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Queen Amidala is a must for any CMF series. Its the perfect place to include her more extravagant costumes that we wouldn't normally get while also taking advantage of the new molds a CMF series provides.

I'm a big advocate for getting the Theed Battle, Droid Factory and Mustafar variants of Padme - but I feel those versions are better off being saved for appearing in future sets.

6 hours ago, Stuartn said:

I think that there a quite a few deserving specific characters that would be great in a CMF, such as seperatist council members, specific clone troopers, like a galactic marine of the worshipped yet elusive P2 Cody. There could be niche variations of figures, such as the sith Rey or stormtrooper Finn, yet I feel that any such series would leave so many characters out, and would be so occluded with main characters and variations there would be no room for any desirable characters like clones or stormtroopers, and I echo previous comments that any prospective army building would be severely inhibited.

Still, I would love nothing more than to be proved incorrect 

These are my exact thoughts. 

Would a sw cmf be a great thing? Potentially. Given the typical method of character inclusion and drop down to 12 figs a series, that they'd likely include the main characters, thus reducing capability for where the cmf, I feel, would truly glow, in releasing the characters/variations not yet done. 

Chewie, and Vader should be a one and done. Give him his death face under the helmet, the 2 piece mould, arm printing, dual moulded black legs (because someone somewhere will complain he doesn't have dual moulded legs). Luke, Han, leia. That leaves a good 7 left for any other star wars. 

Maybe if they kept it to o/t for the first wave, then p/t second wave, s/t third wave, anything else onwards, it could work, but while the fig choices would make some happy, you can bet they'd get it wrong elsewhere and many will be unhappy. Left out a specific character from the o/t? Well you won't be seeing it for a good few years because of the proceeding wave themes/non sw themes. 


In theory it's good. 

Practically, I'd rather take my chances in a minefield. 

CMF ideas, I changed it to go film by film, forewarning that this spoiler is super long if you open it:


Prequel Series - 

Ep I: 

1. Chancellor Valorum

2. Padme Amidala (battle outfit)

3. Senator Palpatine

4. Sabe

5. Shmi Skywalker

6. Fodesinbeed Annoue (new mold)

7. Aurra Sing

8. Captain Panaka

9. TC-14

10. Tey How ("Sir!  They've gone up the ventilation shaft" person, new head mold probably)

11. Yaddle

12. Boss Nass (using the Spongebob fish head mold)

Ep II: 

1. Captain Typho

2. Jocastu Nu

3. Wat Tambor (maybe a new head mold)

4. Clone trooper (no armor)

5. Jango Fett

6. Zam Wessell

7. Dexter Jettster (using Pong Krell's mold)

8. Lama Su

9. Boba Fett (young)

10. San Hill (using Ki-Adi-Mundi's head mold, maybe?)

11. Cliegg Lars

12. Anakin Skywalker (Ep II)

Ep III: 

1. Padme (purple-ish outfit from the Mustafar scene)

2. Chancellor Palpatine (black robes)

3. Mas Amedda (new mold)

4. Polis Massa medical droid

5. Bail Organa

6. Tarfful

7. Tion Medon (Utapau leader, probably just a printed head)

8. Zett Jukassa (Padawan that tries to fight clones at the Jedi Temple)

9. Agen Kolar

10. Anakin Skywalker (Mustafar, burned)

11. Obi-Wan Kenobi (with hood and robes from Utapau)

12. Clone Commander Cody (Phase II, new mold for the helmet)

Original Trilogy Series -

Ep IV:

1. Farmer Luke (with hat and poncho)

2. Biggs Darklighter (ANH deleted scene)

3. Aunt Beru

4. Snaggletooth (probably using a minifigure head rather than a new mold)

5. BoShek

6. Feltipern Trevagg

7. Lak Sivrak (Wolfman)

8. Duros pilot

9. Han Solo (dual molding?)

10. Grand Moff Takin

11. Captain Antilles

12. A Rebel pilot that has yet to be made, not sure off the top of my head who we've never gotten

Ep V:

1. Bren Derlin

2. Toryn Farr

3. Chewbacca (snowy fur)

4. Luke Skywalker (Aboard the Nebulon B at the end of the film)

5. Princess Leia (Aboard the Nebulon B at the end of the film)

6. E-3PO ("E Chu Ta" droid)

7. Willrow Hood (Ice Cream Maker Man)

8. Boba Fett

9. Bossk

10. Dengar

11. Ugnaught

12. Ghost Obi-Wan (in the style of Moaning Myrtle from HP)

Ep VI:

1. Endor Han (Green jacket, maybe a fabric piece?)

2. Endor Leia

3. Endor Luke

4. Sim Aloo (Palpatine's advisor, using the Royal Guard CMF or Nute Gunray's hat piece)

5. Mon Mothma

6. Ewok Warrior

7. Boushh

8. Ephant Mon (new mold)

9. Bib Fortuna

10. Max Rebo

11. Droopy McCool (new mold)

12. Ghost Anakin (I'd love the one from the original version with Sebastian Shaw, but I think they'd do the Hayden Christiansen version)

Sequels series - 


1. Lor San Tekka

2. Bazine Netal

3. Captain Phasma

4. Stormtrooper Finn with handprint (is that too graphic for Lego?)

5. Maz Kanata

6. Teedo

7. Guavian Death Gang soldier

8. Bala-Tik

9. Kanjiklub soldier

10. Unkar Plutt

11. Poe Dameron (Resistance pilot)

12. Constable Zuvio (the infamous guy that had 99% of his scenes cut from the movie, but had a bunch of merchandise and action figures made of him)


1. Kylo Ren with smashed helmet (new mold)

2. Snoke

3. Finn (First Order disguise)

4. Paige Tico

5. Ach-To caretaker (new mold)

6. Vice Admiral Holdo

7. DJ

8. Commander D'Acy

9. Lieutenant Connix

10. Luke Skywalker (Battle of Crait)

11. Ghost Yoda (not sure if it's possible because they'd have to re-color his head)

12. Temiri Blagg (Force broom kid)

Ep IX:

1. Rose Tico

2. Vicrul

3. Ap'Lek

4. Cardo

5. Kuruk

6. Trudgen

7. Ushar

8. Lando Calrissian with helmet disguise thingy

9. Zombie Palpatine

10. Ghost Leia

11. Ghost Luke

12. Dark Side Rey (with double-bladed saber)

Anthology films/TV shows

Rogue One:

