January 24, 20214 yr On 1/23/2021 at 10:41 PM, koalayummies said: You know what Lego, just cancel this and make a Fabuland set. Those characters are absolutely hilarious and we need more of that in this world. I think Fabuland was excluded from the list because of the new VIDIYO theme, which features some characters that look like an anime version of Fabuland
January 24, 20214 yr On 1/24/2021 at 5:39 AM, Kingriedak said: , but if it were a fusion of system and articulated figures/constraction like this, I'd actually buy it I don’t want to disrupt the ideas discussion so this will be a quick question and out. I’ve been seeing this term “constraction” a lot the last couple of days for the first time. Is it a portmanteau of construction and action, as in a toy that is user constructed (Lego) but played with as an action figure? I assume it’s in common use in the Bionicle themes. thanks!
January 24, 20214 yr On 1/24/2021 at 11:28 PM, Chmashdehjare said: I’ve been seeing this term “constraction” a lot the last couple of days for the first time. Is it a portmanteau of construction and action- Yeah, you're spot on, Slizers/Throwbots, Roboriders, Bionicle, Galidor, Hero Factory, and the ccbs marvel, Chima and star wars sets are all Constraction. Others may include Knights Kingdom, Mixels, and Exo Force, but the line begins to blur at that point
January 25, 20214 yr On 1/24/2021 at 9:22 PM, Old-mf said: m really upset by one thing. That this vote brings quarrel into the what should be united community of Lego fans Spot on there, and it will only get worse once the final result comes in. We only have to look at what happened with the SW poll, and in that it was only Star Wars fans voting, so everyone sort of got what they wanted, yet it is still debated and argued over. Here not everyone will get what they want, and bionicle seems to be focused target of the debates on these forums, over the other system themes which will also prevent some people preferred theme from being made.
January 25, 20214 yr On 1/24/2021 at 9:22 PM, Old-mf said: The vote says there are 11% for bio. I would say 15%. As others split their choices while many bio fans had one vote. Which means more in total no of unique users. I used 3 votes for castle. This does not mean 3 people voted for it. All this makes me believe there is more (than 11%). "What if there was only “Castle”? Now let’s take a look at what would have happened if LEGO had not fragmented the survey so much and instead of the seven different Castle sub-themes, there had only been the “Castle” theme as one big overall theme. Of course, we can’t simply add up the percentages of the individual votes, because then, for example, the users who voted for three different Castle sub-themes would be counted three times, which would extremely distort the result. So the relevant question is: How many users have voted for at least one Castle subtheme? 23.738 users have voted for at least one Castle subtheme 6.370 users have voted for Classic Castle, but no other castle theme 2.557 users have voted for castle themes only So out of the 23,738 Castle fans, 10.7% want nothing but any Castle set for the anniversary"https://www.stonewars.net/lego-news/interim-results-of-the-lego-ideas-90th-anniversary-survey/
January 25, 20214 yr On 1/25/2021 at 6:05 AM, Roebuck said: "What if there was only “Castle”? Now let’s take a look at what would have happened if LEGO had not fragmented the survey so much and instead of the seven different Castle sub-themes, there had only been the “Castle” theme as one big overall theme. So the relevant question is: How many users have voted for at least one Castle subtheme? 23.738 users have voted for at least one Castle subtheme I really wonder where they take info from... I did not see the open results at Lego ideas. And would really like to do so. And yes, this is exactly what I have described in my post, though did not have these numbers. If Lego does not analyze results and aggregate them, then Castle is out. And according to your numbers it is 27k Vs 17 top bio has now. Which is totally wrong thing to do. Even though it really might loose to space if it goes further. That is why it would be great to have results like in excel to do the math...
