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Okay, so we are all hoping Lego will release a Pirate range, even if it is just a release of all the old...

however why must we sit around and wait for Lego to come up with the new sets, why don't we give them a helping hand and design some for them, our completion is a great starting point and some past MOC's are surely great great examples of what our members are capable of making... Some are so good we would expect them to be released by Lego

What i am proposing will require great co-ordination and effort from all those who are interested in doing it, Mister Phes may well read this rolling his eyes at the sheer size of the project... then again he may just get behind it... but just imagine if what we create becomes the new sets, we have seen with other sets, a.k.a space skulls etc that Lego is open to the idea of fan made sets... and maybe the new Ambassador could take them to Lego... :pir-wink:

there is a great many resources out there for a new range to be created, very playable, very profitable...

to get your brains ticking over here are a few things i have seen that get me exited of our prospects... highly optional suggestion but we could vote on creations and if we include them in the new theme, or vote on aspects like factions

already through the polls we have a basis on what should and should not be created...

and speaking of basis, here are some base plates that hold great potential.


This could be a cavern like setting where pirates go to hide their treasure, yes i know your all thinking what i am thinking, thats too POTC 1... and yes it is a little but hey they don't have a license on caves with water access!

Next is...


Perfect for a harbor similar to the likes of what BlueBard has been producing, there is another base in Mclad but i can not find it on bricklink... :pir_bawling:


Great for a jungle like river adventure, pirates on a raft battling against the islanders/ soldiers camp raided by islanders


A sea side village with a lighthouse, for the pirates to plunder

these sets are obviously just the large or medium sets...

and that is with out any boats!!!

All ready i have blown the myth out of the water that there is no more that Lego can do with pirates! as has Phred with his revolutionaries... check out his entries in competition if you missed them... not to mention the A-Z creation list we created...

So there is the starting point to a great chance to create the new pirate world and some inspiration for thoughts and creativity... let the discussion and debate begin

New Pirates Theme by US! ON!!!

Damn you for creating that title, I almost started to think you find some preliminary images or something!! :pir-tongue: (jk mate :pir-wink:)

As for your idea, I think it is a tad too ambitious.

Sure it would be nice, but I would hate to see a new pirates theme in the shape of those Space Skull sets..

Have to think about it...

I've had my mind on something like this for some time now.

Working together to design sets.

The latest contest could be a great starting point: already themes are emerging, like Pirate vs. Ninja, and UCS (imagine a cafe-corner style Pirate waterfront pub :pir-wub: )...

I'd be willing to join in.

It just needs serious organisation (Step 1: Choose factions, Step 2: Outline sets + features e.t.c)...


sorry me that english is not good but there is now a lego pirates minifig lego denmark makes ge

So who knows new 2009 series.

sorry me that english is not good but there is now a lego pirates minifig lego denmark makes ge

So who knows new 2009 series.


Thats a point actually. I popped into a local shop in my town to buy my first LEGO set in a decade (Indiana Jones bike chase) and outside the front door of this toy shop was a giant LEGO pirate made of LEGO, about three foot tall. I shrugged at it at the time, thinking "Ah, this place is just getting all the old throw backs" or "It's that stupid, under 4 sets." But now you;ve said that, I'm wondering...

The latest contest could be a great starting point: already themes are emerging, like Pirate vs. Ninja, and UCS (imagine a cafe-corner style Pirate waterfront pub :pir-wub: )...

Let's not forget my Fabu-pirates. :pir-tongue:

It does seem to be a general trend that although Lego no longer produces Pirates, they are still a flagship ( :pir-tongue: ) theme, in that Pirate faces are used as smilies on Lego.com forums, they influence rides and large figures at Legoland parks, and are still used on merchandise and in magazines. Redbeard in particular.

If we decide to design some sets, can we please leave out the raised baseplates?

We'll get onto that later...

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Wow Legomilk said maybe 2009, if not mistaken he has contacts in high places... and has previously revealed that was to be two new themes in 2009...

i think we may just get new pirates in 2009...

we have had the return of sharks, crocs and the cutlass all we need now is a shako and a couple of hulls!!!!

SlyOwl great to see your support for the idea! i am very excited to know that someone of your skill is interested!

Captain Green Hair can i take it thats some interest shown?... raised base plates that i posted were to spark imaginations... i am well aware our members are capable of making much nicer scenery... When refering to previous MOC's of lego standard i had a few of your creations in mind... like those beauties in the comic... if your in, this idea might just work

also please note i am well aware of the ambitious nature of the project, but the way i see it we are just doing what we normally do, with a different and united purpose, who cares really if Lego chooses our designs, we had fun making them... and just them looking at them would be reward enough in mt mind.

