landing 40 WTC Stoned Serpent WTC Iron Tony Drunknok Corrington Mesabi Landing 10 WTC Bully Boy I Misfortune's Wrath Drunknok Corrington Mesabi Landing 20 WTC Bully Boy III Misfortune's Wrath Drunknok Corrington Mesabi Landing 20 WTC Agnes Y3 Misfortune's Wrath Drunknok Corrington Mesabi Landing 20 WTC Agnes B2 Misfortune's Wrath Drunknok Corrington Mesabi Landing 20 WTC Agnes B4 WTC Seriously Drunknok Corrington Mesabi Landing 20 WTC Green Viper WTC Seriously Drunknok Corrington Mesabi Landing 0 WTC Brown Bear WTC Seriously Drunknok Corrington Mesabi Landing 0 HMS Hermes WTC Seriously Drunknok Corrington Mesabi Landing 20 The Navigator HRS Royal Philip Dukesc Oleon Kings Port 0 Part of Oleon's Kings Port invasion fleet The Ranger HRS Royal Philip Dukesc Oleon Kings Port 0 Part of Oleon's Kings Port invasion fleet The Lightning HRS Terrible Dukesc Oleon Pilnton 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Pilnton The Torino HRS Terrible Dukesc Oleon Pilnton 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Pilnton La Fleur Pourpre HRS Terrible Dukesc Oleon Pilnton 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Pilnton Kuga HRS Terrible Dukesc Oleon XXX 0 Sunk in storm en route to Pilnton The Festiva Le Gros Dukesc Oleon Tarlor 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Tarlor Nerdy Mermaid Le Gros Dukesc Oleon Tarlor 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Tarlor The Taurus Le Gros Dukesc Oleon Tarlor 0 Damaged in assault on Terraersan village of Tarlor; MOC required for return to action The Fiesta Le Gros Dukesc Oleon Tarlor 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Tarlor Comet 2 Le Gros Dukesc Oleon Tarlor 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Tarlor The Corcel Le Gros Dukesc Oleon Tarlor 0 Damaged in assault on Terraersan village of Tarlor; MOC required for return to action Gun Sloop No. 2 Gun Sloop No. 2 Elizabethville Corrington ??? 0 Captured by Hand of Fate II Pearl Diving Canoe Pearl Diving Canoe Elysabethtown Eslandola Elysabethtown 10 Time to find a new diving location Myth Chaser Myth Chaser Eslandola Eslandola Weelond 70 Unsuccessfully pursued Gentleman Privateer Red Dragon Espada de Luna Eslandola Eslandola Weelond 0 Golden Grasshopper Golden Grasshopper Eslandola Eslandola Jameston 0 Migery's Revenge Migery's Revenge Eslandola Eslandola Mesabi Landing 0 La Salamandra Sleeping Siren II Eslandola Eslandola Fuerte Unido 0 Grand Venture Grand Venture Eslandola Eslandola ??? 0 Captured by Sea Rats Atropos fleet Cannonball Grand Venture Eslandola Eslandola ??? 0 Captured by Sea Rats Atropos fleet La Comete III La Comete III Eslandola Eslandola Elysabethtown 10 Oscuridad III La Comete III Eslandola Eslandola Elysabethtown 0 Verde Oro La Comete III Eslandola Eslandola Elysabethtown 0 Firefly La Comete III Eslandola Eslandola Elysabethtown 0 Tuna King Tuna King ETTC Corrington Mooreton Bay 150 WDTPTOE WDTPTOE ETWC Eslandola XXX 0 Sunk by pirate LeColeon The Big Apple The Big Apple Faladrin Eslandola Westface 0 Forced by storm to return to Westfcae The Raenette The Big Apple Faladrin Eslandola Weelond 140 