January 25, 20214 yr They definitely did castle dirty, in that at least old-timey space fans were going to coordinate around classic space. (I mean, I much prefer the more colorful late '80s/early '90s stuff, but I'd vote for classic space in the last round if there weren't any castle or pirates or Aquazone that it's up against.) But, well, I'm not TOO mad about castle, because I suppose I'd consider myself a castle/pirates/space voter primarily, in that any from that classic trio would be fine with me. (Yeah sure you can say I'm an Aquazone partisan above those, but the classic trio is my second choice.) And, well, one or two of those classic three are going to make it into the final round, right? And I doubt that Bionicle gets more than a third of the final vote, even if they're a substantial minority voting bloc. Probably I'll end up voting pirates in the final round; we'll see. Well, hopefully the total votes for all the castle subthemes combined tell Lego that there's some demand there. Certainly I think a lot of us would be chomping at the bit to buy modular-level castle sets. Also, hmm, the vote just ended; wonder when we'll hear the results. But, also, posting on here about the whole thing won't do us much good; deluging Lego's Twitter account about the poor category-splitting might actually let them know! Either way, see you gents in round 2, and may the best theme win!
January 26, 20214 yr On 1/25/2021 at 7:26 AM, Old-mf said: I really wonder where they take info from... I did not see the open results at Lego ideas. And would really like to do so. Each individual vote is viewable on the official platform (click on big red squares), so the data is accessible but just needs to be accumulated. I assume they automated exporting each vote so that they could do that.
January 26, 20214 yr Even though Bionicle came in first, I would still say Classic Space has a better chance to win. (regardless of my personal preferences) If options didn't include Space Police and Blacktron, Classic Space would probably take the lead...
January 26, 20214 yr On 1/26/2021 at 7:07 PM, JintaiZ said: Even though Bionicle came in first, I would still say Classic Space has a better chance to win. (regardless of my personal preferences) If options didn't include Space Police and Blacktron, Classic Space would probably take the lead... Yes, based on how they've analysed the results at the link below, it looks like space (and castle) got more votes than bionicle when you accumulate the different sub themes. I guess things might change when people get 1 vote instead of 3. However, looks likely that Classic Space will get the most votes in the final stage based on this. https://www.stonewars.net/lego-news/interim-results-of-the-lego-ideas-90th-anniversary-survey/
January 26, 20214 yr On 1/25/2021 at 6:05 AM, Roebuck said: "What if there was only “Castle”? Now let’s take a look at what would have happened if LEGO had not fragmented the survey so much and instead of the seven different Castle sub-themes, there had only been the “Castle” theme as one big overall theme. Of course, we can’t simply add up the percentages of the individual votes, because then, for example, the users who voted for three different Castle sub-themes would be counted three times, which would extremely distort the result. So the relevant question is: How many users have voted for at least one Castle subtheme? 23.738 users have voted for at least one Castle subtheme 6.370 users have voted for Classic Castle, but no other castle theme 2.557 users have voted for castle themes only So out of the 23,738 Castle fans, 10.7% want nothing but any Castle set for the anniversary"https://www.stonewars.net/lego-news/interim-results-of-the-lego-ideas-90th-anniversary-survey/ Interesting analysis. While I definitely respect and understand people's frustration about the Castle, Space, and Pirates themes being "split", it's interesting to me that the biggest change to the "top 3" if you aggregate the outcomes of the various subthemes is that Castle takes the place of Pirates. Bionicle and Space would easily take the other two slots either way. That outcome would not have been surprising, given that Castle and Space are much longer-running themes than Pirates, so they tend to be popular among a wider age range. For that matter, even Bionicle has shown more "staying power" than Pirates in terms of how many consecutive years it's lasted in both its first and second generations before being discontinued. Interestingly, if LEGO did end up aggregating the results the way StoneWars has in their hypothetical scenario, it probably would have resulted in a much tighter race. Bionicle already got the votes of nearly a third of the votes in the first phase — if all those same users were to vote for Bionicle in the second phase, and the remaining 68% of users who voted in the first phase were split between the similarly popular Space and Castle themes, then the final outcome would likely be decided by a single-digit percentage of voters. Whereas in a runoff between Bionicle, Classic Space, and Pirates, it seems like it will be much easier for Classic Space to command a majority of non-Bionicle voters. Regardless, in either of these two runoff scenarios, I will probably end up voting for Bionicle in the final phase. Howecer, I suspect that the set we end up getting will be a wonder to behold no matter WHAT theme it ends up being based on, so I'm not going to be too sore if my preference doesn't end up winning. Hopefully we can all resolve to try and keep things friendly no matter the outcome — I'd hate to see the sort of antipathy between fans of different themes that I've seen in comments on social media take root here on Eurobricks as well. Edited January 26, 20214 yr by Aanchir
