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  On 4/15/2021 at 4:22 PM, Ringwraith said:

Anyone know whether the Harry and Ron heads can be exchanged for Crabbe and Goyle in the bathroom set as if not that subtracts significantly from the set's value in my eyes 

it's rumored that the robes are Slytherin and harry and iron have alternate faces to switch them into Crabbe and Goyle:wink:(edit: I just checked and it looks like they are using Slytherin robes for the main trio)

Edited by living_off_lego

  On 4/15/2021 at 4:22 PM, Ringwraith said:

Anyone know whether the Harry and Ron heads can be exchanged for Crabbe and Goyle in the bathroom set as if not that subtracts significantly from the set's value in my eyes 

Yes they're supposed to. They're likely reversible heads. Idk if it'll include additional hair pieces though.

  On 4/15/2021 at 4:24 PM, living_off_lego said:

it's rumored that the robes are Slytherin and harry and iron have alternate faces to switch them into Crabbe and Goyle:wink:

Awesome, thanks.  No offence to the yellow-faced Crabbe minifigure, but he has become mildly out of date by now so we could use a replacement

Edited by Ringwraith

  On 4/15/2021 at 4:25 PM, ToaDraco said:

Yes they're supposed to. They're likely reversible heads. Idk if it'll include additional hair pieces though.

I certainly hope it will

  On 4/15/2021 at 4:22 PM, Ringwraith said:

Anyone know whether the Harry and Ron heads can be exchanged for Crabbe and Goyle in the bathroom set as if not that subtracts significantly from the set's value in my eyes 

Well, Harry and Ron in that set have new face prints that aren't in any of the other sets, and they've only shown one side of each.

So, it's pretty safe to assume that yes, we will be getting Crabbe and Goyle.

Everyone putting the chess set on the bottom of their lists?? It was my least favorite going into the leaks, and oh my god is it now my favorite. I think it's utterly perfect. The scale is just right where it is displayable and playable. I do hope Ron can ride the Knight though.

The Flying Lesson (an exterior I can put with my 2018-2020 sets!!), Girls Bathroom, and Chamber Sets are all fantastic. The latter two will look awesome with the interiors displayed on the shelf below my 2018-2020 sets. 

Am I the only one underwhelmed by Honeydukes?

Most definitely passing on the brick built figures and maybe even Fawkes, and that's coming from a completionist since 2001.

Also these robes!!! What a great day.

  On 4/15/2021 at 4:24 PM, nicknack116 said:

Long time lurker chiming in for the first time here, because I feel like I'm taking crazy pills! Those buildable Harry and Hermione figures are the best part of this wave in my opinion. So, I'm glad I'll be able to grab them easily with everyone else putting them on the bottom of their lists! :) But, I only buy sets that will look good on my shelves. And I think these will make awesome display pieces. I hope they make Ron soon, and I'd love to see this extend to other themes. Give me some buildable LEGO Star Wars characters like this, please!

This set would be a buy for me if they included Ron. It feels so wrong without him! I very very likely will not get this unless Ron is released later. Is there anyone else that feels the same?

  On 4/15/2021 at 4:30 PM, evanevanevan said:

Everyone putting the chess set on the bottom of their lists??

Because there's so many much better sets

  On 4/15/2021 at 4:34 PM, Legofania said:

Because there's so many much better sets

I love that everyone has different favorites. I'll probably change my mind 100 times! For me, the new torsos in the Chess set take it to the next level. And I think the pieces match the ones in the movie so well. It's not exact but it's the LEGO-fied version. And the price per piece is fantastic

I really like the new sets, but some minor points of some I am not a fan of. The green roofs are OK for me, but I prefer the grey ones. As I really loved the movie-accurate buildings of past years, I don't really know what to do with the middle tower of chamber of secrets, as it don't seems to represent anything from the movies. The figures are nice and nice to see they are new variants, because I don't really want many duplicates, but for Tom Riddle and Nearly Headless Nick I  absolute prefer the other versions in this reboot. For builable Hermoine and Harry, there's something below there face's thats seems off, but overall, I like the sets.

