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Entries for the Design your own Indy Movie contest go here. Here's mine! :tongue:


Indiana Jones and the Tree of Knowledge

(Set six months after The Last Crusade)

After they reconcile the Joneses wisely decide to keep working separately, so Indy goes back to the University and Henry starts looking for his second dream, one that he never talks about. However, only a short time passes before he receives word via Sallah that Henry has been captured by the Germans; somehow they have heard of his recovery via the Holy Grail and they want proof before they consider a major excavation. Indy isn't sure of how they plan to achieve this, but he isn't prepared to risk his father being tortured or dissected so he picks up his gun, whip and hat, and abandons scores of doe eyed (female) students yet again.

The scene below is in the first 30 minutes of the movie and has Indy rescuing his father. In short, after he finds the base where Henry is, he finds decides that this plane is his best escape chance. As it turns out, it's an advanced prototype VTOL night fighter which has never been flown before... and as a test plane it has a tracking device built in...


The rest of the movie involves the search for the Tree of Knowledge, the one that Adam and Eve dined on.... :oh:

My entry:

Indiana Jones and the Throne of Christ

(set 3 years after Raiders)

After finding the Ark of the Covenant, Dr. Henry Jones is another quest this time for the Throne of Christ. But the Nazis are after it, too. Indy's new rivel is Colonel Grabenboush. Legend has it that whoever wears the armor of Christ posses unlimited power. It's up to Indy to retrieve the armor before the Nazi's do.

This scene takes place in the last 20 minutes of the film as Indy enters the Temple of Christ. The minifigs are Indiana Jones, Colonel Grabenboush, Nazi Soldier, and Chrit's Skeleton. Folder when public. Tell me what you think!

Heres mine:

Indiana Jones and the Quest of the Gods

I told you a bit about this on the disscusion thread, but heres the main idea:

Indy and Mutt are in a race with the Soviets to get three Greek and Roman mythology based artifacts. Legend says that bringing all three together in a shire in Athens will awaken the gods and give the waker unlimited life and power, so Indy and Mutt cant let the Soviets get that. Indy and Mutt find out the three locations and the three artifacts: The Trident of Posiden in Atlantis (which the Soviets find first), The Lightning of Zues in the Pindos Moutains (Indy and Mutt got it), and the Staff of Hades inside Pompeii in Rome (Indy and Mutt got it, but the Soviets stole it when they tried to return it to the pedastel).


Indy and Mutt try to return the staff of Hades to the pedastel only to be met by Soviets and a brotherhood who wants god powers. (I didnt intend for the guy in the black to look like Jesus.) :tongue: The Soviets also took the lightning of Zues.


Without figs. The landscape is crubling white stone with unattended plants popping out through the cracks.


i wonder who that is?? :tongue:

so the story ends like this: All three artifacts are placed in the pedastel. The whole place is overwhelmed by the elements of lightning, water, and fire. The soviets and brotherhood are all killed, and Indy and Mutt barely escape. Indy comes to the conclusion that the god Athena didnt want for the gods to rule again, and the humans shouldnt have god powers.

..so how was it? Comments are welcome in the disscusssion thread! :sweet:

EDIT: oops four pics. had to take the machine gun truck out anyways because that would make 11 figs.

Edited by JimButcher

My entry is set not too long after K.O.T.C.S:

Indiana Jones and the Mines of Manhattan

Indy was asked to substitute/lecture at N.Y.U. While there he read some books, made some friends and maybe some enemies. He sees a few men in black suits regularly in the library. Suspicious. He decides to look at the books they seem to be reading. They are mystery and history. After finishing one of the mystery books (about an underground tunnel in New York) Indy asks around, and surprisingly the tunnels are a myth. Supposedly filled with Native American artifacts (put there before the island was sold) , the tunnels intrigued him and naive Indy sets off. With Mutt alongside, nothing can stop them. Or can it/they/thee?

This scene takes place just before Indy has decided to go looking. Mutt has just stopped a robbery in his new favourite malt shop. The robbers capture him and bring him to their warehouse. Indy receives word and races to his rescue. Leaving work, Indy is in his suit and only has time to grab his hat. When he arrives:


He subdues a guard and takes his gun. He heads inside.


He cant see past the boxes, so he listens.


Now we know exactly whats going on. 2 Tommy guns and a knife are gonna be hard to beat.

Well, thats my entry. I hope those pics worked

Edited by Skinny Boy

My entry is set one year before KOTCS.