The Lady Hawk The Big Apple Faladrin Eslandola Weelond 0 The Brickwall II The Brickwall II Faladrin Eslandola Elysabethtown 0 The Messenger The Brickwall II Faladrin Eslandola XXX 0 Sunk in storm The Golden Bugle The Brickwall II Faladrin Eslandola Elysabethtown 40 The Flying Apple The Brickwall II Faladrin Eslandola Elysabethtown 30 HMS Intrepid HMS Greyhound Flavius Gratian Corrington XXX 0 Sunk in storm? The Octopus II The Octopus II Fraunces Sea Rats Trador 300 Dragon Fly The Octopus II Fraunces Sea Rats Trador 250 Margaret The Octopus II Fraunces Sea Rats Trador 130 FTA Redtail Hades' Tuba FTA Sea Rats Charlatan Bay 30 FTA Nights whisper Hades' Tuba FTA Sea Rats Charlatan Bay 20 FTA Fluttering petal Hades' Tuba FTA Sea Rats Leopaldis 0 Diverted by storm to Leopaldis, cargo ruined FTA Dusk Hades' Tuba FTA Sea Rats Bastion 0 Diverted by storm to Bastion, cargo ruined FTA Achernar Hades' Tuba FTA Sea Rats Charlatan Bay 40 Bolsillos Llenos Bolsillos Llenos FTA Sea Rats Charlatan Bay 150 Peregrine II Asesino II Fuerte Unido Eslandola Fuerte Unido 20 Victoria II Asesino II Fuerte Unido Eslandola Fuerte Unido 0 Gilded Lilly Gilded Lilly Garvey Garvey Prinport 140 Goldfish Gilded Lilly Garvey Garvey Arlinsport 0 Diverted by storm to Arlinsport, cargo ruined Golden Shekel Gilded Lilly Garvey Garvey Prinport 80 Gardenia Gilded Lilly Garvey Garvey Prinport 80 Garter Grasshopper Garvey Garvey Fatu Hiva 130 Gazelle Grasshopper Garvey Garvey Fatu Hiva 110 Gecko Grasshopper Garvey Garvey Fatu Hiva 110 Grasshopper Grasshopper Garvey Garvey Fatu Hiva 130 Consort's Duty Consort's Duty gedren_y Eslandola Fuerte Unido 60 Damaged by Bloody Bill's fleet, escaped Island Rose Sleeping Siren II gedren_y Eslandola Fuerte Unido 40 Dreamchaser II Hand of Fate II Gulagurag Sea Rats ??? 0 Raided Stormhaven Puck's Jest II Hand of Fate II Gulagurag Sea Rats ??? 0 Raided Stormhaven Mermaid's Secret Mermaid's Secret Jan Van Sud NPC ??? 0 Captured Corland Supplier 2 Turaco Mermaid's Secret Jan Van Sud NPC ??? 440 Damaged by Corland Supllier 2 Flying Colt Mermaid's Secret Jan Van Sud NPC ??? 150 Attacked Corland Supplier 2 . Part 2 Spoiler . Ship Flagship Owner Nationality Destination DBs Notes Dark Spirit Sleeping Siren II Kai NRG Eslandola Fuerte Unido 20 Scamandre HRS Royal Philip Keymonus Oleon Kings Port 0 Part of Oleon's Kings Port invasion fleet Tartarus Le Gros Keymonus Oleon Tarlor 0 Damaged in assault on Terraersan village of Tarlor; MOC required for return to action Colonial Gunboat Colonial Gunboat King's Harbour Corrington Quinnsville 0 Comtesse de Praenia HRS Terrible Kolonialbeamter Oleon Pilnton 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Pilnton La Recouvrance La Recouvrance Kolonialbeamter Oleon Nola Mar 0 Led Oleon's assault on Terraversan vilage of Tanari; troops repelled, ships retreat to Nola Mar Santa Clara La Recouvrance Kolonialbeamter Oleon Nola Mar 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Tanari; troops repelled, ships retreat to Nola Mar Persévérante La Recouvrance Kolonialbeamter Oleon Nola Mar 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Tanari; troops repelled, ships retreat to Nola Mar Le Fleur HRS Triton KotZ Oleon Sillithonia 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Sillitonia Hand of Fate II Hand of Fate II Kwatchi Sea Rats ??? 