Also we have done half the work for our selves... i am going to put poll results into excel spread sheets and post what data we have if and when enough interest is shown.

EDIT: could an Admin please change the secondary title to "why wait for lego... 2009???" then delete this...

Edited by Cpt. Pegleg Blockbeard

  • Governor
could an Admin please change the secondary title to "why wait for lego... 2009???" then delete this...

We don't have confirmation that there will be any new Pirate sets in 2009. I'm not entirely sure what Legomilk was trying to communicate but I interpreted it as "There is a new Pirate mini-figure in Denmark, but who knows, maybe a new theme in 2009?"

  • Author

hence the three ?...

ahh needs not be changed if the Gods deem it unnecessary.

Mister Phes i am very interested in your opinion of the idea... too ambitious? not going to happen, fair idea lots of work, bad idea altogether???

Ready to help. But I have no large ship pieces, I'll only be able to make smaller sets. Maybe I should make some smaller sets for you, I'm not very good at large ones but better at small ones.

  • Author

So very true!

I am currently on the hunt for lego, to build my collection up, so i can better tackle set design and idea building...

i have so far aquired a Carrabian Clipper and two old friends Lego collections...

however as you said SlyOwl, this will take alot of organisation, and i was giving this thread time to see how many people would be interested... so far its rather promising yet i am reserved about it.

perhaps we should just start discussing issues,

first to be addressed as suggested by you.


what type of mini fig will occupy our new pirate world...

NOTE; the purpose is disscussion and not a poll, i am aware of THIS poll.

I'll be glad to help out, ships is mainly my thing.

Perhaps my sloop could make a nice example, i'll post it tomorrow :pir-wink:

First new piece in this line i'd like to see is a larger rigging ladder, higher and a few more vertical lines in it :pir-wub:

First new piece in this line i'd like to see is a larger rigging ladder, higher and a few more vertical lines in it :pir-wub:

And for me, a crow's nest piece with an attachable railing! :pir-tongue: Maybe like the 1/2 barrel but wider and with a square hole that fits over the mast.


what type of mini fig will occupy our new pirate world...

It would be great to see pirates from other cultures but caribbean ones (chinese or turkish, for example...) and other countries soldiers (more conquistadores! :pir-devil:) and maybe other american cultures' specifically sets (mayas, incas...) :pir-wink:

It would be great to see pirates from other cultures but caribbean ones (chinese or turkish, for example...) and other countries soldiers (more conquistadores! :pir-devil: ) and maybe other american cultures' specifically sets (mayas, incas...) :pir-wink:

I'd like to see the Dutch VOC brought to life by lego, after all they were the mightiest and biggest trading company around in the age of sail. :pir-cry_happy:

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Wow, i was about to give up on anyone posting then BANG! everyone posted.

okay factions so far


Spanish - soldiers

American - soldiers/mayan/incas

Dutch - VOC


crows nest with rigging "clip" and able to be placed over masts

(i think thats what you want SlyOwl :pir-wink: btw congrats on the poo!)

Extra long plastic rigging

keep those thoughts coming! also post support for those factions you like.

personally i love the idea of the dutch VOC, as the series goes on the factions could follow the trade route, also it would give PIRATES a great target to attack.

my suggested faction, organized pirate syndicate! :pir-skull:

parts can be the next discussion, after factions :thumbup:

if criticism must enter this early stage make sure it is highly constructive :pir-wink:


Cpt. PB

Edited by Cpt. Pegleg Blockbeard

There are some great ideas already, almost feels like pirates could come back next year :pir-sweet: , plenty of ideas to go by.

As a faction there indeed should be a Dutch VOC faction, with a nice big portside town set to do some trading with.

Maybe as new parts there could be a slightly smaller cannon (next to the current one) and maybe some swivel guns.

The current mast designs should be maintained (not like the ugly mast from the viking ship for example), but it would be nice to have the extras mentioned before (longer rigging and a crows nest), also maybe an in-between rigging between long and short.

Edited by Fluyt

We must be the MOST optimistic people on this planet, as soon as anyone that work for TLC speak with a rusty voice we shout "PIRATES"

:pir-wink: hehe. i hope they start up the pirates again. and if they do that i hope they make the imperial guards , and imperial soldiers.

and the non shooting cannons (those with a x on ) . then i could let my old sets blend into the new ones. at least make the minifigs.

What i would really love is that they invented some sort of old style road plates like in the city/town roads. could be used in both pirate, castle, viking, and even in adventures themes. when i see a town where they have the roads that can be layd down in many kind of pattern.

And last. some animals. sheeps ,cows, chickens etc. then we could make our own farms, no matter what kind of theme we build in.

Edited by Tordenskjold

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