Indiana Jones and the Staff of Moses

Five years after the death of his father, Indiana Jones is given a high priority mission from the Army. He is sent deep into Soviet Russia to rescue a soldier that is being held prison. This soldier is said to know the location of Moses' grave. Indy and Sgt. Campbell must race against Soviet forces and mercenaries to find the grave(and staff) of Moses before they do. This scene is the climax of the movie, right before the main villain's death. They are in Moses' grave in Jordan, and Tom (the main villain) is using Moses' staff to flood it. Sgt. Campbell is telling Tom that he will shoot him if he doesn't stop. Indy is fighting one of Tom's mercenaries. The men in the Dark Tan are Soviet deserters on Indy's side.




This is a day fo first for me here at EB... my first MOC posted and my first contest!

So, here it is:

Indiana Jones and the Spear of Destiny

It is 1940. Henry Jones Sr. has been captured by a mysterious Nazi captain known only as Schreier. Indy is tipped off by Marcus Brody and immediately sets out to Italy, his father's last known location. In Italy he discovers through the Brothers of the Cruciform Sword that the Nazis seek the SPEAR OF DESTINY, the spear that punctured Jesus' side as he was on the cross and delivering the fatal wound. Having foiled the previous attempts by the Nazis to claim the Ark of the Covenant and the Holy Grail, Indy sets out to prevent this relic from falling into enemy hands.

One step behind the Nazis Indy sees his father put onto large boat with seven armed guards and Herr Schreier himself. In Schreier's hands Indy sees a spear and knows that the Nazis have succeeded in finding the Spear of Destiny. Knowing that the Nazis want him dead Indy makes sure that he is seen so he can be "captured" and brought on board the boat where he can have a chance at retaking the Spear and turning it over to the proper authorities.

After borrowing a fountain pen from his father Indy blinds a guard when he brings food to the Jones'. Seizing this chance Indy grabs the guards pistol and rushes to the top deck where he finds Schreier. This is where my pictures take place.


Here we see Indy knocking Schreier down. Below Henry Sr. is knocking a guard overboard with his briefcase. The guard who is blinded leans up against the wall below as the other soldiers rush to help Schreier. The deck gun is aimed at the bridge to finish Indy off if necessary. In Schreier's hand we see the Spear of Destiny.


This is the cast of the scene. Indy and his father in the back. Schreier (on the left in the front) holds the Spear of Destiny (an old castle halberd with the blade removed leaving it as a lance) and his loyal soldiers.

Finally, a shot of just the boat:


Indy manages to retake the Spear and escape from Schreier and his men. He and Henry Sr. grab a life raft and manage to get back to Italy. The guard manning the cannon attempts to fire at them as they jump overbpoard but only manages to make a large hole in the hull as Henry and as Indy float away the boat sinks. Indy learns the truth about the Spear after further research in the Vatican: Its possesor is granted eternal life as long it can be called their possession. However, if this relic changes hands the penalty is death unless the Spear is voluntarily handed over. With no hesitation Indy gives the spear to Barnett College for further study and is not affected by the curse which the Spear of Destiny bears.

Please don't mind the LexMark logo... I had to shoot this on my printer as I have just moved and no other real option. Below is a link to the wikipedia entry about the Spear of destiny: Spear of Destiny

Edited by meschepers

Indiana Jones and the post-apoc Block-Block wok MOC (with extra NannanZ and pooZ)

On a trip through Block-Block land to retrieve the Wok of Power, our hero has been captured by evil Nannan drones! Luckily Sinner is saving the day by summoning the Army of the Last Pooz with his Staff of Roll, although he didn't count on the stench (odd, considering he likes a lot of smelly people, eh Stinkley? :tongue: ). Whatsmore, the Evil Penguin of Block-Block is abducting the Wok of Power with his space craft, although he hasn't installed a "Beam me up, Snotty" device yet, so has to revert to more primitive means.


Points of reference -

Nannan's Contortion


Moko's Ipod


Ice Cube Tray

All poo types have been verified against the Bristol Stool Form Scale.

Edited by SlyOwl

My entry:

Indiana Jones and the Prophecy of Power

It is 1943, the height of Germany's power in World War 2. Indy is fighting alongside his best mate Mac, fellow soldier. While Indiana Jones is a patriotic man, the government demands he be relieved of service temporarily and relocated for a special mission. At first Indiana does not understand, and upset that Mac will not be following him, but the Government reveals that Indy's archenemies - The Nazis - are once again under Hitler's orders to find an artifact that will give Germany dominance in the war. This artifact is known only as the Sacred Tablet, said to be a scripture sent by the lost civilisation's Gods themselves, imbued with a special writing that once spoke, will give that man and his allies total dominion and invincibility for 100 years after which it must be read again. Indiana is ordered to team up with the honourable Russian, Colonel Grishenko and his team, to first find the ancient map in the heart of Russia before Nazi special agent Gerdhaht does, and then travel to the Amazon in Brazil to find the legendary temple. He is aided by Grishenko's right hand woman, the beautiful Anya Romanov, who begins to fall for him. But as the team boats down the wild river, they must face deadly creatures, forces of nature, the Nazis, and a man who could be more dangerous than all of them, a man who well could want the tablet for himself: Colonel Grishenko.