1. Cassian Andor (tan jacket)

2. Galen Erso (farmer)

3. Lyra Erso (opening of film)

4. Saw Gerrera (old)

5. Benthic (two-tubes)

6. Admiral Raddus

7. Jedha Pilgrim (maybe re-using the Royal Guard head covering piece)

8. General Draven

9. Jyn Erso (Jedha with shawl)

10. Baze Malbus

11. Chirrut Imwe

12. Ruescott Melshi


1.  Han Solo (Corellia)

2. Qi'ra (Corellia)

3. Lando Calrissian

4. Rio Durant

5. Enfys Nest

6. Tobias Beckett

7. Val

8. Range Trooper

9. Mudtrooper

10. L3-37 (Probably built like normal protocol droids, not super accurate but they wouldn't do a brick-built figure)

11. Dryden Vos

12. Darth Maul

Clone Wars:

1. Cad Bane with rocket shoes and the droid guy that flies around with him

2. Rush Clovis

3. Asajj Ventress (Season 5)

4. Mother Talzin

5. Darth Maul (spider legs, new mold for them, similar in size to the Medusa CMF leg piece)

6. Captain Rex (Phase II)

7. Obi-Wan Kenobi (updated Clone shoulder armor)

8. Professor Huyang (assembly is something similar to a battle droid body with protocol droid head?)

9. Commander Wolffe (Phase II)

10. Lux Bonteri

11. Tera Sinube (new head mold)

12. Satine Kryz (pink outfit)


1. Governor Pryce

2. Ryder Azadi

3. Vizago (using the Labria horns from the Cantina)

4. AP-5 (re-used Death Star Droid head in a dark blue)

5. Seventh Sister

6. Hera Syndulla

7. Kanan Jarrus

8. Sabine Wren (Seasons 3/4)

9. Zeb Orelous

10. Agent Kallus (Rebel defector)

11. Grand Admiral Thrawn

12. Ezra Bridger

Edited by Kit Figsto

On 3/22/2021 at 11:45 AM, Kit Figsto said:

CMF ideas, I changed it to go film by film, forewarning that this spoiler is super long if you open it:

  Reveal hidden contents

Prequel Series - 

Ep I: 

1. Chancellor Valorum

2. Padme Amidala (battle outfit)

3. Senator Palpatine

4. Sabe

5. Shmi Skywalker

6. Fodesinbeed Annoue (new mold)

7. Aurra Sing

8. Captain Panaka

9. TC-14

10. Tey How ("Sir!  They've gone up the ventilation shaft" person, new head mold probably)

11. Yaddle

12. Boss Nass (using the Spongebob fish head mold)

Ep II: 

1. Captain Typho

2. Jocastu Nu

3. Wat Tambor (maybe a new head mold)

4. Clone trooper (no armor)

5. Jango Fett

6. Zam Wessell

7. Dexter Jettster (using Pong Krell's mold)

8. Lama Su

9. Boba Fett (young)

10. San Hill (using Ki-Adi-Mundi's head mold, maybe?)

11. Cliegg Lars

12. Anakin Skywalker (Ep II)

Ep III: 

1. Padme (purple-ish outfit from the Mustafar scene)

2. Chancellor Palpatine (black robes)

3. Mas Amedda (new mold)

4. Polis Massa medical droid

5. Bail Organa

6. Tarfful

7. Tion Medon (Utapau leader, probably just a printed head)

8. Zett Jukassa (Padawan that tries to fight clones at the Jedi Temple)

9. Agen Kolar

10. Anakin Skywalker (Mustafar, burned)

11. Obi-Wan Kenobi (with hood and robes from Utapau)

12. Clone Commander Cody (Phase II, new mold for the helmet)

Original Trilogy Series -

Ep IV:

1. Farmer Luke (with hat and poncho)

2. Biggs Darklighter (ANH deleted scene)

3. Aunt Beru

4. Snaggletooth (probably using a minifigure head rather than a new mold)

5. BoShek

6. Feltipern Trevagg

7. Lak Sivrak (Wolfman)

8. Duros pilot

9. Han Solo (dual molding?)

10. Grand Moff Takin

11. Captain Antilles

12. A Rebel pilot that has yet to be made, not sure off the top of my head who we've never gotten

Ep V:

1. Bren Derlin

2. Toryn Farr

3. Chewbacca (snowy fur)

4. Luke Skywalker (Aboard the Nebulon B at the end of the film)

5. Princess Leia (Aboard the Nebulon B at the end of the film)

6. E-3PO ("E Chu Ta" droid)

7. Willrow Hood (Ice Cream Maker Man)

8. Boba Fett

9. Bossk

10. Dengar

11. Ugnaught

12. Ghost Obi-Wan (in the style of Moaning Myrtle from HP)

Ep VI:

1. Endor Han (Green jacket, maybe a fabric piece?)

2. Endor Leia

3. Endor Luke

4. Sim Aloo (Palpatine's advisor, using the Royal Guard CMF or Nute Gunray's hat piece)

5. Mon Mothma

6. Ewok Warrior

7. Boushh

8. Ephant Mon (new mold)

9. Bib Fortuna

10. Max Rebo

11. Droopy McCool (new mold)

12. Ghost Anakin (I'd love the one from the original version with Sebastian Shaw, but I think they'd do the Hayden Christiansen version)

Sequels series - 


1. Lor San Tekka

2. Bazine Netal

3. Captain Phasma

4. Stormtrooper Finn with handprint (is that too graphic for Lego?)

5. Maz Kanata

6. Teedo

7. Guavian Death Gang soldier

8. Bala-Tik

9. Kanjiklub soldier

10. Unkar Plutt

11. Poe Dameron (Resistance pilot)

12. Constable Zuvio (the infamous guy that had 99% of his scenes cut from the movie, but had a bunch of merchandise and action figures made of him)


1. Kylo Ren with smashed helmet (new mold)

2. Snoke

3. Finn (First Order disguise)

4. Paige Tico

5. Ach-To caretaker (new mold)

6. Vice Admiral Holdo

7. DJ

8. Commander D'Acy

9. Lieutenant Connix

10. Luke Skywalker (Battle of Crait)

11. Ghost Yoda (not sure if it's possible because they'd have to re-color his head)

12. Temiri Blagg (Force broom kid)

Ep IX:

1. Rose Tico

2. Vicrul

3. Ap'Lek

4. Cardo

5. Kuruk

6. Trudgen

7. Ushar

8. Lando Calrissian with helmet disguise thingy

9. Zombie Palpatine

10. Ghost Leia

11. Ghost Luke

12. Dark Side Rey (with double-bladed saber)

Anthology films/TV shows

Rogue One:

1. Cassian Andor (tan jacket)

2. Galen Erso (farmer)

3. Lyra Erso (opening of film)

4. Saw Gerrera (old)

5. Benthic (two-tubes)

6. Admiral Raddus

7. Jedha Pilgrim (maybe re-using the Royal Guard head covering piece)

8. General Draven

9. Jyn Erso (Jedha with shawl)

10. Baze Malbus

11. Chirrut Imwe

12. Ruescott Melshi


1.  Han Solo (Corellia)

2. Qi'ra (Corellia)

3. Lando Calrissian

4. Rio Durant

5. Enfys Nest

6. Tobias Beckett

7. Val

8. Range Trooper

9. Mudtrooper

10. L3-37 (Probably built like normal protocol droids, not super accurate but they wouldn't do a brick-built figure)

11. Dryden Vos

12. Darth Maul

Clone Wars:

1. Cad Bane with rocket shoes and the droid guy that flies around with him

2. Rush Clovis

3. Asajj Ventress (Season 5)

4. Mother Talzin

5. Darth Maul (spider legs, new mold for them, similar in size to the Medusa CMF leg piece)

6. Captain Rex (Phase II)

7. Obi-Wan Kenobi (updated Clone shoulder armor)

8. Professor Huyang (assembly is something similar to a battle droid body with protocol droid head?)

9. Commander Wolffe (Phase II)

10. Lux Bonteri

11. Tera Sinube (new head mold)

12. Satine Kryz (pink outfit)


1. Governor Pryce

2. Ryder Azadi

3. Vizago (using the Labria horns from the Cantina)

4. AP-5 (re-used Death Star Droid head in a dark blue)

5. Seventh Sister

6. Hera Syndulla

7. Kanan Jarrus

8. Sabine Wren (Seasons 3/4)

9. Zeb Orelous

10. Agent Kallus (Rebel defector)

11. Grand Admiral Thrawn

12. Ezra Bridger

Good list. I always forget just how many somewhat important characters don't have figures yet.

Next list, Rebels:


The ghost ($9.99): with micro phantom 1 and Hera Syndulla

Interdictor Cruiser ($9.99): Admiral Konstantine

Phantom 2 vs tie defender ($19.99): Ezra Bridger (season 4) and a TIE ace.

Battle packs:
Phoenix squadron rebels ($14.99): 2x orange/tan phoenix rebel soldiers, 1x blue phoenix rebel soldier, 1x a-wing pilot. Build is a thumper and buildable spider. 

Dark Forces ($14.99): imperial security droid (the one based off dark troopers), imperial combat driver, and 2x jet troopers. Build is an imperial speeder bike (the lothal model)

Duel: Duel on Tarkin's destroyer ($19.99): Build of the star destroyer reactor with Kanan Jarrus (Season 1) and the Grand Inquisitor.

System sets:

Phantom 1 ($29.99): Phantom 1 with Ezra Bridger (season 1), C1-10P, and a stormtrooper.

Anti-Mandalorian walker ($59.99): ARC weapon at-walker with 2x combat driver, Saxon's brother, Sabine Wren (season 4), Ursa Wren, and a Clan Wren mandalorian.

TIE defender ($69.99): TIE defender with Zeb Orrelios (season 4), Kanan Jarrus (season 4), 2x death trooper, Thrawn, and a TIE ace.

Imperial Gunship ($89.99): Imperial Gunship with a TIE pilot, 2x stormtrooper, Stormtrooper Commander, Rukh, Hera Syndulla, and Ezra (season 4).

The ghost ($189.99): The Ghost with interior cockpit, turrets, Ezra/Zeb's room, Kanan's Room, and Sabine's Room, along with the Phantom 2. Comes with Kanan Jarrus, Hera Syndulla, C1-10P, Garazeb Orrelios, Sabine Wren, Ezra Bridger, Alexsandr Kallus, AP-5, Captain Rex, Hondo Ohnahka, and Ryder Azadi, all in their season 4 outfits.


Sabine's Mandalorian helmet ($69.99):

Stormtrooper helmet (starbird paint) ($69.99):

Gar Saxon's helmet ($69.99):

UCS/MBS: UCS Ghost ($599.99): Massive UCS ghost with all interior rooms and a 500-600 pc phantom 2. Comes with Hera Syndulla and C1-10P.


On 3/23/2021 at 3:45 AM, Kit Figsto said:

CMF ideas, I changed it to go film by film, forewarning that this spoiler is super long if you open it:

  Hide contents

Prequel Series - 

Ep I: 

1. Chancellor Valorum

2. Padme Amidala (battle outfit)

3. Senator Palpatine

4. Sabe

5. Shmi Skywalker

6. Fodesinbeed Annoue (new mold)

7. Aurra Sing

8. Captain Panaka

9. TC-14

10. Tey How ("Sir!  They've gone up the ventilation shaft" person, new head mold probably)

11. Yaddle

12. Boss Nass (using the Spongebob fish head mold)

Ep II: 

1. Captain Typho

2. Jocastu Nu

3. Wat Tambor (maybe a new head mold)

4. Clone trooper (no armor)

5. Jango Fett

6. Zam Wessell

7. Dexter Jettster (using Pong Krell's mold)

8. Lama Su

9. Boba Fett (young)

10. San Hill (using Ki-Adi-Mundi's head mold, maybe?)

11. Cliegg Lars

12. Anakin Skywalker (Ep II)

Ep III: 

1. Padme (purple-ish outfit from the Mustafar scene)

2. Chancellor Palpatine (black robes)

3. Mas Amedda (new mold)

4. Polis Massa medical droid

5. Bail Organa

6. Tarfful

7. Tion Medon (Utapau leader, probably just a printed head)

8. Zett Jukassa (Padawan that tries to fight clones at the Jedi Temple)

9. Agen Kolar

10. Anakin Skywalker (Mustafar, burned)

11. Obi-Wan Kenobi (with hood and robes from Utapau)

12. Clone Commander Cody (Phase II, new mold for the helmet)

Original Trilogy Series -

Ep IV:

1. Farmer Luke (with hat and poncho)

2. Biggs Darklighter (ANH deleted scene)

3. Aunt Beru

4. Snaggletooth (probably using a minifigure head rather than a new mold)

5. BoShek

6. Feltipern Trevagg

7. Lak Sivrak (Wolfman)

8. Duros pilot

9. Han Solo (dual molding?)

10. Grand Moff Takin

11. Captain Antilles

12. A Rebel pilot that has yet to be made, not sure off the top of my head who we've never gotten

Ep V:

1. Bren Derlin

2. Toryn Farr

3. Chewbacca (snowy fur)

4. Luke Skywalker (Aboard the Nebulon B at the end of the film)

5. Princess Leia (Aboard the Nebulon B at the end of the film)

6. E-3PO ("E Chu Ta" droid)

7. Willrow Hood (Ice Cream Maker Man)

8. Boba Fett

9. Bossk

10. Dengar

11. Ugnaught

12. Ghost Obi-Wan (in the style of Moaning Myrtle from HP)

Ep VI:

1. Endor Han (Green jacket, maybe a fabric piece?)

2. Endor Leia

3. Endor Luke

4. Sim Aloo (Palpatine's advisor, using the Royal Guard CMF or Nute Gunray's hat piece)

5. Mon Mothma

6. Ewok Warrior

7. Boushh

8. Ephant Mon (new mold)

9. Bib Fortuna

10. Max Rebo

11. Droopy McCool (new mold)

12. Ghost Anakin (I'd love the one from the original version with Sebastian Shaw, but I think they'd do the Hayden Christiansen version)

Sequels series - 


1. Lor San Tekka

2. Bazine Netal

3. Captain Phasma

4. Stormtrooper Finn with handprint (is that too graphic for Lego?)

5. Maz Kanata

6. Teedo

7. Guavian Death Gang soldier

8. Bala-Tik

9. Kanjiklub soldier

10. Unkar Plutt

11. Poe Dameron (Resistance pilot)

12. Constable Zuvio (the infamous guy that had 99% of his scenes cut from the movie, but had a bunch of merchandise and action figures made of him)


1. Kylo Ren with smashed helmet (new mold)

2. Snoke

3. Finn (First Order disguise)

4. Paige Tico

5. Ach-To caretaker (new mold)

6. Vice Admiral Holdo

7. DJ

8. Commander D'Acy

9. Lieutenant Connix

10. Luke Skywalker (Battle of Crait)

11. Ghost Yoda (not sure if it's possible because they'd have to re-color his head)

12. Temiri Blagg (Force broom kid)

Ep IX:

1. Rose Tico

2. Vicrul

3. Ap'Lek

4. Cardo

5. Kuruk

6. Trudgen

7. Ushar

8. Lando Calrissian with helmet disguise thingy

9. Zombie Palpatine

10. Ghost Leia

11. Ghost Luke

12. Dark Side Rey (with double-bladed saber)

Anthology films/TV shows

Rogue One:

1. Cassian Andor (tan jacket)

2. Galen Erso (farmer)

3. Lyra Erso (opening of film)

4. Saw Gerrera (old)

5. Benthic (two-tubes)

6. Admiral Raddus

7. Jedha Pilgrim (maybe re-using the Royal Guard head covering piece)

8. General Draven

9. Jyn Erso (Jedha with shawl)

10. Baze Malbus

11. Chirrut Imwe

12. Ruescott Melshi


1.  Han Solo (Corellia)

2. Qi'ra (Corellia)

3. Lando Calrissian

4. Rio Durant

5. Enfys Nest

6. Tobias Beckett

7. Val

8. Range Trooper

9. Mudtrooper

10. L3-37 (Probably built like normal protocol droids, not super accurate but they wouldn't do a brick-built figure)

11. Dryden Vos

12. Darth Maul

Clone Wars:

1. Cad Bane with rocket shoes and the droid guy that flies around with him

2. Rush Clovis

3. Asajj Ventress (Season 5)

4. Mother Talzin

5. Darth Maul (spider legs, new mold for them, similar in size to the Medusa CMF leg piece)

6. Captain Rex (Phase II)

7. Obi-Wan Kenobi (updated Clone shoulder armor)

8. Professor Huyang (assembly is something similar to a battle droid body with protocol droid head?)

9. Commander Wolffe (Phase II)

10. Lux Bonteri

11. Tera Sinube (new head mold)

12. Satine Kryz (pink outfit)


1. Governor Pryce

2. Ryder Azadi

3. Vizago (using the Labria horns from the Cantina)

4. AP-5 (re-used Death Star Droid head in a dark blue)

5. Seventh Sister

6. Hera Syndulla

7. Kanan Jarrus

8. Sabine Wren (Seasons 3/4)

9. Zeb Orelous

10. Agent Kallus (Rebel defector)

11. Grand Admiral Thrawn

12. Ezra Bridger

We never got red leader, he’d be good

Star Wars Helmets. Love this sub-theme; knew it would continue and I anticipate more in the future. 


AT-AT Driver 

Emperor's Royal Guard 

Imperial Gunner 


Death Trooper 

Shore Trooper


Phase I Clone Trooper 

Phase I Clone Pilot 

Phase II Clone Trooper 

Commander Rex 

Commander Cody 

ARF Trooper 

91st Mobile Reconnaissance Trooper 

Utapau Trooper 

Senate Commando/Guard


Jango Fett 

B1 Battle Droid 


Kylo Ren 

First Order Stormtrooper 

Captain Phasma 

Final Order Technician 

Praetorian Guard 

First Order Jumptrooper 

Sith Trooper 

Sith Sovereign Protector 

First Order Tie Pilot 


The Mandalorian 


Edited by ArrowBricks

OT CMF Draft:

1. Luke (Moisture Farmer Hat)  

2. Han (Endor, updated jacket and duel molded legs)  

3. Leia (Cloud City Jumpsuit) 

4. Lando (Han's Clothes)  

5. C-3PO (dual molded leg) 

6. Beru Lars

7. CZ-Series Droid

8. Red Leader

9. R4 series droid (probably the one from the Tantive IV) 

10. Cantina Alien - Talz

11. Cantina Alien - Gotal

12. Jabba's Palace Alien - Quarren


Updates TPM Collection. This is imagining the film was revisted over a wave or two. 


