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3 minutes ago, Legoman123 said:

I don’t mind the Clock Tower at all.  I think it’s a nice change to have Lego really focus on the interior of Hogwarts for once and let’s be honest we’re going to see more sets to attach to this style of Hogwarts so I’m sure there will be an adequate building to put as a bottom floor for the clock tower set.  In fact to be honest I think the flying lesson set would work well under this set. 

Having said what I’ve written above are we actually expecting LEGO to carry on with this line of Hogwarts? 

I sincerely hope not. There’s no accuracy whatsoever with these sets. I adored the accuracy of the 2018-2020 sets. Interiors were easy enough to modify. I’d much rather have accurate exteriors. The exteriors on these new sets are puke worthy

1 hour ago, Balrogofmorgoth said:

Yeah, I no longer trust Bessa with this theme.

He is no longer in charge anyway, but the is a fantastic designer that now will make even more sets:sweet:. I agree with what @Clone OPatra say below, if this had been SW the fans would have cried of joy to get sets and minifigs like this..

1 hour ago, Clone OPatra said:

For me the theme has transitioned from one where I'm truly excited about the sets to one where I'm just looking at the new Minifigures and/or parts included.

It must be said that LEGO has been doing a commendable job covering new material despite "rebooting" the theme. Even the massive CoS set has barely any overlap with previous sets in the Minifigure and accessory department, and instead delivered awesome new stuff. Compare that to Star Wars which is also constantly retreading the same material, and still hasn't delivered characters like Aunt Beru after all these years.

It's a bit of a bummer to not like the sets themselves, but I'm still pretty jazzed about certain aspects and it's great LEGO isn't merely lazily going over the exact same few key characters, and giving more tangential characters their due instead.


20 minutes ago, Legoman123 said:

Having said what I’ve written above are we actually expecting LEGO to carry on with this line of Hogwarts? 

Yes, for 2-3 years until the next reboot. Unless this style is selling so bad that they must go back to the former style to save the theme I do not think they will, and I do not think the sets are selling bad at all :shrug_oh_well:

Getting a bit tired of reading the complaints here about Lego being unfair for having a new style theme in the HP sets which will continue for the next few years. Kinda funny that you complain about it so much and in the end still buy it.

I think it should be clear by now that Lego does not care about what style in building you would like to have, or that the new 21/22 sets will not fit optically to the old ones.

Their main focus is selling. If you have a theme that is limited to a "small" world (I know the HP universe is big but the movies 1-6 are entirely only about Hogwarts and a hand full of location outside the school) there are only so many sets you can create before running out of material. And then what? Of course they need to reboot since they want to sell more.

Sets like the great hall, hogwarts express or Hagrids hut sold the best and so they need to be redsigned and released new if the sales should keep up. Who would buy the redesigned sets if it almost looks entire like the old ones?

From a company point of view it makes total sense. At the same time they can increase the prices and make even more profit. Take the new clock "tower", 50eurs for a set that stands on three 8x8 plates, is 1-2 floors high and comes with 4 minifigs and in total 510pcs, compared to the 2019 clock tower for 90€, 8 Minifigs and 922 pcs. Yet still you will buy it. So why should they care about your compaints?


Who is in charge of the line if Marcos Bessa left? 

1 minute ago, NoOneOfImportance said:

Who is in charge of the line if Marcos Bessa left? 

He is still working in the theme as a designer so he has not left. Not sure who is the new design lead, depends on the person I guess If we find out. There is a lot of designers that stay away from fan-media and interviews so hard to know what they are working on then :shrug_oh_well: 

The new moments sets look ok I guess, the DADA one looks rather boring though. Hopefully the new Moody is a meaningful upgrade. New Trelawney is nice and happy to get a school robes Parvati but don’t know what they’re reusing that hairpiece on Harry for - I’ve never been a fan of it and it’s inconsistent with the usual part from POA sets used again in the new hospital wing. It’ll be nice to get the new printed pages in the books for each subject even if the lime green cover is a bit garish.

I actually really like the look of the hospital wing set. I’ve stopped expecting anything resembling Hogwarts from the films and think this looks interesting enough with good parts to use in mocs. Really like the paler window colours which I actually think are accurate as well and will look great from the inside. The figures look great as well, new hairpiece for Pomfrey is great. Hoping for time turner, Bertie Botts, new owl, skelegro too.

For what it’s worth I think the 2019 clock tower set is the best looking exterior of any minifigure scale Hogwarts set ever - the perfect balance of being Lego-ified with slightly exaggerated details but staying very closely influenced by the source material.

4 hours ago, Micmac said:

And the childish first movie stuff is such a lame answer from him, lego are making sets for the very dark looking new batman movie. Lego can always find sets no matter how dark a movie gets. They made a set with a baby Voldemort that you put in a pot with blood a hand and a bone of his father,  and he is reborn in flames into a pasty half snake version of himself. How did that get made but we can't have a tent with the trio in the woods or the wedding tent or shell cottage. These are very tame sets that I think people would like for the new prints of the trio. 