This scenes takes place at the climax of the film, where Grishenko, having betrayed Indy and Anya and the good Russian soldiers, has taken his more loyal troops to attain the tablet. Trouble ensues as the Nazis, though in a smaller force, arrive lead by Agent Gerdhaht and engage in a gunfight with Grishenko and his troops. The Natives residing there are quickly dispatched by the evil men. Indy and Anya, having been tipped off by one of the good Russian troops before he died, flee to the temple with enemies on all sides closing in.


The action approaches the front gate as the four main players followed by the troops race inside:


The gunfight between the three factions moves into the temple itself, with Anya wedged in a small corner defending herself as men on both sides meet their ends, by bullets or the temple's twisted traps. Grishenko finds the tablet but is tackled by Indy, determined for the first time in his life to destroy an artifact, a fact he is having desperate trouble with. As the two engage in a fistfight among a gunfight, Agent Gerdhaht starts reading the tablet:


Here is how it ends if you wish to read, but I will say you can have your own ending:

As Gerdhaht reads the tablet Indy manages to push Grishenko off the ledge, biding him time to stop Gerdhaht. The gunfight stops as a loud humming is heard as each further word is spoken, gaining more power as he reads on. Indy pulls Gerdhaht down off the platform with him, but unfortunately the Nazi agent lands nearest to the tablet near the safety of German gunmen. Luckily as the Agent reaches for the tablet, Indiana notices that he is nearby a deadly trap that killed a russian earlier and just in time pushes the "button" in the floor, causing Gerdhaht to be sent screaming down a pit onto a bed of stakes, and the tablet now nearest to Jones. The Nazis continue to fight a hopeless fight against the Russians as they have failed to be granted invincibility, and Indy and Anya escape outside. Anya demands to Indy that he destroy the cursed artifact, but he cannot bring himself to. Unknown to him, Colonel Grishenko has come to and is racing across the ground desperate for power. Indy finally brings himself to destroy it, and as Grishenko dives in horror to the broken tablet he is mutilated and burnt alive by the power being released. Indy dispatches the last two remaining Grishenko troops as a Russian helicopter touches down, from a call Indy gave earlier on the boat (before escaping) after discovering Grishenko's betrayal. Indy and Anya are lifted off together, sharing one last night together before Indy is whisked back to WW2. The ending is bittersweet, but Indiana Jones looks forward to returning to his mate Mac, and has learned that not all artifacts or things should be kept for man to see.

Hope you liked the story, more pics here:


And here for the temple:


I really wanted to put a twist where the Nazis weren't actually the main villains, and that the Russians were not entirely bad, instead just greedy Grishenko and about half his men (the other half were killed). I also didn't want any villain to die from performing the artifact ritual as the other films had, but instead die as a result of the artifact being broken. Hope you enjoyed it, I enjoyed writing it :blush:

Batbrick Away! :devil:

Edited by Batbrick

Indiana Jones and the the Search for Noah's Ark

It's 1944, and as the tide of World War II begins to shift, Hitler and his Nazi's become increasingly desperate for a super weapon. After tales of the secret power of Noah's Ark come to light through ancient scripture kept out of the Bible in it's first inception, Hitler sends out his best men in search for the Ark. It is believed that anybody who can restore the Ark will have complete control over the sea, which was delivered by God to Noah and the Ark to ensure it's safety. With this in mind, Hitler wishes to use it to flood the lands of the allies, as well as destroy all non Axis navies, bringing every nation to the knees of Germany in fear of this newfound power.

Indiana is sent to ensure that the Ark does not fall into the hands of the Nazi's, and in doing so he is taken through Germany, Russia and Turkey in the quest to find...and possibly destroy Noah's Ark.

The Scene of the Film takes place late in the film. Indiana found Noah's Ark before the Nazi's but they followed him and while he managed to escape, they seized the Ark. The scene is situated at a German Checkpoint which goes into into the millitary base where the Ark is being rebuilt. Indiana decides that to get in he will hide inside one of the German Vehicles and get taken inside. Unfortunately for Indy...things don't go to plan...


A view of the whole scene. As you can see here there is a machine gun nest (of sorts) as main protection. As well as an building and general overseeing area for guards. If you look, you should be able to see Indy peeking out of the truck. In front of the truck is a similar style of checkpoint as the Chase set from the first series with Snr, only more advanced...I think haha


Better look at the nest and the boxes besides it. Felt it would be more appropriate to set something up like that


A side view of the building, and a better look at the checkpoint bit itself.