170 Raided Stormhaven, captured Elizabethville's Gun Sloop No. 2 Hotspur Hand of Fate II Kwatchi Sea Rats ??? 0 Raided Stormhaven Apollo's Mirth Hand of Fate II Kwatchi Sea Rats ??? 0 Raided Stormhaven Marvel II Hand of Fate II Kwatchi Sea Rats ??? 0 Raided Stormhaven Atlantis Atlantis LeColeon NPC ??? 160 Sank WDTPTOE Angelfish Atlantis LeColeon NPC ??? 60 Sank WDTPTOE Reventazon Reventazon Legostone Eslandola Fuerte Unido 30 The Defiance Espada de Luna Legostone Eslandola Weelond 190 Lion Lion Lotus Lotus Oryant 0 Sank Carno clipper Camel Leopard Lion Lotus Lotus Oryant 0 Damaged by Carno man-o-war Cobra Longspur Lion Lotus Lotus Oryant 0 Captured Carno sloop Chital Liger Lion Lotus Lotus Oryant 0 Attacked Carno Cobra fleet Limpet Lion Lotus Lotus Oryant 0 Attacked Carno Cobra fleet Ladybug Ladybug Lotus Lotus Luyang 0 Llama Ladybug Lotus Lotus Luyang 0 Lory Ladybug Lotus Lotus Luyang 0 Nightwing Ladybug Lotus Lotus Luyang 0 Lemur Lemur Lotus Lotus Jiangkai 0 Captured Exocet Lobster Lemur Lotus Lotus Jiangkai 0 Attacked Arkham Chaser fleet Lemming Lemur Lotus Lotus Jiangkai 0 Attacked Arkham Chaser fleet Minerva Minerva Mardier Mardier Londa 0 Meteor Minerva Mardier Mardier Londa 0 Marauder Minerva Mardier Mardier Londa 280 Macaw Minerva Mardier Mardier Londa 220 Maria Minerva Mardier Mardier Londa 190 Magpie Minerva Mardier Mardier Londa 190 Mongo Majestic Mardier Mardier Prinport 340 Midnight Sun Majestic Mardier Mardier Prinport 0 Midnight Ruby Majestic Mardier Mardier Prinport 30 Wyvern Majestic Mardier Mardier Prinport 30 Majestic Majestic Mardier Mardier Prinport 0 Holder's Secret Espada de Luna MCTC Eslandola Weelond 50 Piece of Eight II Golden Grasshopper MCTC Eslandola Jameston 290 Prince Fernando II Golden Grasshopper MCTC Eslandola Elysabethtown 0 Diverted by storm to Elysabethtown, cargo ruined Jon El Flurry Golden Grasshopper MCTC Eslandola Jameston 340 Cotton Lady II Sleeping Siren II MCTC Eslandola Fuerte Unido 70 Eslandita Grand Venture MCTC Eslandola King’s Harbour 150 Escaped from Sea Rat Atropos fleet WTC Copperhead WTC Iron Tony Mesabi Corrington Mesabi Landing 0 WTC Checkered Past WTC Iron Tony Mesabi Corrington Mesabi Landing 0 WTC Dog Days WTC Iron Tony Mesabi Corrington Mesabi Landing 0 HMS Red Angel HMS Red Angel Mesabi Corrington Mesabi Landing 0 WTC Teamwork HMS Red Angel Mesabi Corrington Mesabi Landing 60 HMS Red Angel HMS Red Angel Mesabi Corrington Mesabi Landing 0 WTC Icarus Returning WTC Icarus Returning Mesabi Corrington Mesabi Landing 50 WTC Riff Raft WTC Riff Raft Mesabi Corrington Alexport 50 Red Queen Red Queen Mesabi Corrington Alexport 50 WTC Seriously WTC Seriously Mesabi Corrington Mesabi Landing 100 Misfortune's Wrath Misfortune's Wrath Mesabi Landing Corrington Mesabi Landing 20 Cardinal's Shadow Cardinal's Shadow Montroy NPC ??? 