Ranking them:

1. Hogsmeade / Fawkes / Flying Lesson / Chess

2. Buildable H&H

3. Chamber of Secrets (Figures alone would be in spot 1) / Fluffy

4. Polyjuice (Figures alone would be in spot 2)

My thoughts on the sets - general comment on gold figures is that I like them (good spot about the sets with a gold spell from Harry containing these whoever that was), also love the inclusion of wizard cards

Hogwarts/Chamber of Secrets - 8.5/10

Takes me back to getting the original 4709 for Christmas - that was probably the best present I've ever had!  The nostalgia is real!  So many references to previous sets, here are some of them that I've noticed:

 - Great hall has loads, the fireplace, banner, crystal ball, layout, even with a pink Dumbledore

 - Wizard cards like the 4709 Great Hall (can't wait to end up bricklinking the Merlin wizard card after buying all the sets...)

 - Chamber of Secrets also very similar with the basilisk build and same minifigs

 - Removable turret with telescope inside

 - Glow in the dark figure too!

As for the set in general, I love it. Yes it's ugly on the outside but it has a strange charm. The great hall has a more interesting/detailed interior than the vastly bigger 2018 version.  I love the gold lectern and the cereal boxes.

Frogs for days, there are at least five (assuming that's a frog above the Hogwarts banner) in this set including a white skeleton frog in the Chamber which made me laugh! Pixies are fantastic, I love the Lockhart overload. Colin, Justin, Sinistra are perfect new figures. Great to get another sorting hat and sword of Gryffindor. So chuffed with the house robes for each house, they're perfect.  Bonus Luna is nice, I don't mind the copied head as it's accurate enough - looks like a cute 1st year version of Luna which we never saw in the films.

Hogsmeade - 8.5/10

Lovely job of Hogsmeade. Great details and great figs. Both building look cozy and make you wish you were a minifigure.  The actual minifigures are great, a crazy selection but I like them.  Think the reused faces work really well for Rosmerta and Mrs Flume - I don't mind reused faces at all where they look accurate like this (Bellatrix, Molly and Ginny from the Burrow on the other hand...)

Fluffy's corridor - 6/10

I should add that I haven't seen any high quality pics of this set (are there any?).  Least exciting figs and build.  Fluffy is nice to get but will wait for a sale with this one.

Girl's bathroom - 8/10

This is nothing crazy in terms of build but well executed. The connection to the slide in the great hall is fantastic. Figs are perfect, love the new faceprints for Harry and Ron. Think this might be the first set I ever buy two of as I want both versions of the figs. Green polyjuice cup is great too!

Fawkes - 7/10

Done really well but not for me.  May have to bricklink the Dumbledore if it's new so hopefully not!

Buildable Harry and Hermione - 6.5/10

Done really well also but this is also an easy miss for me.

Flying practice - 8/10

This was the best surprise of the day, great figs, nice looking build with cool shields/banners. Plus a new remembrall which is another nice throwback.

Chess set - 7/10

Glad this is an actual chess set. By my eye, the plates are 2x4 (seven studs followed by torch on a jumper plate going round the outside), so it's nice that this is square.  I don't think the pieces will fall over too easily and would have been nice to have some studs - at the same time it's nice to be able to slide pieces about playing chess.  Figs are perfect.

  On 4/15/2021 at 4:10 PM, Modal said:

I know someone earlier mentioned the term "cash grab", which many of you thought was not applicable here, but does anyone else feel like LEGO is trying a bit too hard to get us into collectables? I mean besides the CMF, we now have golden figures you need to "Purchase ALL to collect!", and even more so these chocolate frog cards, which you can't even get all of with purchasing every set! 

As you, I would rather prefer being tempted by very good sets, with very good details and very good minifigs than running after sets to complete some collection.

Luckily I'm not a completist, so I won't buy a single extra set just to complete the Golden Minifigs Collection.:wink:

But putting a different golden minifig in every anniversary set doesn't bother me. If I want to complete the collection I know that I have to buy specific sets. I find it a honest cash grab strategy.

