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32 minutes ago, Prometheus87 said:

Since it appears to be semi-directed towards me,

It wasn't. I had only read the post I was responding to and the proceeding ones when I wrote the comment. 

9 minutes ago, karrit said:

Discussion is one thing but some of you keep repeating day after day the same things over & over again.  It's like a broken record.  Several of us have respectfully asked to please just move on from the same thing day after day.  I know it's hard with no new leaks or info about the upcoming sets but I'm getting to the point where I'm really sick of reading this broken record thread.  Harassing people for more info & repeating the same opinions every day is getting us nowhere.

I agree not all of us has asked Guyon or Falconfan for leaks or inside info, as it comes out when it comes out. I and many others are of the opinion that if  anyone doesn't like  when people discuss speculation, disappointment, excitement, etc. here within the rules and don't like the forum, they don't have to be here. Some have not respectfully asked but are attacking others, sadly. 

1 minute ago, MaxHeadroom said:

It wasn't. I had only read the post I was responding to and the proceeding ones when I wrote the comment. 

Which, if i am not mistaken was mine, Max, since i was the one to use "boxy" and haven't recalled seeing anyone else say that. I  get your frustration and perhaps i shouldn't have responded with even MORE detail. I felt that, while some people indeed just come here to say "oh, these sets are bad!", I was trying to differentiate from those with and show some of us had legitimate concerns, about the sets and about the direction of HP. and the reasons why. I wanted to show that some people, like me, have grown to like them, but still concerned, but i get why people are so frustrated seeing that.  Always enjoyed your previous posts and don't want to make this forum a fight club, so will end that kind of discussion. I also have some professional experiencing in marketing which certainly comes into play in my discussions.

To get back on track - if you could design one lego HP set, what would you want to design? 

Edited by Prometheus87

17 minutes ago, Prometheus87 said:

To get back on track - if you could design one lego HP set, what would you want to design? 

Grimmauld Place. Although I’m not great with interiors, I’m pretty good with finding the right pieces to maximize space and have an idea for an opening door function.

I want to try to figure out how to make the entrance to Diagon Alley through the brick wall behind the Leaky Cauldron.  I know I need to use some hinges as I want to make the bricks fold somewhat as it opens.  I'd also like to make the Leaky Cauldron & the other side of the street in Diagon Alley.

38 minutes ago, Brickroll said:

Grimmauld Place. Although I’m not great with interiors, I’m pretty good with finding the right pieces to maximize space and have an idea for an opening door function.

That one is definitely one of my dream sets I'd love to see someday. I too would be curious how you or lego would make the interiors. I'd think there'd be a tough balance between being true to the movies - since so much seemed to require depth - but also just showing all the scenes from the films. What would you try to do for the open door function? 


32 minutes ago, karrit said:

I want to try to figure out how to make the entrance to Diagon Alley through the brick wall behind the Leaky Cauldron.  I know I need to use some hinges as I want to make the bricks fold somewhat as it opens.  I'd also like to make the Leaky Cauldron & the other side of the street in Diagon Alley.

Ooo, nice. Woudl this be a sort of touch-mechanism or some kind of push/pull? 

1 hour ago, Prometheus87 said:

To get back on track - if you could design one lego HP set, what would you want to design? 

Grimmauld Place would be my first choice too. I’ve seen some incredible MOCs done of it.

Another set I’d love to design would be a Knockturn Alley expansion set to scale with the D2C Diagon Alley. I love the spooky elements of Harry Potter and shops like Borgin and Burke’s capture that perfectly. I’d love to fill B&B’s with little skulls and sarcophaguses and cursed jewels.

The window display of Dystyl Phalanges - the shop directly across from Borgin’s - would also be an amazing build. The shop specializes in bones and fossils - they even sell bone furniture. I can’t think of anything creepier or cooler.

The minifig selection of dark witches and wizards wandering down the Knockturn Alley set could also be amazing... “Not lost are you my dear?”


1 hour ago, Prometheus87 said:

Ooo, nice. Would this be a sort of touch-mechanism or some kind of push/pull? 

Probably push/pull.  I don't know of a way to make it a touch mechanism without involving & having to hide some gear system within.

1 hour ago, Prometheus87 said:

That one is definitely one of my dream sets I'd love to see someday. I too would be curious how you or lego would make the interiors. I'd think there'd be a tough balance between being true to the movies - since so much seemed to require depth - but also just showing all the scenes from the films. What would you try to do for the open door function? 