Honestly most of Bessa's comments regarding the new system, lack of DH sets, etc are/were just very hard to wrap my head around. Pretty much as soon as you take a minute to actually think about what he just said you'll be able to poke major holes in pretty much every single argument.

4 hours ago, Balrogofmorgoth said:

Yeah, I no longer trust Bessa with this theme. 


Dropping the 2018-2020 style killed this theme in my opinion 

Agreed on both points. Bessa is a fantastic designer but I'm really glad he's no longer calling the shots when it comes to this theme. 

3 hours ago, Flixter said:

Don't get me wrong, the exterior was highly detailed but this isn't the thing I care most in the sets, especially in Hogwarts

The interiors in the new sets are just as bland and uninteresting as the ones from the old sets though, with most interesting details coming from stickers.

1 hour ago, Axxe90 said:

Getting a bit tired of reading the complaints here about Lego being unfair for having a new style theme in the HP sets which will continue for the next few years. Kinda funny that you complain about it so much and in the end still buy it.

1. Getting a new style of Hogwarts sets isn't necessarily the problem here, it's how poorly designed these sets are.
2. Who says those who dislike the new style still buy the sets regardless? I can only speak for myself but spending a considerable amount of money on sets I heavily dislike is about the last thing I'd do.

Hot take incoming: After the last four years, I actually don't really care about further Hogwarts expansions; old style, new style, or otherwise :tongue: Instead, I'd much rather they focus on other locations. Of course I realise it's a bit silly to ask for them to focus on stuff other than school locations in a franchise surrounding a magical school, but still :grin:

Maybe the new castle style was driven by a want for more mid-range sets? Sets like the Slytherin bathroom, Fluffy's area, and this new Clock Tower/hospital wing may have seemed hard to fit in to the old pattern of releasing one large set per year to represent a relatively specific area of Hogwarts. I'm guessing not many people would be interested in a $90 "Hogwarts Bathrooms" set. And building off of that, I have to wonder if it's also a factor of the theme being drawn to the earlier years which mostly take place in Hogwarts.

I know they're not perfect, but I'd rather have sets that at least make up a castle section than something like the Room of Requirement which is just a wall and can't fit into any display.

7 minutes ago, BrickBob Studpants said:

Hot take incoming: After the last four years, I actually don't really care about further Hogwarts expansions; old style, new style, or otherwise :tongue: Instead, I'd much rather they focus on other locations. Of course I realise it's a bit silly to ask for them to focus on stuff other than school locations in a franchise surrounding a magical school, but still :grin:

I do actually agree. The one good thing I have to say about these godawful new Hogwarts sets is that they made me realise I'm pretty happy with my Hogwarts as is, though it will sadly never be completed with official products. Seeing LEGO shift their attention to locations that are actually new and desirable would be a good change, granted the sets are actually well designed of course :tongue:

There are still plenty of sets they can release out of Hogwarts Castle

-Shrieking Shack

-Ministry of Magic

-Godric's Hollow

-Malfoy Manor

.Grimmauld Place

-Hogsmeade (expansion)

Maybe it's time to explore those instead of releasing the same Hogwarts sections over and over again?

The problem is that they don't want to release DH sets, and that's the book/movies with the most locations out of Hogwarts 

3 hours ago, Roebuck said:

He is no longer in charge anyway, but the is a fantastic designer that now will make even more sets:sweet:. I agree with what @Clone OPatra say below, if this had been SW the fans would have cried of joy to get sets and minifigs like this..


Yes, for 2-3 years until the next reboot. Unless this style is selling so bad that they must go back to the former style to save the theme I do not think they will, and I do not think the sets are selling bad at all :shrug_oh_well:

Awesome, I actually like this way of doing things for a change.  The endless possibilities of sets we can get without limits to the actual build is a nice change up.  

It would be nice to get dorms for all four houses and common rooms however I think they may only do this for Gryffindor and Slytherin. I feel a detailed rather large Gryffindor common room would be welcome though, along with the fat lady door.  A lot of screen time was spent in there.

I also think Dumbledore’s office needs to be done justice with a large scale area, not just his chair and a shelf.  It’d be nice to see the sofa area at the back, a large area surrounding the desk with bookshelf’s etc, along with the stairs leading to the upper area with the walkway covered by railings.  

There are so many areas yet to cover in the castle that I think is needed before getting a rebooted version, as I said common rooms/dorms, Dumbledore’s office, classrooms and offices, room of requirement, the library (if done big enough it could be awesome), other areas from the philosophers stone and the moving staircase.  I’m sure there is more to. 

Edited by Legoman123

I think Marcos is a good designer but I have to be honest, I thought Diagon Alley was a complete disappointment, which is why I sold it shortly after building. Committing to the whole street made each building feel small half size, and the pink building was just plain ugly. I want more expensive sets and buildings but I hope they go in a different direction in the future, especially if this theme is around for the long haul. 