Hope you guys like it. And as for how it finishes, well I'll leave it up to your imagination, although I like to picture a massive fire which makes a climatic fight/action scene that little bit extra 'epic' as the Nazi's try to stop Indy as well as the fire destroying Noah's Ark :oh3:

heres mine:Indian Jones And The Sword Of Kings

(4 years before Raiders)

in Indy's latest adventure, we find him looking for king Arthurs Sword itself Excaliber, his search begins after looking through his fathers notes, he finds a lead amongst the tails of the holy grail, "he Who finds the staff of merlin shall hold the key to finding the ancient sword", Indy finds a map as to where he can find the stone that was once the head of merlins staff, he is off to the forests of india to find the stone. on his wway to india, Jones realizes that his rival Rene Beloch is looking for the sword aswell. Indy Traverses the jungle facing perilous pitfalls until he finally finds the stone and merlins journalbut the local athorities are on his tail!


Indy at the Srine

Indy manages to sneak out of the country safely but Belloch is tracking his every move followig Indy into Einglands Rocky coast to find out Excaliburs resting place, his journey takes him cliffside into an Ancient cave, Belloch finally confronts Indy and this leads to an epic tresure hunter duel, through all the awsome epicness Indy manages to uncover the sword (not without destroying the cave ofcorse, lol) indy now heds for the exit with sword in hand Belloch chasing him all the way.


(Indy making a great escape)

Indy dives off the cliff leaving Belloch shaking his fists, but as Indy plummits towards the water he loses grip of the sword. the sworddrops into the deep sea and is never seen again while Indy swims to safety.

The End

(now my fingers hurt lol, but not a bad story for thinking it up on the spot eh?)

Indiana Jones and Cromwell's Talisman

In Ireland, in the 1600s, A British ruler named Cromwell destroyed various Irish castles and killed many villagers. He had almost taken over Ireland when he discovered a beautiful crystal idol in the depths of a castle. For some reason, his mind was taken over by it. Cromwell took it almost anywhere, it was like a child's teddy bear. One day, Cromwell went insane, and failed to take over Ireland, when a rebellion started. He and all his men were killed, but before he died, he buried the talisman in the mountains.

Now it is 1920. When Indiana Jones was put to the task of recovering the talisman, he gathered his gear and left for the Irish mountains. At this time, there was already trouble. Another rebellon was beginning to threaten the British who still ruled Ireland. Not only would Indiana Jones need to recover that talisman, but also avoid the British. In his journeys, Indy has sided with the Irish rebels, in hope of some back-up.

Once Indiana Jones has finally uncovered the talisman, he and his friends are caught by British troops!

Indiana fights them off with his talisman in one hand, and the whip in the other, and he is able to use his skills to remove the rifle from a the infantry.


His rebel friends have set up the boat for a quick escape, and are calling for Indiana Jones to flee.


Indiana turns away and sprints to the boat, with the soldiers on his tail. Not only are there soldiers, but they have a car! Indiana must pray the current is fast enough to escape by boat!


Indiana Jones and the Quest for the Golden Ants

We find our hero in another adventure. On the outskirts of an African jungle, Indy goes to return an ancient Golden Ant to it’s original shrine. But besides hordes of killer Siafu Ants, our friend is not alone…




Thanks. :classic:

Indiana Jones and the alchemical marvel

In 1944, rebellion strikes in Nazi occupied Poland. The Germans, feeling the effects of the war, must find a weapon to save them in the battle.

Hearing small tales of a great weapon hidden in the Tatry (Polish mountain range), they head a small reconnaisance group to get the treasure.

The treasure is the alleged culimination of 500 years of alchemist work. The alchemists, formely in Spain, were excomunicated during the Spanish Inquisition and moved to Poland with the other non-catholics. They protected thier greatest treasure; the Golden Diamond.


Infinetly malleable and hard as diamond, it is truly the greatest substance. The nazis could use it to create unstoppable tanks.

This is the climax where the two alchemist guardians are in the temple while Indy runs away from nazi's








Indy and the Nazis are forced to work together to kill the guardians ( who can stop bullets with thier hands), the Nazis killed and all but one of the guardians survive. As a gift, he lets Indy escape with his life.

This is my first internet moc :blush:

and contest entry :blush::blush:

Indiana Jones and the Castle In The Sky


Legend tells of a magnificent castle in the clouds filled with golden eggs but guarded by a terrible GIANT!

No aliens here, but maybe some magic beans.