What really disappoint me is that if I want to complete the Chocolate Frog Collection even buying all the sets I could not managed to do it! Basically in this case I would have to buy extra sets or buy the single piece from the secondary market. Not something I appreciate from Lego.

Exceeded my expectations by far

  • Hogsmeade Village Visit
  • Hogwarts Chamber of Secrets
  • Hogwarts Wizard Chess
  • Harry Potter & Hermoine Granger
  • Fawkes

Exceeded my expectations

  • Hogwarts: First Flying Lesson
  • Hogwarts Polyjuice Potion Mistake
  • Hogwarts Fluffy Encounter

Did not exceed my expectations

  • None



  • Very unique wave, almost entirely different than previous HP sets
  • Golden minifigures look great
  • The vast majority of sets have exceeded my expectations
  • Some printed pieces included


  • Feels more expensive than previous sets of the theme (With some exceptions)
  • Hogwarts sets are not compatible with previous ones

Edited by JintaiZ

Spotted another frog... that's six at least in the Great Hall lol. 4 chocolate frogs, one pink perhaps from the nearest bonzai tree and one (my fav) dead skeleton frog.

  On 4/15/2021 at 12:50 PM, Surge said:

Weird how they use the classic snake in the dueling part, ig they just don't want people to confuse it for Nagini? idk

Nagini is to big for that snake, the best would probably be the cobra mould from CMF, but this one is fine :classic:

  On 4/15/2021 at 1:36 PM, Tariq j said:

I'm not sure about the Basilisk. It looks a lot better than the previous one but I feel it could've been longer.

That is easy to fix, just buy more parts for it :wink:

  On 4/15/2021 at 1:30 PM, Unknown Jedi Master said:

Images of the buildable figures! Check out lego_club_news on Instagram for the picture. 

  On 4/15/2021 at 2:11 PM, RogueTwo said:

AND...chess just leaked!!

  On 4/15/2021 at 2:21 PM, SuperChris said:

Fawkes has leaked now too!

  On 4/15/2021 at 2:39 PM, Jriet said:

Fly lesson is out too!

Thanks for the info, but as usual when something big leaks IG wont let me have a peak :wacko:

  On 4/15/2021 at 2:27 PM, YetiZombie said:

In case anyone is having a hard time keeping track of all the images coming out today, I've put them all into an album and plan on adding to it as more sets leak out: https://photos.app.goo.gl/pQo5QsEZYj9wfAkK8

So this was really useful, thank you :sweet:

  On 4/15/2021 at 2:14 PM, Falconfan1414 said:

The chess set seems to have big flaw. The pieces could fall over really easily 

Probably so they can move/glide around like in the movie :shrug_oh_well:

  On 4/15/2021 at 2:15 PM, Lego-Freak said:

Castle fans will be very happy, just look at all these helmets and swords in black and white :laugh:

To bad it did not include horses, I would rather have paid a little more to get that and then it would be a even better castle part pack.. The statue could also be useful for Castle fans I assume :shrug_oh_well:

  On 4/15/2021 at 2:28 PM, chris6507 said:

Since when do sets steal so many exclusive parts from the CMF?

I would call it a good cooperation instead, the WW sets had done that from the start. A great way to use the CMF budget to make the sets even better :thumbup:

  On 4/15/2021 at 2:42 PM, Guyon2002 said:

Also worth noting: NO HARRY!!! :excited::excited:

Worth a extra chocolate frog card every time that happens :grin:

  On 4/15/2021 at 2:52 PM, Falconfan1414 said:

I’m glad so many people like these sets. They certainly are different from what we were expecting 

Like I knew they would, no way the HP theme would give us bad sets even if it was not what we where expecting :tongue:

  On 4/15/2021 at 3:28 PM, ToaDraco said:

 I'm also way more excited for the 2x2 random Wizard cards than the golden figures, those are a way better idea and I hope they continue that idea into future HP sets beyond the anniversary waves. 