30 Sank HMS Ironsides, damaged, escaped Nexus Nexus Namere Namere Balmin 110 Nemesis Nemesis Namere Namere Aden 0 Diverted by storm to Aden Nova Nemesis Namere Namere Balmin 0 Ninja Nemesis Namere Namere Balmin 60 Nighthawk Nighthawk Namere Namere Arlinsport 190 Nuthatch Nighthawk Namere Namere Arlinsport 190 Nymph Nighthawk Namere Namere Arlinsport 150 Midas Touch II Migery's Revenge Nova Terreli Eslandola Mesabi Landing 0 Asesino II Asesino II Nova Terreli Eslandola Fuerte Unido 0 HRS Royal Philip HRS Royal Philip Oleon Oleon Kings Port 0 Led Oleon's Kings Port invasion fleet Etalon HRS Royal Philip Oleon Oleon Kings Port 0 Part of Oleon's Kings Port invasion fleet HRS Tonnant HRS Royal Philip Oleon Oleon Kings Port 0 Part of Oleon's Kings Port invasion fleet HRS Audacieux HRS Royal Philip Oleon Oleon Kings Port 0 Part of Oleon's Kings Port invasion fleet Bloody Compass HRS Royal Philip Oleon Oleon Kings Port 0 Part of Oleon's Kings Port invasion fleet Executioner HRS Royal Philip Oleon Oleon XXX 0 Sunk in storm en route to Kings Port HRS Retribution of Breshaun HRS Royal Philip Oleon Oleon Kings Port 0 Part of Oleon's Kings Port invasion fleet HRS Ville de Granoleon HRS Royal Philip Oleon Oleon XXX 0 Sunk in assault of Kings Port HRS Eltina II HRS Royal Philip Oleon Oleon Kings Port 0 Part of Oleon's Kings Port invasion fleet HRS Triton HRS Triton Oleon Oleon Sillithonia 0 Led Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Sillithonia HRS Tigre HRS Triton Oleon Oleon Sillithonia 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Sillitonia États de Boussac HRS Triton Oleon Oleon Sillithonia 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Sillitonia HRS Resistante HRS Triton Oleon Oleon Sillithonia 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Sillitonia HRS Audacieuse HRS Triton Oleon Oleon Sillithonia 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Sillitonia HRS Terrible HRS Terrible Oleon Oleon Pilnton 0 Led Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Pilnton Wolf II HRS Terrible Oleon Oleon Pilnton 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Pilnton Devil's Barnacle HRS Terrible Oleon Oleon XXX 0 Sunk in assault on Terraversan village of Pilnton Bruyant Bruyant Oleon Oleon Nola Mar 0 HRS Pride of Oleon Bruyant Oleon Oleon XXX 0 Sunk in sotrm en route to Nola Mar Fleur Verte Bruyant Oleon Oleon Nola Mar 0 HRS Ardent La Recouvrance Oleon Oleon Nola Mar 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Tanari; troops repelled, ships retreat to Nola Mar Gray Lilly Le Gros Oleon Oleon Tarlor 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Tarlor The Pearl of Loyalty HRS Royal Philip Phred Oleon Kings Port 0 Part of Oleon's Kings Port invasion fleet The Aspiration HRS Royal Philip Phred Oleon Kings Port 0 Part of Oleon's Kings Port invasion fleet The Ambition HRS Royal Philip Phred Oleon XXX 0 Sunk in assault of Kings Port The Demon Sea Turtle HRS Royal Philip Phred Oleon Kings Port 0 Part of Oleon's Kings Port invasion fleet The Turgut HRS Royal Philip Phred Oleon Kings Port 0 Part of Oleon's Kings Port invasion fleet The Divination Revival HRS Terrible Phred Oleon Pilnton 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Pilnton