Indiana Jones and the Secret of the Silver Swan

It is 1938 and Europe is on the eve of battle. The industrial war-mills of Nazi Germany billow black smoke across half a continent. So far the effect of the Nazi menace has not yet threatened England’s green and pleasant shores. At St Cedd.’s College, Cambridge, Dr Indiana Jones is taking a well-deserved sabbatical and visiting his old colleague, Professor Edgar Turnweather and his daughter and assistant, the auburn-haired and tempestuous Felicity. One of Turnweather’s recent archaelogical digs at an ancient Stone Circle near Salisbury has uncovered evidence of the existence of a supposedly legendary Celtic artifact – the Silver Swan. In Celtic tradition, the Swan was a shape-shifter who could take human form – indeed, the typical tale of the swan maiden who is forced to marry a mortal is common in many folklores. Amongst Druids however, the Swan also represents the soul and is associated with All Hallow’s Eve, the Festival of Samhain, also known as the Devil. The swan is also believed to assist passage between worlds.

Little does Professor Turnweather know that his research into the Druidic cults is of particular interest to the supernaturally-influenced higher echelons of the Nazi Party, who believe that the Silver Swan’s transformative powers may assist them in the coming war. What better secret agent than one who can change from man to bird and back again? And indeed, what better way to insure victory than to open a gateway between dimensions and strike a deal with the Devil himself? Nazi spies have been dispatched to keep a close eye on Turnweather and his friends.

Meanwhile, Indiana Jones has been fending off the advances of Felicity Turnweather, not wanting raise the ire of his old friend the Professor. Spurned, the hot-headed Felicity storms off to investigate the Stone Circle site all on her lonesome. When she fails to return by midnight, Indiana suddenly becomes worried. What if reports of recent Druidic activity are true? Could it be that the Druids age-old practice of blood sacrifice is being resurrected at Salisbury? And what is the significance of the mysterious solid silver swan statue which Indy has found concealed in Felicity’s study?


Scene 1: Secret of the Stone Circle


Indy arrives at the Stone Circle in the early hours of the morning. The site is abandoned, save for the cooing of the owls and the squeaking of local bats. Unable to see a clear path to the Circle, he uses his whip to fasten onto a gnarled branch and drags himself up to the abandoned circle. Where is Felicity? The earth seems to rumble slightly beneath his feet. He listens closely... is that chanting? He approaches the stone altar in the centre of the circle. Tracing his fingers over engraved imprints on the stone, he realises that the marks match the design of the Silver Swan statue left in Felicity's room. Quickly he positions the glinting artefact in the middle of the stone table...

Excited, Indy does not notice that a motorbike has pulled up in the clearing below. Klaus Krankenherzen, Nazi agent, switches off the ignition and pulls out his pistol, ready to ambush the meddlesome American.


Scene 2: Dressed for Death!


Up above, the stone table in the centre of the circle rumbles and cracks open. Indy grabs the Silver Swan and drops through the secret passage which has suddenly been revealed. He finds himself in a warmly lit subterranean temple, the stone walls drooping with vines. Two Druids have tied Felicity to a stone bench and dressed her in sacrificial white robes. The female Druid leader raises a glinting blade above Felicity's chest. 'In the name of Samhain, take the blood of this innocent and reveal yourself to us, O Dark Lord!' screams the Druidess.

Indy uses his whip to deftly flick the dagger away. He knocks a sconce from the wall and sets the straw-covered floor of the temple on fire. Amidst the flames and confusion, he spies an exit hewn from the rock of the rear temple wall. He grabs Felicity and bundles her to safety.


Scene 3: Escape to Danger


Indy and Felicity follow the gloomy tunnel through the rockface. Glimpsing moonlight, Indy pushes aside the undergrowth and the pair find themselves at the exit of the secret passage, located just below the Stone Circle itself.

'You took your time!' yells Felicity.

'Lady - you should be grateful I came at all,' Indy says laconically.

'Really?' purrs Felicity. 'Why? What else is that whip handy for?'

'Enough chatter!' snaps Klaus as he steps from the shadows, aiming his pistol squarely at Felicity. 'Now, Dr Jones, you will hand the Silver Swan to me...'

TO BE CONTINUED.... (Note that this is only the first introductory act of the movie; the story continues in true Indy fashion with exciting escapades, chilling chases and amazing misadventures until the true secret of the Silver Swan is finally revealed :wink:)

Design notes - see also full entry thread here:

* Stone table really opens to reveal subterranean temple!

* Altar piece lifts off for easy access to temple interior!

* Secret passage actually connects temple to exterior!

* Silver swan statue really transforms minifigs into large birds (Actually... not really :wink:)

Edited by svelte_corps

Exactly 4 months after Temple Of Doom.