I think the theme is in a bit of an identity crisis right now, and I’m curious where it’s heading.

Edited by Modal

If anyone is looking for something to pass time till March wave release I would like to share with you my first serious HP design - The Hogwarts Founders’ Wizard Cards Challenge


I've created a separate topic for it here :classic:

Pretty neat they are making Trelawneys Deathly hallows pt 2 costume.   likely cause that is the version displayed in the exibit but cool that its not a redo of the cmf

17 hours ago, Robert8 said:

There are still plenty of sets they can release out of Hogwarts Castle

-Shrieking Shack

-Ministry of Magic

-Godric's Hollow

-Malfoy Manor

.Grimmauld Place

-Hogsmeade (expansion)

Maybe it's time to explore those instead of releasing the same Hogwarts sections over and over again?

The problem is that they don't want to release DH sets, and that's the book/movies with the most locations out of Hogwarts 

Decent list, I would also add little tent set from Quidditch World Cup attack from GoF and Inferi lake set from HBP. Dont forget there are also few Diagon Alley buildings we could still potentiallty get like Leaky Cauldron (teased in advent calendar), Gringotts (basically the most wanted set atm) or Borgin and Burkes (teased in minifigure pack I think).


16 hours ago, Modal said:

I think Marcos is a good designer but I have to be honest, I thought Diagon Alley was a complete disappointment, which is why I sold it shortly after building. Committing to the whole street made each building feel small half size, and the pink building was just plain ugly. I want more expensive sets and buildings but I hope they go in a different direction in the future, especially if this theme is around for the long haul. 

Speaking of DA I think for majority of fans it is currently "the Holy Grail" of this theme so I dont think they are done with modular buildings for the future. Also they already went in a different direction by making the Hogwarts icons D2C set.

Edited by Textorix

So it's weird that the Infirmary bends the wrong way around right? Or is that just me? I don't understand why they didn't go with hinge plates on the interior to make it bend the other way. 

1 hour ago, Textorix said:

Speaking of DA I think for majority of fans it is currently "the Holy Grail" of this theme so I dont think they are done with modular buildings for the future. Also they already went in a different direction by making the Hogwarts icons D2C set.


I am not so familiar with other LEGO themes, but hasn't Star Wars this alternating order of always releasing a display D2C (Gunship, Millennium Falcon) and a play D2C afterwards (Death Star, Mos Cantina)?

Could it be that we will have a similar order when it comes to the Harry Potter D2Cs? 

First we had the Hogwarts castle which is a really nice display model but hard to play with, then last year DA which is a great play set (also great for display) and now this year Hogwarts Icon which is just a display set.

So chances should be high to get a minifig scale D2C play set again, right?

I’d agree that the hospital wing definitely looks like it’s the top half of a tower and that a bottom part will likely follow for a different scene. I’m not a great fan of these new sets (mainly because I have all the previous iterations and I’m loathed to spend my money twice on the ‘same’ sets…) but I’ll begrudgingly accept that the concept is pretty good and that for kids it definitely has more playability.

and for the rest of us, there’s always the new minifigures, and I’m always happy to see those!

Better quality pictures of new sets are now on instagram and all of trio minifigures in Hospital Wing set are exclusive, they have dirt stains printing. I am now very excited about that set. 

This new trailer is incredible, it'd be criminal if LEGO just totally skips this film.


The new torsos are a great addition especially as it'll be fun to display Harry and Hermione in worn attire watching their previously pristine selves!

The new Moody torso looks really nice and the Trelawney outfit is a nice change.

Trying to work out whether we've got new faceprints for the trio, Neville and Parvati but it's still a bit blurry.  I especially hope that they've updated Hermione's 3rd year+ face as I really don't like the original, if they have updated with the face from the second CMF series or something new then that would be fantastic.

Also just another mention of how terrible the hair piece is for Harry in the Divination moments set!  Doesn't fit the film at all and inconsistent with all but one (well below average) previous minifigure.

39 minutes ago, lego_guyon02 said:

This new trailer is incredible, it'd be criminal if LEGO just totally skips this film.

Excuse me??

I thought the books established that Dumbledore never knew about the Room of Requirements until the events of the Harry Potter saga


39 minutes ago, lego_guyon02 said:

This new trailer is incredible, it'd be criminal if LEGO just totally skips this film.

Won’t surprise me based off how poor the previous sets sold if we don’t get sets for the movie

4 minutes ago, Robert8 said:

Excuse me??

I thought the books established that Dumbledore never knew about the Room of Requirements until the events of the Harry Potter saga

- Dumbledore found the Mirror of Erised in the Room of Requirement. 
- The Room of Requirement once appeared to him as a bathroom when he was bursting for the loo.
- The Room of Hidden Things has a considerable amount of items from students, teachers, etc in it. Considering the amount of time in his live spent at Hogwarts it's highly unlikely Dumbledore wouldn't have known about it.

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