Helmets: B-1 Battle Droid £44.99

CMF: Padawan Anakin, Shmi Skywalker, Chancellor Vallorum, Nutę Gunray, Rune Haako, Naboo Royal Guard, Sio Bibble, Yaddle, Yarael Poof, Depa Billaba, Fodesinbeed Annodue, Incomplete C3-PO

Special Figure: Boss Nas/Tey How/Daultay Dofine 


MTT £9.99: Battle Droid

Gian Speeder/Flash Speeder £9.99: Naboo Security Officer

Kaadu vs STAP £17.99: Gungan Warrior, Battle Droid

System sets: 

Trade Federation AAT £34.99: Security Battle Droid (x2), Battle Droid, Theed Padme

Darth Maul’s Sith Infiltrator £54.99: Darth Maul, Qui-Gon (grey poncho)

Naboo Starfighter & Vulture Droid £59.99: Anakin, R2-D2, R2-C4, Arven Wendik, Naboo Engineer (+ 2 Droideka)

Mos Espa Podracers PACK 1 £54.99: Anakin, Teemto Pagalies

Mos Espa Podracers PACK 2 £69.99: Sebulba, Mawhonic

Naboo Royal Starship £109.99: Ric Olie, Captain Paneka, R2-D2, R2-R9, Sabe, HandMaid Padme?/Naboo Royal Guard

Republic Cruiser £119.99: Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan, Maoi Makador, Antidar Williams, TC-14

Trade Federation Landing Craft £139.99: Battle Droid Commander, Battle Droid Pilot (x2), Battle Droid (x8), Jar-Jar, Captain Tarpals, Gungan Warrior

Edited by ArrowBricks

My ideas for an AOTC wave are:

Spider droid, 34.99, Jedi Bob, clone lieutenant, geonosis battle droid x2

Hailfire droid, $44.99, clone trooper, Shaak Ti, geonosis battle droid commander, super battle droid

Coruscant Chase, $79.99, Anakin Skywalker, Obi Wan Kenobi, Zam Wessel, Jango Fett (arm printing), droid with those insect things, R2D2

AT-TE, $119.99, Mace Windu, Lumurina Unduli, Clone trooper, Clone Commander, geonosis battle droid x2, super battle droid

Republic drop ship (compatible with AT-TE), $159.99,  clone pilot, clone trooper, Yoda, geonosis battle droid, super battle droid

My ideas for a ROTS wave are:

Tank droid $34.99, Wookiee Warrior, 41st clone trooper, battle droid x2

$59.99 Bail Organa’s speeder, Bail Organa, Yoda, Obi-Wan Kenobi, 501st trooper, R2D2

$99.99 Palpatine’s Shuttle, Chancellor Palpatine, shock trooper, Anakin Skywalker (burnt), medical droid

$119.99 ARC 170 star fighter, clone pilot x3, buzz droid x2, Kit Fisto, Astro me how droid, some ground equipment 

$199.99 UT AT, Ki Adi Mundi, galactic marine x2, dwarf spider droid, super battle droid x2, a small piece of terrain with a pillar which can fall

I will add my AOTC wave too! @Stuartn - Great list! The Dropship as a set separate set inspired me; the SPHA-T is too unrealistic which was originally on my list. 

Love my list, favourite yet. Importantly, the MBS set dictates everything in the normal wave I have created. 

Homing Spider Droid £29.99 (Improved mid-section; sticker detailing part of it): Geonosian Battle Droid Commander (new colour), Geonosian Battle Droid (x2) (new colour), Shaak Ti

Geonosian Starfighter £34.99 (w/turret. Use the Tie dagger end wing pieces and make the ship less long): Geonosian Pilot, Winged Geonosian, Luminara Unduli (new printed skirt piece) 

Coruscant Airspeeder Chase £54.99 (small droid that carries printed toxic slug printed pieces): Obi-Wan, Anakin, Zam Wessell

Republic AT-TE Walker £89.99: Kit Fisto (new head mould), Pablo-Jill, Clone AT-TE Driver, Clone Sergeant, Super Battle Droid (x2)

Jango Fett's Slave One £109.99: Jango Fett, Boba Fett, Lama Sue, Taun We

Republic Dropship £129.99: Yoda, Sora Bulq, Clone Commander, Clone Pilot (new helmet - ucs Gunship why not?!), Clone Trooper (x2)

MBS Petranaki Arena £299.99 (large portion including main stand, three pillars, 4 creatures - one Geonosian mounts): Count Dooku, Poggle the Lesser, Obi-Wan, Anakin, Padme, Mace Windu, Jango Fett, Coleman Trebor, Geonosian Picador, Winged Geonosian (x2), Battle Droid (x2), Super Battle Droid (x2), Plo Koon, Sarissa Jeng/Sar Labooda, Tarados Gon, Bultar Swan, Roth-Del Masona, R2-D2, C3-PO Battle Droid, Sephjet Josall, Nicanas Tassu, (Droideka too)

Edited by ArrowBricks

16 hours ago, ArrowBricks said:

MBS Petranaki Arena £299.99 (large portion including main stand, three pillars, 4 creatures - one Geonosian mount): Count Dooku, Poggle the Lesser, Obi-Wan, Anakin, Padme, Mace Windu, Jango Fett, Coleman Trebor, Geonosian Picador, Winged Geonosian (x2), Battle Droid (x2), Super Battle Droid (x2), Plo Koon, Sarissa Jeng/Sar Labooda, Tarados Gon, Bultar Swan, Roth-Del Masona, R2-D2, C3-PO Battle Droid, Sephjet Josall, Nicanas Tassu, (Droideka too)

If we don't get a Petranaki Arena set in the next 3 years, I will legitimately sue LEGO. It's not possible to do it but I'll still find a way.

$60 Rebel Y-Wing with space for two in the cockpit. Figures are Luke wearing yellow jacket, Boba Fett in original animated debut colors, R2D2 and C3PO.

On 3/30/2021 at 9:16 PM, ArrowBricks said:

Republic AT-TE Walker £89.99: Kit Fisto (new head mould), Pablo-Jill, Clone AT-TE Driver, Clone Sergeant, Super Battle Droid (x2)

I would like this. :classic:

CMF. Lightsaber hilts are chrome. 

1. Luke in yellow jacket with lightsaber, blaster pistol and medal

2. Leia in white jumpsuit with new hairpiece and blaster 

3. Episode IV Han with dual moulded and detailed print legs

4. Lando from 75222

5. Chewbacca with C-3PO on his back

6. Darth Vader with detailed printing 

7. Boba Fett in animated debut colours with blaster rifle, this piece and flame

8. Stormtrooper with old helmet mould and pauldron

9. Queen Amidala 

10. Clone Wars Anakin

11. Clone Wars Obi-Wan

12. Count Dooku

13. Darth Maul, shirtless with arm printing and cybernetic legs, red double bladed saber and darksaber.

14. Ahsoka Tano in her padawan outfit

15. Asajj Ventress with cloth skirt

16. R2-D2 with third leg

Here's my "probably never going to happen EU/obscure character CMF series"

1. Ralph McQuarrie concept Chewbacca (using the Zeb head mold)

2. Ralph McQuarrie concept C-3PO

3. Ralph McQuarrie concept Luke (either the one wearing the mask with an air tank, or the one where Luke was going to be female)

4. Biggs Darklighter (ANH deleted scene)

5. Fixer (ANH deleted scene)

6. Camie (ANH deleted scene)

7. Boba Fett (Holiday Special)

8. Ackmena (Bea Arthur's character in the Holiday Special)

9. RX-24 (from Star Tours)

10. Mara Jade

11. Jaina Solo

12.  Jabba (ANH deleted scene, the guy in a fur coat)

Alright, I was on vacation for a bit but back to the lists! It's been over a week so I'm doing 2!

