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Cool mods! Also, I don't think I've ever seen anyone else post photos like that on here before, but it is quite convenient to browse them!


@astyanax It was a big pleasure to see you at work and your contributions are a big enrichment to this thread :thumbup::thumbup:! You will take her apart to build her more beautifull sister, so she will be dying heart broken :cry2:... At least we have these wonderful renders and your pictures left for memory :classic:.

@fdfs  It´s a great MOD, the most developed out of the box I´ve seen so far :thumbup:. As for the rear fenders I´d rather stick to astyanax´ solution. 

Edited by brunojj1

Thank you, the creator's compliments are pleased, for the rear fenders I agree, but I had to deal with the pieces available.

  • 1 month later...

Guys, what is the maximum amount of playtime you managed to get when the battery is fully charged? I cannot find or remember Cada's documentation for this.

@thekoRngear : I experienced at least 5 minutes max, driving non-stop in a bigger room. I really should measure it next time more exactly. 2x CaDA L motors for propulsion and the usual servos (LED don´t really count). You will be exhausted after driving indoors that long and the battery too :wink:. I think it´s quite a technical achievement for a heavy car.

Edited by brunojj1

3 minutes ago, brunojj1 said:

@thekoRngear : I experienced at least 5 minutes max, driving non-stop in a bigger room. I really should measure it next time more exactly. 2x CaDA L motors for propulsion and the usual servos (LED don´t really count). You will be exhausted after driving indoors that long and the battery too :wink:. I think it´s quite a technical achievement for a heavy car.

@brunojj1 massive thanks for prompt reply! I can play with it for 5 minutes without any hiccups (charged 3 hours). Managed to get 2/3 minutes more. By that time it starts to struggle. Been almost 11 months, the gearbox, build, driving everything works perfectly. My only gripe is all the eight shock absorbers got rusty. I honestly cannot remember if my palm sweat would get any contact during the build lol. Definitely no water contact. It's usually in a glass shelf with no sunlight. Replaced the rear 4 with newly bought Lego ones.

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Same, the shocks on mine squeal when you move the suspension. They don't seem to be as good as Lego ones. I decided to ignore it, it's mostly a display piece and anyway the suspension has minimal travel.

7 minutes ago, amorti said:

Same, the shocks on mine squeal when you move the suspension. They don't seem to be as good as Lego ones. I decided to ignore it, it's mostly a display piece and anyway the suspension has minimal travel.

But oh boy, on plain surface it is really a joy to ride this beauty. 5 mins a Huge feat now I understand but it is never enough to drive it. 

I think I got more than 5min of juice, but I was using 2x BuWizz (with 4x PF L motors from Lego), though much of it was in ludicrous mode. After disassembling I found only 1 universal joint had cracked. Some liftarms had some plastic dust on them. Overall the damage was surprisingly minor.

  • 2 weeks later...

Not sure if this is allowed here but I noticed that some brand has made what looks like a spyder model of basically the same design (?):

- video removed, the CADA model has locking doors after all -

If this is not allowed on the forum lemmme know and I'll take it down. This reply is not an advocation of lego knock off brands or the theft of designs, it is simply to demonstrate the possibility of (officially) modding the original set into a convertable without ripping it's existing features out.

It also has door locks which the original doesn't.

This set is at least an easy way for us to make a more official spyder version though I would want a proper motorized folding convertable hard top like on  @Jeroen Ottens PF tribute car, so we would probably have to make the gearbox more flat like on the sian to make room.

Regards, snipe

Edited by SNIPE

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4 hours ago, SNIPE said:

It also has door locks which the original doesn't.

I saw this and was pretty disgusted by HdS's action in showing it. Not so long ago he had a moral position against showing copycats, maybe this doesn't count since it's red on red, maybe because it's only 95% stolen... Or maybe because bluebrixx is selling it and he'll get a commission.

Also, the original from @brunojj1 most certainly does have door locks.

On the flip side, those wheels, triangular panels, and mudguards honestly do look good. Ofc, they all didn't exist when the model was first designed.