The story:

Indiana Jones and Short Round have teamed up with with a British Captain and two of his men to search for one of the lost "magic" Incan Sunstones. Deep in the Jungle the party finds the small shrine and the Golden Sunstone for which it was built.


The party soon returns to the river where the boat they hired is waiting. After hours of traveling the jungle river they are almost back to the dock and their truck, but unfortunatly Germans are CRAZY for Gold and a small two-man patrol boat appears out of nowhere to try and stop the group!


They made it to the Dock, and their truck with no time to lose! Now to deal with the German Checkpoint and the guard staffing it...


The Sunstone will now be admired and apreciated by all, from it's pedastal in the Smithsonian. :classic:

Indiana Jones and the Golden Fleece

The government of Greece has contacted a famous archaeologist for a new quest. This time Indiana Jones has to find the Golden Fleece, a mythological fleece which said to represent royal power to the one who has it. Indiana sets

immediately sail to Greece, but the government of Russia is also after this mighty object and they aren't affraid to use violence. Like Jason and his band of Argonauts did, Indiana Jones and his new compagnons have to do three different tasks to obtain the Golden Fleece, including the defeat of the dragon that guards the Golden Fleece.

These are the three tasks Jason had to do (and Indiana Jones):

- Curb the firebreathing bulls and plough with them a field

- Plant dragon teeth, and defeat the army that grew from those theeth (that did Jason by throwing a magical stone in their middle)

- Defeat the always watching dragon that guards the Fleece

I have chosen for the last task Indiana has to do: defeat the dragon. This is an overview of the MOC:


At the point Indiana wants to take the Golden Fleece, Rick (his compagnon through the movie) says: "Okay, Indy, hand me over that Fleece, it's for my government!" "What?! Then... Who are you?" says Indiana. "I'm a Russian undercover agent, now hand me over that Fleece so we can rule the world! Or the girl goes dead!"


Luna screams: "Oh my, Indy! WATCH OUT! BEHIND YOU!" The torn goes out with a single breath of the thing behind Indiana. He turns and he can't believe his eyes: the legend about the dragon is also true.


The movie ends like a real Indiana Jones would end: the Russian agent Rick is eaten by the dragon, Indiana Jones saves the girl just before she was about to be eaten and at the last moment he grabs the Golden Fleece. Then the cave collapses and the dragon is dead, but Indy escapes.


Edited by Matn

Indiana Jones and journey to space

secret German astronauts are going to space, and Indy must go with them! can Indy travel hidden in truck across the desert, go to rocket and travel to space? scene is from middle of the movie.




figs in my signature. moc is built with my uncles old bricks, whose are in my grandparents' cottage.

Edited by pig

If anyone makes something stupidly huge I'll be blaming you Batbrick! :devil:

Okay, here we go:

Indiana Jones and Gods clock!

Greece, 1942.

The Germans has begun the war with Japan and the USA, a few months ago. Soldiers from the italian army have found a museum in Athens and have stolen the Antikythera mechanism. They informed the Gestapo (Geheime Staatspolizei). They sended a little troop of soldiers to Greece, leaded by Oberst Bäcker. But Japan and Russia heard from this mechanism too and wanted to steal it back. Meanwhile, Indiana Jones met a friendly man and his girlfriend. They wanted to go to Greece because the mechanism, too. They told Indiana about the mechanism. So, Indiana Jones and the travellers were on the way to Greece, where they were found by a group of russian soldiers. The russians were on the way to a german platoon that´s on the way to the mechanism. After a exciting battle, where they captured the mechanism, Indy read in a book that Bäcker has lost during the fight. He found out that the mechanism is compatible with a little rock in the middle of nowhere. So Indy, the travellers and the russians are all out to find the rock and discover the big secret.

After a bunch of fighting and racing scenes, where the Germans and japanese soldiers abducted the travellers, the russian soldiers found the rock and because of the presence of the mechanism, a big tower came out of the ground. The Germans and japanese soldiers came to the place. Now it´s on Indy to cover the hidden secret of the mechanism and rescue his new friends.




And for those who likes the idea: I am thinking about doing a comic with this story.

P.S: Sorry for the paintings. On the original photos were more soldiers and I hadn´t the time to make new photos.

Edited by Navy Trooper Fenson

(set 3 months before Temple of Doom)

Indiana Jones And the Search for the Kings Mountain

Plot: Indy and his friend Wu Han must go to England to find the crown of a legendary king and unlock mystical powers before the Nazis find it.

This is near the climax of the movie where Indy and Wu are being chased by Nazis while heading to the old mage's tower to return the crown to its rightful owner, the deceased king. In the movie, this would cause a bright beam to shoot out of the castle and open up a cave in the nearby mountain.