Rogue one:



Cassian's U-wing ($9.99): Cassian (with headset)

TIE reaper ($9.99): Death trooper

X-wing vs AT-ACT ($19.99): Blue squadron X-wing with Antoc Merrick and AT-ACT with AT-ACT Driver

Battle packs:

Scarif Imperials ($14.99): 1x stormtrooper, 1x death trooper, 2x shoretrooper. Comes with an orange crate and small bit of scarif terrain with a palm tree.

Scarif rebels ($14.99): 4x scarif rebel troopers (1x pothat (dark green outfit), 1x pothat (gray jacket), 2x hoth helmet (sand blue)). Build is a small bit of scarif terrain with a turret.

Duel: Control Tower Showdown ($19.99): Build of the citadel tower peak with radar dish and catwalk thing. Comes with Jyn Erso and Director Krennic.

System sets:

Rebel Ambush ($29.99): Build of some scarif terrain with a master switch and a feature for the rebels to hide in the foliage. Comes with Chirrut Imwe, Baze Malbus, and shoretrooper captain.

Jedha Assault ($69.99): Hovertank build (larger than 2016 model, can fit full crew of 3) and a two-story building with an explode feature. Comes with Jyn Erso (hood thing), Cassian andor, 2x hovertank driver, 1x hovertank commander, Saw Guerrara, and Moroff.

TIE Reaper ($79.99): Large TIE reaper with room for 6 troopers and a pilot inside. Comes with 4x death trooper, 1x TIE pilot, and Bodhi Rook.

U-wing starfighter ($89.99): Rebel U-wing (not cassian's, the more blue model Bistan flies in) with 2x U-wing pilot, Bistan, Mon Mothma, K-2SO, Cassian Andor (brown jacket), and Draven.

AT-ACT ($139.99): AT-ACT with removable giant crate thing. Comes with 2x AT-ACT Driver, Director Krennic, 1x shoretrooper squad leader, 2x stormtrooper, Baze Malbus, Pao, and a rebel trooper (outfit from 2016 u-wing).


Shoretrooper ($69.99)

Death trooper ($69.99)

Hovertank Pilot helmet ($69.99)

UCS/MBS: UCS U-wing ($299.99): Massive Cassian's U-wing with display stand, Jyn, Cassian, Chirrut, Baze, Bodhi, and K-2SO. 

A New Hope:



Tantive IV ($9.99): Leia Organa

Luke's Landspeeder ($9.99): Farmboy Luke

Red Five vs TIE Advanced (Pilot Luke and Lord Vader).

Battle packs: 

Rebel Fleet troopers ($14.99): 3x rebel fleet troopers, 1x rebel fleet captain. Build is an upgraded version of the 2008 rebel speeder.

Death star troopers ($14.99): 2x stormtroopers, 1x imperial officer, 1x imperial gunner. Build is a turbolaser turret and control panels.

Duel: Sacrifice ($19.99): Death star hanger room build with sliding doors and trapdoor function for ben to disappear through. Comes with Ben kenobi (swappable hood and hair) and Lord Vader.

System sets:

Lars Homestead ($39.99): Lars homestead with small kitchen and room where R2 plays the hologram, as well as some of the hole thing they have in the middle of their homestead. There's a light brick function for the hologram. Comes with Farmboy Luke, Owen, Beru, C-3PO, and R2-D2.

Saving the Princess ($49.99): Tall playset build of the security room and prison cell with a trapdoor feature to lead to the below build of the trash compactor with closing walls and sliding door. Comes with Leia Organa, Luke and Han (stormtrooper outfits), Chewbacca, a stormtrooper, and builds for the diagona and interrogator droid.

TIE advanced ($69.99): Vader's TIE advanced with Lord Vader, 1x TIE pilot, Tarkin, Tagge, and 2x stormtrooper.

Millenium Falcon ($149.99): Millenium falcon (the first ot one in quite a while) with interior dejarik table, cockpit, training remote area, and hidden compartments under the floor. Includes Farmboy Luke, Leia Organa, Han Solo, Chewbacca, Ben Kenobi, C-3PO, R2-D2, and Lord Vader (red eye print on the helmets).

Trench Run ($169.99): builds for Red Five and a TIE fighter (slightly smaller than the 2018 versions, but closer to that size than the 2021 versions), as well as a turbolaser tower and exhaust port build. Comes with Pilot Luke, Biggs, Wedge, R2-D2, a rebel astromech, a TIE pilot, Imperial Gunner, and 2x stormtrooper.


Stormtrooper ($69.99)

Vader ($69.99, both this and the stormtrooper ideally would be improvements over the current ones)

Rebel Pilot Helmet ($79.99): Rebel Pilot helmet with alternate parts and stickers to make the different pilot designs.

UCS/MBS: MBS Yavin Temple ($349.99): Massive Yavin Temple with interior hanger, throne room, briefing room, armory, pilot ready room, and some other rooms based on the layout from battlefront 2. Also includes midi-scale TIE fighter, X-wing, and Y-wing, as well as a rebel ground maintenance vehicle. Comes with Yavin Luke and Han with removable medals, Chewbacca, Leia, C-3PO, R2-D2, Mon Mothma, General Dodanna, Wedge Antilles, Jek Porkins, Garven Dreis, Dutch Vander, 4x rebel honor guard, 2x rebel fleet trooper, 2x rebel ground crew, 1x tie pilot, and 1x stormtrooper.


14 hours ago, Mandalorianknight said:

Battle packs:

Scarif Imperials ($14.99): 1x stormtrooper, 1x death trooper, 2x shoretrooper. Comes with an orange crate and small bit of scarif terrain with a palm tree.

Scarif rebels ($14.99): 4x scarif rebel troopers (1x pothat (dark green outfit), 1x pothat (gray jacket), 2x hoth helmet (sand blue)). Build is a small bit of scarif terrain with a turret.

Duel: Control Tower Showdown ($19.99): Build of the citadel tower peak with radar dish and catwalk thing. Comes with Jyn Erso and Director Krennic.