On 1/2/2022 at 4:10 AM, SNIPE said:

Not sure if this is allowed here but I noticed that some brand has made what looks like a spyder model of basically the same design (?):

As you noticed, it´s not even the Spider roof for which they haven´t enough brain cells to develop. So they said let´s simply chop off the roof, put on the mudguards and here we go having generated a new copyright! Making a few quick lazy bucks is what everybody seems to be looking for nowadays. 

On 1/2/2022 at 10:05 AM, astyanax said:

This is exactly the version that spurred me to implement wheel arch panels myself, because I was disgusted by the way they were implemented on this knockoff. 

No matter what - here come the facts: I have designed a working sequential gearbox which you can operate while driving. Working shifting padels, door locks and nice bodywork. All these achievements originated in my brain. Nobody will change that fact. TLG can claim patents on the whole gearbox or the round wheel itself, it doesn´t change the facts. Bluebrixx can change their attitude as well whenever they want to do so in order to earn more money and bring the copycats. It doesn´t change the fact that CaDA / Doubleeagle is the rights owner on this design. And I´m sure they have good lawyers down there in China to fight the good fight.

Edited by brunojj1
For the record

5 hours ago, brunojj1 said:

As you noticed, it´s not even the Spider roof for which they haven´t enough brain cells to develop. So they said let´s simply chop off the roof, put on the mudguards and here we go having generated a new copyright! Making a few quick lazy bucks is what everybody seems to be looking for nowadays.

Yeah the "convertable roof" on this model is garbage, all too common unfortunatley especially since kids ruined youtube. At least the community here cares and is helping to MOD your set, not many people would get that much support on modding a MOC!.

I, TBH was a little misleaded by the video and uploaded it a bit too quickly, I thought it was a mechanical or electromechanical roof and doors.

I may take it down after all unless the door locks are of interest to anyone?.

I am actually half way through building this set, had to do a lego parts order too  I love the 3d instructions though some parts are missing.

Regards, Snipe

Edited by SNIPE

7 minutes ago, SNIPE said:

Yeah the "convertable roof" on this model is garbage, all too common unfortunatley especially since kids ruined youtube. At least the community here cares and is helping to MOD your set, not many people would get that much support on modding a MOC!.

I, TBH was a little misleaded by the video and uploaded it a bit too quickly, I thought it was a mechanical or electromechanical roof and doors.

I may take it down after all unless the door locks are of interest to anyone?.

Regards, snipe

As amorti said the original has locking door mechanism and it works pretty well on my set

3 hours ago, thekoRngear said:

As amorti said the original has locking door mechanism and it works pretty well on my set

Oh, cool, is this the LEGO version with XL motors or the cada version?

I do remember seeing a LEGO version with two PF  XL motors.

Edited by SNIPE

Just now, SNIPE said:

Oh, cool, is this the LEGO version with XL motors or the cada version?

I do renember seeing a LEGO version with two PF  XL motors.

I have the Cada version and it is there

25 minutes ago, SNIPE said:

I am actually half way through building this set, had to do a lego parts order too  I love the 3d instructions though some parts are missing.

No parts missing on my end. I guess the issue is with new panels? If you're using LDCad, you may have to download the newest unofficial parts, see link on Rebrickable page. With other software, I wouldn't know.

2 hours ago, astyanax said:

No parts missing on my end. I guess the issue is with new panels? If you're using LDCad, you may have to download the newest unofficial parts, see link on Rebrickable page. With other software, I wouldn't know.

It's with rebrickables 3D model instructions, which is built into the browser.

Wheel arches and extenders, blue double bevel clutch gears, wheel hubs, orange changeover catches maybe more.

Edited by SNIPE

16 minutes ago, SNIPE said:

It's with rebrickables 3D model instructions, which is built into the browser.

Wheel arches and extenders, blue double bevel clutch gears, wheel hubs, orange changeover catches maybe more.

Oh wow, that's pretty poor. I'm curious to know if it works out in the end. :pir-blush:

  • 3 weeks later...

Hello, I have this observation, more like a log:

The C61042 I got was missing one L Motor and the battery-box. Cada was kind enough to send me the missing parts with a remote control too. I resumed my building and completed it on February 9, 2021. This marks the longest time that a set in my collection did not need to rebuild/take apart/convert to another MOC. So, my C61042 is (almost) one year old!