Look out for spikes!


Meet the king!


Edited by AgentRick57



The Gates Of Atlantis

Link:Indiana Jones And The Gates Of Atlantis

Indiana Jones is in the deserts of Saudi Arabia,and after a chase in Mecca,(that ended up with the whole city chase him!)he,Henry Jones,and Sarah Edwards(this "movies" girl,It had to be one you know!)found the ruins of Cuar Jaddish,a temple its said that a group of Atlantians built as a hiding place (with A LOT of traps) when they sealed The Gates Of Atlantis.Indy just got past them,just for giving the Key to the German Nazis.They brought Panzercars and jeeps.Indys rival Nathan Leughlin is allied with Commander Garnoff and his German nazis.

Nathan is the one with the blond hair and Garnoff is the one with the hat.with his German Nazis.

Rest of the story is that the germans travel to Morocco (with a lot of fights and action under the journey) and out in the North Atlantic Ocean with a sub marine.

Then they open the gates of Atlantis and go in to the city and talks to a Man called The Guardian.When they open the gates water starts to flow in.Slowly at the start,but it comes more and more,so the Bad guys drown and Indy and Henry survives.Sarah drowns when she gives the key to The Guardian.The Key is now lost in Atlantis and the city itself is sunken and sealed forever.

Indy and Henry get saved by Sallah in his boat.

About one year after Ark Of The Covenant.

Story would have been much better with details but it would have taken forever to write,and I posted the thing the last day of the contest...

N joy!

PS:there is something that does that I cant down load pics to EB.Please be gentle,I had to put a link instead...

Ok, my entry is here just in time, it does have a long backstory, please be patient and read it. :tongue:

Indiana Jones and the Serpent Altar of Quetzalcoatl

The movie is set not long after the events of Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. Indiana and Marion are on their honeymoon in Mexico, which Indy is using, to Marion's dismay, as a chance to do more research on the Aztecs.

The newlyweds soon come across a strange old man named Monte, who tells them a story passed down through the generations of his family, about the Serpent Altar of Quetzalcoatl.

Apparently the altar is made of pure gold, and has the power to reanimate preserved corpses. Monte says it is kept atop of a tiny pyramid temple, hidden deep in the jungle. If any man enters its realm it will bring the mummified Aztec priest Quetzalopochtli back to life, and he will summon Quetzalcoatl, the great feathered serpent. Indy is interested by

this tale, but feels a little awkward because of his fear of snakes.

As Indy and Marion leave, they and Monte are captured and locked in a cell by three mysterious men, who say it is for their own protection. The leader of the group is the villainous Franciso Cortes and he demands to know about the altar. Monte, under pressure, tells him.

Indy, Marion and Monte manage to escape, and Indy phones Mutt in a cafe, asking for his help. Mutt arrives in an aeroplane and the three others meet him at the runway. Also at the runway is Francisco Cortes and his men. Indy overhears they are going to search the jungle from the skies to find Quetzalcoatl's temple, so he hijacks Mutt's plane with help from Marion and Monte, and they set off in an arial chase across the treetops.

Lots of shooting from the skies goes on between Indiana's and Cortes' planes, but neither plane gets too damaged. Eventually the passengers of both planes see the ruined temple with the shining altar atop, and Cortes' men shoot Indy's plane a little too much, which causes it to crash in the forest.

Indy, Marion, Mutt and Monte get out of their crashed plane and head for the little pyramid. When they are almost there, true to Monte's story, the mummy of Quetzalpochtli attacks them, and there is seemingly no way to kill him, but he seems to be afraid of Monte's small sword.

They get to the pyramid at the same time as Franciso Cortes and his men. Both groups blame each other for stealing the altar, but neither have. Cortes sneakily removes Indy's whip from him at the top of the pyramid, and he and his men aim their guns at Indy, Marion and Mutt, while Monte wards the mummy away with his sword, on the steps. Slowly, the rubble behind Cortes moves, and a feathered snake rises out of it, Quetzalcoatl, large, green and red. Cortes and his men do not notice, but Indy, Marion and Mutt do.

That is where this Lego-ized scene comes into place.