System sets:

Rebel Ambush ($29.99): Build of some scarif terrain with a master switch and a feature for the rebels to hide in the foliage. Comes with Chirrut Imwe, Baze Malbus, and shoretrooper captain.

Jedha Assault ($69.99): Hovertank build (larger than 2016 model, can fit full crew of 3) and a two-story building with an explode feature. Comes with Jyn Erso (hood thing), Cassian andor, 2x hovertank driver, 1x hovertank commander, Saw Guerrara, and Moroff.

TIE Reaper ($79.99): Large TIE reaper with room for 6 troopers and a pilot inside. Comes with 4x death trooper, 1x TIE pilot, and Bodhi Rook.

U-wing starfighter ($89.99): Rebel U-wing (not cassian's, the more blue model Bistan flies in) with 2x U-wing pilot, Bistan, Mon Mothma, K-2SO, Cassian Andor (brown jacket), and Draven.

AT-ACT ($139.99): AT-ACT with removable giant crate thing. Comes with 2x AT-ACT Driver, Director Krennic, 1x shoretrooper squad leader, 2x stormtrooper, Baze Malbus, Pao, and a rebel trooper (outfit from 2016 u-wing).

I would really like some Rogue One sets & these are great. I especially like the Jedha Assault & AT-ACT sets, Scariff Imperials & Rebels battlepacks.

We definitely need more Scariff Shoretroopers & Death Troopers. Also a new Director Krennic minifig would be fab! :classic:

15 hours ago, Mandalorianknight said:

TIE advanced ($69.99): Vader's TIE advanced with Lord Vader, 1x TIE pilot, Tarkin, Tagge, and 2x stormtrooper.

Millenium Falcon ($149.99): Millenium falcon (the first ot one in quite a while) with interior dejarik table, cockpit, training remote area, and hidden compartments under the floor. Includes Farmboy Luke, Leia Organa, Han Solo, Chewbacca, Ben Kenobi, C-3PO, R2-D2, and Lord Vader (red eye print on the helmets).

I would like an OT Millennium Falcon!

i just don't understand why TLG haven't released more TIE Advanced sets.

With Battle Packs on the back burner for the time being, I've been thinking about a type of 'People Pack' that could contain minifigs of the various humanoid species that populate the Star Wars universe. We only get these types of figs rarely, and almost always when that species is represented by a named character. These minifigs could be used to populate Mos Eisley or Coruscant scenes or as unnamed pilots or crew in ships. I think the Rebel Alliance Battle Pack 75133 with it's Rodian and Duros figs is the closest we've come to something like this. 

The packs would contain head moulds and prints of the various species, plus an array of torsos and legs such as flight suits, street wear and other garb to mix and match in a type of create your own character situation. An assortment of accessories, weapons and hands (to match the skin tone of the head piece) would also be included. As the aim is background characters, no Jedi robes or factional uniforms are included. Not sure how any of this would sit re licensing issues, but the idea harks back to the types of packs that were available in the Space, Town and Castle lines.

Here's two possible packs of six (one of each species per pack):

Pack 1 - Weequay, Rodian, Twi'lek, Ithorian, Sullustan, Duros

Pack 2 - Chiss, Zabrak, Togrutan, Nikto, Quarren, Trandoshan

I think out of this only the Quarren needs a new mold. With all the species available in the SW universe there would be many more possibilities, I tried to think of ones that were more recognizable, and put a mix of prints and moulds in each pack.


15 hours ago, Sarah_H7744 said:

I would really like some Rogue One sets & these are great. I especially like the Jedha Assault & AT-ACT sets, Scariff Imperials & Rebels battlepacks.

We definitely need more Scariff Shoretroopers & Death Troopers. Also a new Director Krennic minifig would be fab! :classic:

i just don't understand why TLG haven't released more TIE Advanced sets.

Yeah, the scarif shoretroopers really suffer from the lack of a battlepack, and even the worse variant of the death trooper (missing ammo pouch and pauldron) goes for like $10 each on bricklink. Krennic too (I'm personally wanting this because I misplaced krennic's head somehow and never found it). The TIE advanced continually suffers from being released at smaller scales (2016's tie advanced and A-wing as well as the one in 2018's vader's castle), meaning that it's been I believe 15 years since the last minifig scale version. 

@MaximillianRebo those sound amazing, we almost never get just normal civilians in star wars, and unlike other themes like marvel, harry potter, jurassic world, etc, you can't just put skin-toned faces on city figures to make civilians. My solution is just buying heads and hands and putting them on my spare farmboy lukes, but that makes them look a bit like a cult. :sceptic:

Moving to ESB:



Slave One ($9.99): Boba Fett

Cloud Car ($9.99): Cloud Car pilot

Millenium falcon vs TIE bomber ($19.99): Han solo (black jacket), TIE pilot

Battle packs: 

Blizzard Force ($14.99): 3x snowtrooper, 1x colonel Starck. Builds are a white speeder bike and an E-Web turret

Hoth Rebels ($14.99): 2x hoth rebel troopers (white hats and outfits), 1x rebel officer (dark tan hoth hat and outfit), 1x hoth rebel soldier (light tan hat and outfit). Build is a P-tower and terrain.

Duel: Duel on Cloud CIty ($19.99): Build of the carbon freeze chamber with Luke and Vader, with the pipes above that luke slices to impede vader.

System sets: 

Cloud Car ($29.99): Dark Orange cloud car with a Cloud Car pilot, Lobot, and a stormtrooper.

Shield Generator attack ($49.99): large shield generator build (with all four semicircles), a DF-9 turret, a Tauntaun, and a probe droid. Comes with General Rieekan, Hoth Leia, a hoth rebel trooper, and two snowtroopers.

Journey to Dagobah ($89.99): Luke's X-wing (larger than 2021 but smaller than 2018) with extra parts to make it look sunken and covered in foliage, as well as a build of yoda's hut. Comes with Luke (pilot), Luke (training), R2-D2, and Yoda.

TIE bomber ($109.99): TIE bomber with 1x tie pilot, Admiral Piett, 2x stormtrooper, Han Solo (black jacket), Chewbacca, a Hoth Rebel Trooper, and Darth Vader.