After building the set, I have run it twice or maybe thrice during February and March 2021. Every time I ran it for like 3/4/5 minutes.

In April and May I was away.

In June, I came back and one day took it out to test.  Everything was fine except when the car is moved backward while steered left or right, it was really slow. Super slow in gear 1 and in gear 2. In gear 3, it was noticeably less slow. When driven straight forward/backward, and driven forward while steered left or right the set moves just fine.

I did not bother.

Few months passed.

Towards the end of October/beginning of November I noticed the car struggles to move after around two and a half minutes. I took the battery-box to charge 3/4 hours at 5V-2A and it kept happening just after it hits about 2 and a half minutes. Another note, the struggle always would start when moved backward and eventually forward and backward.

In December, as I have planned before I ordered a brand new Cada Pro Motor Pro set which I received few days ago.

The reason I bought Pro Motor Pack is twofold. 

  •  I wanted to replace the battery-box and that L Motor Pro that Cada sent as I honestly thought they were not new. But hey, they were kind enough to send me the parts even though I did not buy directly from their store/website.
  •  I needed electronics to test gearbox of my other sets and also to test something I create by my own, and I thought this Pro Pack could be a nice alternative to already discontinued Lego PF stuffs.

Curiously, last night I took out the set and tested it only to discover the phenomena I described above was linked to the battery-box. I thought of this because when the set struggles to push it the red light of the battery box blinked. Each struggle= one blink.

As I have planned before, I took out the brand new battery box, charged it for straight 8 hours. The reason I kept it with the charger that long is I read somewhere a brand new battery-box may need 8 hours of charge for its first use. Howevr, after around 2 hours, the green light was continuously lit and the charger was not warm, but I kept it for 8 hrs anyway :tongue:

Then I replaced the old one with the new one and voila! The struggle is gone. And guess what! I ran the set for straight 11 minutes!

But that is not what I want. My demand is simple: I will charge it for 3/4 hours and will test/run the set for 5 minutes, once (or maybe twice) in every month as it is primarily a display set. No more than that. If the new battery-box continues to provide me that I will be very happy. It is also noteworthy, even though the old battery-box struggled after a certain time, I managed to get around 15 minutes of playtime from it by making a 12 hr break and a few hrs break in December. What I mean is if I charged the battery-box for 3/4 hours it was possible for me to run the car more than once with 4/5 minutes of playtime with breaks.
Howevr, the problem of the car's moving backward very slowly when steered absolute left or right is still present. Next, I will replace the L motor that Cada sent with the brand new one.
All these maybe easily mitigated by using Buwizz (very expensive for me, so no plans for buying it now) and using 2 additional motors on each side. Since this is my only brick set with electronics and I am slowly learning/getting used to them, it'll take some time before I might jump on to that speed-horse.
This is an observation. No whining or criticism. Me very happy with this set. Any feedback/suggestion for the phenomena that is still present is appreciated.


Edited by thekoRngear

46 minutes ago, thekoRngear said:


Thank you for sharing your experience which I´ve had a lot of fun to read :laugh:. I´m happy that you are happy. The phenomena with these battery boxes are weird and you are not the only one experiencing it. As you said, CaDA customer service is very polite and does everything to keep you happy. 

Regarding battery boxes in general here come some powerfull good news, along with the (very powerfull!) new buggy motors: 


I´m challenging everybody for the ULTIMATE MOD on my MOC by using these new devices!

53 minutes ago, brunojj1 said:

I´m challenging everybody for the ULTIMATE MOD on my MOC by using these new devices!


4 hours ago, brunojj1 said:

Thank you for sharing your experience which I´ve had a lot of fun to read :laugh:. I´m happy that you are happy. The phenomena with these battery boxes are weird and you are not the only one experiencing it. As you said, CaDA customer service is very polite and does everything to keep you happy. 

Regarding battery boxes in general here come some powerfull good news, along with the (very powerfull!) new buggy motors: 


I´m challenging everybody for the ULTIMATE MOD on my MOC by using these new devices!

I'm intrigued! I did some research, and it seems that this new battery is in one set so far, but I can't find any specifications on it. Are you able to give any more information? Mainly I'm curious if it has gone above 7.4V or gained proportional control, though I think both are unlikely.

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