The goal is essentially sideways garage doors, with two facades. I also sort of thought that this would look like the apartment building in the Sanctum Sanctorum.

5 hours ago, Prometheus87 said:

To get back on track - if you could design one lego HP set, what would you want to design? 

I’d love to try and attempt of the Ministry of Magic. I’d think you’d have to design it like the 60s Batcave. Maybe with some London building facade even though it is technically underground. 

5 hours ago, Prometheus87 said:

To get back on track - if you could design one lego HP set, what would you want to design? 

A minifigure pack. I have very little ability to limit myself creatively, so trying to design anything 'big' would lead to about 16000 pieces of mess. But characters? I can do that.

And I can get my Ernie minifigure. 

7 hours ago, Prometheus87 said:


Since it appears to be semi-directed towards me, I must remind you that this page is called - "harry potter 2021 rumors discussion".  Feelings about those said rumors and discussion thereof constitute this and fall under the site's rules.  Whining about people or their actions ON the forum, stating their thoughts or opinions, does not. It's sad this topic has become very toxic and people can't express their opinion. Can we get back to talking about the rumors? 

I have never bashed someone for liking the anniversary sets so I dont understand why is he does that to people who didnt even say they dont like anniversary sets, but they rather expressed their opinions about stuff they dont like.


6 hours ago, Prometheus87 said:

To get back on track - if you could design one lego HP set, what would you want to design? 

If we wont get it as official Lego set then I would do Bell Towers with Long Gallery to finish 2018-2020 Hogwarts layout.

7 hours ago, Prometheus87 said:

To get back on track - if you could design one lego HP set, what would you want to design? 

An expansion of the Lego micro-hogwarts with the remainder of the main buildings or just a brand new smaller, complete, version of micro-Hogwarts as I think a complete castle would look great 

14 hours ago, bluedog1111 said:

A person (who will go unnamed though we all know who I'm talking about.) 

This made me laugh and he knew who you were talking about so he know he posts a lot. 

I do love this page but unfortunately if their is no new news and 6 new pages of chat then read at your own risk. Until we get some better leaks or final builds or a list of the fall sets there isn't a lot to talk about. I've done a clean up and removal of watermark of honey dukes and the three broomsticks image if anyone would like me to mail it to them. Once i brightened it too it looks much better. just dm me. 

Hi, I am going to change the topic a little bit! 

I got one of the Hogwarts Moments sets (well, the Ravenclaw one as that is my Hogwarts house) recently as birthday present and while building it I realized how cute it was! :wub: I really think the set looks so much better physically, and also that it is based on a clever idea: everything can be fold inside so nicely, such that kids can easily take the set with them to play elsewhere.

So basically I realized that now I wanted to get also the other three sets to complete the collection. I was about to get them from the Lego Store, but then I looked in Amazon as they normally have pretty good deals... and indeed! So in case someone from Belgium or the Netherlands or so is interested, I basically bought the three other Moments sets like in 3x2 offer - awesome deal!

And I also have a question for everyone here: which one is your favourite Moments set and why?

This sets also remind me to the 'old' ones Gryffindor common room (with Ron), Hogwarts classes (with Harry) and Diagon Alley's shops (with Hermione) and it makes me wonder if they will keep producing this format with other little moments from the books/movies. It is true that it seems complicated to display them together with the rest of the 'modular' Hogwarts, but I simply find them super cute.

19 minutes ago, Shiene said:

which one is your favourite Moments set and why?

Herbology. Why? It's the only one I have. :pir-tongue:

In all seriousness, I think the colour of the big tiles in Herbology lends itself better to other creations than, say, the Ravenclaw one. 

9 hours ago, Prometheus87 said:

To get back on track - if you could design one lego HP set, what would you want to design? 

Oh, a very nice question and a difficult one to answer.

If I could design with no pieces and budget limit and no consideration for the actual Hogwarts style, I would create the Library, merging together its appearences in movies, books and videogames. That's something I'm starting to do on Stud.io, but I already know that I will end with a 3000 pieces set :innocent2: and who knows If I will even managed to build it.

Limiting my fantasy, but increasing a lot my ability :snicker:, I would find interesting to recreate Lovegood House or Minister for Magic. A good challenge would be trying to put Common Houses + Common Rooms inside a "Hogwarts Moments" style set.

Finally, following a more playable style for sets, I would try to give justice to a lot of Hogwarts location that hardly (obviously my opinion) will be recreated: Trophy Room and Armour Gallery, StaffRoom, Quirrell Classroom, Godric's Hollow graveyard.