Dying Gull HRS Terrible Phred Oleon Pilnton 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Pilnton The Benefactor HRS Terrible Phred Oleon Pilnton 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Pilnton The Resurrection HRS Terrible Phred Oleon Pilnton 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Pilnton Mr. Twistie HRS Terrible Phred Oleon Pilnton 0 Damaged in assault on Terraersan village of Pilnton; MOC required for return to action The Argo Le Gros Phred Oleon Tarlor 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Tarlor The Yacht Majestic Le Gros Phred Oleon Tarlor 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Tarlor Jolly Rogers Jolly Rogers professor thaum Sea Rats Tortuga 290 Capturted Octan Tanker 1, damaged Huntress The Eagle The Eagle Professor Thaum Sea Rats Charlatan Bay 20 Vic Viper The Eagle professor Thaum Sea Rats Charlatan Bay 20 Arkham Chaser Arkham Chaser professor thaum Sea Rats Black Rock 30 Escaped from Lotus war fleet Exocet Arkham Chaser professor thaum Sea Rats Jiangkai 0 Captured by Lotus war fleet Atropos Atropos professor thaum Sea Rats ??? 0 Captured Grand Venture Enyo Atropos Professor Thaum Sea Rats ??? 0 Captured Cannonball Lachesis Atropos professor thaum Sea Rats ??? 0 Attacked ESL merchant fleet Long Beard IV Grand Venture Puerto Desafio Eslandola King’s Harbour 0 Sank Black Rat Le Clarion HRS Royal Philip RNTC Oleon Kings Port 0 Part of Oleon's Kings Port invasion fleet Licorn HRS Royal Philip RNTC Oleon Kings Port 0 Part of Oleon's Kings Port invasion fleet Licorne HRS Royal Philip RNTC Oleon Kings Port 0 Part of Oleon's Kings Port invasion fleet Malto Express HRS Royal Philip RNTC Oleon Kings Port 0 Part of Oleon's Kings Port invasion fleet Le Gaillard HRS Triton RNTC Oleon Sillithonia 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Sillitonia Supreme HRS Terrible RNTC Oleon Pilnton 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Pilnton Le Gros Le Gros RNTC Oleon Eltina 0 Was to lead Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Tarlor, but forced by storm to stop at Eltina; fleet continued on Lady Jacqueline Le Gros RNTC Oleon Tarlor 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Tarlor The Marion Le Gros RNTC Oleon Tarlor 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Tarlor Slippery Banana Le Gros RNTC Oleon Tarlor 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Tarlor Joker's Folly Atropos Roadmonkeytj Sea Rats ??? 0 Attacked ESL merchant fleet Prio's Fortune Prio's Fortune Romantica Romantica Astrapi 100 Phanish Prio's Fortune Romantica Romantica Astrapi 30 Patriot III Prio's Fortune Romantica Romantica Astrapi 30 Pronghorn II Prio's Fortune Romantica Romantica Astrapi 30 Peacock Prio's Fortune Romantica Romantica Astrapi 150 Grey Lilly (Gray Lilly) Le Gros Ross Fisher Oleon Tarlor 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Tarlor Clearance Espada de Luna Salida Este Eslandola Weelond 90 Blood Diamond Sleeping Siren II Salida Este Eslandola Fuerte Unido 0 Hades' Tuba Hades' Tuba Sea Rats Sea Rats Charlatan Bay 10 Stormbringer II Hand of Fate II Sea Rats Sea Rats ??? 