January 26, 20214 yr Looking at the results of the first stage, I find myself echoing other people's sentiments that Classic Space seems the most likely to ultimately win out. The idea of voting blocs in the final coalescing into Bionicle and non-Bionicle has been discussed before, so I won't retread that. Of the other two candidates, Classic Space was around about as long as the original Pirates, and Space themes in general are far more evergreen than Pirates. That's more years to build generations of fanbases (the archetypal Classic Space set was practically vintage when the first Pirates came about), and combined with the Barracuda Bay/Creator 3-in-1 sets last year being something of a bone to Pirates fans I reckon Space is bound to become the System Champion. I'd say I'm disappointed in Paradisa's elimination - but it was never a frontrunner so I've had time to come to terms with it. I'll be voting for Space in the final round.
January 26, 20214 yr I don't think for a second that Bionicle is going to win overall, despite supporting it and only it. If I'm being 100% honest with myself, it doesn't represent all of Lego, and Lego have demonstrated that no amount of noisy Bionicle fans is going to make them give it the nod. They poked fun at us in TLM1, made the second-chance at exactly the wrong time, when most of the fanbase were broke college kids rather than adults able to spend disposable income on toys, dropped us from TLM2 entirely, and rejected the fastest-ever Lego Ideas set to hit 10000 in favour of safe, easy licenses. But hey, they haven't C&D'd any fan projects, I guess. I also don't really understand why they're only doing one set, because honestly I don't think any singular theme could represent the entire 90-year history in a satisfactory manner. Of course it couldn't. And that's part of why I didn't think too hard about what should win. I just threw my vote to my favourite, the only one on the entire list that was a presence in my own childhood, and didn't bother writing in any of the others (Like Life on Mars) because if they didn't get given the not by Lego, then they had no chance. But the System fans panicking about the possibility that the anniversary is gonna be "Hijacked by Bonkles" should probably cool their jets. The chance of that happening is basically zero. Not only will all the System votes be compiled into just two options rather than 29, but the combined votes for all the Space themes puts Bionicle further behind. True, things could be being skewed by everyone getting three votes, and those Space themes may have been a lot of people's second or third pick, but given how many Bionicle fans voted for just Bionicle (Like I did), that wouldn't be much of a boost for Bonkle anyway. People whose favourites didn't make Round 2 are much more likely to go for one of those two System themes than Bionicle, so don't worry. And even if Bionicle did win, there's still little chance of Lego deciding to make it. The lack of public results for Round 2 and the statement that they're not necessarily going to make the Number 1 choice all but guarantees that they'll be making whatever they like out of the Top 3, which will probably be Space. So chill, people, we're not gonna ruin the anniversary for you. I'm just taking the opportunity to give Lego another reminder that we're still here. If it were up to me, there'd be an entire theme for the anniversary, I'd try to hit all the big ones, and Bionicle would be one of them. Of course it would. Supposedly it made up 40% of Lego's profits in 2003, and it ran for a decade in its original form, with a community that remains active and producing content to this day. And that's not a send-up of G2, most of it is focused around G1 still. Canonisation contests have returned, for better or worse, Christian Faber is trying to do... something, that's looking increasingly like a lot of pretty art and nothing else, but he's trying and if something comes of it, we'll be there, Ideas sets keep popping up and we keep supporting them, and there's a game/mod based on the earliest part of the story in the works too. It's a part of Lego's history, a huge part, and it deserves to be remembered. Just as most of these other sets do. Yeah, sure, some of 'em, like Town, Arctic, and Trains are now folded wholly into City and still get new sets because of that, and half the list is decompiled Castle and Space themes, who could probably have done with being less decompiled. Space absolutely needed to be split up a bit, but perhaps not in the way it was. I really wish the second and third options for the final weren't Classic Space and Pirates, though. I probably wouldn't have bought the others, but I would've at least thought it was cool. But to me, Classic Space and Pirates are things... Lego still does. In fact, they're pretty much Lego's go-to Nostalgia Button set options. Space got the mech, the battle pack, the minifig in that book, and of course Benny's Spaceship, and while most of those are currently out of circulation and have been for a while, it's pretty apparent that they're not about to stop making Classic Space throwbacks. They'll keep making those until long after everybody that remembers Classic Space has keeled over. Pirates... still has sets on store shelves. I honestly don't know why they included it, given that, but I guess it's a big enough deal to get the nod even when whatever's made would probably be functionally very similar to what's already available right at this second.