Me too :classic:

For me the only sets here I’ll get are the Hogsmead and the flying lesson (as this can easily be added to the 18-20 hogwart). I do have a soft spot for that fawks though...

  On 4/15/2021 at 4:57 PM, Roebuck said:

Nagini is to big for that snake, the best would probably be the cobra mould from CMF, but this one is fine :classic:

oh yeah that cobra would have been perfect!

  On 4/15/2021 at 3:51 PM, YetiZombie said:

I thought this at first but the box art doesn't seem to indicate that it's an anniversary set. The color of Harry's spell is gold on the anniversary sets, and this one is blue.

Ah, right, I'm colourblind so that point has escaped me :D

If the 2x2 jumper is to stand a figure on then, one would assume any Dumbledore figure would have the skirt piece rather than the legs in the first wave/first AC. 

Maybe the purple one that's in the CoS set but with a hat piece? 

Check the thread every waking moment? Nothing. Look away for five hours? Floodgates break open. :laugh_hard:

Hogwarts sets are fine/good (depending if you look at exterior/interior), chess set is, well, a functional chess board if that's your thing and depending on how it looks when the wings move, I might actually consider getting Fawkes (yeah, same technique as Hedwig but still).

Also... Was anyone else expecting last year's blocky Mickey-Minnie monstrosities when they heard "brick-built Harry and Hermione"? 'Cause I'm just pleasantly surprised at that. I mean, I'm not gonna get them 'cause that's a ridiculous price to pay for something like that but it's if anything a damn nice blueprint for other characters across all the themes.

Also, is the flying lesson the first time we get a set without any of the three main protagonists?

  On 4/15/2021 at 5:11 PM, PavillionDweller said:

Also... Was anyone else expecting last year's blocky Mickey-Minnie monstrosities when they heard "brick-built Harry and Hermione"? 'Cause I'm just pleasantly surprised at that. I mean, I'm not gonna get them 'cause that's a ridiculous price to pay for something like that but it's if anything a damn nice blueprint for other characters across all the themes.

I was thinking that as well.


  On 4/15/2021 at 5:12 PM, TheInvisibleMan said:

Also, is the flying lesson the first time we get a set without any of the three main protagonists?

No. Beauxbatons Carriage at least has none of them too.

My guess for the Wizard cards:

- Dumbledore (surely)

- Grindelwald (also a pretty safe bet I reckon)

- Godric Gryffindor

- Helga Hufflepuff

- Rowena Ravenclaw

- Salazar Slytherin

- Merlin

- Herpo the foul (throwback to the old PC game)

- Hengist of Woodcroft (as appears in Three Broomsticks, mentioned by someone before)

- Bertie Bott

- Newt Scamander

- Nicolas Flamel

- Bloody Baron

- Uric the Oddball

- Voldemort

- Harry Potter

  On 4/15/2021 at 4:56 PM, Yope said:

Spotted another frog... that's six at least in the Great Hall lol. 4 chocolate frogs, one pink perhaps from the nearest bonzai tree and one (my fav) dead skeleton frog.

No doubt that Nick Vas has made this set :laugh:

  On 4/15/2021 at 4:01 PM, YetiZombie said:

Sorry if someone already mentioned this, but Target has a teaser up with golden Snape (from the chess set, since it's exclusive to there) and says that pre-orders will start tomorrow!


Interesting!  So this suggests that the sets will (initially) all be Target-exclusives in the United States?  Potentially with a wide release date of July or August?

  On 4/15/2021 at 5:12 PM, TheInvisibleMan said:

Also, is the flying lesson the first time we get a set without any of the three main protagonists?

Great question! Not if you look before 2018 (original Hagrid's Hut, Draco and Buckbeak, Quality Quidditch Supplies all spring to mind).

If you don't count books then I think you're right for all the sets since 2018.

  On 4/15/2021 at 5:26 PM, Yope said:

If you don't count books then I think you're right for all the sets since 2018.

Not really. There's Beauxbatons Carriage :wink:

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