0 Raided Stormhaven Raging Fire Le Gros Sebeus I Oleon Tarlor 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Tarlor HMS Juniper HMS Juniper Sir Kingston Corrington Quinnsville 680 Captured pirate Bluebeard! Rambler's Reward Le Gros SpaceJoey86 Oleon Tarlor 0 Part of Oleon's assault on Terraversan village of Tarlor Typhoon Typhoon Terraversa Terraversa King’s Harbour 0 Evaded Oleon invaders Tiger Tiger Terraversa Terraversa King’s Harbour 0 Evaded Oleon invaders Tyche II Tiger Terraversa Terraversa King’s Harbour 70 Evaded Oleon invaders Trident Tiger Terraversa Terraversa King’s Harbour 115 Evaded Oleon invaders Thalia Tiger Terraversa Terraversa XXX 0 Damaged by Oleon invaders, sunk in storm Black Rat Atropos TomSkippy Sea Rats XXX 0 Sunk by Long Beard IV Golden Rat Atropos TomSkippy Sea Rats ??? 0 Attacked ESL merchant fleet FIshing Boat Fishing Boat Weelond Eslandola Weelond 0 Forced to return to port, catch eaten by sharks Espada de Luna Espada de Luna Weelond Eslandola Weelond 0 Swift Espada de Luna Weelond Eslandola Weelond 140 Sleeping Siren II Sleeping Siren II Weelond Eslandola Fuerte Unido 0 WTC Iron Tony WTC Iron Tony WTC Corrington Mesabi Landing 0 WTC IRON TONY WTC Iron Tony WTC Corrington Camp Isaac 0 Diverted by storm to Camp Isaac WTC Blackbird HMS Red Angel WTC Corrington Mesabi Landing 20 .
September 15, 20204 yr @Capt Wolf Excellent write up as usual, captain! Funny, I didn't know Kings Port was on Terraversa.
September 15, 20204 yr Author A KPA addendum. (Hey, it's difficult getting a paper out while there's fighting in the streets!) - page 3 - Oleon Squadron forces Corrish blockade of Nola Mar We have late arriving news from Nola Mar. After the disappearance of Royal Navy Captain Sir Jno. Cooke and the mysterious events surrounding this, a strong Corlander squadron has subjected all vessels leaving from and arriving at Nola Mar to inspections under the authority of our illustrious Grand Admiral L'Olius. However, we have now confirmed that an Olean squadron arrived at Nola Mar, forcing its way past the blockade. We have learned from sources in Westface that, with the Oleon betrayal of Terraversan independence still unbeknownst to the Corrish squadron off Nola Mar, the redcoats decided to retreat under protest to avoid an international incident as the Oleon flagship loosened a broadside and thus signalled its intention to break the blockade by force. One can only speculate how La Royale would have fared, had the Royal Navy had word of the Oleon invasion, as the two squadrons were reportedly evenly matched. What repercussions will this have on OL/COR relations is unknown at this time. By now, it is evident that the uprising in Nola Mar is connected to the Oleon invasion, and little doubt persists that it was part of a general plot to overthrow our legitimate Terraversan government and independence. As to the Corrish captain, we have heard that he was handed over to Oldis as a spy! The KPA editors think a release of Captain Cooke would be the prudent choice, as Terraversa could well use the friendship of a longtime Oleon rival in these dire times.