Oh, well, a lot of idea, I suppose. It's so difficult to choose and I've already cut my message :snicker:

9 hours ago, Prometheus87 said:

What did they translate Voldemort into in the Italian version? 

No problem with Voldemort, they kept the same, just changing Marvolo with Orvoloson. But they translated, until HBP, "Halfblood" and "Mudblood" with the same word "Mezzosangue". Just a bit (a big bit) confusing :facepalm:. That's the worst error, in my opinion. Unfortunately not the only one.

1 hour ago, Shiene said:

which one is your favourite Moments set and why?

I think Slytherin because it's my favorite house, I love color scheme, minifigures (especially Seamus with his dirty face :laugh:) and those shelves with potions look awesome! 

11 hours ago, Prometheus87 said:

To get back on track - if you could design one lego HP set, what would you want to design? 

Nice question :)

I would quite enjoy designing an advent calendar actually, it’s a fun challenge to make something recognisable and playful with a small  budget of parts

Otherwise I would love to have a go at a ‘bell towers’ set, I have the scale and style already to work from with the existing sets and would push for a new mould for the ‘bell tower’ roof (half-octagon base). It would probably be a ‘battle  Hogwarts’ playset, and I would commission figures such as Proffesor Vector, the Ghost of the Grey Lady, The Carrows and Neville in his jumper 

1 hour ago, Shiene said:

which one is your favourite Moments set and why?

The one I enjoy less is Charms Class. I find the Sand Blue exterior parts too much "cold" and the inerior poor (considerating the other Moments set). But that's a problem with Charms: I mean, in Herbology you have plants, shovel, bucket, scissor... in Potions you have pots, mug, bottles, potions... while in Charm you have feathers, cookies, tea cups, goblet, key. I think Charms are less adventurous than Herbology and Potions. And the closed set is the most fragile, but I like the old Flitwick inclusion and don't like the presence of Cho (Professor Flitwick, please don't curse me! :snicker:).

At the third place, Transfiguration Class. Here I find colours warmer and more welcoming, I like the new McGonagall minifigure, but the interior as poor as Charms. (Professor McGonagall, please, don't put me in detention :snicker:).

Then Potions Class, "cold" colours even here, mainly the grey inside, but I can stand this, cause Potions is in the dungeons. I like how the central building create two separate locations (the same happens for Herbology), snakes decoration, Potions accessories (brick and stickers). (Oh, thank you, Professor Snape for not takink me off points cause I put your class in the second position :snicker:).

The Moment set I like the most, answering your question, is Herbology one. Warm colours, two nice location (inside and outside the greenhouse), plants, accessories. Not really understanding why Cedric is tutoring Neville :snicker:, the only reason cause they could be in the same class. (Oh, thank you, Professor Sprout. +50 points cause I put you in the first position:iamded_lol:)

4 hours ago, Micmac said:

This made me laugh and he knew who you were talking about so he know he posts a lot. 

I do love this page but unfortunately if their is no new news and 6 new pages of chat then read at your own risk. Until we get some better leaks or final builds or a list of the fall sets there isn't a lot to talk about. I've done a clean up and removal of watermark of honey dukes and the three broomsticks image if anyone would like me to mail it to them. Once i brightened it too it looks much better. just dm me. 

That’d be great I’d love to see that 

Apparently there's going to be a LEGO Harry Potter live-stream on Friday at LEGO.com with Fiorella and Marcos Bessa (two of the designers on the team). Sounds interesting!

2 minutes ago, YetiZombie said:

Apparently there's going to be a LEGO Harry Potter live-stream on Friday at LEGO.com with Fiorella and Marcos Bessa (two of the designers on the team). Sounds interesting!

What should be expect? Official reveal of june sets?

5 minutes ago, Textorix said:

What should be expect? Official reveal of june sets?

It seems way too early for June sets to be fully revealed, but maybe they'll talk about the fact that it's the 20th anniversary?

Regardless, I love hearing what the designers have to say about the sets we have. I'm guessing they'll also be doing a live build because the announcement on Instagram includes a picture of Diagon Alley.

Edited by YetiZombie

2 minutes ago, YetiZombie said:

It seems way too early for June sets to be fully revealed, but they'll talk about the fact that it's the 20th anniversary?

Well most of the Lego fans already know that so I would expect that they show something more

1 minute ago, Textorix said:

Well most of the Lego fans already know that so I would expect that they show something more

Sure but hardcore fans aren't exactly the core audience, I wouldn't expect to see any new sets.

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