I hope you all like it, and good luck everyone! :thumbup:


Indiana Jones

and the Quest for the Philosopher's Brick Stone

It's 1939, one year after Last Crusade. Dr. Jones has discovered the diary of an alchemist who claims to have succeeded in achieving ultimate enlightment by creating the Philosopher's Stone, an object that posseses the power to turn any substance into gold and even provide long evity! He also wrote that he has hidden the stone to keep it from falling into the wrong hands and left clues on several items that tell where it is now hidden. So, Indiana Jones sets off on yet another adventure to find this alchemic marvel. The first item, as he remembered, was luckily in the possession of his father. When he visits him to ask him for the item, though, Dr. Jones Sr. only agrees on handing it over under the condition that his son takes him with him. You see, after his life-long quest for the Holy Grail had ended, the old man got quite bored. Also, to make matters worse, he became aware of the time he has spent on looking for the Grail and how old he has gotten, and was now in kind of a mid-life crisis! :laugh: Therefore, he intends to use the Stone's powers to get some of his youth back. Having no other choice, Indy accepts this condition. Together, they go on a journey through Egypt, India, China, and the near East to gather the remaining items. On their travels, they meet new allies like the young Asian girl Chan (who will follow and assist our hero for the rest of the movie), but also encounter a new enemy: Colonel Totenkopf, a sly, cold-hearted Nazi who has heard of the diary and the Stone from one of his spies, and will stop at nothing to get to it first and offer the great power of this object to his Führer. Usually with his signature walking stick with a blood-red diamond on it.

So, Indy, Chan, and Indy's dad always have a lot of Nazis to fight before they can retrieve each item. Unfortunately, Henry Jones Sr. usually gets them almost killed during these fights because he is trying to prove himself that he is not that old yet. :laugh: However, they manage to find all items and end up on a small Greek island where they find the entrance to an underground tunnel. After following this tunnel, they find themselves in a number of chambers where they have to solve alchemic riddles to be able to proceed. Fortunately, they manage to pass each challenge and finally enter the underwater cavern where the stone is hidden.

But once they step into the cave, they have to find a bad surprise: Col. Totenkopf and his Nazi minions are already there! Apparently, they used a submarine to enter the cave through the hole where the water of the lake in the middle of the cavern comes from. As it seems, this cave is below the ocean's surface.


The Philosopher's Stone was placed on top of a tower with spikes coming out of the sides. To retrieve it, one must pull himself up on the spikes, but only one out of four in each row is the right one to grab; the other ones are levers that cause deadly spears to shoot out of the holes below them!


While Indy uses his whip to check which spikes are booby trapped, Col. Totenkopf uses his loyal naval soldiers to do this job. One by one he sends them up the tower, and most of them die in this process - much to the satisfaction of the crocodiles in the water which are catching all the dropping corpses. :sick:


How it ends? Well, Indy and Totenkopf get to the top of the tower at about the same time, and they engage in a fight. Totenkopf uses the tip of his pointy walking stick to try to stab Indy, but our hero can disarm his opponent with his whip. It seems as if Jones had won, but in that moment, the colonel grabs Indy's gun that had droped on the floor during the fight and shoots Indy in the leg! With Jones lying on the ground, immobilized and in pain, Totenkopf appoaches the column that the Stone rests on. He is too greedy to take the time to read the engraving in the stone that says "Beware! Only he who has a pure heart shall be able to retrieve the stone", so he just grabs it and holds it triumphantly into the air. Immediately he turns into gold!

Indiana pulls himself up and decides to try to take the stone out of Totenkopf's hand. Carefully, he grabs it and... does not turn into gold. His heart was pure enough! His happyness about this victory doesn't last long, though, since in that moment, the circular platform they are standing on sinks into the tower a little bit which causes water to pour from below the giant, golden Greek god statue into the lake and start to flood the cave. To make matters worse, this also elvates the crocodiles in the lake and makes it too dangerous to use the bridges that connect the tower with the ground aruond the lake. This mechanism was apparently triggered by the increased weight on the platform from the solid-gold Totenkopf statue and was probably installed by the alchemist to ensure that after one evil man tries to take the stone, no other should be able to. To Indy's relief, Chan and his dad, who have been watching the happenings from the edge of the lake, had crossed the bridge to help him. They climb up the tower the way Indy did to escape the crocodiles. As the water rises, Indy gets the idea to use the Germans' submarine to get out of this mess. He puts the stone in his bag and together they all jump on the U-Boat. Unfortunately, Henry Jones Sr. slips and falls into the water where he is immediately attacked by the crocodiles, so Indy jumps after him to rescue his father. He is able fight the beasts and bring his father to safety, but he looses his bag with the stone in it to one of the hungry reptiles in the process. Since the crocodile immediately turned into gold thereafter, it was impossible to get the stone back. So, they get into the sub and go out the way the Nazis came in. They land at the Turkish shore, hand the sub over to the authorities, and take a plane back home.

The End

Please tell me what you think! You can find a seperate thread with more pics here.

Edited by Oky Wan Kenobi

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Thanks everyone for your entries. I'll try to have the poll up tomorrow. :sweet:

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