January 26, 20214 yr Yeah I kinda feel bad for Castle fans. They basically won, or should have, but aren't in the top 3. But then again they're getting two sets this year, the Ideas blacksmith shop and the Creator castle. Well, at least I'm hoping the Creator castle is very Classic Castle-like (and no I don't mean yellow). Now if Pirates takes the lead in the final vote, I'm going to be super jealous because they got two sets last year. Again, Ideas and Creator. Next year really should be Space's turn.
January 26, 20214 yr Lego never stated that the 2nd poll would have any influence. They only stated they will pick one of the three from the first poll. If anything, the remarks they made seemed to imply that the 2nd poll would be entirely irrelevant beyond curiosity and market research purposes. It makes no sense for Lego to obscure the 2nd poll if they have intent of using the 2nd poll to decide a set, because it'd automatically get resistance from the community and accusations of them messing with the votes. Admittedly they never stated that the winner of the first poll would be made into an anniversary set, but that has been the general mindset that the 1st place in the 1st poll would be adapted, and that is logical because it would be the most popular theme out of all the options. Bionicle having a 5,185 vote advantage will obviously be taken into account when deciding if it gets selected as the set for the 90th anniversary. Personally, I think Bionicle should get the set this time, but that Lego need to use the rest of the results to determine other themes to bring back over the next few years. Failing to give Bionicle the set after winning the votes and having over 32% of the votes would be unwise, especially seeing as 12.3% voted only for Bionicle. You'd be cutting out 12.3% of your potential market because they have shown no interest in the other anniversary options. The only alternative would be announcing that they secretly planned to adapt each of the top three themes into a set. Something along the lines of $30 set for the 3rd place, $60 set for the 2nd place and $90 set for the 1st place. That way they can have Bionicle win without alienating the 2nd and 3rd place voters who feel left out. Though admittedly the 2nd and 3rd place (Classic Space & Castle) are almost certain to get sets in the future due to popularity shown here. I think Bionicle for the 90th anniversary would also be justified, it is after all a theme that contributed heavily to Lego and it's arguably the only theme out of the selection that aired for a long time post 2000's - meaning it is more likely that the modern day target demographic for Lego are familiar with that theme. I also feel that Lego should NEVER do another poll to decide an anniversary set or theme. Instead the 100th anniversary should be a celebration of all themes with a set from each non-licensed theme. Thus pleasing everyone and effectively being a showcase of what Lego has produced in 100 years. It's clear also that this anniversary poll was flawed, while I can see the justification to splitting Castle, Castle should definitely recieve some sets in the years to come.