September 15, 20204 yr Yup, excellent work as always - well worth the wait! For those docking in Mesabi Landing: it was decided that the "special rules" regarding a port tax there no longer apply as written - now you can follow this procedure, but you do not have to: Spoiler Every player docking in Mesabi Landing agrees to abide by these rules. Failure to do so will result in your ship being detained. After every TMRCA turn is done, for every ship in Mesabi Landing - which does not belong to a WTC member or Mesabi Landing itself - two six-sided dice (short: 2D6) will be rolled. The result, according to the following table depending on the result of the rolled sum, is then applied to the ship: 2 ... The ships crew has run into some serious trouble in one of the taverns. The damage sums up to 25*x DB, with x being the class of the ship (for example: 75DB for a class 3). This amount has to be paid to Mesabi Landing before the ship is allowed to leave. 3 ... Lose a bet with another captain. Pay another player who has docked in Mesabi Landing 50DB. (If no other players have docked in Mesabi Landing, nothing happens.) 4 ... The ships captain has made an error in declaring the cargo. The damage sums up to 10*x DB, with x being the class of the ship (for example: 40DB for a class 4). This amount has to be paid to Mesabi Landing before the ship is allowed to leave. 5 ... You have made a mistake with the tax forms! The damage sums up to 20DB, to be paid to Mesabi Landing before the ship is allowed to leave. 6 ... This looks like a nice place, I'd rather stay! One of the crewmembers deserts - the ships owner has to build and license a small residence in Mesabi Landing before the ship is allowed to leave, or pay 10DB for a new crewman.* 7 ... What a bright, sunny day! Nothing happens. 8 ... Take me with you! An adventurous soul is sailing with you. He will settle down in a settlement of your choice, with a small residence built and licensed for that settlement by either Drunknok or Mesabi.* 9 ... We... have made a mistake with the tax forms... The additional income sums up to 10DB, to be paid to the ships owner before the next MRCA turn. 10 ... The captain is a lucky git at playing cards... The additional income sums up to 5*x DB, with x being the class of the ship (for example: 30DB for a class 6). This amount will be paid to the ships owner before the next MRCA turn. 11 ... WTC Marines party on your ship! Gain 50DB, to be paid to the ships owner before the next MRCA turn. 12 ... The trade went exceptionally well! The additional income sums up to 20*x DB, with x being the class of the ship (for example: 100DB for a class 5). This amount will be paid to the ships owner before the next MRCA turn. * ... 6 and 8 can not be rolled more than twice each per turn. After that each roll is counted as 7. Could @Capt Wolf (for his own ships and those owned by Eslandola and Nova Terreli) and @Corweena (for the Nymeria) please decide what option to pick and get in contact with me if they choose the "gambling version" as described in the linked post (and spoiler).
September 15, 20204 yr Author 1 hour ago, Darnok said: Could @Capt Wolf (for his own ships and those owned by Eslandola and Nova Terreli) ... please decide what option to pick and get in contact with me if they choose the "gambling version" as described in the linked post (and spoiler). Migery's Revenge and Midas Touch II will abstain from gambling hi-jinks, but the captains of La Contessa de Victoria (Philip Janszen), Far Horizon (Anthony Crol), and Fenris Ranger (gee, I need to come up with a captain for this one) will take their chances at the full Mesabi Landing experience.
September 15, 20204 yr What exciting times we are in! Interested to see how the whole Terraversa situation plays out. It appears the Bluebellies didnt quite get the swift victory they had hoped for. And tensions appear to be rising between them and the Redbacks. Could this be all out war? A Scoundrel can hope! 6 hours ago, Darnok said: Could @Corweena (for the Nymeria) please decide what option to pick and get in contact with me if they choose the "gambling version" as described in the linked post (and spoiler). The crew of the Nymeria will take the gamble. No self‐respecting Sea Rat would back down from the challenge! Edited September 15, 20204 yr by Corweena
September 15, 20204 yr Excellent writing Capt Wolf! Thank you for the great (even if politically biased, as expected from a Terraversan newspaper) description of the first phase of the invasion! 27 minutes ago, Corweena said: What exciting times we are in! Interested to see how the whole Terraversa situation plays out. It appears the Bluebellies didnt quite get the swift victory they had hoped for. And tensions appear to be rising between them and the Redbacks. Could this be all out war? A Scoundrel can hope! Well, the report is more than biased, but the result is not bad... we lost 4 ships (+3 in a storm) in the greatest military operation ever seen, and we took all but one the lesser objectives. About KP, the landing was quite successful, but nobody really expected to solve everything with a single raid... a lot of fighting is still required for sure!
September 15, 20204 yr I thoroughly enjoyed this writing piece. Thank you to all involved in the writing. I can't wait to see how this battle proceeds!
September 15, 20204 yr Nice job with the writing and the behind scene efforts in calculating the results. Hurray to our Olean soldiers, the bluecoats have landed in Terraversa, despite a few losses, but I'm sure they'll add another victory to the long list of conquests of our glorious empire.