Slave One ($139.99): Slave One build with a full interior cockpit and cargo bay. Comes with Boba Fett, Bossk, Dengar, a Wing Guard, Lando (blue outfit), Chewbacca (new mold with Threepio on his back), Leia (white jumpsuit), and Han solo (white shirt and in carbonite block)


Snowtrooper ($69.99):

Bossk ($69.99): (i know it sounds weird but they pulled off venom and carnage heads, I think they could do Bossk justice)

General Veers ($49.99):

UCS/MBS: UCS Super Star Destroyer ($799.99): massive UCS super star destroyer, ideally coming in at around 5 ft long, including a to-scale star destroyer. Includes Admiral Piett and Darth Vader.


With the talk of whether or not star wars was suited to a cmf, I'd say that considering marvel's cmf will supposedly be just D+ that star wars if it had a cmf should do something similar and base it just on the shows, and as of thus I've made a Wishlist cmf list


1- Frog Lady,With a new head mold (and with a resurrected sand red colour for her skin tone (hey this is a wish list after all)) and her incubator backpack and Grogu printed with a stuffed cheeks face.

2- The Armourer, With a new helmet mold, a 1x2 tile printed to look like imperially minted Beskar and some forge tools.

3- Kuiil, with a new head//hat mold and IG-11 as his accessory

4- The Client, With a new part for the tracking fob.

5- Captain Rex (Rebels s4) with a both a rebel commando hat and his phase 2 helmet

6- Seventh Sister, with a new helmet part that works with a double sided face to look either opened or closed. as well a 2 of her little probe droids and an inquisitor lightsabre

7- Sabine (s3/early s4) with a new hair mould and jetpack mould (also includes her helmet and Chopper painted to look like an Imperial droid)

8- Zeb (s3/s4) with his  bo-rifle.

9- Ahsoka Tano ("A Friend in Need") with a new hood with pom poms over montrals part and both her lightsabers.

10- Mother Talzin, a new hood part and some (soft) cloth parts, with a Dooku Voodoo doll and her magick sword as accessories  

11- Captain Vaugh, with a new helmet and the same new jetpack as sabine (both of which would be reused by a phase 2 cody in regular sets) 

12- Pre Visla (cw s5), with a new darksaber part(though in general I'm against specialised parts for most lightersabers, the darksaber is an exception) and a new helmet mould.

12 hours ago, Mandalorianknight said:

even the worse variant of the death trooper (missing ammo pouch and pauldron) goes for like $10 each on bricklink. Krennic too (I'm personally wanting this because I misplaced krennic's head somehow and never found it).

Yeah, I'm looking at buying some SW0807 Death Troopers soon. The better variant is a bit too expensive, but they are nice.

Oh no, I'd be absolutely devastated to lose Director Krennic's head.

14 hours ago, Agent Kallus said:

With the talk of whether or not star wars was suited to a cmf, I'd say that considering marvel's cmf will supposedly be just D+ that star wars if it had a cmf should do something similar and base it just on the shows, and as of thus I've made a Wishlist cmf list

I love this idea! Here's my attempt, though I put in 16 figures instead of 12. My pattern for the characters is:

1. main character in main outfit that either never was made or needs an update. 2. main character in obscure variant. 3. main villain in new outfit. 4. new trooper. 5. wild card, with the 16th figure being a chase figure (only one per box).


1. Ahsoka Tano (seasons 3-5)-lightsabers with the shorter lightsaber using a 3l bar

2. Captain rex (snowtrooper)-blaster pistols

3. Darth Sidious-red lightsabers

4. Fives (season 4)-swappable hair/helmet, blaster pistols

5. Hondo Ohnaka-Monkey lizard and 1x2 tile with printed credits.

6. Ezra Bridger (season 4)-green lightsaber and a holocron

7. Kanan Jarrus (as stormtrooper with pauldron)-blaster and empire day poster

8. Thrawn (field gear)-swappable hair/hat, blaster pistol.

9. Gar Saxon-blaster

10. Ap-5-shipping manifest and spare chopper leg.

11. Cara Dune (dual-molded arms and new hair)-new heavy blaster mold

12. The mandalorian (muddy armor)-knife, grogu in pod

13. Moff Gideon-darksaber, blaster pistol

14. Dark Trooper (built like a battle droid)-blaster and mando helmet

15. Fennec Shand-swappable hair/helmet, blaster rifle

16. chase figure- Dave Filoni (cowboy hat and wolfpack t-shirt)-2x2 tile with ahsoka drawing


Edited by Mandalorianknight

This is pure speculation on my behalf (hence why posting here) it wouldn't surprise me if the unknown $30 summer set is ST related. With the 4+ X-Wing being the only ST set known of for this year so far I could see TLG going in this direction. There's no requirement for new sets to all be current content (hello OT ships) like CW or Mando. Not saying this is what I would want, just that I could see it happening.

Obviously drawing on existing Star Wars material, what sets do we all think if released could be known as one of the greatest sets ever or atleast of the decade? Here’s a few of my ideas: 

1. Petranaki Arena - all beasts, lots of new Jedi. MBS - alike Cloud City/Mos Eisley etc 

2. The Fortitude - Orbak too. 

3. Yavin IV Temple - again MBS 

4. Trade Federation Landing Craft - Droid’s, Gungans, nice functions of unleashing troops, and Kaadu

5. Naboo Royal Starship - they have to find a way to solve the chrome issue. 

6. Jabba’s Palace/Jabba’s Sail Barge - MBS - So many obscure aliens to include. 

7. The Invisible Hand - the exterior of this thing would be amazing, perhaps some micro scale Jedi interceptors too, and other nice interior features. The Malevolence was under appreciated imo but this would be amazing. 

8. Clone Troopers Battle Pack - 212th Clone Troopers, Shiny Phase II Clone Troopers etc are all in demand. 

9. Dryden Vos’ Yacht - this would be so obscure but a masterpiece. Such excellent interior and amazing opportunity for figures. Very unlikely however. 

10.  Republic Dropship w/AT TE - can split the sets if needed but we all want this re-released! 

19 hours ago, MaximillianRebo said:

This is pure speculation on my behalf (hence why posting here) it wouldn't surprise me if the unknown $30 summer set is ST related. With the 4+ X-Wing being the only ST set known of for this year so far I could see TLG going in this direction. There's no requirement for new sets to all be current content (hello OT ships) like CW or Mando. Not saying this is what I would want, just that I could see it happening.

Well under similar logic the UCS gunship would be this year's only prequel set, though obviously there are a few prequel era sets coming. 

I was thinking about what vehicles could fit for a £30ish price point (as almost any location could fit at £30 depending on how it's done) and I decided to try building a naboo starfighter to see if I could make a reasonable enough one that I thought could sell for £30.


This is what I came up with, it's 231 parts and leads me to think that they could definitely price a naboo starfighter at £30

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