January 27, 20214 yr "Then on February 3rd 2021, we will launch a second fan vote, which will run until February 10th 2021. One of those themes will be what the 90th Anniversary Set will be based on! We just need a little time to verify all the votes and make sure everything is 100% accurate before we share the results with you, as the second fan vote goes live." Now they are not saying anything about that it is 3 choices in the finale vote Are verifying all the votes, so votes can be deleted if it is foul play One of the themes (3 or more?) in the last vote will get the sett
January 27, 20214 yr Gutted for Adventurers, I loved and love that Theme so much, I can only accumulate throwbacks in new sets; the very Pippin Reed looking city figure, the sticker in Ninjago City Gardens... There is still a lot of love for the theme, so I can keep on seeking easter eggs. If, ultimately, Bionicle does win I don't think it will look anything like what people would hope for, which will be a shame for the fans.
January 27, 20214 yr On 1/24/2021 at 6:09 AM, Merlo said: How so? Classic Castle kinda feels like just another faction, albeit with less realistic colors. But since it's make believe a yellow castle feels normal for a fantasy world and even if they made a new one the colors and details would be more pleasing to AFOLs. Probably a lot of people who voted had a different idea of what Classic Castle is too... Yellow castle, brick built horses, very blocky designs, boring heraldry. On 1/26/2021 at 11:48 PM, Scarilian said: Lego never stated that the 2nd poll would have any influence. They only stated they will pick one of the three from the first poll. If anything, the remarks they made seemed to imply that the 2nd poll would be entirely irrelevant beyond curiosity and market research purposes. It makes no sense for Lego to obscure the 2nd poll if they have intent of using the 2nd poll to decide a set, because it'd automatically get resistance from the community and accusations of them messing with the votes. They didn't state that they will pick one of the three from the first poll. Although they also didn't say that the theme with the highest number of votes in the second round would win. The exact wording was: The second vote will be the top three themes from the first vote. One of the three themes will be the theme the 90th Anniversary Set will be based on. This vote will not be transparrent, so it's still a little bit of a secret. So it is not clear how the winner will be picked, whether it is the fan vote or their choice. No doubt they are purposely vague so that they can override any result they don't like or stick with it if they do.
January 27, 20214 yr I've said this before but Lego has done wonders with this vote,I never saw the fandom so divided as it is now.Can't wait for the reaction when the final results hit.
January 27, 20214 yr On 1/27/2021 at 12:45 PM, Lego David said: The final poll be like: Oh hey, you managed to get it small enough. I spent like 20 minutes trying to shrink it enough to fit without making the text illegible lol. I'm hoping the 100th anniversary will be better, provided that we're all still here in a decade.
January 27, 20214 yr On 1/27/2021 at 8:40 AM, Peppermint_M said: If, ultimately, Bionicle does win I don't think it will look anything like what people would hope for, which will be a shame for the fans. I'll be frank, I'm not sure about.... 75% of the Bionicle community cares at this point. We just want something from someone at lego besides Nick and Niek to acknowledge our existence.
January 27, 20214 yr On 1/27/2021 at 8:40 AM, Peppermint_M said: Gutted for Adventurers, I loved and love that Theme so much, I can only accumulate throwbacks in new sets; the very Pippin Reed looking city figure, the sticker in Ninjago City Gardens... There is still a lot of love for the theme, so I can keep on seeking easter eggs. If, ultimately, Bionicle does win I don't think it will look anything like what people would hope for, which will be a shame for the fans. They were in the top 5 on January 20th and it was neck to neck with not only trains but also pirates. Maybe, just maybe, Adventurers managed to race to the third spot and otherwise at least they know that it's still a highly favoured theme. Still holding out hope they'll give it the ultimate throwback set sometime. They did have all of the easter eggs in the mansion set, after all, and an actual Egyptian pyramid or Sphinx set would be the perfect place to have the cast of Adventurers modernized.
January 27, 20214 yr I think it’s been mentioned elsewhere, but does anyone else think the odd omission of the Wild West theme almost confirms that the Brickwest Studios Ideas set will be approved in the next Ideas review?
January 27, 20214 yr Why shouldn't it augur the other way, that they're staying away from Western themes in general? (Or, for a different spin, if it means what you claim, then why should pirates be in the poll, right after Barracuda Bay?)
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