September 15, 20204 yr Great Write-up as usual! @Capt Wolf Could you please post a pic of Captain Bluebeard? The scoundrel will be getting reacquainted with a Corrie cell in the very near future...
September 16, 20204 yr Great writing as always @Capt Wolf, and thank you @Bregir for all the hard work you put into preparing the results! No doubt this round was a bit more challenging, but I'm really looking forward to seeing how it plays out.
September 16, 20204 yr Author 5 hours ago, LM71Blackbird said: Great Write-up as usual! Thanks! This was a tough one! 5 hours ago, LM71Blackbird said: Could you please post a pic of Captain Bluebeard? The scoundrel will be getting reacquainted with a Corrie cell in the very near future... There's a pic of Bluebeard in this post... ...but at the moment Brickshelf is down and the photo doesn't display. If it's not up soon, I can dig up my original and post it here directly.
September 16, 20204 yr 1 hour ago, Capt Wolf said: Thanks! This was a tough one! There's a pic of Bluebeard in this post... ...but at the moment Brickshelf is down and the photo doesn't display. If it's not up soon, I can dig up my original and post it here directly. You're welcome and thank you!
September 16, 20204 yr 14 hours ago, Capt Wolf said: Migery's Revenge and Midas Touch II will abstain from gambling hi-jinks, but the captains of La Contessa de Victoria (Philip Janszen), Far Horizon (Anthony Crol), and Fenris Ranger (gee, I need to come up with a captain for this one) will take their chances at the full Mesabi Landing experience. Nice! Expect a PM shortly. 13 hours ago, Corweena said: The crew of the Nymeria will take the gamble. No self‐respecting Sea Rat would back down from the challenge! Excellent, that's the spirit! You will also get a PM shortly.
September 16, 20204 yr Author @Bodi and @Captain Genaro, I wanted to call your attention to some special results that I didn't mention in the KPA proper, but are in the notes in the result tables. Four OL ships -- Mr. Twistie, Tartarus, The Taurus, and The Corcel -- were damaged and require repair MOCs before they can sail again. This was part of the GMing process in figuring out the results of the assaults. FYI.
September 16, 20204 yr 40 minutes ago, Capt Wolf said: @Bodi and @Captain Genaro, I wanted to call your attention to some special results that I didn't mention in the KPA proper, but are in the notes in the result tables. Four OL ships -- Mr. Twistie, Tartarus, The Taurus, and The Corcel -- were damaged and require repair MOCs before they can sail again. This was part of the GMing process in figuring out the results of the assaults. FYI. Thanks for pointing that out. I probably would have overlooked that otherwise.
September 16, 20204 yr Author 3 minutes ago, Captain Genaro said: Thanks for pointing that out. I probably would have overlooked that otherwise. Yeah, I should have called that out immediately. My bad.
September 17, 20204 yr 13 hours ago, Capt Wolf said: @Bodi and @Captain Genaro, I wanted to call your attention to some special results that I didn't mention in the KPA proper, but are in the notes in the result tables. Four OL ships -- Mr. Twistie, Tartarus, The Taurus, and The Corcel -- were damaged and require repair MOCs before they can sail again. This was part of the GMing process in figuring out the results of the assaults. FYI. Thanks for your reminding. Does it mean that these mocs have to come from the original builders, can we ask other OL members to do the moc?
September 17, 20204 yr Author 32 minutes ago, Bodi said: Thanks for your reminding. Does it mean that these mocs have to come from the original builders, can we ask other OL members to do the moc? That's a good question. @Bregir, @Ayrlego, @Professor Thaum, what do you think? Should we discuss this in the court?
September 17, 20204 yr Just now, Capt Wolf said: That's a good question. @Bregir, @Ayrlego, @Professor Thaum, what do you think? Should we discuss this in the court? I would say it's reasonable that anyone could build the scene, similar to the old MRCA result build
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