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Ghastly Railroad Workers

Clink! Clank! Clink... Clank...

While most train workers prefer to work in the light of day, these Ghastly Railroad Workers begin their shift after midnight and work until dawn. With only the light of a kerosene lantern, they level the rocky ground laying steel and wood in hope of finishing the track that leads out of Grave Stone. Will they complete the line for the Ghost Train in time? They work their fingers to the bone and they'll die trying, if they haven't already done so...



These minifigs are designed simply excellent, TheBrickster! :oh:

I really :wub: :wub: them! And the additional stuff is a great addition to the workers, too! :thumbup: And of course again a very nice and :skull: story!

You're becoming a real professional for the WW Ghost Town and WW Ghost Train themes! :sweet: If TLG would engage you to design new WW sets we surely would get great Ghost Town sets! :wink:

Very well done! :thumbup:

BTW: I designed another WW MOC with LDD, Max's General Store. I'm very interested about what you think about it. :wink: (That isn't only adressed to TheBrickster but to everyone! :sweet: )


Great set up. I like the tracks. I do think the torsos should look a bit more Chinese though.

Yes, I tend to agree with you Athos. I tried a number of different torsos including those from the Emperor's Ship. They were a bit too armor clad. I think that red ninja/samurai torsos would have done the trick perfectly (as I look at them on Peeron). Point well taken. This particular image took an extreme amount of photo editing time (in fact, much more than most of my other recent MOCs) - with the bush, figs, and other very intricate detailing. If it didn't take so much time, I think I would just rebuild them with different torsos, but I'm happy with the image and will probably just leave it as is.


Brickster, another nice piece of addition. These ghastly railroad workers certainly are working very hard to complete the rails through the night. I believed that is the only hours they can come out and worked. :tongue:

Will like to ask you whether the railroad workers are supposed to be more oriential approach or western approach? This is my view only, just felt that either the torso or the cap do not fit each other. As what you have said to Athos , I understand :wink:

These are some of the toros which I think it will be much suitable for oriential approach, if you are considering red torso.

These ninja mini-figs offered minimum armor. You may have come across and considered these torsos before. Hope it is helpful. :blush:


Lastly, I am always very impressed by your photo-editing skills. Simply outstanding. Never failed to bring out the essence of the entire range of GraveStone. :sweet:

Will like to ask you whether the railroad workers are supposed to be more oriential approach or western approach? This is my view only, just felt that either the torso or the cap do not fit each other. As what you have said to Athos , I understand :wink:

Thanks WhiteFang. They are suppose to be Chinese and Wild West as many Chinese built the western railroads. Combining both elements is a bit tricky. That's why I chose the WW torsos, but used the asian hats. The figs that you shared (actually the right one to be exact) was the one I would have liked to use. I like the green vest which fits into the WW color palette nicely, plus I have a few of that torso from the Ninja sets.


You just keep on keepin on Brickster! I love the story and i still think the figs look cool with the non oriental torso's.

I admire your ability to stick to the one theme and keep doing it well.

Grave Stone Forever! :sweet:


Great figs and little display there TheBrickster. While i think they should have a more chinese looking torso they still seem very spooky, I also love the the wagon and extras you've included. I really think the troll heads should make it into one of your mocs though, not this one however, as I love the "wear their fingers to the bone" part.

Batbrick Away! :devil:


Good lord! Do you folks think everyone was black, white, or chinese in the WW? No. Not a chance. And Chinese didn't always wear chinese garb. Occasionally, yes, but more often then not, they wore a mix (I'm a grade A+ History Buff). Anyhow, yeah, I love it! Could be more accurate, but who gives a [i.w.d.].

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